Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta

Page created by Tammy Pearson
Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
    RMA                    ASSOCIATION
                            MAY 2022 E-NEWSLETTER

  RMA NEWSLETTER                                    IN THIS ISSUE
RMA Calendar
Check out the latest schedule of RMA meetings.           President's
See page 2 for details.                                   Message

Community Spotlight
Get to know Deborah Rooney in this month's           Compliance, ARC &
 Community Spotlight. See page 8 for details.        Maintenance News

Make a Payment Online!
The new TOPS Pay system is now integrated with
                                                      Budget Update
NABR, allowing registered users to pay online and

view payment history 24/7. It's quick and easy to

                                                     Community Spotlight:

                                                      Deborah Rooney
         Join our NABR Network to receive

                E-blasts and more!                   Community News

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
COMMITTEE                                       COMMITTEE NEWS
& OTHER NEWS                                    Communications Committee
                                                The Communications Committee met on

                                                April   7,   2022.       The   Committee          discussed     the

                                                revisions     to    the   Digital     Sign   Policy.       It   was

                                                presented at the April 19, 2022 BOD meeting,

                                                and     was     approved.       Click    HERE      to    view   the

                                                revised policy.
      & COMMITTEE MEETINGS                      Community Center Ad Hoc Committee
                                                The Community Center Ad Hoc Committee met
  Board of Directors meeting @ RMA              on April 13, 2022. Subcommittee members were
    Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.          finalized.         The     roles        of     the        Finance
_________________________________________       Subcommittee             and   the      Comunity        Outreach

Architecture: May 5 & 19 @ 8 a.m.               Subcommittee were identified and discussed.

Communications: May 5 @ 4 p.m.
                                                Governing Docs Committee
Community Center Ad-Hoc: May 11 & 25 @ 6 p.m.
                                                The Governing Docs Committee met on March
Compliance: May 4 @ 2 p.m.
                                                28, 2022, and reviewed California laws related
Finance: TBD                                    to    scooters.      The   Committee         reviewed       "Finn"

                                                scooters and determined that they fall within
Governing Docs: May 23 @ 5:30 p.m.
                                                the     legal      definition      of    a    "scooter".        The
Maintenance: May 2 @ 7 a.m.                     Committee          determined        that    no    rule   change

Recreation Committee: May 12 @ 4 p.m.           was needed.

                                                The     Committee          also       reviewed          basketball

                                                standards and determined that no rule change

                                                was needed.          If members are unable to place a

                                                basketball         standard     out     of   sight,     they    may

                                                apply for a variance.

    CSD Pipeline                                 RMA Office Closure
                                                 The RMA offices will be closed on Monday,
    To learn more about the latest news at
                                                 May 30, 2022, in observance of Memorial
    Rancho Murieta CSD, click HERE for
                                                 Day, as we honor our service members who
    the current CSD Pipeline newsletter.
                                                 sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

    CAN WE HELP?                                  Executive Assistant/Newsletter Editor -
                                                  Tina Talamantes
    CONTACT US!                         

    M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                     Maintenance Manager - Rod Hart
    916.354.3500 RMA Office
                                                  Financial Manager - Colleen Hagyard
    916.354-3538 RMA Maintenance        
    Website:                       Architectural Manager - Mark Parsons
    General Manager - Kevin Hubred                Secretary - Barbara Zollner barbaraz@rma-                      
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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
                       BY   ROB   BROWN


  Spring is upon us, and the weather is warming. Rancho Murieta really seems to come alive with

  activities and events with the change of the seasons. We see more members out at the parks and

  trails walking, hiking, biking, and fishing. The Pickleball courts always seem to be full, and the

  revamped recreation area at Lake Clementia will become very active in the coming weeks.

  If you have not heard, ETC is back with a full slate of concerts this year. We have a new and

  expanded dance floor at the Amphitheater so more people can demonstrate their off-beat dance

  moves. The season begins with the free ETC Kick-Off event on Sunday, May 22, 2022, from 3 p.m. to

  5 p.m. at the Rancho Murieta Country Club. There will be wine tasting and food provided by local

  restaurants. You can also purchase an ETC membership and upcoming concert tickets, volunteer for

  concert duties, and enter to win door prizes.

  The Fourth of July event in Rancho Murieta is such a great experience that most residents will bring

  friends and family out to the community to share in the festivities. RMA has recently approved the

  fireworks contract as we look forward to this fabulous community tradition. Other events of the day

  typically include the fun run, pancake breakfast, parade, and the best-decorated golf cart contest.

  Arguably the highlight event of the summer is Summerfest. I highly recommend that you set aside

  the weekend of October 7 & 8, 2022 to attend this spectacular, fun-filled family event. This

  community staple is back this year, thanks to Sherry Carrillo and her dedicated group of volunteers.

  These events are made possible by community groups working and collaborating with your

  homeowners' association. This unique collaboration demonstrates how great things can be

  accomplished if we are all willing to work together.


  Rob Brown


  Rancho Murieta Association

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
RMA DEVELOPMENT NEWS                                                   COMMUNITY MEETINGS
Riverview                                                              Safer California Presentation
Grading     has    been    completed        at     the    Riverview    On     April      25,    2022,        Insurance Commissioner
Development       located     at    Reynosa        Drive.    Model     Ricardo           Lara        visited        Rancho          Murieta        and

home     construction      will    begin    this    month.       The   provided an update on the impact that wildfires

developer expects to have a grand opening by late                      have     had      on     the   state's        homeowners          insurance

fall.                                                                  market       and    upcoming             regulations.          (Click      HERE
                                                                       for the video.)

Click   HERE   to visit the Reynen and Bardis website
                                                                       In     2020,       insurance           companies'            non-renewals
for more information.
                                                                       decreased           by       10%,       due      to     the       mandatory

                                                                       moratoriums under Senate Bill 824 (Lara, 2018).

                                                                       Commissioner             Lara     also       continues       to   work     with

                                                                       the      FAIR       Plan         to      offer        reasonable            and

                                                                       appropriate coverage limits to homeowners and


                                                                       Commissioner                 Lara       reported         that         a    new

                                                                       regulation        will    be     in   place     by    this     summer      that

                                                                       will    incentivize          homeowners           when         they   harden

                                                                       their    homes,         by    using      the    Safer     from      Wildfires

               Riverview construction at Reynosa Drive                 framework.          This helps bring the risk factors down

                                                                       and keeps insurance agencies writing policies in

Retreats East & North                                                  the community.

                                                                       The     regulation        will    also       provide    transparency          in
The     developer,    K.   Hovanian        Homes,        previously
                                                                       regards to "fire risk scores." Insurance companies
removed     approximately          14,000    cubic       yards   of
                                                                       have been issuing non-renewals to homeowners

unsuitable soils from their location at the Retreats                   based        on   their      "fire    risk   score,"    and       sometimes

in Rancho Murieta North.                                               without an explanation of what it means and with

                                                                       no     appeal      rights.       Homeowners             will   be     able    to

                                                                       understand             their      risk       score      and       how        the
They are now importing up to 30,000 cubic yards
                                                                       determination            was     made.         Homeowners           will   also
of more suitable soil.      This should be completed by
                                                                       have the opportunity to make an appeal, as well

the first week of May.            Please use caution while             as be allowed time complete certain tasks that

the trucks are moving the soil.                                        would bring their risk score down in order to to

                                                                       keep their insurance.

For     additional     information,         Contact         Chase
                                                                       If     you    have       questions            about     your      insurance
Williams, Sr. Land Development Manager, at
                                                                       policies,      rates,     or     other       notices,    please       contact
K. Hovnanian Homes at (916) 886-6193
                                                                       the California Department of Insurance at (800)
or email
                                                                       927-4357 or visit

                Retreats construction at De La Cruz

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT                                                         COMPLIANCE
RM South Wood Fences                                                            Vandalism
Whether you’re building a new fence, replacing,                                 Recently, there have been several vandalisms

or   repairing     an       existing      one,   there       are   several      in    the   community.            RMA      and      CSD    are   in   the

fence guidelines that you should keep in mind:                                  process      of    identifying         the    responsible        parties

                                                                                for    the   damage           done       with       the   help   of   our

     All    wood        fences      shall     match         the    original     CCTV system.             Residents are reminded of                 Non-
     Developer's                  installed            design          and
                                                                                Architectural Rule IX, Section                                    10 -
                                                                                Vandalism or Attempted Vandalism,                                 which

     All wood fences shall be 6’0” high, including

     gates                                                                      "A. Any person who maliciously commits any of the

     All fences that separate the front yard from                               following acts with respect to any real or personal

     the back yard shall have 2x caps and 1" x 4"                               property not his or her own is guilty of vandalism:

     trim at the top of the fence including corner
                                                                                (1) Defaces or attempts to deface with graffiti or other
     lots with some variations in Units 3 & 5
                                                                                inscribed material
     All interior lots shall have side and rear yard
                                                                                (2) Damages or attempts to damage
     fences        that       are     "good           neighbor"       with
                                                                                (3) Destroys or attempts to destroy
     alternating           fence    board     locations       and     dog-
                                                                                (4) Tampers with any property
     eared tops

     The fences are not to be painted or stained                                B. Anyone in violation of this rule shall pay restitution in

                                                                                the amount of the cost of cleanup or restoration of the
     except with clear sealer only
                                                                                damaged property."

Swimming Pools                                                                  Fines will be assessed accordingly.

Need to Drain Your Swimming Pool or                                             Report suspicious activity to RMCSD at

Spa? If you need to drain your swimming                                         (916) 354-3743 or to RMA Compliance at

pool       or    spa       for    cleaning        or       repairs,       you   (916) 354-3500.
must       drain   it      into   your    sewer        cleanout.      It   is

illegal     to   drain       it   into    the    street       where       the

chemicals will flow into the river.                                             Street Parking Rules
                                                                                As a reminder, overnight parking on the streets is
The pollutants that end up in our creeks and
                                                                                not allowed.          Residents may apply for a pass to
rivers      pose       a    great     threat          to    our    waters.
                                                                                park a vehicle on the street where circumstances
Let’s      protect          our     creeks       and        rivers    from
                                                                                                                       per Non-
                                                                                require or justify such overnight parking,
harmful pollutants!
                                                                                Architectural Rule II, Motor Vehicle, Section 9.
                                                                                Please visit the Security Gate for a parking pass.

Driveway Parking Variance
A driveway parking variance allows residents to                                 CAUTION! Speed Limit Reminders
park    more     than       one     vehicle      in   their    driveway.

Parking     variances            expire   after       one   year,    so    be                     RMA Streets
                                                                                                  (Unless otherwise posted)
sure to apply for a renewal.

ClickHERE for the Driveway Parking Variance
                                                                                                  Wooden Bridge **
Application.                                                                                      Levee Road
                                                                                                  Lake Calero
    HERE for the Driveway Parking Variance
                                                                                                  Laguna Joaquin
Renewal form.                                                                                     **10 MPH List not all-inclusive

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT                                                     Spring Cleaning: Creating a Safe
                                                                           Space from Wildfire
Project Updates
                                                                           Keep your property lean and
The    Maintenance              Department               has     been
                                                                           green    this    summer,       and     help       protect       your
working      hard      on     the    following       projects         to
                                                                           home from the danger of wildfire.
meet the needs of the community:

                                                                           Here are just a few simple tasks to ensure
     Completed         the    bricks       sponsorships        for   the
                                                                           your home is safe:
     Pickleball Club

     Replacing        damaged         concrete      in    the    2022
                                                                              Cut     and   remove        weeds,       dead       grass,      and
     asphalt replacement areas
                                                                              other    flammable          vegetation         from    around
     Fence      repairs       are    being        done    near       the
                                                                              or near the house
     Greens      Park         neighborhood           at        Jackson
                                                                              Limit    combustible         items       on    decks       (wood
                                                                              planters, outdoor furniture)
     Continuing weed abatement throughout the
                                                                              Clear away dead leaves and pine needles
                                                                              from the roof and rain gutters

                                                                              Relocate       firewood       to   30'    away       from       the
We ask that members please be patient with
weed    abatement            requests.        The    Maintenace
                                                                              Remove tree branches that hang over the
Department is working diligently to complete
the weed abatement of all undeveloped lots
                                                                              Trim tree branches to keep them at least
and common areas.
                                                                              10 feet away from other trees

                                                                              Remove        or    prune    flammable          plants       near


Street Paving
The   Board     approved        the        2022    Street      Paving
                                                                           Field Maintenance
Project. This work will include several dig-out
                                                                           The   sports       fields      are     for       the    use        and
repairs,    overlays,         and     seal    coats.      Although
                                                                           enjoyment        by     our    RM     sports       teams           and
we    have      not     yet    set     a     schedule       for      the
                                                                           residents.        It   is   important            that    we        help
overlays     and      seal    coats,       other    road       repairs
                                                                           maintain     the      fields   for    the    safety      of   those
began      in   April    and        will    continue      until      the
                                                                           who participate in sports activities.
project is complete. This work will not require

any road closures; however, some streets may
                                                                           We would like to remind residents to
require traffic control. Affected residents will
                                                                           clean up their pet's waste from the
be    notified     with       signage        on    the    roadways
                                                                           fields, to prevent hazards to the sports
and    door      hangers,           once     the    schedule          is
                                                                           teams and others who use the fields.
received        from    the     contractor.          The       streets

included in this year’s project are as follows:

                                                                           MTI Maintenance Requests
     Fuente De Paz 1,2,3 and 4 parks

     Rio Blanco 5 and 9 parks

     Domingo Drive                                                         RMA     manages         the    common            areas        of    the

     Robles Grande                                                         Murieta      Townhouses,              Inc.       (MTI)        around

     Via Del Cerrito                                                       Laguna Joaquin. For landscape or irrigation

     Clementia Circle
                                                                           requests,       contact        the     RMA        Maintenance

                                                                           Department at           (916) 354-3538.

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
RMA Accounting Department presents the Unaudited Income & Expense Statement

for the period ending March 31, 2022.

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
Deborah Rooney                                                                                           COMMUNITY
President, River Valley Garden Club                                                                               SPOTLIGHT
When and why did you move to Rancho Murieta?                                                                      provide               two         grants

Pat   and    I   moved    to   Rancho      Murieta       in   May    2013,                                        annually         to   organizations

close to nine years ago. Our move here was a bit of a                                                             in      our           region         that

whim. We had always known about Rancho Murieta,                                                                   contribute               to           the

but never really explored it much. We were house                                                                  betterment                  of        our
hunting, saw the house advertised in the newspaper,
                                                                                                                  community. Some of the
took a drive, loved the house and view, and voila!
                                                                             recipients of our grants have been local elementary
Here we are nine years later.             We are thrilled with the
                                                                             garden      programs,       the     RM     Trails     group,       and     Tri-
community         and   the    hometown         feel.   Sometimes,      it
                                                                             County      Wildlife        Care.    We         also       provide        two
feels a little far away from things, but the RM life
                                                                             scholarships each year to college students studying
outweighs all of that.
                                                                             in horticulture or environmental studies at the two

Describe your interest in gardening.                                         and four-year colleges in our area. We support the

I thank my grandmothers and my mom for my love of                            National    Forest     Service      Penny       Pines      program        and

gardening and plants. They taught me at an early age                         donate      money      to    plant   trees       in    the    El       Dorado

how nourishing to the soul gardening can be, and                             National Forest.

what fun it is to plant and watch something grow. In
                                                                             We also provide opportunities to travel on field trips
high school, my room was filled with houseplants and
                                                                             to local garden-focused or nature-focused sites or
that's something I continue today - a house full of
                                                                             programs. We are planning a Fall Fun Family Festival
                                                                             in October as an outreach program for families. We

What is the River Valley Garden Club?                                        have a Facebook page that shares garden and plant

The River Valley Garden Club was started in 2003.                            ideas and tips with the gardening community.                             All of

                                                                             these      are    funded      by     donations             and     our     key
At that time, the group met in each members' home,
                                                                             fundraiser Plant Sale from May to October, on the
and each person brought a plant to discuss.                         Today,
                                                                             2nd Saturday in the Plaza Market Parking lot.
we    have       90   members,    which     has       almost       doubled

since     2019,       amazingly,        despite       the     pandemic!
                                                                             Where would you like to see the Garden Club in
Members          come    from    throughout        the      surrounding
                                                                             five to ten years?
area    including       Rancho    Murieta,       Sloughhouse,         and
                                                                             I would personally like to see this club continue to
Wilton. Our motto is "a place to grow.”
                                                                             grow. In 2019 we started the year with 50 members,

                                                                             and today we have 90! In five years, I’d love for us to
Our     local     organization     is    part    of     the   California
                                                                             be 200 strong and to find more ways to include
Garden       Club,      the    Pacific    Region        Garden,       and
                                                                             family-focused events, to help families and kids learn
National Gardner Clubs, Inc.                 We       are     an   award-
                                                                             to enjoy the simpler pleasures that gardening and
winning club at the state and regional level for our
                                                                             nature can provide.
programs, club tours, workshops, and our newsletter

Here's The Dirt!
                                                                             How can people get involved with the Garden
Most recently, in 2020 we installed and dedicated
                                                                             Our monthly meetings are in January through May
the Blue Star Memorial at the Gazebo inside Rancho
                                                                             and September and October, on the fourth Tuesday
Murieta North. This memorial honors those who have
                                                                             of those months, at 7 p.m., at the RMA building.
served in the military.
                                                                             Annual membership in the River Valley Garden Club

What are some of the current projects the                                    is   $25    for   an   individual         and    $35       for     a    family

Garden Club is working on?                                                   membership!         Our goals are to have fun, to meet

                                                                             people with like interests in gardening, to inform with
Because we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit our goal is to
                                                                             interesting       lectures,    and        provide       an       option     to
give back to our local community through grants,
                                                                             volunteer within our community.                 Come and visit us!
scholarships, community events, and workshops. We
                                                                             Visit our website:

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
OTHER NEWS                                                                 2022 PHOTO CONTEST
Digital Sign                                                               Show your creativity and capture the
RMA Digital Sign                                                           beauty of everyday life with a great
The Board of Directors approved a temporary waiver of
                                                                           photo! This is your chance to showcase your
                                                                           special   photos.     Submit       your   photos     online
the Digital Sign fees for six months beginning March 15,


                                                                                              Three Categories:
The     application      and       posting   information     must be
                                                                                         Landscapes & Historical
submitted to RMA ten (10) days in advance of posting.
                                                                                            People or Events
Postings will be displayed for fourteen (14) days (or less)

and     display   dates       do   not    need   to   be   consecutive.
Contact Barbara Zollner at RMA for more information at                                   Fourth Prize Category:
(916) 354-3500.
                                                                                              Staff Choice Award
Click   HERE for the 2022 Digital Sign application.                                     This award is the RMA staff's top

                                                                                         choice of all photos submitted.

                                                                                    PHOTO SUBMISSION FORM
                                                                                      PHOTO CONTEST RULES

                                                                                                                     2021 Submissions

RMA Amenities Reservations
Lake Clementia,          Stonehouse Park, and Riverview

Park Covered Patio areas are available to rent for

your    special     event.          The     RMA    Administrative
                                                                              Photo Tip #2:   Some of the

Building    is    also   open       for   individual   and    group            best photos are taken at

                                                                                dawn/dusk because the
activity reservations!
                                                                                ambient light creates a

                                                                             different view of the scenery.

Click    HERE for the amenities applications.                                Underexpose for richer colors.

For questions, contact Barbara at the RMA office

at (916) 354-3500.

Dog Park Hours
The     Dog      Park    is   open        from   Tuesday     through

Sunday from dawn until dusk.                     On Mondays, the

park is closed from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. for regular


                                                                               Entries due by November 1, 2022!
Reminder: Please clean up after your pet!                                              Prizes awarded in each category.

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Deborah Rooney Community Spotlight: President's Message Budget Update Community News - Rancho Murieta
COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS                                                  Scholarship Opportunity!
River Valley Garden Club                                                 Deadline May 30, 2022
Plant/Garden Fundraiser                                                  Attention Rancho Murieta Residents!
Looking for a special Mother's Day gift?                     The River   Do   you     have   a     High   School    Senior   planning      to

Valley Garden Club is having a fundraiser event on                       attend a trade school, college, or university next

Saturday, May 7, 2022, from 8 a.m. to noon at the                        year? Be sure and encourage him/her to apply for

Murieta Plaza parking lot. You will find a variety of                    the ETC $2,000 Scholarship Essay Contest.

unique and one-of-a-kind items to purchase.
                                                                         Applications with contest rules are now available

                                                                         at the RMA Administrative office or by request to

Rancho Murieta Chili Cook-Off                                            Stephanie Stanislaus, ETC Philanthropy Chair at:
Please join the Murieta Trail Stewardship for a Chili
Cook-Off on   Saturday, May 7, 2022, from
1 p.m. - 6 p.m at Lake Clementia Amphitheater.                           Click    HERE       for    the    2022       ETC     Scholarship

                                                                         application.        For    additional     information,   contact
Tickets: $25 for official voters and chili tasters;
                                                                         Stephanie Stanislaus at (916) 354-0901.
$10 general admission.          For information, contact visit:
                                                                         Scholarships sponsored and awarded by Rancho

                                                                         Murieta ETC.

Splash Park Opening Day
Summer is almost here!             Splash Park Opening day is
                                                                         Food Truck Sundays
Saturday, May 21, 2022.             Complimentary ice cream

treats will be provided, courtesy of Rancho Murieta                      Summerfest presents Food Truck Sundays!                      The

Summerfest and the RMA Recreation Committee.                             Food Trucks are here every Sunday!                 A variety of

                                                                         food trucks will be available every week. To see the
Daily hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

                                                                         lineup, visit: Rancho Murieta Summerfest -

ETC Kickoff!
                                                                         Official@ranchomurietasummerfest Facebook page.

The ETC Kick-off Event is Sunday, May 22, 2022
 from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. at RMCC. All residents are                         SAVE THE DATE!
welcome      to   attend    this   FREE   event.     Enjoy    wine

tasting and food provided by local restaurants. You                      ETC Upcoming Events
may also buy your membership and concert tickets
                                                                              Saturday, June 11, 2022: Tainted Love               - Best of
at this event.
                                                                              the 80's live!

                                                                              Saturday, July 2, 2022: Smith - Country-Pop-
Brazilian Jui Jitsu Classes                                                   Rock.

The Cosumnes River Brazilian Jui-Jitsu group is now
                                                                         All concerts are at Lake Clementia Amphitheater.
offering classes.
                                                                         Tickets: $25 members; $35 non-members.

Sign up by visiting their website at:                                    Contact: Classes are held at the

RMA Administrative building.
About the owner:    Matt Bingaman is a resident and local realtor

who was an undefeated pro MMA fighter and a Jiu-Jitsu champion.
                                                                         Summerfest will be held          October 7-8, 2022 at
He started the Cosumnes River Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu group and currently    Stonehouse Park.           Details coming soon!

has classes offered for all age groups.

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Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is a national campaign that encourages people and organizations

everywhere to come together on a single day to take action to raise awareness and reduce wildfire risks.      With

the continuing projected drought this year, this is a perfect day to identify the risks that may surround your

home, and do a little Spring cleaning to mitigate any fire hazards/risks.

Defending the Home Ignition Zone (HIZ)
Research shows there are proven methods for preparing properties for withstanding the devastating impacts of

a wildfire. This Prep Day, you have the power to protect the part of the community that means the most to you

and your family by eliminating vulnerabilities in the HIZ, particularly the immediate 5-foot zone around your

residence. Whether it's replacing wood chips with gravel or reimagining your entire landscape design, what you

do on Saturday, May 7, 2022, really matters. Be ready to make a difference in helping to avoid loss and tragedy

with information and resources from NFPA®. For more information about being a Firewise USA® Community and

Fire Safety, please access the following link/URL to the National Fire Protection Association

As a Firewise USA Community, you may be eligible for a discount on your home insurance; please contact your

home insurance provider to see if you qualify.   RMA Firewise certificates are available in the RMA office.

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