Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy

Page created by Ryan Ingram
Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
Defined by Aviation.
Safety First. Safety Always.
Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
W E P R O V I D E T H E F U L L L I F E - C YC L E O F S E R V I C E S ,
Tisdall Aviation Group brings together a market-leading stable of aviation organisations with a broad range of services that
include: MROs, providing Part 145 and GA maintenance, charter and FBO operations, and RTOs providing CASA approved
pilot and engineer training and licencing. Today, it symbolises three multi-disciplinary divisions dedicated to safe flight.

Our charter and brokerage arm provides Australia-   Bringing together the turbine specialist    Tisdall Aviation Group’s education offering
wide private flight, with an extensive Beechcraft   Part 145 certified Pulse Aero, with our     delivers a unique portfolio of training, from PPL to
and Cirrus fleet. Further, we offer Fixed Base      general aviation MRO, Flight Maintenance    commercial pilot licencing, plus an Australian-first
Operation services, charter brokerage and           Australia, we provide a comprehensive       engineer training package designed to deliver
hospitality facilities.                             repair, maintenance and overhaul service.   outstanding young engineers into the sector.

Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
                                                                                   T H E B E S T O F A U S T R A L I A’ S
                                                                                   AV I A T I O N I N D U S T R Y.
                                                                                   Tisdall Aviation Group prides itself above all, on its
                                                                                   people - choosing the best and most experienced
                                                                                   leaders from Australia’s aviation industry.
        Q A N TAS AV E N U E, A R C H E R F I E L D A I R P O R T

                                                                                   For more than a decade, the Tisdall Aviation Group has been servicing the
                                                                                   Australian aviation industry as a safety-first, compliance-oriented operator and
                                                                                   holder of multiple Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and Australian Skills
                                                                                   Quality Authority (ASQA) approvals.

                                                                                   Within our group you can expect to find people enthusiastically embracing the
                                                                                   future of global aviation - guided by safety and driven by passion.

                                                                                   Headquartered at Brisbane’s Archerfield Airport, the group’s dynamic national
                                                                                   folio of capabilities includes domestic and international pilot training, engineer
                                                                                   training and licencing, a nation-wide network of examination centres, aircraft
                                                                                   maintenance operations, charter operations and FBO services.

                                                                                   With an underpinning philosophy of transparency and a clear focus on customer
                                                                                   service, Tisdall Aviation Group is continuing to evolve as a significant, credible
                                                                                   force in Australia’s aviation industry.

                                         CHARTER                    CIRRUS TRAINING                REPAIR & OVERHAUL                        ENGINEER TRAINING

SERVICE PORTFOLIO                        SIGHTSEEING                BROKERAGE                      PA R T 14 5 M A I N T E N A N C E        COMMERCIAL PILOT TRAINING

                                         PRI VAT E H I RE           FBO SERVICES                   INDUSTRY SERVICES & RPL                  AVIATION M ANAGEME NT
Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
DOMESTIC STUDENT GUIDE                 V1.7

MEA40618 - Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Avionics)     MEA50118 - Diploma of Aeroskills (Avionics)
MEA40718 - Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Mechanical)   MEA50219 - Diploma of Aeroskills (Mechanical)

                                                                                                       A PROUD MEMBER OF
Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
    Flight One Academy strives to be a leader                              HIGH DEMAND
    in the international aviation training industry,                       By 2025, there will be an estimated 30% global workforce shortfall in
                                                                           aircraft maintenance capacity, with Australia and the Asia Pacific region
    delivering quality graduates with leading skills.                      particularly hard hit.

    Enabling Commerce
    Maintenance engineers fix and service aircraft to ensure
    that commercial and private fleets stay safe in the skies
                                                                           $84 BN INDUSTRY
    around the world. Aviation enables modern commerce                     Global third party maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) has grown
    across industries such as transport and logistics, tourism,            into a AUD 84.4 billion industry. Its cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR)
    travel, and health and safety; each requiring reliable, safe           is expected to be 4.1% over next 10 years, taking it past $AU 100 billion
    aircraft.                                                              around 2024.

    Facilities & Training
    Flight One Academy School of Engineering training                      TRAINING DEMAND
    facilities are co-located at Archerfield airport along side
                                                                           With the future of commercial and government aircraft and services
    our aircraft repair facility, Flight Maintenance Australia.
                                                                           increasingly being focused on technology and data services to drive
    Our training staff (including former civilian and military             smarter business decisions, and improve the commercial passenger
    engineers, and a university physics professor) are aided               experience, industry demands high-quality graduates with the latest
    by a host of relevant training aids and access to live
                                                                           theoretical and practical knowledge to drive growth. 4
    maintenance operations and personnel.

       $3.1 TN                           93,000                            10,900                                    60MN
       Boeing expects the support        people are employed in            people are employed across                60 million passengers
       and services 10-year served       Australia across the sub-         the Maintenance Repair &                  moved annually across
       market to be worth $3.1           sectors of domestic and           Overhaul (MRO) operations                 Australia, coupled with
       trillion between 2019 and         international commercial          in Australia, with annualised             more than 1 million tonnes
       2028, growing at an average       aviation, general aviation, air   revenue forecast to rise                  of international air freight
       annual rate of 3.5 percent. 3     freight and aviation support      2.7% in 2022/2023 due to                  traffic. 1
                                         infrastructure.   2
                                                                           fleet upgrade demand.    2

6 | ASQA RTO 45165 | CASA.147 MTO.0048
Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
Flight One Academy is a Queensland-based
Registered Training Organisation specialising
in the delivery of quality aviation training.

Significant Experience
For over 10 years Flight One, based at Archerfield Airport
in Brisbane, has serviced the Australian aviation industry
as a well-regarded Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)
approved charter company and pilot training centre.

Our experienced aeronautical team is well placed to
provide you with a seamless learning experience. Our core
values reflect a desire to be client-focused, accountable,
team-oriented and success-driven, or CATS for short. We
are confident you will find in us a willing and supportive
group of friendly team members.

Industry Integrated Training
Flight One Academy is a proud part of the Tisdall Aviation
Group of companies. We have the unique capacity to                 Engineering is one of the most fascinating,
introduce our trainees to a learning environment enriched          rewarding and engaging career paths, requiring
by genuine integration with real industry operations.              skills crucial to enabling global commerce, and one
                                                                   that can take you across the world maintaining
Our Engineering students all gain valuable experience              fleets for commercial, military and private
through direct contact with Flight Maintenance Australia           operators.
and Pulse Aero - our Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul
(MRO) operations. Similarly, our pilot trainees are                Working on aircraft is for people who like problem-
immersed on a daily basis in our Charter operation, Flight         solving, working with their hands, and working in a
One, supported by our FBO service, Contrails.                      disciplined team-driven environment. As a student
                                                                   and graduate, you will have the opportunity to
                                                                   disassemble aircraft engines, rebuild instruments,
Experienced Trainers
                                                                   and fully grasp the fundamentals of flight.
Flight One Academy was created in response to increasing
demand for delivery of high quality, nationally recognised         For those people who are passionate and inspired
aviation training. In 2019, we launched the Academy’s              by aircraft engineering, my academic team and I are
engineering school, a high quality aircraft maintenance            prepared to dedicate ourselves to developing the
engineer training centre, giving us the unique capability          theoretical and practical knowledge you require to
to conduct both pilot and engineer training in one training        become a quality candidate.
                                                                   At Flight One Academy, we want to give our
                                                                   graduates the greatest potential to succeed in this
CASA and ASQA Approved Training
                                                                   dynamic industry, to get out and earn a living as a
Nationally recognized training meets strict quality                quality, safety-focused engineer.
assurance measures, and is recognized under the
Australian Qualifications Framework. Flight One Academy            I have dedicated my life to my passion for aircraft
is approved by the Australian Skills Quality Authority             engineering and to training the next generation
(ASQA) to deliver a range of formal qualifications that can        of engineers. I cannot wait to have you join us on
support your career aspirations. Flight One Academy is             campus, and start your career journey with us.
also privileged to hold approval from the Australian Civil
Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to deliver both Aircraft          Welcome to Flight One Academy,
Engineer and Commercial Pilot training.

Flight One Academy is based at Archerfield Airport, located just
                                                                   Andrew Barnes
20 minutes out of Brisbane’s central business district.            Head of School
224 Qantas Avenue, Archerfield Airport, QLD, 4108                  School of Engineering

E |

P | 07 3123 7300

Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
Certificate IV in Aeroskills

    Certificate IV in Aeroskills is becoming the standard ‘baseline’ qualification to gain employment as an aircraft
    maintenance engineer in Australia and includes all the fundamental skills to safely work on aircraft.

    What is Aircraft Engineering?                                                           Delivery
    As a graduate engineer from Flight One Academy, you will                                Flight One Academy offers industry driven, contemporary
    have the knowledge and skills to start your career, with the                            aircraft engineering programmes with integrated theory and
    option to gain qualifications across the mechanical and/or                              practical training to ensure that students are job ready.
    avionics aircraft engineering disciplines. The scope of work
    is incredibly diverse, working on everything from massive                               Our students enjoy the flexibility of being able to choose the
    jets to private planes. Plus, you can work in almost any                                Mechanical Stream, the Avionics Stream, or both.
    location - from the biggest cities, to the smallest outback
                                                                                            Training is conducted at our Archerfield Airport workshop,
                                                                                            which is equipped with professional aircraft engineering
    With most commercial aircraft ‘cycling’ multiple times a                                tools, a wide range of industry mechanical and electronic
    day, the airframe, avionics, and mechanical components                                  training aids and supplies, as well as access to real world
    need to be inspected and maintained at regular intervals,                               aircraft and engines.
    with even the smallest components being tracked,
    checked, and repaired when necessary. When things
    don’t go as planned, these engineers are tasked with                                           Mechanical Specialisation
    troubleshooting complex issues across the fuel, hydraulic                                      You will predominantly carry out examinations,
    and propulsion systems, to help airlines keep to complex                                       maintenance and repairs of the mechanical
    schedules.                                                                                     components of aircraft such as gas turbine,
    Why Certificate IV?                                                                            jet and piston engines, frames, hydraulic,
                                                                                                   pneumatic, fuel and other associated systems.
    Certificate IV in Aeroskills is regarded as the minimum level
    of qualification to gain work as an Aircraft Maintenance
    Engineer. Our custom-developed program is designed to
    provide all the skills and experience demanded by industry,                                    Avionics Specialisation
    including all the relevant practical skills.
                                                                                                   Avionics involves the maintenance and repairs
    Throughout the course, you will undertake learning across                                      of the electrical components of aircraft such
    the fundamentals of maths and physics, the principles of                                       as on board computers, radio, radar and GPS
    flight, plus workshop and hand skills to enable maintenance                                    directional equipment.
    of individual aircraft components.

                COURSE CODE                                        COURSE COST                                COMMENCEMENT
                MEA40618 Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Avionics)   $14,400 single Cert IV                     January, July
                MEA40718 Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Mechanical) $20,140 double Cert IV                     (see website for details)

                DELIVERY                                           UNITS                                      ENTRY REQUIREMENTS

                Duration: 12 Months, 4 - 5 days per week           12 Common Units +                          High School completion* with
                Contact: Weekdays During School Term               14 Avionics Stream Units &/or              pass in Maths and English
                Breaks: mid and end of each semester               14 Mechanical Stream Units
                                                                                                              *Exceptions considered on merit.
                Course is delivered at our                         MODE
                Archerfield Airport campus in Brisbane             Face-to-face on campus, blended

8  | ASQA RTO 45165 | CASA.147 MTO.0048
Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy
Diploma of Aeroskills

A Diploma of Aeroskills is the qualification required by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) for the
pathway to a career as a Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer.

The Diploma Year                                                                  To be eligible to apply for a CASA Aircraft Engineer Licence,
Flight One Academy’s engineering programme is designed                            graduates must also meet CASA’s stipulated employment
as a two year programme, with the first year covering the                         experience requirements.
Certificate IV of Aeroskills in its entirety, with either or
both the Avionics and Mechanical stream. The Diploma                              Double Diploma
Year builds on this foundational learning with more evolved                       Flight One Academy offers engineer students the option of
and complex concepts of aircraft maintenance.                                     simultaneously undertaking both the Avionics and Mechanical
                                                                                  streams through our unique Double Diploma of Aeroskills
Across the Diploma Year, students will learn how to
                                                                                  which comprehensively delivers all theory training for the
supervise maintenance activities, remove and install
                                                                                  both the mechanical and the avionics streams.
advanced aircraft components, and learn how to
troubleshoot a wide range of complex aircraft systems.                            The Double Diploma programme involves a challenging
                                                                                  workload, so trainees will need to demonstrate perseverance
Leveraging the wider Tisdall Aviation Group’s MRO
                                                                                  and diligence. The rewards however are significant, as the
facilities, we have designed the course to provide students
                                                                                  extended qualification equates to greater employability.
with the opportunity to benefit from engagement with our
in-house live aircraft maintenance environment, providing
every trainee the best possible learning experience.
                                                                                         Unique Two Year Programme
CASA Licence Outcome
The School of Engineering Diploma Year is designed                                       The Aeroskills programme at Flight One
around the concept of licence readiness - providing                                      Academy has been carefully designed to
each graduate with the CASA theory and associated                                        provide students with the opportunity to
examinations required for a licence outcome.                                             optionally undertake all the theory and practical
                                                                                         learning for a double specialisation (Avionics
The course includes formal aeroskills theory training aligned                            and Mechanical) in addition to meeting all the
to the knowledge requirements within the CASR Part 66                                    training requirements for a CASA Aircraft
Modules, and assessments that are delivered under our                                    Engineer Licence outcome.
special Part 147 CASA approval. When combined with our
extensive practical training, this structure empowers our
graduates and prepares them to seize career opportunities
as they arise.

            COURSE CODE                                   COURSE COST                               COMMENCEMENT
            MEA50118 Diploma of Aeroskills (Avionics)     Double Diploma $32,110 (VSL* gap $0)      January, July
            MEA50219 Diploma of Aeroskills (Mechanical)   Avionics $21,200 (VSL* gap $5,200)        (see website for details)
                                                          Mechanical $25,510 (VSL* gap $9,440)
            DELIVERY                                                                                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS

            Duration: 12 Months, 4 - 5 days per week      UNITS                                     Completion of the Flight One Academy
            Contact: Weekdays During School Term          Cert IV Units +                           Certificate IV programme
            Breaks: mid and end of each semester          8 Common Units +
                                                                                                    Exceptions considered on merit.
                                                          7 Avionics Stream Units &/or
                                                          16 Mechanical Stream Units
            Course is delivered at our                                                              VET Student Loan* available subject to
            Archerfield Airport campus in Brisbane        MODE                                      eligibility and creates a debt that must
                                                                                                    be repaid to the Commonwealth.
                                                          Face-to-face on campus, blended

Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy


      Flight One Academy has designed its Aeroskills Diploma
      programme to be optionally undertaken as a combined
      qualification, because all the units contained within the
      Certificate IV are part of the Diploma.

      The Certificate IV leads directly to employment as a
      qualified Aircraft Engineer.

      The Diploma, by encorporating CASA regulated training
      and assessments, fully prepares you to be eligible to obtain
      an Aircraft Engineer Licence once you have met CASA’s
      stipulated periods of employment.

      In undertaking the combined programme, you will graduate
      with both a Certificate IV and a Diploma of Aeroskills, with
      either or both of your chosen specialisations.

      For diploma graduates, no further basic
      training or assessments required!


      Flight One Academy delivers the optional combined
      mechanical and avionics majors for the Aeroskills programmes
      because it provides the greatest employability potential for
      our graduates. This enables organisations to more flexibly
      task engineers based on the demands of the available work.

         2 CERTIFICATES                12 MONTHS

         2 DIPLOMAS                    24 MONTHS

10 | ASQA RTO 45165 | CASA.147 MTO.0048
Defined by Aviation. Safety First. Safety Always - Flight One Academy

                                                                   Through our Aeroskills program, you will learn the
                                                                   theoretical components to all the ASQA units of
                                                                   competency, in addition to content contained in the CASA
                                                                   modules required to be eligible for a licence. This includes
                                                                   classroom theory training integrated with practical training
HOW DO I GET A JOB?                                                in our workshop.

The aircraft maintenance engineer’s (AME) community is tight-      At the successful conclusion of each Aeroskills qualification,
knit and well connected. In addition to positions being listed     we provide you with an ASQA Graduation certificate and
frequently through online job portals (e.g. Seek, Indeed), often   transcript of results and additionally. a CASA Part 66
positions are telegraphed through connections within the           Module transcript of results is also issued where relevant.
aviation community across Brisbane and Australia.
                                                                   These documents provide your CASA approved academic
Flight One Academy, and MROs within the broader Tisdall            credentials when seeking employment as an aircraft
Aviation Group - Flight Maintenance Australia and Pulse Aero,      maintenance engineer in a maintenance facility.
are active and collegial members of the Australian aviation
maintenance community. Through our connections we present
our students and graduates with upcoming entry level engineer
opportunities as they come to hand.


In order to become a fully CASA licensed aircraft
maintenance engineer (LAME), you need to meet CASA’s
                                                                   WHAT SALARY CAN I EXPECT?
academic standards and stipulated periods of employment.
                                                                   Once you complete your studies, you will be able to start
Flight One Academy’s Aeroskills diploma qualification has          work in a junior position commanding a typical tertiary
been developed to comprehensively meet CASA’s academic             graduate salary of around $40-60,000 per year.
requirements in full - including all the prac requirements.
                                                                   Upon receiving a CASA licence as a LAME and with a number
The required employment periods vary between licences              of years experience, salaries rise through $100,000 per
but are generally in the range of 2 to 4 years of full time        year, with senior aircraft engineers with major airlines
equivalent relevant experience. Once you have gained               commanding salaries of between $130,000 and $160,000
sufficient experience, Flight One Academy can then assist          per year.
you to submit your licence application to CASA.

DOMESTIC STUDENT GUIDE                V1.7

AVI50219 - Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane)
AVI50519 - Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating)

                                                                        A PROUD MEMBER OF
Flight One Academy’s flight training programme is flexible, personal,
& tailored to diverse learners & their personal career aspirations.
The world needs pilots: from freight, to tourism, charter, agriculture, rescue & airlines.
Delivered as a Diploma, our CPL programme includes all theory and practical flight training required to apply
for the Australian Commercial Pilot Licence. The course teaches you to fly an aeroplane to a professional
standard and is the first step required toward a career as a commercial or airline pilot. The qualification can
be supplemented with the optional Multi-engine Instrument Rating, delivered as an additional diploma.

Gain access to a modern fleet, available to affordably hire as you progress through your quals.
Flight One Academy trainees enjoy the privileges of our well maintained, modern, flexible and relevant fleet
of aircraft based at our dedicated and well equipped training centres in Brisbane and Gold Coast. Our highly
experienced trainers provide extensive support and guidance to ensure that our trainees are as safe as
possible at all times.

T H E K E Y I N FO R M AT I O N , S I M P L I F I E D.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Is there funding?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes. Funding is available and more information
                                                                                                                                                                                                            can be found at

Course Duration                                                 Location                             Outcomes                                                                                               What are the entry requirements?
15 months, including 200 flight hours,                                                               Our custom programme can include a Recreational Pilot Licence,
                                                                Archerfield                                                                                                                                 No ATAR score is required, however you must have
and options for a blended online &                                                                   Private Pilot Licence, Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence -
face-to-face theory delivery. 3 months                                                               Aeroplane), Diploma of Aviation (instrument Rating), and multi-engine
                                                                                                                                                                                                            completed Australian Year 12 or equivalent with passes in
                                                                Gold Coast*
Intrument Rating.                                                                                    aeroplane rating. Our team can assist in developing your pathway.                                      English & Mathematics. LLN assessment may be required.

Extensive, Modern Fleet.                                                                              Cutting-Edge Flight Simulators.                                                                       Training Delivered By Industry.
From Cessna 172s to parachute-equipped Cirrus                                                         Developed by ALSIM and Redbird, our industry                                                          Flight One Academy is part of the Tisdall Aviation
SR22s, Beechcraft Barons & the larger King Air,                                                       certified simulators provide a realistic advanced                                                     Group, a private group of companies delivering
our fleet of in-house maintained aircraft provide a                                                   training experience and access to a range of scenarios                                                comprehensive aviation services, including charter,
bespoke single and multi-engine training experience.                                                  to reinforce theory training & prepare for flight.                                                    brokerage, maintenance, & aviation training.


                                                                3 MONTHS                              6 MONTHS                                                                 12 M O N T H S                        13 M O N T H S


    Nationally Recognised                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pilot
    Qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (ATPL)

                                                                                                                                                                            Operate revenue flights for
                                                              Fly friends and family                Fly friends and family
                                                                                                                                                                             sight-seeing, single-pilot
                                                              within a limited area &                  anywhere within
                                                                                                                                                                            passenger or cargo flights,             Fly at night & in clouds
                                                                    conditions                        Australia in clear                                                      law enforcement, aerial
                                                                                                          conditions                                                       photography and inspections.

*REGULATORY & COMPLIANCE INFORMATION: Training is delivered by Cortex Learning PTY LTD trading as Flight One Academy (RTO 45165), delivering AVI50219 Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot
Licence - Aeroplane) and AVI50419 Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating). This information is for guidance purposes only and is subject to change. Please visit our website for
comprehensive eligibility information, entry criteria and funding information. Students looking to study at the Gold Coast may be eligible to study with Tisdall Aviation Group Member & elite school, Australian
Wings Academy. © 2021, Tisdall Aviation Group.
Application & Terms and Conditions

Applying to Flight One Academy                                                                                Entry Requirements - Flight Training
The biggest challenge faced by individuals looking to train in                                                   •   Australian or Australian-equivalent high school year 12
aviation is understanding the process from enrolment to a                                                            completion with average or above results
lifelong career. There are multiple components to consider, from                                                 •   Passes in Maths and English
location, to duration, funding and practical training, in addition                                               •   (Physics preferred but not a requirement)
to professional licensing and apprenticeship. We are dedicated                                                   •   Well organised and self disciplined
to and focused on training Australia’s best aviation professionals.
In doing that, our consultants will explain the complexity, help                                              Entry Requirements - Certificate IV in Aeroskills
integrate any existing experience you may have, and ensure the
experience at Flight One Academy is enjoyable.                                                                   •   Australian or Australian-equivalent high school year 10
                                                                                                                     completion with average or above results
At Flight One Academy, applying for a place in one of our courses                                                •   Passes in Maths and English
is a simple online process, covering personal details, emergency                                                 •   (Physics preferred but not a requirement)
contacts, identification and evidence of your existing education.                                                •   A strong interest in machines, electronics systems and
Flight One Academy is an institution dedicated to education                                                          processes
and we have taken every effort to make your aviation training                                                    •   Well organised and self disciplined
affordable, flexible and convenient for the entirety of your time
with the school.                                                                                              Entry Requirements - Diploma of Aeroskills

Assessment information                                                                                           •   Australian or Australian-equivalent high school year 12
                                                                                                                     completion with average or above results
Assessments for this programme are conducted and invigilated
                                                                                                                 •   Completion of Flight One Academy Certificate IV in Aeroskills
in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety
                                                                                                                     or equivalent qualification delivered under a valid CASA Part
Authority (CASA) and The Australian Skills Quality Authority
                                                                                                                     147 approval within the previous 10 years
(ASQA). Assessments may include, but are not limited to, multiple
choice, short answer, short essays, group work under observation                                                 •   A strong interest in machines, electronics systems and
and practical assignments.                                                                                           processes
                                                                                                                 •   Well organised and self disciplined
Application Process
                                                                                                              Lodge Your Application
If you have read the course information and you are eligible
to join one of our courses, applying is easy and there is no                                                  If you have read the course information and you are eligible to
application fee.                                                                                              join this course, applying is easy and there is no application fee.

You will need to prepare some supporting documents and lodge                                                  Our simple online application form is located here:
your application through our online application form located on                                     
our website.
                                                                                                              We recommend that you prepare your documents beforehand
Once we have your application, our admissions team assess your                                                as the form will request that you upload them.
application to ensure that you are suitably equipped to deal with
your chosen course.                                                                                           If you require any assistance during your application process,
                                                                                                              please don’t hesitate to contact us via the online enquiry form.
Successful applicants receive a Letter of Offer detailing the
training plan, associated costs, terms and conditions for your                                                Alternatively, you can contact our student support team by
consideration. Finalising your enrolment is then simply a matter                                              emailing
of accepting your offer and paying the fees associated with your
initial study period.

                                                                                                              Love Aviation?
Required Documentation
You will need to prepare and upload some basic documents in
support of your application. These should include at least:
        One form of ID such as Licence
        Your last 2 semesters of academic results or
        graduation certificate and results from high school
                                                                                                              So do we.
  •     Any other academic results you deem relevant

      Flight One Academy operates a comprehensive Aeroskills Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) service for individuals in industry who have either the existing experience,
      partial qualification, or superseded qualifications, and are looking to receive the latest industry qualifications and subsequent licensing. While we work to process your
      RPL, any units we believe will not be covered can be undertaken on campus or online to ensure convenience to both trainee and employer.

      NEED MORE HELP? CONTACT US .                                                                                                           ENQUIRIES@FLIGHTONEACADEMY.EDU.AU

      Our customer service team has years of experience across all spectrum of aviation training and is on standby to help you. To learn more about our training centre,
      courses, outcomes and academic paths, jump on our website or get in touch by email or phone. Also, we love having visitors, so feel free to ask for a campus visit
      appointment any time, to see our facilities and meet with an instructor face to face.

      ©2020 Cortex Learning Pty Ltd trading as Flight One Academy RTO 45165 | CASA Part 147.0048 | 224 Qantas Avenue Archerfield QLD 4108 |

(DOM 2) F1A School of Engineering Full Domestic Brochure V1.6 | 29 October 2020 3:32 pm                                                                                              15
    Archerfield Airport Campus
    Tisdall Aviation Group has been carrying out quality pilot
    training at Brisbane’s metropolitan airport, Archerfield, for          METROPOLITAN AIRPORT
    over a decade. The airfield has a long history of aviation
                                                                           Archerfield Airport is located just 17 kilometres from the
    activity since its founding in the early 1900’s.
                                                                           Brisbane CBD, accessible via regular bus and train services.
    Once headquarters for numerous squadrons of British,
    American and Australian troops and pilots, Archerfield
    (YBAF) is a thriving commuter and training precinct in the
    city’s western corridor.

    Flight One Academy’s campus accommodates a multi-
    modal learning environment, with access to resources
    permitting quality learning outcomes. Based at Archerfield
    airport alongside our wider Tisdall Aviation Group
    including MRO Flight Maintenance Australia, charter
    company Flight One and FBO, Contrails, our campus
    is authentically nestled within a full-stack, functioning
    aviation hub.

    We are focused on providing a comprehensive training                   INTEGRATED OPERATIONS
    resource set. Our School of Engineering enjoys authentic
    aviation training equipment and access to live aircraft.               Our group’s integrated operations at Archerfield provide our
                                                                           students with access to live maintenance, charter and FBO
    Our School of Aviation is equipped with an on-site flight              operations, offering a unique learning opportunity.
    simulator, skilled, customer oriented flight instructors and
    access to our extensive, modern multi- and single-engine
    aircraft fleet including Cirrus, Cessna, Beechcraft and
    Piper aircraft, largely maintained in-house by FMA.

    This allows us to offer a uniquely practical training
    environment designed to provide graduates with hands-on
    experience and a diverse array of relevant skills.

        See what Queensland has to offer and explore
        Brisbane and SEQ’s magical destinations.

4 | ASQA RTO 45165 | CASA.147 MTO.0048
A Vibrant & Relaxed City.                                                 LIFESTYLE
Brisbane is a green city with an enviable subtropical
                                                                          South-east Queensland offers an unrivalled quality of life, driven by
climate and culturally diverse population. It is one of the
fastest-growing cities in Australia and is known for its year             comfortable climate, affordable living, extensive public transport and a
round good weather, vibrant urban precincts, outdoor                      wealth of culture and entertainment.
lifestyle and friendly locals.

Within one hour of Brisbane are world-class, and often
Heritage-listed, national forest and marine parks. To the                 CONVENIENCE
east is the pristine Moreton Bay Marine Park with some
                                                                          Brisbane is easy to get around with great public transport. The city is
of the world’s largest sand islands, endless beaches and
amazing marine life. To the west in the Scenic Rim are                    connected to the world with daily flights to Asia, America and the Middle

numerous national parks with beautiful forests, lakes,                    East, and just a couple hours from Australia’s most iconic destinations.
valleys, rivers and waterfalls.

   CENTRE OF CULTURE (AND COFFEE)              UNBRIDLED WILDERNESS                                   HEART OF ADVENTURE

   Brisbane food is forging its own culture,   Brisbane is surrounded by a bounty of                  The wealth of activities available nearby
   with dedicated eat streets and a            natural beauty that is completely free to              is unparalleled, from theme parks, to
   new breed of smart-casual eateries.         explore. From heritage-listed rainforests              skydiving, to the great unrelenting plains
   Melbourne may have its laneways,            to sand islands and bushland – the scenery             to the west of the city. Located just 60
   and Sydney will always play home            around Brisbane city is so diverse that no             minutes from the iconic Sunshine or Gold
   to gastronomic heavy-hitters, but           two adventures will ever be the same.                  Coasts, those looking to explore the surf
   Brisbane’s fast-evolving food culture                                                              or take in the beach lifestyle are also well
                                               Whether you are looking to escape the
   has created a whole new style of dining.                                                           catered for.
                                               concrete jungle for the weekend or
   Smart food precincts combine snacking,
                                               discover somewhere new to horse-ride, fish,
   socialising and sunshine, without
                                               bushwalk or cycle, get back to nature at
   conforming to a single genre.
                                               one of these national or state parks around

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