Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture

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Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
In collaboration
with Accenture

Demystifying the
Consumer Metaverse
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
                                                                                                                             This document is published by the World Economic
                                                                                                                             Forum as a contribution to a project, insight area
                                                                                                                             or interaction. The findings, interpretations and
                                                                                                                             conclusions expressed herein are a result of a
                                                                                                                             collaborative process facilitated and endorsed by
                                                                                                                             the World Economic Forum but whose results do
                                                                                                                             not necessarily represent the views of the World
                                                                                                                             Economic Forum, nor the entirety of its Members,
                                                                                                                             Partners or other stakeholders.

                                                                                                                             © 2023 World Economic Forum. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                             No part of this publication may be reproduced or
                                                                                                                             transmitted in any form or by any means, including
Foreword                             3   1 D
                                             ecoding the metaverse,                       Appendix: Economic models         photocopying and recording, or by any information
                                            web3 and Web 3.0                          6   in the consumer metaverse   30   storage and retrieval system.
Executive summary                    4
                                          2 Value creation in the consumer metaverse 15   Glossary                    48   Images: Getty Images, Unsplash
Initiative overview                  5
                                          3 M
                                             etaverse economic models               21   Contributors                49

                                          4 Future value horizons in the metaverse   24   Endnotes                    52

                                          Conclusion                                 29

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                             Contents                                          2
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
Foreword                                                Defining and building
                                                        the metaverse
                                                                                                          The governance track focuses on frameworks
                                                                                                          that prevent potential harms and mitigate
                                                                                                          emerging risks while ensuring equity,
                                                                                                                                                              While some economic models will simply
                                                                                                                                                              be replicated from the existing internet to
                                                                                                                                                              metaverse environments, complemented by a
                                                                                                          privacy, security, safety and interoperability.     certain level of immersion or interaction, others
                                                        The next era of the internet is taking shape,     The first output of the track is focused on         will disrupt entire industries and generate brand
                                                        with the convergence of technologies forging      interoperability, which is founded on the ability   new revenue streams. It is our hope that this
                           Cathy Li                     the metaverse, an immersive, interoperable,       for users to participate across environments        paper will educate and guide organizations to
                           Head, Media, Entertainment   and synchronous virtual world. Though a
                           and Sport and Member of                                                        and technologies, for data to circulate freely      stable and informed decision-making so that
                           the Executive Committee,
                                                        single standard definition for the metaverse      and securely, and for systems to exchange           value creation is equitable and sustainable for all.
                           World Economic Forum         has yet to emerge, experts agree that this        information seamlessly.
                                                        new age of the internet will disrupt and
                                                        transform current social and economic             Meanwhile, the value creation track looks
                                                        structures. From more immersive, empathetic       at the opportunities in consumer, industrial
                                                        social experiences to more universal access       and enterprise metaverses and researches
                                                        to services and education, the metaverse          the considerations for access, inclusion,
                                                        presents momentous opportunity, but               sustainability and well-being that will come
                           Kevin Collins                also brings about new challenges.                 with its development.
                           Managing Director and
                           Global Software and          It is within this context that in May 2022,
                           Platforms Lead, Accenture                                                      This insight report, written by the World
                                                        the World Economic Forum launched the             Economic Forum in collaboration with
                                                        initiative Defining and Building the Metaverse.   Accenture, is focused on consumer
                                                        The initiative has brought together a global,     applications, exploring the key components,
                                                        multistakeholder group of more than 100           foundation technologies, roles and paths
                                                        experts in academia, civil society, government,   to economic value and growth. Due to their
                                                        technology and business to help shape a           experimentation, incubation and creation of
                                                        future metaverse that is equitable, safe and      new behaviours and business models, the work
                                                        economically viable. The initiative does so via   of consumer organizations can serve to inspire
                                                        two tracks: governance, and economic and          and illuminate more changes to come.
                                                        social value creation, as the interdependent
                                                        topics that the public and private sectors
                                                        must work together on in order to responsibly
                                                        activate the metaverse.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                              Contents                                        3
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
Executive                             The metaverse is expected to have a wide-
                                      ranging impact on consumers’ attitudes and
                                                                                          The key question of this report is: What makes
                                                                                          up the metaverse and how can organizations
                                                                                                                                           – The role of individual creators will be
                                                                                                                                             amplified in the metaverse. Technologies

summary                               behaviours, impacting how, where and when
                                      they will want to play, learn, earn and socialize
                                      in their existing reality or newly established
                                                                                          and individuals create equitable economic
                                                                                          value through it in a consumer context?
                                                                                                                                             such as AI and blockchain, will support
                                                                                                                                             this amplification. An evolving creator
                                                                                                                                             economy will influence value distribution in
                                      augmented and virtual realities. Consequently,      Drawing on expertise in retail, media and          the metaverse greatly and offer far-reaching
The consumer metaverse                organizations will need to redefine their           entertainment, consumer packaged goods,            opportunities for businesses and individuals,
                                      brand image, shift their relationship model         real estate, banking and communications,           but it will also pose challenges when
offers a myriad of economic
                                      with consumers and change the way they              as well as technology innovation, web3,            approached incorrectly.
opportunities and challenges          monetize products and services in order to          environmental, social and governance
                                      create true consumer value. They will likely        (ESG), and economics experts, this insight       – Eight economic models were identified
                                      move from offering products and services to         report presents an interdisciplinary view          to drive value in the metaverse, including
                                      being metaverse participants and providers,         of the end-user experience layer of the            digital products and assets, access and
                                      introducing engaging experiences and                metaverse, capturing the present technology        influence, immersive commerce, payments
                                      building communities in order to create             landscape and related economic models              and currency, asset monetization, advertising
                                      meaning and fulfilment for their customers.         that may pave the way for future growth.           and marketing, the creator economy, and
                                                                                                                                             metaverse-native services.
                                      The World Economic Forum has launched               A selection of this paper’s key insights
                                      the Defining and Building the Metaverse             is outlined in the following:                    – A selection of six drivers of metaverse
                                      initiative to help explore and qualify the                                                             growth and adoption were identified,
                                      metaverse’s social and economic opportunities       – While it currently is difficult to define        including metaverse-ready networks,
                                      and challenges while aiming to explore and            the metaverse, its main distinguishing           realistic avatars, infrastructure, governance,
                                      create a holistic governance framework.               components are highlighted to be social          standards and regulation, ownership and
                                      The initiative does so within two tracks, the         interaction, identity, multilateral value        artificial intelligence.
                                      value creation and governance track.                  exchange and distribution, and a degree
                                                                                            of immersion.                                  Given the breadth of the metaverse topic,
                                      While the broader initiative explores the                                                            this report confines itself to the consumer
                                      metaverse from multiple angles and dives            – Impacted by wider society – organizations      metaverse and its economic challenges and
                                      into areas from interoperability and identity         and individuals can take on one or             opportunities. Further work within this value
                                      to social value, this report aims to give a           multiple roles in the metaverse, from being    creation track will explore the enterprise and
                                      holistic introduction to the consumer-facing          participants to creators or providers.         industrial metaverse, as well as the metaverse
                                      metaverse and its economic opportunities.                                                            in the context of education, healthcare,
                                                                                                                                           life sciences, infrastructure and cities.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                           Contents                                        4
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
Defining and Building the Metaverse
 Initiative overview

                   The consumer metaverse                            The industrial metaverse                       Social value in the metaverse                   The future of consumer, industrial
  Value creation

                   Exploration of the key components,                Exploration of early-stage use                 Exploration of social opportunities             and enterprise metaverses
                   foundational technologies, roles and              cases, foundational technologies               and challenges in the context of the            Expanding on research and analysis
                   paths to economic value creation and              and future potential related to                metaverse as it relates to diversity,           from 2022, the initiative will look at
                   growth in the consumer metaverse.                 the industrial metaverse.                      equity and inclusion, as well as                how to activate the economic fly
                                                                                                                    access and well-being.                          wheel of the metaverse, through the
                                                                                      Coming up:                                                                    identification of new value chains and
                                                                                      Explore the frontier                                                          future growth scenarios
                                                                                      technologies in healthcare,
                                                                                      education and cities

2022                                                                  2023                                                                                                                   2024

                                                                                            Privacy, security and safety                                                                    Governance white paper
                                                                                            Exploration of target states​, capability      Identity                                         Analysis of the material shared
                                               Interoperability                             gaps​, potential risks​, solutions and         Exploration of target states​, capability        across the exploratory series on

                                               Exploration of target states,                opportunities related to privacy, security     gaps​, potential risks​, solutions               interoperability, privacy, security, safety
                                               capability gaps​, potential risks​,          and safety. These will be explored in          and opportunities of technical                   and identity bolstered by a supporting
                                               solutions and opportunities related          conjunction with notice and consent            and functional identity. Additional              governance white paper, which can
                                               to metaverse technical, usage, and           structures, anonymity, and the right to        topics to explore include physical,              be used by metaverse stakeholders to
                                               jurisdictional interoperability. ​           be forgotten, among other topics.              emotional and mental well-being.                 create a human-first metaverse.

 Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                                                   Contents                                     5
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
1   Decoding the metaverse,
                                          web3 and Web 3.0

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                 Contents   6
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
1 Decoding the metaverse, web3 and Web 3.0   The prime example of groundbreaking               FIGURE 1
                                              technological change is the internet. While
                                                                                                Evolution of the internet
Introduction                                  the first versions of the internet (internet of
                                              data) solely served the purpose of exchanging
                                              information, later iterations introduced the
The introduction of innovative                concepts of social interaction, entertainment,
                                                                                                           Internet of data
                                              commerce (internet of people) and direct
technologies regularly changes                interconnection of physical objects, creating
                                                                                                           Made vast amounts of
and shapes the world’s social and                                                                          information available for
                                              connected worlds (internet of things).
                                                                                                           people to access anywhere,
economic structures, presenting                                                                            anytime and search with ease
                                              The current iteration of the internet, Web
momentous opportunities                       3.0 (internet of place and ownership),
and pivotal challenges.                       evolves its predecessors towards a more
                                              intuitive interaction with technology.                       2000s
                                              It reimagines the connection between                         Internet of people
                                              the virtual and the physical world while                     Connected people to people
                                              emphasizing ownership of identity and                        across vast distances and
                                              assets, enhancing the way humans conduct                     brought virtual social life to
                                              their private, public and professional lives.                the forefront

                                              While exact definitions are widely discussed,
                                              Web 3.0, web3 and the metaverse are
                                              expected to create the next wave of significant
                                                                                                           Internet of things
                                              technological, and hence economic and
                                                                                                           Connected phones,
                                              societal change.
                                                                                                           devices and machines
                                                                                                           together, extending the
                                                                                                           digital world for people

                                                                                                     Web 3.0

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                         Contents   7
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture

Web 3.0 as defined by Accenture
                                                                                                                             Consumer and community places
                                                                                    Public places
                                                                                    Places that belong to communities
                                                 The internet of place              circled around certain norms.

                                      This new evolution of the internet                                                     Hybrid places
                                      introduces a shift to 3D as a method
                                      for navigation, social interaction,           Private places
                                      engagement and insights.                      Places with exclusive access for
                                                                                    selected users and groups.
                                                                                                                             Enterprise and industrial places

        Web 3.0
                                                                                                                             Digital wallets

                                                                                    Digital assets
                                                 The internet of ownership          Value distribution of virtual/physical   Tokens
                                                                                    goods through tokens in an economy.

                                      Ownership reimagines how individuals and                                               Data
                                      organizations handle data, create, learn,
                                      shop, have fun, interact and collaborate.     Identity
                                      It enables an internet built on the ability                                            Virtual representation
                                                                                    Self-expression and authentication
                                      to own one’s identity and assets.
                                                                                    in the shape of individual assets.

                                                                                                                             Digital identity

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                           Contents                          8
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
Decoding the metaverse                                  environments that offer a certain degree of
                                                                                              interoperability and create meaning and user
                                      In a quest to quantify the metaverse’s future                                                                A massively scaled and interoperable
                                                                                              fulfilment through value exchange between
                                      impact, the metaverse is predicted to be worth                                                               network of real-time rendered 3D
                                                                                              realities across virtual and physical worlds.
                                      $6-13 trillion by 2030,1 with global revenues                                                                virtual worlds that can be experienced
                                      expected to reach $800 billion by 2024.2                                                                     synchronously [...] with an individual sense
                                                                                              web3 and the metaverse                               of presence, and with continuity of data,
                                      Today’s metaverse is an expanding and                                                                        such as identity, history, entitlements,
                                                                                              The terms web3 and the metaverse are often
                                      evolving proposition that will be re-defined                                                                 objects, communications, and payments.
                                                                                              used interchangeably, though they refer to two
                                      perpetually. A “true” metaverse does not
                                                                                              different, albeit related, concepts.                 Matthew Ball, The Metaverse
                                      exist yet, and mass adoption will most likely
                                      be driven by advances in hardware, software             While this report does not aim to give an
                                      and processing power, enabling density of               exhaustive definition of the two terms or define
                                      population and high levels of interaction in            their overlap, it will give a brief summary of the
                                      virtual worlds. Hence, formulating an all-              public’s understanding of these concepts and         … virtual worlds are generally ‘composed
                                      encompassing definition for the metaverse is            their delineation.                                   of a few distinct elements: a society or
                                      rather difficult at this point in time. However, it                                                          grouping of humans; another world or reality
                                      is acknowledged that there is a need to define          Web 3.0, referenced earlier, describes the third
                                                                                                                                                   involving events, identity, rules and things
                                      the metaverse’s components to help identify             stage of the internet. It is an evolution focused
                                                                                                                                                   that are deemed to be in some way real;
                                      its fabric and inform investment decisions.             on distributing systems to create a more secure,
                                                                                                                                                   and an ongoing transfer of value between
                                                                                              transparent and open internet experience             the two, which grows individual and group
                                      Guided through conversations with metaverse             that enables direct interactions between             fulfilment, wealth and meaning.
                                      thought leaders and analysis of existing                users and their peers without intermediaries.
                                      publications, the World Economic Forum                  Decentralization in this frame is achieved through   Herman Narula, Virtual Society
                                      highlights social interaction, identity, multilateral   web3, an emerging portfolio of decentralized
                                      value exchange and distribution, and a degree           technologies (such as blockchain and its
                                      of immersion as the main components of                  applications), protocols and standards, which
                                      metaverse worlds, which combined with a set             establish provenance, veracity and value of data.
                                      of foundational technologies, immersive content
                                      and experiences make the metaverse a new                Even though the metaverse and web3 are not
                                      iteration of digital change, that will disrupt value    interchangeable, use cases often employ both
                                      chains, businesses and entire industries. It is         concepts. Hence, in the frame of the Defining
                                      noted that the metaverse won’t be comprised             and Building the Metaverse initiative, both
                                      of one single entity but many different                 concepts will be taken into consideration when
                                      worlds in either centralized or decentralized           discussing economic and social implications.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                   Contents                                    9
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse - JANUARY 2023 - In collaboration with Accenture
1 Decoding the metaverse, web3 and Web 3.0        FIGURE 3
                                                                                                         Select the layers
                                                   Layers of value creation in the metaverse
The metaverse                                                                                            to discover more

stack                                                                                                                        The experience layer allows end-users to
                                                                                                                             consume, exchange, transact and create
Identity, value distribution, social interaction                                                                             content, products and services. Drivers of this
and immersion are key components of the                                                                                      layer include content and devices enabling
metaverse and are enabled by an interplay                                                 1    Experience                    immersive or augmented game-like experiences.
of technologies, capabilities and human
behaviour. Figure 3 aims to outline this                                                                                     Examples:
interplay as the “metaverse stack”, layers
of the metaverse in which value can be                                                    2    Economy
realized. Policy, security and governance
should ensure the equitable realization of
the entirety of the stack.

                                                                                          3    Digital identity

                                                                                               Software and

                                                                                               and network

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                             Contents                                  10
1 Decoding the metaverse, web3 and Web 3.0      FIGURE 4

                                                 Foundational technologies and capabilities
technologies                                                                           Next to 2D user interfaces, XR (including

and capabilities                                        Extended reality (XR)          virtual, augmented and mixed reality) lends
                                                                                       the “form” to the metaverse while making

driving the                                                                            the “internet of place” a reality. It enables
                                                                                       meaningful and immersive engagement and

expansion of                                            Blockchain
                                                                                       augments the physical world regardless of user
                                                                                       location. Although the XR market is expected

the metaverse
                                                                                       to surpass $250 billion by 20284 the hardware
                                                                                       yet needs improvement in terms of cost and
                                                                                       usability in order to fuel mass adoption.

The previously outlined metaverse stack
is enabled through a set of foundational                Artificial intelligence (AI)
technologies and capabilities. The metaverse
market is expected to denote a compound
annual growth rate of 39.8% from 2022 to
2030,3 which may signal a promising market
                                                        Cloud and edge
unfolding the possibilities of new innovations                                         Stack layer
and business models. Understanding
the metaverse’s technologies and their
implications on future developments, from                                                                  Experience
experiences to operations and adoption, is
vital to foresee value creation in a consumer           5G (6G)
context. Figure 4 outlines and describes a                                                                 Digital identity
selection of these metaverse technologies.
                                                                                                           Software and platforms

                                                        Digital twins                                      Infrastructure and network

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                     Contents   11
1 Decoding the metaverse, web3 and Web 3.0

Roles in the                                        Society                                  Participants   Creators         Providers

metaverse                                           The communities that creators, participants and
                                                    providers live and engage in. Society includes
In the metaverse, individuals and organizations     the public and private sector and its individual
take on the roles of society, participants,         and organizational bodies on a local and global
creators and providers, bringing the metaverse      level. Not only does society establish social
stack to life. Within these roles they constantly   norms, it also serves a regulatory obligation that
exchange value. Even though this value              replicates to the metaverse.
exchange is use-case dependent, each role
is integral to the fabric of the metaverse.         Examples: Communities, public
                                                    and private organizations

             Select the tabs
                                                    Stack layers
             to discover more



                                                                          Digital identity

                                                                          Software and platforms

                                                                          Infrastructure and network

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                    Contents          12
1 Decoding the metaverse, web3 and Web 3.0   After a pandemic bump, interest in gaming has       Collaboration is key to growth                  Creators as the primary
                                              continued to skyrocket. Video game revenue
                                                                                                                                                  source of content
The gaming                                    is projected to show an annual growth rate of
                                              7.7%, resulting in a projected market volume of
                                                                                                  Fuelled through the introduction of
                                                                                                  XR and web3 technologies such as                User-generated content (UGC) has been a
industry as                                   $285 billion by 2027.10                             blockchain, traditional business models of
                                                                                                  gaming companies are being challenged.
                                                                                                                                                  vital building block of the gaming industry for
                                                                                                                                                  years. It provides virtual environments with
the pioneer                                   The gaming industry and the metaverse share
                                              an inherent experiential, social, transactional
                                                                                                  Cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs),
                                                                                                  and GameFi models are only some of the
                                                                                                                                                  personality, authenticity and scale, acting as a
                                                                                                                                                  steady stream of new, engaging characters and
in virtualized                                and sometimes virtual nature, with gameplay
                                              at the heart of its consumer value. Players
                                                                                                  metaverse concepts that will impact gaming.     content to fill the gaps between official content
                                                                                                                                                  releases or even replace them altogether.

world-building                                in the gaming industry, such as Epic Games
                                              and Roblox, are pioneering ideas of what the
                                                                                                  Conversely, consumer brands operating in
                                                                                                  the metaverse can draw inspiration from         An expanding creator economy, in which
                                              metaverse could be, both in terms of engaging       gaming company experiences in how to            tools for creation are widely available and
                                              content and attracting audiences. Seen in the       create unique and engaging touchpoints.         easy to use, is essential to ensuring a steady
                                              widely publicized virtual concerts and brand                                                        flow of creativity into virtual worlds with new,
                                              collaborations, these platforms engage users to                                                     engaging and personalized content that will
                                              develop their digital identities and enable them                                                    inspire and retain users and ensure diverse
                                              to express these identities through collectables                                                    and inclusive experiences. The metaverse
                                              and skins while offering them a virtual home in                                                     brings this model a step further by enabling
                                              their communities.                                                                                  creator economies in which creators can
                                                                                                                                                  monetize their IP in perpetuity, such as
                                              The gaming industry has essentially moulded                                                         through royalties.
                                              users for the metaverse and will continue to lead
                                              and help support development in perpetuity.                                                         Organizations inside and outside of the gaming
                                                                                                                                                  industry are expected to empower and uplift
                                              Just as gaming shapes our idea of the                                                               creators in the form of content generation but
                                              metaverse, the metaverse also impacts the                                                           also in building long-lasting communities that
                                              gaming industry.                                                                                    bring creators to the forefront.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                 Contents                                         13
1 Decoding the metaverse, web3 and Web 3.0       What valuable lessons from gaming light the path ahead?

Implications                                      Engage through play                              Creators and IP rights
of gamified                                       VR gaming is expected to grow at a compound      Content in the metaverse will be increasingly

                                                  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32.7% over the      built by individual creators, requiring the
                                                  forecast period 2021-202711 and gamified         development of new ways of managing
                                                  commerce is booming. “Play” has led the first    content, IP rights and ownership as
                                                  wave of metaverse adoption, with companies       important value drivers of leading metaverse
With an aim to create responsible gaming and      shifting from selling products and services to   experiences. Seen by many as a “prototype”
metaverse worlds, certain considerations need     offering experiences.                            of the metaverse, the platform Second Life
to be taken into account when designing both                                                       has reportedly paid creators $80 million
virtual worlds and experiences.                                                                    in 2021 while reporting 64.7 million active
                                                  Next generation of users are                     users on their platform in the same year.
A growing data economy will elevate the           innate gamers
need for privacy and security, while an influx
                                                  Gamers will inherit the metaverse: 54% of        Social pays
of virtual assets will lead to the growing need
                                                  Roblox participants as of 2020 are younger
for asset management. Furthermore, studies                                                         Engagement is higher for metaverse players
                                                  than 1312 and this demographic highlights
reveal a correlation between microtransactions,                                                    who play to socialize (over two extra hours
                                                  gaming’s future potential, with the users
gaming and gambling disorders.                                                                     played/month), and players who socialize
                                                  of tomorrow being intrinsically gamers. As
                                                  the metaverse of tomorrow is designed,           spend more (over 4-5% spent every six
                                                  users will expect frictionless, non-intrusive    months).13 While platforms like Roblox and
                                                  and socially engaging experiences to play,       Fortnite are becoming the most sought-after
                                                  share, learn and socialize.                      virtual destinations for socializing, branded
                                                                                                   virtual spaces and experiences on these
                                                                                                   platforms are gaining traction for advertisers.
                                                                                                   Roblox recently stated that it would soon
                                                                                                   allow brands to directly purchase in-game
                                                                                                   advertising and launch advertisement
                                                                                                   experiences, providing an opportunity for
                                                                                                   brands and businesses eager to target a
                                                                                                   tech-savvy young audience.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                  Contents   14
2   Value creation in the
                                          consumer metaverse

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                               Contents   15
2 Value creation in the consumer metaverse   The metaverse isn’t conducive to a linear         Further research in Roblox’s recent 2022
                                              consumer journey. The days of step-by-step        Metaverse Fashion Trends report highlights
Introduction                                  journey models are over. Humans don’t follow
                                              linear paths to purchase, predictable patterns
                                                                                                that one attitude that most Gen Z shares is an
                                                                                                ambition to embrace their digital identities and
                                              of behaviour, or set attitudes. They are driven   the liking of brands that support this identity
                                              by their in-the-moment intent. The next step
                                              from awareness is not always engagement.
                                              Brand loyalty doesn’t require purchase. This
                                                                                                creation.15 These findings highlight that just as
                                                                                                in the current version of the internet, consumer
                                                                                                value will not be generated universally but will
                                                                                                                                                    of consumers look forward to interacting
                                              could not be truer in the metaverse, where        have to be strongly aligned with the target
                                                                                                                                                    with family and friends in the metaverse
                                              immersive experiences and fluid interactions      group’s wants and needs, using consumer
                                              allow brands to develop a deeper sense of         data in a responsible manner that puts the
                                              relevance in their consumers’ day-to-day.         human right for privacy at its centre.
                                              Brands will find new ways to authentically play
                                              a role in their consumers’ specific missions,
                                              key occasions and magic moments.

                                              A recent report, Gen Z and the Metaverse,

                                              by Nokia and Ipsos, implies that “consumer
                                              value” in the metaverse will look different for
                                              different personality profiles. As highlighted
                                              in the report, solidarity searchers, which                                                            of consumers believe that the metaverse will
                                              are described as rather introverted, will find                                                        strengthen the connection to their favourite brand
                                              the most value in the metaverse, offering
                                              them heightened convenience, allowing
                                              them to complete mundane “social chores”,
                                              such as clothes shopping, from home.
                                              In contrast, citizens, which the research
                                              describes as less tech-forward, will find
                                              the most value in the socialization and
                                              entertainment aspects of the metaverse.14

                                                                                                Source: Accenture, Accenture
                                                                                                Consumer Metaverse Study (Insights                  of consumers look forward to creating
                                                                                                from ~9,000 global consumers), 2023.                and monetizing content in the metaverse

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                   Contents                                   16
2 Value creation in the consumer metaverse      Everyone born today is an innate gamer:
                                                 iPad natives and gamers native to platforms
Drivers of                                       such as Roblox and Fortnite will enter the
                                                 working population in 5-10 years. This

consumer                                         audience has grown up expecting the world
                                                 to be interactive.

adoption                                         Technological progress: As the underlying
                                                 technologies required for the metaverse
                                                 continue to evolve (such as game engines,
Virtual reality (VR)/augmented reality (AR)
                                                 small and power-efficient XR-processors and
reaching mass market potential: This will
                                                 XR optics), integrated virtual world platforms
open up the devices to millions of consumers
                                                 will become easier to use, more capable and
and developers, ensuring a price point and
                                                 easier to build on.
feature set that meets consumer expectations.
                                                 Other factors include the maturation of digital
A workforce in the metaverse: When
                                                 wallets and tokens, the evolution of payment
enterprises accelerate metaverse adoption
                                                 rails through regulatory action, advancements
and introduce immersive technologies into
                                                 in network edge computing, low-latency cloud
the workforce, adoption will transition from
                                                 computing, the establishment of a culture
employee to consumer use.
                                                 of ownership and market-wide adoption of
                                                 interoperability standards. These factors and
Network effects: The development of net-
                                                 more can be explored further in chapter 4.
new offerings, achieved as big tech brands and
creators create new experiences, products and
services that are more compelling, unique and
convenient. Today there are only a few must-
play games and experiences – for example,
location-based AR games and AR commerce.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                Contents   17
2 Value creation in the consumer metaverse                          Experience revolves around the distribution
                                              Media, entertainment   of interconnected, omnichannel content
Successful                                    and sports             beyond geographic boundaries and
                                                                     capacity limits. Similar to gaming, immersive

players will                                                         experiences will frequently occur in media,
                                                                     entertainment and sports (MES), with the

choose the future                                                    industry playing a pivotal role as a content
                                                                     and distribution engine for virtual worlds

they build for                                Communications
                                                                     that engage with users in entirely new
                                                                     ways. Companies in MES are expected

tomorrow, today                                                      to use metaverse technologies to build
                                                                     personalized 3D experiences in media and
                                                                     film, deliver new forms of advertising and
                                                                     ad consumption, or transform the fan and
                                                                     audience experience in sports, concerts
             Select the tabs                                         and theme parks. As a content provider,
             to discover more
                                              Financial services     MES will help to deliver personalized
                                                                     experiences across all forms of distribution
                                                                     based on users’ unique identities.

                                              Real estate

                                              Retail and consumer
                                              packaged goods

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                  Contents   18
2 Value creation in the consumer metaverse         Changing the paradigm of artistic creation,         While benefiting from the threefold value         USE CASE
                                                    creators now have a way to ensure visibility,       distribution, it is both participant’s and
The metaverse                                       voice and economic share. Blockchain
                                                    applications allow creators to monetize
                                                                                                        provider’s obligation to ensure equitable
                                                                                                        treatment of creators while keeping transaction

economy                                             talent independently of centralized hosting
                                                    platforms. While they do not provide proof
                                                                                                        fees reasonable and at a minimum.

                                                    that a particular creation, was in fact             The creator economy plays a significant role
                                                    generated by the original creator, they provide     in the broader metaverse economy, and it is
Far beyond opening the door to virtual
                                                    mechanisms for transferring ownership of            acknowledged that a wide range of factors –
gameplay, the metaverse expands societies’
                                                    particular assets. Advancements in AI are           from tokenomics to stable currencies and
reality and introduces environments in which
                                                    also likely to play a significant role in the       fair voting rights – contribute to a stable and
every consumer can take an active role in
                                                    creation of the metaverse, such as putting          equitable metaverse economy. The sheer
creating, shaping and distributing value. The
                                                    design tools into the hands of consumers –          number of voices to be considered makes for
application of the metaverse and web3 is set to
                                                    turning metaverse participants into creators.       a strenuous balancing process and a need for
herald a new era in content and world creation
                                                                                                        a set of tools and rules to be established.
and drive immense economic opportunity,
                                                    Businesses (participants and providers) play a
thus making the creator economy a vital part
                                                    vocal role in uplifting a diverse set of creators
of the overall metaverse economy. Moreover,
                                                    while ensuring creator tools and features                                                             Roblox’s immersive marketplaces are
this shift presents an opportunity to address
                                                    are available and accessible to everyone.                                                             scaling towards becoming fully user-
flaws of a current Web 2.0 centralized system
                                                                                                                                                          generated, with 90% of avatar items
that sees the majority of value created fall into
                                                    Creators, participants and providers                                                                  currently from the community.
the hands of a few centralized entities. Web
                                                    introduce a symbiotic value exchange,
3.0 provides an opportunity to reinvent the
                                                    which opens up new possibilities for                                                                  Roblox is introducing new mechanisms
way value is generated and shared among a
                                                    equitable and fair digital economies.                                                                 for the community to build sustainable
diverse set of creators, brands and businesses.
                                                                                                                                                          businesses, including giving creators full
                                                    Brands and platform providers benefit                                                                 control over the scarcity of their items and
To achieve this goal, it is important that
                                                    from enabling and amplifying creators,                                                                allowing all users to resell or trade items.16
the metaverse is designed with a value-
                                                    as they are at the pulse of consumer
led economic mindset that learns from past                                                                                                                Future papers in the frame of this initiative aim to
                                                    sentiment. The creator economy goes far
mistakes and encourages a sustainable                                                                                                                     investigate how to activate the economic flywheel of the
                                                    beyond amplifying content creation and                                                                metaverse and build on the idea of value distribution.
and fair economic climate for creators in
                                                    will be transformative for the metaverse, as
this new era of authenticated ownership.
                                                    creators are in a position to reinvent and
                                                    challenge the status quo and inherently
                                                    accelerate metaverse adoption speed.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                        Contents                                                  19
2 Value creation in the consumer metaverse       Value distribution by design                                   FIGURE 5

                                                                                                                 The value-add economy
Ensuring fair
                                                  Assumption: An equitable and fair system tracks each
                                                  individual and new creation. This requires:

value distribution                                – Platforms or systems that allow users to easily find and
                                                    re-use existing creations
in the metaverse                                  – Transparency on the re-use of existing ideas and

                                                    mechanisms to credit the initial creator
Mechanics for transparent and fair value
                                                  – Fair value distribution across the entire value chain                                    creation
distribution in the metaverse will be essential
                                                                                                                             6                                     2
to ensure a sustainable economy. While              (credit to all parties)
in Web 2.0, IP attribution to creators was                                                                           Incentive to create                    Other creators
limited by individual platform mechanisms,        – AI-driven transparent and automated decision-making with
                                                                                                                    as tangible outcomes                      build onto
web3 technologies offer the unique                  sufficient control mechanisms, including an appeal process
                                                                                                                         are ensured                        initial creation
opportunity to ensure trust, credibility and
fair value distribution by design. Establishing   – Attributing value to intermediaries, such as legal,
a new set of standards and processes is             marketing and influencers, who create value
required to allow creators and participants         through rights, promotion, distribution and more
(businesses) in the metaverse to create, build                                                                               5                                         3
and share ideas in a way that cultivates a        – All parties (creators and organizations) to share a
circular economy in which everyone wins.            percentage of credit and/or monetary value                             Creators,                           Creation is
                                                                                                                     intermediaries and                      launched onto
                                                  What must we get right?                                              end sales get a                        marketplace
                                                                                                                         financial cut         Money
                                                  – Address the culture of ownership in relation to IP rights
                                                    management and treatment                                                                and credit is
                                                                                                                                            flowed back
                                                  – Address how to properly measure “added-value”                                          proportionally
                                                  – Address how to flow micro-credits fairly and efficiently

                                                  – Design for growth, not to inflate, such that the majority
                                                    of creators can make a sustainable living

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                           Contents                         20
3   Metaverse
                                          economic models

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                         Contents   21
3 Metaverse economic models           FIGURE 6                                                                              It is evident that the metaverse offers a
                                                                                                                            myriad of opportunities for new circular
                                      Metaverse economic models
Introduction                                                                                                                business models. Users continue to develop
                                                                                                                            their digital identities, and they do so by
                                                                                                                            making use of economic mechanisms, such
                                                                                                                            as avatar skins, NFTs or immersive games.
The metaverse is expanding                                                                                                  Gen Z especially exhibits a liking for brands
traditional monetization channels                                                                                           and platforms that help them embrace their
and opening the door for net                                                                                                unique identities.17 However, consumer
                                                                                                                            value will not be generated universally.18
new consumer opportunities.
                                                                                                                            Leaders must understand consumer wants
Economic models will form                                                                                                   and needs and decide which role to play in
an interdependent ecosystem                                                                                                 the metaverse, informed by consumer data,
across all roles that is driven                                                                                             designed in a human-centric manner.

by compelling experiences,                                                                                                  Organizations need to align their metaverse
seamless commerce options and                                                                                               strategies with industry-specific needs, target
the fabric that will underpin both.                                                                                         group metaverse adoption and maturity,
                                                                                                                            and the technological and regulatory
                                                                                                                            landscape. New economic plays will be
                                                                                                                            based on successfully delivering compelling
                                         Metaverse goods             Metaverse payments            Metaverse fabric
                                                                                                                            experiences, seamless commerce options,
                                         and experiences               and commerce
                                                                                                The surrounding ecosystem   social interaction and transactions, the
                                        The user moments that          The marketplace and         and tools that enable    underlying fabric that will support the
                                      delight, surprise and engage   platforms that consumers    experience and economy     surrounding ecosystem and tools that enable
                                                                            transact on                                     circular experiences and economies.

                                                                                                                            Aware of the fast-evolving nature of this
                                                                                                                            space, this chapter explores the potential
                                                                                                                            value capture of nine economic models.
                                                                                                                            These models are projected using market
                                                                                                                            research and analysing value captured from
                                                                                                                            existing Web2.0 business models.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                          Contents                                    22
3 Metaverse economic models

Paths to                                                              Metaverse goods
                                                                      and experiences
                                                                                                                       Metaverse payments
                                                                                                                       and commerce
                                                                                                                                                                   Metaverse fabric
economic value
and growth in
the metaverse
The metaverse opens a spectrum of new
revenue opportunities – from traditional
to entirely unprecedented. The following
eight economic models represent notable
shifts from today’s ways of doing business.
Businesses may pursue one or more of
these simultaneously.
                                                       1                                                   2
Note on the metaverse and personal data:
the metaverse will introduce new models that enable    Digital products and assets                         Access and influence
users to share, manage and operate their own
                                                       New product opportunities will range from           Pay-for-access options enable a path to
data. Although personal data is not called out as an
economic model in its own right, this report aims to   independent revenue streams driven by               monetization typically for exclusive and
emphasize the responsible use of personal data while   entirely virtual goods, from NFTs, to avatar        premium offerings – such as items, tiers,
outlining its potential.                               skins, accessories and features, to tokens          tools, one-time events or entire worlds.
                                                       enabling fractional ownership, to perpetual         Pricing structures can be designed to
                                                       royalties that generate passive income.             complement the associated user experience.
              Select the tabs                          Finally, phygital products provide utility within
              to discover more                         and across virtual experiences that extend to       Examples: Premium tier access, play-to-
                                                       the physical simultaneously.                        earn and usage-based toll

                                                       Examples: Digital assets, consumables and
                                                       phygital products

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                     Contents                      23
4   Future value horizons
                                          in the metaverse

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                               Contents   24
4 Future value horizons in the metaverse          FIGURE 7

                                                  Projected horizons of metaverse growth and adoption
                                                  Economic models selected today must consider the varying stages of maturity across
                                                  technology, policy and wider enablers that these choices may use, as these choices will act
Mass scale will depend on                         as the foundations for how experiences of product and service offerings will evolve over time.
the ability to deliver engaging
experiences – however,
maturity across key enablers                                      Now                                                 Near                                     Next
will be the defining driver.                           Early adoption and traction                              Ecosystem maturity                         Mass adoption

Forecasting beyond this first wave of use cases
and their corresponding economic mechanisms
will continue to be an open and evolving
dialogue. However, as technologies continue                        Today-2 years~                                        2-5 years~                             5-10+ years
to be adopted, purposeful experimentation                        Initial enablement                               Mainstream products                    Proliferation of worlds,
acts as an opportunity for brands, businesses                     and experiences                                  and technologies                      products and services
and creators to design, build and refine
experiences and supporting models. The                   Early development and adoption of                 Development of standards for enabling         Maturity and adoption will set
thinking today will act as core foundational            worlds and spaces powered by major                    interoperability, mass adoption          future scenarios, with economic
learnings for stakeholders to position                    investment in content production,                   of immersive technologies, new           models to be validated further in
themselves and to evolve and expand offerings           new tools and features, foundational                business models based on content           future reports supported by the
into longer-term, sustainable opportunities.              technologies, hardware, software                  distribution, new financial products      identification of new value chains
                                                                and identity solutions.                      and services and the proliferation          and future growth scenarios.
It’s important to understand that this is a                                                                     of 5G and edge computing.
rapidly evolving space of technologies, and
albeit an evolving ecosystem, development
requirements can be attached to the time
constraints of when fundamental technologies
will be mass-produced and adopted and the
impact this will have on select value plays.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                Contents                                25
4 Future value horizons in the metaverse   Metaverse-ready         Advancements in network infrastructure
                                           networks                and cloud computing to deliver
Drivers of growth                                                  interoperable and interconnected virtual
                                                                   worlds and scalable experiences that

and adoption of                                                    enable large populations of users to
                                                                   interact and engage.

the metaverse                              Realistic avatars       Select examples:

                                                                   – New infrastructure topology
Six non-exhaustive areas were identified
as leading prerequisites for impactful
                                                                   – Network edge computing
metaverse mass adoption.
                                           infrastructure and      – Cloud rendering stack
                                           computing power
             Select the tabs                                       – Advancement of 5G
             to discover more

                                           Governance, standards
                                           and regulation



Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                           Contents   26
Now                           Near                        Next
4 Future value horizons in the metaverse                                                                                                        Sources: “What’s New in the 2022 Gartner Hype Cycle
                                                          Early adoption                    Ecosystem                    Mass                   for Emerging Technologies”, Gartner, 10 August 2022.

Projected                                                  and traction                      maturity                   adoption                Gartner, Gartner Identifies Key Emerging Technologies
                                                                                                                                                Expanding Immersive Experiences, Accelerating AI

horizons of
                                                                                                                                                Automation and Optimizing Technologist Delivery
                                                                                                                                                [Press release], 10 August 2022.

                                                    Infrastructure and network                   Software and platforms
metaverse growth                                    – Brands launching new VR (enhanced          – Full body tracking without full body
                                                                                                                                                Rimol, Meghan, “Metaverse, Web3 and Crypto:
                                                                                                                                                Separating Blockchain Hype from Reality: Q&A with
                                                                                                                                                Avivah Litan”, Gartner Newsroom, 30 August 2022.

and adoption                                          display, optics), AR and MR devices          sensors using AI                             Baier-Lentz, Moritz, Faye Maidment, Benedikt Hübenthal,
                                                                                                                                                “Reality Check” Perspectives on Extended Reality
                                                                                                 – Proof of stake permissionless platforms      (AR, MR, VR)”, Bitkraft, 2021.

This list does not aim to provide an exhaustive                                                                                                 Biondi, Matteo, Anna Heid, Ivan Ostojic, Nicolaus Henke,
overview but brings to life the types of enablers                                                – Location-based awareness – standards         Lorenzo Pautasso, Niko Mohr, Linde Wester, Rodney
                                                                                                                                                Zemmel, Quantum computing: An emerging ecosystem
required to accelerate the development and                                                         and experiences using device and geo-
                                                                                                                                                and industry use cases, McKinsey & Company, 2021.
adoption of the metaverse, with a particular                                                       location capabilities
                                                                                                                                                Mello-Klein, Cody, ”The Future of 6G Wireless Could
focus on the metaverse stack layers of                                                                                                          be Closer Than You Think”, Northeastern University,
software and platforms, infrastructure and                                                       – Decentralized physical asset tokenization    26 May 2022.
network. Experience, economy and identity
                                                                                                 – Low code/no code development tools           “6G: preparing today the mobile networks of the future”,
are addressed in greater detail in other                                                                                                        Orange, 11 July 2022.
sections of the report.
                                                                                                 – Decentralized identity solutions             “Digital identity trends – 5 forces that are shaping 2022”,
                                                                                                                                                Thales, 29 December 2021.

                                                                                                 – Advancements in 2D mobile and desktop        Cordon, Stephanie, “2023 will be a pivotal year for VR:
             Select the now, near and                                                                                                           Which headset will you buy?”, ZDNET, 5 July 2022.
             next to discover more
                                                                                                                                                Makarov, Andrew, “12 Augmented Reality Trends of 2023:
                                                                                                 – Development of new XR (VR, AR and MR)        New Milestones in Immersive Technology”, MobiDev,
                                                                                                   content, product offerings and experiences   2 August 2022.

                                                                                                 – Development of new offering, such
                                                                                                   as commerce and token-based

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                              Contents                                                 27
(Not exhaustive)

4 Future value horizons in the metaverse             Paths to economic        Now                      Near                                                                 Next
                                                     value and growth    Early adoption              Ecosystem                                                             Mass
                                                     in the metaverse
Projections                                                               and traction                maturity                                                            adoption

of when the                                          Digital products
                                                                                                                              Potential future scenario: As ownership of digital assets becomes mainstream, new economic models
                                                                                                                              making use of those assets will arise. Models will include the development of specific assets for target

value of these                                       and assets
                                                                             Digital assets       External platform utility   communities as a reward for their engagement. Other models, such as the tokenisation of the brand-
                                                                                                                              to-consumer relationship, will enable greater participation, collaboration and innovation, where users’

                                                                                                                              creative input is recognized and rewarded – creating a sense of togetherness, inspiration and loyalty.

                                                                                                                              Potential future scenario: Premium experiences, which allow users to access and acquire products,

opportunities                                        Access and
                                                                             Play-to-earn          Access as an asset
                                                                                                                              services and experiences by paying a fee, will mature. Mechanisms such as governance and voting
                                                                                                                              rights will go mainstream. Brands will grant users’ rights by means of utility tokens or virtual assets.
                                                                                                                              It is important to note that sufficient governance, regulation and standards will need to be in place

may be realized                                                                                                               to make this metaverse experience truly democratized and not a one-share-one-vote process.

across the
                                                                                                                              Potential future scenario: Growth of token-based business models and aspects of the commerce
                                                     Immersive             Tokenized gated
                                                                                                   Immersive shopping         value chain becoming decentralized may lead to the potential transition to a decentralized future of
                                                     commerce                marketplace                                      commerce (commerce 3.0) where decentralized commerce (DeCo) platforms go mainstream.

same horizon                                         Payments and
                                                                         Digital wallet custody
                                                                                                   Central bank digital
                                                                                                   currencies (CBDCs)
                                                                                                                              Potential future scenario: The inclusion of digital wallets within the financial services sector and
                                                                                                                              the adoption of CBDCs and Stablecoins will improve cross-border payments, making remittances
                                                     currency                                                                 cheaper and faster. This will create new kinds of financial instruments, such as fractional lending.
                                                                                                     and stablecoins
               Select each path to read                                                                                       Potential future scenario: Mass adoption of worlds and spaces will result in the potential for net-
               more in the Appendix                  Asset
                                                                                Staking                Credit/loans           new sources of revenue generation, as end-users, creators, brands and businesses will be able to
                                                     monetization                                                             lease items such as virtual spaces or renting digital products and spaces for passive income.

                                                                                                                              Potential future scenario: Moving from traditional content to more natural, immersive, and intuitive
                                                                                                                              experiences, new concepts will come to the fore, from programmatic advertising at scale, to hyper-
                                                     Advertising                                       “Buy off your
                                                                         Virtual brand worlds                                 personalized brand experiences where users live the Nike commercial, to integrated advertising across
                                                     and marketing                                    back” affiliates        omni with virtual/AR as the new channels, built on a trusted identity foundation where users control
                                                                                                                              their data, potentially opening the door for consumers to reap some of the monetization benefits.

                                                                                                                              Potential future scenario: By 2030, it is projected that immersive technologies, content and experiences
Disclaimer: The displayed projections are based      Creator                 Creator tools                                    will accelerate this sector, blurring the lines between creator and consumer on an unprecedented
                                                                                                   Product co-creation
on market research and forecasts. Various            economy                 and features                                     scale. Leading to a proliferation in creator-led content and resulting in next-gen creator tools and
variables, such as investment, regulation or                                                                                  features and new brand/creator partnership models as the metaverse matures and evolves.
economic climate, impact metaverse evolution.
In consequence, the displayed mechanisms may                                                                                  Potential future scenario: A proliferation of interoperable worlds and spaces will result in a need for
mature and evolve earlier or later than projected.                         Smart contracts        Premium connectivity        net-new virtual services, from access to network and computing power to digital-twin-as-a-service
                                                     native services                                                          and metaverse-as-a-service offering specialized services, simulations and entire world builds.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                                         Contents                                                    28
Conclusion                            While the metaverse’s full potential will likely
                                      unfold in the coming decade, its current
                                                                                         This report gives a comprehensive but non-
                                                                                         exhaustive overview of possible economic
                                      nascent stage offers great opportunity to          opportunities and their potential for companies
                                      individuals and organizations to position          across various consumer-facing industries. In
A comprehensive understanding         themselves clearly in a newly emerging             recognition of the evolving creator economy,
of the metaverse builds the           world. As education and understanding drive        the report aims to show the positive impact
                                      equitable adoption and value distribution, it is   that comes with a metaverse that potentially
foundation for equitable              essential that the public and private sectors      strengthens the role of creators. Organizations
adoption and economic                 create a deep understanding of the metaverse,      in the public and private sectors should
success across industries.            its components, implications and economic          continue to amplify creators in order to fuel an
                                      models today.                                      equitable digital economy.

                                      Today’s imagination drives tomorrow’s              While this report marks an important step
                                      innovation. Thus, growth drivers and emerging      on the journey towards an equitable and
                                      technologies require further development and       meaningful metaverse, it will be followed by
                                      innovation to enable meaningful metaverse          further research, analysing potential social
                                      engagement and interaction. Based on               implications of the metaverse, implications to
                                      forecasts and statistics, this report can only     metaverse governance, as well as quantitative
                                      speculate that, next to others, these drivers      data-based forecasting of potential economic
                                      include metaverse-ready networks, software,        scenarios and value chains in the metaverse.
                                      hardware infrastructure and AI.
                                                                                         This current nascent stage of the metaverse
                                      Individuals and businesses must find their         offers an unprecedented opportunity to build
                                      role within the metaverse economy and              better, more equitable and just worlds that may
                                      clearly define their metaverse strategy, goals     greatly impact current physical reality. This
                                      and target group to ensure meaningful value        report sets a steppingstone for companies and
                                      exchange and distribution in augmented or          individuals to start their educational journey
                                      immersive worlds. They must evaluate their         and to translate it into economically and
                                      current offerings, appropriately translate         socially viable action.
                                      them into metaverse environments, or allow
                                      disruption of their business models.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                         Contents   29
                                      Economic models in the
                                      consumer metaverse
                                      The metaverse will expand traditional economic models
                                      by replicating them in metaverse environments and by
                                      complementing them with a certain level of interaction and
                                      immersion. At the same time, the metaverse will open the
                                      door for new, unexplored economic models, which will disrupt
                                      entire industries and generate brand-new revenue streams.

                                      This appendix aims to highlight a selection of relevant
                                      economic models the metaverse offers today or will offer in
                                      the near to long-term future, outlining possible commercial
                                      opportunities for companies and creators to explore.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                  Contents   30
Appendix                                            Economic mechanisms:                                                          Economic mechanisms:
                                                    product sales and royalties                                                   equity and entitlement sales
Digital products
and assets                                           1   Digital assets                                                            5   Pre-production sales
                                                    Digital products, such as in-game assets (skins, wearables) or art (NFTs),    Fund/refine product development through digital, pre-production
                                                    can drive meaningful revenue through direct end-user sales while also         representation of a product. End-users can collect/sell/trade, and the
The metaverse unlocks a new frontier with           enabling royalties (passive income from secondary sales in perpetuity) to     brand can benefit from the market insight and cash flow.
digital products and assets. New product            creators and platforms.
opportunities will range from independent
revenue streams driven by entirely virtual goods,
                                                                                                                                   6   (Hyper) fractional ownership
over NFTs, avatar skins, accessories and
                                                     2   Phygital products
                                                                                                                                  Enable fractional ownership of more expensive assets to end-users by
features, tokens enabling fractional ownership
                                                    End-users can redeem digital products or NFTs/tokens for physical,            broadening the pool of potential buyers and increasing engagement.
and perpetual royalties that generate passive
                                                    and vice versa, increasing utility and brand exposure across channels.
income, to phygital products that provide utility
                                                    Products can be directly mirrored or conceptually related, expanding
within and across virtual experiences and                                                                                          7   Community exclusivity
                                                    experience and storytelling opportunities for brands.
extend to the physical simultaneously.
                                                                                                                                  Brands can develop products specifically for target communities of end-
The metaverse introduces new user                    3   Consumables                                                              users as a reward/incentive for their engagement. Products can be sold
experiences and relationship models, such                                                                                         or gifted, physical or virtual, and can be personalized or tiered based on
as micro-interactions or micro-experiences,         Single or multiple use tokens, with the potential for expiry, open the door   membership level or owned assets.
that deepen the connection between the              for applications like coupons, tickets, and more (loyalty programs). These
brand, creator and consumer, offering new           items can be sold or rewarded by brands to end-users where they can
                                                                                                                                   8   Physical asset tokenization
ways to express, create, share content and          choose to trade or consume the item.
drive community behaviours introducing new                                                                                        Physical assets can be tokenized as NFTs and exchanged, traded,
forms of growth.                                     4   External platform utility                                                transferred and held like any other NFT; or redeemed for the physical asset.

                                                    Brands can develop goods for end-user utility within existing external
                                                    platforms, such as creating a wearable for use in Decentraland, an in-
                                                    game asset, or a 3D model to be imported into a virtual environment.
                                                    They can be bought or earned and then resold by the user. The platform
                                                    may take a cut of the sale.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                                                                                             Contents                                       31
Selected insights                              EXAMPLE USE CASE                       The almost century-old publisher TIME has
                                                                                      been facing a changing media environment,
                                               Digital assets – strategic evolution
Mindset shifts                                                                        shifting consumer behaviours and the challenge
                                                                                      to stay competitive in a market strongly
– Digital and physical experiences will need
                                                                                      impacted by free online content. Widening
  to transition seamlessly.
                                                                                      its existing business model, the company
                                                                                      introduced TIMEpieces, connecting culture and
– Community-led approaches will support
                                                                                      technology. Within the project, TIME partners
  product development, funding and more.
                                                                                      with artists and creators to create NFTs, which
– Digital scarcity elevates value, and                                                can be purchased through platforms such as
  embedded royalties foster connection in                                             Opensea. Through this, TIME has showcased
  the creator economy.                                                                a fluid ability to develop web3 offerings and
                                                                                      business model alternatives. The company
                                                                                      has gathered more than 50,000 artists and
Additional considerations
                                                                                      sold over 22,000 NFTs generating more than
– Interoperability of assets will play an                                             $10 million in profit and over $600,000 for
  important role in value creation.                                                   charities to date.19

– Virtual to physical commerce models have
  not yet been scaled.

– Potential impact on supply chains to
  deliver virtual to physical offerings.

Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse                                                      Contents                                  32
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