THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited

THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
Table of Contents
• Investing in Bluechip Art                       03
• Problems                                        04
• Why Titan ?                                     05
• Titan Investment                                06
• Assets                                          07
• Titan Ti22                                      17
• Ti22 Token ERC1400 Protocol                     18
• Tokenomics                                      19
• Ti22 Token Distribution                         20
• Sale Process Flow                               21
• Investment Rounds                               22
• Financial Model                                 28
• Titan Projected Profit & Loss Chart             30
• Titan Projected Revenue Chart                   31
• Titan Investment Limited Projected EBIT Chart   32
• Titan Investment Road Map                       33
• Titan Investment Team                           34
• Ecosystem                                       35
• Disclaimer                                      36
THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
Investing in Bluechip Art
Comparison between Art Price & the stock market index.

                                              Art Price 100©           S&P 500

                                                                                                 Reference Link

Blue Chip Art as an asset class has significantly outperformed many major indices S&P 500 over the past 20 Years

THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
Despite the size and attractiveness of fine art as an asset class, only a small group of elite investors
 have had the resources necessary to overcome the obstacles of investing in blue-chip art.

        Problems                                     Tool                                     Solutions
1. NOT EVERYONE CAN OWN A HIGH                                                     1. FRACTIONAL OWNERSHIP ALLOWS
   VALUE ARTWORK:                                                                     EVERYONE TO OWN PART OF A
 • Expensive. Millions & more.                                                        HIGH VALUE ARTWORK.
 • Can only be owned by one person.
 • High barriers to entry.                                                         2. TOKENS ARE EASILY TRADED.
 • Illiquid Asset.                                                                 3. LOWER COST OF OWNING A
 • Only 2% of Fine Arts are traded annually.                                          FINE ART PAINTING ASSET.
 • High Insurance Charges, Storage/                                                4. CAN GENERATE A PROFIT & MULTIPLY
   Transportation Fees, & Valuation Fees.                                            YOUR ROI.
 • High premium Seller/Buyer cost at                                                 ( SEE THE ROI CHART )

THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
Why Titan ?

Titan Investment Ltd. is well-positioned for the following reasons:

   1                                               2                                    3
   Titan’s parent company & Strategic              We have established top-tier         Titan is leveraging part of its own
   Partner ALPHASEED TECHNOLOGY                    partnerships & Joint ventures with   blue-chip proprietary Art portfolio
   LIMITED is a recognized FINTECH                 the likes of Polymath, Equa, Prime   to be tokenized ensuring exclusive
   firm active in the crowdfunding &               Trust, Propel by Deloitte, and       investment opportunities from day
   tokenization space, based in Dubai              Artory.                              one.
   International Financial Center
   (DIFC), Dubai.

THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
Titan Investment
Titan Investment Limited (TITAN) is a limited company by shares, incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (BVI).

TITAN officially owns the title of 2 fine art paintings & a digital art platform (marketplace)
1. Vincent Van Gogh “Ginger Jar Filled with Chrysanthemums”
2. Sir Peter Paul Rubens “Diana Hunting with her Nymphs”
3. ARTEMOS - Art & Collectible Wealth private sales and related asset Tokenization platform.

Titan investment is the only investment platform known to exist that is backed by blue-chip Art assets as well as an art private sales
and Tokenization platform all represented by tokens issued on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a hybrid solution of owning a physical
asset & NFT at the same time.
THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853 - 1890)
OWNED BY   Ginger Jar Filled with Chrysanthemums
TITAN         Deutsch: Ingwertopf mit Chrysantemen

                                            Vincent van Gogh
                                            Ginger Jar Filled with
                                            September, 1885, Neuron / Amsterdam

THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited
• The work of:                                                                                         1900
                                                                                                       Exhibitions of Vincent Van Gogh
 Vincent Van Gogh,                                                                    1904
                                                                        Private Collection of
                                                                                                       painting collections

 one of the most famous & influential                                    H Tutein Nolthenius
                                                                                                       Property of Art Gallery d'Audretsch,
 figures in the history of Western art.
                                                                                      1929             The Hague / Netherlands
                                                                        Private collection of
                                                                          Adrianus Goekoop,
• Owner:                      Titan Investment Limited                  Hague/ Netherlands             1953
                                                                                                       Private collection of
• Value:                      USD 25,000,000                                          1956             J. Duquet Basel/ Switzerland
                                                                        Property of Hammer
• Valuation report date:      January 2021                               Galleries/New York
                                                                                                       American collector
• Examined by:                The Van Gogh Museum                                                      Howard I. Lepow
                              (Label of the museum is still on the                    1979
                                                                     Swiss private collection
                              back of the painting.)                                                   1990
                                                                                                       Exclusive collection of Intl
• Insurance:                  UNIQA Insurance Group AG, Austria.                                       art Stuttgart/Germany
• Storage:                    Int’l Security House Hasenkamp            Private collection of
                              Berlin, Germany.                             Bernd Hergeröder
                                                                                                       Private collection of
                                                                                                       Feras Kiaewe
             Oil on canvas on panel              Painted in
             40 x 29.5 cm                       1885 / 1886                                     2021
                                                                         TITAN is providing an opportunity for everyone
                                                                                   to own part of the artwork.
THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited







             YEAR 0       YEAR 1        YEAR 2   YEAR 3       YEAR 4         YEAR 5    YEAR 6       YEAR 7      YEAR 8      YEAR 9        YEAR 10   YEAR 11

                      Weaver Facing Right 1884     La maison de Vincent à Arles 1888      Pollard Willow 1882       Planteuse des betteraves 1885

THE ART ECOSYSTEM TOKEN - Titan Investment Limited

          Curator Mr. Ulrich Mayer              Dr. Bernhard A. Boehler
         “Scandinavian Fine Art Ltd”                   Art Historian,
       and Lawyer Mr. Bernhard Richter            Int’l Fine Art Advisor,           Examined by the
              “Rechtsanwalt”             Ind. Curator Museum Director (Retd.)     Van Gogh Museum &
                                                 Certified Art Appraiser        the label of the museum
                                               – Member of International           is still on the back
                                            Fine Art Appraisers, New York            of the painting.

OWNED BY      Diana Hunting with her Nymphs

                                                 Sir Peter Paul Rubens
                                                 Diana Hunting with her Nymphs

                                                 1636 , the Torre de la Parada

• The work of:                                                                                                   1636
                                                                                             Commissioned by King Philip IV of Spain
 Sir Peter Paul Rubens,                                                                                                 1661
                                                                                                                        King Charles II of Spain
 the most influential artist of the
 Flemish Baroque tradition.                                                             King Philip V of Spain
                                                                                                                        King Ferdinand VI of Spain
• Owner:                       Titan Investment Limited                                     Joseph Bonaparte,

• Value:                       USD 35,000,000
                                                                         Older brother of Napoleon Bonaparte.           1838
                                                                                                                        Alexander Baring, 1st Baron Ashburton
• Valuation report date:       2019                                                                    1866             London
                                                                                Francis Denzil Edward Baring,
                                                                                 5th Baron Ashburton, London            1907
• Exhibited:                   The Louvre, Sotheby’s & Christie’s.                                                      Asher Wertheimer, London
• Insurance:                   Lloyd's of London.
                                                                                   Benjamin Thaw, Pittsburgh
• Storage:                     Sotheby’s, London, UK.                                                                   Owen Smith, purchased at Christie’s Auction.
• The extremely horizontal composition is one of the
                                                                                   Mrs E. Hugh Smith, London
  peculiarities of this work, which belongs to an important sect of                                                     1989
                                                                                                                        Don Carlos Porras Munoz,
  sketches made by Rubens for the pictorial decoration of the Torre de                                 2017             purchased at Christie’s Auction.
  la Parada.It is to a royal commission and has a superior, royal            NorthCapital Fine Arts, Denmark
  provenance.                                                                                                           2018
                                                                                                                        ISN Consulting GmbH, Denmark
               Oil on canvas                        Painted in             Private collection of Feras Kiaewe

               183 x 386 cm                         1636 / 1638                                                  2021
                                                                                          TITAN is providing an opportunity for everyone
                                                                                                    to own part of the artwork.                                 12











              YEAR 0       YEAR 1         YEAR 2         YEAR 3         YEAR 4          YEAR 5         YEAR 6        YEAR 7         YEAR 8         YEAR 9       YEAR 10

                  Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman 1620            The massacre of the innocents 1612            Nude Study of Young Man with Raised Arms 1608



TITAN                                                        Digital Art Platform
           ARTEMOS is a next-generation digital marketplace for transacting, tokenizing, and monetizing art & collectible wealth & NFT globally.

           With complete price transparency and seamless online trading experience for fine artworks and collectibles, ARTEMOS offers clients
           access to prized gallery inventory, with many artworks coming directly from the artist’s studio & important private art collections.

           Artemos Art Tokenization & Marketplace
           E-commerce & Marketplace Services
           Asset Ownership:
           Titan Investment limited
           Cumulative EBIT Artemos:
           $ 45,159,345
           Circa. Value @ 5Y:
           Yearly ROI:
           Cumulative 5Y ROI:
Titan Token Introduction

Ti22 tokens are designed to reflect the investment ecosystem of Titan investment.
In particular, holders of Ti22 tokens will receive a boost on the appreciation of the two art asset holdings, Vincent Van Gogh & Sir
Paul Peter Rubens. The boost will be reflected in the performance of ARTEMOS, and Art Sales and Tokenization Marketplace.

By Purchasing Ti22 tokens, Titan holders will be able to take advantage of the global trend of asset digitalization and fast track their
way to generate further wealth.
Ti22 Token ERC1400 Protocol

Titan Invest limited token offering is built on the Ethereum Blockchain utilizing Ethereum protocol ERC1400
ERC1400 enforces regulation for Security Tokens by applying jurisdictional laws from across the globe. It can even apply offchain data to
transactions to include necessary real-world input and authorization. With these elements engineered into your Security Token smart contract,
issuers experience:

  1                                    2                                     3                                       4
INCREASED                             STREAMLINED DUE                       EXPANDED RANGE OF                      IMPROVED USER
TRANSPARENCY :                        DILIGENCE :                           SUPPORTED ASSETS:                      EXPERIENCE:
The ability to reverse, force,        Standardization ensures that          Support for a broad range of           Investors can easily
and check the status of               stakeholders like exchanges           current and new financial              understand why traders fail
transfers makes the journey           and custodians no longer              assets such as publicly-traded         and what’s needed to remain
of tokens totally transparent.        have the onus to complete             equity & bonds, real estate, or        compliant.
                                      technical due diligence prior         artwork, etc.
                                      to onboarding the asset.

 Token Name                         Titan
 Token Symbol                       Ti22
 Blockchain                         Ethereum
 Token Standard                     ERC1400
 Token Type                         Equity
 Total Token Supply                 1,250,000
 Token Price ($)                    56
 Hard Cap ($)                       70 Mil
 Seed Circulating Supply            2% of total token supply ( 25,000 Ti22 )
 Seed Cap ($)                       1,400,000
 Seed Discount                      50%
 Early Community Token Allocation   8% of total token supply ( 100,000 Ti22 )
 Early Community Cap ($)            5,600,000
 Early Community Discount           12%
 Public Listing Token Allocation    39% of total token supply ( 487,500 Ti22 )
 Public Listing Cap ($)             27,300,000

                                 10%   15%

                              49%      26%

     Tokens for Sale      Treasury           Team   Founders


       Sign SSA                                    Transfer of Tokens                              Share Certificate
 Share Agreement between                            Titan Investment BVI sends                     Equa Cap Table Management
    Titan Investment BVI                           the tokens to investor wallet                     sends a share certificate
 and the investor, is signed.                                                                            to the investor

            01                                                 03                                             05

                                  02                                              04
                                Payment                                     Release of Funds
                                Wire transfer to                              Release of funds from
                                custodian (BSA)                          custodian to Titan Investment BVI

                                                       Sir Peter Paul Rubens
                                                       Diana Hunting with her Nymphs

                                                       1636 , the Torre de la Parada

 Vincent van Gogh
 Ginger Jar Filled with
 September, 1885, Neuron / Amsterdam

                                        DIGITAL ART PLATFORM

Opportunity to
  ROUND 1 Seed Investors                                                  own shares in 2 Artworks &
                                                                            1 Digital Art Platform
                       Private Sale for Seed Investors
                                                                                                                 1 Token = $28
• Token value: $56
• Seed Investors Discount: 50%
  $28 instead of $56
• Limited Quantity Tokens
  25,000 tokens out of 1.25Mil = 2% of total token supply.          Offering
                                                                   2% shares
                                                             of Van Gogh Painting
• Minimum tokens to purchase - 50 tokens                      & Sir Peter Rubens
                                                                   Painting +
                                                             1 Digital Art Platform
• Start date - 02/04/2021    | End date - 01/05/2021
                                                                   1 Token = Ownership in 2 Artworks & 1 Digital Art Platform
Opportunity to
  ROUND 2 Early Community                                                   own shares in 2 Artworks &
                                                                              1 Digital Art Platform
                       Private Sale for Early Investors
                                                                                                                   1 Token = $48
• Token value - $56
• Early Investors Discount: 14%
  $48 instead of $56
• Limited tokens for sale
  100,000 tokens out of 1.25Mil. = 8% of total token supply.          Offering
                                                                     8% shares
                                                               of Van Gogh Painting
• Minimum tokens to purchase - 50 tokens                        & Sir Peter Rubens
                                                                     Painting +
                                                               1 Digital Art Platform
• Start date - 02/05/2021     | End date - 01/06/2021
                                                                     1 Token = Ownership in 2 Artworks & 1 Digital Art Platform
Opportunity to
  ROUND 3 Public                                                             own shares in 2 Artworks &
                                                                               1 Digital Art Platform

                                                                                                                    1 Token = $56
• Token value - $56
• NO Discount
• Limited tokens for sale
  125,000 tokens out of 1.25Mil. = 10% of total token supply.          Offering
                                                                     10% shares
                                                                of Van Gogh Painting
• Minimum tokens to purchase - 50 tokens                         & Sir Peter Rubens
                                                                      Painting +
                                                                1 Digital Art Platform
• Start date - 02/06/2021     | End date - 01/09/2021
                                                                      1 Token = Ownership in 2 Artworks & 1 Digital Art Platform
Opportunity to
                                                                             own shares in 2 Artworks &
                                                                               1 Digital Art Platform
  ROUND 4 Public
                                                                                                          1 Token = $66

• Token value - $56
• Projected Price:

• Limited Quantity tokens for sale                                     Offering
                                                                     10% shares
                                                                of Van Gogh Painting
  125,000 tokens out of 1.25Mil. = 10% of total token supply.    & Sir Peter Rubens
                                                                      Painting +
• Minimum tokens to purchase - 50 tokens                        1 Digital Art Platform

                                                                                           A          B             C

• Start date - 02/09/2021     | End date - 01/01/2022                                    ARTEMOS Platform goes LIVE
                                                                                               with 1st Sales.
Opportunity to
                                                                          own shares in 2 Artworks &
                                                                            1 Digital Art Platform
  ROUND 5 Public
                                                                                                             1 Token = $86

• Token value - $56
• selling at $86 minimum
  Projected price of token can be much higher according to
  ARTEMOS business model & paintings appreciation value.
• Limited Quantity tokens for sale                                19% shares
                                                             of Van Gogh Painting
  19% tokens of total tokens supply                           & Sir Peter Rubens
                                                                   Painting +
                                                             1 Digital Art Platform
• Minimum tokens to purchase - 50 tokens                                                       A         B          C

• Start date - 02/01/2022
                                                                                      D        E         F          G          H
                               | End date - 01/03/2022
                                                                                      ARTEMOS Platform entering growth phase
Financial Model ( 5 Offering Rounds )                                                      $86
                                 $56               $56                   $56                  ROUND 5
            Price Per Token
                                                                                  ROUND 4
                                ROUND 1           ROUND 2               ROUND 3


            Discount Offered     50%                14%

           Token Investment                        $48
                Amount ROI

                                 April              May                  June     September   January
                                 2021               2021                 2021        2021      2022
Token Trading / Exit Strategy             Ti22 Token Exchange Listing

Titan has planned a number of
options for its Exit Strategy:
1. Outright sales of assets in
   FY25 as described.
   2. Entertaining Acquisition offering
      from 3rd parties.
     3. Further expansion into an art fund.

Titan Projected Profit & Loss Chart

               Total Gross Margin              Total Operating Expenses                Earning before Interest & Tax (EBIT)

                                                                                                              $109,107,342 $108,124,326



               $22,244,400             $22,498,751             $1,853,062                $2,761,117

                    $1,551,390              $1,064,296              $948,911                    $965,965                 $983,015
                         $20,693,010             $21,434,455                $904,151                  $1,795,152

                      FY2021                  FY2022                 FY2023                      FY2024                   FY2025

Titan Projected Revenue Chart







                              FY2021               FY2022                 FY2023                 FY2024             FY2025
Revenue of Token Sales      $20,750,000          $20,425,000                $-                      $-                 $-
Placement Fee @ 5%          $1,037,500           $1,021,250                 $-                      $-                 $-
Management Fee @ 1.5%        $315,000             $639,450               $800,415               $1,010,111         $1,286,551
Artemos Gross Revenue        $141,900             $413,051              $1,052,647              $1,751,006         $2,779,790
Assets Sale at Y2025            $-                   $-                     $-                      $-            $105,041,000

  Revenue of Token Sales      Placement Fee@5%            Management Fee@1.5%        Total Operating Expenses   Assets Sale @Y2025

Titan Investment Limited Projected EBIT Chart





               $20,693,010   $21,434,455
                                           $904,151   $1,795,152
                 FY2021        FY2022      FY2023      FY2024        FY2025

TITAN INVESTMENT ROAD MAP                                        - Titan Investment Limited Legal & Compliance Infrastructure is set up
                                                    Q4             - Titan Investment Platform Alpha V1 Launch
                                                                   - Artemos Art And Tokenization platform Alpha V1 Launch
- Titan investment Limited legally acquires         2020
                                                                   - Artemos releases its white paper
  the two Artworks and the Art Platform
- Titan Investment releases its white paper
- Titan Investment Private Sale offering launched

                                                                   - Artemos Planned Beta testing
                                      Q1                           - Titan Marketing & PR Campaign
                                      2021          Q2             - Filing for Public Offering

                                                                                               2021       - Artemos Platform Launch
                                                                                                          - Artemos Marketing
- Post public sale Marketing & PR Campaign                                                                  & PR Campaign
                                                                                                          - Asset Tokenization launch on
- Portfolio Management Expansion
  & Implementation                                                                                          Artemos Platform
- Expand Titan Operations                                   2021

                                                                                    - Titan Public Sale launch Secondary market
                                                                                    - Marketing & PR campaign during public sale
                                                                                    - Expand Artemos Client & offering base
                                                                                      (Artists, Physical & Digital, & NFT’s)
Titan Investment Team

   Feras Kiaewe           Marwan Khaddour            Jaafar Daher      Haytham Chehabeddine       Walid Moneimne                Jimmy Houla
Chief Executive Officer   Chief Operation Officer      Co-Founder          General Manager              Advisor                  Legal Advisor

   Nassim Nasr                Majd Khanji           Aksinia Zaytseva      Natalya Bertosh          Stanislav Basko           Ilona Astrouskaya
  Marketing Director      Chief Marketing Officer    Project Manager      Advisor (CIS Team)   Product Manager (CIS Team)   Legal Advisor (CIS Team)


• This presentation is intended for informational purposes only and to present Ti22 Tokens to potential holders of Ti22. The information below may not be
exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. The sole purpose of this presentation is to provide relevant and reasonable
information in order to enable a thorough analysis of the company and Ti22 Token.

• Ti22 Token is speculative and involves a high degree of risk and uncertainty. This document is a marketing document and is not intended to be legally binding.
Nothing in this document shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus of any sort or a solicitation for investment, nor does it in any way pertain to an offering
or a solicitation of an offer to buy (or sell) any investments in any jurisdiction and should not be construed as such. The information in this document does not
constitute a recommendation for any person to purchase Ti22 Token.

• Certain statements contained in this document may constitute forward-looking statements or speak for future events or plans. Such forward-looking
statements or information involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual events to differ materially. No reliance should be
placed on any such forward-looking statements or information.

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