Data-driven service innovation strategy for Scania - Data fuelling Scania's future business - TU Delft ...

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Data-driven service innovation strategy for Scania - Data fuelling Scania's future business - TU Delft ...
Data-driven service
innovation strategy
for Scania
Data fuelling Scania's future business

Master thesis                            Shudan Chi
Data-driven service innovation strategy for Scania - Data fuelling Scania's future business - TU Delft ...
Master thesis
Delft Univiersity of Technology
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
MSc Strategic Product Design

Shudan Chi

Supervisory team
Dr. ir. L.W.L. Simonse
Design Organization Strategy
Industrial Design Engineering
Delft Univiersity of Technology                 Data-driven service
Dr. E.Y. Kim
                                           innovation strategy for Scania
Design Organization Strategy
Industrial Design Engineering
                                              Data fuelling Scania's future business
Delft Univiersity of Technology

Sarah Hantosi Albertsson
Development Engineer
Connected Intelligence, R&D
Scania AB

Robert Landau
Business Model Designer
Connected Service
Scania AB

                                                            Master thesis
                                                             May 2020
                                                           Shudan Chi
Data-driven service innovation strategy for Scania - Data fuelling Scania's future business - TU Delft ...
Acknowledgements                                                                                   Executive Summary
Dear reader,                                                                                       Scania is one of the world-leading manufacturers of trucks and buses for heavy transport,
                                                                                                   combined with an extensive product-related service offering. This thesis proposes a data-
With this thesis I finalize my Master Strategic Product Design at the faculty of Industrial        driven service innovation strategy to leverage the potential of data and data intelligence for
Design Engineering from Delft University of Technology. I have been honoured to work on            Scania's future business in the truck segment.
a thesis for Scania and have experienced a different life in Sweden for the past five months.
Before you start reading my graduation project, I would like to thank some people who              The freight transport industry is significantly disrupted by trends such as digitalization,
helped me and supported me during my graduation project.                                           automation, connectivity and electrification. These trends will restructure the value network of
                                                                                                   the freight transport industry by creating new ways of doing business. Enabled by connectivity
First of all, I would like to thank my Scania supervisor team. Sarah, thank you for supervising    and data intelligence, vehicle data can be aggregated and processed to provide data insights
me, inspiring me, supporting me, trusting me, giving me tips to push through when I was            that benefit the logistics chain. It unlocks new opportunities for Scania to deliver new digital
stuck and confidence when I doubted myself. Robert, thank you for sharing lots of valuable         services driven by data, extending beyond their traditional business model. Therefore, to fully
insights and feedback and helping me to reach out to stakeholders. Johan, thank you for            exploit the possibilities of the value pools created by data, the thesis aims to create an
initiating this great project and supporting me throughout the project. Without you three,         innovation strategy to define Scania's new market positions and customers and create a
the goal of this project would not have been realized.                                             coordinated roadmap for Scania's future data-driven services.

Secondly, I would like to thank Lianne and Euiyoung, my supervisory team from TU Delft. You        This strategy has been developed by analyzing the internal environment, the value network
have helped me a lot by providing me with rich insights and feedback and valued the effort         of the freight transport industry, the logistics chain, market trends and technologies. Insights
that has been made while developing this work.                                                     from research have been synthesized to envision the future scenarios of the value network and
                                                                                                   define Scania's strategic direction. In the short term, Scania delivers digital logistics services to
Thirdly, For people that participated in my interviews and creative sessions, thank you for your   shippers and carriers, enabling them to achieve efficient and sustainable transport operations
time and engagement. Special thanks to Lóri Tavasszy, Professor in Freight and Logistics at        collaboratively by data sharing. In the long term, Scania aims to offer Logistics as a service with
TU Delft, for helping me get to know the freight transport industry, sharing valuable insights,    autonomous vehicles directly to shippers by partnering with a digital logistics broker. A future
and helping to reach out to more experts in this industry.                                         vision has been created for Scania's service development by 2030: "Scania as a sustainable
                                                                                                   transport ecosystem enabler, providing customers collaborative and optimized logistics
Last but not least, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to my parents for their selfless   solutions powered by open innovation to drive their business forward."
support and care in the past two years. To my friends, wherever you are, thank you for caring
about me, encouraging me, giving ear to my experience in Sweden from time to time, and             To reach the future vision, four main service systems were designed incrementally and related
letting me know that I was not alone, especially during the corona times.                          to other technologies:
                                                                                                   1. Connecting & Sharing: Enable visible and controllable transport operation for both carriers
                                                                                                   and shippers through seamless data orchestration and sharing.
Enjoy reading!                                                                                     2. Optimizing transport operations: Delivering sustainable and efficient logistics and transport
                                                                                                   management services to customers via data-driven decision making and integration of digital
Shudan Chi                                                                                         logistics brokerage platforms.
                                                                                                   3. EV transition Acceleration: Accelerating the transition to electrified vehicles by providing
                                                                                                   customers effortless transport experience with smart routing and power charging services.
                                                                                                   4. Logistics as a Service with autonomous vehicles: Transforming towards the transport
                                                                                                   ecosystem enabler by providing Logistics as a Service with autonomous vehicles.

                                                                                                   The strategy is presented in the format of a roadmap with all the elements such as trends,
                                                                                                   user values, service systems, technologies and business. By following this path and delivering
                                                                                                   these data-driven services to the market, Scania can create multi-dimensional business
                                                                                                   models and shift from a truck OEM (original equipment manufacturer) to a service provider
                                                                                                   with production.
Data-driven service innovation strategy for Scania - Data fuelling Scania's future business - TU Delft ...
1. Project Introduction                     10
                                                                 1.1 Project context                         10
                                                                 1.2 Problem definition                      11

Reading Guide                                                    1.3 Project deliverables
                                                                 1.4 Project approach

                                                                 2. Literature research                      14

                                                                                                                   Table of contents
                                                                 2.1 Smart, connected products               16
                                                                 2,2 Data intelligence                       16
OEM               Original equipment manufacturer
                                                                 2.3 Data, analytics and value creation      19
LSP               Logistics service provider
3PL               3rd party logistics provider                   3. Company research                         24
API               Application program interface                  3.1 Introduction to Scania                  26
ICE               Intelligent control environment                3.2 Scania’s strategy and developments      29
TMS               Transport management system                    3.3 Scania data-driven services             32
FMS               Fleet management system
                                                                 4. Context research                         38
WMS               Warehouse management system
                                                                 4.1 Value network analysis & Main actors    40
ERP               Enterprise resource planning
                                                                 4.2 Logistics chain analysis                45
EV                Electric vehicle                               4.3 Actor’s needs                           50
IoT               Internet of Things                             4.4 Data sharing implementation             54
TCO               Total cost of ownership
FTL               Full truckload                                 5. Trend research                           56
LTL               Less than full truckload                       5.1 Market                                  58
DC                Distribution hubs                              5.2 Technology                              60
                                                                 5.3 Consumer behaviour                      63
RFID              Radio-frequency identification
                                                                 5.4 Policy                                  63
BOL               Bill of lading
                                                                 5.5 Summary of trend research               65
ICT               Information and communications technology
EDI               Electronic data interchange                    6. Future visioning                         68
E-CMR             Electronic consignment note                    6.1 Future scenarios of the value network   70
ETA               Estimated time of arrival                      6.2 Value mapping                           72
                                                                 6.3 Future vision                           76
INCOTERMS         International Commercial Terms

                                                                 7. Roadmapping                              80

Text box                                                         7.1 Roadmap horizons                        82
                                                                 7.2 Time pacing strategy                    110
                                                                 7.3 Strategic roadmap                       112
              Discussion or chapter conclusion                   7.4 Tactical roadmap                        112
       Text in this red box represents a discussion or summary   7.5 Evaluation                              118
             with the main conclusions from that chapter.
                                                                 8. Discussion                               120
                                                                 8.1 Conclusion                              122
                                                                 8.2 Recommendations                         124
                                                                 8.3 Personal reflection                     127

                                                                 References                                  128
Data-driven service innovation strategy for Scania - Data fuelling Scania's future business - TU Delft ...
This chapter gives an introduction to the thesis context, defined problems
with research questions, project assignment and design approach.

Chapter overview
1.1 Project context
1.2 Problem definition
1.3 Project deliverables
1.4 Project approach
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10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             11

     1.1 PROJECT CONTEXT                                                                                                         Service development & Connected intelligence
                                                                                                                                 This thesis project was initiated by Connected Service department and Connected
     Road freight transport is the backbone                             innovate their business.
                                                                                                                                 Intelligence department in Scania R&D. The Conneted Service team focuses on developing
     of Europe's economy, growth, and
                                                                                                                                 service strategy and delivering new data-driven services to customers. The Conneted
     competitiveness. The freight transport                             The technology of the Internet of Things
                                                                                                                                 Intelligence department aims at building technology infrastructure and connectivity
     i n d u s t r y i n E u r o p e i s fa c i n g s e v e ra l        (IoT) enables vehicles to generate enormous
                                                                                                                                 solutions enabled for data analytics and helping other R&D departments and the service
     fundamental challenges today. The industry                         real-time sensor data and create a direct
                                                                                                                                 development team to make new services and products possible.
     needs to adapt to major changes in                                 d a t a exc h a n g e w i t h n e a r by d ev i ce s ,
     customers' behavior, global megatrends,                            vehicles, infrastructures, and cloud through
                                                                                                                                 One of the primary purposes of this thesis is to bridge service development and data
     technological changes, and new mobility                            different networks ( Coppola & Morisio,
                                                                                                                                 intelligence technology by creating tangible materials. It is because delivering scalable
     concepts.                                                          2016). Enabled by big data analytics, a
                                                                                                                                 analytics requires inputs from the service development team, and they need to understand
                                                                        large amount of data can be aggregated
                                                                                                                                 how customer demands will change in a more disruptive environment and what data
     The worldwide freight volume is expected                           and processed to provide data-driven
                                                                                                                                 insights based on vehicle data is valuable for customers. Without service and business
     to grow by 4%, mainly driven by economic                           insights and drive smart actions (Coppola
                                                                                                                                 innovation driven by user values and a clear definition of the relationship between data and
     growth and global trade (Mckinsey, 2016).                          & Morisio, 2016). With the integration of
                                                                                                                                 user values, it would be difficult for the data scientists to deliver the data knowledge and to
     Customers have more buying power than                              digitalization, these vehicle data and data
                                                                                                                                 have an agreement on the direction of Scania's future data-driven services.
     ever before, and they increasingly want                            insights are very likely to contribute to the
     products and services on their own terms:                          logistics chain significantly. Therefore, it
     delivered at the location and time they                            brings new opportunities to develop data-
     request (Deloitte, 2016). Companies expect                         driven services by truck manufacturers who
     their supply chain to be smart, customer-                          have access to the vehicle data, extending
     centric, transparent and efficient to reduce                       beyond their traditional business models.
     the operational costs and provide better

                                                                                                                                 1.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION
     purchasing experiences to their customers.                         This thesis is an assignment for Scania:
     Besides, governments, industries, and                              one of the world-leading manufacturers
     companies are under pressure to reduce                             of trucks and buses for heavy transport,
     carbon emissions and waste and to adopt                            combined with an extensive product-                      Although the market environment and               Secondly, Scania's new position in industry
     more sustainable and green transport                               related service offerings. The thesis focuses            technological breakthroughs seem to open          change is missing. How can Scania be
     solutions.                                                         on the truck segment. Leveraging data from               up space for Scania to unlock new business        co m p e t i t i ve w i t h t h e i r n ew s e r v i ce s
                                                                        vehicles, Scania has developed data-driven               opportunities and data-driven services, it is     by leveraging their ow n data assets?
     To fulfill the increasing demand for freight                       services that help customers to manage                   still not clear for Scania in three aspects:      Digital players have also recognized the
     transport capacity and respond to these                            their fleets and increase the uptime of                                                                    potential for digitalization and connectivity
     trends, main actors in the freight transport                       vehicles.                                                Firstly, there is no clear view on who will       technologies and are already active in this
     industry like vehicle manufacturers (e.g.,                                                                                  be their future customers in the freight          market today, offering a variety of digital
     Scania, Volvo) and logistics providers are                         To fully exploit the possibilities of the value          transport industry. The traditional industry      solutions. Therefore, Scania sees a need for
     dedicated to developing new technologies                           pools created by data and favorable market               borders will likely blur by coorporations and     a coordinated roadmap enabling them
     s u c h a s a u t o m a t i o n , e l e c t r i f i ca t i o n ,   environment, Scania has to think how data                digitalization. Market actors in this industry    to explore how data will fuel their future
     connectivity, and digitalization. These new                        as a key enabler can lead to future business             have the potential to approach potential          business. The roadmap needs to map out
     technologies will restructure the value                            opportunities with digital services and what             users in the value network to deliver values      how they build their digital capabilities for
     network of the freight transport industry by                       the future value proposition will be in this             via digital services (Riasanow, 2017). Should     new services, acquire external resources,
     creating new ways of doing business in the                         disruptive transport ecosystem.                          Scania still focus on their current customer      and cooperate with partners in the value
     future (Roland Berger, 2012). The interaction                                                                               segment or explore the new one in the             network.
     of these developments will open up space                                                                                    transport ecosystem? What new data-
     in the industry for new actors and new                                                                                      driven services can Scania create? What is        Thirdly, how data as a key resource can
     business models, but also create new                                                                                        its business model that brings the revenues       support Scania's new digital services is also
     opportunities for established actors to                                                                                     to Scania as well as values to its customers?     not clear. Valuable data insights and smart
                                                                               “The world’s most valuable resource
                                                                                    is no longer oil, but data.”
                                                                                              — The Economist, 2017
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     decisions can be offered to customers                            •   What favourable position could Scania        Phase 1: Discover                                       vision were defined. The future vision was
     enabled by data analytics. Therefore, a clear                        take in the freight transport industry to    In the diverging 'discover' phase, Scania's             validated with employees.
     view on what data sources are available and                          create competitive advantage?                internal and external environment
     what data analytics can be applied should                                                                         were researched. The insights of smart,                 Phase 3: Develop
     be discovered in the thesis.                                     •   What new data-driven services could          connected product, data intelligence and                In the diverging 'develop' phase, the
                                                                          Scania offer to create values for the        value creation with data were discovered                user values were defined in more detail
     Therefore, the research questions were                               customer?                                    by literature research. Scania's business,              and ideas for new service solutions were
     defined below:                                                                                                    vision, strategy, developments, and current             generated. The chosen ideas were shaped
                                                                      •   How data as a key resource can               service offerings were analyzed by internal             into concepts and the business models
     •    Who are Scania's future customers in                            support Scania’s new services?               interviews. Context research was conducted              were designed per horizon. The ideas were
          the freight transport industry?                                                                              to analyze the road transport industry                  linked to each other and were plotted
                                                                                                                       based on the value network analysis                     on four horizons of the roadmap with a
                                                                                                                       approach (Biem and Caswell, 2008),                      timeline that is based on Scania's current
                                                                                                                       followed by logistics journey analysis and              developments and technology strategies.
     1.3 PROJECT DELIVERABLES                                                                                          problem areas. After analyzing the current
                                                                                                                       industry environment, expert interviews and
                                                                                                                                                                               Ideas were also linked to the technologies
                                                                                                                                                                               of data intelligence and validated with
     I n t h i s t h e s i s , a d a t a - d r i v e n s e r v i ce   business model for new service solutions         desk research was done to discover trends               Scania employees.
     innovation strategy is created for Scania,                       that Scania can get benefits as well as its      influencing the future of the road transport
     where Scania delivers values to its future                       customers. 4) Technology implementations         industry and Scania.                                    Phase 4: Deliver
     customers and obtains a competitive                              with a focus on data collection and data                                                                 In the final converging 'deliver' phase, all
     position in the road transport industry, with                    analytics that are mapped out to support         Phase 2: Define                                         the service solutions were mapped out
     data-driven service offerings.                                   the new service solutions in several horizons.   In the converging 'discover' phase,                     in the roadmap and all the elements.
                                                                      5) Internal and external collaborations that     insights gathered were synthesized and                  Two roadmaps were created: A strategic
     This thesis consists of the following:                           are planned based on current and needed          analyzed. Two value mapping sessions                    roadmap for the stakeholders with main
     1) A compelling and clear statement of                           capabilities and resources.                      were conducted with Scania employees to                 user values, new services in visualization
     future vision that Scania can capture,                                                                            define the user values and future direction.            and future vision, and a tactical roadmap
     follow and reach. 2) Incremental data-                           In the end, the innovation strategy is           Combining the insights from individual                  for internal usage with all the elements. The
     driven service solutions that Scania offers                      summarized in a visualized strategic and         brainstorming, Scania's future direction,               final roadmaps were validated with Scania
     to its customers to meet their needs in                          tactical roadmap.                                future customers, and a clear future                    employees in different departments.
     several horizons. 3) A value proposition and

     The approach is based on a strategic design                      designerly approach with user-centered
     process. Strategic design refers to the use                      and future-oriented research, co-creation
     of design principles and practices to guide                      with problem owners within the company,
     strategy development and implementation                          future visioning, diverging and converging
     towards innovative outcomes that                                 process, and several rounds of iteration.
     benefit people and organizations alike
     (Calabretta et al., 2016). A combination of                      The project can roughly be divided into
     the traditional Double Diamond design                            four phases: discover, define, develop, and
     process (Design Council, 2015) and the                           deliver based on the Double Diamond
     Design Roadmapping process (Simonse,                             design process (Figure 1).
     2018) were used in this thesis. It is a

                                                                                                                                                           Figure 1: Project design process
Data-driven service innovation strategy for Scania - Data fuelling Scania's future business - TU Delft ...
This chapter draws a literature study starting from the understanding of
smart, connected products and its main capabilities of generating added
values by implementing data analytics. The study moves towards more
specifically how data and data analytics can create values for business from
an ecosystem perspective. This will provide insights on creating Scania' s

future vision on its new data-driven service development.

Chapter overview
2.1 Smart, connected products
2,2 Data intelligence
2.3 Data, analytics and value creation
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     2.1 SMART, CONNECTED PRODUCT                                                                                 Connected vehicle
     The technology of the Internet of things (IoT)               Physical components consists of the
     is revolutionizing products to become smart                  product’s mechanical and electrical parts.
     and connected. The physical products
     equipped with smart and connectivity                         Smart components consists of the sensors,
     components enable gather insights about                      microprocessors, data storage, acuators
     the product use status, performance and                      and software that can be an embedded
     environment and communicate with the                         operation system with user interface.
     Internet and other smart objects (Turber et
     al. 2014). This smart, connected products                    Connectivity components consists of
     are transforming traditional industries,                     the ports, antennae, and protocols and
     especially the manufacture industr y,                        communication networks that allows
     into a new era companies are forced to                       information to be exchanged between the
     rethink what values of developing smart,                     product and its user, systems and service
     connected products they can create and                       cloud.
     capture (Porter & Heppelmann, 2015).
                                                                  Based on these essential embedded
                                                                                                                                                              Figure 2: Connected vehicle operational data
     To fully grasp how smart, connected                          components and a technology
     products can positively influence the                        infrastructure that contains a platform
                                                                                                                  Connected vehicle is one type of smart,                               A SIM card and modem in the device enable
     company's future business, its technology                    for data storage and analytics, more
                                                                                                                  connected product, which also comprises                               communication on the cellular network and
     and capabilities should be understood.                       capabilities of smart, connected products
                                                                                                                  physical, smart and connectivity elements.                            frequent data transmission to a cloud server
     According to Porter and Heppelmann                           can be discovered.
                                                                                                                  The complete set of operational data consists                         at a predefined interval (V2N). The cloud
     (2014), smart, connected products
                                                                                                                  of certain different operational variables                            server is a central data hub that combines and
     have three core components: physical
                                                                                                                  belonging to different electronic control units                       processes data for value-added services and
     components, smart components, and
                                                                                                                  in the vehicle. They are sorted to different                          applications (Figure 3).
     connectivity components.
                                                                                                                  buses throughout the vehicle. The information
                                                                                                                  over the vehicle status can be collected by                           In addtion, the smart and connectivity

     2.2 DATA INTELLIGENCE                                                                                        a small telematics device installed in the
                                                                                                                  vehicle through plugging into the CAN bus
                                                                                                                                                                                        components enable other different types of
                                                                                                                                                                                        vehicular communication systems (Coppola &
                                                                                                                  port. This telematics device receives, stores                         Morisio, 2016).
     While reading sensor data from smart,                        four building blocks – Data, information,
                                                                                                                  and transmits different types of information
     co n n e c t e d p r o d u c t s o r a g g r e g a t i n g   knowledge and wisdom (Figure 4). Each
                                                                                                                  re l a t i n g t o t h e ve h i c l e's p e r fo r m a n c e,         Vehicle-to-infrastructure system (V2I) allows
     other data sources in the data lake, the                     building block up the pyramid builds upon
                                                                                                                  condition, and usage. Apart from the tractor                          vehicles to collect information about traffic
     technology of data analytics can be applied                  the previous one, adding new values on it.
                                                                                                                  data, a connected truck as a unit also can                            flow, cameras, charging stations, etc. Vehicle-
     to generate deep insights and even make
                                                                                                                  collect data from trailers, drivers, and cargo                        to-vehicle system (V2V) enables vehicles to
     intelligent decisions to serve customers'                    On the bottom of the pyramid is the layer of
                                                                                                                  through smart components embedded. Figure                             transmit information with nearby vehicles.
     needs. It also brings great opportunities for                data: a collection of raw and unstructured
                                                                                                                  2 gives an example of vehicle operational data
     companies to create new value offerings                      data such as vehicle position data, sensor
     enabled by data analytics.                                   data that only explain the fact in each
                                                                  point. If the data is without any context, it        Connected vehicle                     Cellular Network                   Cloud server            Applications

     2.2.1 DIKW pyramid                                           can mean little.

     DIKW pyramid (Rowley, 2007) is a simple                      Information is the next layer of the DIKW
     way to explain the capabilities of data                      Pyramid. Useful information can be derived
     analytics in hierarchies. It consists of                     from data that has been given meaning by          Telematics
                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3: Vehicle-to-Network communication system (V2N)
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     defining relational connections. It is a set
     of data that has been cleaned, aggregated
                                                     Therefore, the more the data is enriched
                                                     with meaning and context, the more                                    2.3 DATA, ANALYTICS AND VALUE
     and processed in a way that makes it
     easier to measure, visualize and analyze for
                                                     knowledge and insights can be gotten out
                                                     of it.
     a specific purpose. The analysis is usually                                                                           The previous discussion is more about the understanding of the requirements and
     carried out to find the answer to Who,
                                                     2.2.2 Stage model of data                                             capabilities of smart, connected products and data analytics from a technology
     What, When and Where questions. For                                                                                   perspective. More research is presented below to discover how data and data analytics can
     example, we can derive a vehicle's actual       analytics                                                             create values for business.
     route on a day by analyzing the positions       Figure 5 is another wide-used stage
     of it from point A to point B sent out by in-   m o d e l f o r ex p l a i n i n g d a t a a n a l y t i c s
     vehicle GPS.                                    use cases (Steentrup et al., 2014). It can                            2.3.1 Servitization
                                                     be characterized by four types of data
                                                                                                                           Servitization is one of the main drivers                        servitization and technical realization. It also
                                                     analytics: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive
                                                                                                                           to push the manufacturing industry to                           relates to how manufacturing companies
                                                     and prescriptive (Figure XX). Each stage
                                                                                                                           change the traditional way to deliver                           reposition themselves on the market and
                                                     presents how sophisticated the data
                                                                                                                           values and focus on innovative value-                           what their business models can be.
                                                     analytics capability could be, which has
                                                                                                                           added service developments with their
                                                     the same characterization of the DIKW
                                                                                                                           current product offerings to satisfy unmet                      The evolution from product to solution
                                                     pyramid. It also implies the level of human
                                                                                                                           customer’s needs (Baines et al., 2009).                         provider is to offer further products and
                                                     input in decision and action activities. It
                                                                                                                           The smart, connected products create                            services for the core manufactured product
                                                     means that the more machine input it
                                                                                                                           massive new opportunities to open up                            that customers need.
                                                     has, the less human input it needs. To the
                                                                                                                           service innovation as its generated data
                                                     final prescriptive stage, it aims at decision
                                                                                                                           can foster smart, digital services. It is a way                 Value-added ser vices driven by data
                                                     support or even automated decision
                                                                                                                           to shift the business goal of manufacturers                     insights are more closely linked to the
                                                     making to derive actions based on the data
                                                                                                                           from one-time product selling to gaining                        usage and performance of the product.
                                                     without requiring any human input.
                                                                                                                           continuous profit from customers by value-                      Meanwhile, these value-added services are
            Figure 4: DIKW Pyramid (Rowley, 2007)
                                                                                                                           added digital service solutions, which will                     likely to be linked to the connected, smart
                                                                                                                           enhance the company’s core competencies                         products from other companies, which
     The third layer is to move from information
                                                                                                                           in the future. In the end the boundary of                       pose a threat to a company with no such
     to knowledge to achieve the goal. Many
                                                                                                                           the manufacturing industry and service                          service.
     pieces of the information connected to
                                                                                                                           industry will be burled.
     other data sources can have more meaning
                                                                                                                                                                                           The next stage is to deliver the core
     and value and help to understand how to
     leverage information to meet customers’                                                                               Evolution of the market offerings                               manufactured product as a ser vice ,
                                                                                                                           of manufacturers                                                enabling manufacturers to offer their
     needs. For example, more precise time of
                                                                                                                                                                                           products and services as a unified solution.
     arrival could be delivered by integrating                                                                             Figure 6 (Rabe et al., 2018) presents possible
     weather, real-time or historical traffic                                                                              directions for the market offering of a
                                                                                                                                                                                           The final stage refers to everything as
     information with the best route selected.                                                                             manufacturing company, which is highly
                                                                                                                                                                                           a service (XaaS). Through the technical
     And the goal is to achieve accurate time of                                                                           dependent on the levels of digitalization,
                                                                                                                                                                                           system, many product functions and value-
     arrival.                                                Figure 5: Stage model for characterizing data analytics use
                                                                             cases (Steentrup et al., 2014)

     The fourth layer is wisdom, which means
     to apply knowledge in action. In other
     words, the machine or the application can
     proactively give the suggestions of the next
     decision or automatically make decisions
     by itself.
                                                                                                                                          Figure 6: Evolution of the market offerings of manufacturing companies (Rabe et al., 2018)
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                     21

 added services are digitized and transferred            For the manufacturing industry, many
                                                                                                         2.3.2 Creating values with data analytics
 to service clouds and offered on their own              ser vices are based on data analytics
 or external digital platforms. Customers                application in order to derive data-driven      on an ecosystem level
 can purchase these services and use them                insights and integrate intelligence into        Traditionally, the main value creation of data          in a service ecosystem when applying data
 whenever they want.                                     the services. According to Engel and Ebel       analytics is focused on a direct relationship           and analytics, namely Data-as-a-Service
                                                         (2019), data-driven service innovation refers   model between current customer and                      (DaaS) and Analytics-as-a-Service (AssS).
 Therefore, the potential of such digital                to using data as a key resource for value       analytics ser vice provider based on a                  DaaS regards a data service that aggregates
 ser vice offerings leads manufacturing                  creation towards customers. In addition         closed system (Chen et al., 2011). This type            and provides access to more data sources
 companies to expand their service-oriented              to selling data, companies can adopt the        of traditional analytics ecosystem usually              through cloud infrastructure. The benefit of
 business along the servitization path (figure           data exploitation strategy to become a          operates in a siloed and inefficient model              processing and aggregating in the cloud is
 7).                                                     data re-user through data analytics and         (Chen et al., 2011). End users or other relative        to offer low cost and scalable infrastructure
                                                         deliver value-added services to their current   partners need to work with multiple service             for big data analytics ( Chen et al., 2011).
                                                         and potential customers, while creating a       providers to acquire and integrate data                 Open APIs can be one format to deliver
                                                         multi-dimensional business model (Zhu &         sources and apply analytics technologies to             DaaS. Beyond DaaS, AssS offers a rich set
                                                         Madnick, 2009).                                 address their business needs, which is often            of analytics components on demand and
                                                                                                         costly and hard to implement. There is little           infrastructure that are easy to integrate with
                                                                                                         sharing of related operation data, tools, and           other business applications or processes.
                                                                                                         services for a broader customer base in the             Th e s e t w o n e w co n ce p t s e n a b l e a n
                                                                                                         ecosystem.                                              ecosystem transformation from a closed,
                                                                                                                                                                 proprietary, and business-directed model
                                                                                                         Chen et al. (2011) proposed two concepts                into a more open, collaborative, value co-

     FIgure 7: Servitization path (Schuh et al., 2004)

                                                                                                                                                            Figure 8: New Industry Boundaries and Systems of Systems
22                                                                                                                                                                                                        23

 creation ecosystem that benefits multiple
 stakeholders: customers, industries, partners
                                                         and Heppelmann, 2015). This will enable
                                                         new forms of collaboration on a data and
                                                                                                        Chapter conslusion
 and end-users (Chen et al., 2011; Porter and            analytics level.
                                                                                                        This chapter gives insights into smart, connected products, data intelligence, and how data
 Heppelmann, 2015). By entering into this
                                                                                                        intelligence creates values for the business. Main smart components (sensors) embedded
 open service ecosystem, companies are                   According to Porter and Heppelmann
                                                                                                        in the connected vehicle and three types of communication technology (V2N, V2V, V2I) are
 likely to unlock new business models by                 (2015), the industr y boundar y will be
                                                                                                        studied to understand its capabilities. By aggregating and processing data from connected
 applying analytics as a value creator and               expanded by shifting from a single product
                                                                                                        vehicles, data analytics can be applied to derive data insights.
 key differentiator. For example, companies              system to systems of systems that connect
 can aggregate data from one type of                     an array of product and service systems
                                                                                                        Connected products and data intelligence bring business opportunities for companies to
 customers and create additional value for               and external information to improve the
                                                                                                        transform from a manufacturer to a service provider with production by delivering values
 other business partners or end-users by                 overall operation on an industr y level.
                                                                                                        and focus on innovative value-added service developments with their product offerings to
 deriving insights from the collected data               Within these dynamic ally networked
                                                                                                        satisfy unmet customer's needs. To discover more values from data intelligence, companies
 and analytics.                                          systems, there will be multiple players
                                                                                                        should consider themselves in a broader ecosystem where data insights can benefit more
                                                         participating in the systems of systems,
                                                                                                        potential users and businesses.
 Meanwhile, the applications of smart,                   and companies are intentionally seeking
 co n n e c te d p r o d u c t s , p hy s i ca l a n d   to broaden and reshape their business as
 virtual value creation activities are often             well as their industry. Figure 8 presents an   Three main insights can be taken away from this chapter on developing
 combined. Information, resources and                    example of how a single product from a         new data-driven services for Scania:
 smart objects are linked to each other, and             tractor company can evolve and expand its
 customers and other business partners                   capabilities in a broader ecosystem.           1) Instead of focusing on selling data assets or providing customers with basic data insights
 actively interact in the value network (Porter                                                         on their product performance, Scania could deliver new digital services with aggregated
                                                                                                        data and data insights by data analytics to meet customers’ unmet needs, while enhancing
                                                                                                        the company’s core competencies.

                                                                                                        2) The smart, connected product and capabilities of data intelligence can derive a multi-
                                                                                                        dimensional business model for Scania with different value offerings and enable a new
                                                                                                        position in the market.

                                                                                                        3) Focusing on a single product system or a closed, proprietary system can hardly leverage
                                                                                                        the potential of data analytics. This is because only limited data sources (e.g., vehicle data)
                                                                                                        can be accessed and higher capabilities of data analytics are hard to achieve only by Scania
                                                                                                        itself. Scania needs to position itself into a broad, open, value co-creation ecosystem to
                                                                                                        unlock new business opportunities with data analytics.
To create a successful service innovation strategy for Scania, Scania's
vision and strategy, business, current data-driven services and on going
developments should be researched and analyzed.

Chapter overview
3.1 Introduction to Scania
3.2 Scania’s strategy and developments
3.3 Scania connected service
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    27

 2.3 INTRODUCTION TO SCANIA                                                                                         Product sales                                              Services

 Scania was founded in 1891 in Sweden and over a million Scania vehicles are in active
 use in more than 100 countries. Scania is a world-leading provider of transport solutions,
                                                                                                                         Truck                Repair and maintenance         Data-driven services                 Finance & Insurance
 including trucks and buses for heavy transport applications combined with an extensive
 product-related service offering. Scania is also a leading manufacturer of industrial and
 marine engines (Scania, 2018).

                                                                                                                Global dealers     1,700 Workshops

 3.1.1 Scania’s business
                                                                                                                                                      management         Tachography           Driver services         Scania zone       Trailer & Assets
                                                                                                                                                        system                                                                               control

 Offering heavy trucks and vehicle-related                    value-added services that maximize vehicle
 services to transport companies is Scania's                  uptime including flexible maintenance,                                        Figure 10: An overview of Scania’s service offerings in the truck segment
 core business and consists of 61% and 19%                    fleet management system, finance and
 of Scania's global net sales (Figure 9). Scania              insurance, application-based driver training
 offers tailor-made transport solutions for 36                and coaching that can be adapted to            Scania's value creation
 different industries including construction,                 specific industries. Figure 10 presents an     S ca n i a ' s v a l u e c r e a t i o n i s b a s e d o n               by vehicle data. The service offerings such
 retail, mining, manufacturing, courier and                   overview of Scania's offerings in the truck    p r ov i d i n g c u s to m e r s w i t h p r o f i t a b l e            as financing, insurance and maintenance
 postal, long-haulage, urban applications,                    segment. The flexible maintenance service      and sustainable transport solutions that                                 contracts enable Scania to be closed to the
 etc. Scania has strong connections with                      enables vehicle servicing based on real-       move their businesses ahead. This means                                  customers and their business operation,
 over 1,000 global dealers in major markets,                  time operational data and actual usage,        that Scania's business model is about                                    creating a long-term relationship and
 offering sales services including trucks, used               with maintenance only when needed.             understanding and improving the revenue                                  bringing Scania continuous profits. Figure 11
 trucks, Scania parts.                                        Scania's dealerships provide maintenance       and cost aspects of transport companies'                                 presents Scania's and customers' business
                                                              services that link to over 1,700 workshops     industries by offering tailor solutions                                  model components.
 Scania's services in the truck                               around the world, presenting one of the        including vehicles and services supported
 segement                                                     primary profit sources for Scania apart
                                                              from selling trucks. Scania will own more
 Utilizing the data from over 400,000
                                                              workshops globally to be close to the
 connected vehicles, Scania has developed
                                                              customers and drivers.                                                          + Customer revenue—                   Customer cost*
                                                                                                                                                                                  European long-haulage
                                                                                                                                                Uptime                                                    Tyres
                                                                                                                                                Flexibility                                               Drivers
                                                                                                                  Customer*                                                                                                                    operating
                                                                                                                                                Load capacity                                             Fuel                                 income
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Repair and maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Customer: transport company

                                                                                                                    €            Services

                                                                                                                                              + Scania revenue                              — Scania cost

                                                                                                                                                Vehicles and engines                          Production of vehicles,

                                                                                                                     Scania                     Repair and maintenance                        engines and services                              Scania
                                                                                                                                                                                              Research and development                          operating
                                                                                                                                                Financing and insurance
                                                                                                                                                Used vehicles                                 Selling and administration

                              Figure 9: Scania product portfolio and global net sales                                                                Figure 11: Scania and customers' business model components
                                        (Illustration based on Scania, 2018)                                                                               (Illustration based on Scania annual report, 2018)
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                              29

 3.1.2 Scania’s Parnership
 Scania is also part of TRATON GROUP.              The main collaborations focus on synergies                       In the future, the adoption of electrification   Th e r e fo r e , t h e s e m a r ke t t r e n d s a n d
 Under this umbrella the brands Scania,            in the components of hardware and                                requires the electrified powertrain, and it      technology developments are pushing
 MAN and Volkswagen, RIO work closely              i n f ra s t r u c t u r e o f b a c k - e n d s y s t e m s ,   will abandon the traditional engine that has     Scania to selectively abandon some past
 together with the aim to turn TRATON              which also applies to the development                            been the core capabilities of truck OEMs         offerings and transform the company
 GROUP and its brands into a Global                of new technologies such as electric and                         for decades. Besides, there would be no          strategy towards a bigger picture to find a
 Champion of the truck and transport               autonomous vehicles. The competition                             cabin needed for autonomous vehicles, and        competitive position in the transport and
 services industry by utilizing the strong         between Scania and other brands within                           vehicles will become a mainly software-          logistics ecosystem instead of only being
 network of strategic partners to access all       TRATON GROUP should be fair on the                               defined sensor platform. All development         an OEM.
 major profit pools (Scania, 2018).                market, whether it is truck sales or digital                     will be based on simulations and data from
                                                   service business.                                                the connected product.

 3.1.3 Scania’s vision                                                                                                                   " We used to belong to the heavy
                                                                                                                                   commercial vehicles industry. Now we belong to
                                                                                                                                        the ecosystem of transport."
        Scania's vision is to drive the shift towards a sustainable transport
                                                                                                                                                             — Scania CEO
          system, creating a world of mobility that is better for business,
                             society and the environment.

                            Leader in sustainable transport

                                                                                                                    3.2 SCANIA'S STRATEGY AND
                                      Ecosystem                                                 Industry
     trends                          Transport & Logistics                                       trends
                Digitalisation                                                                                      To achieve the company vision of being a transport system solution provider, Scania has
                                                                                                                    invested heavily in developing new technologies such as automation, electrification and
                                                                                                                    connectivity to provide customers with sustainable and efficient fleets and also try to
                                                                                                                    integrate these new technologies into new business models. The insights gathered below is
                                      Excellence in core                                                            based on internal interviews. See Table 1 for the intervew list.
                                 Selectively abandon the past
                                       Create the future
                                                                                                                    The automation will be first deployed in         Scania has set the objective to be fossil-
                                                                                                                    the confined area for specific industries        free in 2050 and focuses efforts on
                                                                                                                    such as mining and forestry, followed by         electrification technologies for both
                                                                                                                    hub-to-hub autonomous driving on public          batter y and infrastructure to reduce
 Company vision explanation                                                                                         roads with supporting infrastructure. Scania     environmental impact. It will enable digital
                                                                                                                    has been developing the Intelligent control      integrations with external partners and
 One of the reasons why Scania set up              e l e c t r i f i ca t i o n a n d a u to m a t i o n , n ew
                                                                                                                    environment (ICE), which means that the          stakeholders such as charging ser vice
 this company vision is that transport is an       business models and new market entrants
                                                                                                                    customer's transport can be followed and         platforms, charging infrastructure providers,
 industry where the digital revolution is          will disrupt the traditional freight transport
                                                                                                                    monitored in real-time from the back-end         etc.
 moving fast. Connectivity, digitalization,        industry in the next few years.
30                                                                                                                                                                                                             31

 The technologies of connectivity and IoT
 can enable data-driven insights to optimize
                                                                                                             Internal Interview — Transport System Lead
 v e h i c l e p e r f o r m a n ce a n d m i n i m i z e                                                    An internal interview was set up with the Lead of transport system in Scania R&D
 customer total cost of ownership (TCO)                                                                      department. The goal is to see his vision on Scania's future position in the transport
 and also to increase the efficiency of the                                                                  and logistics industry and Scania's strengths and weaknesses of developing digital and
 transport system and optimize the logistics                                                                 connected services.
 flow. This means that Scania may not only                   Scania also invested in a startup, Sennder,
 be an OEM focusing on its traditional                       a digital, contract-based road freight          Insights on future services:
 b u s i n e s s m o d e l , b u t s h i f t towa r d s a    matching platform for small carriers and        The development of new digital and connected services by leveraging existing data that
 transport system provider with multiple                     big shippers. Sennder mainly focuses on         Scania has collected can be two directions:
 business models in parallel enabled by                      Full Truck Loads (FTL) shipments, which         One is still developing the services around the vehicle performance and usage that Scania is
 technology push and market pull.                            means that one truck drives exclusively for     making profits now. Future services might also work around vehicles with electrification or
                                                             one shipper. See figure 13 for Sennder's        automation.
 Th e r e a r e s o m e S ca n i a ' s s u b s i d i a r y   business focus. According to the internal
 companies and invested companies going
                                                                                                             Another way is to integrate or develop new logistics services enabled by vehicle data and
                                                             interview, one of the reasons Sennder           find the roles of Scania and carriers in the logistics system.
 on to drive this shift.                                     focuses on FTL is that FTL is relatively easy
                                                             to set up and gain higher profits compared
 LOTS GROUP                                                  to Less Full Truck Loads (LTL). Meanwhile,                            Market leader of vehicle manufacture
                                                             the EU road freight market is vast, with an                           A considerable amount of vehicles running on roads globally
                                                             overall size of 350bn euros with significant                          Strong competence in developing new technologies (ACE)
                                                             structural inefficiencies and top 5 logistics                         Strong connection with customers
                                                             service providers (LSPs) only hold less than         Strengths        Possibility to collect considerable vehicle data
                                                             5% market share. The platform, such as                                Knowledge of modular thinking (possible to adapt to the logistics system)
                                                             Sennder, would be a new industry entrant                              Lean thinking (possible to develop efficient logistics transport system)
                                                             to gain a certain market share. Through
 Scania's wholly-owned subsidiary LOTS
                                                             close cooperation, Sennder now offers
 group, Lean Optimised Transport Systems,
                                                             its customers key tools based on Scania's
 focuses on mining, agriculture, and forestry                                                                                      A relatively narrow business model
                                                             connected service portfolios, such as fleet
 transport across the world (Scania, 2018). It                                                                                     Limited transport buyer relation
                                                             management software, Fleet App for
 is a strategic investment and an example of                                                                                       Limited knowledge about logistics business and its operation
 how Scania is moving forward to optimize                                                                       Weaknesses         Limited software development competence (e.g., artificial intelligence)
 transport flows. LOTS leverages data from
 connected trucks, information from fuel
 partners, and other key data to optimize
 the daily flows of the fleet based on the
 principles of Lean (Scania, 2018).

                                                                                                             All of the strategies and developments pave the way for Scania to achieve the company
                                                                                                             vision. However, transforming towards a transport system provider seems to be a big
                                                                                                             challenge. This is because Scania only knows the sales market well, but has limited
                                                                                                             knowledge about the transport and logistics business and customers' operating systems,
                                                                                                             which is hard for Scania to monetize data and develop digital services that are more
                                                                                                             logistics-related. Although Scania has the logistics competence of its vehicle supply chain, it
                                                                                                             is not business-related. Meanwhile, historically, Scania have had a more focus on hardware
                                                                                                             development. Limited software development skills such as artificial intelligence and big
                                                                                                             data analytics might be a reason to slow down this transformation.
32                                                                                                                                                                                                                       33

                                                                                               3.3 SCANIA DATA-DRIVEN
             Interviewed Scnania employees                                                     Since the goal of this paper is to develop a roadmap for Scania's future data-driven
     This table presents an overview of interviews conducted with internal employees           services, Scania's current data-driven services should be introduced and analyzed as the
     (including informal interviews) during the 'discover' phase of the graduation             new data-driven services should be linked to existing service offerings and capabilities.
     project. The primary purpose of the interviews was to understand Scania's strategy,
     partnerships, products and services, developments, technologies, and data usage.
     See more interview insights in Appendix 1.                                                In 2019, Scania reached over 400,000
                                                                                               connected vehicles across the world, and
     1. Head of Strategy and product planning, Conneted Service                                the strategy for 2025 is to reach 95%
     Goal: 1) Understand Scania's partnership in TRATON and its purpose. 2) Get Insights       connected fleets. By leveraging the vehicle
     into collaborations between Scania and RIO.                                               data, Scania has developed a series of                    FLeet management          Tachography         Driver services
                                                                                               data-driven services for carriers to increase
     2. Lead of transport system, Scania R&D                                                   their uptime and efficiency of operation.
     Goal: 1) Get insights into Scania's future service direction and its limitations both     Currently, Scania offers three primar y
     from Scania itself and industry environment (data sharing). 2) Scania's strengths and     connected services: 1) Fleet Management
     weaknesses of developing new digital services.                                            Services, 2) TachographServices and 3)                                  Scania zone         Trailer & Assets
                                                                                               Driver Services. Scania Zone and Trailer
     3. Business model designer, Conneted Service                                              Control are new services that are subjected                       Figure 12: Scania's main connected services

     Goal: 1) Get insights into Scania's connected service strategy 2) Get insights into       to Fleet Management Services (Figure 12).
     Scania's current data-driven projects.
                                                                                               1. Fleet Management system
     4. Strategic business developer, Conneted Service & Sennder                               The fleet management system is one of the                 costs by collecting and analyzing the
     Goal: 1) Understand Sennder's business, business model and service roadmap to             core services offered by Scania. It provides              vehicle data. Main functions are explained
     the future 2) Get Insights into Sennder's current data-driven services for carriers and   customers benefits in increased uptime,                   below:
     shippers.                                                                                 improved safety, and reduced operating

     5. Development engineer, Scania R&D
     Goal: 1) Get insights into Scania's strategy, organization culture, current research
     projects at the data intelligence department and the relations between Scania's
     technology roadmap and service roadmap.

     6. Product owner, Conneted Service
     Goal: 1) Get insights into what data assets in Scania's FMS and rFMS standard APIs.

     7. Head of central operations & digitalization, LOTS
     Goal: 1) Get insights into LOTS business, the strategy of digitalization, tools and the
     applications of data analytics to drive transport performance in operations. 2) Future
     strategy on automation

                                  Table 1: Interviewed Scania employees

                                                                                                                          Figure 13: Fleet management system — Fleet positioning
34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  35

     1) Fleet Positioning gives the customer                  activities related to service planning well    4) Scania Zone allows drivers to receive
     an interactive map where they can see                    organized and increase the uptime.             notifications when the vehicle enters
     their vehicles and equipment in real-time                                                               geo-fencing areas with traffic restrictions
     (Figure 13). It helps carriers to track and              3) Vehicle performance helps customers         such as speed limits, emissions and noise
     take control of their fleets. The transport              to evaluate how their vehicles are being       regulations, which prevents drivers from
     operator can see who is driving, how long                used (Figure 14). Customers can find over      overriding the set rules (Figure 15).
     they have been driving, when they started                90 parameters of data that display vehicle
     driving, where they stopped, how long they               performance. Customers can receive the         5) Trailer control & assets control allows
     stopped driving and when the driver has                  environmental report that shows calculated     customers to connect equipment such
     to take their rest based on the standard EU              emission values for their vehicles. The        as trailers, commercial vehicles or mini-
     law. They can also see the speed at which                emission values are based on a vehicle's       vans by providing the data of location,
     the vehicle is traveling, how much fuel is               calculated fuel consumption.                   performance & goods control. The offerings
     left.                                                                                                   of performance and goods control are still
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Figure 15: Scania zone

                                                              4) Driver Evaluation is a service that gives   under development. It helps carriers track
     2) Service planning is the service where                 customers an overview of drivers' driving      and find the trailers easily and monitor the
     fleet managers gain control over the                     behavior. It also identifies the parameters    condition of the goods, which is also one of
     maintenance and repair requirements                      within which there is the greatest potential   the requests from shippers.
     of the fleet. If the customer has a Scania               for improvement. If a driver starts with
     Maintenance plan, the planned service                    grade E and improves their grade to A,         6) Fleet APP helps to link driver and fleet
     events are shown in Ser vice Planning.                   they have the potential to reduce their        manager closer in the daily operation. The
     Through positioning and vehicle operational              fuel consumption with around 15% due to        app gives them access to their positioning,
     data, Scania actively diagnoses how vehicles             improved driver behavior.                      grades and vehicle information (Figure 16).
     perform and plans ahead which vehicles
     will need maintenance service, when and
                                                                                                             7) API integration
     for how long they will need to be in the
                                                                                                             Scania also offers API data services for its
     workshop to avoid unexpected breakdown.
                                                                                                             customers when they have another own-
     This offering helps carriers to keep all
                                                                                                             built or the third party systems. The API
                                                                                                             data can be integrated into the third-party
                                                                                                             digital platform with standardized vehicle
                                                                                                             data formats (rFMS ). Since customers
                                                                                                             may have fleets with multiple brands, they
                                                                                                             can integrate all vehicle data from several                                            Position                                Driving profile

                                                                                                             systems into one third party FMS.                                                                      Figure 16: Fleet APP

                                                                                                             2. Tachograph services                                                 3. Driver services
                                                                                                             Scania's tachograph ser vices provide                                  S ca n i a l eve ra g e s a va r i e t y o f ve h i c l e
                                                                                                             customers insights into driver activity                                operation data to monitor drivers' driving
                                                                                                             and vehicle usage, which helps them to                                 behavior and performance periodically,
                                                                                                             analyze potential legal responsibility issues                          and offers the driver coaching sessions if
                                                                                                             regarding infringements, delays, required                              they find negative trends in terms of driving
                                                                                                             calibrations, etc. The tachograph records                              efficiency.
                                                                                                             the speed, distance, driving time and
                                                                                                             drivers' rest periods.

                                                                                                             1. The rFMS API is used to remotely access vehicle FMS data in a standardized way without installing any additional hardware to the
                               Figure 14: Fleet management system — vehicle performance                      vehicle by using the existing OEM hardware.
36                                                                                                                                                                                                   37

 Discussion on Scania current                                                                       Chapter conclusion
 data-driven services                                                                               Scania is a world-leading provider of transport solutions, including trucks and buses for
                                                                                                    heavy transport applications. Scania is a part of TRATON GROUP with MAN, Volkswagen
                                                                                                    and RIO, a telematics service platform. The focus of this partnership is on synergies in the
 Scania's current connected services mainly focus on fleet management to increase vehicle           hardware, back-end infrastructure and new technologies.
 uptime, having limited interaction with the operation of logistics and transport. Most control
 and monitor packages offered by Scania are to deliver the information of assets' positioning,      In the truck segment, Scania has developed value-added services including flexible
 performance.                                                                                       maintenance, FMS, finance and insurance, driver training and coaching. Scania's company
                                                                                                    vision is to drive the shift towards a sustainable transport system, which is mainly driven by
 According to the DIKW pyramid studied in the previous chapter, these offerings are only at         changes in the external environment.
 the information level. The levels of knowledge and wisdom are rarely achieved by current
 offerings. For example, the fleet management system gives customers an overview of all             To reach this future vision, Scania has invested heavily in developing new technologies
 the vehicles' real-time locations. However, it cannot provide insights into when the truck         such as automation, electrification and connectivity and also trying to integrate these new
 potentially arrives at the terminal or which route is faster. Geo-fencing services, as another     technologies into new business models. Scania's subsidiary companies, LOTS GROUP and
 example, are valuable for drivers to efficiently follow the environmental rules, but it also has   wholly invested company, Sennder also expand Scania's transport solutions to different
 more potential to be integrated into route planning. The Fleet APP focuses mainly on vehicle       applications.
 performance and linkage between fleet managers and drivers, which contains only part of
 drivers' daily operation activities.                                                               Scania's main data-driven services have been introduced and analyzed. Most data-driven
                                                                                                    services offered mainly focusing on fleet management, having limited interaction with
 Meanwhile, some parameters presented on the FMS portal are just vehicle-related                    transport operations and logistics activities. The value of data and data intelligence from
 information stacks that customers might not even check or leverage for their operation. The        current offerings has not been fully discovered yet.
 value of providing these parameters to customers is relatively low.

 The strategy of offering API for customers to integrate data from Scania's connected vehicles
 into their own system will benefit third-party telematics providers to leverage data for more
 new offerings. To some extent, it limits Scania to develop services that focus on improving
 transport and logistics operations.

 Most of Scania's service offering focuses highly on the current customer segment - carriers,
 without thinking from the perspective of customers' customers which refer to shippers.

 To deliver new data-driven services, Scania needs to consider how the data collected from
 vehicles and current service offerings will benefit the logistics system and how Scania can
 expand its narrow business model.
This chapter provides insights into the context of the freight transport
industry. The freight transport industry and its main actors are studied,
followed by logistics chain analysis, which identifies the major problem
areas and relative actors' needs that are data-related.

Chapter overview
4.1 Value network analysis & Main actors
4.2 Logistics chain analysis
4.3 Actor’s needs
4.4 Data sharing implementation
40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               41

 Due to the freight transport industr y               current value offerings of truck OEMs are                                                                                               and improving the cost of ownership.                                                                                                                          Workshops
 becoming more complex and connected, a               still based on product sales and after-                                                                                                 Most OEMs put much emphasis on high-                                                                                                               Most OEMs incorporate
 framework of the value network is proposed           sales services to their existing customers,                                                                                             quality hardware production and advanced                                                                                                           Workshops worldwide as
 to analyze the main market actors and their          transport companies, having little                                                                                                      technologies such as electrification and                                                                                                           aftersales are the primary
 interactions in the current freight transport        interaction with other actors in the freight                                                                                            automation. When it comes to digitalization                                                                                                        profit driver and bring
 industry (Figure 17).                                                          transport industry.                                                                                           transformation, OEMs are experiencing a                                                                                            continuing revenues to OEMs. It also helps
                                                                                                                                                                                              hard time developing new value-added                                                                                               OEMs to keep a tight relationship with their
 Value network is a method to visualize               The current offerings of telematics services                                                                                            digital services with multiple business                                                                                            customers. Scania incorporates more than
 inter-organizational value exchanges and             from most OEMs are similar, focusing                                                                                                    models within the logistics sector (Deloitte,                                                                                      1,400 workshops, performing maintenance
 dependencies (Biem and Caswell, 2008).               on improving the uptime of the vehicles                                                                                                 2017).                                                                                                                             on complete vehicles, including trailers.
 The value network displays cooperation
 alliances and relationships, which helps
                                                                                                                                                                            y services
 the strategist to analyze the company’s
 current position in the industry and identify
 strategic moves. The value network analysis
 is dif ferent from traditional strategic                                                                                                                                                         itio
 modeling approaches that only focus                                                                                                                                                      Add
                                                                                                                                                                                             itio          ra

 on fulfilling the needs of the immediate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Transport as a Service)



                                                                                                                                                                                                                rt d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       on driving/f
 customer. The value creation and exchange                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        vice



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       icle usag        sa
 of offerings should be targeted towards


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       rt via
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Veh           ed

                                                                                                                                                  l / Electric


 identifying the value drivers to the end-

                                                                                              nc          (recipients)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Maintenance ser
                                                                                           rie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            vice
 users (Biem and Caswell, 2008). This means                                            expe                                                                                                                                              Driver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Maintenance dem


 that the interactions with current customers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tra ns p ort pl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       D e l i ve r y f u l l

 will be analyzed and downstream market                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fleet Manager

 actors will also be considered.                                                                                                  Energy                                                                                                                                                                                              Fle
                                                                 Goods +

                                                                                                                                                                                                    €                                                                                                                                    et


                                                                                                                                  Provider                                                                           ty

                                                                                                                                                                                                                ci                                                                                                                             na


                                                                                                                                                                                                            tri                                                                                                                                   ge



                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ele                                                                                                       na

                                                                                                                                                                                         F u el /                                                                                                                                           ru       e
                          Truck OEMs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ti o                                   ck

                                                                                                              tory man
                                                                                                         Inven                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Workshop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            O p er
                                                                                                                      ag                                                                                                                                                                                                                         o

                         Tr u c k O E M s r e f e r




                         to original truck

                                                                                       Shipper                                                                                                                                        Transport Planner






                         such as Scania,                                               Wholesaler;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      e se
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ve h
 Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, DAF and MAN, that




 manufacture and offer engines and heavy

                                                                                                                           Warehouse/DC                                                                                             po


                                                                           L o gis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ns         an
 trucks for different applications. OEMs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            e tra         e m
                                                                                                                                    De                                                                                  -tim          td
                                                                              ti c

 usually sell vehicles to truck dealers across                                                     €                                  vliv                                                                            On         sp

                                                                                        na                                                    sceh                                                                          Tra                                                                                                            Vehicles
 the world to transport companies. Besides                                                                                                        dules

                                                                                                  me                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mark
 it, OEMs have expanded their business into                                                            nt se
                                                                                                               r vices                                                                                                                                                                                   Truck Dealer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          et + Feedback

 more vehicle-related services including                                                                                 Logistics Service                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Truck manufacturer
                                                                                                                         Provider-3PL                               Logistics Planner
 contracted workshop services, FMS services,
 driver training, finance, insurance, etc. The                                                                           (LSP, CEP)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Figure 17: Value network of the freight transport industry
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