Page created by Leonard Hammond
December 2021
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Inside This Issue

                                                             A Message from the President.............................................................................. 4

                                                             Contact Information.............................................................................................. 5

                                                             BridgeMill Beautiful............................................................................................... 6

                                                             BridgeMill Cares..................................................................................................... 8

                                                             Upcoming Events.................................................................................................. 10
      Find us at —BridgeMill Community
                                                             Light Up BridgeMill...............................................................................................12
             Association (Official)
                Facebook Gr0up                               Board Announces Community-Wide Design Standards Revision.................16

The Communications Committee is excited to announce          Covenants Corner.................................................................................................18
the creation of an official Facebook group named
BridgeMill Community Association (Official) to share         Dear Mrs. Kravitz..................................................................................................20

information directly with the neighborhood. We hope you
                                                             Paint color is one of the hardest choices to make!......................................... 22
will join the official group since the information
exchanged will be validated before posting.                  Introducing the Candidates for the 2022 Board of Directors....................... 24
Please note you must fully answer the three membership
                                                             Home & Yard of the Month................................................................................. 26
questions before your request to join will be accepted.
Please offer any information you feel would assist us in     Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Walk Through BridgeMill............. 28
verifying you are a BridgeMill resident. We strive to
maintain the integrity of the group and the information      Keep The Wreath Green...................................................................................... 29
shared. Unfortunately, if we cannot verify your residency,
we cannot approve your request.                              Resident Historian................................................................................................ 30

 1.  What is your address (house # and street name)          Financial Report.................................................................................................... 32
     in BridgeMill?
  2. Are you a homeowner or a renter/resident?                                                                                                     On the cover & the
                                                                                                                                                   On the cover & Light
                                                                                                                                                   Light Up BridgeMill
     (Renters should note the name of the owner so                                                                                                 Up photos
                                                                                                                                                       BridgeMill   photos
     we may verify homeownership.)                                                                                                                 insidethis
  3. By joining this group, do you agree to speak                                                                                                            submitted
                                                                                                                                                      Jared  Adams,
                                                                                                                                                         Jared  Adams,
     kindly, abide by the rules, and understand you
     face removal if you fail to comply with this all-                                                                                             and owner
                                                                                                                                                          Ownerof of
     important guideline?
We are excited to connect with each of you virtually and
hope that this step forward helps open the lines of
communication between neighbors.
          Please note: We will not entertain any                                                      Contact us today! (770) 623-6220
                business to join this group.                                               
                                                                                            The Cascade is a publication of KDA & Tlehs. Subject matter
                                                                                            published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily
                                                                                            reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter.
                Negative posts on social                                                    Professional advice should be obtained before making any

                media affect                                                                decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers
                                                             assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in this publication. Material published
                your neighbors                               may not be reproduced without the written permission of KDA & Tlehs.
                and our                                      The contents of this newsletter are provided for the members of the BridgeMill neighborhood
                entire community!                            as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the
                                                             goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services.
                                                             The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by
                                                             the neighborhood of such opinions, information, goods or services.

                                                                                                                               The Cascade • December 2021 3
A Message from the President

    Dear Friends and Neighbors,
     I hope each of you and your families had an         Your Board of Directors has been busy working
     enjoyable Thanksgiving! We are quickly              with the Architectural Review Committee
     approaching the end of 2021 and will be ringing     (ARC) to update our BridgeMill Design
     in the new year very soon.                          Standards to add clarity and definition. Please
                                                         retain this all-important document for future
     The Light Up BridgeMill event held on
                                                         reference along with the Covenants. Our
     Saturday, November 13, was a fantastic success,
                                                         website will reflect the newest version of the
     thanks to the ongoing efforts of Viola Ross. Be
                                                         Design Standards very soon.
     sure to check out the photos inside this issue.
     We owe MesmerEyes Media (Jared Adams, BM            We will hold our HOA Annual Meeting on
     resident) our gratitude for capturing so many       Monday, January 24, 2022. Please plan to meet
     beautiful pictures highlighting the kick-off to     at the River Church Gym located at 2335 Sixes
     the holiday season.                                 Road. Registration begins at 6:00 pm, with the
                                                         meeting following at 6:30 pm. Once again, we
     Christmas decorations are certainly lighting up
                                                         will provide virtual attendance, so please stay
     our BridgeMill community. Nearly every home
                                                         tuned for email blasts with instructions and the
     will soon be shining brightly with lights galore.
                                                         link to attend.
     It is a joyous time of year!
                                                         Inside this issue are bios for candidates for our
     Every homeowner should be receiving or has
                                                         2022 Board elections. Please be sure to read
     already received the 2022 packet in the mail.
                                                         their statements and be ready to cast your vote
     This packet includes a letter from the Board of
                                                         when you receive your election packet in the
     Directors, 2022 HOA assessment, which reflects
                                                         mail in January. It is important that you submit
     a slight increase, and payment information, the
                                                         your vote.
     2022 budget, the newly revised BridgeMill De-
     sign Standards (effective January 1, 2022), and a   Please be sure to read the “BridgeMill Cares”
     request to ensure we have your email address        article this month. The caring involvement of
     and current phone number. Please be sure to         friends and neighbors and the belief in miracles
     mark your calendars and pay your annual             helped to see this remarkable story end
     assessment by February 1, 2022!                     happily.
                                                         Here’s wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and
                                                         joyous holiday season!

                                                         David Brubaker

4 BridgeMill • December 2021
                             President ............................................. David Brubaker
                             Vice President ..........................................Tom Teague
                             Secretary ........................................... Christine Dobbs
                             Treasurer ........................................................... Vacant
                             Member at Large .......................................Bill Warren

                                                         ■       ■       ■

                                                                  C O N TA C T U S w i t h
                                           QUESTIONS, COMMENTS & CONCERNS
                                          Send BridgeMill Community
                                                          Association                       Call 770-345-1888
                                        payments & communication to:              
                                                      3542 Sixes Road                       Office hours:
                                                             Suite 108                      Monday to Friday
                                                           Canton, GA                       9:30 am to 4:30 pm
                                          Division Manager…………………………………………….Donald Olds
                                          On-Site Property Manager……………………………..Melody Daniel
                                          On-Site Assistant Property Manager…………….Kimberly Kulick
                                                         ■       ■       ■


                         Theresa Brubaker, Editor
                      Jared Adams, Photographer
                                                                 Liz Kyle
                                                                 Gary Pippel
                                 Maddy Edwards                   Faye Webster
                                    Mike Gerdes                  Nick Zincone, Photographer
                                     Amy Knauf                   & Mrs. Kravitz
                                             With Christine Dobbs,
                                            Board of Directors Liaison
The Cascade is a monthly publication sent to each BridgeMill mailing address by the middle of each month &
is not addressed to an individual homeowner or resident. If not received by the 20th, please contact the office.
     Web versions of The Cascade can be found under the Stay Connected tab at

                                                                                                            The Cascade • December 2021 5
BridgeMill Beautiful
     By the time you read this, there will be several fall and
     winter projects completed by The Landscape Committee
     and NatureScapes, our excellent landscaping company
     and business partner.
     In September, the Board graciously approved an aggressive plan to move spring 2022 plantings forward into the fall of
     2021. This action allowed BridgeMill to take advantage of some volume discounts and some significant plantings to take
     root during the colder months. Larger shrubs and trees do better if planted in colder months. We want to avoid heat
     stress and the dry periods typical of the summer months.
     Here is the list of items completed in this round:

     •   Replaced the Leyland's at the South Pump Station on BridgeMill Ave. The Leyland's were past their prime and
         looked ungainly due to an attempt to prune them. In their place will be 29 Nellie Stevens Hollies. These will take
         some time to gain height but will screen off the recreational area behind BridgeMill.
     •   Pine Straw Wall 2 – This was landscaped to match the first pine straw wall that was done in the spring of 2021. This
         will give a "finished" look to this area of BridgeMill Avenue. Overall, these two projects significantly reduce the pine
         straw needed and saves BridgeMill several thousands of dollars per application.
     •   Bed Reductions for the Islands by the Waterwheel – We installed Azaleas, Miniature Hydrangeas, and several
         grasses at the third bed in the center of the Main Entrance. This should reduce the cost of fall and winter seasonal
         plantings. If this works out, we will do the same for the first island in 2022.
     •   Turf Repair – Several areas have received new sod to help improve their appearance. While identical to regular
         Bermuda, this new sod is more drought and shade tolerant.
     •   Hollies at the 3rd Entrance – As many of you know, one of the large Savannah Hollies at the 3 rd entrance was severely
         damaged in a traffic accident that tragically took the life of one of our BridgeMill residents. A Nellie Stevens Holly
         was planted until we could find an acceptable solution. After an exhaustive search, we located a slightly smaller
         Savannah Holly and moved one of the full-sized hollies to replace the damaged holly. Then we installed the smaller
         new holly in place of the larger one. Musical chairs with large plantings had to be done in the cooler months.
     •   Fall Colors – All of the spring plantings were replaced with fall colors. It's worth pointing out that the fall colors are
         planted late in the season to not interfere with the November 13th Light Up BridgeMill event. Also note that there
         are a limited number of plants that can survive during the winter and still flower. Overall we really should
         appreciate the design work and install flexibility by NatureScapes.
     •   Pine Straw – NatureScapes will be redoing the pine straw and extending a few areas. This will take place between
         mid-December and January. We typically wait until the leaves are off the trees before adding new pine straw.

     All of these projects, plus the spring planting, will significantly improve BridgeMill's landscaping in the long run. Please
     remember that all plantings need time to settle in and grow. We request your patience to allow these projects to grow to

6 BridgeMill • December 2021
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                                                                                   The Cascade • December 2021 7
BridgeMill Cares
                                             for the Love of Lucy!
                                              It was a hot Tuesday afternoon in September when Meka Pugh and
                                            her two children returned home from errand-running. They rushed
                                            inside to let their four dogs out and into the fenced-in backyard. The
                                            rescue Lab-mix, Theodore, who is three; one-year-old pit, Lucy; four-
                                            year-old Pomeranian, Phillip; and Carter, a Shih Tzu/Yorkie
    (Shorkie) who is seven, had been cooped up for hours.
    Meka, short for Tremeka, is a disabled Air Force veteran who has
    neurological damage and PTSD from her time in service to our
                     country. She has lived in BridgeMill for three
                     years with her husband, Shawn, mother,
                     Tangula, who recently had hip replacement
                     surgery, son, Prince (9), and daughter Leilani
                     (5). This animal-loving family also has a three-
                     year-old Persian cat named Alexander. "He
                     thinks he's a dog," Meka said, "Since he lives                   One happy family —
                     with all these dogs."                                    Shawn, Prince, Leilani and Meka Pugh

    When Prince opened the back door to let the dogs back inside, only Carter appeared. Meka's emotional
    support dog, Lucy, along with Phil and Theo, had escaped through a loose board in the fence. Meka, Prince,
    and Leila set out on foot to search the area around their home on Gold Mill Ridge. Immediately the neighbors
    joined in the search.
    Meka's across-the-street neighbor, D. D. Dixon, canvassed the neighborhood up to Bells Ferry Road. Another
    kind and caring neighbor, Alejandro Orrego, took Prince to search through the woods surrounding the Gold
    Bridge Crossing area. Meka got in her car with Leila and began driving slowly through the neighborhood.
    Another neighbor saw Meka and stopped to help.
    The neighbor asked, "Have you looked on the Furry Godmother's (FGM – Christi Hain, BridgeMill resident)
    Facebook page?" Meka was not aware of the page, so the neighbor pulled it up on her phone. There was a
    picture of Theo. The FGM had picked him up on Bells Ferry and had the Lab safely in her home. Meka
    immediately sent the FGM a photo of herself with Theo, verifying ownership, and went to get the Lab.
    One dog found, two still lost.
    Deborah, from Jasper, found Phil on Bells Ferry Road and asked around attempting to discover where Phil's
    family lived. No one seemed to know, so Deborah took the Pomeranian to her home in the mountains. Debo-
    rah knew about the FGM and contacted her right away. Furry Godmother Christi said, "I know who Phil be-
    longs to." Deborah drove Phil home after his vacation in Jasper.
    Two dogs found. Lucy, the service dog, was still missing.

8 BridgeMill • December 2021
Meka spent the next four days searching for Lucy. One morning, still in her pajamas and night bonnet, she
donned her husband's robe, wrapped her feet in bubble wrap and legs in black garbage bags, and drove her car
near the entrance to the woods that runs through the neighborhood. A neighbor saw Meka walking up and
down the sidewalk calling for Lucy, and thought she looked weird and called the cops. The policemen stopped
to question Meka and joined in the search for Lucy. They recorded Meka's name, address, and phone number
and canvassed the area, including The Manor on Bells Ferry, where they learned someone had witnessed a car
hit a dog that resembled Lucy.
The search continued. By now, it seemed everyone in BridgeMill was looking for Lucy. The FGM's Facebook
page announcing Lucy's disappearance received 523 shares.
On the third day, Shawn bought Meka a 10-week-old Great Pyrenees named Lily for support. But Lucy was still
on the run.
On the fourth night, a Saturday, Meka had a vision. "It was a photographic picture of Lucy sitting on our front
porch," Meka recalled. "Then, on Sunday morning, I walked into the living room and
peeked through the glass on the side of our front door. There Lucy was! Exactly where I'd
seen her in the vision."
Meka said she walked a few steps forward, then did a
double-take. "Lucy did a double-take, too," Meka said. "I
practically ran to the front door to let her in. She just
came home on her own after being gone for five days."
Lucy had lost weight, whined, and limped. She had been
hit by a car and attacked by a larger animal. Meka said,
"The vet didn't know if it was another dog, a fox, or what.
He put her on antibiotics and had to remove her toenail, but she has fully recovered."
"I am overwhelmed by the support received from the BridgeMill people," she said. "Without their help, this
could have been tragic, emotionally."
The new pet, Lily, a Great Pyrenees puppy, sleeps next to Meka's bed at night to be near when she has night
terrors. Lucy is Meka's support dog during the day.
"I'm just so happy to have her home. I was lost without Lucy," Meka said. "I don't know what I would have
done without the prayer line started by Jodi, the cars canvassing the neighborhood, the mobile searches, and
Facebook postings. Everyone joined in. I felt so much love and support from my community."
                                                                                     About the writer—Maddy Edwards
                                                                                     is a full-time writer and author
                                                                                     with a BA in Journalism and a
                                                                                     Masters in Creative Writing. Her
                                                                                     published novels include Catfish,
                                                                                     Lilly, and Sissy, a historical fiction
                                                                                     trilogy set in the deep South
                                                                                     during the 1950s-1980s.

      Escape route


                                 Lucy          Carter                                                        Home sweet
                                                                                                              Home! 
  Escape route repaired

                                                                                            The Cascade • December 2021 9
We welcome new homeowners!
            Board of
            Directors                  December 13th                    A "Web Welcoming Letter"
                                                                         will be mailed to all new
            Meetings                    @ 6:30 PM                            homeowners once
                                                                   Community Management Associates (CMA)
                                                                             receives the Deed.

                                                                    The account is then transferred/updated
                                     December 20th                          to the new homeowner.

                                [Request Deadline—December 15th]           This welcoming letter will
             ARC                                                                  include CMA's
            Meetings                   January 3rd                             portal information,
                                                                        login instructions and password.
                                [Request Deadline—December 29th]

                                      January 17th
                                [Request Deadline—January 12th]
                         Please Note —                               Residents (homeowners and renters),
         ALL ARC requests must be received by 4:30 pm               Are you receiving email blasts from our
         on the WEDNESDAY before the committee meets.
                                                                      BridgeMill Community Association?
                                                                         Be sure to never miss a thing -
                                                                       Register today and stay informed
                                                                       about all BridgeMill happenings!
                                                                      Submit your contact information to
                                                                               Melody Daniel at
                     Our Property Management office
                will be closed for the following holidays:

                Christmas Eve - Friday, December 24th
                New Year's Eve - Friday, December 31st

                                                                        Login Portal
        BridgeMill                                                 Homeowners - Register on the CMA portal

                                                                         & use your owner account to
                                                                      access transactions, view violation
                                                                     & architectural modification letters,
       Association                                                         make payments, & more.

               Monday, January 24, 2022                                    Go to Owner Login at:
               Meeting begins at 6:30 pm
                                                                    Don’t know your CMA account number?
              Registration begins at 6:00 pm
                                                                       Please contact Melody Daniel at:
         River Church Gym, 2335 Sixes Road                     

10 BridgeMill • December 2021

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                                                                                                                                                                                  The Cascade • December 2021 11
Light Up BridgeMill

         Santa Claus
            as our

12 BridgeMill • December 2021
The Cascade • December 2021 13
Thank you to our SUPPORTERS & VENDORS

                                AIM Promos - Tina Andrews                    Mac’s Custom Woodworking
                                Amicis Italian Kitchen - Sixes Road          MesmerEyes Media - Jared Adams
                                BridgeMill Athletic Club                     PT Solutions - Sixes Road
                                BridgeMill Fire Department                   Party Touch DJ - Denver Baxter
                                BridgeMill Sixes Service League              Santa Claus - Hollis Brock
                                BridgeMill Welcome Committee                 Scentsy - Carolyn Hall
                                Cherokee County Homeless                     Shear Intrigue Salon - Sixes Road
                                  Veterans Program                           Starbucks - Sixes & Ridge Road
                                Cherokee County Police Department            Subway - Sixes Road
                                DotDotSmile - Sarah Cate & Kelly Miller      Won's Taekwondo - Sixes Road
                                Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant - Sixes Road   YogaSix - Sixes Road
                                Lions Club - Nancy Madden

                                                                       Our sincere appreciation goes to
                                                                                              Viola Ross
                                                                                  for organizing such a fun
                                                                                       & entertaining event
                                                                                   & to Johnny Rich for the
                                                                                 beautiful opening prayer!

14 BridgeMill • December 2021
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                                                                            The Cascade • December 2021 15
Board Announces Community-Wide Design Standards Revision

     The ARC and Board have been working for several months on a Revision of the BridgeMill Community-Wide Design Standards. The
     Board voted to adopt the new standards, effective January 1, 2022. Maintaining our community standards is exceptionally important to
     BridgeMill because they preserve the curb appeal of our community and, ultimately, the value of our homes. You may be asking, why
     do the Standards need to be occasionally revised?

     There are two main goals of the 2022 Revision:

     •   To clarify language that is occasionally misunderstood or unclear, especially when it comes to ARC requests or common
     •   To enhance maintenance standards on prominent exterior features like fences to ensure they are commensurate with other
         exterior standards.

     As most homeowners know, our community design guidelines are outlined in two documents; our Covenants and our Community-
     Wide Design Standards. Community-Wide Design Standards are authorized in Covenants Article 7.2 and are a codification of design
     guidelines that the Board has the responsibility to modify as required from time to time.

     We will be posting the Revised Community-Wide Design Standards on the website (, and there will be
     additional communication on key changes. Each Homeowner will receive a complete copy in the mail before the end of this year. It is
     in your best interest to keep this copy as a reference when needed.

     First and foremost, your best resource for considering or requesting exterior modifications is reading and understanding our Cove-
     nants and BridgeMill Community-Wide Design Standards before submitting an ARC Modification Request.

     Here is a list of some of the critical revisions and thoughts to consider:

             If a homeowner fails to submit an ARC Modification Request, the violation increases from a fine of $250 to $500.

             When choosing an exterior color, it’s always a good idea to use a color chart or consultant when evaluating color
             compatibility. Keep in mind, ARC approval is NOT required to repaint a home the same color or make modifications to
             existing colors and materials.
            Windows, shutters, louvers, and doors, including garage doors, should be painted a single color, but the ARC can now
             approve other options that enhance the aesthetic value of a home.
            Craftsman garage doors will also be considered on a case-by-case basis as long as colors conform to predominant exterior
            Fences must now be maintained to reflect their original natural color or a painted color approved by the ARC. They should be
             kept in a manner commensurate with exterior house standards, be structurally sound, and free of mildew, rust, rot, and
            No debris or other items can be discarded or stored behind a fence.
            Batting cages, basketball courts, and other permanent sporting structures not consistent with community standards are not
            Dead or dying trees may be removed without ARC approval; however, a photo of the tree(s) and an arborist declaration
             should be submitted to the Property Manager so that a determination can be made as to the need for replacement/or
             additional landscaping.
            Trees that inhibit lawn growth will be considered for removal based on a compelling landscape plan to significantly improve a
             Lot’s aesthetic value.
            Flags and banners of a political nature are subject to the standards under Article III, Section E, Paragraph 6. Approved flags
             and banners include the American flag, the “Thin Blue Line” American flag, US Military Institution flags, and sports flags
             during applicable events.

     You can find all documents and forms pertinent to home and lot standards, as well as procedures to make modifications at And rest assured, the Board, ARC, and Property Manager are always available to help with any questions you
     may have!

16 BridgeMill • December 2021
We Continue to Honor

                                              Our Veterans

     Larry Dudney                     Walt Olson                  Harry Halvorson              Manny Mendoza Jr.
 GA Army National Guard                US Army                      US Air Force                  US Marines
       1977-2015                       1972-1975                     1962-1995                     2014-2018

                Proudly Assisting Veterans In Need
BridgeMill residents have continually supported our veterans, so it was heartwarming to hear of a Cherokee County Vet
receiving a miracle after living with no heat and air in his home for six years. The Cherokee County Homeless Veterans
Program teamed up with two caseworkers from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church to find a solution. They found
Vito LaSelva, owner of Mercury Control Heating & Air, Inc. in Woodstock. He donated his services and provided an HVAC
system at cost, paid by St. Michael’s and the Auxiliary Unit #45 of Canton. This veteran also has medical and nutritional
needs, as do many men and women who served our country with honor. If you would like to assist any Veterans in need,
contact Jim Lindenmayer with the Cherokee County Homeless Veterans Program at 678-983-7590.

                                                                                                The Cascade • December 2021 17
C ove n a n t s

       Christmas is fast approaching, and we know that some families will go
       all out in the decorations department. That’s great! It’s one of the things
       that makes BridgeMill so unique.
       Special deliveries from Santa bring loads of trash piled up on garbage
       collection days. While placing the abundance of trash at our curbs,
       please be sure to assess your property and clean up flying debris and
       continue to properly store all utility tools. Don’t let the cold
       temperatures discourage you from following our all-important Design

       As a reminder—Here’s Section V - Articles C & D of the Design Standards state:


            D. Garbage/Trash Cans/Recycle Bins/Wood Piles/Etc.

       So, let’s take a few minutes to follow the above and position our trash cans and utility
       items out of sight. Just doing so would make improve the look of our neighborhood.
       Besides, if you follow these simple tasks, you will not get a “lump of coal” from the
       property management, and the Grinch will stay away from your home.

                    For complete disclosure and understanding of BridgeMill’s Governing Documents, please access
                                                        Search under the Documents and Forms tab

18 BridgeMill • December 2021
Dear Santa,
                   This is what it’s all about!
I know you saw many children during the Light Up BridgeMill
event, so you may not remember my daughter specifically. Well,
she was the five-year-old who all of a sudden burst into tears while
standing in line. Four Christmases down, and I've never had her
cry meeting Santa ever. I asked why she was crying, and she told
me that she had got in trouble for not following directions at
school (kindergarten) this week. She had convinced herself that
she had been placed on Santa's naughty list. Of course, my heart is
completely breaking hearing this. I kept trying to calm her down,
but the closer we got to you, the more the tears came. When it was
our turn, Santa's sweet helper asked me why she was crying, and I
quickly whispered what had happened. In an instant, you, sweet
Santa, held her hands and promised her that she wasn't on the
naughty list and that Santa still loved her very much. All the
magic of meeting you came back to her eyes. I couldn't have asked
for a better Santa that night, and at that moment, you made all my
daughter's worries go away. I just wanted to say a big THANK
YOU to this Santa. It was a moment I won't forget. Now my daughter wasn't the one crying; I was.
I hope you get this letter Santa. (Or maybe a neighbor knows who Santa is and can pass this along.)   - - - Alyson Merritt
                                                       ■       ■      ■


                                                                                                         The Cascade • December 2021 19
Dear Mrs. Kravitz...
                 Dear Mrs. Kravitz: Why is it that my             Dear Mrs. Kravitz:         Why are there so many
                 street wasn’t resurfaced during Phase I of the   BridgeMill Facebook groups? I am very confused!
                 new paving in BridgeMill? My street is in        --- Social Media Overload
                 bad condition. Rumor is that only the streets
                 where Board members live were repaved!           Dear Social Media Overload:               There is only
                 ---What About Me                                 one official Facebook group for the BridgeMill
                                                                  Community Association. Our official group began this
                Dear What About Me: Thank you for                 past summer by the BridgeMill HOA and currently has
                your email and allowing Mrs. K the                725+ members. Its purpose is to share positive, current,
                opportunity to address this concern. The          and relevant information about our neighborhood. The
     recent road resurfacing was based solely on an existing      Communications Committee actively monitors this page
     Cherokee County road rating system. The good news is         and ensures all posts support the improvement of
     that our Infrastructure Committee is working directly        BridgeMill. To join, one must fully answer the three
     with the County to prioritize roads included in Phase II     membership questions before being accepted. We
     and III repaving. And for the record, there are no Board     strive to maintain the integrity of the group and the
     members who live on streets affected in our Phase I          sharing of information. Unfortunately, if we cannot
     resurfacing. We must remember that patience is key           verify residency and if all membership questions are not
     when dealing with the County.                                answered, we cannot approve any request to join.
                                                                  Members of this group may submit items to be posted,
     Dear Mrs. Kravitz: Are homeowners responsible                and the request will be granted once approved.
     for trimming trees obstructing our streetlights, or is it    The other three groups — BridgeMill Residents
     the responsibility of the electric company?                  Association, BridgeMill Homeowners, and BridgeMill
                                                                  Community all may sound "official." However, the
     We all appreciate your efforts to encourage homeowners       BridgeMill HOA does not endorse or support these
     to keep their trees trimmed. Who is responsible for          groups. While posts often solicit help to locate lost pets
     trimming the trees in the common areas? The trees            or reunite them with their owners, request community
     along the sidewalks at the main entrance hang very low
                                                                  support for those in need, and other favorable subjects,
     and get really bowed after rains like the ones we've had     the HOA often becomes the subject of negative,
     recently. A good trim and thinning would help the            unverified, and unchallenged comments. We should be
     walkers and bikers and also help improve the health of       wary of some posts and the thread of comments that
     the trees and grass.                                         follow. A phone call or email to our HOA property
                                                                  management office or contacting a Board member can
     Where have the bats gone? We've been here since 1999. I      very likely prove beneficial, eliminating the adverse
     used to like watching bats chase insects around the
                                                                  effects some posts may cause regarding our wonderful
     streetlights, but it dawned on me that I haven't seen any    neighborhood. We must remember the adage, "there's
     lately. Since ours was the first area to be developed, it    usually more to the story!"
     can't be due to recent development. This area has been
     fully established for years.                                 Lastly, the BridgeMill Athletic Club maintains its own
                                                                  Facebook group. This group generally contains
     I hope you will consider responding in a future Cascade      information about BMAC events.
     issue or reply directly to me. --- Phil Schoeller
                                                                  Mrs. Kravitz believes in quality vs. quantity; less is more!
                                                                  Keeping things positive and respectful is best for all.
     Dear Phil:     Your questions have been shared with          The BridgeMill Community Association
     our HOA Property Manager. She will address trimming          (Official) page is the only group you need to
     the trees at our main entrance sidewalks with the            follow to stay abreast of all things good in
     company providing service in our common areas.               our fabulous community.

     Concerning trimming trees obstructing streetlights, it is
     the responsibility of the individual power company.
                                                                               Have a question?
     Anyone can contact GA Power or Cobb EMC to report
     the issue. Look for the power company name on the pole                   Email Mrs. Kravitz —
     or the power box and contact them directly.                 

     Regarding the bats going AWOL, Mrs. K is not sure
     about their relocation.

20 BridgeMill • December 2021
Atlanta's #1
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                                     The Cascade • December 2021 21
Paint color is one
                                                                 of the hardest
                                                               choices to make!
                                                                Let us help you!

                                                  We are      lucky to live in a fairly unique community here in
                                                 BridgeMill. Our covenant-protected development has over 2800
                                                 homes ranging in size from under 1500 sq. ft. to over 5000 sq. ft.
    Some have all-siding exteriors; others have brick or stucco facades; some have brick or stone accents. Most of
    the siding is horizontal, but there's also board and batten and some shake and shingle siding. But one thing
    that all those homes have in common is that they are TRADITIONAL style homes.
    Per our Covenants, Article VII, 7.1, "No . . . change in the exterior colors . . . shall be commenced . . . unless
    approved in accordance with this Article. . . ." Additionally, ". . . modifications to the interior of porches, patios
    and similar portions of a structure visible from outside the Lot shall be subject to approval." Article VIII, 8.23,
    states ". . . the exterior of all improvements, including, without limitation, residences, constructed, erected,
    allowed, or maintained upon any Lot must be painted or repainted in a color used in the original
    construction and marketing or residences within the Community or in a color used in the original
    construction and marketing of residences in any other community developed by Declarant within the
    same county as the Community." The key takeaway is that the ARC must approve exterior painting unless
    using the original or an ARC-approved color.
    The diversity in homes is one of the things that makes BridgeMill a desirable neighborhood for homebuyers in
    this area. Some communities use a "book" with pre-approved color schemes. But those neighborhoods don't
    have that diversity that makes BridgeMill what it is. It is that diversity that means what works for one home
    does not work for another home and is a significant reason why there isn't a paint "book" with acceptable colors
    and why every request for BridgeMill is considered as it applies to the particular home.
    Your volunteer Architectural Review Committee is bound by the Covenants and the BridgeMill
    Community-Wide Design Standards when reviewing any ARC request. Each request is considered on its
    own merits, within the Covenants and Design Standards. Nothing would make the ARC's job easier than just
    being able to approve every paint request.
    If any homeowner wants to meet with an ARC member before submitting a request, please contact the
    management office (call 770-345-1888 or email at and arrange an appointment.

22 BridgeMill • December 2021
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                                                                                          The Cascade • December 2021 23
Introducing the Candidates for the 2022 Board of Directors
      The candidates for the three open positions for the 2022 Board of Directors are
                David Brubaker, KT “Katie” Dudney, and Aaron Weimer.
        Each candidate is a BridgeMill resident and homeowner in good standing,
      and each has fulfilled the prerequisites in the timeline required for candidacy.

                                     David Brubaker
                                     Some of you may recognize my name as currently serving the HOA as your Board
                                     President. I was appointed to the Board in the fall of 2020 to replace Mark Hickman
                                     when he announced his retirement and relocation. I was then elected President by the
                                     incoming Board of Directors after the 2021 Annual Meeting this past January. I have
                                     enjoyed the time serving and ask for your vote to continue doing so.

                                     I am originally from Pensacola, Florida, and attended Auburn University, where I met
                                     my wife, Theresa. I graduated with a Master's in Chemical Engineering. I then entered
                                     the US Air Force and was stationed at Wright-Patterson AF Base in Dayton, Ohio.
                                     Theresa and I relocated to Kingsport, Tennessee, to begin my thirty-three-year
                                     professional career with Eastman Kodak. My career took us to many places as well as
                                     overseas to SE Asia.

   During my time with Eastman, I oversaw five new chemical plants' construction, startup, and operation. I also managed
   small and large groups of people during my career, led numerous large capital projects, and managed manufacturing
   across the globe. I retired from Eastman Chemical Company in 2009 as Vice President of Global Manufacturing. Two years
   later, we decided to move closer to our families and chose the BridgeMill community in which to live.

   The experience I bring to the Board, with the help of other Board members and multiple volunteers, is establishing and
   executing plans on schedule and within budget. I enjoy using my leadership skills, and I pay meticulous attention to
   detail and commitment. I have helped drive the establishment of the Entertainment and Events Committee in cooperation
   with the BridgeMill Athletic Club. We successfully held two concerts in the park and drew 1700+ homeowners, residents,
   and guests to the July 24th "Party in the Park." We need to continue to drive actions that ultimately enhance property
   values and desirability to live in BridgeMill. Many communities focus mainly on fees, fines, and flowers, and while this is
   necessary, we must also be known as a FUN, FAMILY, and FRIENDLY community. Please help us continue on this path
   by casting a vote for me, David Brubaker.

     KT “Katie” Dudney
     Hello, my name is KT “Katie” Dudney. I know most of you and your furry babies by
     walking our little 100-pound rescue Molly the Mastiff. As a 7-year resident, my
     husband and our 2 children enjoy all the amenities that BridgeMill has to offer.
     A little bit about me, our household is full at football season as I am an Auburn Tiger
     alum, and my husband is a Bulldog. Blessed to have grown up overseas, my
     appreciation for the US has never wavered as my husband is a Military Veteran of
     over 34 years.
     My previous background is in the Travel and Tourism Industry with Marriott and
     will bring ideas to enrich lives in this community. All personal projects I see through
     to the end and look forward to bringing that enthusiasm to your goals. Having
     worked with this Board and others I have the experience to formulate people’s vision
     to come to fruition.
     My ambition for BridgeMill is to keep our neighborhood family-friendly and safe.
     Simply put, I love calling BridgeMill my home.

24 BridgeMill • December 2021
Aaron Weimer
1091 Bridge Mill Avenue — Homeowner & VP Engineering & Operations

Hello, I’m running to join the BridgeMill Homeowners Association Board of Directors.
I’m husband to Lynn Weimer, and father of two wonderful boys, Robert Weimer and
Ryan Weimer. We’ve enjoyed living in BridgeMill since May 2013. Our family enjoys all
the amenities of BridgeMill and the quality of this community and surrounding areas. I’m
active in the community supporting the BridgeMill Sixes Service League (BSSL) and
Chaired The Golf Fore Charity event in 2019 here at BridgeMill.

In my professional life, I serve as VP Engineering & Operations for a major technology
company here in Atlanta. In this role, I manage Engineering and Operations teams that
maintain the regional area networks across the United States.

Under my leadership, a team of more than 900 leaders and engineers manage all network capacity augments, outside
plant maintenance, and all monitoring and break fix of these networks. In my role I manage a 200+ million-dollar
budget, managing our network that serves over 22 million customers.

My career in the communications industry spans more than 23 years. I started my career in 1998 as a Tech in Ann
Arbor, Michigan, and advanced through the ranks, holding various positions in Engineering, Construction, and
Technical Operations.

I have unique experience in serving on various boards within my industry. I currently serve on the National Board and
Executive Committee of the Society of Cable and Telecommunication Engineers. This is a not for profit organization
that supports technology innovation and professional training/development within my industry. The SCTE supports
this for all telecommunication professionals and corporations spanning North, Central, and South America and hosts
over 50,000 professional members.

My professional and personal experience will uniquely assist me in contributing as a member of the Board of Directors
for the BridgeMill Homeowners Association. My goal is to make sure that BridgeMill HOA continues to maintain a
high sense of standards and integrity in our community while continuing to increase our property values.

                                                  ■      ■      ■

      BridgeMill Community Association
                                             Monday, January 24, 2022
                                             Registration begins at 6:00 pm
                                             Meeting begins at 6:30 pm
                                             River Church Gym, 2335 Sixes Road
                                             Stay tuned for updates on
                                              how to attend virtually

                                                                                              The Cascade • December 2021 25

                        Congratulations to John & Lani Belisle for their beautiful home and yard at 803 Mill Run Trail! After living in Fort
                        Myers, FL, for thirty-three years, John & Lani retired to the mountains of Utah for two years. They decided to move
                        to BridgeMill in April 2021 to be near their son and daughter-in-law, who live in Buckhead, and two grandchildren –
                        Corinne (4) and Christian (20 months). They have another son living in Portland, OR. This happy home is also home
                        to their sweet little dog named Katy (14). Lani says, "We can't take credit for this beautiful landscaping. The previous
                        owners did a fantastic job. We wanted to keep it up, so we hired a great mowing service, a turf company to keep the
                        grass fertilized, etc. We were lucky to move in next door to the Duncans. "Duncan Home Services," started by Jacob
                        Duncan (13), helps me keep up with weeding when I'm unable. They also do pet sitting and clean up. They have
                        their own Facebook page. Getting settled into our home in BridgeMill has been easy. The people we have met have
                        been friendly, and we are enjoying exploring Canton and Woodstock, which have a lot to offer." Lani, a licensed
                        realtor in Florida and Utah, understands how a well-kept neighborhood will have solid resale value. In communities
                        where some homes and landscaping become "tired," weedy, or dead, it causes new buyers to think twice, bringing
                        property values down. Lani said, "BridgeMill stood out as a neighborhood with beautiful homes, and most are well
                        maintained. The real estate market here is hot, but it's hot all over the US, so I'm glad BridgeMill residents care
                        enough to keep up the property values here." Thank you, Lani & John, for maintaining this lovely home & property!

    To our
    Winners!             Congratulations to Rudy & Christine Albrecht at 103 Cedar Woods Trail for being one of our December winners!
                         Originally from St. Charles, IL (Chicago suburb), Rudy & Christine chose to move to the Atlanta area in 2015 and
                         selected this beautiful home in BridgeMill. Rudy says, "We enjoy the friendly community with a small-town feel.
                         And, enjoy being outdoors, and since we're already out there, we may as well pull the weeds, mow and plant a few
                         flowers!" Thank you to Rudy & Christine for a job well done!

26 BridgeMill • December 2021
The 2021 program will run from
       May through December.

       Be a                The Nominating
      Winner!               Committee will
                              select two
                          winners per month.

                                                                                                                  Nick Zincone

             “Home & Yard of the Month ”                                          Judging Criteria:
    Manicured yard, offering beauty, originality, and creativity
    Walks, driveways, and curbs edged and swept clean
    Shrubs neatly pruned
    Garbage cans out of sight
    Mailboxes in good condition with the complete set of numbers
                                                                                 Nominate with the nominee's address.
     and the proper red flag attached
                                                                               Snap a photo of the house/yard, if possible.
    Fences in good shape, no missing or dangling shutters, painted                      Email nominations to:
     surfaces are presentable                                              
    Toys and bikes not strewn about                                                    Judging is based solely
    Hoses rolled up and out of sight                                         on  the total exterior appearance of their
                                                                                 home and front/side yard as viewed.
    No boats or RVs parked on the property
                                                                                 We will do the rest and check it out!
    Current on HOA assessment—past and present
    No current or outstanding covenant violations
    Upkeep of the yard can reflect the efforts of the residents themselves or that of a professional landscaper or
    HOA Board members are not eligible
    Winners must maintain their yard in the same manner that allowed them to win the title
    Homes with a “For Sale” sign are not eligible

                                     $175 Cash Prize
                                     from the HOA                                Grand
                                            +                                    Prize

                               $175 Featherstone’s Grille
                                 Gift Card from BMAC

            All sixteen “Yard of the Month” winners must remain in good standing,
                          with the HOA, to be eligible for the drawing.
     The Grand Prize will be awarded to one lucky winner at the 2022 HOA Annual Meeting.

                                                                                                    The Cascade • December 2021 27
Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Walk Through BridgeMill, It Gets Safer!
                                              by Tom Teague, VP BridgeMill Board of Directors

                     2021—A great year for BridgeMill infrastructure improvements!
     Here’s a list of the accomplishments:
     •    2.3 miles of new road resurfacing
     •    The restriping of BridgeMill Avenue
     •    New 3-way stops to improve traffic safety
     •    New sidewalks at the main entrance
     •    New 24" stop signs to refurbish our aging signage
     •    New Speed Hump signs along Steels Bridge Road
     •    Lots of potholes filled and broken sidewalks replaced                                           New sidewalk construction
                                                                                                          along BridgeMill Avenue by
                                                                                                             the basketball courts

     Our Commissioner, Benny Carter, and Cherokee County Public Works have really stepped up this year to take care of
     key improvements that significantly impact the curb appeal and value of our community! And, there's more to come.

     The county is currently installing a 700+ foot sidewalk extension from the basketball courts at the Park to the entrance
     of The Reserve at Gold Leaf Parkway. And for all the walkers who've bolted across BridgeMill Avenue to avoid
     becoming roadkill at the Park entrance, a new pedestrian crosswalk is being installed at that busy intersection. In the
     coming weeks, the stop bars will be repainted at every intersection on BridgeMill Avenue and Gold Mill Ridge,
     enhancing traffic safety and the curb appeal of our streets and newly repainted signposts.

     Your Board and Infrastructure Committee are actively planning Phase II and III road resurfacing priorities with
     Cherokee County and other key projects to ensure BridgeMill is always on an upward trajectory. With the competition
     of new neighborhoods popping up around us, we've got to keep investing in BridgeMill to remain THE premier place to
     live in Cherokee County and the booming North Metro Corridor!

    The new 700+ foot sidewalk
    extension along BridgeMill
    Avenue is open for business

                                                                                                            The concrete is on its way
                                                                                                            to complete the sidewalk
                                                                                                            extension to The Reserve

                                                                      Coming Soon, the much-needed
                                                                         pedestrian crosswalk at
                                                                  BridgeMill Avenue & Gold Leaf Parkway

                                          New 3-Way Stop at the intersection
                                               of BridgeMill Avenue &
                                            BridgeMill Athletic Club Drive

28 BridgeMill • December 2021
During the holiday season, Cherokee
                                                     County Fire & Emergency Services will
                                                     participate in the "Keep The Wreath Green"
                                                     campaign from December 1, 2021 through
                                                     January 1, 2022. One green bulb on the wreath is replaced by
                                                     a red bulb for every structure fire in Cherokee County
                                                     during that period. This program began in 2019. We
                                                     experienced a total of eight structure fires across Cherokee
                                                     County during the campaign last year. Let's make it our goal
                                                     to experience zero in 2021 and beyond!
                                                         The purpose of this campaign is to remember to practice
                                                     fire prevention during the holidays. It's the time of year
                                                     when we enjoy festive meals with family and friends, deck
                                                     our halls with colorful decorations and listen to squeals of
                                                     delight as children open their brightly wrapped presents.

                       Use this checklist to ensure everyone has a safe holiday:

•   Decorate with kids in mind - Move ornaments that are breakable or have metal hooks towards the top of the tree and
    put things safe to touch at the bottom.
•   Be sure to water your natural tree often to prevent dry needles from becoming a fire hazard.
•   Discard your tree as soon as possible after the holiday.
•   Check your lights for exposed or frayed wires, loose connections, and broken sockets.
•   Never leave lit candles unattended.
•   Store matches and lighters away from children.
•   Keep harmful plants like mistletoe berries, holly berries, and Jerusalem Cherry away from children and pets. If an
    accident occurs, call the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.
•   Buy toys appropriate for children’s ages. Check for choking hazards.
•   Keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from any other object.
•   Be careful about having a fire when stockings hang on or near the fireplace.
•   Use a fireplace screen to prevent sparks from escaping.
•   Getting a new bike this holiday? Don’t forget the helmet.
•   Keep a 3-foot kid-free zone around the oven and stove.
•   Check your smoke alarm batteries.
•   Sleep with your bedroom doors closed to prevent the spread of fire.
•   Review your family fire escape plan and have a meeting place outside the home in case of fire.
•   Teach your guests your fire escape plan.
•   When attending holiday celebrations, designate a driver to get everyone home safely.
•   Plan for your trip to take longer with little ones.
•   If traveling this season, be sure everyone in the car is safe. Have your car seats checked! For appointments,

               For more information regarding this program, please contact Lisa Grisham with the Community
                  Risk Reduction Department at 678-493-6290 or email her at

                                                                                              The Cascade • December 2021 29
T he L ost S ea
     Can you believe we are near the end of another year? I don’t know about you, but it seems as if this year has passed by
     rather swiftly. Our year began at the Toonigh Creek, and then we headed up to Waleska. From there, we headed north
     to the tri-state border of Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia and talked about that large body of water named Nickajack
     Lake for a day. Then we quickly returned to Canton. While here, we paid tribute to the many front-line people, many
     just outside BridgeMill, at Station 22 on Bells Ferry Road. From there, we did a deep dive into the history of Canton and
     explained how important the land that BridgeMill sits on has so much history in itself. We did a quick review of the
     famous Canton Cotton Mill on the Etowah River, which made some of the finest denim in the country.

     When we left BridgeMill for a few hours, we went on a movie set that filmed the Oscar film, “Hidden Figures,” and then
     drove over to Steels Bridge Road and imagined where the Steels Bridge location might have been. After that ride, we did
     another deep dive under BridgeMill to some mines that, at one time, hid a lot of gold. After seeing those pictures, could
     you have imagined an opening to a mine in your backyard? I only mentioned a couple, but my history book showed
     that there were many more. Were there a few in the location of Lake Allatoona? I believe there were because Lake
     Allatoona was built many years after the mining industry left.

     As long as we are talking about lakes, I could not help but think of a lake I visited many years ago. It is a perfect day
     trip, approximately four hours from BridgeMill in a Sweetwater, Tennessee community. This lake is called The Lost Sea.
     It is the country’s largest underground lake
     and the world’s second-largest lake. This
     lake was discovered in 1905 by a 13-year old
     by the name of Ben Sands. He found a
     small hole and crawled through a mud
     opening that opened up to a 300 large
     square foot room half full of water. Word
     has it that the room was so large that his
     light was swallowed up by the darkness. He
     kept crawling to a far wall where the ceiling
     curved around to the floor. Take a look at
     this picture that clearly shows how the
     ceiling falls directly to the water. Note
     how calm the water is. This underground
     lake is roughly 200 feet wide by 800 feet
     long and, for the most part, 70 feet deep.
     This extensive cave system called Craighead
     Caverns is approximately 140 feet below the
     ground. You might ask if it is somehow
     connected to the mines under BridgeMill,
     but we will get into that sometime next
     year. Like the mines of BridgeMill, the
     Cherokee Indians lived in this area too.

     For you professors out there, the world’s largest, non-subglacial, underground lake is located in Namibia, a country in
     southern Africa. It is named “Dragon’s Breath Cave.”

30 BridgeMill • December 2021
For the most part, The Lost Sea is a wide-open cavern, complete with twists, ups and downs, and intertwines with the
water, taking many turns that seem to go on forever. Take a look at the picture on the left above that depicts the tunnel
opening up to the lake. There is a path for you to walk on for you adventurers out there, and it is well illuminated.
Many lights will show you the many nooks, crannies, and crystal formations. Take a look at the picture on the right that
shows stalagmites which have been growing for centuries. For you students, a stalactite is a tapering structure hanging
like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed of calcium salts deposited by dripping water. Do remember that stalactites
are just the opposite of stalagmites. Stalactites grow down from the ceiling, while stalagmites grow up from the cave
floor. It's easy to remember: Stalactites have a "T" for top, and stalagmites have a "G" for ground. I wish I had a picture of
a stalagmite, but most of this floor is underwater.

During the civil war, the landowners sheltered in place below the ground from the Confederate soldiers, and while in
place, they made gun powder from the saltpeter in the cavern.

Beneath this 4 ½ acre lake, many divers have discovered an even more extensive series of rooms filled with water. It is
estimated that more than 13 acres of water have been mapped out so far, and still no end to the lake has been found.
Some divers with sonic sensing equipment have gone into the water and hugged the wall to assure their ability to see the
opening again. He went as far as he could, took some soundings in all directions, and could come up with nothing but
water. Because of the dangers of exploring the mines below us, we may never know how significant this body of water
may be.

I am not a fisherman, but from what I know, Rainbow Trout are colorful, but in this lake, the sun never shines, so the
Trout are all albino (white). Since no one can fish there, they grow to a considerable size. I also noticed some plants
exist because people like you and I bring in spores when we visit.

Did I see some moonshine stills down there? Yes, I saw some indications. I understand there was a tavern called the
Cavern Tavern down there at one time. I understand that the moonshine of those days had a different effect on us above
ground than in that cave. For that reason and many others, the tavern is now closed. Should you desire to visit the Lost
Sea, you might want to take a sweater with you. The ambient temperature is approximately 58 degrees with a lot of
humidity. Because the lake is so far underground, this temperature is constant, year-round.

Where are we going next year? I have been researching on rainy days, and I have some ideas but will need further
research and dialogue with some experts. In January, we will return to BridgeMill Parkway and do some more deep
dives. And if I see some more trails, mines, interstates, or historical locations, we might take another day trip. I might
even have a chat with Mrs. Kravitz. She is a walking encyclopedia and is willing to share her many experiences and
knowledge with us. And if I can find some money, we might even take a trip to the Orient for a few days.

                     Gary Pippel, Resident Historian
                                                                     Photos & historical content credits to The Lost Sea Adventures

                                                                                                        The Cascade • December 2021 31
You can also read