Deception Detection in Group Video Conversations using Dynamic Interaction Networks
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Deception Detection in Group Video Conversations using Dynamic Interaction Networks Srijan Kumar,1 Chongyang Bai,2 V.S. Subrahmanian,2 Jure Leskovec3 1 Georgia Institute of Technology 2 Dartmouth College 3 Stanford University,,, arXiv:2106.06163v1 [cs.SI] 11 Jun 2021 Abstract group of deceivers work together to fool a group of unsus- pecting users, but the latter do not know who the deceivers Detecting groups of people who are jointly deceptive in video are. This occurs in practice, for instance, when defectors conversations is crucial in settings such as meetings, sales pitches, and negotiations. Past work on deception in videos are present in security teams, when liars are present in sales focuses on detecting a single deceiver and uses facial or visual teams, and when people from competing firms infiltrate an features only. In this paper, we propose the concept of Face- organization. to-Face Dynamic Interaction Networks (FFDINs) to model While there has been significant research in identify- the interpersonal interactions within a group of people. The ing individual deceivers in real-world face-to-face interac- use of FFDINs enables us to leverage network relations in tions (Wu et al. 2018; Ding et al. 2019; Gogate, Adeel, and detecting group deception in video conversations for the first Hussain 2017), little is known about how groups of deceivers time. We use a dataset of 185 videos from a deception-based work together in the online setting. Current deception re- game called Resistance. We first characterize the behavior search is largely limited to analysing the audio-visual be- of individual, pairs, and groups of deceptive participants and compare them to non-deceptive participants. Our analysis re- havior of a single deceiver using voice signatures, gestures, veals that pairs of deceivers tend to avoid mutual interaction facial expressions, and body language. In contrast, research and focus their attention on non-deceivers. In contrast, non- on social media analytics has extensively studied the im- deceivers interact with everyone equally. We propose Nega- pact of individual and team of deceivers (Kumar et al. 2017; tive Dynamic Interaction Networks to capture the notion of Kumar, Spezzano, and Subrahmanian 2015; Kumar, Zhang, missing interactions. We create the DeceptionRank algorithm and Leskovec 2019; Addawood et al. 2019; Wu et al. 2017; to detect deceivers from NDINs extracted from videos that Keller et al. 2017), but those findings do not translate to the are just one minute long. We show that our method outper- case of video-based face-to-face group deception. forms recent state-of-the-art computer vision, graph embed- The behavioral characteristics when multiple deceivers ding, and ensemble methods by at least 20.9% AUROC in operate simultaneously are drastically different from the identifying deception from videos. case of a single deceiver. This is primarily because the be- havior of one deceiver can influence the behavior of the other Introduction deceivers. For instance, when one deceiver lies to a potential Web-based face-to-face video conversations have become a target, other partners of the deceiver may show certain facial pervasive mode of work and communication throughout the reactions which might be leveraged to predict that decep- world, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Important tion is going on. Moreover, multiple simultaneous deceivers, tasks, such as interviews, negotiations, deals, and meetings, each deceiving a little bit, may be more successful in deceiv- are all happening through video call platforms such as Mi- ing victims than a single deceiver alone. There is little work crosoft Teams, Google Meet, Facebook Messenger, Zoom on studying the behavioral patterns of groups of deceivers, and Skype. Furthermore, video content have become a cen- which is a gap that we bridge. tral theme in social media and video conversations have also We conduct the first network-based study of group de- become an integral part of social media platforms, including ception in face-to-face discussions. We analyse the verbal on Facebook, WhatsApp, and SnapChat. Deception and dis- behavior, non-verbal behavior, and inter-personal interac- information in all these settings can be disruptive, counter- tion behavior when multiple deceivers are present within a productive, and dangerous. group of people. We elicit deceptive behavior in the form of The problem of accurately and quickly identifying a multi-person face-to-face game called Resistance1 . Resis- whether a group of people is being deceptive is crucial in tance is a social role-playing card-based party game, where many settings. Specifically, consider the scenario where a a small group (deceivers) tries to disrupt the larger group 1 Copyright © 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Many variants of Resistance such as Mafia and Werewolf are Intelligence ( All rights reserved. played around the world by thousands of people.
Figure 1: Given a group video conversation (left), we extract face-to-face dynamic interaction networks (right) representing the instantaneous interactions between participants. Participants are nodes and interactions are edges in the network. In this work, dynamic interaction networks are used to characterize and detect deception. (non-deceivers) working together. In this study, we use a action networks. This generates a deception score for each dataset of 26 Resistance games, each 38-minutes long on node. We show that DeceptionRank outperforms the state- average (Bai et al. 2019). of-the-art computer vision, graph embedding, and ensem- We propose the concept of a Face-to-Face Dynamic Inter- ble methods by over 20.9% AUROC in detecting deceivers. action Network (FFDIN for short) which captures instanta- Moreover, we show that DeceptionRank is consistently the neous interactions between the participants. Participants are best performing method across different lengths of video nodes and interactions are edges in the network. FFDINs in- segments and regardless of the final outcome of the game. clude both verbal (who talks to whom) and non-verbal (who The dynamic networks dataset along with ground truth looks at whom) interactions. One FFDIN is extracted per of deception are available at: second of the video. An example is shown in Figure 1. As comm-f2f-Resistance.html. discussions unfold over the course of the game, FFDINs evolve rapidly over time and their dynamics can provide Dataset Description valuable clues for detecting deception. We use the dynamic Here we create face-to-face dynamic verbal and non-verbal FFDINs extracted from the videos of the Resistance games interaction networks by extending the work by Bai et al. in this work. Even though 26 games does not plenty, our (2019). In Bai et al. (2019), face-to-face interactions are ex- dataset consists of 59, 762 FFDINs in total. tracted from videos of a group of participants playing Resis- We conduct a series of analysis on these networks which tance game.2 The extraction algorithm is a collective classi- reveal novel behaviors of deceivers, extending the research fication algorithm that leverages computer vision techniques done in social sciences (Driskell, Salas, and Driskell 2012; for eye gaze and head pose extraction. Each game has 5–8 Baccarani and Bonfanti 2015; Vrij 2008). In particular, we participants, out of which a subset are assigned the roles of find that deceivers who are less engaged (as measured by being deceivers (others are non-deceivers). A participant has the number of participants they interact with, how often they the same role throughout the game. The deceivers know who speak, and who listens to them) are more likely to lose the the other deceivers are, but the non-deceivers do not know game. On the other hand, deceivers successfully deceive oth- the roles of any other participant. One participant is part of ers when they are as engaged in the game as non-deceivers, exactly one game. In total, the dataset has 26 game and 185 thus adeptly camouflaging themselves. Across all games, we participants. also found that deceivers interact significantly more with The game has multiple rounds. Each round starts with a non-deceivers than with other deceivers, echoing previous free-flowing discussion in which players discuss who the findings by (Driskell, Salas, and Driskell 2012). In contrast, possible deceivers might be. Players cast votes at the end as non-deceivers do not know the identity of other partici- of each round. To win the game, the non-deceivers must col- pants, they interact equally with everyone. lectively identify the deceivers as early as possible — but We introduce the notion of Negative Dynamic Interaction as they do not know who the deceivers and non-deceivers Networks (or NDINs) that captures when two participants are, they must identify who is lying. The dominant winning avoid interacting with one another. We then create an algo- strategy of the non-deceivers is to be truthful and that of rithm called DeceptionRank that can detect deceivers even deceivers is to lie and pretend that they are non-deceivers. from very short (one minute) video snippets. Deception- In our dataset, deceivers win 14 out of 26 games (or 54%). Rank derives NDINs from the original interaction networks Hence the data is reasonably balanced. We use “DW” to la- — two nodes are linked with an edge if their correspond- bel the games that the deceivers win and “DL” to identify ing participants do not interact. Our method initializes the games that the deceivers lose. prior deception scores of each node through a novel process Face-to-Face Dynamic Interaction Networks (FFDINs). which normalizes and aggregates the verbal and non-verbal We create a dataset of FFDINs. Each game is represented as behaviors of nodes. It then iteratively runs PageRank on and 2 aggregates scores from the set of negative dynamic inter- Resistance (game)
Characterizing Deceptive Behavior Property Total Per game Number of network timeseries 26 1 The goal of this section is to answer two important ques- Temporal length (in seconds) 59,762 2,299 tions: (i) what are the behavioral characteristics that sep- Number of games won by deceivers 14 54% arate deceivers from non-deceivers? and (ii) what are the Number of nodes 185 5–8 factors that distinguish successful deceivers from unsuccess- Number of look-at edges 689,501 26,519 ful ones? We answer these questions through three research Number of speak-to edges 26,556 1,021 questions. Number of listen-to edges 25,798 992 Table 1: Statistics of the Resistance dataset. RQ1: Do deceivers and non-deceivers have distinct gaze patterns? There is an asymmetry between the knowledge that de- a sequence of interaction networks, with one network snap- ceivers and non-deceivers have. In the game, deceivers know shot per second. Nodes in an FFDIN represent participants who the deceivers and non-deceivers are. In contrast, a non- in the corresponding game. Each node has a binary attribute deceiver only knows her own role and nothing whatsoever representing its role, i.e., deceiver or non-deceiver (a par- about the other participants. Since deceivers know the roles ticipant’s role does not change during the game). An edge of all participants, a natural question to ask is whether they represents the interaction between a pair of participants dur- focus their attention on specific participants? If yes, how ing the corresponding second – we will discuss the types does this focus affect their success in deceiving others? of edges considered shortly. The resulting FFDINs have This is a key question as prior social science research has highly dynamic edges because of the free-form discussion shown that frequent/rapid gaze change is linked to low con- and interaction changes over time. All edges are directed fidence (Rayner 1998) and higher likelihood of both decep- and weighted — the weight indicates the strength or prob- tion (Pak and Zhou 2013) and anxiety (Dinges et al. 2005; ability of the interaction. An example is shown in Figure 1. Laretzaki et al. 2011), which may be exhibited by users in In total, there are 26 games (network sequences), 185 par- certain roles. For instance, prior research has found that de- ticipants, and 996 minutes of recordings. Table 1 shows the ceivers are more anxious than non-deceivers (Ströfer et al. statistics of the Resistance networks. We create three types 2016). of networks from the video of each game: We analyse the behavior of deceivers in the Look- t t At networks. A participant u’s “looking” behavior can • Look-At FFDINs NG = (V, EG ) captures non-verbal in- teractions between participants. The edges at time t rep- be represented as a sequence of consistent gaze periods resent who-is-looking-at-who during the time duration t. [Pu1 , Pu2 , . . . Pun ]. A period Puk is a continuous time inter- t 0 1 The edge weight EG (u, v) is the probability of participant val [Puk , Puk ] with a single gaze target Tuk , i.e., the recipi- u looking at participant v at time t. ent of u’s highest weight outgoing edge at every time step in the interval. Suppose we use Duk to denote the duration of • Speak-To FFDIN NSt = (V, ESt ) captures verbal inter- participant u’s k th period Puk . Thus, the duration sequence actions between participants. The edges represent who for u’s gaze behavior is represented as [Du1 , Du2 , . . . Duk ], speakers are looking at while speaking. At any time point, where Du1 + Du2 + . . . + Duk = T , i.e. Du1 , Du2 , . . . Duk the edges emanate from speaker nodes. Edge weights rep- partition the time interval T . resent the probabilities of speakers looking at targets. Gaze Entropy. We calculate the entropy of u’s gaze be- • Listen-To FFDIN NLt = (V, ELt ) shows who listens to the havior in the game as the entropy of the set { DTu1 , DTu2 , speaker. The edges are incoming weighted edges directed Pk . . . DTuk }. Specifically, Hu = − i=1 DTui log( DTui ). A high towards the speaker node at each point in time. entropy value Hu means that u changes his/her focus of at- tention very frequently, indicating more engagement in the Ethical and IRB Considerations game. Conversely, a low Hu means longer periods of gaze An extensive set of IRB approvals were obtained by the au- towards the same participant, indicating lower engagement thors of Bai et al. (2019) to collect the data. IRB review was with the rest of the group. conducted at the institutions where the data was collected All scores are normalized per game by subtracting the as well as the IRB of the project sponsor. The participants mean score of all participants in the game. Thus, after nor- gave permission to the research team of Bai et al. (2019) to malization, a positive (negative) gaze entropy of a partici- record and analyze their videos. After the networks are ex- pant p means that p shifts her gaze more (less) often than tracted from Bai et al. (2019), all personally identifiable in- average. To compare the overall behavior of deceivers and formation (PII) is stripped and original videos are not used non-deceivers, we average the normalized entropy score of further. all deceivers’ entropy across all games — and likewise do Our data and networks are derived using the interaction the same with non-deceivers. Furthermore, since the behav- information provided as output by Bai et al. (2019), which ior of participants can vary dramatically based on the game’s has no PII. As a result, the FFDINs created in this work do outcome (i.e., whether deceivers win or lose), we aggregate not contain any PII as well. The dynamic networks dataset the scores for DW (Deceivers Win) vs DL (Deceivers Lose) we release in this work does not have any PII as well. games separately.
Reciprocity of Looking Fraction of Speaking Entropy of Looking 0.4 Non-deceivers 0.4 Non-deceivers 0.4 Non-deceivers 0.3 Deceivers 0.3 Deceivers 0.3 0.2 0.2 Deceivers 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 −0.1 −0.1 0.0 −0.2 −0.2 −0.1 −0.3 −0.3 −0.2 −0.4 −0.4 DL DW DL DW −0.3 Game Outcome Game Outcome −0.4 DL DW Figure 2: Non-engaging deceivers are unsuccessful in de- Game Outcome ceiving others. (Left) Deceivers have a lower entropy of looking at others compared to non-deceivers in DL (De- Figure 3: Deceivers tend to speak less than non-deceivers. ceivers Lose) games, while this difference does not exist in This difference is more pronounced in DL games. DW (Deceivers Win) games. (Right) Deceivers get less at- tention, measured in terms of reciprocity, in DL games. In both plots, we observe that deceivers and non-deceivers have RQ2: Does the verbal behavior of group of similar scores in DW games, as deceivers successfully cam- deceivers differ from non-deceivers? ouflage themselves. The way in which people speak has previously been shown to indicate deception (Baccarani and Bonfanti 2015; Beslin and Reddin 2004). However, verbal characteristics of a coor- dinated group of deceivers is less well known. We now com- Gaze Reciprocity. We define the reciprocity of u’s gaze pare the speaking patterns of deceivers and non-deceivers. in the k th period Puk as the average looking-at probability We use the Speak-To FFDIN network for the analysis. As of u’s target Tuk towards u during the same time period. before, we compare the differences partitioned by the final PPuk1 t game outcome. EG (Tuk ,u) t=P 0 Specifically, Ruk = uk Duk . A high reciprocity means that u’s targets pay attention to u, while a lower reci- Finding (F3): Deceivers speak less than non-deceivers. procity indicates that u’s targets ignore u’s gaze. The aver- We established this by first computing the fraction of time age reciprocity of u in the game is the average reciprocity slices in which a participant u speaks. Both speaking ex- across all its periods, weighted by the duration of the period. cessively and being anomalously quiet have previously been We normalize and aggregate reciprocity scores to zero-mean noted to be indicators of deception (Wiseman 2010; Vrij as we did with entropy. 2008). Our experiments show that deceivers speak less than non- Findings. Figure 2(left) and (right) respectively compare deceivers regardless of the game outcome. As shown in Fig- the gaze entropy of participants and their gaze reciprocity. ure 3, the differences are statistically significant both in DW The figures report the mean scores across participants and games (0.08 vs −0.13, p < 0.05) and in DL games (0.07 vs the 95% confidence interval of the score distribution. An −0.10, p < 0.001). This shows that non-deceivers are more independent two-sample t-test is used to compare distribu- vocal in all games. tions throughout the paper. We observe that the behavior of deceivers depends heavily on the outcome of a game. Finding (F4): In DL games, deceivers get less attention while speaking than non-deceivers. We can infer the at- Finding (F1): In DW games, deceivers and Non- tention a speaker u is getting based on how many other Deceivers look at similar numbers of speakers and are participants are looking at u while u is speaking. We de- looked at to similar extents by other participants. De- fine the average attention that a participant u gets as the ceivers and non-deceivers have similar entropy and reci- average of u in the Listen-To FFDINs: procity scores (both p > 0.05) in DW games. Thus, de- 1 P Pweighted in-degree t t (v,u)∈ELt EL (v, u), where T is the number of net- ceivers win when they successfully camouflage themselves T by imitating the nonverbal behavior of non-deceivers. works in which u is a speaker. Figure 4 (left) shows that in DL games, less attention Finding (F2): In DL games, deceivers look at fewer is paid to deceivers when they speak, compared to non- participants than non-deceivers and are also looked at deceivers. However, the story is different in DW games— less by other participants. Both gaze entropy and gaze reci- players in both roles receive a similar amount of attention. procity are significantly lower for deceivers in DL games (p < 0.001), showing that they have a steadier gaze and Finding (F5): In DL games, deceiver speakers are recip- receive less attention compared to non-deceivers. This indi- rocated less than non-deceivers. We also looked at the cates that deceivers are easily identified and lose when they gaze behavior of the person who is being spoken to. How of- are less engaging as compared to the rest of the participants. ten do they pay attention to the speaker? Specifically, when
0.04 Listener's Reciprocity Average Attention 0.4 Non-deceivers 0.4 Non-deceivers When Speaking 0.3 Reciprocity Deceivers 0.3 Deceivers 0.03 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.0 0.0 −0.1 −0.1 −0.2 −0.2 0.01 −0.3 −0.3 −0.4 −0.4 0.00 DL DW DL DW Deceiver Deceiver Non-deceiver Non-deceiver Game Outcome Game Outcome to to to to Deceiver Non-deceiver Deceiver Non-deceiver Figure 4: Deceivers get less attention in the games they lose. Listening to Speaker 0.2 (Left) We observe that when deceivers speak in DL games, Probability of other participants have lower likelihood of looking at the deceiver as compared to when a non-deceiver is speaking. (Right) Similarly, the target of speakers is less likely to look 0.1 back at deceivers than at non-deceivers in DL games. These differences are not present in DW games as deceivers are equally engaged and central to discussions. 0.0 Deceiver Deceiver Non-deceiver Non-deceiver to to to to Deceiver Non-deceiver Deceiver Non-deceiver person u talks to v, does v look back at u? This is a sign of 0.2 trust and respect (Ellsberg 2010; Derber 2000). Probability of Speaking To We define the reciprocity of u’s target Tut at time t as the edge weight from Tut to u at the same time. We calculated 0.1 the average reciprocity of participant u in the entire time pe- PT riod t ∈ [1, T ] as T1 t=1 ELt (Tut , u). We compared the av- erage reciprocity of deceivers and non-deceivers in Figure 4 (right). We see that in DL games, deceivers are not as fre- 0.0 Deceiver Deceiver Non-deceiver Non-deceiver quently reciprocated as non-deceivers. This suggests that in to to to to DL games, other participants pay less attention to and trust Deceiver Non-deceiver Deceiver Non-deceiver deceivers less. This, however, is not the case in DW games where both deceivers and non-deceivers are given equal at- Figure 5: Deceivers avoid non-verbal interactions with other tention by listeners. deceivers. (Top) Deceivers have lower reciprocity of looking Summarizing, we find that non-deceivers are highly vo- at other deceivers than at non-deceivers. Non-deceivers have cal and more active and central compared to deceivers in similar reciprocity for both. (Middle) Deceivers listen less to DL games. This is not the case in DW games, where the other deceivers than to non-deceivers. Non-deceivers have engagement and importance of deceivers and non-deceivers similar values for both. (Bottom) All pairs of participants is equivalent. This shows that deceivers are successful in have similar probability of speaking to one another. deceiving others when they are as engaging as the non- deceivers in the game and camouflage their behavior well. looking, average talk-to probability, and average listen-to RQ3: Do deceivers interact differently with other probability for all pairs of roles. We aggregate the properties deceivers vs non-deceivers? across all games to measure role-specific behavior regard- Since deceivers know the role of all participants in the game, less of the game’s outcome. As earlier, we report the mean do they focus their attention on specific individuals? Past and the 95% confidence intervals for all properties. We make survey based social science studies (Driskell, Salas, and the following three observations by analysing both verbal Driskell 2012) conclude that deceivers are unlikely to re- and non-verbal behavior of participants. spond to each other. We develop competing hypothesis about Finding (F6): Deceivers look less at other deceivers. this. The first hypothesis is that the deceivers interact more First, Figure 5 (top) shows that non-deceivers spend simi- with deceivers in order to cooperate and deceive other par- lar amounts of time looking at deceivers and non-deceivers ticipants. The alternate hypothesis states that deceivers in- (p > 0.05). However, the looking behavior of deceivers is teract less with each other in order to avoid being identified strikingly distinct—deceivers look less at other deceivers by non-deceivers. than at non-deceivers (p < 0.001). This has several im- To test these hypotheses, we compare the pairwise in- portant implications. Since deceivers know the identity of teractions between participants, grouped by their roles: non-deceivers, deceivers spend more time observing non- deceivers vs. deceivers, deceivers vs. non-deceivers, non- deceivers (and less time observing their fellow deceivers). deceivers vs. deceivers, and non-deceivers vs. non- Deceivers may also interact less with other deceivers to deceivers. Figure 5 compares the average reciprocity of avoid ‘guilt-by-association’, i.e., getting caught in case the
other deceivers are identified. is no edge from u to v at time t in the interaction network, In addition, Figure 5 (middle) shows that non-deceivers i.e., when u does not interact with v. have a similar probability of listening to both deceptive and Initializing node deception priors. First we need to ini- non-deceptive speakers (p = 0.76). However, this is not the tialize every node’s prior probability of being a deceiver. case for deceiver listeners. Deceivers have a lower proba- We introduce a novel technique for initialization based on bility of listening to other deceivers as compared to non- every node’s verbal and non-verbal features compared to deceivers (p < 0.05). This is possibly in order to avoid being the features of all the nodes in the network. Given a set of suspected of supporting the deceiver. feature values {x1u , ..., xF u } for the F features of a node Finally, Figure 5 (bottom) compares the verbal behav- u, we aim to combine them into an initial deception score ior (as opposed to non-verbal behavior in the previous two S(u) ∈ [0, 1], which we describe next. paragraphs). Surprisingly, we find that the verbal behav- Based on our analysis in the previous section, we build the ior between all pairs of participants is similar. Since non- priors using the following four features that best distinguish deceivers do not know the roles of other participants, they between deceivers and non-deceivers: (a) fraction of speak- speak equally to non-deceivers and deceivers (p = 0.48), ing (F Su ), (b) average entropy of looking (Hu ), (c) average as expected. However, it is surprising that deceivers spend in-degree (EG,u ), and (d) average in-degree while speaking equal time talking to both deceivers and non-deceivers (p = (EL,u ). Since the feature distributions can vary, we first nor- 0.39). This is in stark contrast to the previous two non-verbal malize each feature f (f ∈ {F Su , Hu , EG,u , EL,u }) by lin- findings. This shows that deceivers consciously adapt their early scaling it between 0 and 1, corresponding to the mini- verbal behavior to mimic non-deceivers, but not their non- mum and maximum values of the feature. Then we subtract verbal behavior. Since verbal behavior is noticed by every- each feature f from 1 because deceivers have lower scores one else, deceivers consciously do not exhibit any bias in of f than non-deceivers, so 1 − f ensures that the deceivers verbal interaction with other participants to avoid getting tend to have higher initial scores. Finally, we average each caught. node’s four property scores to get its prior score S(u) for Thus, RQ3 shows that deceivers successfully camouflage node u: their verbal (speaking) behavior, while they are unable to F Su + Hu + EG,u + EL,u camouflage their non-verbal (looking and listening) behav- S(u) = 1 − (1) 4 ior. Altogether, deceivers avoid non-verbal interactions with other deceivers. This score is used to initialize node priors in the first iteration of our dynamic network algorithm — a higher score would Network Model for Deception Prediction indicate higher prior probability of the node being deceptive. Obtaining node deception scores from negative net- In this section, we present DeceptionRank, our PageRank works. To predict whether a participant is a deceiver or not, based model that examines FFDINs in order to predict we extend the PageRank algorithm (Page et al. 1999). By whether a given participant is deceptive or not. Automated default, PageRank is applicable on static networks, thus, we detection of deceivers is a challenging task as this is the extend it to apply to dynamic negative interaction network goal of the non-deceivers. DeceptionRank tries to do this sequences. The method is shown in Algorithm 1. The over- with short duration of videos. In contrast, human partici- all idea is that in each iteration, we aggregate neighborhood pants try to do this throughout the game, which are 38 min- scores for each node in all negative networks independently utes long, on average, but are still unsuccessful in almost and then aggregate the scores of a node across all the net- half the games. works. This aggregated score is used in the next iteration. In detail, we repeat the following three-step procedure un- DeceptionRank on Negative Dynamic Interaction til convergence (or until the maximum number of iterations Networks is reached). In the first step, we initialize each node with an DeceptionRank is built on our findings from the previous initial score in all the networks. Node deception prior scores section that deceivers avoid non-verbal interactions with are used for the first initialization. In the second step, in other deceivers, while non-deceivers do not exhibit this bias. each negative network E t− , we calculate the score st (v) by There are four main steps of DeceptionRank: (i) building the aggregating node v’s outgoing P neighbors’ scores using the network, (ii) initializing node deception priors, (iii) applying following equation: st (v) = β (v,u)∈E t− st (u) · wv,u,t + network algorithm to obtain node deception scores, and (iv) (1 − β)st (v). Here β weighs the importance of a node’s own training a deception classifier. deception score versus the aggregate of neighbors’ scores. Building negative dynamic interaction networks. In or- Each neighbor u’s deception score is weighted by the weight der to bring this “non-interaction” to the fore, we gener- of the outgoing edge from v to u. In the third step, for each ate negative interaction networks that capture the pairwise node v, we aggregate the scores of v across all the negative “lack of interactions”. The edges in the negative interac- networks to get v’s output score in current iteration, and nor- tion network connect nodes which avoid interacting with malize the scores. Averaging is used as the aggregation func- one another. Given a FFDIN N t = (V, E t ) at time t, where tion; other aggregation functions, such as recency-weighted E t (u, v) = wu,v,t , ∀u, v ∈ V , the associated negative inter- averaging, can be used instead, if desired. The normalized action network NDIN is given by N t− = (V, E t− ), where output scores are used as the initial scores in the next itera- E t− (u, v) = 1−wu,v,t . Note that E t− (u, v) = 1 when there tion. After convergence, the final deceptiveness scores s(V )
Algorithm 1: DeceptionRank on Negative Dynamic the same game can not appear in both training and test sets. Interaction Networks Further, we split the data by participants as well, so a par- Input: Negative dynamic interaction networks ticipant can only be either in training or test across all seg- [(V, E 1− ), (V, E 2− ), ..., (V, E T − )], initial ments. In each fold, we set 60% participants in the training deceptive scores s(V ), β, convergence threshold τ , set and the rest are in the test set (we ensure that at least one maximum iteration number M deceiver and non-deceiver are in training and test set). Since Output: Final deceptive scores s(V ) the task is unbalanced, we report the AUROC, averaged over iter = 0, dif = 1; five folds. while dif > τ and iter < M do We do not provide any model, either our or the baselines, st (V ) = s(V ), ∀t = 1 . . . T ; with the number of deceivers or non-deceivers in the game, for t = 1 . . . T do so there is no leakage of label distribution. All the experi- foreach v ∈ V P do rt (v) = β (u,v)∈E t− st (u) · wu,v,t + ment setting are the same across all models to ensure fair- ness. (1 − β)st (v); r(V ) = t rt (V )/T ; P Baselines r(V ) = r(V )/ kr(V )k2 ; We consider two sets of baselines: vision-based methods and dif = k(r(V ) − s(V ))k2 ; graph embedding methods. All baselines are evaluated in the iter = iter + 1; same setup and dataset as our model. s(V ) = r(V ) Computer vision baselines. We compare our method return s(V ) with five computer vision baselines with the same experi- mental setup as our method (Bai et al. 2019; Baltrusaitis et al. 2018; Demyanov et al. 2015; Bai et al. 2019; Wu are returned. et al. 2018). These methods used features extracted from the Final classification. Finally, we train a binary classifier video, including facial emotion, head and eye movement, fa- for predicting whether a participant is deceptive or not. For cial action units, and time-aggregated features as described a node u, the features we use are u’s final deceptiveness below. scores and u’s four behavior properties, namely the average (Demyanov et al. 2015) extracts the averaged facial action fraction of speaking, average entropy of looking, average in- units (FAUs) features over time. (Baltrusaitis et al. 2018) degree, and average in-degree while speaking. computes eye movements from the estimated eye ball po- sitions, and uses the movement distributions over time as features. (Wu et al. 2018) extracts the individual dense tra- Experiments jectory features from videos, MFCC features from audio, In this section, we compare the performance of Deception- micro-expression features and text features from transcripts, Rank with state-of-the-art vision and graph embedding base- and uses an ensemble method called late fusion to come lines. We show that DeceptionRank outperforms these base- up with a joint prediction. Since our dataset doesn’t have lines by at least 20.9% in detecting deceivers. transcripts and annotated micro-expressions, we remove the text features and replace micro-expressions by FAU features Experiment Setup (Demyanov et al. 2015). Lastly, we extract the histograms The prediction task is: given a video segment of a game, pre- of emotion features and LiarRank features proposed by (Bai dict the roles (deceiver or non-deceiver) of all participants in et al. 2019) as other two baselines, where LiarRank cap- the game. tures group information by ranking the feature values in each Since there are only 26 games in the dataset, we augment group as meta-features. the dataset by segmenting long videos into several smaller Note that all these methods make predictions for each videos. The roles of the players remain the same in the player individually, without considering interactions be- videos after segmenting. We split the games into 1 minute tween players. Specifically, in these methods, we extract the long video segments (we study the effect of segment length feature values for each individual player and use them as on prediction performance later). This results in a dataset input to train a binary classifier. All these baseline features with 2781 data points. are trained with Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Linear To ensure that there is no leakage of ground-truth labels, SVM and Navie Bayes. We report the best AUROC among we split the dataset into training and test set according to these classifiers in Table 2. games (not by video segments). Every player in our data par- Graph embedding baselines. Here we compare our ticipated in exactly one game — so we never train on data method with dynamic graph embedding based methods. Dy- of a player in one game and use that to predict whether he is namic graph embedding models have shown incredible suc- deceptive or not in another. We conduct all our experiments cess in making predictions for large-scale social networks. with 5-fold cross-validation, where all clips of a game be- In particular, we compare with temporal graph convolution long to the same fold. 3 This ensures that two segments of networks (TGCN) (Liu et al. 2019) on the look-at network, speak-to network, and listen-to networks. TGCN model 3 combines graph convolution network with LSTM. Given a We do 5-fold cross validation rather than 10-fold because of the small number of games. sequence of networks and the ground-truth training node la-
Method Performance % Improvement 0.90 Over Baseline DeceptionRank Computer Vision Baselines 0.85 Emotions (Bai et al. 2019) 0.538 39.9% Ensemble with all baselines Prediction AUROC 0.80 Movements (Baltrusaitis et al. 2018) 0.549 37.2% FAUs (Demyanov et al. 2015) 0.569 32.3% 0.75 LiarRank (Bai et al. 2019) 0.590 27.6% Late fusion (Wu et al. 2018) 0.594 26.7% 0.70 Graph Embedding Baselines TGCN on Look-At (Liu et al. 2019) 0.550 36.9% 0.65 TGCN on Speak-To (Liu et al. 2019) 0.538 39.9% 0.60 TGCN on Listen-To (Liu et al. 2019) 0.541 39.2% Ensemble Baseline 0.55 Combining all the above features 0.623 20.9% Proposed Method 0.50 DeceptionRank 0.753 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Segment length (in minutes) Table 2: Our proposed method DeceptionRank outper- forms state-of-the-art vision, graph embedding, and ensem- Figure 6: DeceptionRank performs better than all features ble baselines in the task of predicting deceivers from 1 across all segment length. DeceptionRank has stable perfor- minute clips of videos. DeceptionRank outperforms all base- mance for all segment lengths too. lines by at least 20.9% AUROC in prediction performance. identify deceivers in networks, while late fusion combines audio and transcripts with visual features. However, we re- bels, TGCN trains two-layer GCN models on individual net- mind readers that DeceptionRank generates the best perfor- works. All individual networks share the same GCN param- mance compared to all baselines, suggesting that FFDINs eters. Mean pooling is used to aggregate neighborhood node and Negative Interaction Networks, together with the De- information in the GCN. The sequence of output scores per ceptionRank algorithm generate excellent value in terms of node corresponding to the sequence of graphs is fed as input performance. into an LSTM. All nodes share the same LSTM parameters. The final output of the LSTM is used to predict the training Performance vs. Segment Length nodes’ ground-truth label. The model is trained in an end-to- The preceding experiment shows the performance of both end manner, where the GCN and LSTM model parameters DeceptionRank and the baselines using data from segments are trained to accurately predict the node labels. We experi- that are 1 minute long. We now study the impact of the input mented with other variants of temporal graph models (Zhou segment length on the performance of predictors. We vary et al. 2018; Goyal et al. 2018), which gave similar perfor- segment length from 1 minute to 14 minutes. For each seg- mance. ment length, we randomly sample 100 segments from each Ensemble baseline. We create an ensemble baseline game. As before, we follow a 5-fold cross-validation setting. model to combine the strengths of all the baselines. For each Finally, we compare the average AUROC and report the 95% node, we concatenate its baseline scores from all the vi- confidence interval of performance. sion and graph embedding classifiers described above. This generates one feature vector per node, which is used as the As the ensemble baseline performed the best among all node’s input to a Logistic Regression classifier to make the baselines as shown in the previous experiment, we compare prediction. DeceptionRank with this ensemble baseline model. Other individual vision and graph embedding baselines have lower Predictive Performance of DeceptionRank performances. Figure 6 shows the results of varying the segment length. Here we compare the performance of DeceptionRank with We show that DeceptionRank outperforms the best baseline the baselines. Table 2 shows the cross-validation perfor- for all segment lengths considered. The margin is large when mance (in terms of AUROC) of all methods on 1 minute the segment lengths considered are small — once the seg- segments. We report the performance as average AUROC ment lengths are over 10 minutes long, the performance of scores and their 95% bootstrapped confidence interval. DeceptionRank and the baselines is similar. It is important First, we observe that DeceptionRank significantly out- to note that DeceptionRank’s performance is stable across performs all other methods, by at least 20.9%. Deception- segment lengths, while the baselines have diminished per- Rank has an AUROC of 0.753 with its 95% confidence inter- formance when the segments are short. These findings illus- val ranging from 0.721 to 0.789. Second, among baselines, trate the robustness of our model with respect to the input the ensemble performs the best. We note that when used in- durations. dividually, vision-based baselines outperform baselines that use graph embeddings. We attribute this difference in per- formance to the small size of the dataset, leading to lower Performance in DL vs. DW Games performance of deep-learning based GCN methods. Finally, Here we compare the performance of the models according LiarRank and Late Fusion outperform the other baselines. to the game outcome. Specifically, we compare model per- This is likely due to the fact that LiarRank was designed to formance for DL games vs. DW games. Recall that 14 out of
0.90 on predicting whether an individual is deceptive from fa- DeceptionRank cial and body cues (Ding et al. 2019; Randhavane et al. 0.85 Ensemble with all baselines 2019; Wang et al. 2020) with extensions that also include Prediction AUROC 0.80 audio and linguistic cues (Gogate, Adeel, and Hussain 0.75 2017; Wu et al. 2018). Ding et al. (2019) proposed a deep 0.70 CNN model to fuse face and body cues together which can be trained with limited data via meta-learning. Randhavane 0.65 et al. (2019) focused on deception prediction by feeding dy- 0.60 namic 3D gestures to an LSTM. They also identified de- 0.55 ceptive behaviors (e.g. looking around, hands in pockets). Wang et al. (2020) proposed the attention mechanism with 0.50 DL DW 3D CNN to identify individual deceptive facial patterns. Wu Game Outcome et al. (2018) combined visual cues (e.g. micro-expression and video trajectory features) with voice and transcript data Figure 7: DeceptionRank performs better than all features using a highly effective late fusion mechanism. However, across DL and DW games. Model performances are better there is limited work on predicting deception in multi-person in DL games compared to DW games. face-to-face interaction settings. Chittaranjan and Hung (2010) pioneered face to face deception detection from con- versation cues (e.g. speaking turns and number of interrup- 26 games (= 54%) were won by deceivers. Since our anal- tions). Pak and Zhou (2013) used eye gaze to detect decep- ysis in the previous sections show that the deceivers differ tion, Sapru and Bourlard (2015) used facial action units as significantly, we evaluate if that affects the models’ perfor- features, and Bai et al. (2019) proposed the notion of Liar- mance across these games. As the ensemble baseline per- Rank within groups to better capture group-based deception. formed the best among all baselines, we compare Decep- However, most of these techniques do not work on group tionRank against the ensemble model. deception and do not consider inter-personal interactions in We follow the default setting as outlined earlier for the order to predict deception. We are the first to do so and to experiments. We evaluate the models on 1 minute segments. show that the Negative Dynamic Interaction Networks we We report the performance as average AUROC scores and propose are highly effective at detecting deception. This pa- their 95% bootstrapped confidence interval. We randomly per does not focus on computer vision — rather it builds on sample 100 segments from each game. As before, we follow the technique proposed by Bai et al. (2019) to extract the a 5-fold cross-validation setting. visual focus of attention of people — from this, we build When evaluating the model performance for DL games, NDINs for deception detection. we consider only DL games, i.e., we train and test on DL Deception detection on social media using social and games only. Similarly, only DW games are considered when interaction networks. Extensive research has been done evaluating model performance for DW games. to detect deception using interaction and social networks. Figure 7 shows the results of according to the game out- Many of these works have focused on web and social media come. First, we see that regardless of the game outcome, De- domains. These include methods to detect fake news (Liu ceptionRank performs better than the ensemble model. Sec- and Wu 2018; Horne and Adali 2017), rumors (Zeng, Star- ond, we note that both models perform better in DL games bird, and Spiro 2016; Li et al. 2016), fake reviews (Mukher- compared to their performance in the DW games. The ex- jee et al. 2013; Li et al. 2015), spammers (Wu et al. 2017), planation for this observation is that the behavior of de- and coordinated activity (Kumar et al. 2017; Subrahmanian ceivers in DL games is significantly different from that of et al. 2016). Liu and Wu (2018) focused on the early de- non-deceivers. This makes it easier for the machine learning tection of fake news on social media by modeling informa- algorithms to distinguish between them. On the other hand, tion spread on the network. Kumar et al. (2018); Hooi et al. deceivers and non-deceivers have similar behavior in DW (2016); Rayana and Akoglu (2015) leveraged the reviewer- games, which makes it comparatively harder for the algo- product network to identify fake reviews and fraudulent re- rithms to identify them. These findings show the robustness viewers in e-commerce platforms. Wu et al. (2017) used of our model across game outcomes. sparse learning to detect spammers as a social community In summary, the results in this section show that De- from both online social interactions and TF-IDF content fea- ceptionRank outperforms the baseline methods by at least tures. Kumar et al. (2017) analyzed the behaviors of sock- 20.9% in identifying deceivers in groups. Deceivers can be puppets (users with multiple accounts to manipulate public identified effectively even with short segments and better in opinions) in social media through multiple perspectives in- DL games. cluding their social networks, posting patterns, posting con- tents etc. Subrahmanian et al. (2016) developed a mix of language, network, and neighborhood features in order to Related Work identify both influence bots and botnets as part of a DARPA We now summarize related work that was not already dis- challenge. cussed earlier. Though these papers use the concept of networks to study Face-to-face deception. There has been much research deception, they have not been applied to the video-based dis-
cussion settings. Compared to social networks, FFDINs ex- improve the safety and integrity of social media and web- tracted from videos are very different due to two important based communication platforms. reasons. First, the edges in FFDINs represent instantaneous Use of one dataset. Currently, there are no other datasets verbal and non-verbal interactions, and thus, the edges are of face-to-face video conversations with ground truth of highly dynamic. On the other hand, edges in social networks group deception on which we can test our model. This is are relatively long-term and stable. Second, FFDINs have because creating such a dataset is an extremely difficult very few number of nodes and edges, while social networks and time-consuming effort. This is highlighted in the paper have millions of nodes and edges. Both these major differ- (Bai et al. 2019) from which we have derived our dataset ences call for new methods that can work on small-scale — it took the authors about 18 months to collect and pro- but highly dynamic networks. Our DeceptionRank method cess the 26 videos. Testing generalizing capability of our bridges this gap. method beyond the current dataset will require creation of Deception detection in games. The work most related new datasets, a huge task which can be conducted in the fu- to us are deception analysis from online chat-based mafia ture. games (Pak and Zhou 2015; Yu et al. 2015). Pak and Zhou The only other comparable video dataset is given by (2015) builds a reply network over time, and hypothesizes (Pérez-Rosas et al. 2015) which contains 56 people and several deceptive patterns such as centrality and nodes simi- spans 57 minutes, but each video only has one person. There larity. They conduct statistical analysis of the relationship to is no group interaction or deception. So, we can not use it for deception, but don’t predict deceivers. Yu et al. (2015) builds our task. By comparison, the dataset we use contains 185 a rule-based attitude network from the chat logs, and clus- participants and spans 1000 minutes. Our dataset is signifi- ters nodes into subgroups of deceivers and non-deceivers. cantly larger. The clustering quality is measured by purity and entropy. Generalizing beyond a game. Although the setting we Their results highly depend on the quality of chat logs and study in this work is in a social game setting, the discus- specific rules, which limit the application scope. Moreover, sions are free-form and the participants can deceive others neither of these directly predicts the role for each player as they want. No instructions or training was provided to as we do. Niculae et al. (2015); Azaria, Richardson, and them about how to deceive. Thus, the findings in this pa- Kraus (2015) studied the conversational properties patterns per should represent the general properties of how deceivers in a games to detect deception. However, none of the above operate in groups. Importantly, the Negative Dynamic Inter- works have studied deception in face-to-face video commu- action Network and DeceptionRank method are general and nication, which is the gap we bridge. can be applied to any setting involving interactions between groups of people. Discussion and Conclusion Future work. Future work can expand this study to mul- tiple games and settings such as sales meetings, business ne- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to use gotiations, job interviews, and more. The methods of Nega- network analysis methods in order to predict who is being tive Dynamic Interaction Networks and DeceptionRank can deceptive in a video-based group interaction setting. be tested for deception detection in other datasets, including Using a dataset based on the well-known Resistance social network datasets. Finally, our methods can be used to game, we propose the concepts of a Face-to-Face Dynamic study other social affects, such as leadership, trust, liking, Interaction Network (FFDIN) and a Negative Dynamic In- and dominance. teraction Network (NDIN). We propose the DeceptionRank algorithm, and show that DeceptionRank beats several base- lines including ones based on computer vision and graph Acknowledgements embedding in detecting deceivers. We gratefully acknowledge the support of NSF un- Relevance to the web and social media community. Our der Nos. OAC-1835598 (CINES), OAC-1934578 (HDR), research sheds light on group deception in video-based con- CCF-1918940 (Expeditions), IIS-2030477 (RAPID), IIS- versations. While our work focuses on conversations in a 2027689 (RAPID); DARPA under No. N660011924033 social game, such conversations are commonplace in ev- (MCS); ARO under Nos. W911NF-16-1-0342 (MURI), eryday communications via video call apps such as Mi- W911NF-16-1-0171 (DURIP); Stanford Data Science Ini- crosoft Teams, Google Meet, Facebook Messenger, Zoom tiative, Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Chan Zucker- and Skype, and form an integral part of social media plat- berg Biohub, Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, Docomo, Hi- forms like Facebook, SnapChat, and WhatsApp. The inputs tachi,, KDDI, NVIDIA, Dell, Toshiba, United- are look-at, speak-to and listen-to interactions between peo- Health Group, Adobe, Facebook, Microsoft, and IDEaS In- ple, which can be extracted from these videos from web and situte. J. L. is a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub investigator. social media platforms. The proposed methods of Negative Dynamic Interaction Network and DeceptionRank can then be applied to identify deceivers in those videos. Since there References are no such web and social media datasets with ground-truth Addawood, A.; Badawy, A.; Lerman, K.; and Ferrara, E. of deception, we leave the experimental evaluation of our 2019. Linguistic cues to deception: Identifying political methods on web and social media video-based deception for trolls on social media. In International AAAI Conference future work. Techniques in our work have the potential to on Web and Social Media, volume 13, 15–25.
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