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CABI new books

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Welcome to the CABI Books Catalogue 2022
This catalogue contains our recent and forthcoming monographs, textbooks and practitioner titles across our
full range of publishing areas.

04 agricultural science                                                    20 veterinary science and medicine
07 forestry, ecology and the environment                                   24 animal sciences
11 plant and crop science                                                  26 tourism, hospitality and leisure
14 horticulture                                                            30 title index
18 human health, food and nutrition                                        32 author index
                                                                           35 how to order

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Please note: all details were correct at the time this catalogue went to press, but may be subject to change without notice.
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US publication may be up to 2 months after UK publication.
Farmer Innovations and Best                                           Gender and the political economy
                                        Practices by Shifting Cultivators                                     of fisheries and aquaculture
                                        in Asia-Pacific                                                       Meryl Williams
                                        Malcolm Cairns, independent scholar and
                                                                                                              Fisheries and aquaculture have flourished,
                                        researcher, Thailand
                                                                                                              yet in the fish value chain, gender equality is
                                          This book, the third of a series, shows how                         declining. The book examines how growth in
                                          shifting cultivators from the Himalayan                             scale and intensity of the fish sector, changes
                       foothills to the Pacific Islands have devised ways to improve         in market orientation and gender-blind governance measures
                       their farming systems. It considers the importance of                 may create a human disaster by examining three commodity
                       swidden agriculture to food security and livelihoods, and its         cases in the value chain: shrimp, tuna and seaweed.
                       environmental significance across multiple cultures, crops and
                                                                                             Jul 2022 | HB | 9781789247145 | 200pp
                       forest systems.
                                                                                             £75 | €115 | $135
                       Oct 2022 | HB | 9781800620094 | 1100pp
                       £49.99 | €60 | $70

                                        Science Communication Skills                                          Genome sequencing and agriculture
                                        for Journalists                                                       Edited by Philipp Bayer, David Edwards,
                                        A Resource Book for University Faculty                                both University of Western Australia, Australia
                                        in Africa
                                                                                                              CABI Biotechnology Series
                                        Edited by Charles Wendo, SciDev.Net,
                                                                                                               This book summarises the impacts that the
                                                                                                               genome sequencing revolution has had in
                                        This book provides hands-on guidance                                   all areas across animal and plant agriculture,
                       together with examples, learning activities, graded and               including cattle, orphan crops, cash crops, and more, with
                       ungraded quizzes to facilitate learning. It also includes five        reference to applications in many species and locations.
agricultural science

                       academic review papers reflecting on key science journalism           It explains new techniques and their use in understanding
                       and communication issues in the region.                               epigenetics, breeding and conservation.

                       Jun 2022 | PB | 9781800621428 | 208pp                                 Jul 2022 | HB | 9781789247824 | 168pp
                                                                                             £85 | €100 | $115

                                        Youth and the Rural Economy                                           Sustainable Agricultural
                                        in Africa                                                             Intensification
                                        Hard Work and Hazard                                                  A Handbook for Practitioners in East and
                                        Edited by James Sumberg, Institute                                    Southern Africa
                                        of Development Studies, UK                                            Edited by Mateete Bekunda, Jonathan
                                                                                                               Odhong, Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon, all
                                         There are many accepted views about
                                                                                                               International Institute of Tropical Agriculture,
                                         the role and position of youth in the
                       African agricultural economy. This book challenges those
                       assumptions by analysing new studies, particularly of gender          This book aims to demonstrate how sustainable intensification
                       and social difference. It is a major contribution to current          (SI) of smallholder livelihood farming systems can be achieved
                       debates and development policy about youth, agriculture               through the delivery, application, and adoption of evidence-
                       and employment in rural Africa.                                       based recommended technologies and knowledge.
                       Apr 2022 | PB | 9781789249828 | 200pp                                 Apr 2022 | HB | 9781800621602 | 208pp
                       £40 | €45 | $55                                                       £70 | €85 | $100
                       Apr 2021 | HB | 9781789245011 | 200pp                       NEW IN
                       £95 | €115 | $130

                                        Gender-responsive Researchers                                         Conservation Agriculture in Africa
                                        Equipped for Agricultural                                             Climate Smart Agricultural Development
                                        Transformation                                                        Edited by Saidi Mkomwa, African
                                        Trainer’s Manual for the Gender-                                      Conservation Tillage, Nairobi, Amir H
                                        Responsive Plant Breeding Course                                      Kassam, Food and Agriculture Organization
                                        Margaret Mangheni, Makere University,                                 of the United Nations, Italy and University of
                                        Uganda, Hale Tufan, Cornell University, USA                           Reading, UK
                       This manual presents the content and step-by-step training            Conservation Agriculture (the use of no tillage systems)
                       process for the Gender-Responsive Plant Breeding course,              to preserve soil structure and integrity has become an
                       implemented by Makerere and Cornell Universities, over a              increasingly important step towards sustainable farming.
                       period of five years (2016-2020), under the Gender-responsive         This book brings together conservation agriculture and
                       Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT)          climate smart decision making processes for the first time,
                       project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.              focusing on Africa.

                       Mar 2022 | ePDF | 9781800620520 | 272pp                               Dec 2021 | HB | 9781789245745 | 512pp
                                                                                             £175 | €210 | $245
                       Mar 2022 | ePub | 9781800620513 | 272pp

       4               Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Land Governance and Gender                                          Farm Business Management
                 The Tenure-Gender Nexus in Land                                     The Decisive Farmer
                 Management and Land Policy                                          Peter L Nuthall, Lincoln University,
                 Edited by Uchendu Eugene Chigbu,                                    New Zealand
                 Namibia University of Science and
                                                                                      This book takes a novel approach to teaching
                 Technology, Namibia
                                                                                      farm management and decision making
                  This book offers conceptual and empirical                           processses. It has been written for all
studies of land governance, focusing on land management             farmers but is also a valuable resource for students of farm
approaches, land policy issues, advances in pro-poor land           management and agribusiness. References to formal theories
tenure, and land-based gender concerns. Topics include              and explanations are provided in addenda to each chapter
“Creating new understandings,” “Exploring alternative               covering the main points. Exercises and case studies can also
approaches for land management and land tenure,” “Viewing           be accessed.
vistas of tenure experiences across the globe,” and “Stretching
                                                                    Dec 2021 | PB | 9781800620124 | 232pp
the gender perspectives.”
                                                                    £45 | €50 | $60
Dec 2021 | HB | 9781789247664 | 248pp
£95 | €115 | $135

                 Transforming Tertiary Agricultural                                  The Fight Against Food Shortages
                 Education in Africa                                                 and Surpluses
                 Edited by David Kraybill, Ohio State                                Perspectives of a Practitioner
                 University, USA, John Lynam, Adipala                                John McClintock, ACTION for Food
                 Ekwamu, RUFORUM, Uganda                                             Reserves, Belgium
                  African agricultural universities are                                This book presents a logical argument,
                  transforming themselves and achieving                                rigorously formulated, for practical policy
success in tackling the problems of production agriculture,         options to fight food shortages and surpluses. It navigates the
urbanization and food consumption patterns. Adaptive                reader through issues and ideologies surrounding hunger,

                                                                                                                                           agricultural science
strategies are creating an internal culture driven by stakeholder   presents and tests hypotheses with theory and evidence, and
needs to improve the quality and relevance of teaching,             concludes with workable policies to address food crises.
research and outreach.
                                                                    Nov 2021 | PB | 9781800621213 | 198pp
Dec 2021 | HB | 9781789246544 | 328pp                               £39.99 | €45 | $55
£95 | €115 | $135                                                   Oct 2020 | HB | 9781786394842 | 198pp                        NEW IN
                                                                    £95 | €110 | $130

                 A Manual for Agribusiness Value                                     Water Conflicts and Cooperation:
                 Chain Analysis in Developing                                        a Media Handbook
                 Countries                                                           Edited by Rasha Dewedar
                 Benjamin Dent, University of Queensland,
                                                                                       This handbook is for journalists, researchers
                 Australia, Ray Collins, Emeritus, University
                                                                                       and policy makers working on science
                 of Queensland, Australia
                                                                                       communication for water peace and
                 This manual shows how value chain analysis                            cooperation. It features descriptions of
(VCA) principles can be applied in developing countries,            activities (including action research, training modules, joint
where time and funding is often restricted. It explains how         workshops, reporting grants, podcast and an online photo
to undertake affordable VCA that generate valid data and            campaign) implemented by the Open Water Diplomacy project
produce recommendations that will have impact.                      in the Nile basin.
Nov 2021 | PB | 9781789249361 | 128pp                               Nov 2021 | PB | 9781789247954 | 64pp
£25 | €30 | $35                                                     £20 | €25 | $30

                 Presenting Science Concisely                                        Spices, Scents and Silk
                 Bruce Kirchoff, University of North Carolina                        Catalysts of World Trade
                 at Greensboro, USA                                                  James F Hancock, Michigan State
                  The focus of this book is on short                                 University, USA
                  presentations, three-minute talks, poster                           This book describes the central role that these
                  presentations and elevator pitches. It begins                       exotic luxuries – spices, scents and silks –
                  by looking at story structure, and best                             played in the lives of the ancients, traces
practices for lightning talks or Three Minute Thesis (3MT®).        the development of the great international trade networks
Later chapters address longer conference presentations,             that delivered them, and explores how the demand for such
good poster design, consideration of your audience, and             luxuries shaped the world.
presentation skills.
                                                                    Sep 2021 | PB | 9781789249750 | 344pp
Nov 2021 | PB | 9781789246995 | 152pp                               £29.99 | €35 | $40
£19.99 | €25 | $30
                                                                    Sep 2021 | HB | 9781789249743 | 304pp
World, excluding Aus & NZ                                           £95 | €110 | $130

                                      Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                            5
Gender, Climate Change                                            An Introduction to Economics
                                       and Livelihoods                                                   Concepts for Students of Agriculture and
                                       Vulnerabilities and Adaptations                                   the Rural Sector
                                       Edited by Joshua Eastin, Portland State                           5th Edition
                                       University, USA, Kendra Dupuy                                     Berkeley Hill, formerly Imperial College
                                                                                                         London, UK
                                         This book applies a gendered lens to the
                                         dynamic linkages between climate change                         A simple but effective introduction to
                       and livelihoods in developing countries. It examines how         economics. Fully updated and revised, this fifth edition covers
                       climate change affects women and men in distinct ways, and       the impacts of Brexit, animal welfare, sustainable agriculture,
                       the implications for earning income and accessing the natural,   and the importance of natural, social and cultural capital on
                       social, economic, and political resources required to survive    agricultural economics. It is an invaluable learning tool for
                       and thrive.                                                      students of agriculture, economics and related sectors.

                       Jul 2021 | HB | 9781789247053 | 240pp                            Jul 2021 | PB | 9781800620063 | 264pp
                       £95 | €115 | $135                                                £45 | €50 | $60
agricultural science

                              CAB Abstracts
                              CAB Abstracts gives you instant access to over 10.4 million
                              research records, with over 350,000 new records being
                              added every year.
                              Used by hundreds of the world’s leading institutions,
                              including government departments, premier universities,
                              and esteemed research centres, it’s the most
                              comprehensive bibliographic database of its kind.
                              Covering publications from over 120 countries in 50
                              languages from 1973 onwards, including a number of
                              niche, independent journals, CAB Abstracts gives you the
                              fullest global picture for the applied life sciences.
                              Request your free institutional trial at

       6               Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Key Questions
                 Key Questions in Environmental                                     Key Questions in
                 Toxicology                                                         Urban Pest Management
                 A Study and Revision Guide                                         A Study and Revision Guide
                 J P F D’Mello, formerly Scottish Agricultural                      Partho Dhang, Independent Consultant,
                 College, UK                                                         Philippines, Philip Koehler, University of
                                                                                     Florida, USA, Roberto Pereira, University
                   Questions review the origin, characterization
                                                                                     of Florida, USA, Daniel D Dye II, Brooker,
                   and environmental distribution of major
                                                                                     Florida, USA
pollutants, followed by their absorption and metabolic
disposition in living organisms, and their implications for        This book is intended as a study and revision guide for
human morbidity, ecological impact and biodiversity. A             students following programmes of study in which urban pest
selection of questions types and full answer rationales keep       management is an important component. It contains over 500
learning varied and engaging.                                      multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels –
                                                                   foundation, intermediate and advanced.
Sep 2022 | PB | 9781789248524 | 296pp
£25 | €30 | $35                                                    Mar 2022 | PB | 9781800620155 | 168pp
                                                                   £19.99 | €23.99 | $27.99

                                                                                                                                       forestry, ecology and the environment
                 Key Questions in Hydrology                                         Key Questions in Biodiversity
                 and Watershed Management                                           A Study and Revision Guide
                 A Study and Revision Guide                                         Paul A. Rees, formerly University of Salford,
                 Leon Bren, University of Melbourne,                                UK
                 Australia, Patrick Lane, University of                             This book is a study and revision guide for
                 Melbourne, Australia                                               students following programmes of study in
                  This study and revision guide for students                        which biodiversity is an important component.
provides a series of exercises of various types in matters of      It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and annotated
catchment and watershed management. The exercises are              answers) set at three levels – foundation, intermediate and
true/false, multiple choice, numeric, graphical, and analytical.   advanced.
Some of the exercises would be suited to being done in class
                                                                   May 2021 | PB | 9781789248630 | 224pp
as a type of assignment, others designed for home study.
                                                                   £19.99 | €23.99 | $27.99
Nov 2021 | PB | 9781789249682 | 232pp
£19.99 | €23.99 | $27.99

                 Soil Ecology                                                       Courtship and Mate-Finding
                 Sina M Adl, University of Saskatchewan,                            in Insects
                 Canada                                                             A Comparative Approach
                  Soil Ecology is a new textbook which                              Raymond J C Cannon, formerly of the Food
                  approaches this complex subject using                             and Environment Research Agency, UK
                  a unique organism-based approach. It is                            This fascinating and beautifully illustrated
                  suitable for undergraduate or graduate                             book describes the incredible variety of
level courses in soil microbiology, soil ecology, ecological       courtship behaviours and celebrates the wonderful natural
agriculture, forest management, soil remediation and               history of a wide range of insects. It will be of interest to
environmental management, and as a comprehensive                   students of biology, professional entomologists and amateur
resource for professional soil scientists and ecologists.          naturalists with a desire to know more about the behaviour of
Nov 2022 | PB | 9781800621336 | 456pp                              the small creatures with which we share the planet.
£55 | €65 | $75                                                    Nov 2022 | HB | 9781789248609 | 400pp
Nov 2022 | HB | 9781800621329 | 456pp                              £95 | €115 | $135
£120 | €140 | $160

                 Climate Change, Adaptation                                         Dragonfly Conservation
                 and Gender                                                         Michael J Samways, Stellenbosch
                 Methodological Underpinnings                                       University, South Africa
                 Mamta Mehar, Independent Consultant,                              This is the first, comprehensive, single-
                 India, Narayan Prasad, Indira Gandhi                              authored, modern text on the conservation
                 National Open University, Indiaa                                  of this iconic group of insects. Dragonflies
                 CABI Climate Change series                                        are sensitive to the health of freshwater
                                                                   systems, and the quality of vegetation along rivers and around
This book offers a wide, in-depth study of the gender-climate      ponds. Dragonflies are excellent indicators of the quality of our
change-agriculture nexus. Despite more than 40 years of            freshwater supplies.
research exploring this nexus, there is still ambiguity around
the foundations, connections, and approaches for planning          Sep 2022 | HB | 9781789248371 | 376pp
gender-inclusive climate policies. This volume aims to clear       £95 | €115 | $130
that ambiguity.
Oct 2022 | HB | 9781789249897 | 200pp
£95 | €110 | $125

                                      Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                                 7
Invasive Species                                                  Butterflies of Cyprus
                                                         and Global Climate Change                                         A Field Guide and Distribution Atlas
                                                         2nd Edition                                                       Eddie John, Cyprus Butterfly Study Group,
                                                         Edited by Lewis Ziska, USDA-ARS, USA                              UK, Christodoulos Makris, Cyprus Butterfly
                                                                                                                           Study Group, Cyprus
                                                         CABI Invasives Series
                                                                                                                            This book is the first, comprehensive,
                                                         This book explores the nexus of climate
                                                                                                                            authoritative field guide and distribution atlas
                                        change and biological invasions, resulting impacts (biological
                                                                                                         for the butterflies of Cyprus, assembled by authors with a
                                        and economic) and assesses ways to reduce vulnerability
                                                                                                         combined experience spanning over 50 years of study of the
                                        and increase the resiliency and sustainability of managed
                                                                                                         island’s butterflies.
                                        and unmanaged ecosystems in the following parts (1) the
                                        dimensions of the problem; background and science; (2) case      Aug 2022 | HB | 9781800621251 | 272pp
                                        studies; (3) Management: detection and prevention; and (4)       £75 | €85 | $100
                                        management: control and adaptation.
                                        Sep 2022 | HB | 9781800621435 | 304pp
                                        £95 | €110 | $130

                                                         The Relationship Between Soil                                     Psocids as Global Pests
forestry, ecology and the environment

                                                         and Global Climate Change                                         of Stored Products
                                                         Processes, Impacts And Adaptations                                Edited by Christos G Athanassiou,
                                                         Pedro Antunes, Algoma University, Canada                          University of Thessaly, Greece, Manoj K.
                                                                                                                           Nayak, Department of Agriculture and
                                                         A comprehensive, science-based, overview                          Fisheries, Queensland, Australia
                                                         on how the planet’s soils affect and are
                                                                                                                          Psocids are a group of insect pests of
                                                         affected by climate change, including an
                                                                                                         stored products. They are widespread and damaging. This
                                        overview of the global contribution of soil to greenhouse gas
                                                                                                         book summarises current knowledge of Psocid biology and
                                        emissions, evidence of how past climate change affected
                                                                                                         management and points the way to future psocid research.
                                        edaphic factors and how this knowledge can relate to the
                                                                                                         The book is essential reading for all those involved in stored
                                        present and future climate.
                                                                                                         product and post-harvest pest management and research.
                                        Jul 2022 | HB | 9781789246780 | 232pp
                                        £95 | €115 | $135                                                Jun 2022 | HB | 9781789245523 | 144pp
                                                                                                         £95 | €115 | $135

                                        Crop Pollination by Bees
                                                         Crop Pollination by Bees, Volume 2                                Crop Pollination by Bees, Volume 1
                                                         Individual Crops and their Bees                                   Evolution, Ecology, Conservation, and
                                                         2nd Edition                                                       Management
                                                         Keith S Delaplane, University of Georgia,                         2nd Edition
                                                         USA                                                               Keith S Delaplane, University of Georgia, USA
                                                          Volume 2 of a practical guide to bees and                        A practical guide to bees and how they
                                                          how they pollinate essential crops. Provides                     pollinate essential crops. Provides simple,
                                        simple, succinct advice on how to increase bee abundance         succinct advice on how to increase bee abundance and
                                        and pollination. Very useful for farmers, horticulturalists,     pollination. Very useful for farmers, horticulturalists, gardeners,
                                        gardeners, and those interested in insect ecology and            and those interested in insect ecology and conservation,
                                        conservation, including students of entomology and crop          including students of entomology and crop protection.
                                                                                                         Aug 2021 | PB | 9781786393494 | 192pp
                                        Jul 2022 | PB | 9781786393524 | 128pp                            £49.99 | €57.50 | $67.50
                                        £45 | €60 | $75

                                                         Transgenic Insects                                                Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests
                                                         Techniques and Applications                                       Edited by Takumasa Kondo, Agrosavia,
                                                         2nd Edition                                                       Colombia, Gillian Watson, Natural History
                                                         Edited by Mark Quentin Benedict, Centers                          Museum, London, UK
                                                         for Disease Control and Prevention, USA,                          Scale insects are major pests worldwide.
                                                         Maxwell Scott, North Carolina State                               They are one of the most invasive plant pest
                                                         University, USA                                                   groups and cause billions of dollars damage
                                        CABI Biotechnology Series                                        to a wide variety of crops each year. The Encyclopedia of Scale
                                                                                                         Insect Pests is the most comprehensive, fully illustrated work
                                        This book describes the huge opportunity to modify insect        on scale insect pests worldwide.
                                        phenotypes through genetic engineering to benefit human
                                        health and agriculture. Precise DNA modifications and gene       Mar 2022 | HB | 9781800620643 | 720pp
                                        drive approaches are much more focused with improved             £250 | €287.50 | $337.50
                                        safety. The development of modelling, ethical considerations,
                                        public response and regulatory oversight is covered.
                                        May 2022 | HB | 9781800621152 | 504pp
                                        £125 | €145 | $170
             8                          Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
The Fruit Fly Fauna (Diptera :                                     Temperate Agroforestry Systems
                 Tephritidae : Dacinae) of Papua                                    2nd Edition
                 New Guinea, Indonesian Papua,                                      Edited by Andrew M Gordon, University
                 Associated Islands and Bougainville                                of Guelph, Canada, Steven M Newman,
                  ichard A I Drew, Griffith University,
                 R                                                                  formerly University of Leeds, UK, Brent
                 Australia, Meredith C Romig, Griffith                              Coleman, University of Guelph, Canada
                 University, Australia
                                                                                     This edition brings together many examples
A taxonomic treatise of the tropical fruit flies of Papua          of temperate agroforestry and makes valuable reading for all
New Guinea, Indonesian Papua, associated islands and               those working in this area as researchers, practitioners and
Bougainville, with an updated record of all known species          policy makers. It includes additional chapters on India and
of Dacinae that occur in this geographic area including            Chile, and as a result of ongoing advances in the field, separate
descriptions of 66 new species out of an entire list of 296        chapters on the US, Canada, the UK and continental Europe.
known species covered.
                                                                   Dec 2021 | PB | 9781780644868 | 326pp
Jan 2022 | HB | 9781789249514 | 152pp                              £45 | €60 | $85
£85 | €100 | $115                                                  Mar 2018 | HB | 9781780644851 | 326pp                         NEW IN
                                                                   £95 | €125 | $160

                 Pest Management in Cotton                                          Invasion Biology

                                                                                                                                           forestry, ecology and the environment
                 A Global Perspective                                               Hypotheses and Evidence
                 Edited by Graham A. Matthews, Emeritus                             Edited by Jonathan M Jeschke, Leibniz-
                 Professor, Imperial College London, UK,                            Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland
                 Thomas A. Miller, University of California                         Fisheries, Germany, Tina Heger, Technical
                 Riverside, USA                                                     University of Munich, Germany

                  This book describes the background and                              There are many hypotheses describing the
present state of pest management in cotton crops throughout        interactions involved in biological invasions, but it is largely
the world. Cotton is one of the most economically important        unknown whether they are backed up by empirical evidence.
crops globally, and new, emerging pests driven by climate          This book fills that gap by assessing research hypotheses
change, for example, are proving increasingly problematic.         and applying it to a number of invasion hypotheses, using the
The book highlights new techniques in cotton crop protection.      hierarchy-of-hypotheses (HoH) approach.
Dec 2021 | HB | 9781800620216 | 288pp                              Dec 2021 | PB | 9781800621619 | 188pp
£95 | €110 | $130                                                  £ 45| €50 | $60
                                                                   Apr 2018 | HB | 9781780647647 | 188pp                         NEW IN
                                                                   £75 | €100 | $125

                 Climate, Ticks and Disease                                         Understanding Soils in
                 Edited by Pat Nuttall, University of Oxford, UK                    Urban Environments
                                                                                    2nd Edition
                 CABI Climate Change series
                                                                                    Pam Hazelton, University of Technology
                  his book brings together expert opinions
                                                                                    Sydney Australia, Brian W Murphy, Office
                 from scientists to consider the evidence for
                                                                                    of Environment and Heritage, Australia
                 climate change and its impacts on ticks and
                 tick-borne infections, and provide predictions                      Urban soils provide the foundation for
                 for the future.                                   buildings and infrastructure, and the medium for plant growth
                                                                   in fields, parks and gardens. This text recognises and draws
Dec 2021 | HB | 9781789249637 | 544pp                              attention to the particular nature of soils in urban environments
£150 | €175 | $205                                                 and discusses their distinctive management needs.
                                                                   Nov 2021 | HB | 9781789249934 | 200pp
                                                                   £85 | €100 | $120
                                                                   World, excluding Aus & NZ

                 Ecology of Freshwater Nematodes                                    Biology and Management of the
                 Edited by Walter Traunspurger, University                          German Cockroach
                 of Bielefeld, Germany                                              Edited by Changlu Wang, Rutgers University,
                Nematodes, with a simple, tubular body form                         USA, Chow-Yang Lee, University of
                are the most abundant multicellular animals                         California, Riverside, USA, Michael Rust,
                on earth. Freshwater nematodes are central                          University of California, USA
                in the context of environmental monitoring,                          comprehensive overview of the German
pollution assessments, global warming and food chain                                cockroach and its management.
complexes, and this is increasingly being recognised.
                                                                   May 2021 | HB | 9781789248104 | 320pp
Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789243635 | 400pp                              £120 | €145 | $170
£95 | €110 | $130                                                  World, excluding Aus & NZ

                                     Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                                      9
Chalcidoidea of Iran
                                                         (Insecta: Hymenoptera)
                                                         Edited by Hassan Ghahari, Islamic Azad
                                                         University, Iran, Gary Gibson, Agriculture
                                                         and Agri-Food Canada, Gennaro Viggiani,
                                                         University of Naples, Italy
                                                          A catalogue and reference volume of
                                        the species diversity of the Chalcidoidea (an important
                                        diverse group of parasitic wasps used in biological control
                                        of crop pests) based on little known records from Iran and
                                        15 neighbouring countries. It is an invaluable source of
                                        information for all those interested in Chalcidoidea and those
                                        working in crop protection (especially biological control) and
                                        Integrated Pest Management.
                                        Feb 2021 | HB | 9781789248463 | 448pp
                                        £225 | €270 | $315
forestry, ecology and the environment

                                                Forestry Compendium
                                                Global coverage of tropical, subtropical, temperate and
                                                boreal trees, forests and woody plant species as well as
                                                pests and diseases

                                                • Over 2,300 detailed datasheets on tree species
                                                  of economic importance worldwide and lesser-
                                                  known species of local importance as well as
                                                  forest pests, diseases and weeds
                                                • Over 19,000 basic datasheets on further species
                                                • Over 5,500 illustrations for easy identification and
                                                • A multilingual glossary including over 16,000
                                                  forestry terms in English, French, Spanish,
                                                  German and Portuguese

          10                            Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Demand-led Plant Breeding                                          Fungal Plant Pathogens
                 From Principles to Practice                                        Principles and Protocols
                 in Emerging Markets                                                2nd Edition
                 Edited by Vivienne M Anthony, Syngenta                             Edited by Charles R Lane, The Food and
                 Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture,                             Environment Research Agency (Fera), UK,
                 Switzerland, Cathy Barker                                           Paul Beales, Animal & Plant Health Agency
                                                                                     (APHA), UK, Kelvin J D Hughes, Animal &
Demand-led breeding has the potential to combine the best                            Plant Health Agency (APHA), UK
of institutional and commercial approaches to produce plant
                                                                   Since publication of the first edition in 2012, there is increased
varieties that are really needed. This book shows how the
                                                                   awareness of plant health and biosecurity. This practical
approach works in practice with case studies and analysis.
                                                                   manual deals with recognition of disease symptoms, detection
Dec 2022 | HB | 9781789246575 | 264pp                              and identification of fungi and methods to characterise them,
£85 | €100 | $115                                                  as well as curation, quarantine, quality assurance, and new
                                                                   chapters on tree health and outreach.
                                                                   Nov 2022 | PB | 9781800620551 | 340pp
                                                                   £55 | €65 | $75

                 Biostimulants for Crop Production                                  Biology and Integrated Management
                 and Sustainable Agriculture                                        of Turfgrass Diseases
                 Edited by Mirza Hasanuzzaman, Sher-e-                             Gary W. Beehag, Consultant, Sydney,
                  Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh,                       Australia, Nathan R. Walker, Oklahoma State
                  Barbara Hawrylak-Nowak, University of                             University, USA, Percy T.W. Wong, University
                  Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland, Md Tofazzal                      of Sydney, Australia, Jyri Kaapro, Bayer Crop
                  Islam, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur                                 Science Pty Limited, Australia

                                                                                                                                        plant and crop science
                  Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh,
                                                                   This book provides understandable, science-based and
                  Masayuki Fujita, Kagawa University, Japan
                                                                   extension knowledge of the identity, biology, ecology and
Agricultural biostimulants are a group of substances or            integrated management of turfgrass diseases.
microorganisms that are applied to plants or soils to improve
                                                                   Sep 2022 | HB | 9781789246216 | 304pp
crop vigour, yields, quality and tolerance of abiotic stresses.
                                                                   £115 | €140 | $160
This book reviews their role in crop production and agricultural
Oct 2022 | HB | 9781789248074 | 384pp
£125 | €145 | $170

                 Microbial Biocontrol Agents                                        Plant Omics
                 Developing Effective Biopesticides                                 Advances in Big Data Biology
                 Edited by Gerardo Puopolo, University                              Edited by Hajime Ohyanagi, Kentaro Yano,
                 of Trento, Italy                                                   Meiji University, Japan, Eiji Yamamoto,
                                                                                    Ai Kitazumi, Texas Tech University, USA
                   This book analyses microbial biocontrol
                   agents for the development of novel                              CABI Biotechnology Series
                   biopesticides, considering the main plant-
                                                                                   Plant omics combines a range of cutting-
beneficial traits, procedures needed for effective formulations
                                                                   edge molecular techniques that are transforming plant
and the processes used for their validation.
                                                                   science. This book explains the latest developments at each
Sep 2022 | HB | 9781789249187 | 184pp                              level and how they can help tackle global food security issues.
£75 | €85 | $100
                                                                   Jul 2022 | HB | 9781789247510 | 216pp
                                                                   £95 | €110 | $130

                 Fungicides in Practice                                             Nematodes as Model Organisms
                 Richard P. Oliver, Curtin University,                              2nd Edition
                 Australia, Janna L Beckerman, Purdue                               Edited by Itamar Glazer, ARO, Volcani Center,
                 University, USA                                                    Israel, David I Shapiro-llan, USDA-ARS, USA,
                  ungicide resistance is a major problem in
                 F                                                                  Paul W. Sternberg, Caltech, USA
                 agriculture, and one that affects us all. This                     Nematodes, especially Caenorhabditis
                 is a guide for practitioners and scientists                        elegans have been used as a model for
                 involved in fungicide research and use.           research in molecular biology since the 1960s. This is a
                                                                   much-needed update on research on fundamental processes
Jun 2022 | HB | 9781789246902 | 256pp
                                                                   in areas such as genetics, developmental biology, nutrition,
£95 | €110 | $130
                                                                   toxicology, ecology, pharmacology and medicine.
                                                                   Apr 2022 | HB | 9781789248791 | 376pp
                                                                   £95 | €110 | $130

                                      Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                         11
Integrated Nematode Management                                    Gene Flow
                                         State-of-the-Art and Visions for the Future                       Monitoring, Modeling and Mitigation
                                         Edited by Richard A Sikora, Professor                             Edited by Wei Wei, Institute of Botany
                                         Emeritus, University of Bonn, Germany,                            Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Neal
                                         Johan Desaeger, University of Florida, USA,                       Stewart, University of Tennessee, USA
                                         Leendert P. G. Molendijk, Wageningen
                                                                                                            This book discusses gene flow of transgenes
                                         University, The Netherlands
                                                                                                            from genetically modified organisms into
                         This book reviews in a systematic crop by crop approach          nature, with a focus on monitoring, modelling and mitigation.
                         the state-of-the-art management strategies that have been        It includes both scientific reviews and perspectives on gene
                         developed to reduce nematode impact, and outlines their          flow and experimental case studies, for example, gene flow
                         limitations.                                                     of soyabean and poplar.
                         Dec 2021 | HB | 9781789247541 | 488pp                            Nov 2021 | HB | 9781789247480 | 168pp
                         £120 | €145 | $170                                               £85 | €105 | $120

                                         Mutation Breeding, Genetic Diversity                              Handbook of Invasive
                                         and Crop Adaptation to Climate Change                             Plant-parasitic Nematodes
                                        Edited by Sobhana Sivasankar, International                        Ziaul Haque, Aligarh Muslim University, India,
                                        Atomic Energy Agency, Austria, Thomas                              Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Aligarh Muslim
                                        Henry Noel Ellis, John Innes Center, UK                            University, India
                                        and University of Auckland, New Zealand,
                                                                                                            his book contains information on ~100
                                        Ljupcho Jankuloski, FAO/IAEA, Austria,
                                                                                                           invasive plant nematodes and their potential
plant and crop science

                         Ivan Ingelbrecht, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
                                                                                                           threat in different countries.
                         International authors review achievements, new developments,
                                                                                          Sep 2021 | HB | 9781789247367 | 544pp
                         trends and challenges in the field of plant mutation breeding,
                                                                                          £185 | €210 | $250
                         across the scientific community and the private sector.
                         Chapters highlight specific challenges, such as emerging
                         transboundary threats to crop production, and assess the
                         overall importance of mutation breeding to food security.
                         Oct 2021 | HB | 9781789249095 | 512pp
                         £125 | €150 | $175

                                         Applied Crop Physiology                                           Diagnosing Hemp and Cannabis
                                         Understanding the Fundamentals                                    Crop Diseases
                                         of Grain Crop Management                                          Shouhua Wang, Nevada Department of
                                         Dennis B Egli, Emeritus, University of                            Agriculture, USA
                                         Kentucky, USA                                                      xtensively illustrated with over 300 colour
                                        This book describes the fundamental                                photographs, this book describes how to
                                        processes involved in the accumulation of                          diagnose hemp and cannabis crop diseases.
                         biomass and the production of grain yield by agronomic crops                      It is a practical guide for farmers and growers,
                         and discusses how these processes underlie and influence                          as well as researchers in plant pathology.
                         management decisions.
                                                                                          Sep 2021 | HB | 9781789246070 | 304pp
                         Sep 2021 | HB | 9781789245950 | 192pp                            £75 | €90 | $105
                         £75 | €90 | $105

                                         Illustrated Plant Glossary                                        Molecular Breeding in Wheat, Maize
                                         Enid Mayfield, Melbourne, Australia                               and Sorghum
                                                                                                           Strategies for Improving Abiotic Stress
                                         A comprehensive glossary of over 4000 terms
                                                                                                           Tolerance and Yield
                                         related to plant sciences, with superb colour
                                         illustrations to aid comprehension of many of                      Edited by Mohammad Anwar Hossain,
                                         the plant terms.                                                   Bangladesh Agricultural University,
                                                                                                            Bangladesh, Mobashwer Alam, Queensland
                          ep 2021 | PB | 9781800620674 | 332pp
                         S                                                                Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, Australia, Saman
                         £37.50 | €45 | $50                                               Seneweera, National Institute of Fundamental Studies,
                         World, excluding Aus & NZ                                        Sri Lanka, Sujay Rakshit, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize
                                                                                          Research, India, Robert J Henry, Queensland Alliance for
                                                                                          Agriculture and Food Innovation, Australia
                                                                                          This book covers the latest understanding of molecular and
                                                                                          genetic bases of abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvement
                                                                                          of wheat, maize and sorghum, to develop strategies for improved
                                                                                          stress tolerance and enhanced crop productivity.
                                                                                          Jul 2021 | HB | 9781789245431 | 552pp
                                                                                          £175 | €200 | $240

      12                 Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Applied Plant Science Experimental                                 RNAi for Plant Improvement
                 Design and Statistical Analysis Using                              and Protection
                 SAS® OnDemand for Academics                                        Edited by Bruno Mezzetti, Università
                 Edward F Durner, Rutgers, The State                                Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, Jeremy
                 University of New Jersey, USA                                      Sweet, National Institute of Agricultural
                                                                                    Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, UK, Lorenzo
                  Presenting the most frequently used
                                                                                    Burgos, CEBAS-CSIC, Spain
                  statistical methods for plant science in a non-
intimidating fashion and teaching the appropriate use of SAS®       International experts review RNA interference (RNAi), methods
within the context of plant science research, this book includes    for developing RNAi systems in GM plants and a range of
numerous examples and is a key resource for students and            applications for crop improvement, crop production and crop
scientists undertaking statistical analysis and experimental        protection. Chapters examine both endogenous systems in
design.                                                             GM plants and exogenous systems where interfering RNAs
                                                                    are applied to target plants, pests and pathogens.
Jun 2021 | PB | 9781789245981 | 416pp
£39.99 | €45 | $55                                                  Apr 2021 | HB | 9781789248890 | 200pp
Jun 2021 | HB | 9781789249927 | 416pp                               £85 | €100 | $115
£95 | €110 | $130

                                                                                                                                    plant and crop science
Crop Protection Compendium
The world’s most comprehensive site for information
on crop pests

• Over 29,000 datasheets and 4,000 detailed
  datasheets on crop pests, diseases, weeds,
  invasive plants and natural enemies with
  contributions from the CGIAR centres, EPPO,
  FERA, FAO, PROSEA, USDA and World Bank
• Global species distribution maps with
  interactive grab, pan and zoom functionality
• Includes access to the premium version of
  CABI’s Horizon Scanning Tool – helping to
  identify potential invasive species threats
  to a country, state or province
                                      Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                     13
Crop Production Science in Horticulture series
                                Peach and Nectarine                                              Chrysanthemum
                                Edited by George Athanasios Manganaris,                          Edited by Ep Heuvelink, Wageningen
                                Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus,                         University and Research, The Netherlands,
                                Guglielmo Costa, University of Bologna,                          M. SharathKumar
                                Italy, Carlos H Crisosto, University of
                                California, Davis, USA                                            This book serves as a practical reference for
                                                                                                  researchers and growers with comprehensive
                                New book providing comprehensive,                                 and accessible information on all aspects of
               fundamental and up-to-date information on the production          production, physiology, genetics -breeding and biotechnology
               processes for fresh market and canning peach and nectarine,       of the chrysanthemum crop.
               including orchard establishment, production, postharvest
               handling and uses. Highly illustrated in full colour. Essential   Oct 2022 | PB | 9781789248265 | 256pp
               reading for students and professionals in pomology, including     £49.95 | €60 | $70
               growers, consultants and extension specialists.
               Jul 2022 | PB | 9781789248432 | 320pp
               £49.99 | €60 | $70

                                Date Palm                                                        Mushrooms
                                Edited by Jameel M Al-Khayri, King Faisal                        Agaricus bisporus
                                University, Saudi Arabia, Shri Mohan Jain,                       Edited by Youssef Najib Sassine, Lebanese
                                University of Helsinki, Finland, Dennis V                        University, Lebanon
                                Johnson, Robert R Krueger, USDA-ARS,
                                                                                                 Addresses both scientific and practical
                                University of California, Riverside, USA
                                                                                                 aspects of growing the common mushroom,
                                A new comprehensive standard reference                           Agaricus bisporus. It includes general aspects
               work on modern practices in date palm cultivation for             of mushroom cultivation, substrates properties, breeding,
               researchers in horticulture and producers.                        casing and cropping, pests and diseases, harvesting and
                                                                                 postharvest technologies.
               Sep 2022 | PB | 9781800620186 | 496pp
               £60 | €70 | $80                                                   Oct 2021 | PB | 9781800620414 | 400pp
                                                                                 £60 | €70 | $80

                                Cut Flowers and Foliages
                                Edited by James E. Faust, Clemson
                                University, USA, John Dole, North Carolina
                                State University, USA
                                The cut flower and foliage industry is a
                                global business with major production
                                locations around the world. With a focus
               on production in protected cultivation, this book describes
               how to successfully grow and harvest high quality flowers.
               Jun 2021 | PB | 9781789247602 | 408pp
               £49.99 | €60 | $70

   14          Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Botany, Production and Uses series
                 Edible Alliums                                                      Loquat
                 Botany, Production and Uses                                         Botany, Production and Uses
                 Edited by Haim D Rabinowitch, Hebrew                                Edited by Sisir Mitra, International Society for
                 University of Jerusalem, Israel, Brian                              Horticultural Science, India, A Aytekin Polat,
                 Thomas, University of Warwick, UK                                   Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey
                  Allium crops include many economically                             With contributions from leading international
                  important species, such as onions, shallots,                       researchers, this book reviews the current
garlic, leeks, and chives. They grow in a range of ecological        state of knowledge concerning the history, physiology, culture
conditions and are harvested worldwide. This book provides           and marketing of loquat throughout the world.
a comprehensive review of edible Alliums from a scientific and
                                                                     Jul 2022 | HB | 9781800620971 | 304pp
horticultural perspective.
                                                                     £125 | €145 | $170
Sep 2022 | HB | 9781789249972 | 248pp
£105 | €125 | $150

                 The Fig                                                             Yams
                 Botany, Production and Uses                                         Botany, Production and Uses
                 Edited by Ali Sarkhosh, University of Florida,                      Anthony Keith Thompson, King Mongkut’s
                 USA, Alimohammad Yavari, Pomologist &                               Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand,
                 Consultant, Tehran, Iran, Louise Ferguson,                          Ibok Oduro, The Kwame Nkrumah University
                 University of California, Davis, USA                                of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana
                  This book provides a comprehensive review                            Dioscorea species, commonly known as
of fig growing from a scientific and horticultural perspective,      yam, are tuberous plants which constitute a major staple food
covering botany, production, processing, health, and industrial      in many parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.
uses.                                                                This book covers botany, taxonomy, composition and uses,
                                                                     cultivation, production, diseases and pests, and storage.
Apr 2022 | HB | 9781789242881 | 512pp
£135 | €155 | $210                                                   Oct 2021 | HB | 9781789249279 | 296pp

                                                                     £110 | €125 | $150

                 Botany, Production and Uses
                 Edited by Sisir Mitra, International Society
                 for Horticultural Science, India
                  Guava is considered a minor tropical fruit
                  (together with lychee, longan, durian etc.),
                  although is the largest in terms of output. This
is the first comprehensive book authored by an international
team of experts, and covers botany, biotechnology,
propagation, production, pests and diseases, postharvest,
and processing.
Jun 2021 | HB | 9781789247022 | 384pp
£135 | €155 | $180

                                       Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                    15
Vegetable Seeds                                                       Advances in Fig Research
                                 Production and Technology                                             and Sustainable Production
                                 Gregory E Welbaum, Virginia Tech                                      Edited by Moshe A Flaishman, The Volcani
                                 University, USA                                                       Center, Agriculture Research Organization,
                                                                                                       Israel, Uygun Aksoy, formerly Ege University,
                                 Farmers all over the world share one concern:
                                 how to get the best seed and planting
                                 material for next season’s crops. This book                             This book provides a comprehensive review
               covers it, and is a replacement for CABI’s Vegetable Seed              of fig research, both basics and applications. It addresses the
               Production by R.A.T. George, now out of print.                         recent scientific results in genetics, genomics, metabolomics,
                                                                                      pharmaceutical properties, understanding of symbiosis, new
               Nov 2022 | HB | 9781789243246 | 350pp
                                                                                      management, post-harvest technology and diseases and pest
               £95 | €125 | $160
                                                                                      management of figs.
                                                                                      May 2022 | HB | 9781789242478 | 536pp
                                                                                      £135 | €155 | $210

                                 Plants for Soil Regeneration                                          Concepts for Understanding
                                 An Illustrated Guide                                                  Fruit Trees
                                 Sally Pinhey, Institute of Analytical Plant                           Theodore M. DeJong, University of
                                 Illustration, UK, Margaret Tebbs, The Natural                         California, Davis, USA
                                 History Museum, UK                                                     This book provides a clear set of integrative
                                  his book gives farmers, growers and
                                 T                                                                      concepts for understanding how fruit trees
                                 gardeners information and a visual guide to                            work. The emphasis is on overarching
                                 the plants which can be used to improve soil         principles rather than detailed descriptions of tree physiology
                                 quality without the use of agrichemicals.            or differences among the numerous species of fruit trees.
               Mar 2022 | HB | 9781789243604 | 168pp                                  Jan 2022 | PB | 9781800620865 | 136pp
               £55 | €63 | $75                                                        £22.5 | €25 | $30

                                 Phytochemistry of Australia’s                                         The Constituents of Medicinal Plants
                                 Tropical Rainforest                                                   3rd Edition
                                 Medicinal Potential of Ancient Plants                                 Andrew Pengelly, Maryland University
                                 Cheryll J Williams                                                    of Integrative Health, USA

                                  The only book to cover medicinal and                                 Pengelly’s book is a classic in the literature of
                                  phytochemical aspects of ancient rainforest                          herbal medicine. It is an easy to understand
                                  plants in Australia, and their future therapeutic                    introduction to the chemistry of medicinal
               potential. Richly illustrated with over 500 colour photographs,        plants. This new edition is thoroughly updated incorporating
               including many rare native species.                                    topics of contemporary interest, including cannabinoids,
                                                                                      mushroom polysaccharides, and toxicology
               Dec 2021 | HB | 9781800620247 | 584pp                                  of phytochemicals.
               £135 | €155 | $180
                                                                                      May 2021 | PB | 9781789243079 | 232pp
               World, excluding Aus & NZ
                                                                                      £25 | €30 | $35

                                 Hydroponics and Protected
                                 A Practical Guide
                                 Lynette Morgan, SUNTEC International
                                 Hydroponic Consultants, New Zealand
                                A comprehensive, practical text which
                                covers a diverse range of hydroponic and
               protected cropping techniques, systems, greenhouse types
               and environments. It also covers related subjects such as
               the use of indoor plant factories, vertical systems, organic
               hydroponics, aquaponics and other systems.
               Mar 2021 | HB | 9781789244830 | 320pp
               £49.99 | €57.50 | $67.50

   16          Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Horticultural Science
The leading database on tropical,
subtropical and temperate
horticultural science research

• Over 1.7 million bibliographic records (derived
  from CAB Abstracts) with detailed keyword
  (metadata) tagging and coverage since 1930
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  added per year
• Over 125,000 full text documents (journal
  articles, conference papers, reports), with over
  9,000 currently added per year
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  100 countries
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  written by subject experts
                  Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577        17
Climate Change and Global Health                                   The Handbook of Mites
                                                    2nd Edition                                                        of Stored Products
                                                    Edited by Colin Butler, University of                              Vincenzo Vacante, Mediterranean University,
                                                    Canberra, Australia, Kerryn Higgs,                                 Italy, Carlos H W Flechtmann, University of
                                                    University of Tasmania, Australia, Kim Van                         Sao Paulo, Brazil
                                                    Daalen, University of Cambridge, UK                                  The presence of mites in stored food has
                                                    This new edition provides a substantially                            serious hygienic and health implications
                                   updated, authoritative, critical and yet accessible perspective    associated with economic loss; this book provides up-to-date
                                   on public health aspects of climate change, including chapters     and comprehensive information, written by an experienced
                                   on “cross-cutting” issues (e.g. mental health) and the impacts     author in the field.
                                   on several regions, including China, Africa and South Asia.
                                                                                                      Oct 2022 | HB | 9781786390899 | 464pp
                                   Dec 2022 | HB | 9781800620001 | 360pp                              £175 | €230 | $290
                                   £115 | €135 | $155

                                                    Handbook of Phytonutrients in                                      Infodemics
                                                    Indigenous Fruits and Vegetables                                   Edited by Millie Phiri, University of
                                                    Edited by Dharini Sivakumar, Tshwane                               Johannesburg, South Africa, Jennifer Cole,
human health, food and nutrition

                                                    University of Technology, South Africa,                            Royal Holloway, University of London, UK,
                                                    Michael Netzel, The University of                                  Tim Nguyen, World Health Organisation,
                                                    Queensland, Australia, Yasmina Sultanbawa,                         Switzerland, Sylvie Briand, World Health
                                                    The University of Queensland, Australia                            Organisation, Switzerland
                                   Collation of innovative and high-quality research on               Information dissemination is particularly important during
                                   phytonutrient constituents of traditional fruits and vegetables,   pandemics, as it can spread more quickly than disease.
                                   including information on the impact of postharvest processing      Beginning with an introduction to this phenomenon, this text
                                   and cooking practices, plus the impact of biological activities    illuminates the characteristics of infodemics, as well as the
                                   of indigenous fruits and vegetables on human health.               challenges and public health skills needed, before discussing
                                   Key resource to fight ‘hidden hunger’ and achieve diet             how to implement an infodemic programme.
                                                                                                      Aug 2022 | PB | 9781800620681 | 216pp
                                   Sep 2022 | HB | 9781789248043 | 440pp                              £29.99 | €28.99 | $33.50
                                   £150 | €170 | $200

                                                    Recent Trends in Edible Films                                      Practical Control of Mosquitoes
                                                    and Coating for Food Preservation                                  as Disease Vectors
                                                    Packaging and Shelf Life Extension                                 Edited by J Derek Charlwood, Liverpool
                                                    Edited by Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui,                                 School of Tropical Medicine, UK and Instituto
                                                    Bihar Agricultural University, India, Aamir                        de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Portugal,
                                                    Hussain Dar, Islamic University of Science                         Carla A Sousa, IHMT, University of New
                                                    and Technology, India, Shafat Ahmad Khan,                          Lisbon, Portugal
                                   Islamic University of Science and Technology, India                Disease vector control is rapidly changing, and this book
                                   Covers fundamental research and technological advances             provides a practical review of conventional control methods,
                                   related to edible films and coatings, including the types          and new and underused techniques. Also considering issues
                                   of film and coating forming materials available, the latest        such as resistance, mosquito behaviour change, cost and
                                   developments in identifying and testing novel materials, and       climate change, it concludes with the politics and practicalities
                                   their effectiveness in formulation of edible films and coatings.   of method choice and implementation.
                                   A key resource for technologists, scientists and researchers.
                                                                                                      Jun 2022 | PB | 9781789248821 | 144pp
                                   Jul 2022 | HB | 9781789249217 | 368pp                              £35 | €40 | $47.50
                                   £145 | €165 | $195

                                                    Earth Observation, Public Health                                   A Tale of a Man, a Worm and a Snail
                                                    and One Health                                                     The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative
                                                    Activities, Challenges and Opportunities                           Alan Fenwick, Imperial College London, UK,
                                                    Edited by Stéphanie Brazeau, Public Health                         Wendie Norris, formerly CABI, UK, Becky
                                                    Agency of Canada, Canada, Nick H. Ogden                            McCall, Freelance journalist, UK

                                                     The potential for Earth Observation (EO)                           Schistosomiasis is Africa’s second most
                                                     to contribute to public health practice: to                        prevalent infectious disease after malaria
                                   understand, track, predict and manage infectious diseases          and is a neglected tropical disease. This book offers a unique
                                   and challenges of using EO data for public health purposes.        perspective on a successful health initiative that can serve as a
                                   Major foci are mosquito-borne diseases, tick-borne diseases,       model for other diseases. It will be of interest to those working
                                   air quality and heat, water-borne diseases, vulnerable             in global health and disease control.
                                   populations and pandemics (including COVID-19).                    Jan 2022 | PB | 9781786392558 | 280pp
                                   Mar 2022 | HB | 9781800621183 | 152pp                              £39.99 | €45 | $55
                                   £95 | €110 | $130

         18                        Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Food Industry 4.0                                                   Health and Natural Landscapes
                 Unlocking Advancement Opportunities                                 Concepts and Applications
                 in the Food Manufacturing Sector                                    Alan W Ewert, Indiana University, USA,
                 Wayne Martindale, University of Lincoln,                           Denise Mitten, Prescott College, USA,
                  UK, Linh Duong, University of the West of                          Jillisa Overholt, Warren Wilson College, USA
                  England, UK, Sandeep Jagtap, Cranfield
                                                                                      Natural landscapes are intricately tied
                  University, UK, Mark Swainson, University
                                                                                      to human health and well-being, and
                  of Lincoln, UK
                                                                    increasingly valued for their stress-reduction benefits.
Highlights the advancement opportunities for the food               Providing an overview of the history, theory, and individual and
manufacturing sector, including innovation in products,             societal implications of human connection to landscape, this
processes and services, and considers disruptive business           book delivers a research-backed introduction for students,
models which offer alternative solutions to the food sector as it   academics and policy makers.
seeks to combine productive, efficient and sustainable practices.
                                                                    Jul 2021 | PB | 9781789245400 | 136pp
Draws on authors’ extensive industry and academic expertise.
                                                                    £27.50 | €32.50 | $37.50
Jan 2022 | PB | 9781789248425 | 168pp
£35 | €40 | $47.50
Jan 2022 | HB | 9781800621039 | 168pp
£90 | €105 | $120

                                                                                                                                       human health, food and nutrition
Global Health
Your go-to for the study and practice of national,
regional and international public health

• Fully searchable bibliographic database,
  dedicated to public health
• Over 4.6 million scientific records from
  1973 to present day
• Over 143,000 full text articles
• 400 book chapters and 219 reviews
                                      Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                            19
Body Fluids                                                           Small Animal Neuroanatomic Lesion
                                                   Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal                                Localization Practice Book
                                                   Cytology                                                              Edited by Heidi Barnes Heller, Barnes
                                                   Francesco Cian, BattLab, UK, Paola Monti,                             Veterinary Specialty Services, USA
                                                   DWR Diagnostics, UK                                                      Neuroanatomic lesion localization is one
                                                     This new volume provides a comprehensive                               of the main areas that veterinary students,
                                                     coverage of cytology of all body fluids                                interns, residents and practitioners struggle
                                  encountered in dogs and cats. It includes separate chapters          with when faced with a neurologic patient. It is a common focus
                                  for each fluid, from cavitary effusions (pleural, pericardial, and   for questions on the North American Veterinary License Exam
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                                                   Health, USA                                                           Fergus Allerton, Willows Veterinary Centre
                                                     A comprehensive resource for veterinary                              Infection prevention and control is vital, but
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                                                   University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Patrick                            Veterinary Medical Association, USA
                                                   J Pollock, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary
                                                                                                                          reference handbook aimed at veterinarians
                                                   Studies, UK
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                                                   Edward Cooper, Ohio State University,                                 Behaviour and Welfare
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                                                   University, USA, Jiwoong Her, Ohio State                              of Life Sciences, Norway, Anne McBride,
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