Declutter your Email Inbox - Clarify, Simplify, Align PRESENTED BY: Dr. Jessica Louie - Clarify Simplify Align

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Declutter your Email Inbox - Clarify, Simplify, Align PRESENTED BY: Dr. Jessica Louie - Clarify Simplify Align
Declutter your
 Email Inbox

Clarify, Simplify, Align

     Dr. Jessica Louie
Declutter your Email Inbox - Clarify, Simplify, Align PRESENTED BY: Dr. Jessica Louie - Clarify Simplify Align
Our Philosophy
Clarify Simplify Align’s philosophy is grounded in clarity, simplicity and
alignment. These principles foster growth in gratitude, respect, and joy.
Throughout this journey, you’ll curate a life that YOU love. You’ll be able to lead
with confidence, live intentionally, mindfully, and focus on what matters most
to you.

  Clarify your Values
  Simplify your Space
  Align your Goals
  Lead with Confidence.
  Curate a Life you Love.
                           Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Declutter your Email Inbox - Clarify, Simplify, Align PRESENTED BY: Dr. Jessica Louie - Clarify Simplify Align
Clarify your Why

Set the Vision for your Ideal
Declutter your Email Inbox - Clarify, Simplify, Align PRESENTED BY: Dr. Jessica Louie - Clarify Simplify Align
Clarify My Values:
Ideal Lifestyle: Check-Ins
What is your vision for an ideal lifestyle?
             Ideal Lifestyle: Check-Ins
    1. Rate Happiness (scale 1-5)
    2. WriteWhat
             your Definition  & Goal
                   is your vision   forfor
                                           ideal lifestyle? | Write your definitions here
              1. Health                                                           1 2 3 4 5

              2. Mental / Emotional                                               1 2 3 4 5

              3. Family                                                           1 2 3 4 5

              4. Friends                                                          1 2 3 4 5

              5. Partner / Love                                                   1 2 3 4 5

              6. Work / Mission                                                   1 2 3 4 5

              7. Experiences                                                      1 2 3 4 5

              8. Learning                                                         1 2 3 4 5

              9. Spirit                                                           1 2 3 4 5

              10. Finances                                                        1 2 3 4 5

                                  Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
                                                       Inbox                              17
Declutter your Email Inbox - Clarify, Simplify, Align PRESENTED BY: Dr. Jessica Louie - Clarify Simplify Align
Clarify My Values:
Define my Core Values

When we put together our core values, remember to quiet the “should’s” in life and put
together values that truly reflect you and your life. We are not living someone else’s values.
Listen to your inner voice.

Ask yourself, “Would I hold this value even at a cost?”
               Think of moments in life when you sacrificed time, money, popularity,
               approval or success for something you valued more

               When you’re willing to give up something that feels good for something you
               care about more, that’s when you know you’re acting on a core value

My Core Values:

1.   __________________________

2.   __________________________

3.   __________________________

4.   __________________________

5.   __________________________

There is difference between values and goals
        •    Goals are BASED on values
        •    We never achieve our values like we achieve our goals
        •    We can’t accomplish our values, but we do set goals and take actions that align
             with them

                               Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Goal Action Plan
               What is your goal for your decluttering journey?

Big Picture Goal | Write your goal

WHY? | Write your key motivations for achieving this goal

HOW? | Write your next steps to take action on this goal

Reward | Write how you will celebrate making progress on this goal

                         Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Simplify your Email

 15 Days to Email Inbox Zero
Basic Principles
Remember the Basic principles:

• Focus on what matters most

• Accept that not everything can be accomplished

• Make your priorities your priorities

                    Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Daily Work
1. Prepare
      1. Locate or create your “Archive” folder
            1. This folder is where emails are NOT deleted but cleared from your Inbox
            2. In Gmail, this may be your “All Mail” folder
      2. Make sure all your devices are connected and synchronized
            1. The changes you make on one device appear on all

2. Clear the Clutter
      1. Move all mail to “Archive” folder, except those received in last 24 hours
      2. Emails from last 24 hours – do 1 of 3 things
              1. File into Archive folder
                     1. File every email that requires no action now or in the future.
                     2. Do not categorize into folders
                     3. We are NO longer using our email inbox as a physical filing cabinet
                     4. Folders cause more problems than they fix because
                             1. Time spent filing
                             2. Figuring out where to file
                             3. You can search for everything so why waste time filing?
              2. Act on it now if requires 2 minutes or less
                     1. Act on it now
                     2. Then file into Archive folder
              3. Defer
                     1. Flag for follow up at specific day and time
                     2. Create a task or Set a calendar reminder
                     3. Then file into Archive folder

3. Turn off notifications
      1. Clear the Clutter (3 actions you learned in Day 2 – File, Act, Defer)
      2. Take back control of when you check your email rather than be constantly
          interrupted. Turn off notifications on all devices
              1. This includes sounds, pop-ups, badges, alerts, counts

4. Turn off push emails
      1. Clear the Clutter
      2. Turn off push notifications on all devices
              1. Switch “push” or “constant” to “fetch” or “check manually”
              Added bonus: less battery use!

                             Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Daily Work
5. No email before breakfast
     1. Leave email until after breakfast
     2. Be fully present with yourself, family, roommates, pets first
     3. Email is a tool for the work place – let’s move it to work time
     4. Clear the Clutter

6. Unsubscribe
      1. Unsubscribe from every email you can
      2. Do this before Clearing the Clutter for the day
      3. One-click unsubscribe
      4. Or unsubscribe at bottom of email
      5. Or free resource (not preferred since it can have glitches in it
         and you are not actually unsubscribing from an email list – as a business owner
         that means your subscriber may not get your email in their inbox but you still are
         paying for them)

7. Send less email
      1. Help the cycle – send less email, receive less email, manage a smaller inbox
      2. If in doubt, don’t send the email
      3. Get out of habit of responding to emails immediately. Benefits of slow email
              1. People will stop expecting instant answers
              2. Some problems will resolve themselves without your input
              3. Protect yourself from emotional instant response

8. Use your voice
      1. Instead of sending an email, pick up the phone
             1. Email threads can take up many more minutes than a 2-5 minute
      2. You may send an email after the discussion to summarize the discussion, clarify
          points raised, confirm agreements and future commitments

                             Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Daily Work
9. No email before 10am
      1. No email before 10 am (or set a realistic time point here for your life & how you
         structure your Morning Routine)
      2. If you have been checking email right when you arrive at work, you are letting
         everyone else set your priorities for the day
      3. Leave these tasks for later and use your energy and creativity for high level goals
      4. At 10 am, Clear the Clutter

10. No email after 6pm
       1. When you leave work, leave email
       2. Very few emails are urgent. If they are, someone will find a way to call you (or
          text you)

11. Ignore CC emails from co-workers
       1. Cc’d emails from co-workers go straight to Archive folder

12. No email after 5pm

13. Hide your email apps
       1. Hide the email app on your devices – phone, laptop, desktop

14. Check email at 10am and 4pm
       1. Batching likely will save you 8+ hours per week

15. Unsubscribe and Clear the Clutter
       1. Check unsubscribe list – continue this monthly

Congratulations - Share what you learned with colleagues, friends and family

                              Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Daily Work
I do not sync email to my cell phone

But I do have my email accounts on my phone in case I need to find something in an

On iPhone, go to Settings -> Passwords & Accounts -> Add email account and turn on or
off - when off, my email app looks like this:

                              Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
Get Started!

Need an Accountability

    Work with Me
   Benefits of Hiring a Coach

        Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email

    Visit: for Valuable Resources

               Blog Posts/Articles & YouTube Videos:
•    How to Break your Shopaholic Addiction
•    What to do when you Feel Like Quitting the KonMari Method
•    7 Common KonMari Mistakes, Misconceptions, Missteps
•    5 Things to Start Today to Change your Life
•    Tidy vs. Clean | 3 Ways they are different
•    How to Decrease your Impact on the Environment starting Today
•    How to Pack with the KonMari Method
•    How to Apply KonMari Method to Gifts + 4 Gift Ideas
•    How to Apply KonMari Method to Health
•    How to Apply KonMari Method to Finances

          Full Shop with Books, Organizing and
                   KonMari Supplies:

                    Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
                   Full Shop with Books, Organizing and
                        KonMari Supplies: Click Here

Recommended Readings:
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek – My personal favorite from Simon Sinek about
leadership and the steps we can take to inspire leadership and trust among our teams.

Start with Why and Find your Why by Simon Sinek

Mindset by Carol Dweck – This is a great read about how we change between a fixed
and growth mindset and how we can change our viewpoints and perceptions to
further ourselves.

Big Life Journal – Resource for Kids

Grit by Angela Duckworth – This book highlights perseverance and resiliency as we
move forward

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard – This book breaks down easy to
implement habits to get the most out of daily life

When by Daniel Pink - The scientific secrets of timing

Principles by Ray Dalio – Great application to life and work for meaningful relationship
and meaningful work

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller – Helping to fill the void you
may have after discarding things/people/activities in your life

Soulful Simplicity by Courtney Carver – How living with less can lead to so much more

                               Clarify Simplify Align - Declutter your Email
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Clarify, Simplify, Align

     Dr. Jessica Louie
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