Page created by Bill Reese


      Personal information
      Main position
      Additional positions
      Academic career
      Medical career
      Non-profit activities
      University courses
      Awards and distinctions
      Distinguished lectures
      Research grants
      Policy assessments

   Social Sciences
      Authored books, edited volumes and others
      Scientific articles and other papers
      Book chapters
      Public Events
      Other documents
   Medicine and Public Health
      Books and special journal issues
      Scientific articles
      Book chapters
      Other documents


     French citizen
     Address: 13 Gödel Lane Princeton, NJ 08540, United States
                       28, rue Aristide Briand, 95520 Osny, France

Anthropologist, sociologist and physician (M.D., M.P.H., PhD)

James D. Wolfensohn Professor, Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (1st July 2009-)
Professor at the Collège de France, Moral and Social Issues in Contemporary Societies (1st October 2022-)

Director of Studies at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (1999-)
Visiting Professor in the Anthropology Department at Princeton University (2010-)

Doctorate in Internal Medicine – Advisor: Tawfik Nacef (University Paris 6, 1982)
Master’s Degree in Anthropology (University Paris 5, 1985)
Master’s Degree in Epidemiology, Statistics and Computing (University Paris 11, 1986)
Doctorate in Social Sciences – Advisor: Georges Balandier (EHESS, 1988)
Habilitation in Public Health (University Paris 6, 1994)
Habilitation in Social Sciences – Guarantor: Marc Augé (EHESS, 1995)

Research Fellow at Inserm and Orstom, Senegal (1984-1986)
Research Fellow at Institut français des études andines, Ecuador (1989-1991)
Associate Professor in Sociology, University Paris 13 (1991-1997)
Professor of Sociology, University Paris 13 (1997-2007), “classe exceptionnelle” (2007-2009)
Director of Studies in Political Anthropology and Morality at EHESS (1999-)
James D. Wolfensohn Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (2009-)
Visiting Professor in Anthropology at Princeton University (2010-)
Visiting Professor at The University of Hong Kong (2010-2013), Honorary Professor (2014-2016)
Distinguished Visiting Mellon Professor at University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg (2013)
Distinguished Visiting Professor at University of Cambridge (2017)
Annual Chair of Public Health at the Collège de France (2019-2021)

Resident in Internal Medicine at Paris University Hospitals (1979-1980, 1982-1984, 1986-1987)
Medical Coordinator of The Home for Dying Destitutes in Calcutta – India (1980-1981)
Resident in Cardiology at the Hospital La Rabtah – Tunis (1981-1982)
Founder and Coordinator of the Program for the Prevention of Rheumatic Fever – Tunisia (1981-1982)
Assistant Professor in Infectious Diseases – Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital (1987-1989)

Founder and Director of the Villermé Unit (social and medical unit for patients without insurance), – Avicenne
   Hospital, Bobigny (1996-2003)

Director-founder, CRESP, Center for Research for Issues in Public Health, Inserm -UP 13 (1995-2006)
Director-founder, IRIS, Interdisciplinary Institute of Social Issues, CNRS-Inserm-EHESS-UP 13 (2007-2010)
Deputy Director and Co-founder, Maison des sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord (2001-2009)
Chair of the Deparment of Social Sciences, Medical School, University Paris 13 (2001-2009)
Chair of the Commission of Sociology and Anthropology, University Paris 13 (2004-2008)
Coordinator of the Master’s Degree Health Population Social Policies EHESS-Univ. Paris 13 (2006-2009)
Vice-President, then President, Humanities and Social Sciences, French Research Agency (2005-2006)
Member of the Doctoral Commission in Social Sciences of École normale supérieure (2008-2009)
Executive Officer of the School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study (2014-)
Coordinator of the Summer Program in Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study (2015-)
Founder and Chair of Ethics Committee of the Institute for Advanced Study (2019-)

Project Officer of the Interdisciplinary Program for Urban Research (PirVilles), CNRS (1992-1996)
Member of the National Commission for Research in Development (1992-1993)
Member of Health and Precarity Working Group, French High Committee for Public Health (1996-1997)
Member of the Administration Board, Medical School, Bobigny (1998-2002)
Member of the Scientific Council, Inserm, French Institute for Research on Health and Medicine (2001-2003)
Member of the Administration Board, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2001-2005)
Member of the Advisory Board, National Commission on Racial Discrimination (1999-2002)
President of the Social Sciences Committee of the National Agency of Research on AIDS (2003-2006)
Vice-President of the National AIDS & Viral Hepatitis Council (2004-2006)
President of the Committee for the Evaluation of French University Programs in Cooperation (2005)
Member of the Ethics Committee of the National Institute for Agricultural Research (2007-2010)
Member of the Scientific Council of the University Alliance of Paris Cité (2010-2013)
Member of the International Consultative Commission of UNAIDS for HIV Prevention (2010)
Member of the Scientific and Strategic Council of the Collège de France (2010-2014)
Member of the World Anthropologies Committee of the American Anthropological Association (2010-2013)
Member of the Ethics Committee of the Pasteur Institute of Paris (2014-2017)
Member of the Scientific Council of the Ombudsman on Prisons (2017-2020)
Member of the Scientific Council of the City of Paris (2007-)
President of the Scientific Council of the Hospital Foundation for Precarity Research (2020-2021)

Co-editor of the collection Sociologiques by Anthropos/Economica (1994-2012)
Member of the Advisory Board of Mouvements (1998-2002)
Member of the International Scientific Council of Social Science and Medicine (2000-2006)
Corresponding Editor of Medical Anthropology Quarterly (2005-2015)
Member of the Scientific Council of The International Journal of Migration, Health & Social Care (2005-)
Editor of Maux d’Exil published by Comede (2006-)
Editor of the collection Bibliothèque de l’Iris at La Découverte (2008-2013)
Associate Editor of Medical Anthropology (2009-2020)
Member of the Editorial Committee of Cultural Anthropology (2009-)

Member of the Editorial Committee of Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (2013-2016)
Member of the Editorial Committee of Cambridge Anthropology (2011-)
Member of the Editorial Committee of Anthropological Theory (2014-)
Member of the Editorial Committee of Etnográfica (2019-)
Member of the Scientific Committee of L’Homme (2016-)
Member of the Scientific Committee of Cartografie sociali (2016-)
Member of the Scientific Committee of Humanity (2010-)
Member of the Scientific Committee of Materiali Foucaultiani (2012-)
Member of the Scientific Committee of d’AM. Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica (2013-)
Member of the International Scientific Committee of Cuestiones Criminales (2017-)
Member of the Scientific Committee of Political and Legal Anthropology Review (2019-)
Member of the Scientific Committee of Thinking from Elsewhere, Fordham University Press (2020-)

Co-Manager of Training Programs for Doctors of the World (1986-1989)
Administrator (1999-2001), then Vice-President of Doctors without Borders (2001-2003)
President of the Committee for the Health of Exiles (Comede) (2006-)

Undergraduate (University Paris 13): Introduction to the social science, First year Medical School, B.A.
   in Life Sciences and in Economic and Social Administration (1991-2009)
Master’s Degree (University Paris 13): Anthropology and Sociology of Health (M.A. in Health and
   Social Sciences) (1991-2009)
Ph.D. (EHESS): Courses Political Anthropology of Health, Interdisciplinary Program on Medicine,
   Health and Social Science, Political and Moral Anthropology (1999-)
Doctoral courses at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Free University of Brussels, University of
   Cambridge, University of Hong Kong, National University of Colombia, University of São Paulo
Annual course, Princeton University graduate students, different annual theme (2010-)
Advisor to forty doctoral students in social sciences at EHESS (2001-).

Professeur de Classe exceptionnelle (2007)
Chevalier des Palmes académiques (2007)
Laureate of the Advanced Grant Ideas (European Research Council) 2008
Douglass Prize for the Best Book in the Anthropology of Europe for The Empire of Trauma (2010)
Honorable Mention for the Bateson Prize for Humanitarian Reason (2012)
Gold Medal in Anthropology from the Swedish Royal Academy of Science (2016)
Nomis Distinguished Scientist Award granted for the first time to a social scientist (2018)
Career Achievement Award of the French Red Cross for contribution to humanitarianism (2019)
Victor Turner Prize for Ethnographic Writing for Prison Worlds (2019)
Honorary Doctorate from the University of Liège (2020)
Fellow for a Writing Residency at the Villa Médicis, French Academy in Rome (2021)

Munro Lecture, University of Edinburgh, March 17, 2011
Elisabeth Colson Lecture, Center for Refugee Studies, Oxford University, June 15, 2011
Roger Allan Moore Lecture, Harvard Medical School, Boston, February 3, 2012

First Walter Goldschmidt Lecture, University of California Los Angeles, May 30, 2012
A.W. Mellon Public Lecture, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, May 21, 2013
Christian Michelsen Annual Lecture, Christian Michelsen Institute, Bergen, March 14, 2014
Nicholson Annual Lecture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 9, 2014
Tanner Lectures on Human Values, University of California, Berkeley, April 12-14, 2016
Adorno Lectures, Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt, June 15-17, 2016
Conférence Eugène Fleischmann, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, November 25, 2016
Inaugural Lemin Lecture, Rutgers University, April 17, 2018
Melvin Tumin Lecture, Princeton University, September 27, 2018
Harald Grimen Memorial Lecture, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, October 22, 2019
Eric Wolf Lecture, University of Vienna, Vienna, October 24, 2019
George Mosse Lecture, Humboldt University, Berlin, June 10, 2021
Page-Barbour Lectures, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, March 29-31, 2022

Author of 19 books, translated in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Korean, Chinese de
Editor or coeditor of 27 collective volumes in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Chinese
More than 200 as only or main author
Social science journals : Public Culture, Cultural Anthropology, American Ethnologist, American
   Anthropologist, Current Anthropology, Anthropological Theory, Social Anthropology, Anthropology
   Today, Ethos, Hau, Social Science and Medicine, Dissent, Qui parle?, L’Homme, Gradhiva, Anthropologie
   et sociétés, Theory, Culture and Society, Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, Revue française de
   sociologie, Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, Sociologie et sociétés, Sociétés contemporaines, Tracés,
   Annales, Genèses, Enquête, Revue française de science politique, Politix, Revue Tiers Monde, Critique
   internationale, Cahiers d’études africaines, Cahiers des Amériques latines, Sciences sociales et santé,
   Revue européenne des migrations internationales, Critique, Les temps modernes, Esprit, Études,
   Mouvements, Sciences humaines, West End (Germany), Antropologia (Italy), Etnografia e Ricerca
   Qualitativa (Italy), Revista de Antropologia Social (Spain), Kritisk (Sweden), Biograf (Czeck Republic),
   Tempo Social (Brazil), Palimpsestus (Colombia), Cuadernos de Antropologia Social (Argentina)
Medical journals: The Lancet, British Medical Journal, British Medical Bulletin, AIDS, EMBO Reports,
   American Journal of Public Health, International Journal of Epidemiology, Transcultural Psychiatry,
   Revue de médecine interne, Revue d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, Médecine/Sciences
Newspapers and magazines: occasional contributor to The London Review of Books, The Guardian, The
   Atlantic, Le Monde, Libération, La Vie, Mediapart, Politis, L’Obs, Le Magazine littéraire, Zadig,
   Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nueva Sociedad, and regular contributor to Alternatives Économiques.

Living Conditions and Health Inequalities. Stories, Events, Process, Insee-Mire (1993-1996)
Public Health. Evolution of a Culture and Constitution of a Field, Inserm (1993-1997)
The Local Production of Public Health. A Comparative Approach, PirVilles/CNRS (1995-1996)
Foreigners in Irregular Situations and the Exclusion-Integration Relationship, CNRS (1995-1999)
AIDS in Migrants of African Origin in the Parisian Region, Sidaction (1995-1999)
The Management of Poor Patients in Emergency Departments, RNSP (1997-2000)
Social Emergency Funds in Seine-Saint-Denis, Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs (1998-1999)
Suffering and Listening. The Subjectivation of Inequalities of Health, Inserm (1999-2001)
Lead Poisoning, Between Public Health and Social Housing, Ministry of Research (1999-2001)
The Politics of Drugs and The Government of Cities, National Program on Addiction (2000-2001)
Psychic Traumatism and Psychiactric Victimology, Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs (2001-2002)

Displaced Populations. The Biopolitics of a Natural Catastrophe, Ecos-Nord Venezuela (2003-2005)
The Social Sense of Racial Discrimination, MiRe (2003-2005).
Social and Racial Inequalities in Colombia, Ecos-Nord Colombia (2004-2005)
The Social Uses of Pyschic Traumatism, CNRS-Inserm-MiRe, 2002-2005)
Bodies of Victims and Subjectivities, Ministry of Research (2005-2007)
Moral Sentiments and Local Justice in Health Care in South Africa, ANRS (2006-2008)
The New Frontiers of French Society. Beyond Immigration, ANR (2006-2009)
Towards a Critical Moral Anthropology, Advanced Grant, European Research Council (2009-2012)
Politics and Experience of Asylum in South Africa, Mellon Foundation (2013)
Ethnography and Policing, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (2014)
Public Ethnography, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (2014)
Borders and Boundaries, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (2017)
Summer Program in Social Sciences for scholars of the Global South, Mellon Foundation (2017-2025)
Crisis. A Global Inquiry into the Contemporary Moment, Nomis Foundation (2018-2023)

Design of the HIV/AIDS Program in Peru, European Union (1988)
Design of the HIV/AIDS Program in Bolivia, European Union (1989)
Strategic Evaluation of the Program for Dental Health in Seine Saint-Denis (1992-1993)
Evaluation of the Health Program of the Swiss Cooperation in Chad (1992-1994)
Evaluation of Municipal Health Policies in the City of Montreuil (1996-1997)
Study of Youth Health for the Municipal Health Service in Aubervilliers (1996-1997)
Study of the Health Situation for the City of Cergy (1997-1998)
Evaluation of the European Project on Urban Health in Conakry, European Union (1998)
Study of the HIV/AIDS Situation in Namibia, French Agency for International Development (1998)
Study on Health Discrimination in France, Department on Population and Migration (2000-2001)


                                       SOCIAL SCIENCES


2021   Les Mondes de la santé publique. Excursions anthropologiques. Cours au Collège de France
       2021, Paris, Seuil, 392 p.

2020   De l’inégalité des vies, Paris, Fayard-Collège de France, 66 p.

2020   La Force de l’ordre. Enquête ethno-graphique (with Frédéric Debomy and Jake Raynal), Paris,
       Delcourt-Seuil, 104 p.
2021 Policing the City. An Ethno-Graphic (translation by Rachel Gomme), New York, Other Press,
      100 p.

2020 Mort d’un voyageur. Une contre-enquête, Paris, Seuil, 160 p.
2021 Death of a Traveller. A Counter Investigation (translated by Rachel Gomme), Cambridge,
      Polity, 130 p.

2018 La Vie. Mode d’emploi critique, Paris, Seuil, 183 p.
2017 Das Leben. Kritische Gebrauchanweisung (translated by Christine Pries), Frankfurt, Suhrkamp,
      190 p.
2018 Life. A Critical User’s Manual, Cambridge, Polity, 159 p.
2019 Le vite ineguali. Quanto vale un essere umano (translated by Lorenzo Alunni), Milan,
      Feltrinelli, 208 p.
2021 Shanghai, East China Normal University Press, forthcoming.

2017   Le Monde à l’épreuve de l’asile. Essai d’anthropologie critique, Nanterre, Société
       d’ethnologie, 33 p.

2017 Punir. Une passion contemporaine, Paris, Seuil, 201 p., 2nd edition with new afterward 2020.
2018 The Will to Punish, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 194 p.
2018 Der Wille zum Strafen (translated by Christine Pries), Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 206 p.
2018 Castigar. Una passion contemporánea (translated by Antonio Oviedo), Buenos Aires, Adriana
      Hidalgo, 261 p.
2018 Punire. Una passione contemporanea (translated by Lorenzo Alunni), Milano, Feltrinelli,
      186 p.
2019 懲罰的三大思辨, Taiwan, Linking, 237 p.

2015   L’Ombre du monde. Une anthropologie de la condition carcérale, Paris, Seuil, 614 p., 2nd
       edition with new afterward 2017, 677 p.
2016 Prison Worlds. Ethnography of the Carceral Condition (translated by Rachel Gomme),
      Cambridge, Polity Press, 388 p. (2019 Victor Turner Prize for Ethnographic Writing).

2019   A Sombra do Mundo. Uma antropologia da condição carcerária (translated by Rosemary
       Costhek Abílio), São Paulo, Editora Revisão.

2015   Four Lectures on Ethics. Anthropological Perspectives (with Veena Das, Michael Lambek, and
       Webb Keane), Chicago, Hau Books, 233 p.

2014   Ripoliticizzare il mondo. Saggi antropologici su vita, corpo e morale (translated by Chiara
       Pilotto), Milan, Ombre Corte, 177 p.
2018 Por una repoliticización del mundo. Las vidas descartables como desafío del siglo XXI
      (translated by Horacio Pons), Buenos Aires, Siglo veintiuno, 229 p.

2013 Juger, réprimer, accompagner. Essai sur la morale de l’État (et al.) Paris, Seuil, 415 p.
2015 At the Heart of the State. The Moral World of Institutions (translated by Patrick Brown and
      Didier Fassin), London, Pluto Press, 288 p.

2011   La Force de l’ordre. Une anthropologie de la police des quartiers, Paris, Le Seuil, 397 p., 2nd
       edition with new afterward 2015, 441 p.
2013 Enforcing Order. Ethnography of Urban Policing (translated by Rachel Gomme), Cambridge,
      Polity Press, 287 p.
2013 La forza dell’ordine. Antropologia della polizia nelle periferie urbane (translated by Lorenzo
      Alunni), Bologna, La Linea, 351 p.
2016 La fuerza del orden. Una etnografía del accionar policial en las periferías urbanas (translated
      by Andrea Sosa Varrotti), Buenos Aires, Siglo veintiuno, 333 p.

2010   La Raison humanitaire. Une histoire morale du temps présent, Paris, Hautes Études–Gallimard
       – Seuil, 358 p. 2nd edition with new afterward.
2011 Humanitarian Reason. A Moral History of the Present (translated by Rachel Gomme), Berkeley,
      University of California Press, 336 p. (2012 Bateson Prize, Honorable Mention).
2016 La razón humanitaria. Una historia moral del tiempo presente (translated by Mónica Cristina
      Padró), Buenos Aires, Prometeo Editorial, 396 p.
2018 La ragione umanitaria. Una storia morale del presente (translated by Lorenzo Alunni), Rome,
      Derive Approdi, 308 p.

2007   L’Empire du traumatisme. Enquête sur la condition de victime (with Richard Rechtman), Paris,
       La bibliothèque des savoirs collection, 2nd edition with new preface, Flammarion, 452 p.
2009 The Empire of Trauma. Inquiry into the Condition of Victim (translated by Rachel Gomme),
      Princeton, Princeton University Press, 305 p. (2010 Douglass Book Prize for best book in the
      Anthropology of Europe).
2016 트라우마의 제국 (Korean, translated by Bomoon Choi), Seoul, Bada Publishing, 463 p.
2020 L’impero del trauma. Nascita della condizione di vittima (translated by Luigigiovanni Quarta),
      Milano, Meltemi, 439 p.
2020 The Empire of Trauma. Inquiry into the Condition of Victim - Chinese, Beijing, The Commercial
      Press, forthcoming.

2006   Quand les corps se souviennent. Expérience et politique du sida après l’apartheid, Paris, La
       Découverte, Armillaire collection, 442 p.

2007   When Bodies Remember. Experience and Politics of AIDS in South Africa (translated by Jacobs
       and Gabrielle Varro), Berkeley, University of California Press, California Series in Public
       Anthropology, 365 p.
2016   Cuando i corpi ricordano. Esperienze e politiche dell’AIDS in Sudafrica (translated by Lorenzo
       Alunni), Lecce, Argo, 366 p.

2004   Des Maux indicibles. Sociologie des lieux d’écoute, Paris, La Découverte, Alternatives sociales
       collection, 198 p.

2000   Les Enjeux politiques de la santé. Études sénégalaises, équatoriennes et françaises, Paris,
       Karthala, Hommes et Sociétés collection, 344 p.

1996   L'Espace politique de la santé. Essai de généalogie, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France,
       Sociologie d'aujourd'hui collection, 335 p.

1992   Pouvoir et maladie en Afrique. Anthropologie sociale de la banlieue de Dakar, Paris, Presses
       Universitaires de France, Les champs de la santé collection, 359 p.


2022   The Social Sciences in the Looking-Glass. Studies in the Production of Knowledge (with George
       Steinmetz), Durham, Duke University Press, forthcoming.

2022   Vies invisibles, morts indicibles, Paris, Collège de France, forthcoming.

2022   Crisis Under Critique. How People Assess, Transform and Respond to Critical Situations (with
       Axel Honneth), New York, Columbia University Press, 456 p.

2022   La Société qui vient, Paris, Seuil, 1335 p.

2021   Pandemic Exposures. Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus (with Marion
       Fourcade), Chicago, Hau Books, 476 p.

2021   Words and Worlds. A Lexicon for Dark Times (with Veena Das), Durham, Duke University
       Press, 319 p.

2021   Rebel Economies. Warlords, Insurgents, Humanitarians (with Nicola Di Cosmo and Clémence
       Pinaud), Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 290 p.

2020   Deepening Divides. How Physical Borders and Social Boundaries Delineates our World,
       Londres, Pluto Press, 256 p.

2019   A Time for Critique (with Bernard Harcourt), New York, Columbia University Press, 320 p.

2017   If Truth Be Told. The Politics of Public Ethnography, Durham, Duke University Press, 358 p.

2017   Writing the World of Policing. The Difference Ethnography Makes, Chicago, The University of
       Chicago Press, 320 p.

2013   La Question morale. Une anthologie critique (with Samuel Lézé), Paris, Presses Universitaires
       de France, 405 p.
2013 Moral Anthropology. A Critical Reader (with Samuel Lézé), London, Routledge, 386 p.
2018 A questão moral. Uma antologia crítica (translated by Maria Christina de Malimpensa),
      Campinas, Editora Unicamp, 560 p.

2012   Moral Anthropology. A Companion Volume, Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, 644 p.

2012   Économies morales contemporaines (with Jean-Sébastien Eideliman), Paris, La Découverte,
       Bibliothèque de l’Iris collection, 405 p.

2010   Contemporary States of Emergency. The Politics of Military and Humanitarian Interventions
       (with Mariella Pandolfi), New York, Zone Books, 403 p.

2010   Les nouvelles frontières de la société française, Paris, La Découverte, Bibliothèque de l’Iris
       collection, 599 p., 2nd edition with new preface 2012.

2008   Politiques de l’enquête. Epreuves ethnographiques (with Alban Bensa), Paris, La Découverte,
       Bibliothèque de l’Iris collection, 338 p.
2020 Chinese Edition, Beijing, Commercial Press, forthcoming.

2006   De la question sociale à la question raciale? Représenter la société française (with Eric Fassin),
       Paris, La Découverte, Cahiers libres collection, 264 p., 2nd edition with new preface 2009.

2005   Les Constructions de l’intolérable. Études d’anthropologie et d’histoire sur les frontières de
       l’espace moral (with Patrice Bourdelais), Paris, La Découverte, Recherches collection, 226 p.

2004   Afflictions. L’Afrique du sud, de l’apartheid au sida, Paris, Karthala, Hommes et sociétés
       collection, 302 p.

2004   Le Gouvernement des corps (with Dominique Memmi), Paris, Editions de l’Ecole des hautes
       études en sciences sociales, Cas de figure series, 269 p.

2001   Critique de la santé publique. Une approche anthropologique (with Jean-Pierre Dozon), Paris,
       Balland, Voix et regards series, 362 p.

1998   Les Figures urbaines de la santé publique. Enquête sur des expériences locales, Paris, La
       Découverte, Recherches series, 238 p.

1997   Les Lois de l'inhospitalité. La société française à l'épreuve des sans-papiers (with Alain Morice
       & Catherine Quiminal), Paris, La Découverte, Essais collection, 279 p.

1994   Les Métiers de la santé. Enjeux de pouvoir et quête de légitimité (with Pierre Aïach), Paris,
       Anthropos, Sociologiques collection, 364 p.

1992   Mujeres de los Andes. Condiciones de vida y salud (with Anne-Claire Defossez and Mara
       Viveros), Bogotá, IFEA-Universidad Externado de Colombia, 471 p.

1990   Sociétés, développement et santé (with Yannick Jaffré), Paris, Ellipses-AUPELF, 287 p.


2016   Didier Fassin, entrevistado por Deborah Deniz, Rio de Janeiro, Editora da Universidade do
       Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 136 p.

1992   Gente de la Sierra, with Mariano Garate Photography, Anne-Claire Defossez and Mara Viveros
       text), Quito, Abrapalabra Editores, 56 p.



2022   Humanitarianism, Between Situated Universality and Interventionist Universalism, Social
       Anthropology, forthcoming.

2022   L’Histoire de la folie et ses doubles, AM. Rivista della Societá di Antropologia Medica,

2021   La « santé des migrants » : Notes pour une généalogie, La Santé en action, dossier Migrants en
       situation de vulnérabilité et santé, 455 : 6-10.

2020   L’ethnographie et ses terrains, Terrains Théories, dossiers Le transmissible et l’intransmissible
       de la pratique ethnographique, 12,

2020   Hazardous Confinement During the Covid Pandemic: The Fate of Migrants Detained Yet
       Nondeportable, Journal of Human Rights, 19 (5): 621-623.

2020   Une épreuve démocratique: Exception sanitaire et condition carcérale, Esprit, October, 468 :

2020   Moment punitif et condition carcérale, Socio, November, 63-72.

2020   Are the Two Approaches to Moral Economy Irreconcilable? Humanity, 11 (2):217-221.

2019   An Improbable Movement? Macron’s France and the Rise of the Gilets Jaunes (with Anne-
       Claire Defossez), The New Left Review, 115: 77-92.

2019   The Blind Spots of Left Populism, Krisis. Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 1, 87-90.

2019   Eine unwharscheinliche Bewegung? Macrons Frankreich und der Aufstieg der Gilets Jaunes,
       West End. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 01: 135-150.

2019   Der lange Atem der Kritik, West End. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 01: 3-32.

2019   Hidden in Plain Sight: A Journey into Repressive States, Political and Legal Anthropology

2018   The Public Presence of Anthropology: A Critical Approach, Kritisk. Etnografi-Swedish Journal
       of Anthropology, 1 (1): 13-23.

2017   Punishment, Political Concepts. A Critical               Lexicon     (The    Balibar    Edition),

2017   Vor dem Gesetz. Politische Anatomie der Strafe, West End. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozial
       Forschung, (2): 99-110.

2017   Asylum as a Form of Life. The Politics and Experience of Indeterminacy in South Africa (with
       Matthew Willhelm-Solomon and Aurelia Segatti), Current Anthropology, 58 (2): 160-187.

2017   The Endurance of Critique, Anthropological Theory, 17 (1): 4-29.

2016   Un mundo de carceri, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 9 (2): 363-370.

2016   L’ethnographie retrouvée. Sur quelques approches contemporaines des pratiques policières,
       L’Homme. Revue Française d’Anthropologie, 219-220, special issue Pacifications urbaines :

2015   La economía moral del asilo. Reflexiones críticas sobre la ‘crisis de los refugiados’ de 2015 en
       Europa, Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 70 (2): 277-290.

2015   The Public Afterlife of Ethnography, American Ethnologist, 42 (4): 592-609.

2015   In the Name of the Republic. Untimely Meditations on the Aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo
       Attack, Anthropology Today, 31 (2): 3-7.

2015   L’asile et la prison, Esprit, dossier spécial ‘Aux bords de la folie’, 413 (3-4): 82-95.

2014   The Moral Economy of Violence in the US Inner City (Comment), Current Anthropology, 55
       (1): 13-14.

2014   De l’invention du traumatisme à la reconnaissance des victimes. Genèse et transformation d’une
       condition morale, Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, 123: 161-171.

2014   The Ethical Turn in Anthropology. Promises and Uncertainties, Hau. Journal of Ethnography
       Theory, 4 (1): 429-435.

2014   Pouvoir discrétionnaire et politique sécuritaire. Le chèque en gris de l’État à la police, Actes de
       la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 201-202: 72-86.

2014   True Life, Real Lives. Revisiting the Boundaries Between Ethnography and Fiction, American
       Ethnologist, 41 (1): 40-55.

2013   The Stranger and the Enemy. A Comment on Clara Han’s Paper, Social Anthropology, 21 (3):

2013   Scenes from Urban Life. A Modest Proposal for a Critical Perspectivist Approach, Social
       Anthropology, 21 (3): 371-377.

2013   The Predicament of Humanitarianism, Qui Parle. Critical Humanities and Social Sciences,
       special Issue Human Rights Between Past and Present, 22 (1): 33-48.

2013   Why Ethnography Matters. On Anthropology and Its Publics, Cultural Anthropology, 28 (4):

2013   A Case for Critical Ethnography. Rethinking the Early Years of the AIDS Epidemic in South
       Africa, Social Science and Medicine, 99: 119-126.

2013   Die moralische Arbeit der Polizei, West End. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, (1): 102-

2013   When Humanitarianism Turns Realistic, Dissent, Spring: 99-103.

2013   On Resentment and Ressentiment. The Politics and Ethics of Moral Emotions, Current
       Anthropology, 54 (3): 249-267.

2013   The Precarious Truth of Asylum, Public Culture, 69 (1): 39-63.

2012   Comment on “Alterity and the Particular Limits of Universalism,” Current Anthropology, 53
       (6): 742-743.

2012   How Asylum Claims are Adjudicated. The Institution as a Moral Agent, Revue Française de
       Sociologie, special issue Moral Economies and Social Justice, 53 (4): 444-472.

2012   Comment on juge l’asile. L’institution comme agent moral (with Carolina Kobelinsky), Revue
       Française de Sociologie, dossier spécial Économies morales et justices locales, 53 (4) : 657-

2012   Introduction, Revue Française de Sociologie, dossier spécial Économies morales et justices
       locales, 53 (4): 651-655.

2012   Misère de la critique, Champ Pénal / Penal Field, IX,

2011   Policing Borders, Producing Boundaries. The Governmentality of Immigration in Hard Times,
       Annual Review of Anthropology, 40: 213-226

2011   L’exception ou la règle ? De l’ethnographie de la police à l’anthropologie de l’État, La Vie des
       Idées, 29 November,

2011   A Contribution to the Critique of Moral Reason, Anthropological Theory, 11 (4): 481-491.

2011   Qu’il ne suffit pas d’être politiquement incorrect pour être scientifiquement fondé, Revue
       Française de Sociologie, 52 (4): 777-786.

2011   The Trace: Violence, Truth and the Politics of the Body, Social Research, special issue “The
       Body and the State,” 78 (2): 281-298.

2011   The Politics of Conspiracy Theories. On AIDS in Africa and a Few Other Global Plots, The
       Brown Journal of World Affairs, 17 (2): 39-50.

2010   El irresistible ascenso del derecho a la vida. Razón humanitaria y justicia social, Revista de
       Antropología Social (Madrid), 19: 191-204.

2010   Évaluer les vies. Essai d’anthropologie biopolitique, Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie,
       CXXVIII (107): 107-117.

2010   Ethics of Survival. A Democratic Approach to the Politics of Life, Humanity. International
       Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Development, 1 (1): 81-95.

2009   What is it to Become French? Naturalization as a Republican Rite of Institution (with Sarah
       Mazouz), Revue française de sociologie (English Selection): 37-64.

2009   Une science sociale critique peut-elle être utile? Tracés. Revue de Sciences Humaines, special
       issue, 199-211.

2009   Les économies morales revisitées. Étude critique suivie de quelques propositions, Annales.
       Histoire, Sciences sociales, 6, 1237-1266.

2009   Another Politics of Life is Possible, Theory, Culture and Society, 26 (5): 44-60.

2008   The Embodied Past. From Paranoid Style to Politics of Memory, Social Anthropology, 16 (3):

2008   Un objet sans nom. L’introduction des discriminations dans la statistique française (with Patrick
       Simon), L’Homme. Revue Française d’Anthropologie, 187-188: 271-294.

2008   Beyond Good and Evil? Questioning               Anthropological     Discomfort    with    Morals,
       Anthropological Theory, 8 (4): 333-344.

2008   Should Anthropology be Moral? Introduction (with Wiktor Stoczkowski), Anthropological
       Theory, 8 (4): 331-332.

2008   L’éthique au-delà de la règle. Réflexions autour d’une enquête sur les soins en Afrique du Sud,
       Sociétés contemporaines, 71: 117-136.

2008   The Humanitarian Politics of Testimony. Subjectification through Trauma in the Israeli-
       Palestinian Conflict, Cultural Anthropology, 23 (3): 531-558.

2008   The Elementary Forms of Care. An Empirical Approach of Ethics in a South African Hospital,
       Social Science and Medicine, 67: 262-270.

2008   La politique des anthropologues. Une histoire française, L’Homme. Revue Française
       d’Anthropologie, dossier spécial Hommage à Marc Augé, 185-186: 165-186.

2008   Life and Times of Magda A. Telling a Story of Violence in South Africa (with Frédéric Le
       Marcis et Todd Lethata), Current Anthropology, 49 (2): 225-246.

2007   Qu’est-ce que devenir français? La naturalisation comme rite d’institution républicain (with
       Sarah Mazouz), Revue Française de Sociologie, 48 (4): 723-750.

2007   Entre désir de nation et théorie du complot. Les idéologies du médicament en Afrique du sud,
       Sciences Sociales et Santé, 25 (4): 93-114.

2007   Humanitarianism as a Politics of Life, Public Culture, 19 (3): 499-520.

2007   “Ce qui s’est vraiment passé”, L’expérience du musée de l’apartheid, Gradhiva. Revue
       d’anthropologie et de muséologie, dossier spécial Sismographie des terreurs, 5: 53-62.

2007   La biopolitique n’est pas la politique de la vie, Sociologie et Sociétés, dossier spécial Michel
       Foucault et la sociologie, 38 (2): 35-48.

2007   Critical Evidence. The Politics of Trauma in French Asylum Policies (with Estelle d’Halluin),
       Ethos. Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, 35 (3): 300-329.

2016   Potere discrezionale e politiche securitarie, Cartografie Sociali. Rivista de Sociologia e Scienze
       Umane, 1 (2) : 119-144.

2006   Conflitos de outono de 2005 na França, Tempo Social, dossier spécial Sociologia da
       Desigualdade, 18 (2): 185-196.

2006   Gobernar por los cuerpos. Politicas de reconocimiento hacia los pobres e inmigrantes,
       Educação, dossier spécial Políticas e Prácticas de Educação, 28 (2): 201-226.

2006   Un ethos compassionevole. La sofferenza come linguaggio, l’ascolto como politica,
       Antropologia, dossier spécial Sofferenza sociale, 6 (8): 93-111.

2006   Une vérité sans reconciliation. Mémoire et histoire du sida dans le post-apartheid, Sociétés et
       Representations, (22): 93-103.

2006   The End of Ethnography as Collateral Damage of Ethics Regulation? American Ethnologist, 33
       (4): 522-524.

2006   Riots in France and Silent Anthropologists (guest editorial), Anthropology Today. Journal of
       the Royal Anthropological Institute, 22 (1): 1-3.

2006   L’humanitaire contre l’Etat, tout contre, Vacarme, dossier spécial Politique non
       gouvernementale, 34: 15-19.

2006   Souffrir par le social, gouverner par l’écoute. Une configuration sémantique de l’action
       publique, Politix, dossier spécial Expérience et critique du monde psy, 19 (73): 137-158.

2005   Une chronique sud-africaine du sida, Études. Revue de Culture Contemporaine, December:

2005   The Truth from the Body. Medical Certificates as Ultimate Evidence for Asylum-Seekers (with
       Estelle d’Halluin), American Anthropologist, 107 (4): 597-608.

2005   Humanitarian Exception as the Rule. The Political Theology of the 1999 “Tragedia” in
       Venezuela (with Paula Vasquez), American Ethnologist, 32 (3): 389-405.

2005   Compassion and Repression. The Moral Economy of Immigration Policies in France, Cultural
       Anthropology, 20 (3): 362-387.

2005   An Anthropological Hybrid. The Pragmatic Arrangement of Universalism and Culturalism in
       French Mental Health (with Richard Rechtman), Transcultural Psychiatry, 42 (3): 347-366.

2004   Public Health as Culture. The Social Construction of the Childhood Lead Poisoning Epidemic
       in France, British Medical Bulletin, 69: 167-177.

2004   La deuxième vie du traumatisme psychique. Urgences médico-psychologiques et interventions
       psychiatriques humanitaires (with Estelle d’Halluin, Stéphane Latté and Richard Rechtman),
       Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, dossier spécial Psychiatrie et santé mentale, 58 (1): 57-

2004   Plumbism Reinvented. The Early Times of Childhood Lead Poisoning in France 1985-1990
       (with Anne-Jeanne Naudé), American Journal of Public Health, 94 (11): 1854-1862.

2004   La cause des victimes, Les Temps Modernes, dossier spécial L’humanitaire, 59 (627): 73-91.

2004   El gobierno del sufrimiento. Politicas compasionales hacia los pobres e inmigrantes en Francia,
       Cuadernos de Antropología Social, dossier spécial Antropología, poder y salud, 17: 49-78.

2004   Et la souffrance devint sociale, Critique, dossier spécial Frontières de l’anthropologie, 680-68:

2003   Naissance de la santé publique. Deux descriptions du saturnisme infantile à Paris (1987-1989),
       Genèses, 53: 139-153.

2003   Sovereignty vs. Biolegitimacy. The Contradictory Foundations of the Politics of AIDS, Debate
       (South Africa), August: 23-26.

2003   Anatomie politique d’une controverse. La démocratie sud-africaine à l’épreuve du sida,
       Critique Internationale, 20: 93-112.

2003   Le capital social, de la sociologie à l’épidémiologie. Analyse critique d’une migration
       transdisciplinaire, Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 51: 403-413.

2003   The Embodiment of Inequality. A Political Anthropology of AIDS in Southern Africa. Embo
       Reports, special issue Science and Society, 4: S4-S9.

2003   Justice Principles and Judgment Practices in Allotting Emergency State Financial Aid, Revue
       Française de Sociologie (English selection), 44: 109-146.

2003   The South African Politics of AIDS. Beyond the Controversies (with Helen Schneider), British
       Medical Journal, 326: 495-497.

2002   L’altérité de l’épidémie. Les politiques du sida à l’épreuve de l’immigration, Revue Européenne
       des Migrations Internationales, 17 (2): 139-151.

2002   Politiques du corps et reconnaissance de l’altérité. Nouvelles questions posées par
       l’immigration à la société française, Recherches Sociologiques, 2: 59-74.

2002   Le sida comme cause politique, Les Temps Modernes, special issue L’Afrique et la
       mondialisation, 620: 429-448.

2002   Denial and Defiance: A Socio-Political Analysis of AIDS in South Africa (with Helen
       Schneider), AIDS, 16 (suppl. 2): S1-S7.

2002   L’invention française de la discrimination, Revue Française de Science Politique, 52 (4): 395-

2002   Embodied History. Uniqueness and Exemplarity of South African AIDS, African Journal of
       AIDS Research, 1 (1): 63-68.

2002   La souffrance du monde. Considérations anthropologiques sur les politiques contemporaines de
       la compassion, Evolution Psychiatrique, 67: 676-689.

2001   Quand le corps fait loi. La raison humanitaire dans les procédures de régularisation des
       étrangers, Sciences Sociales et Santé, 19 (4): 5-34.

2001   Les sciences sociales comme pratique engagée, Nature Sciences Sociétés, 9 (4): 43-46.

2001   Charité bien ordonnée. Principes de justice et pratiques de jugement dans les aides d’urgence,
       Revue Française de Sociologie, 42 (3): 437-475.

2001   Une double peine. La condition sociale des immigrés malades du sida, L’Homme. Revue
       Française d’Anthropologie, 160: 137-162.

2001   Les inégalités des chances dans l’accès aux secours d’urgence (with Anne-Claire Defossez and
       Valérie Thomas), Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 55 (1): 91-110.

2001   Avenues of Access and the Moral Economy of Legitimacy (reply to Charles Watters),
       Anthropology Today. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17 (2): 23.

2001   The Biopolitics of Otherness. Undocumented Immigrants and Racial Discrimination in the
       French Public Debate, Anthropology Today. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17
       (1): 3-7.

2000   La supplique. Stratégies rhétoriques et constructions identitaires dans les demandes d’aide
       d’urgence, Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, 55 (5): 955-981.

2000   Comment faire de la santé publique avec des mots. Une rhétorique à l’œuvre, Ruptures. Revue
       Transdisciplinaire en Santé, 7 (1): 58-78.

2000   Une crise épidémiologique dans les sociétés de post-apartheid. Le sida en Afrique du sud et en
       Namibie, Afrique Contemporaine, 195: 105-115.

2000   Repenser les enjeux de santé autour de l’immigration. Introduction, Hommes et Migrations,
       1225: 5-12.

2000   Entre politiques du vivant et politiques de la vie. Pour une anthropologie de la santé,
       Anthropologie et Sociétés, dossier spécial Terrains d’avenir, 24 (1): 95-116.

2000   Les politiques de l’ethnopsychiatrie. La psyché africaine, des colonies britanniques aux
       banlieues parisiennes, L’Homme. Revue Française d’Anthropologie, 153: 231-250.

1999   L’indicible et l’impensé. La “question immigrée” dans les politiques du sida, Sciences Sociales
       et Santé, 17 (4): 5-36.

1999   L’ethnopsychiatrie et ses réseaux. Une influence qui grandit, Genèses. Sciences Sociales et
       Histoire, 35: 146-171.

1999   El hombre sin derechos. Una figura antropológica de la globalización, Maguaré. Revista de
       Antropología (Bogotá), 14: 179-190.

1999   Des inégalités sociales sans droit de cité, Mouvements. Sociétés, Politique, Culture, 4: 49-57.

1997   L'internationalisation de la santé publique, entre culturalisme et universalisme, Esprit,
       February: 83-105.

1996   L'important, c'est de participer. "Démocratie locale" et "santé communautaire" dans les villes
       du tiers monde, Annales de la Recherche Urbaine, 73: 4-13.

1996   L'expérience des villes. Des périphéries de Dakar et de Quito aux banlieues parisiennes,
       Enquête, 1996 (4): 71-92.

1996   “Clandestins” ou “exclus” ? Quand les mots font les politiques, Politix, 34: 77-86.

1996   Exclusion, underclass, marginalidad. Figures contemporaines de la pauvreté urbaine en France,
       aux États-Unis et en Amérique latine, Revue Française de Sociologie, 37 (1): 37-75.

1994   Le domaine privé de la santé publique. Pouvoir, politique et sida au Congo, Annales Histoire,
       Sciences sociales, 49 (4): 745-775.

1993   Femmes malades à l'hôpital public de Quito, 1925-1965 (with Anne-Claire Defossez), Santé-
       Culture-Health (Montréal), IX (1): 73-101.

1992   L'espace féminin dans le champ politique. Mobilisations de femmes dans les milieux populaires
       en Équateur, Cahiers de Sciences Humaines (Orstom), 28 (3): 497-515.

1992   Le cinquième centenaire et la question indienne, Esprit, 187: 16-29.

1992   Une liaison dangereuse. Sciences sociales et santé publique dans les programmes de réduction
       de la mortalité maternelle en Équateur (with Anne-Claire Defossez), Cahiers de Sciences
       Humaines (Orstom), 1 (28): 23-36.

1991   Evolution des sociétés latino-américaines et dynamique de la recherche en coopération (with
       Claude de Miras), Cahiers des Amériques latines, 12: 177-186.

1991   Des logiques de l'enfermement aux lois du marché. Évolution des pratiques médicales, des
       institutions de soins et des modes de vie à Quito au XXe siècle (with Anne-Claire Defossez and
       Henry Godard), Mappemonde, 3: 19-22.

1991   Les nouveaux enjeux de la question indienne en Équateur, Problèmes d'Amérique Latine, 3: 91-

1991   Espace urbain et santé publique. L'histoire sociale et politique du système de soins à Quito,
       entre carte et récit (with Anne-Claire Defossez and Henry Godard), Bulletin de l'Institut
       Français d'Etudes Andines, 20 (1): 115-139.

1991   Origines sociales des inégalités de santé en Équateur, Cahiers d'Etudes et de Recherches
       Francophones-Santé, 1 (1): 25-32.

1991   Transformaciones del Estado y políticas de salud en el Ecuador, Ecuador Debate, 22: 100-111.

1991   L'Etat équatorien face aux inégalités de santé, Problèmes d'Amérique Latine, 99: 91-104.

1991   De l'épidémiologie aux sciences sociales. Formes de l'interdisciplinarité autour des inégalités
       de santé en Afrique (with Pierre Aïach), Santé Publique, 3 (1): 39-43.

1991   Handicaps physiques, pratiques économiques et stratégies matrimoniales au Sénégal, Social
       Science and Medicine, 32 (3): 267-272.

1990   Enfermedades de mujeres. Historia de la patología femenina en el hospital San Juan de Dios de
       Quito durante el siglo veinte (with Anne-Claire Defossez and Francisca Ribadeneira), Revista
       de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Quito), 15 (1-2): 32-43.

1989   Différenciation sexuelle et disparités sociales devant l'école en Afrique urbaine: Une étude dans
       la banlieue de Dakar (with Thierry Calvez, et al.), Cahiers d'Anthropologie et Biométrie
       Humaine (Paris), 7: 197-207.

1989   La santé publique sans l'Etat ? Participation communautaire et comités de santé au Sénégal
       (with Eric Fassin), Revue Tiers Monde, 30: 881-891.

1989   Raison épidémiologique et raisons d'Etat. Les enjeux socio-politiques du sida en Afrique (with
       Jean-Pierre Dozon), Sciences Sociales et Santé, 7: 21-36.

1989   La forêt n'a plus d'arbres. Rituel de reproduction et condition des femmes en Casamance
       (Sénégal), Devenir, 1: 134-137.

1988   De la quête de légitimation à la question de la légitimité. Les thérapeutiques "traditionnelles"
       au Sénégal (with Eric Fassin), Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines, 28: 207-231.

1988   Les Etats africains à l'épreuve du sida (with Jean-Pierre Dozon), Politique Africaine, 32: 79-85.

1988   Traditional Medicine and the Stakes of Legitimation in Senegal (with Eric Fassin), Social
       Science and Medicine, 27 (4): 353-357.

1987   La santé, un enjeu politique, Politique Africaine, introduction au dossier spécial Politiques de
       santé, 28: 2-8.

1987   Rituels villageois et rituels urbains. La reproduction sociale chez les femmes Joola en
       Casamance et à Pikine, L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie, 104 (XXVII-4): 54-75.

1986   Ritual Buffoonery: A Social Preventive Measure Against Childhood Mortality in Senegal (with
       Ibrahima Badji), The Lancet, 327 (8473): 142-143.

1986   "La bonne mère." Pratiques rurales et urbaines de la rougeole chez les femmes haalpulaaren du
       Sénégal, Social Science and Medicine, 23: 1121-1129.

1986   Economies "parallèles," Etat et société. La vente illicite des médicaments au Sénégal, Politique
       Africaine, 23: 123-130.

1986   Les enjeux sociaux de la participation communautaire. Les comités de santé à Pikine, Sénégal
       (with Emile Jeannée, Marc Réveillon and Gérard Salem), Sciences Sociales et Santé, 4: 205-

1986   Pauvreté, urbanisation et santé. Les inégalités d'accès aux soins dans la banlieue de Dakar,
       Psychopathologie Africaine, 21 (2): 155-176.

1985   Du clandestin à l'officieux. Les réseaux de vente illicite des médicaments au Sénégal, Cahiers
       d'Etudes Africaines, 98 (XXV-2): 161-177.

1984   Anthropologie et folie, Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, 77: 237-271.


2021   The Rise of Eric Zemmour Shows How Far France Has Shifted to the Right, The Guardian, 1

2021   La science économique peut trouver ses limites par défaut de critique épistémologique et par
       manque d’échanges scientifique, Le Monde, 12 July.

2021   La solidarité avec les exilés n’est pas un crime ! (with François Héran and Alfred Spira), Le
       Monde, 25 May.

2021   Non basta salvare vite (with Francesca Mannocchi), L’Espresso, 16 May.

2021   Are Woke Academics a Threat to the French Republic? Ask Macron’s Ministers, The Guardian,
       12 March.

2021   Un vent de réaction souffle sur la vie intellectuelle, AOC. Analyse-Opinion-Critique,
       23 February.

2021   À la frontière franco-italienne, l’État commet des violations quotidiennes des droits humains
       (with Alfred Spira), Le Monde, 28 January.

2021   Ce que les suicides en prison veulent dire, Diasporiques, 53 :26-31.

2021   La société jouit du châtiment par délégation, CQFD. Mensuel de critique et d’expérimentation
       sociales, 195, Februaray.

2020   L’écho transatlantique des violences policières, L’Obs, 7 June.

2020   Avec le coronavirus, notre vision du monde s’est rétrécie comme jamais, Le Monde, 26 May.

2020   L’illusion dangereuse de l’égalité devant l’épidémie, Collège de France, 16 April,

2020   Du coronavirus en Amérique, AOC. Analyse-Opinion-Critique, 19 March.

2020   L’inégalité des vies en temps d’épidémie, Libération, 18 March.

2020   Nommer la violence d’État, Libération, 28 January.

2020   Vivre autrement, AOC. Analyse-Opinion-Critique, 28 January.

2020   L’inégalité la plus profonde est celle devant la vie même, Le Monde, 11 January.

2019   One Year On, the Gilets Jaunes Are Still Fighting for Justice (with Anne-Claire Defossez), The
       New Statesman, 27 November.

2019   Verschwörungstheorien rekombinieren die Realität, Der Standard (Austria), 30 October.

2019   The Deceptive Opposition Between Nationalists and Progressives (with Anne-Claire Defossez),
       The Progressive Post,
       nationalists-and-progressives, 12 November.

2019   Macron’s War, London Review of Books, 41 (13), 4 July.

2019   Les gilets jaunes, objet politique non identifié (with Anne-Claire Defossez), AOC. Analyse-
       Opinion-Critique, 15 March.

2018   Comprendre la condition carcérale pour penser la santé en prison, Actualité et dossier en santé
       publique, dossier spécial Santé des personnes sous main de justice, 48 (104): 48-49.

2018   Sure Looks a Lot Like Conservatism, London Review of Books, 40 (13), 5 July.

2018   Un mundo de cárceles, Review. Revista de Libros (Buenos Aires), 17, June-August, 8-11.

2018   Punir, toujours plus – et plus durement, AOC. Analyse-Opinion-Critique, 11 May,

2018   Une tragédie ignorée (editorial), Prison Insider, 24 April, https://www.prison-

2018   La mémoire vive d’Angelo, de la prison à la violence policière, Libération, 27 February.

2017   Y a-t-il une morale de l’État ? Sciences Humaines, dossier spécial Quelle éthique pour notre
       temps ? Hors-Série 22 : 38-40.

2017   La justice contre les justes ? Libération, 10 February.

2017   Ubu président, Libération, 20 January.

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