Educational Hall Escape: Increasing Motivation and Raising Emotions in Higher Education Students

Educational Hall Escape: Increasing Motivation and Raising Emotions in Higher Education Students
Educational Hall Escape: Increasing Motivation and Raising
Emotions in Higher Education Students
Almudena Macías-Guillén 1 , Raquel Montes Díez 2 , Lucía Serrano-Luján 2 and Oriol Borrás-Gené 2, *

                                          1   Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University Rey Juan Carlos, 28933 Madrid, Spain;
                                          2   Technical School of Computer Engineering, University Rey Juan Carlos, 28933 Madrid, Spain;
                                     (R.M.D.); (L.S.-L.)
                                          *   Correspondence:

                                          Abstract: Educational Escape Room is an innovative method used in classrooms to motivate students.
                                          This article describes a version of Educational Escape Room applied to undergraduate students.
                                          Specifically, this work presents an adaptation of the method called Educational Hall Escape, char-
                                          acterized by the resolution of challenges in a game-adapted room in which several student groups
                                          compete to finish the activity in the least amount of time. To date, the Educational Hall Escape
                                          method applied to the field of business economy has not been reported in the literature. The objective
                                          of the study is to analyze the influence of the Educational Hall Escape method on the learning
                                   processes and emotions of students during the activity and its impact on their motivation and the
Citation: Macías-Guillén, A.; Díez,
                                          reinforcement their competences and knowledge. An experiment was designed in which the class
R.M.; Serrano-Luján, L.; Borrás-Gené,     was divided into a control group and an experimental group. To measure the impact of the experience
O. Educational Hall Escape:               in the students, two tools were used: an exam and the Gamefulquest survey. Despite the fact that
Increasing Motivation and Raising         the results obtained show that the students perceived the experience as a game, it improved their
Emotions in Higher Education              motivation and increased their proclivity to have an emotional bond with the subject, the academic
Students. Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527.       results remained steady.
educsci11090527                           Keywords: gamification; serious games; game-based learning; escape room; motivation; higher education

Academic Editors: José Carlos Piñero
Charlo, María Teresa Costado Dios,
Enrique Carmona Medeiro and
                                          1. Introduction
Fernando Lloret
                                                Educational simulation based on games, objects, or dynamic processes, is a teaching
Received: 9 July 2021                     tool that could enhance the understanding of the subject content since it opens up the com-
Accepted: 7 September 2021                prehension of ideas and abstract concepts. Educative simulation is ideal for manipulating
Published: 9 September 2021               and modifying the learning process, depending on the educational needs of each moment,
                                          and it is useful in transporting us to a place and time that would be impossible to reach as
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral      a real experience in the classroom [1].
with regard to jurisdictional claims in         The use of innovative teaching methodologies based on games is increasingly em-
published maps and institutional affil-   ployed in the classroom. Game-Based Learning (GBL) is a methodology centered on the
iations.                                  educational potential of the games as an enabling tool to learn in a motivational, creative
                                          and participative form [2]. Escape Room is a learning strategy that is increasingly used,
                                          which promotes the motivation and commitment of the students to the learning process [3].
                                                The present study aims to examine the emotions produced by an Educational Escape
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.         Room (EER) experience. The emotions in the activity deal with an early feeling of stress,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.        followed by satisfaction as the students solve the challenges. The evolution of the feelings
This article is an open access article    is related to the self-confidence students experience during the activities regardless of the
distributed under the terms and           results of the game (win/loss).
conditions of the Creative Commons              It specifically applies an EER variation, named Educational Hall Escape (EHE), con-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://     sisting of the performance of the game by several student teams simultaneously in the          same educational space (classroom) and in a competitive environment. EHE is a tool that

Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527.                               
Educational Hall Escape: Increasing Motivation and Raising Emotions in Higher Education Students
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                           motivates, enhances and strengthens skills and knowledge dealing with the subject’s topic,
                           i.e., introduction to business.
                                  Our goal consists of analyzing the appropriateness of a ludic activity and its accep-
                           tance by the students enrolled in a Marketing Degree. The principal aspects to consider
                           when reproducing this model in different educational environments will be identified
                           and detailed.
                                  In order to achieve this objective, an educational research experiment was designed.
                           The tool applied is an EHE. The class was split into control and experimental groups to
                           assess the teaching impact. This experience is based on four research hypotheses:

                           Hypothesis 1 (H1). Students enrolled in the EHE exhibit better academic results than students
                           who were not.

                           Hypothesis 2 (H2). Students enrolled in the EHE felt the activity as a complete game experience
                           in all its dimensions.

                           Hypothesis 3 (H3). Students enrolled in the EHE showed higher signs of motivation than those
                           who were not.

                           Hypothesis 4 (H4). Students enrolled in the EHE felt more emotions during the activity than
                           those who did not perform it.

                                 Throughout this article, a literature review on Educational Escape Rooms is con-
                           ducted, in Section 2, to obtain a brief state of the art summary of its application. In
                           Section 3, Methodology, presents the development of the experience and the obtained
                           EHE methodology. Finally, the results are discussed and a conclusion from the experience
                           is displayed.

                           2. Theoretical Background
                           2.1. “Serious Games” and “Gamification”
                                The use of game elements in education has been widely utilized since the beginning
                           of the education system, mainly at preschool and primary school levels. Play in school has
                           been taken on the normal characteristics and expectation of formal schooling [4]. It was a
                           question of time for games to start being applied to higher education.
                                Concerning the subject the present study deals with, game theory found a natural
                           place in economics [5]. The first application of gaming to economics dates back to Cournot
                           (1838) [6], and several studies describing its application have been reported since then.
                           This natural link between the game and the economic field results in an attractive arena for
                           teaching methods. As McDonald expounds in his book “The Game of Business”, business
                           theory and its management can be understood as an oligopolistic game, where the player
                           must face real world situations [7]. Thus, game-based learning techniques are applied
                           worldwide to encourage students, irrespective of the level of education.
                                The methodology consisting of the use of the fundamentals and technology of games
                           to understand real-life complexity has received several names, such as “simulation games”,
                           “serious games”, “applied games”, “persuasive games”, and “gamification” [8]. The terms
                           most commonly found in the literature when reporting an EER, as in the present study, are
                           “serious games” and “gamification”. Here, we underline the differences between them.
                                “Serious games” are based on complete games, with the entertainment component in
                           the background and education-centered [9,10]. They have an explicit educational purpose
                           and possess all game elements, such as specific rules, boundaries, procedures, players,
                           objectives, and they also look like games despite their pedagogical aim [11,12]. “Simula-
                           tions” are also considered “serious games”, since they allow students to be introduced
                           into different learning situations, complementing formal learning [10,13,14]. “Serious
                           games” have enjoyment (or the game itself) as an intrinsic value, and an extrinsic value,
                           consisting of the pursued goal which is the sake of beneficial consequences different from
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                           the game’s sake [8], that would be the learning process in the context of this study. Mayer
                           also underlines the connection between game, emotions and learning in “serious games”.
                                As a “serious game”, “gamification” is one of the most referenced methods to enhance
                           the motivation in the classrooms during recent decades, and it is defined as “The process of
                           game-thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems” [15]. Marczewski
                           proposes different approaches to the application of games or their techniques within the
                           so-called “game thinking”, with a final purpose other than entertainment, “gamification”
                           and “serious games” [14].
                                Although the origin of the term “gamification” is unknown, the first use of the term
                           was in 2008 in the digital media industry [16], defined as “the use of game design elements
                           in non-game contexts”. The application of the “gamification” method to the teaching
                           environment has been analyzed by several authors, and the elements mostly identified
                           were identified: game mechanics, application type, education level, subject, implementation
                           and obtained the results obtained by students [17].

                           2.2. Emotion
                                A number of recent studies state both negative and positive emotionally arousing
                           events are better remembered than emotionally neutral events [18–20]. Thus, “Emotional
                           memory is the result of storing the information that was accompanied by stressful factors
                           through which the information is more easily fixed” [21].
                                The stimuli connected to emotions affecting an individual’s feelings can persist in
                           memory with higher intensity than those not linked to emotion [22]. Additionally, they
                           can help with memory retention and the recall of information linked to those events or
                           stimuli [23].

                           2.3. Educational Escape Rooms and Motivation
                                An Escape Room (ER) is a game in which a team of players cooperatively discover
                           clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in one or more rooms in order to progress and
                           accomplish a specific goal in a limited amount of time [24]. Escape Rooms are Live-Action
                           Games that engage directly with the game world, and they match the learning environment
                           of the classroom perfectly, as recent publications point out. Educational Escape Rooms
                           (EER) propose challenges with educational approaches in which students are organized in
                           teams to solve puzzles and challenges associated with the content of the curriculum in a
                           limited time [25]. They offer more motivation and engagement than traditional educational
                           games [26]. At the higher education level (high school and university) in which games
                           are not often played in the classroom, ERs offer sophistication and novelty to teaching
                           practices that students value and appreciate. The published EER experiences that are being
                           applied worldwide at a university-/college-level report positive feedback from students.
                                The Escape Room activity is categorized either as “gamification” by some authors [3,27–31]
                           or as “serious game” by others [9,32–36]. Both techniques, “serious game” and “gamification”,
                           share a main goal, i.e., to foster motivation and create engagement. Their differences are
                           well described in the literature [8]. Furthermore, when applied to the education field, EER is
                           also considered a problem-based learning (PBL), since its features are also included in the ER
                           scenario: “ill-structured problem”, “real-life” scenario, open-ended tasks, student autonomy
                           and student collaboration [26].
                                The Escape Room is a tool that is being used in various fields including the disciplines
                           known as STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics [37], as well as numer-
                           ous and recent escape room experiences in health sciences [25,38,39]. However, despite
                           the numerous studies reporting the application of game tools in Economics and Business
                           fields, no Educational Escape Rooms are found in the literature.
                                The essential elements of an Escape Room are: (1) the escape rooms (one or several
                           chained or multilinear rooms); (2) challenges, riddles or tasks (various elements whose
                           resolution lead to the exit); (3) physical/online items (to solve tasks within the escape
                           room); (4) game master (people in charge of guiding the participants if required, by offering
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                          4 of 16

                           hints); (5) narrative (common thread of the game that relates all the challenges). In the
                           Educational Escape Room, the design is simplified if the narrative does not act as a common
                           thread that relates all the challenges; however, this is less immersive because the narrative
                           itself motivates the player to live the experience [25].
                                 The game master (GM) is the “big brother” of the ER activity, and EER’s game master
                           is not the exception. The game master has to determine the balance of guidance during
                           the game, and he/she conforms the guidance’s intensity by estimating the players’ skill
                           level [40]. The game master’s skill is determined by the coincidence of the estimated time
                           to solve the challenge with the reality.
                                 The better the EER is designed, the less game-master implication is required. Frustra-
                           tion is the only negative feeling students could find during the performance of the EER,
                           since students should be able to solve the challenges and puzzles. There are four facets
                           a game-master must have to succeed in the EER performance. Firstly, the correct design
                           of the challenges so that the time limit coincides with an appropriate amount of time for
                           the level of ability of the students. Teachers should communicate with their students that
                           the activity is going to be considered for the subject assessment, since it is important to
                           encourage students to study and prepare for the activity [29]. Secondly, the story behind
                           the game should engage the students and their choices should be linked to implications;
                           making the players matter is key to designing a successful ER [26]. Thirdly, during the
                           activity, the GM should gather the information regarding the timing and students’ attitudes,
                           looking for features to improve the next EER’s design. Fourthly, the facet of guiding the
                           students teams during the activity, to control the correct performance and to give hints or
                           clues when needed. Generally, students prefer not to receive any guidance from the GM
                           but instead become immersed in an auto-guided activity [40].

                                Gaming encourages students to persist in the task and offers a type of learning context,
                           two conditions which are essential for deep learning engagement. EER persuades students
                           to think about the material in a new way, which suggests that the potential benefit of ER
                           goes beyond a mere novelty factor [41].
                                In general, traditional teaching methodologies such as simple exposure of content
                           on a blackboard, through lessons, PowerPoint presentations and textbooks alone do not
                           motivate today’s students, who are Millennials or belong to Generation Z, to engage in
                           a topic. Since Millennial students yearn for active engagement and they are motivated
                           by achievement and affiliation, designing EER challenges becomes a highly compelling
                           activity, which increases their interest on the subject [28,42,43].
                                A review of the recent literature shows that the main positive effect of EER consists of
                           the increase in the motivation of students [26,27,29,40,44]. Nevertheless, further benefits
                           are identified:
                           •   Commitment and participation of students in the subject [44];
                           •   Enhancing group cohesion, commitment, activation, and absence of a negative effect
                               during the teaching and learning process [44];
                           •   Encouraging teamwork, facilitating communication, and promoting professionalism [34];
                           •   Engaging students in their learning environment, and encouraging collaboration,
                               leadership and social skill set development [28];
                           •   Encouraging students to get to know each other [45].
                                Due to EER’s high intrinsic motivation for learning, several authors invite other
                           disciplines to apply it [40,44,46]. Compared to traditional teaching methods, students feel
                           engaged in problem solving, they are focused on their main goal, and they aim to succeed,
                           which requires to successfully communicate with the rest of the team, as well as collaborate
                           and use their social skills.
                                In order to encourage students to review the course material before the EER perfor-
                           mance, including the activity as a part of the subject’s assessment is a key factor [28,29].
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                                    3. Methodology
                                         The study was carried out in the 2019–2020 academic year among 56 students enrolled
                                    in the subject “Introduction to Business” as part of the Marketing Degree, during six weeks
                                    in November–December.
                                         The objective of the subject is to provide the student with a vision of the reality in
                                    which the business world operates and also to ease the students into understanding and
                                    analysis of the management task as a role to play in their future professional career. The
                                    assessment system of the subject consists of continuous evaluation (20%), plus a final
                                    theoretical exam (40%) and a practical exam (40%).
                                         The subject is taught mainly via face-to-face teaching in class. However, theoretical
                                    materials and other practical tests are found in a university online learning platform. The
                                    online site used was Moodle, a Learning Management System (LMS).
                                         A special end of semester session was organized in order to strengthen knowledge,
                                    motivate students and to generate emotions, bringing better knowledge retention. The class
                                    was split into two groups, control and experimental. The second group was introduced
                                    to an Educational Hall Escape (EHE), while the control group worked on the same topics,
                                    having to resolve the same exercises, but delivered with ordinary format in plain text.
                                    Both groups were required to use the same practical knowledge learnt in class during
                                    previous weeks. The educational objective of the activity performed, both in the control
                                    and experimental groups, was to reinforce specific knowledge of the subject, working on
                                    aspects such as emotion and motivation in the experimental group.

                                    3.1. Educational Hall Escape
                                              The study used the application of an Educational Hall Escape (EHE), a version of the
                                         standard educational escape room games [26]. This nomenclature does not exist in past
                                         scientific literature; however, it is used to differentiate from traditional commercial escape
                                         room dynamics. Aspects that they have in common are the fact they are carried out in a
                                         locked space, and the narrative flowing through a chain of puzzle/riddles to solve. The
                                         aim is to solve the riddles to win the game, not escaping from the room itself.
                                              In the proposed EHE, students had to solve several consecutive conundrums without
                                         leaving the room by being quicker than the rest of the teams within a given set time.
                                              The puzzles followed a theme that connected and gave consistency to the whole
                                         practice, and they were linked to the subject syllabus. Riddles had to be solved not solely
                                         by acquired subject knowledge but also by applying observation, ingenuity and teamwork.
                                              Figure 1 shows the design and order of the activities that shape the EHE. It contains
                                         eight puzzles; six of them (from 2 to 7) have an educational objective linked to specific
                                         contents of the subject, as indicated in the figure. The other two puzzles (1 and 8) are the
         Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                           6 of 17
                                         ones used to start the EHE and to end it. In addition, some complementary playful tests
                                         are collected that support the narrative of the EHE in elliptical form within Figure 1.

                           Figure 1. Organization
                               Figure               and
                                      1. Organization   content
                                                      and contentof
                                                                     the different  activities
                                                                         different activities   carried
                                                                                              carried outout in EHE.
                                                                                                         in the the EHE.

                                              In terms of narrative, the chosen theme was appropriate for the student profiles as it
                                         was replicable in future learning. Students were given a job offer from an important mul-
                                         tinational company to replace the current management team, due to retirement.
                                              For those students who took part in the EHE, the experience started with the viewing
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                                                       6 of 16

                           Figure 1. Organization and content of the different activities carried out in the EHE.

                                                                                       themewas was appropriate
                                                                                                     appropriate for for the
                                                                                                                         the student
                                                                                                                               student profiles
                                                                                                                                         profiles asas it
                                    was    replicable    in future  learning.    Students     were  given   a  job offer
                                  it was replicable in future learning. Students were given a job offer from an important from   an  important     mul-
                                    tinational company
                                  multinational       company  to to
                                                                                     current management
                                                                                                management    team,
                                                                                                                        dueto to
                                          short introductory
                                                  introductory video
                                                                   video where
                                                                            wherethe thelecturers
                                                                                                       presented  thethe
                                                                                                                       plot, instructions
                                                                                                                          plot,  instructionsandand
                                    [47].   The   quickest   team    in  solving   the   riddles
                                  rules [47]. The quickest team in solving the riddles would be thewould    be   the  winner    and they would bebe
                                                                                                                                and   they   would
                                  hired as the company’s new management team. Once the video was shown, a acountdown
                                    hired    as the  company’s      new    management        team.  Once   the  video   was   shown,      countdown
                                  was      launchdisplaying
                                                     displayingthe theremaining
                                                                        remaining      time
                                                                                    time    ofof the
                                                                                               the   game.
                                                 supportingtest test(Figure
                                                                      (Figure 1—ellipses)
                                                                                1—ellipses) starts with  with aariddle
                                                                                                                                       hidden  inin
                                                                                                                                                  a pa-
                                    perweight. Students
                                  paperweight.        Studentsmust
                                                                 must introduce
                                                                         introduce the answer of     of the
                                                                                                         the riddle
                                  start     thegame.
                                                                                               developedand andcompleted
                                  such          physicalpuzzles,
                                  objects          theroom
                                                              (Figure2),2),a adigital
                                                                                          padlockinina aweb
                                                                                                          webandanda avideo
                                                                                                                                         hidesa acode

                                           Figure 2. 2.Examples
                                             Figure     Examplesofof
                                                                   tests performed
                                                                     tests         atat
                                                                           performed  the EHE.
                                                                                        the EHE.

                                  3.2. Physical Organization
                                       Two separate classrooms were booked in different locations to prevent any interference
                                  between both groups; one for the control group and a second one for the EHE group. The
                                  day before the activity, the students from both groups were told individually the time and
                                  location they had to go to.
                                       The control group attended the usual classroom with the traditional master class lay-
                                  out. The control group was divided into five groups, each of which had five or six members.
                                  Each group was given a unique paper document with the activity description in the form of
                                  written questions. The questions, in terms of subject content, were identical to the riddles
                                  the second group had to solve. However, the dynamics of the activity differed, eliminating
                                  time pressure and narrative, both in the texts and in the questions from the whole practice.
                                  They did not visualize the introductory video and the lecture was presented as a traditional
                                  practical lecture, without games or emotions.
                                       The experimental group attended a side classroom, smaller than standard lecture
                                  rooms and with a versatile layout. The room was decorated to create ambience and gain
                                  engagement from the students/players. The room had five stations, one for each team.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                                        7 of 16

                                       Each team had few physical elements required to solve some of the challenges in
                                  the EHE (such as conundrums or keys placed strategically in some objects inside the
                                  room). Each team had a laptop with access to the university virtual learning site where the
                                  challenges were found. Along with these, some accessories needed for the activity such as
                                  a paperweight with a code, a list of companies with additional information, a sheet with
                                  codes, a puzzle and other objects not intended to distract the participants’ attention. The
                                  lecturers took the role of game master by being available to the teams as required.
                                       The maximum duration of the activity was 50 min. The winning team would be the
                                  one that completed the activity the quickest.

                                  3.3. Virtual Organization
                                              The control group did not have access to the university learning online platform
                                         during the activity. The experimental group had access to the university online learning
                                         platform (Moodle) during the exercise so they could register the solutions to the challenges.
                                         This allowed them to have feedback on their progress and let lecturers monitor their
                                         movements and results for the study.
                                              The Moodle tool “lessons” was used to implement the virtual side of the EHE. This
                                         tool allows the creation of sequential pages with content or questions and to branch out
                                         itineraries. In order to create separate records for each team, within the initial lesson and
                                         from the first challenge, each team followed a customized itinerary.
                                              Across the respective itineraries’ pages, the information needed to solve the challenges
                                         was becoming available once feedback was received for correct answers. Questions were
                                         used to check the content of the lessons had been absorbed by the students and had two
                                         formats: multiple-choice or numeric. In the multiple-choice questions, students had to
                                         select the correct answer from a list of 15 items to be able to pass to the next question.
                                         For each mistaken answer, the page went back to the original list rearranged, in order to
                                         prevent aleatory choices. In addition, a digital locker was used for one of the challenges,
                                         directing correct responses to a YouTube video with a hint to move forward.
     Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW   Figure 3 shows the EHE Moodle design of one of the teams’ itineraries.8 of The
                                                                                                                         17  other ones
                                         followed the same structure.

                                            EHEdesign (lesson)
                                                 design        in Moodle.
                                                           (lesson) in Moodle.

                                      During the activity, students were allowed to consult their personal notes.

                                 3.4. Study Design
                                 3.4.1. Participants
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                                           8 of 16

                                         During the activity, students were allowed to consult their personal notes.

                                 3.4. Study Design
                                 3.4.1. Participants
                                      For the design and validation of the activity, the class was divided into two groups,
                                 each of 28 students, created randomly, with a total of 56 participants. One group was
                                 experimental, and the second group was the control. Randomly, students were grouped
                                 into teams of five and six participants and subsequently assigned to the two main groups
                                 of study.

                                 3.4.2. Procedure
                                       The experimental group had an hour and a half, and the control group had an hour
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEWtwenty-five minutes to carry out the EHE. Both groups spent the last twenty minutes
                                                                                                                    9 of 17
                                 completing a questionnaire about the session held in Moodle. Time organization is shown
                                 in Figure 4.

                                 Figure 4. Temporal
                                 Figure4.  Temporalorganization

                                        In terms
                                            terms ofof analyzing
                                                        analyzing the
                                                                    the results
                                                                         results and
                                                                                  and validation
                                                                                       validation of
                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                           hypothesis, the
                                                                                                                         the study
                                                                                                                              study used
                                 three  tools.  Firstly, an  exam  carried   out two  weeks  post-study.   The  exam
                                  three tools. Firstly, an exam carried out two weeks post-study. The exam consisted   consisted  of aof
                                 question    test, where   students   had  to select answers  from   a four-item  list and
                                  20-question test, where students had to select answers from a four-item list and a penaltya penalty for
                                 incorrect   answers.
                                  for incorrect          Seven
                                                   answers.     of the
                                                              Seven  ofquestions   werewere
                                                                        the questions    veryvery
                                                                                               similar  for both
                                                                                                    similar      the control
                                                                                                             for both         groupgroup
                                                                                                                       the control   and
                                 the group taking the EHE. The idea was to verify the knowledge retention in both groups.
                                  and the group taking the EHE. The idea was to verify the knowledge retention in both
                                       The second analytical tool, used to measure aspects such as motivation and emotion,
                                 was the Gameful Experience Questionnaire, Gamefulquest [48], based on 56 items orga-
                                        The second analytical tool, used to measure aspects such as motivation and emotion,
                                 nized in seven categories (Accomplishment, Challenge, Competition, Guided, Immersion,
                                  was the Gameful Experience Questionnaire, Gamefulquest [48], based on 56 items orga-
                                 Playfulness and Social experience). This questionnaire measured the individual user’s
                                  nized in seven categories (Accomplishment, Challenge, Competition, Guided, Immersion,
                                 game experience in systems, here the EHE.
                                  Playfulness and Social experience). This questionnaire measured the individual user’s
                                 4.      experience in systems, here the EHE.
                                       Statistical analysis was performed using the computing environment R [49] and in
                                 4. Results
                                 particular the R-Likert library [50], for the questionnaire data.
                                       Statistical analysis was performed using the computing environment R [49] and in
                                 4.1. Testing the R-LikertH1
                                               Hypothesis  library [50], for the questionnaire data.
                                       In order to check whether the learning is greater for those students who enrolled in
                                 the   Testing Hypothesis
                                            experience     H1 compared to those who did not (Hypothesis H1), we consider
                                        In order
                                 the final        to check
                                            evaluation  of whether   the learning
                                                           the subject.  Figure 5aisshows
                                                                                             for thoseofstudents   who enrolled
                                                                                                          final evaluation       in
                                 for   EHEcontrol
                                                     and when   compared
                                                         experimental      to those
                                                                        groups  andwho   did not (Hypothesis
                                                                                     a parametric                 H1), we consider
                                                                                                    t-test was performed    show-
                                  the that
                                      finalthere  were no
                                            evaluation  of significant
                                                           the subject.differences between
                                                                        Figure 5a shows      Control
                                                                                         boxplots  of and
                                                                                                       finalExperimental   groups
                                                                                                             evaluation results for
                                 (p-value   = 0.3433).
                                  both control   and experimental groups and a parametric t-test was performed showing
                                  that there were no significant differences between Control and Experimental groups (p-
                                  value = 0.3433).
4.1. Testing Hypothesis H1
                                 In order to check whether the learning is greater for those students who enrolled in
                           the EHE experience when compared to those who did not (Hypothesis H1), we consider
                           the final evaluation of the subject. Figure 5a shows boxplots of final evaluation results for
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527
                           both control and experimental groups and a parametric t-test was performed showing     9 of 16
                           that there were no significant differences between Control and Experimental groups (p-
                           value = 0.3433).

                                                 (a)                                             (b)
                           Figure 5. (a) Boxplots of final evaluation results for both Control and Experimental groups; and
                           (b) Boxplots of final evaluation results for Control and EHE Completed and EHE Not completed groups.

                                We also considered whether students participating in the EHE completed the ex-
                           periment or not. Again, Figure 5b shows differences in the final evaluation between
                           control/completed EHE and not completed EHE students. An analytical analysis shows
                           that there are no significant differences between the three groups (p-value = 0.167) and
                           when considering groups two by two, we observed that the students not completing the
                           EHE experience differ from the other two groups. Table 1 shows numerical summaries of fi-
                           nal evaluation for the different groups considered (Control, Experimental, EHE Completed
                           and EHE Not Completed).

                           Table 1. Numerical summaries of final evaluation for the different groups considered (Control, Exper-
                           imental, EHE completed and EHE Not Completed): minimum (Min), 1st quantile (Q1), median (Med),
                           Mean, 33rd quantile (Q3), maximum (Max) and standard deviation (SD)).

                                                        Min        Q1       Med        Mean        Q3        Max        SD
                                   Control              3.548     5.436     6.016      6.050      6.728     7.588      1.032
                             Experimental (EHE)         3.788     4.514     5.968      5.839      6.934     7.816      1.350
                               EHE Completed            4.256     6.068     6.736      6.386      7.268     7.740      1.257
                               EHE Incompleted          3.788     4.240     5.168      5.291      5.868     7.816      1.272

                           4.2. Testing Hypothesis H2
                                As mentioned above, after the EHE experience, students responded to a questionnaire
                           based on 56 questions. The Gamefulquest [48] and the 56 questions are arranged in seven
                           well-known dimensions: Accomplishment, Challenge, Competition, Guided, Immersion,
                           Playfulness and Social Experience. A seven-point Likert-type scale was used for each
                           question, ranging from “(1) strongly disagree” to “(7) strongly agree.”
                                Out of the total of 56 students, only 47 students completed both the questionnaire and
                           the evaluation process, 25 from the Control group and 22 from the experimental group
                           (12 of which completed the experience and 10 did not).
                                For each of the 56 questions, we analyzed whether there were significant differences
                           between the control and the hall escape groups (Hypothesis H2). To do this, we used both
                           graphical and inferential methods. Whether a parametric or nonparametric test should
                           be employed, for analyzing questionnaire data, has been somehow controversial. Many
                           authors argue that for such discrete ordinal variables, a nonparametric test should be used.
                           However, other authors argue that parametric tests are more robust and could also be
                           employed for Likert data under some premises such as normality assumptions not being
                           violated; see for instance Sullivan et al. [51].
                                After checking normality for each of the 56 different questions of the questionnaire,
                           employing both graphical inspection (Q–Q plots) and two normality tests (the Kolmogorov–
                           Smirnov test and the Shapiro–Wilk’s W test) we concluded that nonparametric Mann–
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                                                                                            10 of 16

                                                Whitney tests would be better used here and, therefore, Mann–Whitney tests were em-
                                                ployed for testing significant differences between control and experimental groups in each
                                                one of the 56 questionnaire responses. Only 16 out of the 56 Mann–Whitney tests developed
                                                seem to be not significant (p-values > 0.05), which allows us to conclude that responses from
                                                students who took part in the EHE experiment differ markedly from those who did not
                                                took part in the gaming experience along with the seven dimensions of the questionnaire.

                                                4.3. Testing Hypotheses H3 and H4
           Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
                                                      Apart from the seven dimensions considered in the Gamefulquest 11                   of 17
                                                                                                                                        questionnaire,    in
                                                this research we are especially interested in two particular aspects, namely motivation and
                                                emotion. Out of the 56 questions, we identified 13 questions related to emotion (Hypothe-
                                                    emotion. Out of the 56 questions, we identified 13 questions related to emotion (Hypoth-
                                                sis H3)  andand
                                                    esis H3)  13 13
                                                                    relatedtotomotivation    (Hypothesis
                                                                                motivation (Hypothesis  H4).H4). Figures
                                                                                                             Figures 6 and67and  7 present
                                                                                                                             present          results of the
                                                                                                                                     results of
                                                questionnaire    for the
                                                    the questionnaire     questions
                                                                      for the  questionsrelated
                                                                                         related to motivation
                                                                                                 to motivation   and
                                                                                                               and    emotion,
                                                                                                                   emotion,      respectively.

                                                                                                Inspires me to compete

                       Experimental        6%                                                             6%                                                                 89%
                            Control       24%                                                             10%                                                                67%

                                                                                       Inspires me to maintain m y standards of
                       Experimental        0%                                                             0%                                                                 100%
                            Control       14%                                                             14%                                                                71%

                                                                                        Involves me by its competitive aspects

                       Experimental        0%                                                             6%                                                                 94%
                            Control       14%                                                             5%                                                                 81%

                                                                                       Makes me feel like I am socially involved

                       Experimental        0%                                                             0%                                                                 100%
                            Control        0%                                                             5%                                                                 95%

                                                                                       Makes me lose myself in what I am doing

                       Experimental        0%                                                             0%                                                                 100%
                            Control       10%                                                             10%                                                                81%

                                                                                               Makes me push my limits

                       Experimental        0%                                                             6%                                                                 94%
                            Control       10%                                                             14%                                                                76%

                                                                                  Makes me strive to take myself to the next level

                       Experimental        0%                                                             6%                                                                 94%
                            Control       10%                                                             24%                                                                67%

                                                                                          Makes me want to be in first place

                       Experimental        6%                                                             17%                                                                78%
                            Control       19%                                                             24%                                                                57%

                                                                                   Makes me work at a level close to what I am
                                                                                                 capable of
                       Experimental        0%                                                             6%                                                                 94%
                            Control       10%                                                             38%                                                                52%

                                                                                       Motivates me to do things that feel highly
                       Experimental        0%                                                             17%                                                                83%
                            Control       19%                                                             5%                                                                 76%

                                                                                       Motivates me to progress and get better

                       Experimental        0%                                                             6%                                                                 94%
                            Control       10%                                                             14%                                                                76%

                                                                                       Pressures me in a positiv e way by its high
                       Experimental        0%                                                             11%                                                                89%
                            Control       19%                                                             10%                                                                71%

                                                                                       Pushes me to strive for accomplishments

                       Experimental        0%                                                             11%                                                                89%
                            Control        5%                                                             29%                                                                67%
                                            100                       50                                   0                                   50                          100

                                                               (1) Strongly Disagree       (3) Slightly Disagree                 (5) Slightly Agree   (7) Strongly Agree
                                                    Response   (2) Disagree                (4) Neither Agree nor Disagree        (6) Agree

                                                        Figure 6. Questionnaire questions related to motivation.
                                                     Figure 6. Questionnaire questions related to motivation.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                                                                                          11 of 16
 Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                                                      12 of 17

                                                All these
                                                All  these 26
                                                                                                 differences between
                                                                                                          between thethe Escape
                                                                                                                      Escape      Room
                                                                                                                               Room  andand
                                           control students,
                                                    students,i.e.,  p-values<
                      FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                      1312ofof17

                                  responses in
                                                 higher8a,b, showing graphical
                                                        for experimental         evidence
                                                                          than control      and with
                                                                                       students statistical test
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                              13 of 16

                           the main goal of the objective of the activity, which is to generate emotions. In order to be
                           able to do this, a minimum of two teachers must participate in the EHE and one of them
                           must become the game master. Other studies in the literature underline the role of the
                           game master during the performance of EER [40,52], since this figure offers extra guidance.
                                 The first defined hypothesis deals with the improvement of the learning process of
                           the experimental group that performed the EHE. In H1, it is stated that this group would
                           achieve better results than the control group. The experiment looked for the students’ emo-
                           tional stimulation to improve their knowledge retention and memory. A number of recent
                           studies state both negative and positive emotionally arousing events are better remembered
                           than emotionally neutral events [18–20]. Thus, “Emotional memory is the result of storing
                           the information that was accompanied by stressful factors through which the information
                           is more easily fixed” [21]. The results, shown in Figure 5a,b, reject the hypothesis. Despite
                           the fact that the exam results are slightly better for those who successfully finished the
                           EHE, there is no statistical significance. The students who did not finish the EHE achieved
                           worse results, but these are not significant. Thus, it is confirmed that applying this strategy
                           does not worsen students’ learning results when the experimental group is compared to
                           the control group, provided that students finish the activity. It is of interest to recall here
                           that the gaming experience took place in just a 2 h session and therefore we could not
                           expect this to have a significant effect upon the whole evaluation of the semester. This
                           lack of positive academic results is found in similar Educational Escape Room experiences
                           reported in the literature [45,52,53].
                                 The second hypothesis (H2) tries to answer whether EHE participants felt the game
                           in all its dimensions, following the seven emotions once defined by Högberg et al. (2019)
                           in a designed and validated questionnaire [48]. As a result, a remarkable game perfection
                           difference was measured between the experimental and the control groups. It is clear from
                           the outcome the appropriate design of the experimental activity strengthens the feelings
                           generated by games, such as the motivation and the emotions that this research fosters.
                           Despite the fact that there are other questionnaires, such as the one proposed by Hou and
                           Chou [54] or GAMEX [55], that measure a number between two and five dimensions, they
                           share the same goal, which is getting to know the game experience.
                                 The last two hypotheses deal with two aspects that are key to this work, i.e., motivation
                           (H3) and emotion (H4). As expected, the experimental group exhibits significatively better
                           results for both cases, summarized in Figure 8a,b boxplots.
                                 Using Escape Room as an educational strategy to foster student motivation is widely
                           proposed in the literature [40,44,55], since it engages the students and maintains their attention.
                                 Educational Hall Escape is based on the Educational Escape Room, providing two
                           important extras:
                           •    the existence of several teams competing to achieve the same challenge at the same
                                time and place; and
                           •    the condition of leaving the room as the final goal is eliminated.
                                 Thus, the possibilities of this strategy for working on more skills than EER are slightly
                           higher provided that the main features of it are kept, such as the room, the puzzles and
                           the narrative.
                                 Even though here it was demonstrated that the learning is not improved by the EHE,
                           due to its brief application, the motivation of the students and their emotions increased
                           notably. This fact can be used to engage the students with the subject.
                                 The study presented here shows an experience that can be easily replicated in other
                           fields, producing a positive impact on the motivation of the students who participate in the
                           experiment, i.e., EHE, instead of the traditional class. The main limitation of this research
                           is the lack of academic results linked to emotions, even though the motivation increases, as
                           previously mentioned. From the results and detected limitations, future work is proposed
                           to take advantage of the motivation improvement during these types of games, in which
                           the students become involved in the subject, by re-scheduling the activity to the start of
                           the term. Hence, these types of strategies would be recommended for the beginning of the
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 527                                                                                                          14 of 16

                                  course, as a reason for introducing students to the topic and contents. On the other hand,
                                  since the proposed activity is generic, focused on reviewing some concepts, we propose
                                  changing the main educational objective by focusing it on the learning of new concepts.
                                  The new objective not only would imply a support to understand already seen concepts,
                                  but also look at new ones, at the time that an active and autonomous attitude of the student
                                  is obtained. This type of activity would replace the classic classroom teaching method
                                  at times.

                                  Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.M.-G. and O.B.-G..; theoretical background, L.S.-L. and
                                  A.M.-G.; methodology, A.M.-G. and O.B.-G.; validation, R.M.D.; formal analysis, R.M.D.; investiga-
                                  tion, A.M.-G. and O.B.-G.; data curation, R.M.D.; writing—original draft preparation, all authors;
                                  writing—review and editing, L.S.-L. and R.M.D.; supervision, O.B.-G. All authors have read and
                                  agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
                                  Funding: This work has been co-funded by the Madrid Regional Government, through the project
                                  e-Madrid-CM (P2018/TCS-4307). The e-Madrid-CM project is also co-financed by the Structural
                                  Funds (FSE and FEDER).
                                  Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
                                  Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
                                  Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
                                  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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