Deep dive into the vi ureal world of - Metaverse - Understanding how the technology is transforming experiences

Page created by Ted Campos
Deep dive into the
virtureal world of

Understanding how the
technology is transforming
In this article, we would like to bring in a quick overview of the metaverse, its business drivers, underlying
technology, early adopting industry segments and the foreseeable challenges in its adoption to mainstream

Metaverse got its name from the         global economy model. People            either for work, shopping,
1992 sci-fi novel "Snow Crash"– it      around the world can perform any        education, social or
is more of a vision than a concrete     activity in the virtual world similar   entertainment. All gaming
reality. “meta" is a Greek word         to what they can do in the              software fans are already
which means ‘beyond or across’          physical world like work, meet,         experiencing the rapid transition
and verse is “universe”. So, it is a    play games and socialize                into embrace Metaverse using VR
place which transcends beyond           together, except in 3D space.           technology, networking
the world or the universe in the        Metaverse is expected to                components for multi-player
virtual 3D (Virtureal). Metaverse       generate an economy of $1 Trillion      experience, more so with the use
reduces the gap between the             by 2028. Gartner predicts that          of crypto-wallets.
physical, financial, and immersive      25% of people will spend at least 1
world and expands upon the              hour a day in Metaverse by 2026

We categorise Metaverse
applications under two groups
As a new channel -                      estate platforms like                   capabilities for customers and
It is a simple virtual world (Virtual   Decentraland, Sandbox etc. who          businesses to have market-like
Reality- VR) where people can           can provide global addresses to         experience using crypto wallets
work, interact and collaborate.         your business apps. Web 3.0             for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) /
Facebook/Meta is working                capabilities are also part of such      FTs. These capabilities can also
towards creating this version of        apps.                                   be expanded to include
Metaverse. It is an extension of an                                             gamification in the channel
omnichannel experience. These           As a crypto enabled market -            meta-apps
applications can also be hosted         These are powered by blockchain
and visited using virtual real          platforms and provide additional

How does Web                                Let us look at the building
3.0 and                                     blocks of Metaverse
boost Metaverse                             The key elements of Metaverse include 5G, Block Chain,
                                            AR/VR/XR, Digital Twin, Web3.0,

adoption ?
                                            AI/ML and IOT.

The Web 3.0 is the concept of next
generation internet. It brings
decentralization to content,
application, and infra layers. The          Immersive experience            3D content creation
users will be able to create, own and       AR/VR is the key element        The metaverse involves
carry their assets, avatars, collectibles   which provides immersive        creation virtual words and
from one platform to another for            experience in metaverse.        objects in it. The 3D
various purposes, including trading,        Combination of AR/VR is         content creation helps in
integration of their new business, and      used to achieve 3D              creation of scenes,
gaming. On the other hand platforms         visualization, real time        avatars, virtual lands,
can provide services/APIs/storage           interaction and merge real      assets, etc. to achieve an
that can be used across different           and virtual environment.        immersive experience.
metaverse platforms to provide
seamless experience e.g. avatars as a
service, crypto wallet service. This
interoperability will bring a marked
shift in paradigm compared to               Blockchain                      Web 3.0
current Web 2.0 where once                  Metaverse replaces real         The users can create
enterprise/business owns your               assets with digital and         digital assets. They can
content (e.g. your in-game purchases        hence it is important to use    own, control and monetize
like avatars and accessories cannot         reliable algorithm for          the assets. Web 3.0 is
be moved out to another game). Web          transaction. Blockchain         decentralized and hence
3.0 standardization is underway and         decentralization aspect         serves as a connectivity in
is powered by Blockchain, NFTs,             helps to validate and           Metaverse.
decentralized autonomous                    perform secure transactions.
organizations (DAOs)- dApp/DeFi is a
classic reference use case.
Metaverse, on the other hand, is
concerned with how users can
interact on the next generation
internet. It transforms the content
from 2D to 3D objects. It utilizes          Infrastructure                  AI
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented          Connectivity, Compute           Applies AI in avatar to bring
reality technology to enter the             and Edge, GPU, Devices,         in human like behaviour
internet and navigate between the           sensors, storage and            and in 3D chatbots react
virtual worlds as digital avatars using     caching.                        and respond user actions in
VR headsets. The underlying                                                 the VR world.
technologies leverage
decentralization, human interaction
and connectivity. Both the
technologies will complement each
other in due course. Metaverse is a
digital space while Web 3.0 favours a       Human Interface                 Tokens
decentralized can serve as the basis        Metaverse opens up a new        User can use their own digital
for connectivity in Metaverse.              approach on UX since it         assets as Non-Fungible
Similarly, creator economy in               combines computer-              Tokens (NFTs), to trade in
Metaverse can supplement Web 3.0            generated content, a            immersive world. It improves
with the creation of a new financial        persistent shared world,        the digital ownership. The
world.                                      and unique digital Avatars.     NFT's can be avatar, virtual
                                                                            lands, video, music, etc.
We conceptualise typical Metaverse
apps as 4-Layered solutions
From a bird’s eye view, there are 4   The technology layer can be        transactions such as NFT, Crypto,
layers which help in realizing        further sub-divided into           smart contracts and the AI Spatial
Metaverse solutions. They are         Blockchain decentralized which     layer – AR/VR/3D engines etc.
Infrastructure, Technology , User     has all the components
Interaction and Experience.           associated with digital

   Experience Layer                                      User Interaction
   Use cases - Meetings, Virtual Learning, Social        ▪ Gestures, Voice, Hepatics, Neural
   Interactions, Personalized Avatars, Virtual           ▪ Devices for experience - Mobile, Smart
   Real-estate, commerce, Digital identity, Buy             glass, HMD, Browsers
   and sell of digital assets in metaverse
   Metaverse, live events etc.

   Technology Layer                                      Infrastucture Layer
   ▪ AR/VR/MR - Immersive experience                     ▪ Network Access - 5G, 6G,
   ▪ Blockchain - Decentralized trading through          ▪ Cloud Platforms
      NFT, Crypto, Smart Contract, Wallet and            ▪ Compute- Al model creation and Rendering,
      Coins                                                  Blockchain mining
   ▪ Al/ML to bring in intelligence to the avatar so     ▪ Edge Service - Al model caching, 3D content
      that it brings in human like behaviour. Also           caching.
      bring in audio/text chat into the scene            ▪ Data storage
   ▪ 3D content creation- Scene Avatar                   ▪ Devices - Mobile, Head Mounted devices,
   ▪ Web 3.0 - decentralize and distributed                  Hepatics
      application                                        ▪ Sensors - loT
   ▪ Digital Twin- Data Modelling /Fusion

Potential use cases
Metaverse has opened up a whole new world of use cases across various Industry segments

                                                                             Virtual events where in the audience will
                                                                             be able to choose avatar of their choice
                                                                             and experience the event of their
                                                                             favourite artist in the virtual destination.
                                                                             Can be used for music/dance concerts,
             Banking and financial institutions                              art exhibitions etc.
      Metaverse can be used where customer
      can be virtually present in the banks and
     know the process involved in the services
       they want to opt e.g. Claims, opening of
    accounts, types of insurance, investments.                               Life sciences and Healthcare metaverse
                                                                             play an important role in telehealth,
                                                                             telemedicine. Digital Twin can help to
                                                                             create the digital representation of the
                                                                             patient and can be used for treatment.
    Virtual Tours - travelers will be able to get
    360 deg view of the location and through
       digital avatar be present digitally in the
               location with immersive effects.
                                                                             Social interaction provides immersive
                                                                             experience which provides more
                                                                             realistic environment for interaction
                                                                             than the current system.

             Virtual shopping enabled with
      AR/VR and interactive 3D view of the
product enables better buying decision Can
  use NFTs to make purchase digital assets.
                                                                             Virtual learning they can provide
                                                                             virtual environments were people will
                                                                             be able simulate scientific
                                                                             experiments, historic places etc, and
                                                                             experience as though it is near real.
        Gaming uses AR/VR to create real life
       environment and allow them to choose
      unique avatar, provide options of play to
      earn using cryptocurrencies, multiplayer
             options and collaborate to enjoy.

Let us look at some key business               for business employees &         •    Keeps the human experience
drivers that are fuelling the                  customers alike                       of every customer
Metaverse adoption by enterprise                                                     engagement intact
& consumers:                               •   Promotes global economy
                                               using e-wallets and
                                               cryptocurrencies via
•     Expands business without                 blockchain powered
      large investments in buy, build          marketplaces
      & operations of physical brick
      & mortar stores/offices              •   Events & Promotions in meta
                                               can scale beyond boundaries
•     Reduces carbon footprint by              and open new vistas for
      lowering the need for travel             business

On the ground, here are
some Metaverse adoption
challenges that we encountered
•   Rich immersive experience to     •   Since it involves many                  have high digital creativity .
    the user is critical - The           interfaces, heterogeneity is a          Any organisation developing
    scenes with 3D contents &            key element in Metaverse, and           or working on metaverse will
    avatars are of high polycounts       this leads to many                      need to invest in a large pool
    resulting in huge file sizes,        vulnerabilities which open a            creative people over coders.
    requiring good speed network         whole new market for
    connections to transfer the          mitigating the security             •   As most Metaverse users are
    data seamlessly to get the           concerns for safe usage of              in the age group of 15- 35
    best experience. Hence, it is        Metaverse. This will give rise to       years, the negative impact on
    imperative that we have at a         the need of defining new                the younger generation needs
    minimum 5G speed available           protocols unique to Metaverse           to be assessed and handled
    for a seamless experience                                                    with care such as availability
                                     •   Since Data is of high order in a        of psychiatric help & bringing
•   As Metaverse is about                decentralised world, we need            in proper controls and
    decentralisation, it leads to        to bring in Zero Knowledge              mitigation within Metaverse to
    creation of Decentralised            Proof where the sender shares           alleviate some of the mental
    Autonomous Organisations             the data with the receiver              health issues
    (DAOs), a shift from                 without revealing it to
    conventional regulatory based        maintain privacy.                   •   Social Impact- It is suspected
    set ups and thus, Democracy                                                  that people can get addicted
    in Metaverse is of the highest   •   Initial investment on VR                to the Metaverse and spend
    order providing a variety of         headset with controllers to             most of their time in the virtual
    opportunities and benefits to        get the immersive experience            world than in the real world. It
    people at large when used            can be a price barrier                  will lead to lack of social skills
    with good responsibility                                                     and induce anxiety and
                                     •   More than coding abilities for          depression among people or
                                         Metaverse, the priority                 can also lead to social
                                         requirement ispeople who                exclusion.

How Law & Order will
be maintained in
the Metaverse ?
This is a very interesting aspect    compliance purposes and verbal       Metaverse will bring in a
that enterprise and consumers        & gesture control should be set in   significant paradigm shift in how
have to carefully tread as they      place. There have been reports of    enterprise and consumers
move from real to virtual world as   misconduct in some metaverse         interact and we are confident
new rules and cyber policies will    platforms where visitors             that rapid technology
have to be framed and deployed.      misbehaved with other guests.        improvements, regulatory
In a recent conversation with        We feel that some form of            guidelines will be imbibed in all
Human Resources team in our          MetaPolice using power of AI/ML      commercial deployments of the
organization, who very exploring     will have to be deployed to build    Metaverse solutions to make it a
adoption of Metaverse for            disciplinary and law enforcement     truly immersive real life
employee / HR/ Manager               regulations for the Metaverse.       experience.
interactions, highlighted that
video of entire interaction should
be recorded for audit and




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