Investigation on Physical Air Pollution Variables in Tropical Spice Garden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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Investigation on Physical Air Pollution Variables in Tropical Spice Garden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(4): 256-261
© Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2014 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(4):256-261 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

 Investigation on Physical Air Pollution Variables in Tropical Spice
                  Garden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
                Nur-Aqidah A.A.1, Mardiana A.1, Naim D.M.2, Ibrahim M.H.1
                           School of Industrial Technology,
                 Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
                              School of Biological Sciences,
                   Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
Corresponding Author: Mardiana A.
Extensive research has been conducted concerning outdoor environment and it was proven that physical air
pollution variables are very connected to living organisms including human health, plants and animals. Due to
its significant impact on determinants of health and environmental pollutions, thus it deserves special attention.
Hence, this study was conducted to evaluate and characterise the physical air pollution variables in tropical
region of Northern Peninsular Malaysia, based on a case study at Tropical Spice Garden (TSG), Pulau Pinang,
Malaysia. This garden set out eight acres of secondary jungle and has lots of plant species valued for healing
and medicinal as well as culinary uses such as spices and herbs. Measurements were carried out at two different
locations, outside (Point A) and inside of TSG (Point B) in order to compare and analyse the air conditions at
these two locations. The physical air pollution variables in terms of temperature, relative humidity (RH), dew
point, level of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), photoionisation detector (PID) and dust
concentration were determined simultaneously by using an Environmental Monitor EVM-7, while hot wire
anemometer was used to measure air movement. From the study, it was found that the environmental air quality
in terms of CO, CO2, and dust concentration at Point B of TSG was better (lower values) as compared to Point
A. This is due to the fact that Point B was located away from the roadside which indirectly affected the air
conditions at this point. As a conclusion, there were many factors contribute for the high or low values of air
pollution variables such as distance from the roadside, topography area as well as the surroundings and further
study should be conducted in this field to investigate the effects of various factors on air pollution variables or
air conditions in TSG.
Keywords: physical air pollution, variable, tropical region, air pollution.

INTRODUCTION                                                    pollution in developing countries are mobile sources
The environmental concern for air pollution has                 (70-75% of total air pollution), stationary sources
largely been focused on the question of pollution               (20-25%), and open burning sources (3-5%).
outdoors and now has become as one of the serious               Nowadays, the situation becomes more worse
crisis to which we are facing today. Air pollution is a         because it affects not only the population in that
very complex mixture consisting of hundreds of                  particular area but also give a major impact to the
different inorganic and organic compounds                       whole ecosystem and the climate (Radojevic and
(Koistinen et al., 2004) which has a great influence            Bashkin, 2006). The increased risks of air pollution
on human races. This pollution can be caused by                 were affected predominantly by traffic emissions,
various sources such as factories, vehicles, power              emissions from household heating and industries
plants, dry cleaners and so on. Besides,                        (Koistinen et al., 2004).
meteorological aspects in terms of temperature, wind
profile, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure             With the growth of the atmospheric pollutants, lots of
also contribute to air pollution. It was reported by            researches have been carried out in relation to air
Vanos et al., (2014) that rapid growth of population,           pollution variables (Koistinen et al., 2004;
urbanisation, industrialisation, commercialisation and          Rodopoulou et. al. 2014; Li, et. al., 2014; Mues, et.
the increasing development of human activities has              al., 2013; Ali et al., 2008; Stegelmeier et al., 2013;
given rise to a significant increase in atmospheric             Makhdum et al., 2001). There are also numerous
pollutants over the last three decades. With this               cases can be found in the literature related to air
regard, the levels of air pollutants are increasing             pollution and have resulted not only causing illness
rapidly in urban areas in many mega cities of the               but even death (Black, 2003; Qiu et. al., 2013;
developing world (Agrawal et al., 2003). Afroz et al.           Medina et al., 2013). However, only few studies have
(2003) reported that the three major sources of air             published on air pollution variables in Malaysia and
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(4):256-261 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

most of these studies have typically focus on air                 possess seven environmental variables sensor which
pollution study of vehicle emissions (Shuhaili et al.,            are temperature level, relative humidity, carbon
2013) and air pollution trends in urban area or                   dioxide    (CO2),     carbon     monoxide      (CO),
industrial area (Abdullah et al., 2012). From these               photoionisation detector (PID) level, dust level and
evidences, so far there is no published work on                   dew point level. While air velocity was measured
physical air pollution variables conducted in                     using Testo hot wire anemometer (Model: 405 – V1).
secondary jungle or garden or a location that is far              The accuracy of each sensor is shown in Table 1.
away from industrial area in Malaysia. To close the
above research gaps, thus the objective of this study             Table 1: The accuracy of six sensors in the EVM-7
is to evaluate and characterise the physical air                  and hot wire anemometer
pollution variables in tropical region of Northern                No            Sensor                       Accuracy
Peninsular Malaysia based on a case study at a                    1    Temperature                ± 1.1 deg C
                                                                  2    Relative Humidity          ± 5% RH of signal between
secondary jungle in Malaysia namely Tropical Spice                                                10 and 90%
Garden (TSG). The limitation of this study are it only             3   Carbon Monoxide (CO)       ± 5%/2% of signal
focuses on several air pollution varibles and duration             4   Carbon Dioxide (CO2)       ± 2% of signal, ± 50 ppm
of sampling.                                                                                      between 0 and 2500
                                                                   5   Dust                       The photometer can detect
                                                                                                  particles up to 100 µm;
Some of the limitations of this study include external                                            however, accuracy is reduced
validity, or the generalizability of the study. T                                                 for sizes greater than 10 µm.
                                                                   6   Photoionisation Detector   ± 5%/2% (rel to Isobutylene)
                                                                       (PID)                      at calibration level
METHODOLOGY                                                        7   Air Velocity               0 to 2 m/s: ± 0.1m/s ± 5% of
This study was carried out in June 2013 in Tropical                                               rdg.
Spice Garden (TSG), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. This                                                  2.1 to 10 m/s: ± 0.3m/s ±5%
tropical garden known as the first Tropical Climate                                               of rdg.
Spice Garden which is located on the latitude of
5.46352 N and longitude of 100.229087 E. The                      The measurements were carried out at two different
garden set out eight acres of secondary jungle with               locations, outside and inside of TSG which represent
contour topography and far from industrial area.                  Point A and B, respectively as can be seen in Fig. 2.
Also, it has lots of plant species valued for healing             The sensors were placed 1 m above the ground level
and medicinal and culinary uses such as spices and                and were run simultaneously with 5 minutes interval
herbs. Fig. 1 illustrates the location of the study area.         time for two hours with four replications. Outdoor
During the study, the mean annual wind speed of this              climate data in Pulau Pinang in terms of temperature,
area was found to be 1.8 m/s with relative humidity               relative humidity, total rainfall, wind speed and
of over 80.2%, mean temperature more than 27 °C,                  PM10 were also collected in this study as illustrated
annual rainfall amount was 2,294 mm and PM10 level                in Table 2
was 29.8 µg/m³.

Fig. 1: The location of study area, Tropical Spice
Garden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
                                                                  Fig. 2: Location of Point A and B at TSG
The physical air pollution variables were recorded by
a set of calibrated digital hand held instrument which
is Environmental Monitor EVM-7. This device

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(4):256-261 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

         Table 2: Meteorological data and PM10 (particulate matter/dust) in Pulau Pinang

                            Mean                                 Mean                                                      Max Wind
           Month /                            Relative                           Rainfall            No of Rainy                                       PM10
Year                        Wind                              Temperature                                              [degree direction /
          Parameters                        Humidity (%)                       Amount(mm)               Days                                          (µg/m3)
                            (m/s)                                (°C)                                                        (m/s)]
             Jan             2.2                75.8              27.8                 21.4               10                       N.A                    29.4
             Feb              2                 80.8              27.9               250.4                15                   220/13.5                   33.8
             Mar             1.6                82.3              27.6               308.8                18                   020/11.7                   31
             Apr             1.7                82.9              28                 166.6                22                   070/12.7                   20.5
             May             1.4                82.7              28.1                 241                20                   330/14.2                   28.3
             Jun             1.7                80.8              28.6                 44.6                  6                 200/11.7                   49.4
             Jul             2.0                80.8              27.8               140.8                11                   230/15.9                   28.9
             Aug             2.0                77.4              28.1               203.2                10                   300/13.5                   28.9
             Sep             1.7                79.8              27.4               376.6                16                   310/15.3                   28.9
             Oct             1.7                81.3              27.4               193.8                22                   320/12.6                   28.9
             Nov             1.7                80.1              27.5               252.4                24                   050/12.4                   28.9
             Dec             2.2                77.7              27.5                 95.0               17                   060/12.4                   28.9
             Jan             2.2                75.9              28.1                 152                11                   040/11.8                   29.7
             Feb             2.3                78.7              27.7               154.4                18                   060/11.8                   27.2

2013         Mar             2.1                78.7              29.3                 55.6                  8                 010/14.1                   31.6
             Apr             1.7                80.6              28.8               148.6                19                   230/14.9                   25.8
             May             1.9                78.2              29.2                 96.4               11                   170/13.9                   23.9
             Jun             1.6                78.5              28.7               150.6                12                   300/15.9                   35.7
                                                                     can be seen that the statistical data for dust, CO2, CO,
         RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                      relative humidity and dew point level at Point B were
         Statistical summary of air pollution variables at point     considerably lower than Point A. These disparities
         A and B were reported in Table 3 and Table 4,               indicated that air quality inside TSG was
         respectively. The statistical data includes mean,           exceptionally better and cleaner than outside TSG
         median and mode values as well as range values of
         all measured data. As illustrated in Table 3 and 4, it
         Table 3: Statistical summary of physical air pollution variables at point A
Parameters     Dust Level     CO2 Level           CO Level       PID Level          Temp Level        Humidity         Dew Point
                                                                                                                                             Velocity (
  / Data        (µg/m³)        (PPM)               (PPM)          (PPM)                (°C)           Level ( %)       Level (°C)
Mean               50.12             411               1.64            0                29.84             77.68             25.51              0.20
Median              45               408                2              0                 29.9             77.3              25.6               0.19
Mode                52               406                2              0                  30              74.1              25.3               0.10
Range               48               96                 1              0                 1.9              14.1               1.9               0.55

         Table 4: Statistical summary of physical pollution variables at point B
Parameters     Dust Level     CO2 Level         CO Level      PID Level      Temp Level         Humidity          Dew Point              Air Velocity (
  / Data        (µg/m³)        (PPM)             (PPM)         (PPM)            (°C)            Level ( %)        Level (°C)                 m/s)

Mean               15.08           393.57         1.46           0             31.03              66.07             23.95                    0.26
Median             14.50           395.00         1.00           0             31.00              65.20             23.90                    0.22
Mode               13.00           397.00         1.00           0             30.80              68.30             23.90                    0.17
Range              12.00           24.00          2.00           0              2.80              11.00              1.50                    1.05

         Overall, it was recorded that the temperature range at                    A was found to be 50.12 µg/m³ with 0.2 m/s of air
         Point B was 1.19 °C higher than Point A while the                         velocity which was 35% higher than the dust level at
         relative humidity at Point B was 11.6% lower than                         Point B (Fig. 4.). During the study, it was also
         the humidity level at Point A. The variation of                           observed that the road traffic was busy which
         temperature and relative humidity at Point A and B is                     indirectly contributes to higher value of CO2 level at
         shown in Fig. 3. The mean value of dust level at point                    Point A. The busy road traffic exacerbated by low air
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(4):256-261 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

velocity had resulted low dispersion of dust. While             barrier for traffic pollutants and this could possibly
different situation observed at Point B where CO2               lower the reading of air pollution variables at Point B
level was lower than Point A (high level of air                 recorded in this study. In this study, it was also
velocity had resulted of more dispersion of dust). The          observed that, there were a number of motor vehicles
relation between air velocity and dispersion of dust            parked near the entrance of TSG at Point A with the
was pointed by many researchers (Zhang, 2004;                   engine running on which could also possibly
Abdullah et al., 2007; Schneidar, 2008; Sneha                   contributes to the high levels of dust, CO2, CO and
Gautam et at., 2012)                                            humidity level recorded at this point (Radojevic and
                                                                Bashkin, 2006). Further and thorough investigation
                                                                should be conducted in this area to study the effects
                                                                of various factors on air pollution variables in TSG

Fig. 3: Variation of temperature and relative humidity
at Point A (P.A) and B (P.B)

Fig. 4: Variation of dust level and air velocity at
Point A (P.A) and B (P.B)
                                                                Fig. 6: Variation of CO and air velocity at Point A
                                                                (P.A) and B (P.B)
Fig. 5 indicates the variation of CO2 and air velocity
levels at point A and B. From the figure, it can been
observed that the CO2 level at Point A was 17.4%
                                                                This study was carried out as a preliminary work to
higher than Point B with the air velocity mean value
                                                                evaluate and characterise the physical air pollution
of 0.2 m/s. This is due to the fact that location of
                                                                variables in tropical region of Northern Peninsular
Point A was near the roadside area and gases emitted
                                                                Malaysia based on a case study at TSG, Pulau
from motor vehicles were the main source of CO2
                                                                Pinang, Malaysia. Measurements were conducted out
production (USEPA, 2014). During the study, it was
                                                                at two different locations, outside (Point A) and
also observed that the road traffic was busy which
                                                                inside (Point B) of TSG in order to compare and
indirectly contributes to higher value of CO2 level at
                                                                analyse the air conditions at these two locations using
Point B. On the other hand, the variation of air
                                                                portable multi-sensor Environmental Monitor EVM-7
velocity and CO level is presented in Fig. 6. From the
                                                                and hot wire anemometer. From this study it was
figure, it can be seen that the CO level at Point A was
                                                                found that the levels of physical air pollution
higher than Point B. The fact that Point B was located
                                                                variables in terms of temperature, relative humidity
away from the road side where this situation was
                                                                (RH), (CO) (CO2), (PID) and dust at Point A were
proven by several studies (Al-Chalabi and Hawker,
                                                                higher than Point B. These disparities indicated that
2000, Li et al., 2007, Naveed et al., 2011, Yan et al.,
                                                                air quality inside TSG (Point B) was exceptionally
2013). The more distance from the roadside, the less
                                                                better and cleaner than outside TSG (Point A). This is
pollution occurs. In addition, 2 m high of wall
                                                                due to the fact that Point B was located away from
surrounded at the front location of TSG serves as a
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(4):256-261 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

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authors also would like to thank Mr Kenneth Khoo                  LI, W., WANG, C., WANG, H., CHEN, J., YUAN,
and all staff of Tropical Spice Garden.                           C., LI, T., WANG, W., SHEN, H., HUANG, Y.,
                                                                  WANG, R., WANG, B., ZHANG, Y., CHEN, H.,
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