Deloitte's outlook for sports investment in 2023 - Deloitte Sports Business Group March 2023

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Deloitte's outlook for sports investment in 2023 - Deloitte Sports Business Group March 2023
Deloitte’s outlook for sports
investment in 2023
Deloitte Sports Business Group
March 2023
Deloitte's outlook for sports investment in 2023 - Deloitte Sports Business Group March 2023
Deloitte Insight | Deloitte’s outlook for sports investment in 2023

Deloitte’s outlook for sports
investment in 2023

Investment trends across sports rights holders support a growing M&A market
with strong tailwinds. A larger number of sophisticated investors along with a higher
degree of capital availability has driven the market to record levels.

                                                          Global M&A experienced a turbulent ride          Defining the sports sector
                                                          in the second half of 2022, and investment       Sport is diverging as its own asset class
                                                          in sports assets mirrored wider market           with multiple subsectors spanning
                                                          trends with the volume of transactions           professional spectator sports, media,
                                                          falling by 27% in the second half of 2022.       leisure and entertainment, and
                                                                                                           complementary organisations.
                                                          While activity slowed towards the end of
                                                          2022, it was still a year of demarcation for     In professional spectator sports,
                                                          sports investments, highlighted by the           organisations focus on the delivery of,
                                                          landmark sales of Chelsea Football Club          and participation in, elite sporting events
                                                          (England), AC Milan (Italy), and the Denver      and competitions that are consumed by
                                                          Broncos (USA). There were also significant       the greater public. Within this sub-sector,
                                                          investments in European football leagues,        rights holders are the entities that own
                                                          second and third-division European               and control these events including leagues,
                                                          football teams, Indian cricket teams, rugby      competitions, governing bodies, clubs,
                                                          teams and competitions, and extreme              and teams.
                                                          sports, amongst others.
Overall, we expect to see                                                                                  In recent years, increased external
increased investment                                      In 2023, despite the challenging                 investment into the sports sector
                                                          macroeconomic climate, we are expecting          has brought dividends to the growing
activity fuelled by a variety                             to see a new influx of capital flow into the     professionalism and commercialisation of
of new industry entrants                                  sports sector. This will be driven by investor   these rights holders.
                                                          confidence in the predictable and improving
who are attracted to the                                  revenue streams that premium sports
prestige, and potentially                                 properties can offer, buoyed by growing          Sports M&A metrics
                                                          media rights, globalisation of valuable          Mature sports markets, such as the
compelling risk-adjusted                                  content, and the resilience showcased            Americas and Europe, are seeing a surge in
returns, to be recognized                                 by sports assets subsequent to the initial       investments as assets gain popularity and
                                                          COVID-19 pandemic and now during                 commercial value. Sports assets in these
from owning a sports asset.                               challenging macroeconomic conditions.            regions drew approximately 80% of total
                                                                                                           sports investments by volume in 2022.
                                                          Take a look at our Q1 2023 M&A market
                                                          outlook insights to learn how the                In 2022, the sports sector saw over 220
                                                          macroeconomic environment may affect             M&A transactions completed across the
                                                          M&A deals across other sectors in 2023.          industry. American sports assets took
                                                                                                           the lion’s share of larger deals, with twice
                                                          Overall, we expect to see increased              as many tournaments, competitions
                                                          investment activity fuelled by a variety of      and leagues in this region attracting
                                                          new industry entrants who are attracted          investments in 2022, in comparison to
                                                          to the prestige, and potentially compelling      Europe. However, almost five times as
                                                          risk-adjusted returns, to be recognized          many deals were struck with mid-sized
                                                          from owning a sports asset.
Deloitte's outlook for sports investment in 2023 - Deloitte Sports Business Group March 2023
Deloitte Insight | Deloitte’s outlook for sports investment in 2023

Sports M&A Transactions in 2022

Deal Volume by Region of Acquired                  Deal Volume by Organisation Type (%)
Entity (%)
                                                                      38                   52                    48                     55
             Rest of World
   Asia Pacific
                                                     80%                                                                                            6%
                    6%                                                                                                                    10%
                                                     60%              47
                                                                                           38                                           41
                                 52% Europe          40%                                                                                                          5

Americas 32%                                                                                                                          32%
                                                                                           10                                                 4
                                                        0          Quarter 1            Quarter 2             Quarter 3             Quarter 4

                              Source: Refinitiv.      (Tier 1) Competitions/Leagues/Governing Bodies                                         Source: Refinitiv.
                                                      (Tier 2) Clubs/Teams      (Tier 3) Other

assets in Europe – typically football clubs        Some key overarching investment trends               attractive investment characteristics
and teams – than in the Americas. Almost           that have emerged are the influx of                  such as stable, contractual cash flows
half of investments made into mid-sized            institutional private equity capital into            from broadcasting and commercial
European sports assets in 2022 were                premium sports assets, the emergence                 agreements, highly predictable ticketing
acquired by organisations outside of               of sports focused investment funds, and              revenue, high barriers to entry, resilience
Europe, highlighting the globalization             investors employing a portfolio approach             to macroeconomic downturns and high
trends in the sports sector.                       to sport investments.                                inflationary periods, strong profit margins,
                                                                                                        and compelling value appreciation
                                                   Private equity capital flowing into the              fundamentals driven by the scarcity of
Current approach to investment                     sports sector has, to date, primarily been           premium sport assets. Investment in
in sport                                           deployed into premium assets. Premium                these assets also often provides a unique
Unlike other industries, investment in             assets differentiate themselves in terms of          opportunity to connect with fans and
sports assets has historically been driven         maturity, quality of infrastructure, overall         positively impact local communities.
by the ‘trophy asset’ rationale. Ultra-high        commercial value, and risk profile relative
net worth individuals have at times been           to less attractive peer assets.                      As sport formalises into its own asset class,
drawn to invest due to their interest as                                                                sports focused private equity funds are
fans and the prestige that comes with              Examples of premium rights holders                   successfully raising funds from institutional
owning a sports asset, rather than by              include direct investments into leagues              sources (e.g. pension plans, sovereign
sound investment decisions based on an             and competitions, investments in North               wealth funds, insurance companies,
overriding desire for financial returns.           American franchises across the “big                  university endowments, etc.) and deploying
                                                   five” leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL and                capital exclusively or predominantly into
In more recent years, we’ve seen a new             MLS) and investments in top-tier teams               the sports sector. These funds have
universe of investors looking to explore the       or clubs with large commercial appeal                targeted strategies around how they invest
sector, primarily due to the attractive risk-      and remote relegation risk. Premium                  and achieve strong risk-adjusted returns
adjusted returns on offer.                         assets provide private equity firms with             for their investors within the sector.

Deloitte's outlook for sports investment in 2023 - Deloitte Sports Business Group March 2023
Deloitte Insight | Deloitte’s outlook for sports investment in 2023

As we enter the next wave                                 Examples include funds focused                 premium assets continue to rise. Premium
                                                          on minority stakes in league and/or            assets will have the opportunity to highlight
of mass investment in                                     competition-level media rights, club-level     their resilience and compelling investment
sport, we expect to see                                   revenue streams, or control-oriented           merits amidst current challenging
                                                          investments in clubs and/or teams. In          macroeconomic conditions for ‘next
the most premium assets                                   exchange for external investment, rights       buyers’ and we expect that this will attract
retain high levels of interest,                           holders tend to gain operational and           an evolving set of investors.
                                                          commercial expertise, strategic direction
which will drive an evolving                              and discipline at the ownership and            This expanding set is likely to include
investor base. In addition,                               board levels that ultimately helps to drive    institutional investors such as pension
                                                          growth and sustainable business models.        plans, sovereign wealth funds,
women’s sports assets                                     These funds are recognising the need for       endowments, and insurance companies
will continue to offer a                                  industry-specific knowledge and insight to     that will invest both indirectly through
                                                          support their investment objectives.           commitments to new and/or existing
compelling opportunity for                                                                               private equity funds and directly into
new and existing investors                                The portfolio approach provides investors      premium assets themselves.
                                                          with growth opportunities across a range
in the sports sector.                                     of related, but defined, sports assets.        As the next wave of buyers evolves,
                                                          These portfolios tend to be constructed        so too will the portfolio strategies
                                                          across various sports and geographies,         adopted by investors. We expect to
                                                          which has proven to be valuable when           see a broadening of the portfolio
                                                          executed strategically. This approach can      approach that incorporates additional
                                                          provide diversification benefits, de-risk      sports, geographies, and complimentary
                                                          the portfolio, and unlock operational and      businesses. Investors will look to
                                                          commercial synergies. Portfolios can span      strategically invest in businesses that
                                                          a single sport across multiple geographies,    provide synergistic growth, with sports
                                                          such as football clubs across Europe, North    assets acting as the catalyst. When
                                                          and South America, and Asia; or they can       broadening a portfolio in this manner, it is
                                                          cross sports and geographies, such as          critical for investors to form a long-term
                                                          football in Europe and ice hockey in           strategy that optimises the portfolio’s
                                                          North America.                                 growth opportunity in each market. A clear
                                                                                                         understanding of the global sports market
                                                                                                         along with a strong understanding of the
                                                          What’s next in sports M&A                      nuances in local markets is necessary
                                                          As we enter the next wave of mass              for investors to support responsible
                                                          investment in sport, we expect to see the      investments, and ultimately generate
                                                          most premium assets retain high levels         higher returns.
                                                          of interest, which will drive an evolving
                                                          investor base. In addition, women’s sports     Women’s professional sports had a
                                                          assets will continue to offer a compelling     record-breaking year in 2022, with growing
                                                          opportunity for new and existing investors     awareness of the commercial returns
                                                          in the sports sector.                          that women’s sports assets offer. For
                                                                                                         instance, the 2023 edition of the Deloitte
                                                          In the next wave of investment in the          Football Money League reported average
                                                          sports sector, we will see continued high      attributable revenues of €2.4 million to
                                                          demand for premium sports assets, and          the women’s sides in the 2021/22 season
                                                          as such, returns will compress as prices for   at the world’s top 20 revenue generating

Deloitte's outlook for sports investment in 2023 - Deloitte Sports Business Group March 2023
Deloitte Insight | Deloitte’s outlook for sports investment in 2023

clubs. In addition, clubs in the National
Women’s Soccer League (NWSL – USA)
and the Women’s Indian Premier League
(WIPL – India) achieved record-setting
valuations. As levels of interest, attendance,
viewership, and media coverage – not
to mention revenues – keeps building,
investor interest will inevitably follow.

Women’s sports offer new investors
an appealing entry point and an
opportunity to achieve attractive
returns. Investors can also engage with a
relatively untapped and growing fanbase
that typically represents a different
demographic to fanbases in men’s
sports. Such an opportunity is likely to
attract new entrants to the sports sector
that, in the short-term, will comprise of
investors that can strategically partner
with women’s sports rights holders to
execute on the segment’s strong growth
tailwinds. As women’s sports continue
to professionalise, commercialise, and
ultimately mature, financial investors are
likely to take note and become more active
in the sector.

A holistic approach to sports investing          Ultimately, attractive returns can be made
As more capital flows into the sports            in the world’s most exciting industry, but
sector, sustainable investment models that       the biggest winners will be those that are
balance financial and operational viability      informed by industry-specific knowledge
with spending on performance are front           and insight which acts as the foundation of
and centre and gaining traction. What’s          their investment and business decisions.
more, new investments are often the              Sports, at the end of the day, will always
trigger to organisational transformation         carry an excitement factor, but that
aimed at driving increased returns               shouldn’t overlook the need for sound and
and success.                                     rational consideration.

Investors must enter the sector in a
conscious and risk-focused manner,
considering all the factors that may impact
their future ability to be responsible
custodians of sport.

Deloitte Insight | Deloitte’s outlook for sports investment in 2023

About Deloitte’s Sports M&A
Advisory and Transaction Support

Deloitte facilitates major global sports transactions; supporting client investment
and providing end-to-end M&A services to create value for private and institutional
investors. Our areas of expertise include:

              M&A strategy                                             Tim Bridge
              Providing early-stage advisory services                  Lead partner, Deloitte Sports
              regarding the potential to make an                       Business Group

              M&A advisory                                             Sam Boor
              Project managing the negotiation and                     Director, Sports M&A Advisory
              execution of acquisitions and divestments,               and Transaction Support
              including deal structure, holding periods      
              and efficient exit periods.

                                                                       Marco D’Elia
              Transaction support                                      Manager, Sports M&A Advisory
              Providing a full range of commercial,                    and Transaction Support
              financial and tax due diligence processes,     
              including transaction implementation
              services such as contractual protections
              and management incentive plans.                          Jenny Haskel
                                                                       Knowledge & Insights lead,
                                                                       Deloitte Sports Business Group
              Post-transaction support                       
              Providing strategic advisory services
              including strategy development, operating
              model review and digital transformation.

Deloitte Insight | Deloitte’s outlook for sports investment in 2023

Deloitte’s Global Sports
M&A Leaders

         Steven Amato               Lakhbir Chhina                           David McCarthy
         New York, USA              Doha, Qatar                              Sydney, Australia           

         Richard Bell               Jeff Harris                              Bimal Modi
         Manchester, UK             Toronto, Canada                          Mumbai, India         

         Sam Boor                   Karsten Hollasch                         Martin Reilly
         London, UK                 Dusseldorf, Germany                      Dublin, Ireland          

         Tim Bridge                 Simon Howard                             James Walton
         Manchester, UK             Madrid, Spain                            Singapore           

         Robin Butteriss            Stefan Ludwig
         Dubai, UAE                 Dusseldorf, Germany

Deloitte Football Money League 2021 |
                                     Top 20 clubs

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