Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of

Page created by Rose Adams
Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of
Cyril Holland

Cyril Holland
                                                  For the following article the editor has,
                                                  without shame, taken large sections from
                                                  two excellent books: Son of Oscar Wilde
                                                  by Vyvyan Holland and Constance: The
                                                  Tragic and Scandalous Life of Mrs. Oscar
                          (E Social, 1899-1903)   Wilde by Franny Moyle. There was little
                                                  original research apart from the discovery

                                son of            in the University of Glasgow Library,

      Oscar Wilde
                                                  Department of Special Collections, of the
                                                  picture of Cyril Holland in uniform. I
                                                  am extremely grateful to Merlin Holland,
                                                  grandson of Oscar Wilde, for his help and
                                                  for allowing me to use the family pictures
                                                  shown on these pages.


                                                  Cyril Wilde, the first son of Oscar Wilde
                                                  and Constance Lloyd was born on 5th
                                                  June 1885.

                                                  Oscar and Constance had met in the
                                                  early summer of 1881 at a tea party
                                                  in Devonshire Terrace. They were
                                                  immediately attracted to each other and
                                                  met regularly at social occasions over the
                                                  next few months. But in January 1882
                                                  Oscar Wilde left for a lecture tour in
                                                  America. What was originally planned as
                                                  a three month tour kept Oscar away for a
                                                  year. When he did return to London, he
                                                  stayed for only a few weeks before he left
                                                  for Paris where he intended to complete a
                                                                                               Oscar, Constance and Cyril on holiday near Cromer in 1892
                                                  play he had started to write in America.

                                                  It was May 1883 before Oscar and             I am engaged to Oscar Wilde and perfectly        Constance’s brother, Otho, was one of
                                                  Constance could renew their friendship       and insanely happy.                              several members of the Lloyd family who
                                                  and observers noted the bond between                                                          had reservations about Oscar Wilde.
                                                  them was becoming strong. Oscar              Oscar was captivated by Constance and            Oscar’s aesthetic tastes, his clothes and
                                                  undertook a short lecture tour of England    wrote to his friend, Lillie Langtry: I am        his airs and graces had caused him to be
                                                  and then boarded a liner for New York        going to be married to a beautiful girl called   taunted by many of his fellow students
                                                  to oversee the rehearsals of his play.       Constance Lloyd... a grave, slight, violet-      at Magdalen College, Oxford. However,
                                                  Although circumstances conspired to          eyed Artemis, with great coils of heavy          when a number of bloods tried to remove
                                                  keep Oscar and Constance apart for long      brown hair which make her flower-like            the furniture from his room they found
                                                  periods of time, they kept in touch by       head droop like a flower, and wonderful          themselves up against a more determined
                                                  frequent letters. By the end of November     ivory hands which draw music from the            man than they expected who threw them
                                                  Constance wrote to her brother: Prepare      piano so sweet that birds stop singing to        out, single-handed. Oscar had left Oxford
             Constance and Cyril Wilde in 1889    yourself for an astounding piece of news!    listen to her...                                 as winner of the Newdigate Prize and

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Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of
Cyril Holland

                                                                                                were far too solemn and pompous with             house coming to see how well he had done
                                                                                                their children, insisting on a vast amount of    it and to give him a little praise. He also
                                                                                                usually undeserved respect. My own father        played with us a great deal in the dining
                                                                                                was quite different; he had so much of the       room, which was in some ways more suited
                                                                                                child in his own nature that he delighted        to romping than the nursery, as there were
                                                                                                in playing our games. He would go down           more chairs and tables and sideboards to
                                                                                                on all fours on the nursery floor, being in      dodge through, and more room to clamber
                                                                                                turn a lion, a wolf, a horse, caring nothing     over Papa as well.
                                                                                                for his usually immaculate appearance.
                                                                                                And there was nothing half-hearted in his        When he grew tired of playing he would
                                                                                                methods of play One day he arrived with          keep us quiet by telling us fairy stories, or
                                                                                                a toy milk-cart drawn by a horse with real       tales of adventure, of which he had a never-
                                                                                                hair on it. All the harness undid and took       ending supply. He was a great admirer of
                                                                                                off, and the churns with which the cart was      Jules Verne and Stevenson, and of Kipling
                                                                                                filled could be removed and opened. When         in his more imaginative vein. The last
                                                                                                my father discovered this he immediately         present he gave me was The Jungle Book; he
                                                                                                went downstairs and came back with a jug         had already given me Treasure Island and
                                                                                                of milk with which he proceeded to fill the      Jules Verne’s Five Weeks in a Balloon, which
Cyril in Heidelburg in 1896                                                                     churns. We then all tore round the nursery       were the first books I read through entirely
                                                                                                                                                                                                 About 1902 – Cyril at Radley by the oak that used to grow near the pavilion
                                                                                                table, slopping milk all over the place, until   by myself. He told us all his own written
with a double first and hoped to become         The Wilde’s second son, Vyvyan, was born        the arrival of our nurse put an end to that      fairy stories suitably adapted for our young
a poet and a critic. To make his mark in        on 3rd November 1886. At about this time,       game.                                            minds, and a great many others as well.         pull a few lead soldiers out of his pocket to    While Bosie was away he attempted to
London he needed to create more publicity       a young man called Robbie Ross, lodged                                                           There was one about the fairies who lived       man the castle walls.                            mend the rift with Oscar but his letters
for himself and he managed to become the        with the Wildes in Tite Street. He was a        Like other fathers, he mended our toys; he       in the great bottles of coloured water that                                                      went unanswered. In 1894 he contacted
personification of aesthetic fashion. He        practising homosexual, and it is thought        spent most of one afternoon repairing a          chemists used to put in their windows, with     Over time Oscar spent more and more              Constance to beg her to ask Oscar to see
became an expert at self-promotion.             he started a physical relationship with         wooden fort that had come to pieces in the       lights behind them that made them take          time away from Tite Street. Oscar enjoyed        him. Franny Moyle, in her recent book,
                                                Oscar Wilde. It has been suggested that         course of various wars, and when he had          on all kinds of different shapes. The fairies   holding court over his admiring group            writes: Constance in an act of extraordinary
The Lloyd family overcame their misgivings      the birth of Vyvyan may have resulted in        finished he insisted upon everyone in the        came down from their bottles at night and       of young men, one of which was Lord              kindness and pity and incomparable
and Oscar and Constance were married            some post-natal medical difficulties for                                                         played and danced and made pills in the         Alfred (‘Bosie’) Douglas, son of John            stupidity and naivety, encouraged Oscar to
at St James’s Church, Sussex Gardens on         Constance which caused problems with                                                             empty shop. Cyril once asked him why he         Douglas, 9th Marquess of Queensberry.            travel to Paris to see Lord Alfred Douglas.
29th May 1884. On honeymoon in Paris,           her physical relationship with Oscar.                                                            had tears in his eyes when he told us the       Nellie Melba, the famous opera diva, told
Constance wore clothes to complement                                                                                                             story of ‘The Selfish Giant’, and he replied    the story of Oscar warning his boys that         Oscar travelled to Paris and there were
her husband’s aesthetic dress and, on their     Oscar did not consider that his                                                                  that really beautiful things always made        dreadful things happened to naughty boys         no communications between Oscar
return to London, the press reported every      relationship with Robbie Ross was                                                                him cry.                                        who made mothers cry. One of the boys            and Constance for some time. Even
detail of their social life.                    in conflict with his marriage and he                                                                                                             responded by asking what happened to             when Oscar and Bosie returned to
                                                continued to be a loving husband and                                                             ... Perhaps my father was at his best with us   naughty fathers, staying out until the early     London, Oscar did not inform his wife.
The couple leased a house in Tite Street and    father. His son, Vyvyan, recalled: Most                                                          at the seaside. He was a powerful swimmer;      hours, who made their mother cry far             Meanwhile Bosie’s father, the Marquess of
designed the interior with their architect to   small boys adore their fathers, and we                                                           he also thoroughly enjoyed sailing and          more.                                            Queensberry, was starting to make trouble
reflect the latest avant-garde styles.          adored ours; and as all good fathers are, he                                                     fishing and would take us out with him                                                           for Oscar. His disliked ‘effeminacy’ in men
                                                was a hero to us both. He was so tall and                                                        when it was not too breezy. I do not think      Oscar’s relationship with Bosie Douglas          and disapproved of his son’s association
Just over a year after the wedding Cyril was    distinguished and, to our uncritical eyes,                                                       we took to it very much; personally I was       seemed to alter Oscar’s character                with the effete Oscar Wilde. On one
born and Oscar wrote to a friend: The baby      so handsome. There was nothing about                                                             much too concerned for the plight of the        and behaviour, and by the spring of              occasion an enraged Queensberry arrived
is wonderful. Constance is doing capitally      him of the monster that some people who                                                          fish flapping about on the floor-boards. I      1893 some of his friends had become              at Tite Street to make various accusations
and is in excellent spirits... you must get     never knew him and never even saw him                                                            preferred helping my father to build sand-      disenchanted with him because of his             about Oscar and Bosie before being
married at once! Another friend observed        have tried to make him out to be. He was                                                         castles, an art in which he excelled; long,     treatment of Constance. However, when            removed from the house. Queenberry
that when Oscar first married: he was           a real companion to us, and we always                                                            rambling castles they were, with moats and      Bosie was abroad for four months after           hunted for Oscar and Bosie in their
quite madly in love, and showed himself an      looked forward eagerly to his frequent visits                                                    tunnels and towers and battlements, and         a disagreement with Oscar, the Wilde’s           favourite restaurants, hoping to make a
unusually devoted husband.                      to our nursery. Most parents in those days      Cyril aged six                                   when they were finished he would usually        marriage enjoyed a resurgence.                   scene if he discovered them together.

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Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of
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                                               At the Old Bailey Queensberry’s legal            to join her boys in Switzerland. After a
                                               team produced the names of all the young         short time there the manager of the hotel
                                               men with whom Oscar had associated.              discovered who they were and, to preserve
                                               Oscar withdrew his libel charge and the          the good name of the establishment, asked
                                               judge ruled that Queenberrry was justified       them politely to leave.
                                               in calling Wilde a sodomite. Oscar was
                                               arrested that evening and charged with           Constance, Cyril and Vyvyan now
                                               various counts of indecency. The following       moved to Nervi in Italy, close to one of
                                               day it was reported that his name had            Constance’s friends, the Ranee of Sarawak.
                                               been removed from the playbills and              Before leaving England Constance had
                                               programmes of his plays at the Haymarket         tripped on a stair-carpet and fallen down
                                               and St James’s Theatres. The plays were          a flight of stairs injuring her spine and her
                                               withdrawn by early May and his books             right hand. She had not recovered from the
                                               were removed from booksellers’ shelves.          accident and her health was deteriorating.
                                               Cyril was aware of some of the publicity         She looked after her children as best she
                                               relating to the case. Shortly before Cyril       could and the boys enjoyed the freedom
Cyril aged 7 at Cromer                         died he wrote to his brother: I was nine         of the surrounding countryside. When
                                               years old when I saw the first placard. You      Constance had to return to England to
It was Queensberry’s visit to Oscar’s club,    were there too, but you did not see it. It was   settle some affairs and to visit Oscar in
the Albemarle, that led to Oscar’s downfall.   in Baker Street. I asked what it meant and       Wandsworth Prison, the boys were left
Queensberry had visited the club and left      I received an evasive answer. I never rested     with her brother who lived near Neuchâtel
his calling card on which he had written,      until I found out...                             in Switzerland. Shortly after their
with a misspelling: For Oscar Wilde posing                                                      arrival the boys were told their surname
as somdomite. The card had been given to       Oscar’s creditors descended on the family.       would no longer be Wilde but would
the hall porter and was read by him and,       The contents of Tite Street were sold and,       be changed to Holland, an old family
possibly, others members of the staff. If      in the chaos, many valuable items were           name on Constance’s side. The boys had
Oscar ignored it, he would appear to admit     stolen. Although Constance had a small           practised writing their new names and           Middle and Upper Hall at Radley. The lighting had been changed before Cyril came to Radley.
his guilt. Oscar decided to sue for libel.     private income her family and friends            their possessions were checked to make
                                               came to her financial aid.                       sure the name Wilde did not appear on           prevent him gaining an interest in her          On her return from England Constance            That night Oscar took the ferry to Dieppe
The pragmatic solution would have been                                                          any of them. As a further disguise Vyvyan       private income, and a reconciliation            decided the boys would be sent to school        and assumed the identity of Sebastian
to avoid the scandal and leave the country.    Constance had removed the two boys               was told to respell his name Vivian. The        with him if he renounced his previous           in Germany and the family moved to              Melmoth. Oscar wrote to Constance inviting
Perhaps Oscar did not wish to travel           from their schools when the libel trial had      boys were told to forget they were ever         unhealthy associations. Oscar wrote to a        Heidelberg. The boys had little recent          her and the boys to visit him in Dieppe but
abroad when his play, The Importance of        started. Cyril had been sent to Ireland          born with the name of Wilde and never to        friend from Reading Gaol: ...As regards         experience of schools and when one of           Constance’s health had deteriorated again
Being Earnest, was enjoying such success.      while Vyvyan had remained in London.             mention it to anyone.                           my children, I sincerely hope I may be          the masters hit Vyvyan on the head with a       and she found she could not walk properly.
A factor may have been that the Avondale                                                                                                        recognised by the Court as having some          ruler, Cyril kicked the teacher in the shins.   It was suggested Oscar should come to visit
Hotel, in order to make sure he paid their     When Oscar’s trial was about to start at         Towards the end of 1895 the Hollands            little, I won’t say right, but claim to be      The boys were expelled and things did           Constance, Cyril and Vyvyan in Italy where
account, had removed Oscar’s luggage as        the end of April, a French governess was         moved back to Italy and in late December        allowed to see Cyril from time to time: it      not go any better at their second school        they were now living. But when Constance
security.                                      employed who took the boys to a remote           Madame Holland entered a private clinic         would be to me a sorrow beyond words            where Vyvyan and Cyril fought with the          received a letter from Oscar, postmarked
                                               resort, Glion, in Switzerland. Meanwhile,        run by a gynaecologist, Signor Bossi,           if I were not. I do hope the Court will see     pupils rather than the masters. By the end      Naples, delaying his visit to her by a month,
The case was committed to trial at the Old     at the Old Bailey, the jury could not agree      in Genoa. Constance hoped that an               in me something more than a man with            of April 1896 the boys were at Neuenheim        she knew he was reunited with Bosie.
Bailey and proceedings began on 3rd April      a verdict and a second trial was ordered.        operation would improve her mobility            a tragic vice in his life. There is so much     College, an English school in the outskirts     Constance wrote: I have latterly (God forgive
1895. Queensberry had engaged a team           When Oscar was given bail his friends            and the creeping paralysis in her right         more in me, and I always was a good             of Heidelberg. Vyvyan was unhappy there         me) an absolute repulsion to him.
of private detectives who had discovered       once again suggested he should leave the         arm and legs. By mid-January, although          father to both my children. I love them         and in 1897 he was moved to a Catholic
many details of Oscar’s homosexual             country but Oscar refused to go. On 25th         frail, Constance felt her condition had         dearly and was dearly loved by them,            school in Monaco.                               In early April 1898 Constance returned
activities. It was clear to most observers     May he was found guilty of committing            improved and in late February 1896 she          and Cyril was my friend. And it would be                                                        to Signor Bossi’s clinic to have another
that Oscar would lose the case but he          acts of indecency and was sentenced to           travelled back to England to visit Oscar        better for them not to be forced to think       On 19th May 1897 Oscar Wilde was                operation. It is thought the operation
remained oblivious to all the warnings         two years’ hard labour. Soon after the           who was now in Reading Gaol. Constance          of me as an outcast, but to know me as a        released from prison. Constance sent            may have been on her spine to release the
given by his friends.                          sentence was announced Constance left            was torn between divorcing Oscar to             man who has suffered.                           money to cover his immediate expenses.          pressure on the nerves that was causing

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Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of
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                                                                                                  eyes a boy educated at a Jesuit school was,      There was to be no cry of decadent artist,
                                                                                                  to all intents and purposes, a Jesuit himself,   of effeminate aesthete, of weak-kneed
                                                                                                  and there was no knowing what he might           degenerate. That is the first step. For that I
                                                                                                  say or do next. And my two years in an           have laboured; for that I have toiled. As I
                                                                                                  Italian school were, from their point of view,   roughed it month after month last year in
                                                                                                  bound to have affected me adversely.             the terrible plateau of Tibet, as I trekked
                                                                                                                                                   hour after hour, day after day, but lately,
                                                                                                  One of the reasons given for estranging my       over difficult country in dangerous times,
                                                                                                  brother from me was that we did not get on       when I was weary and ill with dysentery
                                                                                                  well together. But we surely did not quarrel     and alone in a strange and barbarous land,
                                                                                                  more than most brothers; and if our mother       it was this Purpose which whispered in my
                                                                                                  had been alive we would always have spent        ear: “It is the cause, my soul, it is the cause.”
                                                                                                  our holidays together. And although my           Many years ago, I laid to heart the awful
                                                                                                  brother and I hardly ever met after we had       truth we hear in Hamlet
                                                                                                  been sent to our different schools, the family
                                                                                                  could not prevent us from writing to each        “Purpose is but the slave to memory
                                                                                                  other. We corresponded regularly and were        Of violent birth, but poor validity.”
                                                                                                  always scheming to get together again.
1st VIII 1902 – Cyril Holland is in the back row next to the coach, H.M. Evans                                                                     This has been my purpose for sixteen                Radley 1st VIII 1902 – Cyril Holland at stroke
                                                                                                  Poor Cyril! He had a much more tragic            years. It is so still. I have often fallen away.
her increasing paralysis. Constance’s            The following year Oscar visited her grave       youth than I had. My own youth was filled        I have despaired, I have cursed my fate             April 1900 bow in Junior Trial Eights;           One of Cyril’s greatest Radley triumphs
brother suggested that she may have had          and wrote to Robbie Ross; It was very            with perplexity; his with the weight of          and mocked at the false gods. It is my              May 1900 bow at 9st 8lbs in winning              was when, now 10st 10 lbs, he stroked the
tumours. The result of the operation was         tragic seeing her name carved on a tomb –        knowledge which he was too young to bear.        purpose still. I am no wild, passionate,            Junior Trial Eight;                              Radley eight at Henley in 1902.
that Constance died a few days later before      her surname, my name not mentioned of            From the moment that he discovered the           irresponsible hero. I live by thought, not          July 1900 rowed at 5 in the 3rd VIII;            Ladies’ Challenge Plate. Heat 1: Radley v
her brother or her friend, the Ranee of          course – just Constance Mary, daughter of        implication of the placard which he saw in       by emotion. I ask nothing better than to            July 1900 rowed at 3 in his Social Four (9st     Jesus College, Cambridge. Reports of the
Sarawak, could reach her bedside.                Horace Lloyd QC. I brought some flowers. I       Baker Street, he began to form a resolution      end in honourable battle for my King and            8lbs);                                           races stated: Radley rowed 21 strokes in half
                                                 was deeply affected – with a sense also of the   which consolidated itself as the years           Country.                                            April 1901 rowed at 7 (9st 8lbs) in the          a minute, and 39 in the full one, Jesus taking
Just before Constance entered the clinic she     uselessness of all regrets. Nothing could have   proceeded. He hinted at it to me on several                                                          winning Scratch Eight;                           19 and 36. The boys led at once, and were
wrote to Vyvyan: Try not to be hard on your      been otherwise and life is a terrible thing.     occasions, but it was not until June 1914                                                            July 1901 rowed at 5 in 3rd VIII;                half-a-length ahead at the upper end of the
father. Remember that he is your father and                                                       when he was twenty-nine, that he wrote to        A.K. Boyd’s History of Radley states: The           July 1901 stroked (10st 2lbs) his Social         Island, and nearly as much at the half-mile.
he loves you. All his troubles arose from the    After the school terms finished in the           me from India in reply to a letter of mine       year 1899 brought a remarkable example of           Four;                                            Then Jesus drew up, and were but their
hatred of a son for his father, and whatever     summer of 1898, the boys returned to             about the years of our childhood:                [Warden] Field’s personal tolerance when            October 1901 recruited to Debating               canvas behind at Fawley Court Boathouse,
he has done he has suffered bitterly for.        England to be brought up by Constance’s                                                           he admitted to the School Cyril Holland,            Society;                                         reached by Radley in 3min. 36secs. It
                                                 Aunt, Mary Napier and Mary’s daughter,           When I returned to England in 1898, I            son of Oscar Wilde; he had formed no very           October 1901 stroked (10st 4½lbs)                continued to be a very hard race, Radley
Constance was buried in the Campo Santo          Lizzie. Vyvyan was sent to Hodder Place,         naturally realised our position more fully.      favourable estimate of Wilde at Magdalen,           winning Senior Four;                             just holding the advantage, obtaining
cemetery outside Genoa. The inscription          the prep school attached to Stonyhurst, and      Gradually, I became obsessed with the idea       and this was only four years after the trial        March 1902 won Senior Mile in 5mins 7            much shelter from the Bucks station. They
made no mention of her association with          Cyril to Radley with a view to going into        that I must retrieve what had been lost.         and imprisonment. The entry was accepted            3.5 secs;                                        rowed well, and above Bushey Gate began
Oscar Wilde. It simply said: Constance           the army.                                        By 1900, it had become my settled object         under promise of secrecy, and the secret was        May 1902 School Prefect (Head of Social)         to go away, leading by half-a-length at the
Mary, daughter of Horace Lloyd QC.                                                                in life. I told Ross of this years ago. I told   well kept. Sadly there are no documents             May 1902 stroked winning Trial Eight;            Leander Club. Jesus were done with there,
                                                 Vyvyan from Son of Oscar Wilde: From that        him that by his magnificent labours and          in existence to confirm that Warden Field           Stroke (10st 12½lbs) of 1st VIII;                and Radley drew clear at the end of Phyllis
The boys did not attend their mother’s           time onwards I saw very little of him. The       self-sacrifice he had almost accomplished        knew that Cyril was Oscar Wilde’s son.              Boxing – Heavy Weight – C. Holland               Court, and, rowing hard to the finish, won
funeral – the news was given to them at          family did their work of keeping us apart        my end. But he cannot do all. All these                                                              (10st 9lbs) beat E Thomas 11st 7lbs “pretty      by a length, in 7 min. 37 sec.
their respective schools, Cyril in Germany       very efficiently, and used our religions as      years my great incentive has been to wipe        The Radleian Magazine records some of               easily” and then Henderson “very easily”;        Heat 4: Radley v University College,
and Vyvyan in Monaco. Many years later           a pretext. There was no acceptable reason        that stain away; to retrieve, if may be, by      Cyril’s achievements at Radley:                     July 1902 Swimming – C Holland won               Oxford
Vyvyan wrote: My grief for my mother was         for this, particularly as I spent most of        some action of mine, a name no longer            July 1899 rowed at bow (8st 2lb) in his             Senior Long Race and Obstacle Race;              At 4.45 the Radley crew came out against
very genuine and deep. I worshipped her,         my holidays boarded out with Protestant          honoured in the land. The more I thought         Social Four;                                        Feb 1903 Sports – won Senior Half in 2           University College, who are Head of the
and all the weight of the world seemed to        families. I think my relatives were a little     of this, the more convinced I became             October 1899 still at bow (8st 7lb);                mins 19 secs; Won Senior Mile in 5 mins          River at Oxford, and had also entered for
descend upon me after her death.                 frightened of seeing too much of me; in their    that, first and foremost, I must be a man.       April 1900 came 2nd in Junior Cricket Ball;         9secs.                                           the Grand. The boys started with plenty of

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Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of
Cyril Holland

                                                                                                   From Son of Oscar Wilde: No letters              went up to London to see Mrs. Napier and
                                                                                                   passed between my brother and myself             came back on Sunday afternoon.
                                                                                                   on my father’s death. It was as though the
                                                                                                   revelation of his continued existence was to     I first read of his death in a paper at
                                                                                                   remain a secret even between ourselves...        breakfast and luckily one cannot realise so
                                                                                                                                                    great a loss in cold print or I don’t know
                                                                                                   At this time Robert Ross wrote a letter to us,   what I should have done.... And yet the
                                                                                                   care of the family solicitors. The letter was    ordinary person reads it without emotion
                                                                                                   sent to my brother to answer, and I never        and quite dispassionately.
                                                                                                   saw it myself; indeed I never heard about
                                                                                                   it until after my brother’s death, when Ross     I cannot put my thoughts into words, so I
                                                                                                   showed me Cyril’s reply and gave me a copy       will end.
                                                                                                   of it. It must be remembered that my brother
                                                                                                   was only fifteen and a half at the time, and     Yours very affectionately,
                                                                                                   had over five years of bitterness behind him.    Cyril Holland
                                                                                                   His letter ran as follows:
                                                                                                                                                    ...People who knew my brother at Radley,
                                                                                                   Dear Mr. Ross,                                   such as Nicholas Hannen and Louis
Warden Field and the School Prefects in 1902 – Cyril Holland is in the front row on the right                                                       Wilkinson [who, while at Radley, had           Cyril winning a race at Woolwich, probably in the match against Sandhurst in 1905
                                                                                                   Thank you so much for the kind letter you        engaged in correspondence with Oscar
dash and a slight bucket, and took the lead        swing, and finish, especially the latter, are   sent me. It was very kind of you to give         Wilde], assure me that none of the boys in     Vyvyan Holland wrote: He was not                news that his own Field Artillery brigade
for the first few strokes, but the bigger crew     quite remarkable in a boy: his work has         the flowers for us. I am glad you say that       the school had the slightest inkling of his    popular with his brother officers, who          was to remain behind for the defence of
got level at the Island, each rowing about         much improved. He is certainly for his age      he loved us. I hope that at his death he         parentage. Indeed, it was this perpetual       considered him pompous and intolerant.          India against possible aggression. At that
thirty-six. Soon after the ‘Head of the River’     the most promising oar we have had since        was truly penitent; I think he must have         sailing under false colours that militated     He would not join the small talk of the         time no one thought that with modern
began to swing out and put their weight on,        the days of Stretch, and we believe that had    been if he joined the Catholic Church and        against both my brother and myself ever        mess, mostly scandal or about sport. And        weapons a war could last more than three
and slowly went away from their plucky             he stayed, and gone to Oxford, he would         my reverence for the Roman Church is             forming any great school friendship. School    they could not understand anyone who            or four months, so this looked like no war at
young opponents as Remenham was reached.           have had a very fair chance of rivalling        heightened more than ever. It is hard for a      friendships depend so essentially on their     spent his ordinary leave in travelling about    all for those left, even temporarily, behind.
From there to the finish the boys rowed one of     the reputation of that excellent and much       young mind like mine to realise why all the      participants having no secrets whatever        Europe, studying architecture and visiting      My brother, pulling every string upon which
the gamest stern races that courageous little      lamented oarsman.                               sorrow should have come on us, especially        from each other.                               art galleries instead of hunting, shooting,     he could lay his hands, arranged for a
school has ever put up, and the greatest credit                                                    so young. And I am here among many                                                              yachting, or fishing. He adopted a pose of      transfer from the Field Artillery to a cavalry
is due to their stroke for keeping it up so long   Long before his triumph at Henley, on 1st       happy faces among boys who have never            Cyril left Radley at the end of the Lent       despising athletics, except as a means to       regiment in India which was going to
as he did and finishing it out so well. ...The     December 1900, Cyril, aged almost 15½,          really known an hour of sorrow and I have        Term 1903 and went to the Royal Military       keep fit, and yet with his athletic record      France to fight. This would have meant the
spurt made just past the clubs and again at        had gone to breakfast as usual in Hall, at      to keep my sorrow to myself and have no          Academy at Woolwich. In 1905 he won            there could be no accusation of sour grapes.    sacrifice of his whole nine years’ seniority,
Phyllis Court was a really splendid effort,        that time on the ground-floor rooms of the      one here to sympathise with me although          the mile and the two miles in their match      And he was always getting special leave on      as he would have had to take his place
which might have borne greater fruit had           Mansion. Here he saw the announcement           I am sure my many friends would soon do          against Sandhurst and was commissioned         “military duties,” which sometimes caused       as junior subaltern in his new regiment.
the lighter crew had choice of stations and a      of his father’s death in the newspapers and     so if they knew. But when I am solemn and        into the Royal Field Artillery. He served in   him to disappear for weeks at a time. I         This in itself shows in what direction his
calm day. It was pretty generally agreed that      heard it discussed by the older boys.           do not join so much in their jokes they stir     the United Kingdom until he was posted         gathered some idea of the nature of these       thoughts lay. In the end, plans were changed
the young Radley stroke had rowed one of the                                                       me up and chide me for my gloominess.            to India where he served from September        duties from the fact that he spoke German       and all the regular soldiers in India went to
best races of the day and showed a judgment        If Warden Field did know that Cyril’s                                                            1911 until August 1914.                        like a native, was an efficient draughtsman     France to be replaced by Territorials from
far beyond his years, in which the pluck of his    father was Oscar Wilde, it is strange           It is of course a long time since I saw father                                                  and sometimes grew a beard.                     England. So my brother arrived in France
crew gallantly backed him up.                      that he did not send for him to tell him        but all I do remember was when we lived          He did not forget Radley and presented a                                                       with the Meerut Division in 1914 and was
                                                   the news. The Rector of Stonyhurst told         happily together in London and how he            cup for Social Runs in 1903. Cyril stroked     While he was in India Cyril, on leave,          killed on May 9th, 1915, in what amounted
His coach, H.M. Evans, wrote: We expected          Vyvyan, although Vyvyan had thought that        would come and build brick houses for us         an Old Radleian Four at Marlow Regatta         managed to find time to trek four hundred       to a duel with a German sniper.
a great deal of stroke, and we can give him        his father had died long before. Perhaps        in the nursery.                                  and later, with another OR, wrote to the       miles to Tibet and also to visit China and
no higher praise than to say, that he more         the news of Oscar’s death arrived in the                                                         Radleian proposing the formation of an         Japan.                                          Vyvyan was serving in the same regiment
than fulfilled our expectations. He is apt to      newspapers on Warden Field’s breakfast          I only hope that it will be a lesson for me      Old Radleian Boat Club. It was many years                                                      as his brother and was only a few miles
lie back at times, and occasionally to rush        table at the same time as it arrived on         and prevent me from falling into the snares      before the club came into being but Cyril      Vyvyan Holland: Towards the end of              away when he heard of Cyril’s death.
forward when rowing fast; but his length,          Cyril’s.                                        and pitfalls of this world. On Saturday I        had played a part in its evolution.            August 1914 Cyril received the shattering

 16     the old radleian 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the old radleian 2011                       17
Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of
Cyril Holland

                                                                                                                                                                                        University of Glasgow Library, Department of Special Collections
Cyril Holland in a letter to his brother: ‘I ask nothing better than to end in honourable battle for my King and Country’
Above: Cyril Holland’s grave at the St. Vaast Post Military Cemetery, Richebourg-l’Avoué

Footnote: another C. Holland of the Royal         Son of Oscar Wilde                                 Constance: The Tragic and Scandalous
Field Artillery, Lieutenant Charles T.            Merlin Holland (Foreword),                         Life of Mrs. Oscar Wilde
Trevenan Holland, was killed on the same          Vyvyan Holland (Author)                            Franny Moyle (Author)
day as Cyril Holland, 9th May 1915.               Publisher: Oxford Paperbacks (Dec. 1988)           Publisher: John Murray (June 2011)
                                                                                                                                            Cyril Holland, probably taken soon after
                                                  ISBN-10: 0192821970                                ISBN-10: 1848541627
                                                                                                                                            he had joined the Royal Field Artillery
                                                  ISBN-13: 978-0192821973                            ISBN-13: 978-1848541627

18     the old radleian 2011                                                                                                                   the old radleian 2011                   19
Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of Cyril Holland (E Social, 1899-1903) son of
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