Consulting Practical Guide of Airspace changes for World Cup FIFA Brazil 2014
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Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 2 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 This guide is only to illustrate and present briefly the implications and operational constraints resulting from the completion of the World Cup Soccer - FIFA Brazil 2014, do not constitute official consultation tool. For planning and development of any type of aviation activity, consult the relevant aeronautical information. More information at the following websites: EdiçãO Centro de Navegação Aérea (CGNA/DECEA) diAGRAMAçãO Assessoria de Comunicação Social (ASCOM/DECEA) Projeto Gráfico: Aline Prete Fotografias: Agência Força Aérea - Ten Enilton Mapas: Google Earth®
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 3 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Introduction flights, civil aviation training, exercises, military rigorously met. maneuvers and operations, aircraft remotely The growth of air movements , expected during the hosting of trainers, flight test and several aero sports This is not the first time COMAER releases a plan to manage the World Cup Football Soccer FIFA Brazil 2014 signals the the flow of air traffic in a big event. During the Sustainable activities, and everything should work always in need for emergency care and efficiency in the provision of air perfect harmony . The quality and effective use Development Conference (Rio + 20) in June 2012, the traffic services air ( ATS ) and management of traffic flow air ( of airspace will remain also during the World Cup Confederations Cup FIFA Football Brazil 2013 in June 2013, ATFM ) . A great event brings new demands and increases and the Catholic Youth World Day Rio 2013 in August 2013, Soccer FIFA Brazil 2014 thanks to the work of need for planning, making it imperative to maintain safety , many sectors , including the Air Force Command the Air Force Command had a successful and praised efficiency and fluidity , aspects already present on the care experiment using a concept and a military structure at a civil (COMAER) . provided to traffic air. event. The COMAER by the Department of Airspace The work to achieve the desired excellence begins with the This concept is put into practice in the command and control Control ( DECEA ), put in a planning for the World careful execution of a extensive planning , clear , objective Cup Soccer FIFA Brazil 2014 focused on the master office, located in CGNA, and will be repeated at the and feasible. Thus, it ensures maximum performance of ATS safety and maintaining a rapid flow of air traffic , World Cup FIFA Soccer 2014, and Brazil in the Olympics and services, ATFM , the safety of flight operations and space safe , orderly , and through the Command Para Olympic Games in 2016. management of Brazilian air space, thus minimizing the Brazilian Aerospace Defense ( Comdabra ), an For the FIFA World Cup FIFA Brazil 2014, the safety and potential impacts arising from expected increase in air traffic thorough planning of actions required for the efficiency , binomial featuring our airspace, will leave in the period event . defense of the airspace. indelible marks that will serve as a legacy for Brazil. For decades , Brazil has consolidated leading position in For the implementation of these plans, the management (ATM) , not limited to investments in new Command and Control Master Office COMAER through the Air Navigation equipment and facilities, but going beyond, developing own Management Center (CGNA) , subject to unit The command and control master living room will coordinate processes, emphasizing the specialized training and DECEA, drew up a plan of action considering the actions during the World Cup FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 with incorporating efficiently, quickly and flexibility modern increased demand and the constraints imposed the participation of various government agencies. concepts . in some portions of airspace. Among these actions are monitoring flow of air traffic , The country has the responsibility to administer territorial All modules under this plan action, such as security and defense airspace, aviation and infrastructure airspace ( 8,511,965 km ² ) and the overlying air space at the structure and capacity of air space; projected airport , surveillance, agriculture surveillance, customs, oceanic area, which extends to the meridian 10 ° W, totaling a demand , infrastructure technique; adequacy of federal police and civil aviation inspection. total of 22 million km ². In this space, there are several events laws, rules and procedures, security and defense; happening at the same time, such as commercial aviation The master office will consolidate a concept to unify and training technique, among others , have been flights, international and domestic flights, general aviation standardize the various processes links involved , directly or
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 4 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 indirectly , in issues of airspace and airports, aiming ensure Since November 2012 , the professionals who (number of parking spots for domestic and international the safety of users through information management and will be on call in the Air Traffic Control (ATC) at scheduled flights, general aviation and military aircraft process decision making in collaboration. During the activities the 12 host cities participated in this complex engaged in the event), slopes complex (length of runways, of the master room , all information on arrival, displacements training program especially geared to the taxiways , strength of the floor slopes and parking spots) and and departure of authorities and delegations will be shared. peculiarities of estimated demand for the event . air traffic control services (navigation aids, air traffic control, weather, communications, aeronautical information Surrounded by " videowalls " the master room will view the Aeronautical Information Circular procedures of ascent and descent) are essential for providing status of each aircraft evolving at airports (runway, patio and DECEA will publish an information circular a quality service to our visitors during official matches days. terminals system), as well as in airways, considering aircraft aeronautical (AIC) detailing all changes and/or The following are the aerodromes destination and alternate positions and its flight information, making available to professionals a constant demand for information, which will temporary suspensions of laws, rules and with their respective vocations (aviation segments ) in each procedures in Brazilian airspace during the World host city : enable better decisions and coordination. Cup 2014 Brazil, such as airports and their Air Traffic Control vocations; airports coordinated; submission and approval of flight plan , flight safety measures; To ensure quick, safe and orderly flow of air traffic, as the and airspace restrictions . Brazilian airspace defense along its entire length, our air traffic controllers will be ready and prepared to provide an Airports and their Vocations excellent service, demonstrated by the Organization With the continental dimensions of Brazil, International Civil Organization (ICAO) aviation in its audits . several cities would like to have conditions to We will have 2600 trained controllers at the Office of Airspace receive operations involved in the World Cup at Control (ICEA) to deal with everyday and/or extreme its airports. demands by the aviation industry during the event, such as terrorist actions, identification of aircraft hijackings and The selection of airports was performed based on technical criteria, not necessarily the chosen identifying of aircraft flying over the stadiums without airports satisfy all the criteria, but for sure they permits. have a larger set of capabilities to meet the The training, entitled ProSima - Simulation of Air Movements demands of the event. Program - involved the simulation of domestic traffic, Administrator airport interest and availability, composed of civil aviation and military, in areas demarcated for air routes, approaches, aerodrome and traffic maneuvers. distance from the host city, infrastructure around This training will ensure the safety air traffic during the games the airport (avenues, traffic flow, quick access to state and federal highways), airport capacity .
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 5 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 BELO HORIZONTE Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Confins SBCF Destination Airports Pampulha SBBH Parque de Lagoa Santa PAMALS Galeão SBGL Santos Dumont SBRJ Guarulhos SBGR Campinas SBKP Carlos Prates SBPR Alternate Airports Ipatinga SBIP Juiz de Fora SBJF Montes Claros SBMK Uberaba SBUR Ribeirão Preto SBRP Uberlândia SBUL BRASÍLIA Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Brasília SBBR Destination Airports Base Aérea de Brasília BABR Goiânia SBGO Confins SBCF Campinas SBKP Guarulhos SBGR Galeão SBGL Alternate Airports Base Aérea de Anápolis BAAN Caldas Novas SBCN Uberlândia SBUL Uberaba SBUR Montes Claros SBMK Ribeirão Preto SBRP
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 6 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 CUIABÁ Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Destination Airports Cuiabá SBCY Campo Grande SBCG Goiânia SBGO Brasília SBBR Alternate Airports Rondonópolis SWRD Barra do Garças SBBW Vilhena SBVH Palmas SBPJ CURITIBA Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Afonso Pena SBCT Destination Airports Bacacheri SBBI CINDACTA II CINDACTA II Florianópolis SBFL Campinas SBKP Guarulhos SBGR Porto Alegre SBPA Alternate Airports Joinvile SBJV Navegantes SBNF Londrina SBLO Maringá SBMG Chapecó SBCH
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 7 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 FORTALEZA Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Fortaleza SBFZ Destination Airports Base Aérea de Fortaleza BAFZ Natal SBNT Recife SBRF Salvador SBSV Mossoró SBMS Alternate Airports Parnaíba SBPB Juazeiro do Norte SBJU Teresina SBTE João Pessoa SBJP MANAUS Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Manaus SBEG Destination Airports Base Aérea de Manaus BAMN Itacoatiara SBIC Tefé SBTF Santarém SBSN Alternate Airports Boa Vista SBBV Porto Velho SBPV Macapá SBMQ Belém SBBE
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 8 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 NATAL Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General São Gonçalo do SBSG Amarante Destination Airports Natal SBNT Base Aérea de Natal BANT Recife SBRF Fortaleza SBFZ Salvador SBSV João Pessoa SBJP Alternate Airports Campina Grande SBKG Maceió SBMO Juazeiro do Norte SBJU Paulo Afonso SBUF PORTO ALEGRE Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Porto Alegre SBPA Destination Airports Base Aérea de Canoas BACO Florianópolis SBFL Afonso Pena SBCT Campinas SBKP Guarulhos SBGR Caxias do Sul SBCX Alternate Airports Pelotas SBPK Criciúma SBCM Passo Fundo SBPF Chapecó SBCH Navegantes SBNF Foz do Iguaçu SBFI
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 9 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 RECIFE Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Recife SBRF Destination Airports Base Aérea de Recife BARF Natal SBNT Fortaleza SBFZ Salvador SBSV João Pessoa SBJP Alternate Airports Campina Grande SBKG Maceió SBMO Paulo Afonso SBUF Juazeiro do Norte SBJU Petrolina SBPL RIO DE JANEIRO Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Galeão SBGL Santos Dumont SBRJ Destination Airports Jacarepaguá SBJR Base Aérea do Galeão BAGL Base Aérea de Santa Cruz BASC São José dos Campos SBSJ Guarulhos SBGR Confins SBCF Campinas SBKP Juiz de Fora SBJF Alternate Airports Cabo Frio SBCB Macaé SBME Campos SBCP Vitória SBVT Ribeirão Preto SBRP
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 10 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 SALVADOR Copa do Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Salvador SBSV Destination Airports Base Aérea de Salvador BASV Recife SBRF Natal SBNT Fortaleza SBFZ Galeão SBGL Destination Airports Ilhéus SBIL Aracaju SBAR Vitória da Conquista SBQV Porto Seguro SBPS Maceió SBMO SÃO PAULO Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 ICAO VIP International Domestic General Guarulhos SBGR Congonhas SBSP Campinas SBKP Destination Airports Base Aérea de São Paulo BASP Campo de Marte SBMT Jundiaí SBJD São José dos Campos SBSJ Galeão SBGL Santos Dumont SBRJ Curitiba SBCT Confins SBCF Alternate Airports Araraquara SBAQ Ribeirão Preto SBRP Arealva SBAE Bauru SBBU São José do Rio Preto SBSR
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 11 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Coordinated Airports obtaining ATC slot , the general aviation user With planned allocation of resources, material and effective, should consult the AIC or visit the CGNA website guaranteed defense and security of facilities and participants In order to manage the growth of air movements during the ( and click in the SLOT link. events for the Conference on Sustainable Development ( Rio World Cup Brazil FIFA Football 2014, CGNA will coordinate the +20) in June 2012 , the FIFA Football Confederations Cup airports chosen by the Civil House and Civil Aviation The following aerodromes will be declared Brazil 2013 and World Youth Day Catholic Rio 2013 in August Secretariat of Presidency of the Republic (CAR), in conjunction coordinated during the World Cup Soccer: SBGL ; 2013. with the Civil National Aviation Agency (ANAC), depending on SBRJ ; SBJR ; SBGR ; SBSP ; SBKP ; SBSJ ; SBCF ; the type of operation and airport infrastructure involved . SBBH ; SBBR ; SBGO ; SBCY ; SBCG ; SBCT ; SBBI ; It won't be different during the World Cup Brazil FIFA Football SBFL ; SBPA ; SBSV ; SBRF ; SBNT ; SBFZ ; SBSG , 2014 because Comdabra will be present, along with DECEA The coordination of an airport is a methodology which is to and SBEG . and other links of COMAER , defending the airspace of the 12 establish predetermined time intervals, called ATC SLOT for host cities . landing and takeoff operations of all aircraft operating at the The following airfields are being monitored airport, aiming to regulate the use as the operating capacity is during the World Cup Soccer and depending on Airspace Restrictions not exceeded, maintaining the efficiency in the delivery of demand, may be declared coordinated : SBRP ; airport infrastructure and services, according to slopes and SBVT ; SBCB ; SBME ; SBCP ; SBJF ; SBPR ; SBMK ; During the event, we will be visited by tourists from SBIP ; SBUL ; SBUR ; SBCN ; SBTE ; SBJP ; SBMS ; worldwide, businessmen, heads of State and Government, terminal conditions (loading and unloading, domestic and international). When it states that an airport is coordinated, SBPB ; SBMO ; SBKG ; SBUF ; SBPL ; SBJU ; SBAR ; sports authorities, personalities, international press and means that all intentions of flights will be conditional on SBIL ; SBQV ; SBPs ; SWRD ; SBBW ; SBVH ; SBPJ ; finally , Brazil will be the center of world's attention for 30 SBNF ; SBLO ; SBMG ; SBCH ; SBBV ; SBPV ; SBBE ; days. obtaining ATC SLOT for landing or takeoff. SBSN ; SBMQ ; SBIC ; SBTF ; SBFI ; SBCX ; SBPK ; Following the safety criteria adopted in world events of The period of the airport coordination will be 10 June 2014 to SBCM ; SBPF ; SBMT ; SBJD ; SBAQ ; SBBU , and 15 July 2014 and may vary from airport to airport, depending importance and shape of the FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014, and RSBS. maintaining the levels of air traffic services provided, on the number of games . COMAER created areas of exclusion (RESTRICTED , Airspace Defense The FAA will allocate ATC SLOT for regular commercial flights RESTRICTED or PROHIBITED) in certain portions of Brazilian (domestic and international), commercial non-scheduled The Comdabra is responsible for the defense of airspace with different sizes and levels of access. (domestic and international) and delegations flights. The SAC , Brazilian airspace . With modern aircraft, trained in turn, will be responsible for allocation of ATC SLOT to the professionals and a doctrine of use of force well The safety and operational impact, among others, were the consolidated , advocates nation, guaranteeing criteria adopted for creation this exclusion areas. The safety Heads of State and VIP, CGNA will be in charge for general the uninterrupted sovereignty of airspace, and of people, athletes, officials, aircraft and facilities and aviation. fulfilling the mission of COMAER . constant concern to reduce operational airspace impacts for To make the registration and meet the procedures for users guided the location, size and levels of access of those
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 12 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 areas . Authorizations for entry in the airspaces segregated depend on the nature and the intentions of the flight, for example, aircraft transporting authorities, soccer teams delegations, domestic and/or international regular commercial aircraft, general aviation , military use, air defense, transportation of personnel and/or equipment ( civil or military), aircraft related to public safety, aircraft search and rescue (SAR) and air ambulances. The exclusion areas are located in the lower airspace of the FIR and within the TMA of localities where competitive matches occur, ie, BH, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador e São Paulo. The durations of these restrictions will be between 3 (three) hours before and 4 (four) hours after the start of matches during the opening and closing ceremonies of the World Cup; between 1 (one) hour before and three (3) hours after the start of matches during stage groups and between one (1) hour before and four (4) hours after the start of matches during the other phases , as well as all other actions and restrictions laid down . It is noteworthy the duration of the restrictions varies according to the game. This means that the same host city may have different schedules. Outside these periods , the use of airspace will be back to normality. In addition to this explanatory booklet, all periods will be provided and activated by a specific AIC .
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 13 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Exclusion Areas Defitinion RESERVED AREA Area with defined dimensions that correspond Vertical Limits: to the side of the TMA localities involved and ground to FL 145 vertical limits of the surface to flight level (FL) 145. RESTRICT AREA Area with dimensions defined with its lateral limit of 7 NM radius centered on the soccer 4NM stadium and vertical limits of the surface to flight level (FL) 145. 7NM FORBIDDEN AREA Area with dimensions defined with its lateral limit of 4 NM radius centered on the soccer Lateral Limits: Coincidents to the stadium and vertical limits of the surface to flight respectives TMA level (FL) 145
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 14 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Air Space Restrictions RESERVED AREA the Policing Measures Airspace (MPEA) ; aircraft must submit complete FLP, local takeoff intentions In RESERVED AREA called WHITE , common to all host cities , Operations of fixed-wing aircraft will be devoid of ATS units should be previously coordinated with all traffic to be known and comply with the rules determined limited to aircraft destined to or have as their APP TMA , being necessary to allocate transponder code A / in legislation and guidelines of the ATC units . origin the aerodromes of TMA , not crossing the C assigned by ATC since before takeoff to landing and Following are the operational constraints that must be WHITE area is permitted . Aircraft with origins or immediately inform the ATC transponder failure . observed in the WHITE area: destinations within the WHITE area comply shall not be permitted, even within the conditioned profile determined by the APA; airspace (EAC) , trainings of IFR and VFR approaches, Aircraft cruising airway below FL145 , whose RESTRICTED AREA instrument approaches trainings, traffic and touch and go destination is not within the same, shall be In RESTRICTED AREA called YELLOW , common to all host training, flight instruction, maintenance flights, ANAC directed to the fixed side of the TMA . Aircraft cities, will enable only authorized aircraft, including: aircraft checks, acrobatic, touristic, gliders, operation parachutes, cruising above FL 145 will not suffer deviations ; involved in the events ; aircraft carrying Head of the State paragliders, balloons, airships, ultra light aircraft, Air movements taking place in this area and Government; delegations of national soccer teams , very experimental aircraft, hang-gliders, agricultural spraying, should have FPL submitted and approved by important person (VIP) ; existing regular commercial aircraft trailer tracks, model airplanes, rockets and remotely piloted the ATC units and coordinated by APP TMA , operation, regular and not regular assent by ANAC; addition aircraft (ARP) ; with mandatory reporting bilateral with those of aircraft authorized by the competent authority . All flight movements will be authorized since they meet authorities, as well as the operation of the The existing commercial aircraft, new regular and non- the requirements of safety - ANAC , ie , the crew and transponder equipment. All flight movements regular regular operation of assent that are in ANAC in passengers are subjected to the inspection process of civil who break these rules will be considered arrival or departure procedures to/from the TMA aerodrome aviation according to the program of airport security (PSA) suspect and subject to the MPEA , and shall be permitted since they meet the safety requirements established for the aerodrome of origin ; Helicopters operations will be authorized for of ANAC , ie the crew and passengers are submitted to the All air movements should be properly identified and landing and departure of local airfields or civil aviation inspection process, according to the PSA coordinated by the ATC units before venturing into this area; heliports , as well as for operation offshore and established for aerodromes source. air ambulance operations within the area will be allowed traffic in the airspace , noting the restrictions All movements that fail to comply with these rules will be after prior coordination with approach control (APP) ; provided for RESTRICTIONS - TAS and BANNED considered hostile and subject to the MPEA . Aircraft flying within the TMA, even identified and under areas. When applicable, helicopters should control of ATC that modify their routes without strictly use special (SHR) established , and that authorization and decamping to unauthorized areas , as well someone may be temporarily suspended , PROHIBITED AREA as unidentified aircraft may be classified as hostile and suffer which will be entered in a specific AIC . The In PROHIBITED AREA , called RED , common to all host cities ,
will be permitted only aircraft involved in the events , since previously authorized by the Commander of Comdabra . Note: All aircraft operations are prohibited except aircraft safety public, military aircraft, SAR aircraft, ambulance aircraft and other aircraft involved in operating activities, previously authorized by the Commander of Comdabra . All movements that fail to comply with there rules will be considered hostile and subject to the MPEA.
Description of Exclusion Areas
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 18 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Belo Horizonte (MG) Days and times of activate areas - 14/Jun/2014 (13 local) –12 local to 16 local; TMA - BH - 17/Jun /2014 (13 local) –12 local to 16 local; - 21/Jun /2014 (13 local) –12 local to 16 local; - 24/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local; - 28/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 17 local; - 08/Jul/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 19 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Belo Horizonte (MG) REERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Belo Horizonte and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 20 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Belo Horizonte (MG) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area whitin the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 19°51’57”S 043°58’15”W, with 7 NM radius and volume of responsability. Belo Horizonte (MG)
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 21 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Belo Horizonte (MG) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 19°51’57”S 043°58’15”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 22 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Brasília (DF) Days and times of activate areas TMA - BR - 15/Jun/2014 (13 local) 12 local to 16 local; - 19/ Jun /2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local; - 23/ Jun /2014 (17 local) – 12 local to 16 local; - 26/ Jun /2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local; - 30/ Jun /2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local; - 05/Jul/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 17 local; - 12/Jul/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 23 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Brasília (DF) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Brasilia and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 24 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Brasília (DF) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 15°47’01”S 047°53’57”W, with 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 25 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Brasília (DF) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 15°47’01”S 047°53’57”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 26 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Cuiabá (MT) Days and times of activate areas - 13/Jun/2014 (18 local) – 17 local to 21 local - 17/Jun/2014 (18 local) – 17 local to 21 local TMA - CY - 21/Jun/2014 (18 local) – 17 local to 21 local - 24/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 27 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Cuiabá (MT) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Cuiaba and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 28 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Cuiabá (MT) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 15°36’11”S 056°07’14”W, with 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 29 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Cuiabá (MT) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 15°36’11”S 056°07’14”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 30 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Curitiba (PR) Days and times of activate areas - 16/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local TMA - CT - 20/Jun/2014 (19 local) – 18 local to 22 local - 23/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 26/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 20 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 31 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Curitiba (PR) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of TMA Curitiba and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 32 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Curitiba (PR) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 25°26’54”S 049°16’37”W, with 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 33 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Curitiba (PR) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 25°26’54”S 049°16’37”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 34 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Fortaleza (CE) Days and times of activate areas - 14/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local TMA - FZ - 17/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local - 21/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local - 24/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 20 local - 29/Jun/2014 (13 local) - 12 local to 17 local - 04/Jul/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 35 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Fortaleza (CE) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Fortaleza and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 36 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Fortaleza (CE) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 03°48’25”S 038°31’19”W, with 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 37 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Fortaleza (CE) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 03°48’25”S 038°31’19”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 38 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Manaus (AM) Days and times of activate areas - 14/Jun/2014 (18 local) – 17 local to 21 local - 18/Jun/2014 (18 local) – 17 local to 21 local TMA - MN - 22/Jun/2014 (18 local) – 17 local to 21 local - 25/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 39 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Manaus (AM) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the latereal projections of TMA Manaus and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 40 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Manaus (AM) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 03°04’58.02”S 060°01’39.76”W, w i t h 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 41 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Manaus (AM) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 03°04’58.02”S 060°01’39.76”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 42 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Natal (RN) Days and times of activate areas - 13/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 16/Jun/2014 (19 local) – 18 local to 22 local TMA-NT - 19/Jun/2014 (19 local) – 18 local to 22 local - 24/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 43 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Natal (RN) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Natal and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 44 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Natal (RN) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 05°49’33.34”S 035°12’45.78”W, w i t h 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 45 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Natal (RN) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the yellow area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 05°49’33.34”S 035°12’45.78”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 46 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Porto Alegre (RS) Days and times of activate areas - 14/Jun/2014 (22 local) – 21 local to 01 local TMA - PA - 20/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 23/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 20 local - 26/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 29/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 47 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Porto Alegre (RS) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Porto Alegre and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 48 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Porto Alegre (RS) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 30°03’53.40”S 051°14’09.47”W, w i t h 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 49 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Porto Alegre (RS) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 30°03’53.40”S 051°14’09.47”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 50 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Recife (PE) Days and times of activate areas - 14/Jun/2014 (22 local) – 21 local to 01 local TMA - RF - 20/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 23/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 20 local - 26/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 29/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 51 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Recife (PE) RESERVED AREA WHTE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Recife and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 52 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Recife (PE) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 08°02’24”S 035°00’29”W, with 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 53 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Recife (PE) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered as coordinates 08°02’24”S 035°00’29”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 54 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Days and times of activate areas - 15/Jun/2014 (19 local) – 18 local to 22 local - 18/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local TMA - RJ - 22/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 25/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 20 local - 28/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local - 04/Jul/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 17 local - 13/Jul/2014 (16 local) – 13 local to 20 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 55 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Rio de Janeiro and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 56 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 22°54’42”S 043°13’49”W, with 7 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 57 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 22°54’42”S 043°13’49”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 58 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Salvador (BA) Days and times of activate areas - 13/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local - 16/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local TMA - SV - 20/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local - 25/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 01/Jul/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local - 05/Jul/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 59 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Salvador (BA) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Salvador and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 60 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Salvador (BA) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within the WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 12°58’43”S 038°30’15”W, with 7 NM radius and voluma of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 61 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Salvador (BA) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 12°58’43”S 038°30’15”W, with 4 NM radius and voluma of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 62 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 São Paulo (SP) Days and times of activate areas - 12/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 14 local to 21 local TMA - SP - 19/Jun/2014 (16 local) – 15 local to 19 local - 23/Jun/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 16 local - 26/Jun/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 20 local - 01/Jul/2014 (13 local) – 12 local to 17 local - 09/Jul/2014 (17 local) – 16 local to 21 local.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 63 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 São Paulo (SP) RESERVED AREA WHITE area defined by the lateral projections of the TMA Sao Paulo and vertical limits of the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 64 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 São Paulo (SP) RESTRICTED AREA YELLOW area within WHITE area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 23°32’43.14”S 046°28’23.30”W, w i t h 7 NM radius and voluma of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 65 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 ão Paulo (SP) PROHIBITED AREA RED area within the YELLOW area defined as a circle centered at coordinates 23°32’43.14”S 046°28’23.30”W, with 4 NM radius and volume of overlapping responsibility from the surface to FL 145.
Airspace Restrictions
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 67 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 Airspace Restrictions Prohibition of landing Rio de Janeiro ( SDU ) - takeoffs at all runways, without turning Depending on the airfields and / or Prohibited landings at all to the stadium direction, until leaving the arrival procedures within the prohibited runways yellow area areas, landings will be prohibited during Curitiba ( SBBI ) - Cuiabá - Authorized takeoffs only at the activation of the respective areas as Prohibited landings at all runway 17 ; below: runways Fortaleza - Authorized takeoffs at all Manaus - Prohibited landings at all Curitiba ( SBCT ) - runways, without turning to the stadium runways SBEG Prohibited landings at direction, until leaving the yellow area Cuiabá - Prohibited landings at all runways 15/33. Natal - Authorized takeoffs at all runways SBCY runways. For St. Gonçalo do Amarante Fortaleza - Prohibited landings at all the authorized takeoffs are only at runways SBFZ Takeoff Permissions runway 30 Natal - Prohibited landings at Despite being located at or Recife - Authorized takeoffs only at runway 30 at Gonçalo do Amarante near the forbidden areas runway 18 ; Recife - Prohibited landings at all Regular and Non-regular Salvador - Authorized takeoffs at runways at SBRF commercial aviation will be runways 17, 35 and 10. Runway 28 just Salvador - Prohibited the landing at authorized to take off during if the aircraft does not enter the red area runway 10 SBSV activation at the following Brasilia - Authorized takeoffs at all Belo Horizonte - Prohibited landings aerodromes : runways at all runways SBBH Manaus - Authorized Belo Horizonte - Authorized takeoffs
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 68 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 only at runway 13 at Pampulha without Presentation and approval reserves the right to reject the flight turning to the stadium direction, until of the Flight Plan intentions that do not meet the leaving the yellow area operational requirements of the event R io d e J a n e iro ( G IG ) - Authorized To fly within RESERVED and that may cause imbalance in the takes off at all runways without turning and/or RESTRICTED areas control sectors of any terminal control to the stadium direction, until leaving the during the period in which area (TMA) or flight information region yellow area they are activated, the aircraft (FIR) and also the ones that exceed the Rio de Janeiro ( SDU ) - Authorized should be on the repetitive capabilities of the airports involved . takes off at all runways without turning flight plan (RPL) list or submit For the aircraft that do not comply with to the stadium direction, until leaving the updated flight plan (FPL) at the maximum limits for the realization of yellow area AIS rooms with a minimum of their flights or do not provide the ATS São Paulo ( GRU ) - Authorized 1hr 30min (one hour and thirty messages of legislation, FPL will be takeoffs at all runways minutes) from the beginning canceled with the necessary re- Sao Paulo ( CGH ) - Authorized of the activation of the submission of a new plan . takeoffs at all runways exclusion areas. No authorizations at all to flights within the Curitiba - Authorized takeoff runway The command and control prohibit areas during the activation period, expect 36 of Bacacheri, runways 11, 15 and 29 master room is responsible for the ones authorized by the COMDABRA. The aircraft that fail to comply with these rules will be at Afonso Pena. Are not authorized for the approval and considered hostile and subject to the MPEA . takeoff runway 33 at Afonso Pena , and coordination of flights with Porto Alegre - Authorized takeoffs of Comdabra, with the control Use of transponder all runways from Salgado Filho. authorities of major military The transponder is the primary means operations, with the local of identification for traffic evolving operation authorities and ATS airspace during flight operations. Thus, units. only will be allowed flights of aircraft The living room master having the equipment onboard and
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 69 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 working well. No flights of aircraft If allowed to use the ENTER THE RED AREA WITHOUT without a transponder in the exclusion exclusion areas, if there is BEING AUTHORIZED BY ATC. areas will be allowed. During times of any need to deviate from the activation of areas of exclusion, all approved route, it is Below are the procedures to be special routes for aircraft without a mandatory that the pilot adopted by the aircraft in transponder (REAST) will be immediately notify ATC. communications failure during the suspended. Any pilot who judges that activation period of exclusion areas: will violate any of the rules Measures of flight safety established for the Before entering the White Area In addition to observing the rules and RESERVED, RESTRICTED DO NOT ENTER. Continue to procedures laid down in legislation and and/or Prohibited spaces alternate aerodrome outside this area, guidelines in specific AIC, all aircraft without proper authorization activate the transponder code 7600 and must comply with the rules laid down in from the ATC should follow the procedures for radio authorized FPL. If there is need to immediately move away from communications provided in legislation modify flight rules, requests should be the same, contact ATC and for communication fails coordinated with ATC. report the situation, keeping Who break the aircraft or flight profile the transponder code In flight within the White Area rule laid down without the permission of originally received. But if If your destination is within the the authorities or enter into any one of there is no contact, the pilot YELLOW area, DO NOT ENTER. the airspace exclusion without should call frequency 121.5 Proceed to an alternative outside this permission will suffer the MPEA and will MHz and trigger the code area, activate the transponder code be compelled to leave the restricted 7600. 7600 and follow the procedures for and/or make landings at aerodromes ATC will always provide all radio communications provided in with Ground Control Measures (CSM) the support to pilots . legislation for communication fails. airspace. And do not forget : NEVER
Guia de Consulta sobre as alterações do Espaço Aéreo 70 para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol FIFA Brasil 2014 NEVER enter the Red Area Unidentified aircraft will suffer the MPEA and, if necessary, may undergo severe measures, subject to INTERVENTION, PERSUASION, and DETENTION MEASURES . An aircraft which is being intercepted should immediately follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft on 121.5 MHz and/or interpret and respond to visual signals; if equipped with the transponder device, select the code 7700, in mode 3/A, unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate ATC unit. The COMAER reserves the right to intercept any aircraft, at the discretion of the board of air defense or ages of the author responsible for the execution of aerospace defense missions .
Av. General Justo, 160 - Centro Rio de Janeiro/RJ - 20021-130
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