Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing

Page created by Doris Cunningham
Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
                                  THE                                           Why   Customer Delight
                                                                                is the difference between
                                                                                boom or bust p1

                                                                                How did Jeff Bezos do it? p3

                                                                                What is
                                                                                Customer Delight ? p4

                          GUIDE TO                                              Delivering above
                                                                                and beyond p7

                                                                                Anticipating what
                                                                                your customers want p8

                                                                                Being consistent p8

                                                                                Making your customers
                                                                                feel valued p9

                                                                                Responding quickly p9

                                                                                Listening to employees p10

                                                                                Conclusion p11

                                                                                How Capsule can help p11

T R A N S F O R M I N G B US I N ES S O P E R AT I O N A L E XC E L L E N C E   How to contact Capsule p12
Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
Why 2021 will make Customer
    Delight the difference between
    boom or bust in logistics
    Faced with the unprecedented challenges of C-19, companies
    of all configurations did things that had previously seemed
    impossible and did them almost overnight. The relentless
    pressure of increased customer demand meant that many
    businesses, both B-2-B and B -2-C, relied on the resilience
    and creativity of the logistics sector to meet that demand.

Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
The shutting down of international travel for humans meant
    that airline freight was almost wiped out overnight, cargo
    ship crews were stranded on their vessels for many months
    more than planned. That was only the start of it as volumes
    increased dramatically and the whole industry had to turn
    on a sixpence.

    Meeting the challenge
    The challenges seemed overwhelming, but the logistics world
    met the demand. Yet at the same time it learnt the harsh reality
    that there are immense challenges and opportunities going
    forward – the world has changed. As we start 2021, and
    consider the new normal of a post Covid reality, it is my belief
    that those logistics businesses which put the customer at
    the centre of their business are the ones that will grow fastest
    and will be the ones that thrive in the new normal. One of
    the biggest winners from the Covid crisis has been Amazon.

                                                                       The challenges seemed overwhelming,
                                                                       but the logistics world met the demand

Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
How did Bezos do it? What is
    intuitive to Bezos does not come
    naturally to most companies
    Even with 244 million unique customers, Jeff Bezos knows          advertisers with promotional deals, which was the norm

    better than to see his customers as a series of transactions.     in newspaper publishing, instead he transformed the Post

    But with so many different customer relationships to maintain,    into a digital force in the publishing world, invested in more

    what’s the wisdom that keeps this enterprise running?             investigative journalism - for which the reputation of the Post

    Surprisingly, Amazon’s success isn’t rooted in multi-million      had been legendary – and hired a larger number of journalists.

    dollar advertising campaigns or shortening product life cycles,   The result was delighted readers, who returned to the paper,

    but rather, the desire to be the “Earth’s Most Customer-          pulling in more advertisers and returning it to profitability.

    Centric Company”. From the get-go, Bezos has based Amazon
    around 4 principles: customer obsession , eagerness to
    invent , long-term thinking and operational excellence .
    The dominating theme has been the customer centric focus
    of the whole company. When Amazon acquired the loss-making
    Washington Post in 2013, the strategy was to focus on getting
    more readers for the post so that the advertisers would
    be tempted to come back. Bezos didn’t focus on wooing

Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
What is Customer                                     Delight ?                                                  29%
                                                                                                                    of all businesses
                                                                                                                    don’t even have a
    Simply defined: “Customer delight is             Customer satisfaction measures the extent to which             coherent definition
    surprising a customer by exceeding his or        the expectations of a customer are met (compared to            of customer
    her expectations and thus creating a positive    expectations being exceeded). However, it has been
                                                                                                                    management in
    emotional reaction. This emotional reaction      discovered that mere customer satisfaction does not create     their organization.
    leads to word of mouth. Customer delight         brand loyalty nor does it encourage positive word of mouth.”
    directly affects sales and profitability of a
    company as it helps to distinguish the company   Even in the nineties, academic literature recognised that
    and its products and services from the           moving from customer satisfaction to customer delight
    competition. In the past customer satisfaction   directly benefited the bottom line. However, remarkably
    has been seen as a key performance indicator.    few firms have been able to deliver delight.

Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
promo to rs
                    Bain & Co came up with the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a
                    business tool to measure customer satisfaction. On the NPS
                    0-10 scale, 9 and 10 are the only positives and 0 to 6
                    are negative. This measure has become very popular
                    with major firms. Bain’s research demonstrates that

    pa s s i ves
                    customers who excel in customer experiences grew revenues
                    4-8% above their market. This is because a better experience
                    helps to earn customer loyalty which then turns them into
                    promoters who tend to buy more, stay longer and make
                    recommendations to their friends. It is too easy to state that
                    NPS scores of 9 & 10 equal customer delight – particularly if
                    such scores are prompted by agents – but they become the
                    simplest measure and there is evidence that these scores do
                    coincide with improved customer loyalty.
    det ra cto rs

                    WALT DISNEY
                    said “Just do your best work - then try and trump it”.
                    If you really try to make experiences and interactions
                    better for your customers they will notice; so will you
                    as loyalty and engagement grow too.

Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
Amazon Prime is a great case of delighting customers to
    improve loyalty. Prime customers spend on average $1,300
                                                                     150 million
    per annum while other customers spend less than half that.       current Amazon Prime subscribers

                                                                                      50% increase
    Not only that, 20% of Prime customers shop on Amazon a
    couple of times of week or more with 7% saying that they shop
    on Prime daily. New benefits are being added to Prime all the                          since 2018

    time such as free delivery for Amazon Fresh. Demand for Prime
    is still growing; there are currently 150 million subscribers,
    which is an increase of 50% on 2018 (last time numbers were
                                                                     average spend per Prime customer per annum
    available). From when Prime launched in 2005, Bezos seemed
    to understand intuitively that customers love the idea of free
    delivery and he has continued to innovate and deliver more       7%                       20%
    value-add ever since.                                            shop on Prime daily       shop on Prime twice or more per week

                            JEFF BEZOS
                            seemed to
                            intuitively that
                            customers love
                            the idea of free
                            delivery and he
                            has continued to
                            innovate and deliver
                            more value-add
                            ever since.
Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing

    This assumes that you know what your customer really wants
    in the first place. Too many businesses have initial success
    through assuming they are servicing PLU: people like us.
    As a niche strategy, this may work, but it certainly has limits.
    As such, research which is meaningful and then acted upon by
    everyone is critical to getting to really understand customers.
    Sometimes bosses need to take a hard look in the mirror.
    How do they spend their time? How often do they talk with and
    about customers? Do they even use the company’s products
    and services? Jeff Bezos still spends time in his call centre
    so that he understands first-hand what customers are asking.
    He can combine this anecdotal information with collecting
    data on every customer so as to deliver above & beyond.

    Jeff Bezos still spends time
    in his call centre so that
    he understands first-hand
    what customers are asking

Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
2 ANTICIPATE WHAT YOUR                                               3 BE CONSISTENT ACROSS
       CUSTOMER WANTS                                                       ALL CHANNELS

    Don’t just collect data; use it & use it intelligently. Understand   Your smart customers demand any time access across all
    what customers want, how they want it and perhaps how to             channels, journeys and devices. When one channel isn’t
    deliver the product or service in a better way. It might not be      consistent with another, the experience feels broken. More and
    what you expect. Research from Bain & Co has shown that              more each day it is an omnichannel world, yet businesses are
    one of their clients - a well-known bank - thought that their        still forgetting to manage and measure customer experience
    customers were most interested in a mortgage, ease of on-line        at every stage of the customer journey. Nothing highlights this
    banking or a loan, perhaps for their daughter’s wedding.             more than the fact that, despite 52% of all internet traffic being
                                                                         via a mobile device, a whopping 90% of customers report
    What customers really wanted                                         having a poor experience when seeking customer support
    Research showed their customers were most worried about              on mobile devices. Customers simply expect better.
    fraud. How the bank dealt with the fraud directly influenced
    whether customers were evangelists or denigrators. Swift
    resolution and a quick answer from the first person that the
    customer contacted meant much higher customer happiness
                              scores. So, speed, process and service         of all internet traffic is via mobile device

                              became the cornerstone of the fraud
                              resolution experience, something that
                              would typically have been almost
                                                                            90%                of customers report poor experience

                              hidden and highly structured.
Customer Delight - T H E GUIDE TO - Capsule Marketing
4 MAKE YOUR CUSTOMERS                                               5 RESPOND QUICKLY
                                                                       Every customer desires
    Most companies say they focus on customer value. The same          swift action regardless of the
    is not true of making customers feel valued. When customers        situation. How quickly you
    believe their relationship with you matters and that               respond shows how much you
    you recognise the contributions they make, loyalty and             care. Sometimes a quick email
    engagement follow. Ask yourself whether you believe that           just acknowledging that someone has begun to resolve the
    Amazon and Amazon Prime delivers the cheapest or best              issue or is looking into how it might be fixed is all that it takes.
    selection. You may have to think hard, because that is typically
    not what you value; you expect the price                           Negative feedback
    to be there or thereabouts, but you                                Negative feedback is a gift and a huge opportunity because it
    probably value the ease of ordering and                            means that your customers still care; silence and withdrawal is
    the certainty and speed of delivery.                               the kiss of death. In some businesses like hospitality, it is almost
                                                                       the worst thing that can happen. Restaurants are notoriously
    The empty chair                                                    difficult businesses to manage. Miniscule margins, fresh food
    Jeff Bezos is famous for                                           with short shelf life, volume volatility (an issue faced by logistics
    having an empty chair in                                           businesses, too) and human staff, meaning mistakes happen.
    meetings in the belief                                             How a restaurant recovers from errors sets them apart and
    that the customer                                                  helps to build a loyal fan base who will evangelise about their
    should always have                                                 favourite place to eat and, perhaps more
    a seat at the table.                                               importantly, they will return again and again.

     Listen to employees, particularly those on the front line with
     customers. They can often identify opportunities and improve
     customer experience. The bottom line impact should be
     obvious: happier employees really can mean happier
     customers. However, employees need to be empowered.
     Employees need the authority to improve customer experience
     and the recognition for doing this. Business leaders sometimes
     fail to get their people to really embrace customer delight
     because they have two blind spots. 1 Initiatives are pushed
     through from the top without a true understanding of jobs
     their teams have to juggle on a daily basis. 2 Change can
     be difficult. Employees worry about their roles and start to
     resist change unless they really trust their bosses and believe
     in the importance of customer delight to their own futures.
     Just as making a win-win experience for customers starts from
     understanding a customer’s desires and priorities and putting
                                                                       Employees on the front line with
     yourself in a customer’s shoes, so does making a customer
                                                                       customers can often identify opportunities
     centric business mean that bosses have to have meaningful
                                                                       and improve customer experience
     empathy with their teams.
Conclusion                           So how can
     Logistics businesses cannot rely
                                          Capsule help?
     on operational excellence alone.
                                          If your customer likes you, they will choose to remain with you
     Differentiation & customer loyalty
                                          and eventually become an advocate. That is brought about by
     will only be delivered through
                                          improving customer experience. Covid has accelerated the
     an obsessive focus on customer
                                          destinies of B2b marketeers in logistics. Most must
     experience with the objective
                                          quickly adopt new technology and shift towards
     of achieving customer delight.
                                          improved digital channels. Digital customer
                                          experience is where it’s at. Not many of us are doing face to
     This requires truly understanding
                                          face business at the moment and all the research points to it
     customers and what they want
                                          being here to stay.
     and having people, systems and
     customer journeys to exceed their
                                          Omnichannel customer experience is non-negotiable.
     expectations, not just when things
                                          With our help, you can:
     go right, but when they go wrong.

                                                   Establish and manage a consistent experience across
                                                   all channels, for all devices – this will provide that
                                                   customer with a unified experience and excellence
                                                   experience across the journey

Map and improve the customer journey
              end-to-end across all channels - this                                Customer
              delivers a cohesive customer experience

              Identify your customers’ preferred feedback
              channels – this enables you to optimise
              feedback loops

              Use digital platforms to provide meaningful
              data with predictive analytics – this will
              promote continuous improvement

                                                                   To find out more about how we can help you with
              Video marketing, chat bots & AI might                getting customers to be at the heart of your business
              be the answer but not always.                        please contact ….

                                                                         01787 267949
     A marketing partner such as Capsule is there to provide
     the right response in a digital world. While we are au fait
     with shiny trendy digital solutions that enhance customer
     experience, we can help you to recognise when a good old
     fashioned newsletter is the answer.                                 Park House, Earls Colne Business Park,
                                                                         Colchester, Essex CO6 2NS

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