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Daily Eastern News: February 25, 2019
Eastern Illinois University

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THROWIN’ IT BACK                                                                               TIED IN THE OVC
                                                                                                 The Eastern men’s basketball team lost
  The Unity Gospel Choir sang throwback gospel songs Sunday night in the
                                                                                                 to Tennessee State 75-60, walking
  University Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.
                                                                                                 away with a third-straight loss. They
                                                                                                 are now tied for 5th in the OVC.
                                                                                   PAGE 3
                                                                                                                                      PAGE 8

      D aily E astern N ews

Monday, February 25, 2019                                    “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID ”                                                                           VOL. 103 | NO. 107
CE L E B RATI NG A CE NTUR Y OF COV E RA GE 		                                           E S T . 1 915			                                 W W W . D A I L YE A S TE R N N E W S . C O M

  A new Queen is crowned

                                                                                                                                                              R AINE ZHU | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
                                                                                                 Three of the contestants for the 48th Miss Black EIU scholarship pageant dress in traditional
                                                                                                 African garments to show what they believe a strong African-American woman looks like Sat-
                                                                                                 urday night in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

                                                                                                 Student wins annual
                                                                                                 scholarship pageant
                                                                                                 By Imani Tapley                                    keting major, was the runner up and contestant
                                                                                                 Staff Reporter | @DEN_news                         No. 5 Jacqueline Williams, a freshman kinesi-
                                                                                                                                                    ology and sports studies major, was the second
                                                                                                    Balloons and steamers decorated the stairwell   runner-up.
                                                                                                 leading to the Grand Ballroom as the 48th an-         A total of five contestants were judged in four
                                                                                                 nual Miss Black EIU Scholarship Pageant un-        categories which included creative expression,
                                                                                                 folded Saturday night.                             talent, African garment and heritage speech and
                                                                                                    Audience members cheered and shouted from       evening wear.
                                                         R AINE ZHU | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
                                                                                                 beginning to end, especially when contestant          Ishmael Williams, an alumnus, was in the au-
Latricia Booker, a sophomore pre-nursing major and one of the contestants of the 48th annual
Miss Black EIU scholarship pageant, dressed in an African garment piece to show what she be-
                                                                                                 No. 3 Latricia Booker, a sophomore pre-nurs-       dience and said the pageant was important for
lieves a strong African-American woman looks like during the pageant in the Grand Ballroom
                                                                                                 ing major, stole the show and was crowned Miss     Eastern.
of Martin Luther King Jr. University Union Saturday night. Booker was crowned Miss Black EIU.    Black EIU 2019.                                                         MISS BLACK EIU, page 5
                                                                                                    Contestant No. 4 Alexis Paige, a junior mar-

                                                                                                                                                    Step Afrika!
                                                                                                                                                    dance styles
                                                                                                                                                    By Hannah Shillo
                                                                                                                                                    Entertainment Reporter | @DEN_news

                                                                                                                                                       The rhythmic stomps and claps in the
                                                                                                                                                    Theatre bellowed throughout the Doudna
                                                                                                                                                    Fine Arts Center Saturday night as Step Afri-
                                                                                                                                                    ka! made its presence known.
                                                                                                                                                       Dan Crews, director of programming,
                                                                                                                                                    publicity and promotions at Doudna, in-
                                                                                                                                                    troduced the show, saying Step Afrika! was
                                                                                                                                                    founded by C. Brian Williams and focuses
                                                                                                                                                    on the percussive dance style known as step-
                                                                                                                                                       “I think you’re in for a real treat tonight,”
                                                                                                                                                    Crews said, preparing the crowd for the
                                                                                                                                                    90-minute show.
                                                                                                                                                       The lights dimmed, the crowd went silent
                                                                                                                                                    and the performers made their way to center
                                                                                                                                                    stage as the show began.
                                                                                                      JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
Step Afrika! performs Ndlamu, a traditional dance of the Zulu people, Saturday night in the Doudna Fine Arts Center.                                                       STEP AFRIKA!, page 5
2       THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | AP NEWS                                                                                                                                                                        MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019

Local weather                                                 STATE AND NATION
     MONDAY                        TUESDAY
                                                                 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

                                                             Illinois colleges                           day that the agreement would miti-             Tornado death                                day afternoon.
                                                                                                         gate long, costly and unnecessary legal                                                         Chambers County Sheriff Brian Haw-
                                                             look to overcome                            proceedings, the Los Angeles Times             confirmed as violent                         thorne said Saturday that the plane "went
          Sunny                    Partly Cloudy                                                         reported.                                                                                   in nose first " and that it was "probably a
       High: 35°                      High: 41°              enrollment declines                            "While no amount of money can
                                                                                                                                                        storms smack the                             crash that nobody would survive."
       Low: 23°                       Low: 29°                                                           make up for what happened to Mr.               South                                            The search resumed Sunday for the re-
                                                                ROCKFORD, Ill. (AP) — Col-               Coley, settling this case is the right                                                      maining two crew members and the all-
                                                             leges and universities in Illinois are      thing to do for Mr. Coley and our                                                           important "black box" flight recorder that
                                                             struggling to combat declining enroll-      community," City Manager Eric Lev-                COLUMBUS, Miss. (AP) —                    could offer clues to what caused the crash.

T h e D a i ly
                                                             ment that was spurred by low unem-          itt said in a statement. The city will         Weekend storms raked parts of the            Civilian volunteers mobilized small boats
                                                             ployment rates, a shrinking popula-         pay about $4.9 million and the rest is         Southeast, leaving deaths and injuries       to help with the search of the northern tip

 Eastern News
                                                             tion, unstable funding sources and in-      expected to be paid by insurance and           in their wake as a tornado smashed           of Trinity Bay called Jack's Pocket.
                                                             creased out-of-state competition.           other sources.                                 into a commercial district in a small            Jason Campbell and two other Ana-
                                                                Data show that the state's commu-           The state last year approved a sep-         Mississippi city and drenching rains         huac boat mechanics were among the ci-
    “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.”                    nity colleges and state universities suf-   arate, nearly $2 million payment for           fed a rising flood threat.                   vilian boaters who checked debris for any
                                                             fered a decline of nearly 100,000 stu-      Coley. He is now 71.                              A woman was killed when a torna-          identification or cellphones on Saturday.
                                                             dents from 2008 to 2018, The Rock-             Coley spent 39 years behind bars            do hit Columbus, Mississippi, and a          What they found was grim.
   The Daily Eastern News                                    ford Register Star reported .               after he was wrongly convicted of              man died when he drove into flood-               "Pieces of bodies, nothing bigger than
         1802 Buzzard Hall
 Eastern Illinois University                                    Chicago State University has seen        killing 24-year-old Rhonda Wicht of            waters in Tennessee, officials said.         ... you know," Campbell told KHOU-
      Charleston, IL 61920                                   enrollment drop by 57 percent. Shaw-        Simi Valley and her son in 1978.                  Columbus Mayor Robert Smith               TV . "It's obvious it's human pieces but
              217-581-2812                                   nee, Kennedy-King and Rend Lake                                                            Sr. said 41-year-old Ashley Glynell          nothing bigger than you can hold in your
        217-581-2923 (fax)                                   community colleges all have seen en-        R. Kelly's music                               Pounds of Tupelo and her husband             hands."
                                                             rollment numbers cut in half.                                                              were renovating a house Saturday eve-            The jumbo jet had departed from Mi-
                                                                The bulk of the losses were seen at      legacy tested again                            ning, and when the husband went to           ami and was likely moments from land-
    News Staff                      Advertising              the community college level, which                                                         get them something to eat, the build-        ing at Bush Intercontinental Airport in
                                       Staff                 lost 75,000 students. But despite the
                                                                                                         after sex abuse                                ing collapsed and killed her.                Houston when witnesses said it crashed
  Analicia Haynes                                            decline in overall enrollment, more         charges                                           Smith said 12 other people were           nose-first into the bay about 35 miles (55
                                   Faculty Advisers
                                   Editorial Adviser
                                                             students have been graduating from                                                         injured, but the injuries did not ap-        kilometers) east of Houston.
                                     Lola Burnham            community colleges in the state. Al-                                                       pear to be major. City spokesman Joe
  Managing Editor
    Kristen Ed
                                    Photo Adviser            most 57,000 students graduated in              LOS ANGELES (AP) — R. Kelly is              Dillon said the tornado also seriously       Virginia's Fairfax
                                     Brian Poulter
  DENmanaging@                                               2010, compared to about 66,000 in           regarded as one of music's all-time hit        damaged a school and two communi-
                                   Website Adviser
                                     Brian Poulter           2017.                                       makers, but the years of sexual abuse al-      ty center buildings.                         compares himself to
                                       Publisher                The University of Illinois System        legations against the embattled R&B star          In Knox County, Tennessee, offi-
    News Editor
   Logan Raschke
                                     Lola Burnham            has seen some success over the past         have created a dark cloud over his musi-       cials said a man died after his vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                                     lynching victims
                                  Business Manager
                                      Betsy Jewell           decade. The system's Chicago cam-           cal legacy.                                    became submerged in high water.
                                   Press Supervisor          pus has seen a 23 percent growth in            Some believe Kelly's career is in serious      The tornado Saturday afternoon               RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Embat-
                                      Tom Roberts            enrollment. The Chicago and Urba-           jeopardy once again after being charged        in Columbus was confirmed on ra-             tled Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax com-
  Associate News
                                       Night Staff           na-Champaign campuses are each up           with 10 counts of aggravated sexual abuse      dar, said meteorologist Anna Wolver-         pared himself to Jim Crow-era lynching
   Corryn Brock                                              nearly 6,000 students.                      involving four females, including three        ton with the National Weather Ser-           victims in a surprise speech Sunday, as he
                                      for this issue
       com                                                      The system has done well in re-          minors. A Chicago judge set the sing-          vice in Jackson. She told The Associat-      resists widespread calls to resign prompt-
                                     Night Chief
                                    Analicia Haynes
                                                             cent years because of aggressive re-        er's bond at $1 million Saturday after he      ed Press that experts would be headed        ed by allegations of sexual assault.
    Photo Editor                                             cruitment, outreach, financial aid and      turned himself in to police the day be-        Sunday to the east Mississippi city of          Fairfax strongly defended himself and
    Jordan Boyer
                                     Copy Editors            sheer size, said Barbara Wilson, the        fore.                                          about 23,000 people to gauge the tor-        lashed out at his critics from his rostrum
                                   Danielle Dellorto
                                    Logan Raschke
                                                             system's executive vice president and          After being acquitted on child pornog-      nado's intensity.                            in the state Senate as the 2019 legislative
                                                             vice president for academic affairs.        raphy charges more than a decade ago,                                                       session was coming to a close.
   Assistant Photo
                                   Sports Designer                                                       Kelly's new criminal charges might be          1 body recovered                                "I've heard much about anti-lynching
    Thalia Rouley
                                      JJ Bullock             California man                              too hard for his career to overcome.                                                        on the floor of this very Senate, where
   DENphotodesk@                                                                                            "I think the court of public opinion is     from Texas cargo                             people were not given any due process
     gmail.com                                               cleared after 40 years                      too strong," said Evelyn McDonnell, an                                                      whatsoever, and we rue that," Fairfax
                                                                                                         associate professor who focuses on wom-
                                                                                                                                                        plane crash site                             said, referencing legislation the General
    Sports Editor
      JJ Bullock
                                                             in prison gets $21M                         en and music at Loyola Marymount Uni-                                                       Assembly passed expressing "profound
  Assistant Sports
                                                                                                         versity. "I think venues will not book            ANAHUAC, Texas (AP) — Search              regret" for lynchings in Virginia between
        Editor                                                  SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — The           him. He's reached the proportions of           and recovery crews have recovered one        1877 and 1950.
  Dillan Schorfheide                                         city of Simi Valley, California, has        Harvey Weinstein. There's no coming            body and the search continued Sunday            "And we talk about hundreds, at least
                                                             reached a $21 million settlement with       back. There will be those sycophants who       for two more at the site where a Boeing      100 terror lynchings that have happened
                                                             a man wrongly imprisoned for nearly         will stand behind him no matter what.          767 cargo plane crashed into a coastal bay   in the Commonwealth of Virginia un-
Get social with The Daily Eastern News                       40 years in the killing of his girlfriend   Maybe he'll have a career playing casinos      near Houston with three people aboard.       der those very same auspices. And yet we
                                                             and her 4-year-old son.                     in Thailand. But I can't see him having           The Chambers County Sheriff's Of-         stand here in a rush to judgment with
       The Daily Eastern News                                   Craig Coley was released in 2017         any kind of a respectable career."             fice said on Facebook that the body was      nothing but accusations and no facts and
                                                             after he was pardoned by then-Gov.             Kelly broke into the music scene            recovered late Saturday from Trinity Bay,    we decide that we are willing to do the
       dailyeasternnews                                      Jerry Brown, who said DNA evidence          in 1993 with his first solo album, "12         just off the waterfront of the small town    same thing," Fairfax said.
                                                             and re-investigation proved Coley's         Play," which produced such popular sex-        of Anahuac. Three crew members were             When he finished his five-minute im-
       @DEN_News                                             innocence.                                  themed songs as "Bump N' Grind" and            on board Atlas Air flight 3591, being op-    promptu speech, stunned senators sat in
                                                                Simi Valley officials said Satur-        "Your Body's Callin'."                         erated for Amazon, when it crashed Satur-    awkward silence.
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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019										                                                                                   THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | NEWS
Living the dream                                                          Unity Gospel Choir
                                                                          performs Sunday
                                                                         By Valentina Vargas                          was an undergraduate student.
                                                                         Multicultural Reporter | @DEN_News              She said she had a lot going on during
                                                                                                                      that time, so she could not fit it in her
                                                                            The University Ballroom of the Mar-       schedule to join, but instead she goes to
                                                                         tin Luther King Jr. University Union was     their concerts to still be a part of it that
                                                                         crowded with students and community          way.
                                                                         members standing and clapping to gos-           Timberlynn Fisher, a pre-nursing
                                                                         pel throwback songs sung by the Unity        sophomore major, said she joined the
                                                                         Gospel Choir.                                Unity Gospel Choir this semester be-
                                                                            The Unity Gospel Choir present-           cause it is a home stretch away from
                                                                         ed the Make Jesus Famous: Throwback          Eastern.
                                                                         concert part 2 as part of the African-          Fisher said when she is singing with
                                                                         American Heritage Month celebration.         the group, she feels rejuvenated and hap-
                                                                            Christina Craig, a member of the          py every time.
                                                                         Unity Gospel Choir, said she was part of        She said one of her favorite moments
                                                                         the first performance the group did for      with the group is when they travel back
                                                                         the throwback concert.                       from performances because it gives the
                                                                            She said it was a fun experience be-      group time to “goof around” and get to
                                                                         cause she was able to worship God with       know each other more personally.
                                                                         other people like some other schools that       Craig said to her, being a part of the
                                                                         attended.                                    choir has been a very nice experience and
                     PHOTOS BY R AINE ZHU |                                 Craig said she joined the group after     everyone is close with each other.
                   THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS                               she went to a performance of the Uni-           She said when they unite after every
(TOP) Sadie Armstrong, a member of the                                   ty Gospel Choir last year, and now she       concert, it is the most memorable thing
Symphonic Honers Initiative Program and                                  has been in the choir group for two se-      to her about the choir.
pre-college violinist from Mattoon High                                  mesters.                                        “We always prepare for our con-
School, plays violin during the Eastern                                     “I know back at home, I sing at           certs and we fast for them and it is like a
Symphony Orchestra performance called                                    churches,” Craig said. “I sing in my choir   bonding experience,” Craig said.
“The American Dream” in the Dvorak Con-                                  at church, and so I figured go ahead and        Thomas said she always enjoys com-
cert Hall of the Doudna Fine Arts Center                                 join. Have fun.”                             ing out to the Unity Gospel Choir con-
Sunday afternoon.
                                                                            All the Unity Gospel Choir members        certs and that she is a big fan.
                                                                         dressed in black outfits; the women wore        “I know gospel music in general for
(RIGHT)Teresa Richard, a principal flutist                               gold flower pins and the men wore gold       me is something that is inspiring and en-
of the Eastern Symphony Orchestra and a                                  ties.                                        courages me whenever I may be down or
member of the Etcetera Trio, plays the flute                                While they sang, the members swayed       am going through tough times,” Thom-
as guest artist in the second piece of the
                                                                         to the beats of the drums and high and       as said. “So it is an awesome inspiration
ESO - The American Dream in the Dvorak
                                                                         low vocals.                                  for the members to all be able to come
Concert Hall Sunday afternoon. The piece
                                                                            Chelsea Thomas, a health promotion        together.”
she played is for solo flute, harp and string
                                                                         graduate student, said she was brought in
orchestra, which was called Serenade for
                                                                         to come support the Unity Gospel Choir            Valentina Vargas can be reached at
Flute, Harp, and Strings, Op.35 by Howard
                                                                         because she had heard about it when she               581-2812 or vvargas@eiu.edu.

                                                                              STUDY TIP

                                                                                                                        Da  i l y
                                                                                                                           s t e r n
                                                                          Take Regular Breaks                           Ea
                                                                           Studying too often or
                                                                                for too long can
                                                                                     actually be
                                                                                                                         N  e w s ?
                                                                           Be sure to schedule a
                                                                            few breaks into your
                                                                                study schedule!

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                                                                                                                                                                                      T h e D ai l y Eastern News
                                                                                                                                                                                           W W W. DA I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Monday, 02.25.19

                                                                                                                    The struggle is real
Look at the
big picture
of big news
   A lot of big news has broken this past week, and
the headlines are important things to look at.
   We have all heard about the Jussie Smollett case
and the complete 180 that happened, where he
became the suspect of a false report and convicted
of such charge.
   More recently than that, Robert Kraft, the
owner of the New England Patriots, was charged
with soliciting prostitution Friday.
   These are high-profile people committing
crimes, and because of the nature of their names’
status, finding news about both is easy and at the
forefront everywhere.
   In fact, is is so easy to just look at the bigger
names of these cases, and others like them, and
stop there to make a final judgment about the
   They are the big names caught doing wrong, so
what more is there?
   In both cases, there is a lot more for us all to                                                                                                                   LOGAN R ASCHKE | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
consume and there are very important things that
need national discussion.
   Starting with the Smollett situation, you need
to be caught up if you are not already.
   He had accused two people of beating him and
yelling homophobic slurs at him.
                                                          Mistakes happen; just move on and learn
   The police investigation found out he lied and            We are all humans, which means we all are                                                                        The past four months may no longer count as
he actually made it up, leading to his conviction         capable of making mistakes. Unfortunately, I made                                                                my new set of days clean and sober, but they did
for doing so.                                             a big mistake this weekend.                                                                                      count for something.
   But while the major attention is on the fact he           After being in recovery for almost four months,                                                                  As sad and down as I am, I will keep moving
was convicted of a crime, a major narrative we still      I had a minor slip up this past Saturday.                                                                        forward and I will make it through this slip up.
need to discuss is the talk about hate crimes.               Even though it was minor, it was still enough to                                                                 The best thing about all of this is that I had the
   Smollett’s intent may not have been to bring up        put me back at day one of recovery.                                                                              courage and strength to tell on myself, and I am so
the discussion of hate crimes and racism abroad,             When I realized what I had done, the guilt was                                                                blessed to have a large number of people I can rely
but he should not have to.                                completely unbearable, so I decided to tell my                                                                   on for support and strength.
   There are still too many instances of hate crimes      sponsor. I felt so terrible about the mistake I had                                                                 Without my sponsor, my family, my friends, my
that no one seems to worry or talk about, until it        made.                                                                                                            Higher Power and other colleagues in Alcoholics
happens to a celebrity or on a mass scale.                   My sponsor explained that these things happen                                                                 Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, I am not
   And this is a narrative that is talked about,          to those of us sometimes, but the good thing is                                                                  so sure that I would have stopped at this one slip
on smaller scales about smaller cases, but we as a        that I did not go on a bender after my slip up.                                                                  up.
society need to make sure it is always at the front          Why did I do what I did? I guess I was not                      ANDRE W PAISLEY                                  Just remember that you are capable of making a
of national attention.                                    clearly thinking, so I just thought taking a few hits   sides myself. I have been living a life of cleanliness   big mistake. However, you cannot dwell on what
   Whether it is a celebrity or a Muslim man killed       of marijuana would not be a big deal. But it is.        and sobriety and within one single second, it was        you did. You have to just pick yourself up and
in Indiana, which is one of five U.S. states to not          Marijuana is a mind-altering substance, and I        all undone.                                              move forward, knowing that you can get past it. It
have hate crime laws, according to NBC News, it           am in recovery from mind-altering substances.               My sponsor explained to me that although I re-       is not the end of the world.
happens and needs to be brought up constantly.               When it hit me that I had done this, I cried. I      lapsed, it could have been 10 times worse and I
   And the same needs to be the case with the             had basically thrown away 118 days.                     should be proud of the fact that I still have the set       Andrew Paisley is a senior journalism major. He can
deeper background of the Kraft case.                         One of the things I worried about the most was       of tools I learned to use and that I learned from             be reached at 581-2812 or at abpaisley@eiu.edu.
   Kraft’s name in the soliciting of prostitutes case     the fact that I had let down so many people, be-        my mistake.
in Florida is not the only piece of the puzzle, as

                                                           Should we really sell Montana to Canada?
there is a bigger ring of sex trafficking that needs to
be addressed and known about.
   According to USA Today, sex trafficking
accounted for 6,081 of the more than 8,500                   I have people who can back me for predicting                                                                     If not, then I am sure the state and country
reported cases of human trafficking in the U.S. in        this, so do not try me.                                                                                          could work out some amendment to the Consti-
2017.                                                        But weeks ago, I had the thought that in the                                                                  tution or something.
   So, this problem is not just in Florida and is not     future someone in the United States government                                                                      Secondly, if Montana were to be sold, would we
being enhanced by big names like Kraft.                   (probably a president) would try to sell some of                                                                 be losing anything?
   Like hate crimes, sex trafficking is a problem         the country’s land to reduce or fix the national                                                                    According to the U.S. Energy Information Ad-
everywhere that we need to think about, instead of        budget.                                                                                                          ministration, Montana is a substantial energy sup-
just reading that a celebrity was a bad boy.                 I originally assumed they would start with some                                                               plier to the rest of the nation and it is rich in both
                                                          of the smaller lands the U.S. claims, but I figured                                                              fossil fuels and renewable resources.
 The daily editorial is the majority opinion of           the states that would be better selling pieces would                                                                In fact, nearly one-third of the nation’s recover-
 the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.           be Hawaii and Alaska.                                                                                            able coal reserves are in Montana, and the north-
                                                             Both have some tourism flare (more so Hawaii),                                                                ern and eastern areas of the state contain large de-
                                                          but Alaska has oil and Hawaii has tropical foods                                                                 posits of crude oil and natural gas.
                                                          and such.                                                    DILL AN SCHORFHEIDE                                    Because of the mountainous geography of
                                                             I am being serious, I predicted someone would                                                                 Montana, fast-running rivers are created and the
  Letters to the Editor                                   try to sell these states to reduce the national bud-
                                                          get. Maybe Russia would take Alaska: It could
                                                                                                                  tional debt.
                                                                                                                     The petition on the website has a statement
                                                                                                                                                                           eastern two-thirds of the state are drained by the
                                                                                                                                                                           Missouri River and its tributaries.
 Those interested can inquire at opinions.
                                                          make relations better and it gets land that is in its   along with it, from the petition’s founder identi-          In 2017, Montana was the fifth-largest produc-
 DEN@gmail.com for all opinion questions,
                                                          backyard anyway (thanks, Sarah Palin).                  fied as Ian Hammond: “We have too much debt              er of hydroelectric power in the nation.
 submissions and letters to the editor.
                                                             Despite my crazy theory, I never actually            and Montana is useless. Just tell them (Canada) it          So, Montana is actually very useful and a state
 Please allow a week for us to publish let-
                                                          thought it would happen; that is, until this past       has beavers or something.”                               we want to make sure we get all the energy from.
 ters to the editor.
                                                          week.                                                      There are serious implications if this becomes           Of course, with business deals, the U.S. could
 The Editor reserves the right to not pub-
                                                             An online petition has called for Montana to be      an actual consideration for lawmakers.                   always have a royalty or some sort of share from
 lish letters. Letters that are 250 words or
 less will be prioritized, but longer ones will
                                                          sold to Canada to help reduce the national budget.         First, would they actually consider this?             Canada’s profits of the state.
 be considered by the editorial board.
                                                          So, instead of the Louisiana Purchase, we have the         USA Today showed multiple tweets from Mon-               But, it looks like another way to cut down the
 Please include your name and phone                       Montana Auction, I guess.                               tana residents who actually supported the idea,          national debt needs to be introduced.
 number to verify letters.                                   USA Today reported Wednesday that a petition         one saying to include the Dakotas, too.                     Or, at least a different state to be sold.
 For more information please call                         to sell Montana to Canada for $1 trillion was pro-         From the research I did, it seems as though the
 217-581-2812.                                            posed on Change.org. USA Today said the $1 tril-        U.S. could sell its own land, as long as it gives the      Dillan Schorfheide is a junior journalism major. He can
                                                          lion would only cover one year’s worth of the na-       buyer the sovereign rights to it.                               be reached at 581-2812 or dtschorfheide@eiu.edu.
                   Editorial Board
Editor- in-Chief              Managing Editor             News Editor                 Associate News Editor           Sports Editor        Assistant Sports Editor           Photo Editor              Assistant Photo Editor
Analicia Haynes               Kristen Ed                  Logan Raschke                Corryn Brock                    JJ Bullock           Dillan Schorfheide                Jordan Boyer              Thalia Rouley
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019       								                                                                                                                                              THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | NEWS

Alexis Paige, a junior marketing major and
one of the contestants of the 48th annual
Miss Black EIU Scholarship Pageant, per-
forms in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin
Luther King Jr. University Union Saturday                      JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS                                                                             JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
night.                                                   Deatrice Clark, Anesia Sandifer and Olabode              Step Afrika!, performs Ndlamu, a traditional dance of the Zulu people, Saturday night in the
                                                         Oladeinde perform during the Step Afrika!                Doudna Fine Arts Center. According to their program, Step Afrika! made this traditional dance

                                                         concert Saturday night in the Doudna Fine
                                                         Arts Center.
                                                                                                                  unique by featuring solos from each dancer as well as the addition of contemporary move-

    He said when he transferred to Eastern, the pag-
                                                         »    STEP AFRIKA!
eant was one of the first things he got involved with    CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
on campus because he helped out with one of the
contestants at that time.                                   Members of Step Afrika! spent the first 10 min-       competition by cheering for who they thought de-          traditions, including Ndlamu, a traditional dance of
    He said once he learned about the history of the     utes of the show showing off their talent while engag-   served to win each round.                                 the Zulu people, and “the gumboot dance,” a tradi-
pageant and its importance, he said he felt that it is   ing the crowd and introducing them to the different         The first round went to the “ladies” while the sec-    tional dance created by South African workers in the
important to come back to Eastern.                       styles of stepping.                                      ond round went to the “fellas,” but before a third        mining industry.
    “(Miss Black EIU) is something for the culture,         Matthew Evans, one of the performers, acted as a      round began, Evans said there was no need.                   Solo dances were performed as well, both for the
black beauty … black girls rock,” Williams said. “(It    host for the first half of the show.                        “We step better when we step together,” he said,       dancers to connect with the crowd and to show the
is) something made for us by us.”                           He explained to the audience how the show was         calling for an end to the step challenge.                 crowd how talented the dancers are.
    Business management major Chanel Carter was          going to play out and encouraged the crowd to clap,         For the next part of the show, members of Step            For the grand finale, all 14 of the dancers came to-
in the audience and said the pageant is unique and       stomp or cheer when they saw something they liked.       Afrika! made their way to the crowd and asked for         gether on stage and performed one final dance.
important.                                                  “The more energy you give to us,” Evans said, “we     volunteers in the audience to go up to the stage and         The dancers thanked the crowd for their contin-
    “It is important for the black women to be ac-       will give right back to you.”                            learn a stepping routine.                                 uous excitement and engagement throughout the
knowledged for black excellence on campus, and I            To show how much the crowd’s energy affect-              Evans led the tutorial for the step and then let the   show and invited them to learn more about Step Afri-
believe that everyone is doing great,” Carter said.      ed the performance, Evans announced a “step              newly trained steppers try out the routine on their       ka! at www.stepkafrika.com.
                                                         challenge”—a stepping competition between the “la-       own in front of the rest of the audience.
                     Imani Tapley can be reached at      dies” and the “fellas.”                                     In addition to spending time engaging the crowd,                            Hannah Shillo can be reached at
                      581-2812 or istapley@eiu.edu.         Evans told the audience they would judge the          Step Afrika! dancers showed the history of stepping                              581-2812 or hlshillo@eiu.edu.

                       AVAILABLE!                                                                   LOOKING
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6     THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | FEATURE PHOTO                                                                                                                                             MONDAY, FEBUARY 25, 2019

Step Afrika!

                                          The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation
                                                620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018
                                                   For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550                                                                  JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
                                                 For Release
“The fellas” in Step Afrika! do a skit for the audience          Monday,
                                                        while performing     February
                                                                         Isicathulo     25,night
                                                                                    Saurday 2019 in the Doudna Fine Arts Center. Isicathulo or “the gunboot dance” is a tradition that started in
South Africa during apartheid. The South African miners slapped their rubber boots to share secret messages with each other, and to entertain.

                              Crossword                                     Edited by Will Shortz                                    No. 0121
        ACROSS            36 What a bald tire       62 ___ Beckham Jr.,     1    2     3    4    5              6    7    8    9           10   11   12
                                                                                                                                                                        For rent
  1 Turkish bigwig           lacks                     three-time Pro
                                                       Bowler for the       13                             14                              15
  6 Norway’s capital      38 Ending with               New York Giants
                             neutr- or Filip-                                                                                                               Large, Modern 3 or 4 bedroom near campus. Freshly updat-
 10 Luke, to Darth                                  63 Pageant crown        16                        17                                   18
    Vader (“Star          39 “The View,” for        64 Many Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                                            ed: new flooring & paint. Porch & Basement. Large backyard.
    Wars” spoiler)           one                       candidates           19                        20                              21                    Lots of parking. Water & trash included. All bedrooms have
 13 Released from         42 Flower in a pond                                                                                                               locks! $360/bedroom www.myeiurental.com 773-372-8205
                                                    65 Fish trying to
    bondage                                            find Nemo in
                                                                                       22   23   24                       25   26                           ___________________________3/1
                          44 Finished, as a            “Finding Nemo”                                                                                       3 Bedroom apartment. Freshly updated w/paint, wood floors
 14 Bounce, as off a         cake                                           27   28                                  29
    billiard cushion                                66 In a foxy way                                                                                        and countertops. Free trash, WiFi & Video surveillance. Lots
 15 Israeli gun           45 Heading on a                                   30                                  31                         32   33   34     of parking. $350/bedroom. www.myeiurental.com 773-372-
                             personal bio                                                                                                                   8205
 16 Regal                                                   DOWN
                          47 Something                                      35                        36   37                              38               ___________________________3/1
 18 Bellum’s opposite        promised in a           1 Dismissive sound                                                                                     Looking for 2 quiet students or a couple for remodeled nice
 19 “___ Te Ching”           court oath              2 Opera solo           39              40   41                            42     43
                                                                                                                                                            upstairs apartment. Very reasonable. Near campus. Kevin
 20 Brother of Cain       51 Hot-rod engine,         3 Roman Catholic-                      44                       45   46
                             informally                affiliated
 21 Nothing more                                       university in
    than                  52 Love, in Latin            New Jersey           47   48    49                       50                                          Quiet apartments for older students. Variety of prices and lo-
 22 Yosemite and          53 Prefix with             4 Playboy founder,
                                                                                                                                                            cations. Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, Managing Bro-
    Yellowstone              friendly                  for short
                                                                            51                             52                              53   54   55
 27 Mike who was a                                   5 Ruckus                                                                                               __________________________3/29
    three-time N.L.       56 “A Nightmare on                                56                   57   58                       59     60

    M.V.P. with the          ___ Street”             6 Like bourbon
 29 Close
                          57 Cause
                                                     7 Country once



                                                                                                                                                              F O R RE N T
                             by the figures            known as Ceylon
 30 Big piles
                             named at the            8 Actor Chaney of
 31 Make a quick             ends of 16-, 22-          “The Phantom of
                                                                                                                                                             A re y  o u  a  la n
                                                                                                                                                                                    nts still
                                                                            PUZZLE BY SEAN BIGGINS
    drawing of               and 47-Across             the Opera”
                                                                            27 Close                                               50 One of the
                                                                                                                                                                  h  a p a r t  m e
 35 Address in a          61 Travel on Alaska        9 Texter’s “Holy                            40 Native New
                                                                                                    Zealander                         Brontë sisters         wit                 r t he fall?
    browser, for short       or Hawaiian               cow!”
                                                    10 “Terrific!”
                                                                            28 Actor Michael of
                                                                               “Juno”            41 U.S.C. or                      54 ___-Alt-Del
                                                                                                                                                              av a il a b le  fo
 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE                          11 Missouri’s ___       31 Stitch
                                                                                                    U.C.L.A.: Abbr.                55 Start of “The
                                                       Mountains                                 42 Funny Costello                    Star-Spangled                                  Let students know
  T   A   K   E T H I S      C R O A       K    S                           32 Go to bed,                                             Banner”
  O   N   A   L E A S H      U V U L       A    E   12 Puts the kibosh         informally        43 Openly gay                                                                       by advertising in our
                                                       on                                                                          57 Fish caught off                                Classifieds section!
  P   O   T   B E L L I    E D S T O       V    E                           33 “E pluribus ___”  45 Island with a                     the New England
                                                    14 Early North                                  lagoon                            coast
  A   D   I   A   L E A    R       N       A    H      American             34 Prepare for a
  Z   E   E     D O T      M M A   E       K    E      explorer John           photo             46 “It’s c-c-cold!”               58 Wedding
              M O W   B    I E L   T       A    R   17 Bug spray from       36 One of the        47 Pilferage                         affirmation
          C   A S E S E    N S I T I       V    E      S.C. Johnson            Huxtable kids on 48 Very, slangily                  59 Word before
      M   I   C H E L L    E O B A M       A        21 Podcaster Maron         1980s-’90s TV                                          “a bird,” “a plane”
                                                                                                 49 More than 60                      and “Superman!”
  P   E   R   S O N A L    S P A C E                23 Box on a concert     37 Australian winner    awards for
  R   N   C     T I P S      O B S                     stage                   of 11 Grand Slam     “Saturday Night                60 Baseball’s
                                                                               tournaments          Live”                             Hodges
  I   S   U     S I S      P T A   L       I    P   24 “___ the season
                                                       …”                                                                                                        Get them move-in ready!
  V   W   S         A S    I A   A I       D    A                           Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past
  Y   E   A   R O F T H    E M O N K       E    Y   25 Green building                                                                                            To advertise, call ...
                                                       certification, for   puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year).
              O M A
              E G A
                           C I D T E
                           E A D E D
                                                    26 Bit of butter
                                                                            Read about and comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019       										                                                                                                                      THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | SPORTS
Men's tennis team extends losing streak
By Vince Lovergine                        win.                                      Carr, 6-4, 6-1, at No. 3 singles. The
Men’s Tennis Reporter|@DEN_sports            They also clinched another win         Norse would go on to win the match
                                          against Northern Kentucky at No. 3        after securing the No. 5, No. 6 and
   So far this spring season, the East-   doubles to secure their eighth win as     No. 2 singles.
ern men’s tennis team has found it-       a doubles team.                              Ultimately, Northern Kentucky
self in unfamiliar territory. Two            “Starting off strong is huge in        earned a win thanks to Nathan
weeks ago, the Panthers were riding       doubles because it’s only a set and       Schwartz at No. 2 singles topping
high at 6-4, but since then the team      one or two breaks of serve can easi-      Jansen 6-3, 7-6, improving its record
struggled.                                ly determine who wins the (doubles)       to 2-5 as a team.
   Eastern has witnessed its longest      set and the (doubles) point is crucial       O’Brien and Hernandez were
losing streak of the season which         to winning matches,” Charbonneau          the only players for Eastern whose
stands at four matches. The Panthers      said. “It definitely gets things start-   matches went unfinished.
sit at 6-8 on the year, but they still    ed on the right foot taking the dubs         Even though Kingsmith has not
have tied their previous win total        point.”                                   produced the results he would have
from all of last season.                     The Flyers would eventually cap-       liked, he is still seeing light at the
   Over the weekend, Eastern faced        ture the match winning three points       end of the tunnel.
Dayton on Friday and Northern             in singles play, leaving three match-        “So far, our season has been okay,
Kentucky on Saturday, which result-       es unfinished after the Flyers reached    but everyone along with myself is
ed in two losses for the Panthers.        the deciding point.                       ready to step it up,” Kingsmith said.
   The Flyers handed Eastern a 4-0           Eastern, on the other hand, start-     “We have huge potential this season                                              FILE PHOTO | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
defeat and the Norse took home a          ed strong against Northern Kentucky       and I know we’ll do well. We just        Freddie O’Brien returns a hit during the Eastern men’s tennis match
4-1 win.                                  notching the doubles point, with          need to start recognizing the great      against Belmont in March 2018. Belmont swept Eastern 7-0.
   Dayton took home two of the            sophomores Mike Jansen and Daniel         team that we are, so we can start tak-
three matches in doubles action to        Hernandez winning at No. 2 doubles        ing down these bigger teams, instead     than we are,” Kingsmith said. “These     Tennis Center against Milliken Uni-
secure the match’s first point. The       over Nathan Schwartz and Blaine           of losing closely.”                      next couple weekends we will all be      versity at noon, and the Panthers
Panthers once again saw the doubles       Carr, 6-4, their seventh on the cam-         Kingsmith also added that the         ready to prove to everyone what kind     have a date with North Central Col-
tandem of junior Freddie O’Brien          paign.                                    team is ready for the challenge in       of team we really are.”                  lege Saturday at three.
and sophomore Logan Charbon-                 After that, the Panthers spiraled in   this upcoming part of the schedule.         Eastern looks to rebound this
neau picking up a 6-0 decision at         the wrong direction. To start singles        “We have amazing coaches that         weekend with its first home match of       Vince Lovergine can be reached at
No. 3 doubles, earning their seventh      play, junior Gage Kingsmith lost to       believe in us and push us to be better   the season at the Champaign Dobbs          581-2812 or vplovergine@eiu.edu.

Swim teams finish 5th and last in championship
By Tom O’Connor                           the final standings, for that mat-        nedy, freshman Katy Black, soph-         men’s and women’s diving, placed         Michalski has held the season in
Swim Reporter | @DEN_Sports               ter, were invariable from last year’s,    omore Sarah Lohman and senior            first in each event.                     high regard.
                                          when the men finished fifth and           Martee Grainger, trailed fifth-place        The Denver women’s team ac-              “We have a lot of talent that
   Even before the Eastern men’s          the women sixth.                          Western Illinois by just over a sec-     cumulated the highest point total        will develop and have a key role in
and women’s swimming teams ar-               “I’m so impressed by what this         ond to come in at sixth for the          in Summit League Championship            helping make this a stronger pro-
rived in Sioux Falls, their fate on       team has accomplished,” said East-        race.                                    history, with over 500 points more       gram,” Michalski said.
the final standings had, to a certain     ern head coach Jacqueline Michals-           Eastern profited off freshman         than the second-place team, South           Now that the championship re-
degree, already been decided.             ki. “From school records to top-10        Alex Adams, whose final time was         Dakota, in the final standings.          sults have been computed, and the
   No matter how many points              times to lifetime best, the accom-        only one second shy of four th              Senior Lauren Oostman broke           awards conferred upon the medal-
they could accrue in the Men’s            plishments this team has achieved         place, closing out the 200 Back-         the school record for both the           ists, senior Alex Laleian has begun
400-meter freestyle relay or the          is impressive.”                           stroke A-Finals in seventh.              100-meter backstroke and the             to contemplate on his swimming
Women’s 200-meter fly, noth-                 Eastern pulled out ahead of the           Adams preser ved a lead over          200-meter individual medley, while       career, from the rudimentary stages
ing could compensate for the lack         Summit League pack in the Men’s           Denver sophomore Nathan Rock             sophomore Ivan Escott unseated           of swimming to the collegiate level.
of a diving team, a disadvantage          400-meter freestyle relay, in which       for the first three legs of the race,    Tim Bird for first in the 100-me-           “It’s been an 18-year-long jour-
Eastern must grapple with at each         freshman Griffin Lewis, fresh-            but he could not maintain it over        ter butterfly.                           ney with the last four being the
championship appearance.                  man Forrest Baumgartner, senior           the duration of the final 50 meters,        But Michalski remains encour-         hardest,” Laleian said. “Some goals
   The Eastern men’s and women’s          Nick Harkins and sophomore Scott          when his opponent gained 1.27            aged by a core of emerging swim-         were achieved and some were not,
teams finished fifth and sixth re-        House took second, five millisec-         seconds on him to take sixth.            mers in the freshman, sophomore          but that’s the way it goes. I’m still
spectively at the Summit League           onds short of first-place South Da-          After capturing the men’s and         and junior ranks, optimistic of          proud of what I was able to over-
Championships, coming away with           kota’s time.                              women’s titles for five successive       their potential to enrich the pro-       come and have no regrets.”
a silver in the Men’s 800-yard Free-         With a time of 3:35.54, the            years, Denver added two champi-          gram and build from where the se-
style at a time of 3:01.91.               Eastern Women’s Freestyle relay,          onships to its arsenal of trophies       niors left off.                             Tom O’Connor can be reached at
   The placement of the teams in          composed of freshman Grace Ken-           and, with the sole exceptions of            As far as the season is concerned,       581-2812 or troconnor@eiu.edu.

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                                                        Sports Editor                                                                                                        T H E DA I LY E ASTE R N NEWS
                                                        JJ Bullock                                                                                                             D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
                                                        217 • 581 • 2812                                                                                                M O N DAY, F E B R UA RY 25, 2019
                                                        DENSportsdesk@gmail.com                                                                                                 N O. 103, V O LU M E 107

Tigers hand men’s basketball third-straight loss
By Dillan Schorfheide                                                                                                                                                              within good striking distance.
Assistant Sports Editor | @Eiu_journalist                                                                                                                                             Wallace just made a free throw for
                                                                                                                                                                                   Eastern and the Panthers trailed 65-
    Another bad offensive performance                                                                                                                                              58.
by the Eastern men’s basketball team                                                                                                                                                  Until the Tigers made a basket
extended its losing streak to three                                                                                                                                                a minute later, Eastern missed four
games, with a 75-60 loss to Tennessee                                                                                                                                              shots, two of them back-to-back after
State Saturday.                                                                                                                                                                    Mack Smith grabbed an offensive re-
    As was the case against Belmont                                                                                                                                                bound from Wallace’s missed second
Thursday (the best team in the OVC),                                                                                                                                               free throw.
Eastern could not find many easy                                                                                                                                                      Any of those shots would have put
shots and took some bad shots, lead-                                                                                                                                               Eastern at least within five points,
ing to a bad shooting night overall.                                                                                                                                               but instead followed the narrative the
    The offense could not get going                                                                                                                                                offense played out in the rest of the
at any point in the game, and even                                                                                                                                                 night.
though the Panthers had the chance                                                                                                                                                    After the made basket, Wallace
for a comeback late in the game, they                                                                                                                                              made two more free throws to keep
could not get their shots to fall and                                                                                                                                              Eastern within seven, 67-60, with
were not moving well on offense.                                                                                                                                                   1:18 left.
    Overall, Eastern shot 18-of-53                                                                                                                                                    But shortly after, Chaney made a
from the field (34 percent), and 7-of-                                                                                                                                             dagger of a three-pointer with 48 sec-
25 from three-point range (28 per-                                                                                                                                                 onds left to put the Tigers up by 10
cent).                                                                                                                                                                             and pretty much take the air out of
    In the five previous games before                                                                                                                                              Eastern.
Eastern’s loss to Belmont Thursday,                                                                                                                                                   What followed was the ever-hope-
the team averaged 79.4 points per                                                                                                                                                  ful strategy of fouling repeatedly by
game, in what was the best stretch                                                                                                                                                 Eastern, hoping for some missed free
of offensive play the Panthers had all                                                                                                                                             throws by the Tigers, but they made
season.                                                                                                                                                                            five out of the six free throws and
    Players moved off the ball, set                                                                                                                                                Eastern missed the only three shot at-
screens and got themselves good shots                                                                                                                                              tempts it could muster until time ran
that were not always contested or                                                                                                                                                  out.
forced.                                                                                                                                                                               Eastern is now tied for 5th in the
    But, against Tennessee State, in                                                                                                                                               OVC with Morehead State, who de-
what was the Tigers’ senior night,                                                                                                                                                 feated the Panthers at home this year.
Eastern’s offense was stagnant and had                                                                                               JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tennessee State got an important
no rhythm during hardly any stretch-           Shareef Smith takes a layup attempt while an Eastern Kentucky defender tries to swat it away during Eastern’s 67-                   win, as it set itself alone for seventh
es.                                            66 victory in Lantz Arena Jan. 31. Eastern is now 7-9 in OVC play.                                                                  place with three team just below it
    “I thought we fought hard, but we                                                                                                                                              tied with five conference wins for the
had far too many empty possessions,”                                                                                                                                               last current playoff spot.
said Eastern head coach Jay Spoon-             in a good game playing around the             season.                                       the game.
hour.                                          basket.                                          And, yet, Eastern had a chance to            At that point, Eastern had man-         Dillan Schorfheide can be reached at
    But, the Tigers’ seniors stepped up           They had help from Kamar McK-              tie the game or take the lead late in         aged to claw its way back and be          581-2812 or dtschorfheide@eiu.edu.
and played a great game, one that put          night, who scored the second-most             the second half.
them into a playoff spot.                      points for the Tigers with 15, and Mi-           “We had opportunities to cut into
                                                                                                                                                                          OVC GAME 16
    Armani Chaney got into foul trou-          chael Littlejohn, who led everyone in         their lead in the second half, but we
ble late in the game, with four fouls,         the game with five three-pointers and         missed some makeable ones,” Spoon-                                            TENNESSEE STATE
but he finished the night with 13              a game-high 21 points.                        hour said.                                                                    EASTERN ILLINOIS
points.                                           Eastern, on the other hand, only              Eastern trailed by 10 (39-29) at
    The only other senior that played          had two double-digit scorers, Josiah          half, and its deficit stayed above and                                           SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                         NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
for the Tigers, Stokley Chaffee Jr.,           Wallace with a team-high 19 and Ben           around 10, up until there were only
had eight points and nine rebounds             Harvey with 11 in his first start of the      two and three quarters minutes left in                      75                                                      60

Eastern eliminated from OVC tournament contention
By JJ Bullock                                      That lead would be the last one Ten-      was already a long shot headed into Sat-
Sports Editor | @DEN_Sports                    nessee State would need, as it would stick    urday, the loss made it a no-shot.
                                               until the end of the game.                       The Panthers’ last two games come
    The Eastern women’s basketball team            A pair of free throws by Pace with 13     against Jacksonville State on Thursday
was eliminated from Ohio Valley Con-           seconds to play drew Eastern back within      and Tennessee Tech next Saturday: Both
ference tournament contention follow-          two points, trailing 68-66. But Wooten        games will be played in Lantz Arena.
ing a 70-66 loss to Tennessee State Sat-       came back down the court with eight sec-         The Panthers’ role in those games as
urday night in Nashville and a Jackson-        onds to play and made both crucial free       far as the rest of the conference will be
ville State win over Eastern Kentucky on       throws to give her team a 70-66 lead.         concerned will be to play spoiler to Jack-
Saturday.                                          Eastern freshman Kira Arthofer then       sonville State and Tennessee Tech, both
    Eastern head coach Matt Bollant            missed a three-pointer with five seconds      of which are jockeying for seeding in the
knew before his team played on Saturday        to play, all but sealing Eastern’s fate.      conference tournament.
that they had been eliminated from con-            “We were up 55-51 and liked what             Jacksonville State is 8-8 in confer-
tention after he saw the result of the Jack-   we had done to get to that point,” Bol-       ence play, tied with Murray State in sixth
sonville State-Eastern Kentucky game.          lant said of the final quarter. “Give cred-   place. The Gamecocks will be looking to
Bollant however kept that information to       it to (Tia Wooten), she really stepped up     win and break the tie with the Racers and
himself prior to the game.                     and made plays. We got fairly good shots,     hopefully move up a spot and catch up
    “We had talked quite a bit about the       but I feel like (Wooten) stepped up and       with 9-7 Austin Peay.
conference tournament and we didn’t            we had some things go against us, a cou-         A loss for Jacksonville State would
play well in a couple of games when that       ple of missed rebounds and didn’t close a     bump them down into the same catego-
was our focus, so I tried to erase that and    couple of gaps that cost us.”                 ry as Southeast Missouri and Southern Il-
just focus on playing well and doing the           The loss dropped Eastern to 4-12 in       linois Edwardsville.
right things and keep growing,” Bollant        conference play, erasing completely what         Tennessee Tech will be fighting to
said.                                          little chance the team had left of making     break a three-way tie with Morehead
    The Panthers got 23 points from            the conference tournament.                    State and Tennessee-Martin, as all three
guard Taylor Steele, her career-high, and          The Panthers have two games remain-       teams are 11-5.
21 points from Karle Pace, but the ef-         ing and trail Southern Illinois Edwards-         Belmont has already clinched the top                                   DILL AN SCHORFHEIDE | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
forts of the sophomores were not enough        ville and Southeast Missouri, both 7-9,       seed in the conference, so Tennessee Tech     Karle Pace makes a pass attempt to Grace Lennox during Eastern’s 80-60 vic-
to overcome two late free throws by Ten-       for the final conference tournament spot.     will be playing Eastern potentially for       tory over Eastern Kentucky Jan. 31 in Lantz Arena.
nessee State’s Tia Wooten in the final sec-        Even if Eastern were to have beaten       2nd place.
onds of the game.                              Tennessee State however, the Panthers            The focus for Eastern in both of those
                                                                                                                                                                          OVC GAME 16
    Eastern entered the fourth quarter tied    still would have needed both Southeast        games however will just be continuing to
with the Tigers at 51-51 and took a 52-        Missouri and Southern Illinois Edwards-       develop as a basketball team and to send                                      TENNESSEE STATE
51 lead with 9:13 to play in the game.         ville to lose out the season, and Eastern     of the seniors on a good foot Bollant said.                                   EASTERN ILLINOIS
Tennessee State took the lead again with       would have had to win out and had tie-
5:55 to play after Cebria Outlow made          breakers fall in its favor to make the con-                JJ Bullock can be reached at                                        SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                         NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
two free throws, pushing the score to 58-      ference tournament.                                     581-2812 or jpbullock@eiu.edu.
56.                                                So, while the conference tournament                                                                   70                                                      66
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