Cutting Victoria's emissions 2021-2025 - Land use, land use change and forestry sector emissions reduction pledge - Climate Change

Page created by Clifford Walsh
Cutting Victoria's emissions 2021-2025 - Land use, land use change and forestry sector emissions reduction pledge - Climate Change
cutting      Land use, land use change
Victoria’s   and forestry sector emissions
emissions    reduction pledge
2021–2025    Minister’s foreword                                               This pledge builds on our ambitious plan to
                                                                               improve biodiversity over the next 20 years by
             Preserving and enhancing our                                      supporting the restoration of 100,000 hectares
             natural environment is an essential                               of habitat by 2030. It will also help us secure a
                                                                               sustainable, long-term future for the Victorian
             function of the Victorian Government.
                                                                               plantation forestry industry.
             We cherish the natural environment
                                                                               New funding will support Traditional Owner
             not just for its intrinsic beauty and
                                                                               participation in land restoration initiatives, and
             value, but also for the indispensable                             deliver a long-term income stream for rural
             resources that it provides to our                                 landholders to restore habitat, improve on-farm
             community and our economy – from                                  productivity and capture carbon.
             the basic essentials of water and food,                           Importantly, pledge measures will boost
             to the delights of outdoor recreation                             investment in regional Victoria, support jobs
             and the spiritual enrichment that it                              in land management and agriculture-related
             provides to so many.                                              fields and contribute to the post-coronavirus
                                                                               (COVID-19) pandemic recovery across the state.
             The land use, land use change and forestry
             (LULUCF) sector pledge comprises two
             primary elements: restoring degraded
             landscapes and planting millions of new
             trees. These initiatives will not only remove
             emissions from the atmosphere, but deliver
             a range of social, economic and environmental
             benefits including enhanced biodiversity,
                                                                               The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP
             reconnection and healing of Country for
                                                                               Minister for Energy,
             Traditional Owners, improved water and air
                                                                               Environment and Climate Change
             quality, and a strengthened capacity to adapt
                                                                               Minister for Solar Homes
             to and manage the impacts of climate change.

             cutting Victoria’s emissions 2021–2025 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector emissions reduction pledge   01
Cutting Victoria's emissions 2021-2025 - Land use, land use change and forestry sector emissions reduction pledge - Climate Change
Emissions are released       Overview of land                                                                        When sequestration is greater than
                                                                                                                     emissions, the sector operates as a ‘net sink’
when vegetation is           use, land use change                                                                    for emissions – storing more carbon
decomposed, removed,
permanently damaged          and forestry sector                                                                     than it emits. In 2019, the sector emitted
                                                                                                                     2.1 Mt CO2-e but sequestered 19.5 Mt CO2-e,
in bushfires1 or degraded    The land use, land use change and                                                       thereby providing a net sink for greenhouse
                                                                                                                     gases of 17.4 Mt CO2-e. This was equivalent
due to climate change        forestry (LULUCF) sector covers
                                                                                                                     to around 19 per cent of Victoria’s total
                             emissions resulting from activities                                                     emissions in that year.
                             affecting land use and vegetation cover,
                                                                                                                     The LULUCF sector fluctuated between
                             including land clearing and regeneration,
                                                                                                                     being a net source and a net sink of
                             forest management and plantations on                                                    emissions between 1990 and 2012. Since
                             public and private land.2                                                               2012, LULUCF emissions have consistently
                             The sector is both a source of emissions and                                            declined and the sector has been a net sink,
                             a means of sequestering (removing) emissions                                            thus playing an important role in Victoria’s
                             from the atmosphere.                                                                    emissions reductions.

                             LULUCF sector emissions (1990–2019)


                            Mt CO2-e    15
                                             1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

                                          Forest converted to other land uses     Harvested wood products                Land converted to forest land           Cropland remaining cropland
                                          Other (wetlands, settlements)           Grassland remaining grassland          Forest land remaining forest land       Net emissions LULUCF

                                       Source: State and Territory Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2019 (DISER 2021)

                                       Bushfires release significant amounts of carbon dioxide, but forests generally recover over time, generating a significant carbon sink in the years
                                       following the fire.
                                       Other sources (croplands, wetlands and existing settlements) make a smaller contribution to total net LULUCF emissions and were relatively
                                       stable between 1990 and 2019.

                             cutting Victoria’s emissions 2021–2025 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector emissions reduction pledge                                               02
Cutting Victoria's emissions 2021-2025 - Land use, land use change and forestry sector emissions reduction pledge - Climate Change
Emissions reduction
 Protecting and enhancing Victoria’s                              carbon
 natural sources of carbon storage will                           emissions
 be essential to achieving our legislated
 target of net-zero emissions by 2050.
 This sector will also play an important
 role in meeting interim targets along
 the way.
 Current emissions reduction opportunities                                                  Trees
 for the LULUCF sector in Victoria include:
 /   Improved forest and land management
 /   Revegetation and restoration of public and
     private land
 /   Support for timber plantations
 /   Working with landholders to increase
     on-farm forestry, shelterbelts and                                                                     Blue
     environmental plantings.                                                  Soil                         carbon
 There is also emerging emissions                                              carbon
 reduction potential in soil and coastal
 and marine ecosystems.
 Activities to enhance emissions reductions
 in this sector also deliver multiple benefits
 including revitalising Victoria’s landscapes,
 increasing on-farm productivity, enhancing
 biodiversity, improving water and air quality,
 and healing Country.
                                                                  Emissions are sequestered and stored as carbon
                                                                  in vegetation and soils, and as ‘blue carbon’ in coastal
                                                                  and marine ecosystems. Carbon is also stored temporarily
                                                                  in wood products made from harvested forests.

cutting Victoria’s emissions 2021–2025 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector emissions reduction pledge        03
Cutting Victoria's emissions 2021-2025 - Land use, land use change and forestry sector emissions reduction pledge - Climate Change
Emissions reduction
pledge 2021–2025
Actions to be taken under the
LULUCF sector pledge will help
protect and add to existing sources
of natural carbon storage. These
actions will work alongside our existing
ambitious plan to stop the decline
of our native plants and animals and
improve our natural environment –
Protecting Victoria’s Environment:
Biodiversity 2037.
The pledge also complements other plans
for Victoria’s recovery from the devastating
2019–20 bushfires as we move into longer-term
rebuilding and recovery for our communities
and biodiversity. Bushfire recovery is essential
to ensuring the future health of our forests.
Our main focuses in this pledge are:
/   Investing in low-carbon landscapes through
                                                                                            under the LULUCF sector
    sustainable plantations and incentivising
                                                                                       pledge will reduce emissions in
    plantings of shelterbelt trees and agroforestry
                                                                                             Victoria by an estimated
    Restoring natural habitat on public and

                                                                                                                0.5 Mt
    private land to enhance carbon storage
/   Caring for our forests.
                                                                                                             CO2-e in 2025 and

                                                                                                                1.4 Mt
                                                                                                                   CO2-e in 2030 1

1 These emissions estimates represent the difference between projected emissions with these actions in 2025 and in 2030 compared to projected
  emissions without these actions.

cutting Victoria’s emissions 2021–2025 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector emissions reduction pledge                        04
Cutting Victoria's emissions 2021-2025 - Land use, land use change and forestry sector emissions reduction pledge - Climate Change
Emissions reduction actions
Low carbon landscapes                                The Victorian Carbon Farming Program
                                                                                                                       Nature Restoration
The Victorian Forestry Plan and the
                                                     This $15.33 million program will be delivered
                                                     over 10 years to provide incentives for private
                                                                                                                       for Carbon Storage
Gippsland Plantations Investment Program             landowners to plant shelterbelt trees and                         BushBank Program
Timber harvesting has ceased in 90,000 hectares      engage in agroforestry. The program will                          This $76.98 million program will incentivise
of Victoria’s remaining old growth forest, and       also support private landholders to access                        private and public landowners to restore
all native forest timber harvesting will be phased   existing incentives and carbon markets,                           and protect natural habitats and diversify
out by 2030.                                         enabling them to realise productivity benefits                    income streams. Revegetation and restoration
                                                     and new income streams.                                           will reduce net emissions while improving
The Victorian Forestry Plan will assist the
forestry industry as it manages its gradual          Victorian Forest Nursery                                          habitat, healing Country and improving soil
transition away from native forest harvesting                                                                          and water quality.
                                                     A $2 million grant has been provided
to a plantation-based timber supply. Under                                                                             New economic opportunities will be available
                                                     to VicForests to establish the $10 million
this long-term plan, a $120 million package                                                                            for Traditional Owners in land restoration
                                                     Victorian Forest Nursery in Nowa Nowa
will ensure workers, businesses and communities                                                                        and carbon markets. Traditional Owner
                                                     in East Gippsland to increase the eucalypt
have the certainty and support they need during                                                                        involvement in this program will be consistent
                                                     seedling supply chain and create 30 new
the transition.                                                                                                        with the Victorian Government's approach
                                                     jobs, as part of the Gippsland Plantations
The $110 million Gippsland Plantations               Investment Program. The nursery will produce                      to self-determination.
Investment Program will provide incentives           up to 5 million seedlings each year, which will                   There will be opportunities for Traditional
for plantation investors to undertake                support planting and reforestation of around                      Owners to identify priority values and locations
industrial-scale planting to bolster Victoria's      5,000 hectares annually.                                          for restoration, pursue training and capacity
timber supplies.                                                                                                       building opportunities, investigate new
                                                                                                                       emissions-reduction methodologies for cultural
                                                     These programs                                                    practices, and seek out natural-resource related
                                                     will plant up to                                                  economic opportunities.


                                                     cutting Victoria’s emissions 2021–2025 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector emissions reduction pledge    05
Cutting Victoria's emissions 2021-2025 - Land use, land use change and forestry sector emissions reduction pledge - Climate Change
Carbon Sequestration Agreements
                                                    Caring for our forests                                            Bushfire recovery
Since 2016, reforestation has been                                                                                    The Government has established a permanent
happening on parcels of Victorian Crown             Future forests                                                    dedicated agency, Bushfire Recovery Victoria
Land under pilot Carbon Sequestration               The Victorian Government is undertaking                           (BRV), to work directly with local communities
Agreements (CSAs).                                  a major program of forest management reform                       impacted by Victoria’s devastating bushfires
                                                    in response to challenges including climate                       of 2019–2020. We continue our support for BRV
The Government will explore CSAs
                                                    change, population growth and changing                            with a further $123.8 million to be invested over
as a mechanism for land restoration under
                                                    community needs.                                                  four years.
the new Nature Restoration for Carbon
Storage Program.                                    The Victorian Cultural Landscapes Strategy,                       The Bushfire Biodiversity Response and
                                                    written by Traditional Owners, will set out                       Recovery program is also continuing following
Emerging soil and blue carbon opportunities                                                                           publication of the report Victoria’s bushfire
                                                    how they can lead planning and management
We will continue to explore emerging                of Country in line with cultural obligations                      emergency: Biodiversity response and recovery.
opportunities in soil carbon and blue carbon,       to care for Country. The aspirations outlined                     An additional $29 million has been committed
including supporting collaboration with             in this strategy will underpin two key and                        by the Victorian Government, bringing the
the national Clean Energy Regulator and             complementary land management strategies                          total investment by government to support
engagement with the Australian Government           currently in development – Parks Victoria’s                       biodiversity response and recovery to
to improve access to Commonwealth funding           Land Management Strategy and the State                            $51.5 million (in addition to $9.8 million from
for these activities.                               Forest Management Strategy. In combination,                       the Australian Government). This program
The Victorian Government has invested               these three strategies will guide forest and                      continues to guide priorities as we coordinate
$600,000 in establishing science standards          parks management decisions across the state.                      and deliver actions to support and protect
and trialling the development of blue carbon                                                                          Victoria’s plants and animals following the fires.
                                                    Regional Forest Agreements
restoration techniques for coastal wetlands.
                                                    Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) are
Victorian expertise has been instrumental           agreements between the state and the
in finalising the forthcoming national guidelines   Commonwealth that provide for sustainable
for including blue carbon ecosystems in the         management and use of Victoria’s forests.
Emissions Reduction Fund. The guidelines            The Australian and Victorian Governments
are expected to be published in mid–2021 and        have modernised and extended the Victorian
will enable public and private sector investment    RFAs until 30 June 2030, bolstering protections
in blue carbon.                                     for the state’s unique forest biodiversity
                                                    and threatened species, and adding new
                                                    commitments to work with Traditional Owners
                                                    to protect Country.

                                                    cutting Victoria’s emissions 2021–2025 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector emissions reduction pledge   06
 We acknowledge and respect Victorian Traditional Owners as the original custodians of Victoria's land and waters, their unique ability to care for Country and
 deep spiritual connection to it. We honour Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and traditional practices.
 We are committed to genuinely partner, and meaningfully engage, with Victoria's Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities to support the protection
 of Country, the maintenance of spiritual and cultural practices and their broader aspirations in the 21st century and beyond.

© The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, May 2021.

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ISBN 978-1-76105-537-9 (pdf/online/MS word)

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                                                           cutting Victoria’s emissions 2021–2025 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector emissions reduction pledge    07
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