DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

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DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

             Affiliated to HNB Garhwal University Srinagar (Garhwal)
                            (A CENTRAL UNIVERSITY)

                               Status : 2 (f) & 12 (B)
                           Grade 'B' Accredited by NAAC

Tel Fax: +91-135-2654757
Email : dayabrij@gmail.com
Website : www.dbscollegedehradun.in                                    ` 80/-
DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun
Our Sources of                                                  Our Vision

                                                               The vision of the college is to provide
                                                               quality education, value system and
                                                               develop quest for excellence and global
                                                               competence among the students in tune
                                                               with national Higher Education policy
                                                               and to encourage the over-all
                                                               personality development of the
                                                               students thereby increasing their
                                                               abilities, creative talent and excellence.

                                                                           Our Mission
                                                               •   To become as a centre of excellence
                                                                   in higher education.
                                                               •   To enhance the human capabilities
                                                                   and potential to the fullest extent
                                                                   and achieve the excellence by
                                                                   enabling students to be more
                                                                   creative and innovative.
            Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati                       •   To be a bridge between the urban-
                           Social Leader                           hill (r ural) divide taking the
                                                                   benefits of education to the hilly
                                                                   and the marginalized aiming at
                                                                   their empowerment.
                                                               •   To help disadvantaged groups,
                                                                   such as woman, SC, ST, OBC and
                                                                   minority, so that they can improve
                                                                   their performance in studies and
                                                                   get the rightful place in the society.
                                                               •   Strengthen physical and academic
                                                                   infrastructure and human
                                                                   resources of the college by
                                                                   incorporating modern means of
                                                                   teaching and learning aids such as
                                                                   NM- ICT and Edu-Sat.
        Rai Bahadur          Late Dr. Virendra Swarup
                                  Former Chairman,             •   To facilitate overall development of
(Late) Dr. Brijendra Swarup,
                                      UP Legislative Council       the students by quality education.
      M.A., LL.B., LL.D.
                                      Founder of the College   •   To eradicate prejudices and to
                                                                   ensure equality for all.
                                                               •   No discrimination on the basis of
                                                                   sex, caste, creed and religion.
                                                               •   To inculcate sense of responsibility,
                                                                   character building, spirit of
                                                                   cooperation and empowerment of
                                                                   women for self esteem, thought
                                                                   building of equality and strength.
                                                               •   To impart quality education to help
                                                                   students in developing proficiency
                                                                   and abilities which will further
                                                                   inculcate self confidence, decision
                                                                   making power & leadership
                                                                   qualities in them.
               Late Shri Jagendra Swarup
                      Advocate, M.L.C.
DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

                            Message from the
                            Board of Management
Dear Students                                      C o l l e g e h e l p t h e s t u d e n t s i n c a re e r
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you        counselling, assist them for competitive
all in a new academic session. I am glad that      exams and help them turn out to be successful
you have chosen DBS PG College Dehradun for        humans. This is evident from our rich Alumni
beginning your academic journey in higher          list of the college. The faculty members
education. The college offers a high level of      besides their teaching and other
teaching learning experience along with            responsibilities have received research
extra-curricular activities. The college follows   projects from renowned organizations during
a teaching learning method which is a blend of     these difficult times.
traditional and modern approaches of               D u r i n g t h e u n p re c e d e n t e d p a n d e m i c
teaching. It has well equipped laboratories for    situation, the college provided all forms of
the students, smart classes, reading room,         support to help the students overcome the
multi-functional laboratory to help the students   various challenges they faced. As there are
in having better learning experiences. New         many uncertainties and predictions regarding
classrooms are being built with more facilities    this pandemic in coming few months, it is very
to give better teaching learning experiences.      important for you to become responsible
The students of DBS PG College have been           students also to take the best out of your
recipients of University Gold medals for their     learned and experienced faculty members.
outstanding academic performances in               I hope you all will have an enriching
various disciplines over the years and the         experience in this college and will make the
previous academic session was no exception. I      college proud.
appreciate the efforts put in by the faculty
members during this pandemic situation for
not compromising with the quality of               Best Wishes
academics and giving lectures through
various online platforms like ZOOM. Google
Meet etc. The NCC and NSS wings of the                                         Manvendra Swarup
college under able leaderships have                                                        Secretary
contributed immensely for the society during                                  Board of Management
these difficult times.                                               D.B.S. (PG) College, Dehradun.

During this pandemic situation, the college
has organized Online International Workshop
to help in developing skills for research.
Participants from various countries joined the
workshop. The various cells, centres of this

DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

                                     From the
                                     Principal's Desk
     Namaskar !
     Welcome you all to another new academic session at DBS PG College, Dehradun .
     As the Principal of this prestigious college with a long tradition of producing capable and
     competent human resources in various fields for the country and abroad , my focus will be on
     refining our strategic direction for betterment of the students community in all forms and
     identifying opportunities for growth of the college . We are constantly responding to the
     challenges of the changing academia since 2020 March after the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic
     .Our well qualified faculty members are efficiently conducting online live lectures through Zoom,
     Google Meet and other such apps besides providing study materials though different forms as
     and when necessary . Online tests , assignments , quizzes are taken frequently to assess the
     progress of students . Besides these, there are options for career counselling, placement etc. by a
     dedicated team of faculty members.
     During this time of pandemic ,besides various constraints, we have very successfully organized
     international workshops, Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, plantation program and the dedicated teams
     of NSS , NCC , Rovers and Rangers have been constantly engaged in serving the society in various
     ways and spreading awareness among the community . Given the nature of uncertainty due to the
     pandemic, e-learning resources, online admissions and e- learning environment etc. are being
     constantly encouraged . We have developed our infrastructure by increasing number of
     classrooms and a new administrative block with the help of grant from RUSA. A new geology
     laboratory has been established during this period. Our faculty members have published quality
     research papers and books during this period and have obtained research grants from various
     We strive to impart such knowledge among our students that it will help them to illuminate their
     minds and drive away all the darkness. We believe 'Excellence in Karma is Yoga' 
      and hence we impart such values among our students . I can imagine that many of you are
     feeling both excited and perhaps a little anxious about starting your journey as a new College
     student. Let me assure you that you have chosen to study at one of the prestigious institutions in
     Northern India where students from different states come to have quality education.
     I am sure you will enjoy your tenure in this prestigious institution and will make the institution proud.
     I look forward for another productive academic session with you all.
                                                                                              Dr. V.C. Pandey

DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun
Ÿ    Message from the Secretary, Board of Management     i
Ÿ    From the Principal's Desk                           ii
1.   College in Nutshell                                 2
2.   jk"Vªh; xhr ,oa jk"Vª xku                           3
3.   Courses Offered and Sanctioned Strength             4
4.   Instructions for Admission                          5
     i)   General Instruction for filling Online
          Merit/Admission Form for Registration
     ii) Instruction for submission of Admission/Merit
         Form before the Admission Committee
5.   Admission Rules for Academic Session 2021-22        6
6.   Courses of Study                                    8
7.   Outline of Choice Based Credit System               10
8.   Academic Requirement                                13
     i)   Attendance Rules
     ii) University Examination and Promotion
9.   Financial Assistance                                15
10. Maintenance of Discipline and Code of Conduct        17
11. Co Curricular Activities                             20
12. Facilities Offered                                   20
13. Profile of the Departments                           23
14. Functionaries of the College at a Glance             27
15. Fee Structure and Fee Rules 2021-22                  29
16. Academic Calendar-2021-22                            31
17. Important Telephone Numbers                          32
DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

    DBS College is a multiuniversity campus committed to provide with utmost ease widely optioned
    academic choices to all students. College is well known for science education. It is primarily
    affiliated to HNB Garhwal University for education in humanities, social sciences and sciences, its
    affiliation to Sri Dev Suman University caters the affiliation of professional courses e.g.
    microbiology, biotechnology and library sciences and as an study center of Indira Gandhi National
    Open University offers a wide spectrum certificate, diploma and degree courses. College fully
    complies rules and regulation of affiliating universities to give highest priority to students'

                                  COLLEGE IN NUTSHELL
    1.   Inspiration provided by the pre-                    declared subsequently with enough time
         independence reformative movement                   margin to deposit fee.
         under the auspices of the Arya Samaj led        7. Students are advised to check online
         to establishment of DSS, Kanpur as a nodal          display of list of shortlisted candidates for
         body that mandated to transform                     admission.
         landscape of widely prevalent illiteracy to     8. Students will have to deposit fee on the
         resurging India and the DBS College was             same day of admission in the Central Bank
         one of the outcomes of this cherished               of India DBS college branch; if by some
         ideals.                                             unavoidable reasons fee could not be
    2.   College does not discriminate prospective           deposited then in charge admission
         students on the basis of caste, creed,              committee should be informed in writing
         religion, gender and region.                        otherwise seat may be allotted to next
    3.   Admissions are provided from                        incumbent.
         undergraduate to research level. College        9. Fr o m 2 0 1 8 o n w a r d s u n i v e r s i t y
         also offers unique opportunity to carryout          examination fee is deposited online in the
         post-doctoral work. College charges fee as          university account along with filing of
         per rules of state government and                   online examination form. A copy of both
         university which is far less than private           will have to be submitted to college office
         institutions located in town.                       for further action.
    4.   This college is first choice of meritorious     10. College teams regularly participate in men
         students. At present 220+ INSPIRE award             and women university sports events and
         holders are pursuing higher education in            other games activities. Students regularly
         campus.                                             participate in in-house and outhouse
    5.   Students desiring to join DBS College will          cultural and literary activities with
         have to apply online for admission in the           distinction.
         entry level classes on college's website:       11. Large number of PG students are getting
         www.dbscollegedehradun.in. Please                   summer training in reputed institutions
         insure error free filing of the form. College       like WIHG, ONGC, IIRS, FRI, DEAL, IIP
         does not charge any fees for online                 SGRR University, DES Uttarakhand etc.
         registration                                    12. External exper ts and scientists are
    6.   Once last date for e filling form is over,          regularly invited to deliver lectures and
         college soon declares merit list of                 motivational talks on various platforms
         candidates that also includes names of              viz. Geofraternity.
         few waitlisted applicants in order of merit.
         For unoccupied seats wait lists are

DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

                                               

                                                          Education is the best
                                                                    wealth among all. No one
                                                                    can steal it, no state can
                                                                    snatch it. It cannot be
            divided among the
           brothers and it's not heavy
                                                                    to carry. As one consumes
           or spend. it increases; as
             one shares, it expands.
    
  
           2
             
         
                Past is not worth mourning. Don't
           worry for the future. The wise advise
                                                       to live by the present time.

                                                
                                     Knowledge should be gained through
                                     minute by minute efforts. Money should
                                                                    be earned utilizing each and every
                                    resource. If you waste time, how can
                                              you get knowledge. If you waste
                                                                    resources, how can you accumulate the
                                                        wealth.

                                                       4
                                           
                      
                                                                    Contentment is the highest gain, good
                                company the highest course. Enquiry
                            the highest wisdom & peace the highest
                           enjoyment.
DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

                              COURSES OFFERED
                          AND SANCTIONED STRENGTH
      Under Graduate Courses B.A. / B.Sc. (CBCS-Semester System)
                 Opportunities Available at a Glance
              (Number of seats may change on order of University)

    Following combinations are permitted with sanctioned strength
    Mathematics Group (320)                                                    Bio Group (270)
    PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)      - 190     CBZ (Chemistry,Botany, Zoology)    -   230
    PMG (Physics, Mathematics, Geology)        - 80      BZG (Botany, Zoology,Geology)      -   40
    PMD (Physics, Mathematics, Defence and - 50
    Strategic Studies)

    B.A-I                                                                     Total Seats (270)
    The Subjects available are - Hindi Lit., English Lit., Economics, Sociology, Geography,
    Mathematics and Defence & Strategic Studies. A student has to opt two subjects at the time
    admission; combination will be permitted on the basis of merit and according to sanctioned limit
    of seat in individual subjects. The English Language is compulsory in B.A First Semester.

                    Post Graduate Courses M.A. / M.Sc. (Semester System)
    Physics                 25                            Botany(SFS)            30
    Chemistry               22                            Economics              70
    Mathematics             80                            Geography              35
    Geology                 25                            English(SFS)           15
    Zoology                 20
    *Above number of PG seats are likely to be revised

                     Professional Course under Self Finance Scheme
                        [Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University]
    M.Sc. Microbiology      25                            B.Lib. & Inf. Sc       40
    M.Sc. Biotechnology     25

DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

            INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMISSION (2021-22)
                    General Instruction for filling Online
                   Merit /Admission Form for Registration
The admission of a student can be cancelled at        The candidate will have one time
any time by the Principal in case it is detected      opportunity to modify his/ her merit/
that the student had given wrong information,         admission form before the notified last
concealed the facts or admission has been             date by using password and user id.
made against the norms.                                Instruction for Submission of Merit /
Please follow the following instructions:             Admission Form Before the Admission
Ü For admission in B.Sc. Ist & B.A. Ist attach                      Committee
  scanned copies of mark sheet of qualifying       Merit listed candidate may get admission on
  examination, (+12), photo, aadhar card           satisfaction of Admission Committee after
  and certificates likely to earn weightage        counselling and submission of all documents
  points.                                          in hard form. The candidate will have to
Ü For admission in M.Sc. I and M.A. I attach       deposit fee on the same day otherwise his/her
  scanned copy of mark sheets of B.Sc. /B.A.       right of admission will be forfeited.
  Ist, IInd & IIIrd years/all semesters, photo     A candidate has to:
  and certificates likely to earn weightage
                                                   Ü Produce all the required documents in
                                                     original before the Admission Committee.
Ü For admission in reserve category, attach
                                                   Ü Also produce downloaded copy of the
  copy of caste cer tificate issued by
                                                     Admission / Merit form along with
  concerned Tehsil. The reservation policy of
                                                     directory, Undertaking for Curbing the
  State Government of Uttarakhand will be
                                                     Menace of Ragging (Anti ragging) and
  followed for admission. (OBC Certificate
                                                     Police Verification Certificate duly signed
  not before than July 2017)
                                                     by the candidate and parents.
Ü For photo and candidate's signature,
                                                   Ü Attach Original Transfer Certificate (TC)
  image should not be larger than 5 KB and
                                                     and Character Certificate (CC) from the
  for other documents 500 KB.
                                                     institution last attended.
Ü For admission in B.Sc I, the academic merit
                                                   Ü Attach photocopies of the qualifying
  will be calculated by taking into
                                                     examination, High School (Date of birth)
  consideration the marks obtained in
                                                     Certificate. Photocopies of other
  Physics, Chemistry, & Mathematics in
                                                     documents claimed to earn weightage
  Mathematics Group and of Physics,
                                                     points, Caste Cer tificate (wherever
  Chemistr y & Biology in Bio Group
  respectively in qualifying examination. Fill
  separate Merit form for each group               Ü Attach an affidavit for gap year in case the
                                                     candidate has a gap in last qualifying
Ü For admission in B.A.I the academic merit
                                                     exam and the class in which seeking the
  will be calculated by taking into
  consideration the marks obtained in best
  five subjects in qualifying examination.         Ü A copy of bank challan to be deposited to
                                                     Central Admission Committee for issuance
Ü Students should not disclose their
                                                     of identity card.
  password and user ID

DBS (PG) COLLEGE - DBS (PG) College Dehradun

    College will follow rules and regulations as                 clearing the Compartment/ supplementary
    framed by the HNB Garhwal University and                     Examination, only if they had submitted
    orders of Government of Uttarakhand for                      their Admission-Forms well in time and if
    admission.                                                   their final result might have been declared
    1. College Provides reservation of seats to                  before preparing final merit list for
        candidates of eligible categories as per                 admission.
        quota fixed by the Government of                   7.    For gap year, the candidate has to produce
        Uttarakhand. At present 19%, 4% and 14%                  an affidavit while seeking admission in
        seats are reserved for SC, ST and OBC                    higher class.
        categories respectively. There is also a           8.    Every candidate is required to submit an
        provision for horizontal reservation of                  undertaking before admission committee
        30%, 5%, 4% and 2% for Uttarakhand                       signed by their guardian in prescribed form
        women, Ex-defence personal, physically                   stating that they would not indulge in
        handicapped, dependent of freedom                        ragging.
        fighters respectively. In case of OBC,             9.    Students of other states will have to submit
        candidates are required to produce non-                  police verification from the place where he
        creamy layer certificate not before than                 or she last completed regular study.
        July 1, 2018. For regular courses 90% of           10.   Students admitted to the College may avail
        seats in the college are reserved for                    the facility of studying as regular students
        candidates of Uttarakhand and 10% for                    for a maximum of six (06) years at the under-
        other states. The reserved seats are                     graduate level and for four (04) years at the
        available to candidates having domicile of               post-graduate level.
        Uttarakhand only.                                  11.   Applicants will not be granted admission to
    2. The fractional rounding shall not be                      the same class as might have been passed
        admissible for calculating the minimum                   by them even with a change in Subject(s)
        eligibility criteria i.e. 44.9% or 39.9% shall           studies. This means, that a student who
        not be treated as 45% or 40%.                            has passed B.Sc. will not be granted
    3. The candidates belonging to SC/ST                         admission to B.Sc. with a different
        category shall be allowed a relaxation of 5%             combination of subject or B.A. and an
        marks in minimum eligibility criteria or                 applicant who may have passed M.Sc./M.A.
        minimum cut off.                                         in one subject will not be granted admission
    4. The students will also be eligible for                    to M.Sc./M.A. in another subject.
        admission in under graduate classes who            12.   The candidate, who have been detained or
        have passed and plus two examination                     failed in a class or drop out, shall not be
        from Open School with five Subjects and                  granted regular admission. Such candidate
        will have to submit TC/CC of last                        can appear as ex-students in the university
        organisation (regular).                                  examination.
    5. A candidate who puts in 75% attendance in           13.   Applicants who have been punished for
        the first and second semester separately                 adopting unfair means at an examination or
        but fails to acquire 18 credits in the first and         have been convicted by a court of law for a
        second semester taken together shall not                 crime committed by them or have been
        be promoted to third semester                            expelled/rusticated by the Colleges/
    6. Applicants who might have appeared in                     University or have been found to be guilty of
        Compartment/Supplementary                                indulging in ragging in the institution(s)
        Examination may apply for admission.                     attended by them, prior to seeking
        However, such applicants shall be                        admission to the college, shall not be
        considered for admission, subject to their               granted admission.

14. Students indulging in activities in the                      17. Admission rules for foreign students: The
    Campus considered to be improper, or                             rules will be same as adopted by
    unwarranted, or amounting to breach of                           the affiliating university. The details
    discipline, or a violation of the Rules and                      regarding eligibility criteria and admission
    Regulations of the College in the opinion of                     guidelines are available on the website
    the Administration/Proctorial Board shall                        www.hnbgu.ac.in.
    be liable for being expelled/rusticated, or at               18. It is made clear that in MSc Chemistry there
    least being denied admission in the next                         is specialization in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
    Academic Session.                                                Students seeking admission in MSc
15. Candidates seeking admission are advised                         Chemistry will have to submit an affidavit
    t o c o n t a c t a d m i s s i o n - i n - c h a rg e o f       that they will not apply for transfer of their
    respective admission committee for proper                        admission after IInd semester to pursue
    information. No excuse will be accepted for                      their studies in Physical or Inorganic
    ignorance and misunderstanding about                             Chemistry in other colleges.
    requirement.                                                 19. Weightage Point for Admission in UG/PG
16. Admission of Kashmiri Migrants: The                              Classes
    concessions will be provided to the                              Note - Maxmimum Weightage 5 Points in
    Kashmiri migrants as per direction of State                      any Category

 (i)        NSS (maximum 3% in all):
            B-Certificate or 240 hours+two special camps-                                              1 Point
            C- Certificate                                                                             2 Points
            Participation in National Integration                                                      3 Points
            Camp/ Republic Day Parade-

 (ii)       NCC (maximum 3% in all):
            B-Certificate                                                                              1 Points
            C- Certificate                                                                             2 Points
            Participation in RD Parade (National)                                                      3 Points
            NCC Cadet of the State/National Awardee-

 (iii)      Participation in Sports (Maximum 5% in all)
            State/ Zonal                                                                               3 Points
            National                                                                                   5 Points

 (iv)       Participation in national level literary/                                                  1 Point
            cultural/quiz comps (maximum 4% in all);                                                   2 Points
            individual=First-4%, second-3% and third-2%, and,                                          3 Points
            team=first- 3%, second-2% and third-1%                                                     4 Points

 (v)        Scouts/Rovers/Rangers (maximum 2% in all)
            G-1 Certificate                                                                            1 Point
            G-2 Certificate                                                                            2 Points

In compliance of an interim order of Hon'ble High Court of Uttarakhand dated 11-04-14 in WP (PIL) No.
164 of 2013, the Government of Uttarakhand vide order no. 152 (1) XXIV (N)/ 2014 dated 11 June 2014
and H.N.B. Garhwal University vide its order No. ACD/429/14 dated 06/06/2014 have directed the
colleges to grant admission strictly within the sanctioned limit and on the basis of merit.


                                      COURSES OF STUDY
                                ADMISSION IN
                          GRADUATE CLASSES [B.A. / B.Sc.]
         As per instruction of Government of Uttarakhand, all undergraduate first year students
                           will have to come in prescribed dress by the college.
    For admission in B.A./B.Sc. I, the students are         4.   Mathematics
    required to fill the online merit /admission form. If   5.   Defence & Strategic Studies
    their names appear in the merit list, they should
    submit the downloaded copy of Merit/                    6.   English Literature
    Admission form.                                         7.   Hindi Literature
                                                            Only such applicants who have passed the
    B.Sc. I st Semester                                     qualifying examination with Geography or
                                                            Mathematics or Biology may select Geography as
    Admission will be granted to a student who has          an elective subject at the Under-Graduate level
    passed Intermediate or an equivalent                    (B.A.)
    examination strictly on the basis of merit. A
    candidate shall be permitted to offer Physics,          Only such applicants who have passed the
    Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany or Zoology only          qualifying examination with Mathematics as a
    if he/ She has passed Intermediate or equivalent        subject may opt Mathematics as an elective
    examination in the subject concerned. College           subject at the Under-Graduate level (B.A.).
    offers following combination in B.Sc. I.
    (i) Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics                  B.Sc. / B.A.II, IVth and VIth Semesters:
    (ii) Physics, Mathematics and Geology                   Online Re- Registration is compulsory
    (iii) Physics, Mathematics and Defence & Strat.
          Studies                                           B.Sc./B.A.III and V Semester
    (iv) Chemistry, Botany and Zoology                      Students who have passed B.Sc./B.A. II and IV
    (v) Botany, Zoology and Geology                         semesters are required to submit online
                                                            application form duly completed in all respects
                                                            along with the marks sheet of the previous
    A candidate can apply for more than one                 Semester. They should collect bank challan from
    combinations at the time of registration, however       the admission committee after counselling and
    admission will be granted only in one                   deposit the required fee in the bank, before the
    combination provided he/she is in merit list.           last date.
    B.A. I st Semester
    Admission will be granted to a student who has          New admission in B.Sc. /BA IIIrd & Vth Semesters
    passed Intermediate or an equivalent                    to outside students are not accepted, however, in
    examination strictly on the basis of merit, The         special case the college Principal may grant
    College offers following subjects in B.A. I:            admission with subject to availability of seats.
    Compulsory Courses
    1.    English Language                                  ADMISSION IN POST GRADUATE CLASSES
    2.    Environmental Science                             M.Sc./ M.A. ( Ist Semester)
    And opt any two core Subjects                           Post Graduate Courses of study are available in
    1.    Economics                                         the following subjects:
    2.    Sociology                                         1.   Physics (specialization in Solid State/
    3.    Geography                                              Electronics)

2.   Chemistr y (specialization in Organic                   Agricultural Economics & Labour
     Chemistry)                                              Economics)
3.   Mathematics [Specialisation in OR, Mathe-          9.   English (under SFS)
     matical Modelling, Fluid Dynamics etc are          Students who have passed three years degree
     offered)                                           course from any Indian University (Established
4.   Geology (specialization in Petroleum               by law) at least with 40% marks (for Arts) and 45%
     Geology / Environmental Geology and                marks (for Science) are eligible for admission to
     Remote Sensing)                                    any of the postgraduate course of study which
5.   Zoology (specialization in Environmental           has essentially been one of his/her subjects at
     Biology)                                           undergraduate level. Such students desirous of
                                                        admission to a postgraduate course, are required
6.   Botany (specialization in Biodiversity &           to submit online Merit/Admission form as per
     Conser vation) (under Self Financing               general instruction. No admission will be
     Scheme)                                            granted without merit list.
7.   Geography                                          For admission in M.A. Economics, a candidate
8.   Economics (specialization in Econometrics,         from other streams can also apply.


     Ÿ   Only such applicants who might have passed the qualifying examination with Mathematics
         as a subject may opt Mathematics as an elective subject at the under graduate level (B.A.).
     Ÿ   Only such applicants who might have passed the qualifying examination with Geography
         or Mathematics or Biology may opt Geography as an elective subject at the under graduate
         level (B.A.).
     Ÿ   No applicant shall be admitted to any course / programme offered by the College after the
         expiry of the notified last date for admissions to the same and the said last date of admission
         shall not be extended even if all the available seats in a given course / programme may not
         have been filled and some seats might be vacant after the expiry of the last date of
     Ÿ   All SMS from the college regarding college admission will be sent in the applicant's
         registered mobile number [Number filled up during online registration] . The college will not
         be responsible for change in the candidate's mobile number.
     Ÿ   It is very important for the candidate to send online consent after receiving
         communication that his/her name is in a particular merit list. Without consent
         admission cannot be granted. Candidates are strictly required to note the last date of
         admission of candidates in a particular merit list.
     Ÿ   Fees to be strictly submitted within the stipulated date. Admission may be cancelled by the
         admission committee if fee is not submitted within the stipulated date and the candidate
         will have no claim for admission in future.
     Ÿ   A candidate of Uttarakhand seeking OBC weightage has to produce OBC certificate of non
         creamy layer not before than 1st July 2018.
     Ÿ   It is mandatory for a student to have college I Card. Contact the I Card section positively
         after 10 /15 days for I Card after your admission process is over.


 1. Core Course: A Course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a
    core requirement is termed as a Core Course.
 2. Elective Course: Generally a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and
    which may be very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline
    / subject of study or which provides an extended scope or which enables an exposure
    to some other discipline / subject / domain or nurtures the candidate's proficiency /
    skill is called an Elective Course.
     2.1   Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: Elective courses may be offered by
           the main discipline / subject of study is referred to as Discipline Specific
           Elective. The University / Institute may also offer discipline related elective
           courses of interdisciplinary nature (to be offered by main discipline / subject of
     2.2   Generic Elective (GE) Course: An elective course chosen generally from an
           unrelated discipline / subject, with an intention to seek exposure is called a
           Generic Elective.
 Note: Elective papers of other subject which is not taken by a student as core subject-
       For example a student having Sociology and Political Science as core subjects in I,
       II, III, IV, V and VI semester can opt for an elective paper of Geography in V
       semester and also in VI semester. These two papers of Geography shall be called
       Generic Elective paper / courses for that student.
 3. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): The Ability Enhancement (AE) Course may be
    of two kinds: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill
    Enhancement Course (SEC). 'AECC' courses are the courses based upon the content
    that leads to knowledge enhancement; i) Environmental Science and ii) English / MIL
    Communication. These are mandatory for all disciplines. 'SEC' courses are value-
    based and / or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on training,
    competencies, skills etc.
     3.1 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC): Environmental Science,
     English Communication / MIL Communication.
     3.4 Skill Enhancement Course (SEC): These courses may be chosen from a pool of
     courses designed to provide value-based and / or skill-based knowledge.
 Note: It is compulsory to fill up correct paper name and correct paper code while filling
 the University Examination form. Paper titles and paper codes will displayed on college
 Notice Board.


Details of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with Semester for Under
Graduate Students
                          1. For B.A. Programme
 Semester S.No.       Course Name                                                        Credits
     I         1      English Language I (MIL)                                              06
               2      Environmental Science (AECC-1)                                        04
               3      Subject 1 Core Paper I                                                06
               4      Subject 2 Core paper I                                                06
     II        1      Hindi Language / MIL I                                                06
               2      English Communication (AECC-2)                                        04
               3      Subject 1 Core Paper II                                               06
               4      Subject 2 Core paper II                                               06
    III        1      English Language II (MIL)                                             06
               2      Skill Based I                                                         04
               3      Subject 1 Core Paper III                                              06
               4      Subject 2 Core paper III                                              06
    IV         1      Hindi Language / MIL II                                               06
               2      Skill Based II                                                        04
               3      Subject 1 Core Paper IV                                               06
               4      Subject 2 Core paper IV                                               06
     V         1      Skill Based III                                                       04
               2      Subject 1 Core Paper V                                                06
               3      Subject 2 Core paper V                                                06
               4      Generic 1 Paper I (A subject other than the two core subjects)        06
    VI         1      Skill Based IV                                                        04
               2      Subject 1 Core Paper VI                                               06
               3      Subject 2 Core paper VI                                               06
               4      Generic 2 Paper II (A subject other than the two core subjects)       06
* Skills Based papers (SEC) in Sem III, Sem IV, Sem V and Sem VI should be chosen from the two
Core papers opted by the student i.e. each SEC subject should be opted by the student in alternate
semesters starting from Semester III.


                         2. For B.Sc. Programme
 Semester S.No.      Course Name                            Credits
     I       1       English / MIL Communication (AECC-1)     04
             2       Subject 1 Core Paper I                   06
             3       Subject 2 Core Paper I                   06
             4       Subject 3 Core paper I                   06
     II      1       Environmental Science (AECC-2)           04
             2       Subject 1 Core Paper II                  06
             3       Subject 2 Core Paper II                  06
             4       Subject 3 Core paper II                  06
     III     1       Skill Based I                            04
             2       Subject 1 Core Paper III                 06
             3       Subject 2 Core Paper III                 06
             4       Subject 3 Core paper III                 06
     IV      1       Skill Based II                           04
             2       Subject 1 Core Paper IV                  06
             3       Subject 2 Core Paper IV                  06
             4       Subject 3 Core paper IV                  06
     V       1       Skill Based III                          04
             2       Subject 1 Core Paper V                   06
             3       Subject 2 Core Paper V                   06
             4       Subject 3 Core paper V                   06
     VI      1       Skill Based IV                           04
             2       Subject 1 Core Paper VI                  06
             3       Subject 2 Core Paper VI                  06
             4       Subject 3 Core paper VI                  06


                        ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT
Attendance Rules                                       represented the university in sports /
It is mandatory for a student of a Course /            cultural events, or appeared for an
Programme of the University to put in 75%              interview for recruitment in the Indian
attendance in all classes including Lectures,          armed forces. The relaxation is restricted
Tutorials and Practical's (wherever applicable)        to the actual number of days of the said
in respect of each subject/paper separately.           events and reasonable travel time may be
Students failing in meeting aforesaid                  allowed upon production of a certificate to
minimum attendance criteria shall not be               the said effect, duly issued by the
per mitted to appear in the Semester                   competent authority within one week of
Examination for the course being pursued               resuming classes.
during the academic session concerned.
                                                   It shall be open to the Dean/ Principal on
Candidates are hereby informed that their          recommendation of Head of the Department to
attendance is reported to chief minister,          grant exemption to a candidate who has failed
Uttarakhand on regular basis.                      to obtain the prescribed 75% attendance for
                                                   valid reasons and such exemptions shall not
A student may be granted relaxation                under any circumstances be granted for
up to 15% in the minimum attendance                attendance below 60%.
criteria prescribed under the following
circumstances:                                     University Examination and Promotions
                                                   The university examination schedule and
1.   If a student had suffered from serious        rules of promotions as prescribed by the HNB
     illness, submits medical certificate issued   Garhwal University will be applicable.
     in respect of the same by a registered        Students are required to fill online university
     medical practitioner within 15 days of        examination forms and fee and deposit their
     resuming classes.                             hard copies in the college office as per
2.   Any other grievous circumstances              schedule of the university.
     suffered by a student which might in the
     opinion of the principal concerned            Internal Assessment (Sessionals)
     constitute sufficient grounds for granting    There will be two sessional tests and one end-
     such relaxation subject to the production     semester examination for PG Students and
     of appropriate evidence.                      one sessional test and one end-semester
                                                   examination for UG students.
In addition to the above, all students shall be
entitled to the relaxation of the minimum          For PG students 40% of the total marks in each
attendance with respect to the following to the    paper will be reserved for internal assessment
extent stated.                                     and 30% for UG students. Similarly there will
i) By the department concerned and a               be one sessional for each practical of same
    certificate of attendance and completion       weightage. Students shall compulsorily
    of the assignment issued by the                attend the sessional tests, failing which they
    competent authority of the institution         will not be allowed to appear in the end term
    attended.                                      examination. The sessional test as part of the
ii) If a student might have participated in        continuous internal assessment shall be
    N.C.C. Camps, N.S.S. camps, educational        conducted and evaluated by the teacher
    tours organized by the college,                offering the course.


      For UG/PG Students
      A Candidate who fails to acquire 22 credits in        candidate shall be permitted to continue as a
      the I and II semester examination taken               regular student for more than two times in a
      together shall not be promoted to the III             semester.
      semester. He/She shall cease to be a regular
      student. However, he/she may appear as an             For UG Students
      ex-student only in end semester examination           The criterions are same as mentioned above
      of the course (s) in which he/she has failed, in      for PG Students. Each Semester is of 22
      the next semester examination of the same             Credits. Students who acquire 22 credits in I &
      subject.                                              II Semester taken together will be promoted to
                                                            semester. For promotion to V Semester the
      Any marks obtained in the immediate                   backlog of credits till IV semester should not
      preceding year disregarded. However no                be more than 22 credits

                           A. Admission in Professional Courses affiliated to
                Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Badshahithol in self- finance mode
     S.No.    Courses                        No. of Seats        Duration                     Annual Fee

     1.       M.Sc. (Microbiology)           25                  2 years (4 semesters)        40,000/-

     2.       M.Sc. (Biotechnology)          25                  2 years (4 semesters)        40,000/-

     3.       B.Lib. & I.Sc.                 40                  1 year (Annual)              30,000/-

     Note: University Examination, Enrolment and other fees extra.
           Eligibility for Admission in Microbiology/Bio Technology/B. Lib. & I. Sc.

     1.   M.Sc. (Microbiology)
          The candidate must have Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in CBZ / Microbiology / Industrial
          Microbiology / MLT / MM / Pharma / BVSC or equivalent degree from any recognized University.

     2.   M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
          The candidate must have passed B.Sc. in CBZ/ Microbiology / Biochemistry / Genetics /
          Industrial Microbiology / MLT or equivalent degree from any recognized university

     3.   Bachelor of Library & Information Science (B.Lib. & I.Sc.)
          Bachelor of any recognized university


                             FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE
                                        TO STUDENTS
DST/UGC Scholarship

INSPIRE Scholarship offered by the Department of Science & Technology

Visit : http://www.inspire-dst.gov.in

This scheme offers 10000 scholarships every year @ Rs. 80,000/- each, for under-taking
Bachelor and Masters level education in the Natural & Basic sciences, possessing the
following criteria:

Students who happen to be among the top 1% in 12th standard at their respective Board
Examinations and are pursuing courses in Natural and Basic sciences at the B.Sc. or Integrated
M.Sc. levels.

How to Apply For INSPIRE Scholarship
Apply online but before filling up the ' Online Application Form'. please scan and store the
following documents as separate files so that it can be uploaded as required, during the 'On-
line Application' process.
1. Passport size photograph along with signature of the applicant.
2. 12th class Certificate
3. 10th class Certificate
4. 12th Board Eligibility Note
5. Rank certificate of Competitive exams, if any
6. Endorsement From
7. Other supportive documents.

Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child for PG Programs

Visit www.ugc.ac.in

Any single girl child who happen to be a only child or twin daughter or fraternal daughter in the
family is eligible if one son and one daughter is available then girl child will not be considered
for scholarship under this scheme. This scholarship is applicable to such a single girl child who
has taken admission in regular, full-time 1st year Masters Degree Course in any recognized
university or a post graduate college. The scholarship is available to PG - I year students only.

How to Apply for PGIGS for single Girl Child
The candidate is required to submit an application in prescribed format online.

An affidavit on Rs. 50/- Stamp paper, from the parent duly student attested by SDM/ First Class
Magistrate/ Gazetted Officer. Download prescribed format form from the website, scan it and
convert it in pdf format and upload it under the "Personal Information" tab of online application.

A Joining report from College/ University where student have taken admission to 1st year PG
course. Download prescribed format form from the website, scan it and convert it in pdf format
and upload it under the "Qualification Information" tab of online application.


                          OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE

     H.N.B. Garhwal University                                   Student Aid Fund (College Level)
                                                                 Partial or full fee concession may be granted to
     Notices of scholarships granted by HNB                      economically weak students. Application for
     Garhwal University or other agencies are                    fee concession must be submitted on the
     displayed on the College Notice Board from                  prescribed form obtainable from the college
     time to time as and when they are received.                 office, duly supported by income certificate
                                                                 issued by the competent authority. The
     1.   Smt. Shanti Saligram Bhatt Scholarship                 application complete in all respects must be
          for BA students                                        submitted to the college office, latest by end of
                                                                 August in the year.
          Two scholarships are granted to such
          students of Under - graduate and/or post-              Fee concession granted is subject to good
          graduate classes who might have secured                conduct, regular attendance and satisfactory
          at least 60% marks in the preceding                    progress in studies and may be withdrawn
          examination provided that the Annual                   any time if a student is found neglecting any of
          income of the applicant's family does not              these.
          exceed Rs . 60,000/-
                                                                 All forms will be available from the college
     2.   Aditya Ram Barthwal Scholarship                        office free of cost. In addition to the above
                                                                 concessions, ad-hoc grants may be given from
          This scholarship worth Rs. 300/- pm is                 "Student Aid Fund". Students desiring to avail
          granted to meritorious poor students of                this aid must contact the Dean Students
          the First Year of PG classes without any               Welfare.
          distinction of the subject studied.
                                                                 Students are encouraged to apply for
     3.   Swami Ram Post Graduate/ Research                      scholarships offered by the organizations
          Scholarship                                            where their parents are working. Viz. ONGC,
                                                                 Army, Banks etc.
     4.   Bursary Scholarship for B.A. Students.
                                                                 State Government
     Other Scholarships
                                                                 Eligible SC/ST, OBC, PWD Students etc should
                                                                 submit their scholarship form for the academic
     1.   Sohan Devi Shiv Das Khanna Memorial                    year for processing scholarship to SC/ST, OBC,
          Tr u s t S c h o l a r s h i p f o r n e e d y a n d   PWD etc. each year. Students applying for
          meritorious students.                                  these scholarships are advised to contact
                                                                 college scholarship convenor Dr. Vipin
     2.   Hitesh Julka Memorial Scholarship                      Chanalia, Asstt. Prof. In Geology before filing
          (Donated in the memory of our beloved                  the online application or Mr. Mahesh Kumar in
          student) for outstanding students.                     college office

     3.   TITAN Scholarship for meritorious


                          CODE OF CONDUCT

A) The Code of Conduct                              B) Curbing Indiscipline and
                                                       Misconduct by Students
The college expects its students to conduct
themselves in a disciplined and dignified           The Following acts on the part of students,
manner in the college and outside. All students     individually, or in a group of two or more
are expected to abide by rules to maintain an       students or persons shall amount to
academic and healthy environment in the             indiscipline and misconduct.
                                                    1.   Physical assault, threat to use physical
The students will have to follow Dress Code of           force or any other intimidating behaviour,
the college and daily participating in singing of        within the premises of the college against
National Anthem and National Song on                     any teacher, officer, functionary, member of
prescribed time.                                         any nonteaching staff, or student of any
                                                         such institution or unit, or a visitor present
A student will be liable for disciplinary action         on official institution or for administrative
for violation of any rule of discipline. Students        or academic work in such premise.
must maintain discipline and decorum in the
college.                                            2.   Causing disruption or disturbance in any
                                                         manner in the teaching and other
Mobile phones are not to be used in the college          academic work, the working of libraries,
premises. Mobile phones will be confiscated if           laboratories, facilities and amenities,
used in the college or classrooms during study           admission and examination processes,
hours. During free time students should not              administrative working and in any
roam around in the corridors or sit here and             institution of the college system or any unit
there. They are advised to use Girls Common              of such institution.
room, Library, Canteen and Playground during
free time. Writing of graffiti on the walls and     3.   Any act or statement, or distribution or
pasting of posters is strictly prohibited and            display of any document or literature,
defaulters will be fined. Students must                  including the circulars, pamphlets,
cooperate in maintaining cleanliness in the              posters, press releases etc. which
college premises including the toilets. All              adversely affects the public image of any
waste material should be thrown in the                   institution of the college system or of any
dustbins. Students should help in conserving             unit thereof or of any individual belonging
energy by turning off fans and lights when not           to or associated with such institution or
in use.                                                  unit.

For the purpose of intimating students about        4.   The possession and distribution of
various college matters, notices are displayed           objectionable goods or materials.
on the student notice boards. Students must
see the notice boards daily.                        5.   Any act that creates or tends to create ill-
                                                         will between groups of persons or
                                                         promotes intolerance on religious, social,
                                                         regional or linguistic grounds.


     6.   Any act in violation of the provision of the   18. Unauthorized collection of funds.
          statutes, the ordinance or the Regulations
          of the college or of the rules made there      19. Possession distribution or consumption of
          under.                                             alcoholics drinks, intoxicants, narcotic
                                                             drugs and other psychotropic sub-stances
     7.   The possession, display, use or threat of          and presence in the premises of the college
          any weapon.                                        after any such consumption.

     8.   Any act that interferes with the personal      20. Any act involving moral ruin.
          liberty of another person or subjects other
          persons to indignity or involves physical      21. Any other act that is in the opinion of the
          violence or use of abusive language.               officers or functionaries of the college or of
     9.   Any violation of the provisions of the Civil       any unit, unbecoming of a student;
          RIghts Protection Act 1976.
                                                         22. Any act of resorting to or abetting ragging
     10. Any violation of the status, dignity and            as defined in the Act.
         honour of students belonging to the
         Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled              23. Students shall avoid using cell phone in the
         Tribes.                                             campus. Listening to music and sharing
                                                             visuals on cell phones or other electronic
     11. Any act or practice whether verbal or               devices in the campus is strictly
         otherwise that is derogatory of women               prohibited.
         amounts to sexual harassment.
                                                         C) UGC Regulations on Curbing the
     12. The making of false statements or the
                                                            Menace of Ragging.
         submission of false documents.
                                                         In view of the UGC Draft regulations 2009 and
     13. The use of the title of the College for any
                                                         Supreme Court of India's letter No. 370/04/XIA
         organization or event or in any
                                                         dated 26 February, 2009 and March 17, 2009 the
         communication or representation without
                                                         following provisions have been made by the
         entitlement to such use or for purposes not
                                                         University to curb ragging effectively in its
         specifically authorized by the concerned
         institution or unit.
                                                         1.   Ragging means the following - Any
     14. Any attempt at bribery or recourse to any
                                                              disorderly conduct whether by words
         corrupt practice in any manner.
                                                              spoken or written or by an act which has
     15. Any act that causes any loss, destruction of         the effect of teasing, treating or handling
         the property of the college or of any unit.          with rudeness any other student,
                                                              indulging in rowdy or undisciplined
     16. Any act amounting to any unauthorized                activities which causes or is likely to cause
         presence in or entry or trespass into                embarrassment, annoyance, hardship or
         specified areas.                                     psychological harm or to raise fear or
                                                              apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior
     17. Any act that causes, encourages or implies           student or asking the students to do any
         the interference of outside persons,                 act or perform something which such
         organization or authority in the functioning         students will not in the ordinary course
         of the college or of any unit                        door perform and which has the effect of


     causing or generating a scene of shame or                 student shall be treated to be the sole proof
     so as to adversely affect the physique or                 of his/her being a student of the college. It
     psyche of a fresher or a junior student. Any              shall be mandatory for every student to
     of the above acts committed by any                        produce the identity card upon being
     student of the same or junior or senior class             demanded by a member of the Proctorial
     shall be deemed to be ragging.                            Board or any teacher. Failure in producing
                                                               the identity card on demand will cause a
2.   Punishable ingredients of ragging :-                      student to be treated a trespasser and
     Abetment to ragging. Criminal conspiracy                  render him/her punishable under the rules
     to rag Unlawful assembly and noting while                 of the college. The loss of the identity card
     ragging Public nuisance created during                    should be reported to the Office of the
     ragging. Violation of decency and morals                  Proctor and a duplicate identity card
     through ragging. Causing bodily harm, or                  should be obtained from the said Office by
     injur y or grievous injur y, Wrongful                     making a formal application accompanied
     restraint, Wrongful confinement; Use of                   by a photocopy of the fees receipt issued to
     criminal force; Attempts to commit any or                 the student concerned at the time of
     all of the above mentioned offences against               admission and depositing the prescribed
     the victims(s).                                           fees.

3.   Punishment: Depending upon the nature                2.   Character Certifications are issued to
     and gravity of the offence as established by              students on demand by the College. The
     the Anti Ragging Committee of the college,                student punished for a breach of the Code
     the possible punishment for those found                   of Conduct or might have been guilty of
     guilty of ragging at the institutional level;             indulging in ragging shall not be issued a
     shall be any one or the combination of the                Character Certificate.
                                                          E) Special Measures for Protecting
     i) Cancellation of admission
     ii) Suspension from attending classes                   the Dignity of Women's Sexual
     iii) W i t h h o l d i n g / w i t h d r a w i n g      Harassment
           scholarship etc.
     iv) Withholding results                                   The present ordinance is based on the
     v) Debarring from representing the                        policy against sexual harassment by the
           institution in any national/                        Garhwal University and seeks to maintain
           international meet, tournament.                     and create an academic and work
     vi) Rustication and debar ring from                       environment free of sexual harassment for
           admission to any other institution .                the students, academic and non-teaching
     vii) Fine upto Rs. 25000/-                                staff of the College and outsiders.
     viii) Rigorous imprisonment upto three

D) Establishment of Identity and
   Certification of Character.
1.   Every bonafide student of the college will
     be issued an Identify Card by the Office of
     the Proctor. The Identity card issued to a


            CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES                                       FACILITIES
 Students are encouraged to      Volleyball courts, Table-      Library & Reading Room
 join one of the following:      Tennis hall, playground for    Library & Reading Room facilities
                                 Cricket, Football, Kabbadi     are open only to students and staff of
 National Service Scheme                                        the college. The College Library
 (NSS) There are three           and Hockey are available
                                                                possesses an excellent collection of
 vibrant units (two girls and    along with other basic
                                                                books. Journals/ periodicals. The
 one boy) of NSS under the       facilities for sports.
                                                                Library opens from 10 a.m. To 5 p.m.
 control of three Programme      The college organizes time     from Monday to Saturday. For
 Officers. Students of           to time University Athletics   lending purpose the books are
 undergraduate classes are       Meet, Cricket Tournament,      categorized into three sections:
 registered as volunteers for    Boxing Tournament etc.         General Section, Reserved Section
 these units. Only those         Books on various sports and    and Reference Section. Library has
 students who put in 120         games are available to         a magazine counter having
 hours of social work every      participants in the Physical   prominent newspapers and
 year under routine activities   Education Department.          magazines. There is a separate
 for two years and attend at     College is also recipient of   reading room for those students
 least one special camp are      different grants from the      who are preparing for competitive
 eligible for NSS Certificate.   Department of Sports,          exams. Graduate students may get
 National Cadet Corps            MHRD, Govt. of India for       maximum 3 books at a time from
                                 development of sports          the central library.
 (NCC) NCC Training is
                                 related infrastructure in
 imparted to our boys and                                       Terms and conditions for Book
 girls students by separate                                     issue
 units. Both units are           Cultural Activities            Before leaving the counter, the
 working under State             To hone the cultural talent    member should satisfy himself
 Directorate of Uttarakhand      of the students, the college   /herself that the book issued to
 with its controlling units 29   has a cultural committee       him/her is in sound condition, and if
 UK BN and 11 UK BN. male        which invites talented         not, he/she should immediately
 and female students of          singers, dancers,              bring the matter to the notice of the
 undergraduate classes may       instrumentalist, dramatist     Librarian otherwise he/she is liable
 join NCC. Further               etc. The students              to be held responsible for any
 information regarding seats     participate in Inter           loss/damage and would be required
 etc. may be obtained from       collegiate University Meet     to replace it with a sound/fresh
 the concerned ANOs.             at Srinagar and other places   copy.
 Rovers and Rangers:             as well under the              Periodicals, Directories,
                                 supervision of the             Encyclopedias, which might be
 Rover and Rangers units are                                    difficult to replace and other such
 imparting training to                                          work as may be declared reference
 college students in different   Two Research Cells
                                                                books by the Librarian shall not be
 personality development         1. Social Sciences and         issued to the member students.
 traits. The units are working   Humanities and 2. Science:     Members are not allowed to sub
 under Bharat Scouts and         The two separate research      lend the books of the library.
 Guides organization.            cells have been formed to      Students who return books later
 Students should contact the     promote quality and            that the due date will be liable to
 Rover and Ranger Leaders        plagiarism free research       pay a fine as decided by the college
 for registration etc.           among students and faculty     authorities from time to time.
 Sports                          members of the college. The    Any infringement of the rules will
                                 cells also organize            deprive the member of the privilege
 The College has an
                                 workshops, training            of admission to and of borrowing
 independent department of
                                 programs, special lectures     books from the library.
 Physical Education, looked                                     Timings for issue and return of
                                 to promote quality research.
 after by an Asso. Professor                                    books: Books from General Section
 to promote sports and                                          are issued and returned from 10:00
 games. Basketball and


a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Books from       facility is available in the       study centre with latest
Reference Section are only         college for the students.          edition of books, journals and
issued for consultation in the     Students can visit and avail       magazines for preparation of
library against Identity Card      the facility as per their          all competitive examination,
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.             convenience and specified          computers with internet
                                   timing of the laboratory.          connectivity, photocopier, LCD
Debate and Litrary Activities:     However it is mandatory to         projector, PAS etc.
The aim of the debate and          follow the rules set by the
literary Activities Committee      college for using the facility.    Equal Opportunity Centre
is to give the students a                                             (EOC)
platform to develop their skills   Bank                               EOC is committed to provide
not only in public speaking        A full fledged branch, known       assistance to differently abled
but other literary activities      as DBS College Branch of           students and staff members to
like essay writing, poster         Central Bank of India is           enable them in participate
making, conservation of            working in the college             fully in the academic,
cultural and natural heritage      premises.                          intellectual, social and cultural
of the state through literary      The students can open their        life of the College, and beyond
activities, quizzing etc. The      account with Zero Balance.         by organizing workshops,
different clubs under the                                             talks, training programmes,
                                   Seminar Room
committee help in expressing       The Seminar Room of the            cultural activities and
the thoughts of the students       College is the place for           competitions providing
in public.                         multifarious activities            assistive devices like ABRAR
                                   throughout the year. The           to visually challenged
Laboratories                                                          students and writers during
The College has well               activities in the seminar room
                                   range from curricular and co-      examination time
equipped and well managed
laboratories for all the science   curricular seminars, lectures,     College Magazine 'Vigyanda'
courses offered, viz . Botany,     debates, discussions and           College publishes annually
Chemistry, Physics, Geology,       literary society activities.       magazine named "Vigyanda",
Geography, Zoology,                                                   with original contributions
                                   Golden Jubilee Auditorium
Microbiology and                   Large scale events are held in     from bonafide students,
Biotechnology.                     the college auditorium -           teaching and non teaching
                                   Swarn Jayanti Sabhagar             staff, along with progress
Multifunctional Laboratory                                            reports of the departments
The multifunctional lab at DBS     which has a large stage and a
                                   seating capacity of about 200.     and extra curricular activities
College is one of the advanced                                        that mirroring the college.
lab equipped with 21               Its stage is ideally suited for
computers, with latest             theatre activities, other group    Health Services
software, a server, flat screen    performances and also for          A doctor serves the college for
monitor, over head projector, a    national & international level     two days in a week and in
photocopier and e-podium.          seminars.                          case of emergency one can
The lab can be used for the                                           visit his clinic. College
beginners, intermediate and        Canteen facility for students is   maintains dressing material,
advanced learner. Area like        available in the college near      glucose and essential
personality development,           parking area.                      medicine in Emergency kits.
social grooming and basic
knowledge of computer are          Gymnasium                          Railway Concession
also included in the lab           A full fledged gymnasium is        Subject to general directions
curriculum.                        available with modern              issued from time to time by
                                   equipments.                        the Railway Authorities,
Computer Laboratory                                                   students of the College can
Well Equipped Computer             Competition Study Centre           avail Railway concession
Laboratory with internet           The college has a competition      under the following provisions

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