Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System

Page created by Judith Santiago
Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
delicious meals for
               patients and a smarter
                        service for you

apetito Plated Meals System
Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
Welcome to our new plated meals system

                                                      helping you bring premium hospital
                                                      catering to your patients
                                                      At apetito we’re proud to introduce our new plated meals system, a flexible offering
                                                      that gives your patients an à la carte dining experience, reduces wastage and delivers
                                                      significant cost savings.

                                                               reduce wastage                         improve ward                             enhance recovery
                                                      During these times of austerity and
                                                                                                      efficiency                       Food plays a key role in aiding
                                                      government spending cuts,               The simple-to-operate system             patient recovery, making it vital they
                                                      running an efficient service is more    eliminates room for error, ensuring      can receive the meal of their choice.
                                                      important than ever before.             your patients receive a hot, tasty and   On high turnaround wards such as
                                                      That’s why we’ve developed a new        well-presented meal every time.          Maternity and Admissions, patients
                                                      range of plated meals to complement     Developed for acute hospital settings    have often been transferred to
“We’re passionate about delivering delicious food.   our multi-portion bulk system.          where stays are typically around         another ward before their meal
  Our new plated meals system is a perfect way        By storing food at ward level, the
                                                                                              three days, the individual portioned     arrives. This means that the next
                                                                                                                                       patient is offered a meal they have
  to serve tasty and perfectly presented meals,       service enables you to quickly
                                                                                              meals mean you only cook exactly
                                                                                                                                       not ordered, and may go to waste as
                                                                                              what’s required.
  every time. It means your patients can enjoy hot,   regenerate meals and for your                                                    a result.
                                                      patients to order closer to meal
  nutritious meals complete with an à la carte        times, so they are unlikely to have
                                                                                              Not only does this alleviate the need    The new plated meals system from
                                                                                              for complex menu collation and the
  dining experience they’ll love.”                    been discharged before the meal         picking and packing associated with
                                                                                                                                       apetito offers the perfect solution
                                                      arrives. The result? Delicious dishes                                            to this problem. Our dishes are
                                                                                              a bulk system, but it can deliver        specially designed to give you
Phil Rimmer                                           your patients will enjoy, reduced       significant labour savings, while the    excellent results in a minimum
Head Development Chef                                 wastage and a leaner, more              short time from order to service         amount of time, so patients can
apetito                                               cost-effective service for you.         enables you to provide a flexible        select their own meal.
                                                                                              service to your patients.

                                                       For wards such as oncology where appetites can be affected by treatment,
                                                       our plated meals can also provide an ideal, on-demand, out-of-hours mealtime
                                                       solution, so patients can order what they feel like, when they feel hungry.

                                                                                                                                       our trials have shown
                                                                                                                                       with the apetito plated
                                                                                                                                       system, a ward of
                                                                                                                                       28 patients can be fed
                                                                                                                                       in just 35 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                    Fish Pie
                                                                                                                                           Smoked haddock and white fish
                                                                                                                                           cooked in a white sauce, topped
                                                                                                                                           with sauté potatoes, served with
                                                                                                                                                    mashed potato, carrots
                                                                                                                                                          and green beans
Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
How the system works

introducing a new,                                                                                               turn mealtime on its head -
flexible meals system                                                                                            in five easy steps
Warm china plates for a
restaurant-style experience
                                         Ready to serve in as
                                         little as 5 minutes
                                                                                unlike our competitors,
Unlike our competitors, whose meals      Our innovative upside-down cooking     we’ve sourced plates
are often served on a plastic liner,
the great benefit of our new service
                                         method and compartmentalised PET
                                         trays make sure each meal is           that are specifically                 step 1
is that it enables patients to enjoy
tasty, nutritious meals on warmed
                                         well-presented every time. All you
                                         need to do is remove the film, turn    designed to conduct                   Remove selected meal from freezer
china plates, just as they would at
home or in a restaurant.
                                         over the plate and in minutes you’ll
                                         have an attractive meal that’s ready   and distribute heat
It’s not just the china plate that
                                         to serve.
                                                                                evenly for optimum                    step 2
creates a restaurant-style experience,
however. Every meal in our new
                                         A plateful of flavour
                                         The use of our china plate and
                                                                                cooking results and                   Remove film, select your china plate
range has been created by
award-winning Head Chef,
Phil Rimmer, so your patients can
                                         specially designed meal tray
                                         ensures excellent presentation
                                                                                maximum enjoyment                     and place on top of the tray
                                         and encourages patients to eat.
expect delicious flavours whatever,
                                         The plate has been designed to
and whenever, they order.
                                         conduct and distribute heat evenly
                                         for optimum cooking results.
                                         The cooking method gently steams
                                                                                                                      step 3
                                                                                                                      Turn over the tray and plate
                                         the vegetables, retaining great
                                         colours and an al dente texture.

                                                                                                                      step 4
                                                                                                                      Cook using your preferred
                                                                                                                      method of regeneration

                                                                                                                      step 5
                                                                                                                      Remove the tray to reveal a perfectly
                                                                                                                      presented meal on a warmed plate

                                                                                              Sausage & Mash
                                                                                        Two plump sausages in
                                                                                       onion gravy served with
                                                                                       mashed potato and peas
Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
New plated meals range

                                                                                                                      your patients can choose
choose from a wide                                                                                                    restaurant-style service
range of delicious dishes                                                                                             in the hospital ward
                                                                                          eat better, feel better
We understand that your patients are individuals, which is why
we offer a delicious range of meals to suit every taste.

A meal for every mood                    Meeting dietary needs
We currently offer 20 main meal          As well as being nutritionally
choices and a selection of tempting      balanced to aid patient recovery,
hot desserts. Our attractively           our meals meet Health of the
designed à la carte menus enable         Nation Guidelines, Dietitian’s Toolkit
patients to select from traditional      and CQC Standards and are suitable
favourites such as Roast Beef &          for many special diets. This includes
Gravy and Shepherds Pie right            diabetic, gluten free, vegetarian and
through to contemporary classics like    energy dense. We also offer a
Spicy Bean Casserole and Sweet &         selection of Healthier Choice options.
Sour Chicken. And we’re not stopping
there either; our team is committed to
continuously finding ways to improve
and expand the range.
                                                                                         Printed menus with your
                                                                                           hospital’s branding are
                      “Our à la carte menu has been specially                          available for use on wards
                        designed to provide patients with
                        more choice. In our experience, the                                                 BELOW
                        ability to order closer to mealtimes                                      All Day Breakfast
                        and to receive the meal of your choice                     Pork sausage, back bacon rasher
                        ensures reduced wastage and enhanced                      and omelette, served with baked
                                                                                   beans and crispy diced potatoes
                        rates of recovery.”
                                                                                          Bread & Butter Pudding
                       Sue Baic MSc RD Consultant Dietitian                                         with Custard

                                                                                                                                                 Roast Chicken Breast with Stuffing
                                                                                                                                                        Served with roast potatoes,
                                                                                                                                                    green beans, carrots and gravy.
Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
LEFT    Our customer service
                                                                                                          Lamb Hotpot
                                                                                           Tender lamb pieces in sauce
                                                                                           topped with sauté potatoes,
                                                                                      served with mashed potatoes, and
                                                                                       a mix of peas, swede and carrots

                                                                                  “I introduced the service
                                                                                                                          serving up all the support you need
                                                                               across two 28-bed general
                                                                          surgical wards, with impressive                 At apetito, we’re committed to delivering excellent customer service, without
                                                                          results. The system is consistent               exception. We understand that meeting patient needs and ensuring maximum
                                                                      and meals look and taste fantastic.                 cost-efficiency is a difficult balancing act, so we do everything we can to make
                                                                        With just two hostesses working                   your job that little bit easier. This means providing support from the outset –
                                                                 together to create a streamlined service,                and being there for you every step of the way.
                                                               food wastage was reduced between 8-10%,
                                                             with projected labour savings in the region
                                                                                                                          Setting up your new service             Continuous support                       A business you can count on
                                                            of £100,000 a year in a 200 bed site. The newly                                                       and development
                                                         added flexibility of using Falcon ovens can only                 When you choose our plated meals                                                 When selecting a food and
                                                             improve a great system – try it for yourself!”               system, we will prepare a clear plan    You’re never alone with apetito.         catering partner, you need to
                                                                                                                          for setting up your service and         Every member of our team is              know the company has the strength
                                                                                                                          supporting you and your patients.       committed to offering you support        required to continue satisfying your
Regeneration methods                                                       Billy Cunningham NHS Catering Strategist
                                                                                                                          You will be assigned a dedicated        whenever you need it. This means         requirements over the long term.
                                                                                                                          Training and Operations Manager,        establishing an open relationship        As a vertically integrated global
                                                                                                                          who will meet you and your staff        from day one, listening to your views,   leader with over ¤700 million
                                                                                                                          to explain how everything works.        sharing best practice and continuously   turnover worldwide and more than

providing the very best                                                                                                   Getting you started
                                                                                                                          We want to ensure your move to
                                                                                                                                                                  seeking to enhance your service.
                                                                                                                                                                  If you ever need any support or help,
                                                                                                                                                                  all you need to do is pick up the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           1,200 UK staff, we pursue a philosophy
                                                                                                                                                                                                           of ongoing investment to continually
                                                                                                                                                                                                           grow our market share. This means

regeneration systems for your wards                                                                                       apetito is a smooth one. So for the
                                                                                                                          first few days, we will be on site to
                                                                                                                          monitor the service, ensuring
                                                                                                                          everything runs smoothly and
                                                                                                                                                                  phone or drop us an email.               we have the resources and resilience
                                                                                                                                                                                                           to provide the services you need today,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           tomorrow and for years to come.

                                                                                                                          pinpointing any further help you        “We do our utmost to provide you with quality products
We appreciate the need to provide catering systems which are flexible                                                     may need.                                 and a world-class service. And if you don’t always receive
enough to meet the needs of various ward environments.                                                                    From using the regeneration               the very best from us, we’ll listen to your feedback and
                                                                                                                          equipment, to achieving that perfect      act quickly to make sure you’re completely satisfied.”
                                                                                                                          meal presentation, our team will
That’s why when it comes to our plated meals apetito offer a range of                                                     make sure everyone at ward level         Emma Lloyd Team Leader
different regeneration options.                                                                                           understands the system.                  Customer Relations
By partnering with several equipment suppliers we are able to provide a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Shepherds Pie
regeneration method which meets the needs of each ward – be it large
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Traditional mashed potato
or small, emergency admissions or short stay.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         topped pie served with
To discover the best solution for you, we suggest that you arrange a                                                                                                                                                            peas and carrots
meeting with a member of our Healthcare Team who will be happy to
visit your site and discuss your specific requirements. Our regeneration
options include:
                                                                                                                          National Business Award
                                                                                                                          for customer focus.
The iWave is ideal for wards with a particularly high patient turnaround
and for on-demand dining. The built-in barcode scanner and temperature                                                    Last year, apetito was awarded a National Business
probe ensure that every meal is cooked to the highest standard in just                                                    Award for Customer Focus. This was given in
5-7 minutes.                                                                                                              recognition of our continued dedication to service,
Falcon                                                                                                                    innovation and quality. We are extremely proud of
                                                                                                                          this achievement, and believe that our new plated
The Falcon oven will enable meals to be served within one hour of
ordering. The oven, which is digitally programmed, holds up to 10 meals                                                   meals system is another step in providing our
offering a simple-to-operate catering solution which provides optimum                                                     customers with the best products and service possible.
results every time.
Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
 the new
 apetito plated
 meals system

experience the benefits of our
plated meals system for yourself
To see how apetito’s plated meals system can benefit you                            BELOW
and your patients, why not book a Taste Test? We can come                   Vegetable Curry
                                                            Spicy vegetable and quorn curry
to your premises to show you and your staff just how
                                                             served with yellow rice and an
delicious and enticing our food can be.                                         onion bhaji
To book your free Taste Test or to find out more
about how our system can bring a restaurant-inspired
dining experience to your ward:
Call: 01225 756071

Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
why choose apetito?                                                                                           Winning awards
                                                                                                               year after year

Launched over 50 years ago, apetito is a global                                                                              2005
organisation that leads the way in quality                                                        The Queen’s Award for Enterprise
                                                                                                                     – Innovation
frozen food and catering solutions.
Our market-leading position is a result of our                                            PWC West of England Business of the Year
advanced catering systems, online services,                                                                                 2007
accredited on site laboratories, continual                                                      FDF Community Partnership Awards
innovation, and ability to adapt to your
individual needs. We’re also proud that our hard                                                                              2008
work, commitment and continual innovation                                                        National Business Awards National
has been recognised in awards year after year.                                                       Finalists & Regional Winners –
                                                                                        Innovation & Corporate Social Responsibility
So, whatever your requirements, you can trust
apetito to deliver the perfect blend of quality,
                                                                                                       Franchise Marketing Awards
flavour, price and service.
                                                                                 Big Tick – Business in the Community, Talent Award
                                                                                                   National Business Awards South
                                                                                                                 – Customer Focus
                                                                                               RoSPA – Gold Award for Occupational
                                                                                                                   Health & Safety
                                                                                           Craft Guild of Chefs Award – Phil Rimmer,
                                                                                                       Development Chef of the Year
                                                                                                Catey – Sustainable Business Award
                                                                                         National Business Award – Customer Focus
                                                                                          Food Manufacturing Excellence Awards –
                                                                               Company of the Year & Food Manufacturer of the Year
                                                                                               RoSPA – Gold Award for Occupational
                                                                                                                   Health & Safety
                                                                                      National Business Award Finalist – Innovation
                                                                                            National Business of the Year – Finalists

Front cover image: Meatballs and Pasta
This brochure provides general information about our products and services.
You should always seek further advice on any particular issue or requirement
you might have. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the
information contained in this brochure, we do not accept any responsibility
for any inaccuracies or errors which might be contained in it.

apetito Ltd. Canal Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8RJ
T. 01225 756071 F. 01225 777084
Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System Delicious meals for patients and a smarter service for you - apetito Plated Meals System
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