Prospectus 2020-21

Page created by Wade Manning
Prospectus 2020-21
Prospectus 2020-21
Prospectus 2020-21
Food Studies and Hospitality
 In Scotland, the tourism and hospitality                    As well as the chance to develop your skills in fine
 sector supports the jobs of 217,00 people                   dining with the public in our training restaurant,
                                                             you’ll also get to work in our Food Court.
 (8% of total employment) and contributes
 £6 billion to the economy every year.                       This is a fast-paced restaurant serving breakfast, lunch    Course Progression
                                                             and evening meals to visitors, staff and students, run in                                                  BA (Hons)
 The importance of the sector is                             a unique partnership with one of the world’s largest        and Careers in                               Food, Nutrition
                                                                                                                                                                                                    BA (Hons)
 demonstrated in its status as one of the
 Scottish Government’s six growth sectors and
                                                             food service management companies, Sodexo.
                                                             Former student, Tom Kitchin, has gone on to gain
                                                                                                                         Food Studies                                  and Textiles
 is forecast to be the second top employing
 sector in Perth and Kinross by 2028.
                                                             Michelin stars for his restaurant in Leith. In 2013, we
                                                             took part in a BBC TV series ‘The Chef’s Protégé’ which
                                                                                                                         and Hospitality
                                                             saw Tom Kitchin choose student Jamie Mackinnon as a         To find out more about our courses in
 With highly commended programmes delivered in                                                                           Food Studiesand Hospitality, or to arrange
                                                             protégé to mentor and develop. Jamie was also a                                                                          HND                            HND
 partnership with the crème de la crème of industry                                                                      a department visit, please contact:
                                                             Craft Guild of Chefs ‘Young National
                                                                                                                                                                                   Professional                    Hospitality
 professionals, we offer invaluable skills to prepare
                                                             Chef of the Year’ finalist in 2019.                         Ian Gibb                                                                                 Management
 you for your career. The curriculum was awarded
                                                                                                                         Sector Manager -
 the SQA Star Award for Innovation in 2016.                                                                              Food Studies and Hospitality
                                                                                                                         01738 877 618 or

                                                                                                                         Careers in Food
                                                                                                                         Studies and Hospitality                                       HNC         Professional     HNC
                                                                                                                         may include:                                              Professional     Chef Gold     Hospitality
                                                                                                                                                                                     Cookery          Award
                                                                                                                         • Chef
                                                                                                                         • Bar Worker
                                                                                                                         • Catering Manager

 Jennifer Thomson                                            Gemma McKenzie                                              • Food Counter Assistant
                                                                                                                         • Hotel General Manager                                   Professional                   Professional
 BA (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Textiles Education            Lecturer - Hospitality                                      • Housekeeping Manager                                     Chef Silver                    Hospitality
 I did consider other universities, but I decided to study   Gemma has worked in the Hospitality Industry for                                                                         Award                       Silver Award
                                                                                                                         • Kitchen Assistant
 at UHI because this course suited me more. I will be a      15 years, having started her first job in a hotel whilst
 qualified teacher one year before any other course offers   at school. After studying BA (Hons) Marketing and           • Restaurant Manager
 me – without having to do a postgraduate programme.         Tourism, Gemma took up post of Operations Manager
 Also, the facilities at Perth College UHI are fantastic.
                                                                                                                         • Secondary School Teacher -
                                                             of a hotel in Speyside. Whilst there, she won a
                                                             scholarship to attend the École hôtelière de Lausanne         Home Economics
 I completed a 5 week placement at a secondary school.
 I absolutely loved my placement and it helped me to         focusing on leadership for Hospitality Managers.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Intro to the
 realise that I’m definitely on the correct course. It was   After working in various types of hospitality                                                                                                         Hospitality
 exciting and scary standing up and teaching classes         establishments, she was drawn to teaching as she                                                                                                       Bronze
                                                                                                                                                                                  Kitchen Bronze
 how to cook – but I had a ball, I was in my element.        wanted to offer her experience and enthusiasm to                                                                                                        Award
 My advice for those considering studying is to go for it!   engage the future hospitality workforce. It is Gemma’s
 It is a fantastic course to study, with so much support.    passion to develop the student’s knowledge and
                                                             skills in such a dynamic and diverse industry.
                                                                                                                                                For a full explanation of course levels please refer to the
40                                                                                                                                     Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) diagram on page 157
Prospectus 2020-21
Information Key                                                                                                              Professional Hospitality Silver Award                          Professional Chef Silver Award
                                                                                                                                  (Incorporating SVQ Hospitality                                 (Incorporating SVQ Professional
                          The Scottish Credit and                   At Perth College UHI, we aim to make our programmes           Services at SCQF Level 5)                                      Cookery at SCQF Level 5)
                          Qualifications Framework                  as flexible as possible. In order to achieve this,
         SCQF             (SCQF) helps people of all ages           we have a range of flexible learning options.                 Course content                                                 Course Content
        Level 5           and circumstances to access                                                                             The hospitality industry is a fantastic industry to be         The Professional Chef Award is a unique culinary arts
                          the education and training that                                                                         employed, having the skills to work within hotels,             experience that attracts many types of people who want
                          is appropriate to them over                                                                             restaurants, service management, pubs, clubs, and              to pursue a career within one of the fastest growing
                          their lifetime. It can help you               Full                   Part                               residential care homes at home or abroad. The                  industries in the country. You will develop the skills,
                                                                                                                    Online        industry requires trained staff with excellent customer        knowledge and confidence needed for a busy kitchen
                          plan your learning and develop                Time                   Time
                          progression routes to follow,                                                                           service skills and knowledge to work in the restaurant,        environment through a mix of college study, including
                          whatever your situation may be.                                                                         kitchen and events. Our hospitality programmes                 skills training enhanced with an integral in-house
                                                                                                                                  give you the appropriate training within the Food              work placement within the Food Court, visits to food
                                                                                                                                  Court and our award-winning training restaurant and            suppliers, producers and the finest kitchens in the area.
                          The length of your course will be         All courses will start in September 2020.                     kitchens to develop your skills and knowledge to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 This course qualifies for the Student Scholarship
         1 Year
                          determined by which qualification         Some courses may offer a January start.                       aim for the career you are dreaming of. You will also
                                                                                                                                                                                                 programme. This year-long programme includes a range
                          you are studying for, and whether         If this is of interest, please visit:                         enjoy working in partnership with local employers
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of interesting and relevant subjects: SVQ Professional
                          your course is full-time, or part-time.                                                                 including Sodexo and The Gleneagles Hotel.
                                                           for further details.                                                                                     Cookery at SCQF Level 5; Gleneagles Professional
                                                                                                                                  This course will qualify you for the Student Scholarship       Patisserie Certificate; REHIS food hygiene; SQA
                                                                                                                                  programme. This qualification gives a good grounding           Higher Food Hygiene and a college Health and Safety
                                                                                                                                  to be employed within hospitality, tourism and events          certificate. Professional practice is an integral part of
                                                                                                                                  and includes: SVQ Hospitality Service at SCQF Level            the course which is carried out in the Food Court. You
                                                                                                                                  5, WorldHost principles of customer service; college           will also study Core Skills, including communication, ICT
                                                                                                                                  Certificate for the service of alcohol; REHIS food             and numeracy, which can help you to gain the essential
     Introduction to the Professional                               Hospitality Bronze Award                                      hygiene; SQA Higher Food Hygiene; college Certificate          skills required for life, learning and employment.
                                                                                                                                  health and safety; numeracy; information technology;
     Kitchen Bronze Award                                           (Incorporating SVQ Hospitality                                communications and personal development planning.              Entry Requirements
     (Incorporating SVQ Professional                                Services at SCQF Level 4)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Food Studies and Hospitality
                                                                                                                                                                                                 It would be helpful to have a SCQF Level 4
     Cookery at SCQF Level 4)                                                                                                     Entry requirements                                             qualification but not essential. Applicants may
                                                                    Course content                                                Applicants may have Core Skills at Intermediate 1 or           have core skills at Intermediate 1 or National
                                                                    If you have the right skills, then the food and hospitality   National 4 in communications, numeracy and IT.                 4 in communications, numeracy and IT.
     Course content
     This course is designed for people who have little             industries can provide you with excellent rewards.            You will also be invited to attend an interview                You will also be invited to attend an
     or no experience of the catering industry and would            To be part of this growth area you will need the              and practical skills test. It would be helpful                 interview and practical skills test.
     be the first step into a career within the kitchen. The        right training, and that’s where our experienced and          to have a SCQF Level 4 qualification.
                                                                    professional teaching staff can help. This course                                                                            Previous work or life experience will be considered,
     food industry is an exciting place to start a career,                                                                        Previous work or life experience will be considered,           mature learners will be considered on an individual basis.
     with so many different jobs available. You will learn          provides you with a general introduction to food and
                                                                    hospitality so you can decide if this fast-paced but          mature learners will be considered on an individual basis.
     about food preparation, cooking, baking and food
     presentation, as well as how professional kitchens             rewarding work is right for you. We work closely with
     and food service areas work. You will also develop             The Gleneagles Hotel on the content of the course to
     your team work, employability and enterprise skills.           make sure it gives you the skills that employers need.                SCQF                                 Full                      SCQF                                Full
                                                                                                                                                            1 Year                                                         1 Year
     Work experience will be undertaken within the                  Over the year, you will gain practical experience within             Level 5                               Time                     Level 5                              Time
     Food Court, which is in partnership with Sodexo.               kitchens and restaurants, while achieving a range of
     This year-long highly practical based programme                interesting and relevant qualifications including: SVQ
     includes food preparation, cooking and bakery in our           Hospitality Services SCQF Level 4, Royal Environmental
     fully equipped teaching and production kitchens.               Health Institute of Scotland Elementary Food Hygiene,
     The specific units you will study include: prepare             college certificate for the service of alcohol and a          Professional Chef Gold Award                                   This course qualifies for the Student Scholarship
                                                                                                                                                                                                 programme. This qualification will equip you for
     and cook meat and poultry, prepare and cook                    college Health and Safety certificate. Professional           (Incorporating SVQ Professional                                employment within the hospitality industry and includes:
                                                                    practice is an integral part of the course, which is
     vegetables, health and safety, food hygiene and                                                                              Cookery at SCQF Level 6)                                       SVQ Professional Cookery at SCQF Level 6; production
     working effectively as part of a hospitality team.             carried out in the Food Court. In this course, you will
                                                                                                                                                                                                 cookery like complex poultry, fish, sauces, desserts,
                                                                    also study 5 Core Skills, including communication, ICT
                                                                    and numeracy, which can help you to gain the essential        Course content                                                 bakery and pastry dishes; food hygiene; health and
     Entry requirements                                                                                                           This one-year programme is for those who wish to               safety; WorldHost Principles of Customer Service
     No formal qualifications are required for this course.         skills required for life, learning and employment.
                                                                                                                                  train and practice developing kitchen skills within            and Gleneagles Professional Patisserie Diploma.
     Applicants should have core skills but the ability                                                                           a real working environment. Our campus Food
     to perform at SCQF Level 4 is required along with              Entry requirements
                                                                    No formal qualifications are required for this course.
                                                                                                                                  Court and award-winning fine dining restaurant,                Entry requirements
     a desire to work in the hospitality industry.                                                                                set high standards of customer service and deliver             Applicants should have core skills at Intermediate 2
                                                                    Applicants should have core skills but the ability
     Previous work or life experienced will be                                                                                    excellent food to members of the public.                       or National 5 in communications, numeracy and IT.
                                                                    to perform at SCQF Level 4 is required along with
     considered. Mature learners will be considered                 a desire to work in the hospitality industry.                 You will gain practical hands-on learning experience           You should have SCQF Level 6 in Professional
     on an individual basis. If in doubt, contact us                                                                              on how to plan, cook and present various styles                Cookery. You will also be invited to attend
     to ensure that this is the right level for you.                Previous work or life experienced will be considered.
                                                                                                                                  of menus for between 20 and 400 covers.                        an interview and practical skills test.
                                                                    Mature learners will be considered on an individual basis.
                                                                                                                                  The content covers a wide range of competency based            Previous work or life experience will be considered,
                                                                                                                                  practical units with embedded underpinning knowledge.          mature learners will be considered on an individual basis.
                                                                                                                                  You will also enjoy working in partnership with local
                                                                                                                                  suppliers and employers including Sodexo. The course
                                                                                                                                  is very practical, so if you are hard-working and want to
             SCQF                                 Full                      SCQF                                  Full            learn more, then it will provide the qualification you need.           SCQF                                Full
                               1 Year                                                         1 Year                                                                                                                       1 Year
            Level 4                               Time                     Level 4                                Time                                                                                  Level 6                              Time

42                      For full course information visit:                                                                              For full course information visit:                                            43
Prospectus 2020-21
HNC Hospitality                                                HND Hospitality Management
                                    UCAS Code 522N                                                 UCAS Code 042N
                                    Course content                                                 Course content
                                    Hospitality is a growth industry both nationally and           This 2 year programme will provide you with the skills
                                    internationally, covering hotels, restaurants, pubs, leisure   and knowledge you need to join this highly competitive
                                    and travel. It needs highly skilled and well-trained staff     and expanding industry with the sector supporting
                                    and this course introduces you to the supervisory              around 1 in 12 of Scotland’s registered businesses.
                                    skills required for a successful and fulfilling career. Our
                                                                                                   You will also have the chance to gain added
                                    hospitality programmes aim to give you an exciting
                                                                                                   value qualifications such as REHIS Intermediate
                                    and interesting practical experience in venues including
                                                                                                   Food Hygiene Group Award Certificate in
                                    our production kitchen and award-winning training                                                                          The unique and sector-leading partnership
                                                                                                   food service and accommodation service in
                                    restaurant. You will also enjoy working in partnership                                                                     with Sodexo means students get real-life experience
                                                                                                   partnership with The Gleneagles Hotel.
                                    with organisations such as The Gleneagles Hotel.                                                                           preparing and serving in the college’s Food Court.
                                                                                                   Take your hospitality skills a stage further with study
                                    This higher level programme includes: hospitality
                                                                                                   of: managing financial resources in hospitality; BIIAB
                                    industry; BIIAB Staff Training qualification for
                                                                                                   Staff Training qualification for the service of alcohol;
                                    the service of alcohol; hospitality supervision;
                                                                                                   hospitality financial accounting; management of
                                    hospitality financial and control systems; food
                                                                                                   food and beverage operations; accommodation
                                    hygiene intermediate; food and beverage service;
                                                                                                   management; managing hospitality organisations;
                                    hospitality graded unit 1; food production processes;
                                                                                                   alcoholic beverages; creating a culture of customer care;
                                    accommodation servicing; Scottish licensing law.
                                                                                                   advanced food and beverage service; hospitality group       HNC Professional Cookery                                   HND Professional Cookery
                                    Please note, students will be required to                      award graded unit 2; running themed events, industrial
                                    purchase a uniform. This course qualifies for                  experience in the hospitality industry; Gleneagles          UCAS Code 122N                                             UCAS Code 622N
                                    the Student Scholarship programme.                             Added Value Certification for Food Service; Gleneagles
                                                                                                   Added Value Certification for Accommodation;                Course content                                             Course content
                                    Entry requirements                                             and Hospitality front office procedures 1.                  This programme has been specifically designed              This 2 year programme will provide you with the
                                    One Higher grade and 2 qualifications at                                                                                   for chefs who wish to develop their skills and             culinary expertise and management skills to broaden
                                                                                                   Please note, students will be required to
                                                                                                                                                               knowledge in professional cookery and kitchen              your career opportunities or start up your own
Food Studies and Hospitality

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Food Studies and Hospitality
                                    SCQF Level 5 or equivalent, or Professional                    purchase a uniform. This course qualifies for
                                    Hospitality Silver Award (incorporating SVQ 2                                                                              management. You will experience advanced, modern           business within the industry. The content covers a
                                                                                                   the Student Scholarship programme.
                                    Hospitality Services) or an appropriate NC.                                                                                cookery techniques and look at food product                wide range of inspirational practical and theoretical
                                                                                                                                                               development. The training environment is learner-          units which are assessed throughout. The units are
                                    If you don’t meet our entry requirements, your previous        Entry requirements                                          centred and focuses on current industry standards.         of a more advanced level, so if you are hard-working
                                    experience and credentials may still qualify you for           Two Higher grades and 2 qualifications at SCQF Level                                                                   and want to learn more, this course will provide the
                                    this course. Please arrange an appointment with a              5 or equivalent, or HNC Hospitality or HNC Professional     With the help of our staff you will learn key skills in:
                                                                                                                                                               production cookery; food hygiene; training skills;         qualification you need. Experience in the hospitality
                                    member of college staff to discuss your eligibility.           Cookery (15 credits) or an appropriate SVQ 3.                                                                          industry is an integral part of the course, and you will
                                                                                                                                                               supervision and human resource organisation;
                                                                                                                                                               control systems for the hospitality industry; food         work towards the industrial experience unit. Please
                                                                                                                                                               classification and purchase and project work.              note, students will be required to purchase a uniform.
                                                                                                                                                               Practical classes are held in our production               You will study production cookery; food and
                                            SCQF                                  Full                    SCQF              2 Years            Full            kitchen and award-winning training restaurant.             beverage service; pastry; gastronomy; management
                                                              1 Year
                                           Level 7                                Time                   Level 8                               Time            Please note, students will be required to                  of food and beverage operations; kitchen planning
                                                                                                                                                               purchase a uniform. This course qualifies for              and design; marketing; management of human
                                                                                                                                                               the Student Scholarship programme.                         resources; hospitality supervision; food hygiene; food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          classification and purchase; financial and control
                                                                                                                                                               Entry requirements                                         systems; graded units and work experience.
                                                                                                                                                               One Higher grade, 2 qualifications at SCQF
                                                                                                                                                               Level 5 or equivalent, or an appropriate                   Entry requirements
                                                                                                                                                               further education qualification including SVQ              To join year 1, you should have 2 Highers and
                                                                                                                                                               Professional Cookery or an appropriate NC.                 2 qualifications at SCQF Level 5 or
                                                                                                   Scholarships available in                                                                                              equivalent, or an SVQ or NVQ Level 3.
                                                                                                   Food Studies and Hospitality                                If you don’t meet our entry requirements, your
                                                                                                                                                               previous experience may still qualify you for this         To join year 2, you should have an HNC in Professional
                                                                                                                                                               course. Please arrange an appointment with a               Cookery (15 credits). If you don’t meet our entry
                                                                                                   Scholarships available from Sodexo, Crieff                                                                             requirements, your previous experience and
                                                                                                                                                               member of college staff to discuss your eligibility.
                                                                                                   Hydro Hotel, Hospitality Industry Trust                                                                                credentials may still qualify you for this course.
                                                                                                   (HIT) Scotland and St Johnstone FC                                                                                     Please arrange an appointment with a member
                                                                                                   provide financial and practical support                                                                                of the college staff to discuss your eligibility.
                                                                                                   to successful applicants.

                                                                                                                             SCQF                                   Full                SCQF                                 Full
                                                                                                                                                                                          1 Year                                                   2 Years
                                                                                                                                                                      Level 7                                 Time               Level 8                               Time

                               44                      For full course information visit:                                                                             For full course information visit:                                     45
Prospectus 2020-21
There are over 14,000 tourism
                                                                                                                                                  businesses in Scotland,
                                                                                                                                               around one in 12 of Scotland’s
                                                                                                                                                  registered businesses.

                                                                                                                        BA (Hons) Hospitality Management                         BA (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Textiles
                                                                                                                        UCAS Code NN28                                           Education - UCAS Code X134
                                                                                                                        Course content                                           Course content
                                                                                                                        This course follows on from the HND Hospitality          This course is aimed at people who want to pursue
                                                                   Talented Perth College UHI chefs of                  Management, and is designed to provide up-to-date        a career as a Home Economics teacher in secondary
                                                                                                                        and innovative education for those involved in the       schools. This is a first for teacher education in Scotland,
                                                                   the future showcased their skills as they
                                                                                                                        hospitality industry locally, nationally and globally.   and supported by the Scottish Government to train
                                                                   served up a ‘Celebration of Skills’ dinner                                                                    new Home Economics teachers. This unique Honours
                                                                                                                        You may have the opportunity to undertake
Food Studies and Hospitality

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Food Studies and Hospitality
                                                                   to invited VIPs and industry heads.                                                                           programme combines academic study in Food, Nutrition,
                                                                                                                        placements, study a blend of practical and
                                                                   The showcase dinner – for guests including                                                                    Textiles and Education with vocational teacher training as
                                                                                                                        theoretical skills and develop employer links.
                                                                   Scotland’s Deputy First Minister John Swinney –                                                               a teacher in secondary schools within the 4 year degree.
                                                                   marked the culmination of a unique Craft Skills      After successful completion of an HND with a
                                                                                                                                                                                 Year 1: (Cert HE) You will learn about: food studies; food
                                                                   Week. The workshops are sponsored by global          minimum B pass Graded Unit you will study :
                                                                                                                                                                                 quality and food safety; industrial work experience; health
                                                                   food and beverage management services employer       Year 1 (Year 3 after HND): (BA) Research skills;         and wellbeing; education observation. Alternatively
                                                                   Sodexo and our students were mentored by             quality and customer care in the hospitality industry;   you may complete the HNC Professional Cookery.
                                                                   Sodexo Executive Chef David Ward.                    and corporate responsibility and sustainability in
                                                                                                                                                                                 Year 2: (Dip HE) You will learn about: applied
                                                                   More than 75 Food Studies and Hospitality            the hospitality industry; and a work placement.
                                                                                                                                                                                 food science; nutrition and health through
                                                                   students were involved, mentored by industry         Year 2 (Year 4 after HND): (BA (Hons)) You will          lifecycle; textile studies; professional practice
                                                                   experts in advanced skills such as butchery          complete a dissertation, or research and present a       and education school placement.
                                                                   and fish filleting skills, chocolate work, event     plan for a new business venture. Options may include:
                                                                   organisation, cocktail making and drinks                                                                      Year 3: (BA) You will learn about: food
                                                                                                                        major event analysis and strategic marketing.
                                                                   service. These included TV’s Crème de la Crème                                                                product development and food design; child
                                                                                                                                                                                 development; food, health and consumer
                                                                   winner and patisserie expert Helen Vass and          Entry requirements
                                                                   food writer and blogger Sumayya Usmani.                                                                       investigations; education school placement.
                                                                                                                        A relevant HNC (15 credits) programme would
                                                                   The five-course dinner, described by John            count as year 1 or HND (15 credits) as year 2.           Year 4: (BA (Hons) You will learn about: research
                                                                   Swinney as “exquisite”, was served to an                                                                      methods; dissertation/research project; diet and
                                                                   impressed guest list including those representing                                                             behaviour; education school placement.
                                                                   industry, chefs, education, local authority,
                                                                   sponsors and prospective students.                                                                            Entry requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                 Three Higher Grades at BBC, one in English and
                                                                                                                               SCQF              2 Years             Full        National 5 Maths.
                                                                   Perth College UHI Sector Manager for                       Level 10                               Time
                                                                                                                                                                                 2 A levels at grade BC and numeracy at
                                                                   Food Studies and Hospitality, Ian Gibb, explained:                                                            National Level 5, or equivalent.
                                                                   “The unique skills week and the showcase dinner                                                               A relevant HNC Professional Cookery with minimum
                                                                   – now in their third year – had been geared                                                                   B pass in Graded Unit, National 5 Maths, Higher English
                                                                   to the development of students’ ability and                                                                   or Communications 4 and Literature
                                                                   confidence, promoting the industry and training.                                                              1 would give entry into year 2.
                                                                   “Throughout the week the students took their                                                                  We will consider industry experience or qualifications.
                                                                   training to a new level, by attending specialist
                                                                   workshops and then using those skills and
                                                                   their course work to prepare, cook, present
                                                                   and serve at the showcase dinner. They were
                                                                   learning what the world of work will be like
                                                                   at the hands of the best in the business.
                                                                                                                                                                                        SCQF                4 Years              Full
                                                                   “Once they have learned the techniques, their only
                                                                                                                                                                                       Level 10                                  Time
                                                                   limitation is their own imagination and ambition.”

                               46   For full course information visit:                                                       For full course information visit:                                        47
Prospectus 2020-21
Perth College UHI - Crieff Road, Perth, PH1 2NX, Scotland, UK
01738 877 000 |
Prospectus 2020-21 Prospectus 2020-21 Prospectus 2020-21
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