CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview

Page created by Kathryn Rodgers
CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
2014 Report

  Business Overview
CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
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CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
CSCS 2014 Report

ACTIVITIES IN ITALY ................................................................................................ 5	
   PUBLIC BODIES ............................................................................................................................ 5	
        Youth Guarantee and transnational mobility ................................................................ 5	
        Regional Autonomous Government of Sardinia............................................................. 6	
        Enterprise Europe Network and Chambers of Commerce ............................................ 7	
   PRIVATE SECTOR .......................................................................................................................... 8	
        Financial institutions ............................................................................................................ 8	
        Business support services .................................................................................................... 9	
        Job placements, apprenticeship and learning mobility ............................................... 9	

ACTIVITIES IN EUROPE........................................................................................... 11	
   PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................... 11	
        Sector Skills Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector .........11	
        Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs ...................................................................................13	
        Erasmus+ Official Launch..................................................................................................14	
   INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE .............................................................................. 14	
        Europemobility Network ....................................................................................................14	
        Capacity Building for Lifelong learning .........................................................................15	
        SOS Network .........................................................................................................................16	
   INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES .................................................................................................. 17	
        Bucharest, 11th March 2014 .............................................................................................17	
        Athens 18th September 2014 ............................................................................................17	
        Cagliari 25th -26th September 2014 ................................................................................18	

ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE EUROPE ................................................................................ 20	
   ABUPLUS INTERNATIONAL ......................................................................................................... 20	
   SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIPS ..................................................................................................... 20	
        China: Tanjin Sino-German Vocational Technical College ........................................20	

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CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
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CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
Despite the contraction and recession of Italian economy, 2014 have seen
CSCS undertaking some interesting developments in terms of relationships
with new clients representing new business opportunities. Prospects for
both business related support services as well as services to public sector
allow some confidence for further developments in 2015.

Public bodies

Youth Guarantee and transnational mobility
During 2014 CSCS has supported the Regional Government of Sardinia to
design the transnational measure for the regional investments related to the
Youth Guarantee.

With a budget of around 60M€, the Regional Employment Agency have
proposed to invest around 5% of Youth Guarantee measures in
transnational mobility actions, including higher apprenticeships, business
exchanges and practical experiences abroad. CSCS has supported this
process by a capacity building action focused on transferring on the local
context of Sardinia successful examples, good practices and active measures
established in other EU countries. Among others, the Erasmus for Young
Entrepreneurs, Leonardo da Vinci Programme.

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CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
Regional Autonomous Government of Sardinia
During 2014 CSCS have further developed the longstanding relationship
with the Government of Sardinia in the field of
internationalization of businesses and educational
Technical assistance services have been further
deployed to widen the scope of activities of the first
ever Regional Centre for Youth Mobility in Italy and
one of the first of this type in Europe, established
during 2013.

MOVE, standing for Mobility Opportunities Volunteering in Europe, aims at
facilitating citizens, especially young citizens, to take advantage of the
increasing opportunities of learning mobility abroad, for personal,
professional and entrepreneurial development.
During 2014, MOVE have supported several youngsters and citizens in
accomplishing a wide range of transnational learning mobility opportunities,
   •   volunteering abroad
   •   practical experiences and work placements abroad
   •   business partnerships between young entrepreneurs and foreign
       experienced entrepreneurs.

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CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
Enterprise Europe Network and Chambers of Commerce
During 2014 CSCS have joined the successful Consortia of Enterprise Europe
Network from Central Italy, composed by a wide partnership of stakeholders
as informal partner, coordinated by Promofirenze, special purpose
enterprise belonging to the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, in
cooperation with Confederation of Industries and Enterprise Association of
Commerce from Florence.
CSCS by fostering its support to EEN aims at consolidating existing
partnerships with representatives of businesses, technological parks and
business incubators.

During 2014, CSCS has accomplished several initiatives in cooperation with
chambers of commerce and business associations in the field of promoting
entrepreneurship and providing support to business start-ups in various
sectors including tourism, high quality food production, new technologies
and design.

  7                               CSCS 2014 Report
CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
Several seminars, with individual coaching activities have been planned and
accomplished in cooperation with business representatives form various
cities and industrial clusters in Tuscany, including Pisa, Lucca, Pistoia,

Private sector

Financial institutions
The partnership with Cooperation Banciare pour l’Europe, the Italian
representation in Belgium of 12 financial institutions form Italy, has enabled
CSCS during 2014 to foster its activities in promoting financial support to
learners, particularly university students, to accomplish transnational
learning mobility schemes, developing entrepreneurial skills and promoting
A number of seminars and individual coaching activities have been
accomplished on the premises of prestigious universities, such as Naples II,
explaining procedures and approaches facilitating access to credit to
youngsters and young entrepreneurs.

Banca Piacenza and Banca di Credito Popolare, have continued to cooperate
with CSCS to promote their financial products, such as personal loan with

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CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
special conditions, supporting internationalization activities of youngsters
and young entrepreneurs.

Business support services
CSCS have continued to offer in 2014 a number of
business support services especially oriented
toward young entrepreneurs wishing to set up
their own company.
Over 350 potential young entrepreneurs have
received technical assistance and b business
support services from CSCS and its partners.
Services range from business plan development,
access to finance, support in internationalization,
support in innovation and technology transfer.
Services are provided both with internal resources
as well as the wide network of national partners
ranging from technology parks, finance operators,
development agencies.
During 2014 CSCS provided technical assistance for business plan
development adopting blended approach which combines face to face
sessions with online activities, managed via CREBUS e-learning platform,
jointly developed in cooperation with Faculty of Economics of Bucharest

Job placements, apprenticeship and learning mobility
CSCS provides support to SMEs and industries in selecting trainees from
Italy and from all over Europe to implement ad-hoc projects, related with
their strategic objectives and operations.
During 2014 CSCS registered an increase of volume of hosting activities
facilitating the match between foreign learners with technical qualifications
with local businesses, mainly with small and medium sized enterprises.
Prospects for coming years are positive due to planned increased in volume
of transnational learning mobility activities in connection with:

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CSCS 2014 Report Business Overview
•   Erasmus+, foreseen over 40% increase of budget till 2020 with
     around 60% of financial resources dedicated to mobility
 •   Youth Guarantee and NEETs, with transnational measures being
     funded both at European and national level via ESF

10                            CSCS 2014 Report

Projects and activities

Sector Skills Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the
Transport Sector
During 2014, CSCS has signed a 3 years contract with EACEA, the Education
Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission, to
coordinate and implement a Sector Skills Alliance on Advanced
Manufacturing for the Transport Sector.
          “Sector Skills Alliances are transnational projects drawing on evidence of
          trends in a specific economic sector and skills needed in order to perform in
          one or more professional fields. Sector Skills Alliances work to design and
          deliver joint vocational training programmes and teaching and training
          methodologies. A particular focus is to be put on work-based learning,
          providing learners with the skills required by the labour market. Sector
          Skills Alliances also put the EU wide recognition tools into practice.”1

The Sector Skill Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector
represents the one-stop-shop providing state of the art solutions to
competencies and skills needs faced by the automotive, aerospace and train
industries. The Sector Skills Alliance is promoted by a network of leading

  Compendium published by EACEA,

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organizations, including Jaguar Land Rover and SAS, Scandinavian Airlines
Systems, in cooperation with research centres and accreditation and
regulatory bodies.
These key players cooperate with educational providers to detect skills
needs and jointly design educational programmes in line with current and
emerging technologies. The Observatory on Advanced Manufacturing for the
Transport Sector focus its research activities and yearly outlook on labour
market intelligence and on the requirements for educational programmes
around three key domains or problem areas:
   •   energy performance of production processes and of end products;
   •   advanced processes and robotics;
   •   advanced combined materials;
   •   infotechment and the use of ICT and wireless technologies.

Each participating country foresees a threefold partnership with three
typologies of organizations: industry representative, educational providers
and accreditation bodies.

The partnership is composed by worldwide industry leaders in their
economic sector who cooperate with national educational and accreditation
CSCS                                                                   (IT)
Centro Ricerche Fiat scpa                                              (IT)
Associazione Tecnica dell'automobile Consulting & Solutions srl        (IT)

 12                                CSCS 2014 Report
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche                                        (IT)
Cepas - Certificazione delle Professionalita e della Formazione           (IT)
Birmingham Metropolitan College                                          (UK)
Jaguar land rover limited                                                (UK)
Excellence, Achievement & Learning ltd                                   (UK)
Teknisk Erhvervsskole Center                                             (DK)
Scandinavian Airlines System Sas Consortium                              (DK)
Industrens Uddannelser                                                   (DK)

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
CSCS is leading in 2014 the top performing Consortia under EYE Programme,
funded by DG ENTR of the European Commission. During January 2014 CSCS
concluded successfully contract under Cycle 4 as one of the top performing
consortia, started new contract under Cycle 6 in February. Furthermore,
CSCS successfully applied for Cycle 7 as official letter of approval of Cycle 7
have been received in November and formalization of contract is currently
in progress.
The EYE Consortia led by CSCS under Cycle 6 of Erasmus for Young
Entrepreneurs Programme was the first attaining the contractual objectives,
consisting in 160 successful relationships.

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Erasmus+ Official Launch
CSCS was invited by the European Commission to contribute to a very
special event, the ceremony for the official launch of the Erasmus+
Programme, under the Greek Presidency of the European Council.
The event took place on the 16th of January within the Academia and CSCS
had the opportunity to present the activities accomplished to support
transnational learning mobility and particularly under the framework of
Europemobility Network.

International communities of practice

Europemobility Network
CSCS have successfully overcome the initial objective of establishing an
international community of mobility coordinators responsible for 15.000
transnational learning mobility exchanges per year.
Europemobility Network is now one of the most representative and wide
networks of learning mobility across Europe.
The aim of Europemobility Network is to foster cooperation between
business world and educational providers from Higher Education, VET and
non formal education sector, in the perspective of facilitating integration of
learners into SMEs and industries.

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Europemobility Network currently is composed by over 300 members in 31
countries, representing over half million learners and 19.000 exchanges per
A number of publications have been published on official web site and
made available for free download, promoting quality and quantity in work
placements abroad. Furthermore, awareness raising campaigns are
promoted on yearly basis via the European Video Contest for Mobile

Capacity Building for Lifelong learning
During 2014, CSCS have fostered and
further expanded one of the main
international communities focusing on
capacity building and lifelong learning. The
approach adopted has been on promoting
access to and exploitation of the outcomes
and tools developed by the over 8 billion
euro investment from the European
Commission and a wide range of public and
private stakeholders across Europe, within the framework of the Lifelong
Learning Programme. The three dimensions identified for capacity building
   •   Individual

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•   Organizational
   •   Legal framework
Know-how and methodology to support capacity                                 Capacity Building for Lifelong Learning Programme

building processes based on lifelong learning                                                                    GUIDEBOOK
programme resources have been formalized
within the Guidebook published and made
available both in hard copies as well as in PDF
format from project web site.
A number of innovative pilot actions, promoting
social, economic or educational development, at
local, regional or national level, have been
implemented under coordination and technical         Human development can be driven with past experiences valorisation and all level stakeholders have available
                                                     lifelong learning programme results as a fundamental to improve their competence and ideas in any kind of

assistance by CSCS and the partners of the CB4LLP

SOS Network
CSCS is one of the promoters and founders of the SOS Network launched in
2014, following an European project carrying the same name:
The SOS Network, is an international community for teachers, trainers,
employers, counsellors, carers and students to meet and share knowledge
on how to help learners and citizens succeeding with education and access
to the labour market, how to fight early school leaving and decrease the
number of NEETs.

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International conferences

Bucharest, 11 th March 2014
CSCS was invited to contribute to the international conference “Keeping
Young People in Employment, Education and Training: Common Challenges,
Shared Solutions” organized by the European Commission and the
Romanian Ministries of Labour and of Education.
The conference was showcasing successful experiences and initiatives
targeting at NEETs and depicting how the public authorities, educational
providers and businesses may cooperate in reducing this phenomenon in
CSCS delivered a presentation and actively cooperated within the

For more information:

Athens 18 th September 2014
The International Conference on Capacity Building, held in Athens on 18th
September 2014, have secured a wide participation from high level
stakeholders, involved in capacity building processes both at political,
institutional as well as at operation level.

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The conference programme has been enriched by the contributions of key
players including, among others, the Greek Ministry of Education, European
Training Foundation, the German investment agency GIZ, the Greek National
Agency for Erasmus+, Jaguar Land Rover. A wide number of capacity
building processes have been showcased within the workshops and the
Capacity Building market place. Over 180 delegates have registered from 32

Cagliari 25 th -26 th September 2014
Following successful editions of the International Conference in 2012, held
in Paris, and in 2013 in Brussels, the 2014 edition of the International
Conference have been conceived to serve as an opportunity for players and
stakeholders from different fields, active in learning mobility, to meet and
learn from each other. The 2014 edition of the International Conference has
received the high patronage of the Italian Representation of the European
Commission, the patronage of the Regional Government of Sardinia and the
patronage of ISFOL, Italian National Agency for Erasmus+.

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CSCS adopted a multilevel and multidimensional approach, which allowed
the participation of various stakeholders responsible for high level mobility
   •   IDA Programme, presented by the German Federal Ministry of Labour,
       with 148M€ investment
   •   UNGA IN, presented by the Swedish National Employment Agency,
       with 6,5M€ investment
   •   Your First EURES Job of DG EMPL, presented by Aarhus Employment
       Office, with 5M€ annual investment
   •   Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, presented             by   European
       Commission DG ENTR, with 4M€ annual investment
   •   Youth Guarantee Transnational Measures of Sardinia Government,
       presented by Regional Employment Agency, with 3M€ investment
        The 2015 Europemobility International Conference has been
       launched, it will be held in Istanbul on 12-13 June 2015 and call for
       papers and pre-registrations online forms are published online.

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ABUplus International
During 2014, CSCS has invested energies and resources to develop and
expand the activities of ABUplus International GmbH.
Following successful cooperation as from
2009 capacity building project in Mongolia,
CSCS had the opportunity to acquire the
assets of ABU Consult, declared insolvent
by the Berlin Court in May 2013. The new
company ABUplus International GmbH, established 2013 in Berlin, have
seen interesting developments in partnerships during 2014.
During 2014 the business partners from Sweden and from Basque Country
have fostered their efforts to acquire contracts with international donors
outside Europe focused on consultancy, business development and
educational capacity building. CSCS have supported the process to re-
establish positive relationships with former clients of ABU Consult while
promoting new initiatives under upcoming calls for proposals.

Sustainable Partnerships
CSCS has formalized in 2014 sustainable partnerships with key stakeholders
outside Europe to expand business relationships and opportunities.

China: Tanjin Sino-German Vocational Technical College
During 2014, a delegation of the Tanjin Sino-German Vocational Technical
College visited CSCS headquarters in Pistoia and formalized a cooperation
agreement finalize to establish cooperation in research activities,
educational business partnerships and mobility of both learners and staff.
During the visit Mr Crisonà introduced the Chinese counterpart to public
authorities in Tuscany Region. The workshops allowed to showcase various

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activities accomplished for the European Commission, including capacity
building and business exchange programmes.
Among the main areas of interest CSCS and the Tanjin partners discussed
possibilities to experiment a collaborative Sino-European partnership, to
raise quality and quantity of exchanges and cooperation between China and

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