CROI 2019: Neurologic Complications of HIV Disease - IAS-USA

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CROI 2019: Neurologic Complications Volume 27 Issue 1 April 2019

Invited Review
CROI 2019: Neurologic Complications of HIV Disease
Beau M. Ances, MD, PhD, MSc; Scott L. Letendre, MD

Investigators reported many new neuroHIV research findings at the 2019                              HIV-Associated Neurocognitive
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). These find-                         Disorders
ings included confirmation that HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
(HAND) remains common with an increasingly recognized role for comor-                               HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
bidities (eg, obesity) and neurodegenerative conditions (eg, Alzheimer’s                            (HAND) remains common and contin-
disease), especially as persons living with HIV (PLWH) advance into their                           ues to persist despite ART. Within a large
seventh decade of life and beyond. HAND is increasingly recognized as a                             cohort of ART-naive PLWH who resided
heterogeneous disorder that differs between individuals (eg, by sex) in the                         in Uganda, the presence of HAND at ini-
trajectory of specific neurocognitive abilities (eg, executive functioning). A                      tial evaluation was associated with 68%
more recent focus at this year’s conference was toxicity of combination anti-                       increased odds of death at 2 years and
retroviral therapy: neurocognitive performance and neuroimaging data from                           a 98% increased odds of death within
several studies were presented but did not consistently support that integrase                      5 years (Abstract 425). These results in-
strand transfer inhibitors are associated with worse neurologic outcomes.                           dicate that HAND diagnosis carries sub-
Neuroimaging studies found that white matter changes reflect a combina-                             stantial morbidity and mortality risks. In
tion of the effects of HIV and comorbidities (including cerebrovascular small                       the WIHS (Women’s Interagency HIV
vessel disease) and best correlate with blood markers of inflammation. The                          Study), greater immune activation be-
pathogenesis of HIV in the central nervous system (CNS) was the focus of a                          fore the initiation of ART was assoc-
plenary lecture and numerous presentations on HIV compartmentalization                              iated with higher rates of neurocogni-
in the CNS and cerebrospinal fluid viral escape. Novel findings were also pre-                      tive impairment on subsequent follow-
sented on associations between HIV-associated neurologic complications and                          up (Abstract 407). In a cohort of indi-
glycomics, neuron-derived exosomes, and DNA methylation in monocytes.                               viduals with acute and early HIV in-
This summary will review findings from CROI and identify new research and                           fection from Peru, Robertson and col-
clinical opportunities                                                                              leagues showed that early initiation of
                                                                                                    ART improved cognition (Abstract 445).
Keywords: CROI, 2019, HIV, neurology, HAND, comorbidities, central nervous                          PLWH who were recently infected (
CROI 2019: Neurologic Complications Volume 27 Issue 1 April 2019

infected PLWH can fluctuate over time.      nitive decline (both normal and impaired     Perez and colleagues longitudinally
De Francesco and colleagues (Abstract       at baseline) that was attributable to        investigated the relationship between
420) evaluated changes in cognition         several risk factors including reduced       obesity, frailty, and cognition over time
over 2 years in virologically well con-     neurocognitive reserve (less educa-          (Abstract 129). Similar to De Frances-
trolled PLWH (n=173) compared with          tion, more unemployment, and de-             co and colleagues (Abstract 420), 78%
HIV-seronegative individuals (n=77). At                                                  of PLWH had no cognitive deficits and
baseline evaluation, 20% of the PLWH        Higher baseline Athero-                      continued to have normal cognition
and 3% of the HIV-seronegative individ-                                                  over a 3-year interval, and 10% had cog-
                                            sclerotic Cerebrovasuclar                    nitive impairment at both time points,
uals had cognitive impairment using a
multivariate normative comparison           Disease or Framingham                        6% had an improvement in cognition
(MNC) score. At 2-year follow-up, 13%       Heart Study risk score                       at the second time point, and 6% de-
of PLWH and 6% of the HIV-uninfected                                                     veloped impairment over the 3-year
individuals had cognitive impairment        was associated with                          interval. Obesity and older age, but not
based on the MNC. Although none of          worsening in cognition                       frailty, were the greatest risk factors for
the cognitively impaired HIV- unin-                                                      developing cognitive impairment over
                                            over 4 years                                 3 years. Finally, Chow and colleagues
fected participants changed over the
2 years of follow-up, 46% of the PLWH       pression) and metabolic factors (obe-        investigated the association between
improved (changed from cognitively          sity, diabetes, and substance use). In a     presence of cardiovascular disease
impaired to not cognitively impaired).      cohort of PLWH and HIV-uninfected            (CVD) as assessed by the Atheroscle-
For those individuals who were cog-         persons followed up at the US National       rotic Cerebrovascular Disease [ASCVD]
nitively normal at baseline, 2% of the      Institute of Health and the US Depart-       and Framingham Heart Study CVD Risk
PLWH and 4% of the HIV-uninfected           ment of Defense (n=397), risk factors        Score (FRS) and risk of developing neu-
participants developed cognitive im-        for worse cognitive impairment in-           rocognitive impairment in the HAILO
pairment. Among PLWH, 10% had a             cluded currently smoking, history of al-     cohort (Abstract 128). In unadjusted and
reliable decline in cognition, 79% re-      cohol abuse, and unemployment (Ab-           adjusted models, higher baseline ASCVD
mained stable, and 11% had improved         stract 414). Overall, these results sug-     risk score or FRS was associated with
cognition. Among HIV-uninfected in-         gest that cognitive impairment seen in       worsening in cognition over 4 years. Al-
dividuals, 7% had a reliable decline in     PLWH may reflect changes in the brain        though the negative impact of cerebral
cognition, 92% remained stable, and 1%      due to HIV early in the disease and ad-      small vessel disease (CSVD) on cogni-
improved. These results suggest that        ditional risk factors later in the disease   tion was seen for both men and women,
most PLWH who are virologically well        process.                                     effects were significantly greater in
controlled remain cognitively stable                                                     women. Overall, these results point to
over 2 years. In contrast to other neuro-                                                focusing on modifiable risk factors in-
                                            Comorbidities and HAND
degenerative disorders, in which there                                                   cluding anemia, diabetes, and meta-
are progressive declines, approximately     Several comorbidities appear to in-          bolic factors as intervenable targets for
half of all PLWH who have cognitive         crease the risk of cognitive impair-         potentially stabilizing neurocognitive
impairment at a given time point may        ment in virologically well-controlled        function in PLWH, especially women.
improve over time. HAND is character-       PLWH. Within cohorts of PLWH at the          Preventive interventions geared toward
ized by fluctuations in cognition over      University of California San Diego, ane-     these comorbidities in PLWH may be
time rather than a gradual progressive      mia was associated with worse overall        important for patient care.
decline seen in other neurodegenera-        neurocognitive performance cross-sec-
tive diseases.                              tionally and longitudinally (Abstract
                                                                                         Neurodegenerative Diseases
   PLWH who have HAND may be con-           426). Changes in cognition were ob-
                                                                                         and HAND
siderably heterogeneous regarding the       served in several domains including
domains that contribute to neurocog-        speed of information processing, motor       A symposium presentation by Valcour
nitive impairment. Fitzgerald and col-      functioning, and working memory. The         focused on the potential increasing
leagues identified distinct clusters of     authors postulate that chronic inflam-       prevalence of aging-related neurode-
age-related changes in declarative mem-     mation affects iron metabolism that          generative diseases in PLWH (Abstract
ory in PLWH and HIV-uninfected indi-        leads to anemia. Within the HAILO (HIV       159). Questions remain if clinicians
viduals (n=1752) followed up in the         Infection, Aging, and Immune Function        can successfully distinguish Alzheim-
WIHS (Abstract 408). Using a Bayesian       Long-term Observational) study, gait         er's disease (AD) from HAND and if an
Dirichlet process mixture model, 4 sub-     speed and cognition were assessed in         accelerated phenotype exists within
groups were identified: normal slow de      PLWH (n=929). Increased levels of he-        older (>60 years old) PLWH. Inflam-
cline, normal accelerated decline, im-      moglobin A1C, cognitive impairment,          mation persists in virologically sup-
paired accelerated decline, and impair-     and African American race were assoc-        pressed PLWH with impairment, in
ed but stable cognition. Approximately      iated with declines in gait speed (Ab-       the periphery (eg, plasma measures)
55% of the women had accelerated cog-       stract 703). Within this HAILO group,        and centrally (eg, positron emission

IAS–USA       Topics in Antiviral Medicine

tomography [PET] measures). However,         longitudinal studies of neuroimaging        significant changes in cognitive per-
the contribution of inflammation due         and CSF biomarkers in older cohorts         formance or distress were observed
to HIV is contentious, as a recent PET       of PLWH are needed.                         after switching. Two other studies re-
imaging study did not observe elevated                                                   ported on participants who were ini-
neuroinflammation in virologically sup-                                                  tiating or currently taking InSTIs with-
                                             CNS Effects of Integrase Strand
pressed PLWH compared with matched                                                       out an observed therapy switch. A
                                             Transfer Inhibitors
HIV-uninfected persons (Abstract 460).                                                   study from Barcelona assessed partic-
Controversy also remains regarding           Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (In-   ipants who initiated InSTI-containing
whether HIV and aging accentuate or          STIs) are potent components of initial      ART during early HIV infection (n=12)
accelerate changes in brain integrity.       ART regimens and their use is growing       similar to the SEARCH study, but in
Some studies have demonstrated a             worldwide. With the report of more          contrast, compared them with those
greater rate of brain atrophy in PLWH        frequent neuropsychiatric adverse           who initiated InSTI-containing ART
than in HIV- uninfected persons and          events (NP-AEs) in a clinical popula-       during chronic HIV infection (n=15)
others have demonstrated that HIV and        tion,3 questions have arisen about the      and to persons without HIV (Abstract
aging independently cause changes.           CNS safety of InSTIs.                       439). In addition to a 12-test neuro-
                                                Several studies at CROI 2019 re-         cognitive test battery, participants
                                             ported the CNS effects of initiating        were assessed with structural neuro-
Several studies at CROI                      or switching to InSTI-containing ART.       imaging and an assessment of daily
2019 reported the CNS                        Mora-Peris and colleagues, for exam-        functioning. Cognitive performance
effects of initiating or                     ple, evaluated 8 PLWH who remained          improved in all 3 groups over time
                                             on a raltegravir-containing regimen         and did not differ among the groups.
switching to InSTI-                          and 12 PLWH who switched to a dolute-       Functional assessments identified that
containing antiretroviral                    gravir-containing regimen (Abstract         the early HIV infection group had evi-
                                             443). Neurocognitive performance,           dence of greater stress levels 4 weeks
therapy                                      neuroimaging, and CSF measures were         after initiating ART (but was similar to
                                             assessed at baseline and after 120          other groups at 48 weeks) and that the
Differences may reflect the presence of      days. Although the group sizes were         chronic HIV infection group trended to-
CSVD or the sample cohorts studied.          small, no statistically significant dif-    ward having worse depressive symp-
   Several markers could potentially         ferences were observed between the          toms at 48 weeks. Neuroimaging ident-
distinguish AD from HAND. PET im-            groups in any of the assessments, sup-      ified that the chronic HIV infection
aging of amyloid and tau, pathologic         porting the conclusion that switching to    group also had evidence of a reduction
hallmarks of AD, were not abnormal in        dolutegravir-containing ART is safe for     in medial orbitofrontal gray matter vol-
small cohorts of PLWH compared with          the CNS. This conclusion was also sup-      ume at weeks 4 and 48 that did not ap-
HIV-uninfected individuals.1,2 Although      ported by data from the Thai SEARCH         pear to be present in the other groups.
these studies were performed in younger      (South East Asia Research Collabo-          Since both HIV infection groups were
PLWH, cognitively impaired individuals       ration in HIV) study (Abstract 440).        taking InSTI-containing ART, however,
were included. Furthermore, if PLWH          Participants (n=254) diagnosed with         this is more likely to be due to later
do have accelerated aging, PLWH who          acute HIV infection had taken at least      initiation of ART than to InSTI-specific
are 50 years of age or older should be at    24 weeks of ART (median, 144 weeks)         declines.
increased risk for developing AD. How-       and were subsequently switched to a            In a cross-sectional analysis, O’Hal-
ever, the few studies that have been         dolutegravir-containing regimen. They       loran and colleagues compared neuro-
performed in this age range have not         were evaluated before and after the         cognitive performance and neuroim-
shown an increase in the prevalence of       switch using multimodal assessments         aging measures in participants who
AD. The presence of AD in older PLWH         (neurocognitive testing, the Patient        were taking InSTI-containing (n=99)
may reflect aging and genetic risk fac-      Health Questionnaire-9 [PHQ-9], ma-         or non-InSTI-containing (n=103) ART
tors and may not be specifically due to      jor depression screening, and an as-        (Abstract 442). The specific InSTI drugs
HIV. CSF amyloid and tau also serve as       sessment of distress). After switching,     used by participants were raltegra-
useful biomarkers for distinguishing         participants reported more somatic          vir (40.4%), dolutegravir (30.3%), and
AD from HAND. Conflicting results have       symptoms on the PHQ-9 and more              elvitegravir (29.3%). InSTI users had
been observed with some studies dem-         symptoms of depression, although            worse global neurocognitive perfor-
onstrating mild alterations in CSF amy-      they only trended toward having more        mance (specifically in the combined
loid but not CSF tau in PLWH. Trunfio        symptoms on the cognitive/affective         learning/memory domain) than non-
and colleagues evaluated PLWH (n=            subscale of the PHQ-9 and were not          InSTI users and this did not appear to
181) who were 45 years of age or older       more likely to have evidence of moder-      differ by InSTI drug (ie, the effect size
and virologically suppressed and only        ate-to-severe depression. Importantly,      for dolutegravir was similar to ralte-
1 individual (
CROI 2019: Neurologic Complications Volume 27 Issue 1 April 2019

with decreases in volumes throughout          disoproxil fumarate (TDF)/FTC or abaca-     lished studies have reported that PLWH
the brain. This evidence of InSTI neu-        vir/lamivudine (Abstract 436). Twenty       typically take more concomitant pre-
rotoxicity is generally consistent with       PLWH were evaluated with cognitive          scribed drugs than the general pop-
the prior report from deBoer et al,1 but      testing and CSF assessments at 3 and        ulation, including drug classes with
stands in contrast to other reports at        12 months after switching. No statis-       known neurocognitive adverse events
                                              tically significant changes were seen       (eg, Rubin et al).7 Consistent with this,
Anxiolytics, anti-                            in cognitive performance or CSF bio-        Ma and colleagues reported in cross-
psychotics, opioids, and                      markers (neopterin, neurofilament light     sectional analyses that polypharmacy,
                                              [NFL], β2-microglobulin, IgG index) in      or using 5 or more concomitant drugs,
antimicrobials were the                       this small study, supporting the CNS        was associated with worse cognitive
classes of concomitant                        safety of switching to TAF/FTC. In a        performance (Abstract 437), particu-
drugs that were most                          much larger analysis, Li and colleagues     larly in learning, memory, and verbal
                                              aimed to determine if cognitive perfor-     fluency. Anxiolytics, antipsychotics,
commonly associated                           mance of men enrolled in the MACS           opioids, and antimicrobials were the
with worse cognitive                          (Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study) im-         classes of concomitant drugs that were
                                              proved after discontinuing efavirenz        most commonly associated with worse
performance                                   (Abstract 441). This analysis of nearly     cognitive performance. Statistically ad-
CROI, and could be confounded by the          2000 PLWH failed to show differences        justing for the underlying conditions
cross-sectional design of the study.          in the cognitive trajectory over time be-   for which these drugs were prescribed
    Concerns about the CNS safety of          tween men who either discontinued           did not substantially weaken the asso-
InSTI drugs were also supported by            or continued efavirenz, supporting the      ciations, but careful longitudinal analy-
in vitro and animal experiments (Ab-          long-term CNS safety of efavirenz. The      ses are required to clearly delineate
stract 435). Oligodendrocytes are not         longitudinal design and large sample        whether the observed adverse impact
easily infected by HIV, but interest in       size of this analysis were strengths, but   on the CNS is due to the underlying
these understudied myelin-producing           an important limitation was that only       condition, the drug, or both.
glial cells is growing since white matter     44 (2.2%) men remained on efavirenz
abnormalities are common in PLWH,4,5          throughout the period of observation.       Structural neuro-
even in those taking suppressive ART,            DeFranceso and colleagues also fo-       imaging measures may
and have been linked to worse cogni-          cused on the CNS safety of nucleoside/
tive performance.6 In carefully planned       nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhib-     detect changes not seen
experiments, Jordan-Sciutto and col-          itors (nRTIs) by comparing concentra-       with cognitive
leagues administered elvitegravir or          tions in blood of 4 nRTIs (abacavir,
raltegravir to primary rat oligodendro-       TDF, FTC, and lamivudine) with cog-         performance testing
cytes and monocyte-derived macro-             nitive performance in more than 600
                                                                                          Neuroimaging in NeuroHIV
phages (MDMs, either uninfected or            participants of the POPPY (Pharma-
infected with HIV) (Abstract 435). They       cokinetic and Clinical Observations in      Neuroimaging is currently not included
observed that HIV-infected MDMs in-           People Over Fifty) study (Abstract 419).    Neuroimaging is currently not included
hibited oligodendrocyte differentiation       Population pharmacokinetic modeling         in the evaluation for HAND, but several
but, somewhat unexpectedly, that elvi-        estimated maximum and trough drug           studies demonstrated the potential
tegravir (but not raltegravir) did as well.   concentrations as well as the area-         relevance of this technique in PLWH.
In animal experiments, investigators          under-the-time-concentration curves.        As previously noted, CSVD may lead
induced demyelination in mice with            Higher concentrations of TDF and FTC        to vascular cognitive impairment. A
cuprizone and found that elvitegravir         were associated with worse cognitive        combination of both CSVD and HIV
inhibited remyelination. Experiments          performance in unadjusted analyses          may lead to the substantial cognitive
that are more mechanistic in design           but these associations weakened above       changes that are observed despite ART.
are being performed but these findings        statistical significance after adjustment   However, it can be difficult to differ-
suggest a possible biologic basis for         for potential confounding factors such      entiate the contributions of HIV from
InSTI-associated neurotoxicity.               as age, sex, efavirenz use, and recrea-     CSVD. Within the MACS, Wu and col-
    Other scientists reported on inves-       tional drug use. In contrast, higher aba-   leagues longitudinally evaluated HIV
tigations regarding the potential neu-        cavir concentration was associated with     uninfected controls (n=46) and PLWH
rotoxicity of other antiretroviral drugs      better cognitive performance and this       (n=76) (Abstract 456). Annualized rates
and concomitant drugs at CROI 2019.           association remained statistically signi-   of change in white matter hyperinten-
For example, instead of focusing on           ficant even after adjustment. Although      sities (WMH), a proxy of CSVD, were
switching to an InSTI-containing regi-        antiretroviral drugs may have neuro-        similar between HIV–uninfected con-
men, one study focused on the switch          toxicity, they are not alone: other drug    trols and PLWH. PLWH who had diabe-
to tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)/emtri          classes such as anticholinergics can        tes or hypertension had a greater an-
citabine (FTC) from either tenofovir          also adversely affect the CNS. Pub-         nual increase in WMH volume. Sanford

IAS–USA        Topics in Antiviral Medicine

and colleagues also longitudinally ev-        Effects of HIV on                           with either approach. Concerns about
aluated changes in WMH (using CSVD)           Neuropathogenesis                           the durability of the initial response of
in virologically suppressed PLWH (n=                                                      CSF viral escape to ART optimization
119) compared with HIV-uninfected             Many published studies have iden-           were raised by Ferretti and colleagues,
persons (n=55) (Abstract 453). They           tified HIV characteristics that may in-     who identified that 5 of 21 (23.8%)
also examined if an interaction oc-           fluence its neurovirulence, including       PLWH with CSF viral escape who had
curred between CSVD and HIV for neu-          HIV subtype,8,9 envelope sequence,10,11     previously responded to ART optimiza-
roimaging and cognitive measures.             macrophage tropism,12 and CD4 and           tion had a recurrent episode of es-
                                              chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) af-        cape (Abstract 447). Recurrence only
5 of 21 (23.8%) people                        finity.13 These and other issues related    occurred, however, if the optimized
with HIV infection with                       to how HIV interacts and adapts to the      regimen was simplified (n=4) or was
                                              brain were summarized in a plenary          not taken (n=1). Although CSF viral
CSF viral escape who had                      lecture by Swanstrom (Abstract 121).        escape remains uncommon and these
previously responded to                       His presentation highlighted the im-        data are sparse, patients and clinicians
                                              portance of distinguishing HIV that         should be educated to continue the
ART optimization had a                        uses R5 to enter T cells from HIV that      optimized regimen and efforts should
recurrent episode                             uses CCR5 for entry specifically into       be made to support adherence. In ad-
of escape                                     macrophages (R5-macrophage tropic),         dition to use of protease inhibitors, the
                                              which express approximately 25-times        risk of CSF viral escape has been linked
WMH burden was similar for PLWH               less CD4 than T-cells. He also reviewed     to low nadir or current CD4+ cell count
and HIV-uninfected individuals. Older         important data supporting that approx-      in chronic HIV infection. To date, no
age and the presence of hypertension          imately 25% of PLWH have evidence of        one has reported on the incidence of
were associated with a greater risk of an     compartmentalized HIV in CSF even at        CSF viral escape in early HIV infection,
increased WMH burden. These results           the time of early infection.14 The pres-    a shortcoming that was addressed by
suggest that both HIV and CSVD may            ence of compartmentalized HIV in the        Handoko and colleagues by analyzing
independently contribute to brain at-         CNS may be associated with viral es-        data from the Thai SEARCH 010 Study
rophy. Modifiable risk factors (eg, hy-       cape from ART in the CSF15,16 (Abstract     (Abstract 450). Among PLWH who ini-
pertension and diabetes) should be            449) and has implications for eradica-      tiated ART during early HIV infection
aggressively treated in PLWH. Struc-          tion of HIV from the CNS.                   (Fiebig I-V) (n=89), only 1 (1.1%) met cri-
tural neuroimaging measurements (in-              Several abstracts presented new         teria for CSF viral escape at 24 weeks.
cluding magnetic resonance spectros-          data on CSF viral escape. A CSF Viral
copy and diffusion tensor imaging)            Escape Consortium was organized by          Deep sequencing was
were also obtained from several co-           the National Institute of Mental Health     used to identify that
horts of virologically suppressed PLWH.       and proposed an approach to classify
Using principal components analysis           different forms of CSF viral escape.17      64% of people with
of neuroimaging data, Cysique and             Kincer and colleagues identified 14         HIV infection (n=50)
colleagues defined a composite neu-           PLWH who had one form, symptomatic
rochemical marker (CNM) or “signature         CSF viral escape, and they commonly
                                                                                          had evidence of HIV
of HIV disease,” which strongly cor-          had T-cell tropic and drug-resistant        compartmentalization in
related with CSF NFL concentrations           HIV in CSF (Abstract 446). Similar to       the cerebrospinal fluid
but not neurocognitive impairment             the seminal report from Canestri et
(Abstract 454). Ruiz-Saez and col-            al in 2010,15 nearly all participants re-   Of 46 PLWH evaluated after 96 weeks
leagues demonstrated that perinatally         sponded to optimization of their ART        of ART, none had CSF viral escape.
infected adults living with HIV have          regimen. Dravid and colleagues, who         These data add to prior evidence that
substantial reductions in frontal brain       previously published evidence link-         initiating ART early in disease protects
volumes compared with matched HIV-            ing CSF viral escape to use of protease     the CNS. Smith and colleagues identi-
uninfected individuals (Abstract 458).        inhibitors,18 reported follow-up data on    fied that participants who had CSF viral
Overall, these results suggest that struc-    CSF viral escape (n=41) after one of        escape were approximately twice as
tural neuroimaging measures may de-           2 interventions, ART optimization or        likely to have the HIV-encoded protein,
tect changes not seen with cognitive per-     intensification (Abstract 451). Inten-      Tat, detected in CSF (Abstract 417). The
formance testing. Observed changes            sification may be a more clinically         putative neurotoxicity of extracellular
may reflect neurodegeneration and             implementable strategy since it does        Tat remains controversial but this anal-
inflammation that occurred soon after         not require genotypic resistance testing    ysis found that participants who had a
seroconversion and before the initia-         of HIV from CSF, which is not feasible      Tat concentration that exceeded 1000
tion of ART. Longitudinal neuroimaging        in many clinical settings. Approxi-         pg/mL were nearly 4-fold more likely
studies of acutely infected PLWH who          mately 80% of participants had sup-         to have cognitive impairment than
were administered ART are needed.             pressed CSF HIV RNA (≤20 copies/mL)         those who had lower concentrations.

CROI 2019: Neurologic Complications Volume 27 Issue 1 April 2019

The presence of Tat in CSF was also         blood-brain permeability and better         perimental autoimmune encephalitis,
associated with lower CSF amyloid-β         executive functioning. Although these       a disease model of autoimmune en-
1-42 concentrations, suggesting that it     findings generally support that better      cephalitis that has some features simi-
may be associated with AD-type neuro-       suppression of HIV RNA, even at very        lar to HIV encephalitis.21 Another re-
pathology.                                  low levels, may lead to better outcomes,    port from the SEARCH 010 study team
    In addition to these informative pre-   the findings of this study may be con-      built on published research about DNA
sentations, other scientists presented      founded by group differences in base-       methylation signatures in monocytes
new findings relevant to how HIV inter-     line HIV RNA concentrations and nadir       in HAND (particularly those associated
acts with the CNS. In Uganda, where         CD4+ T-cell counts. (Abstract 126).         with the nervous system and the im-
non-B HIV subtypes (predominantly                                                       mune response to HIV) 22 to identify
subtypes A and D) may affect the CNS                                                    that similar signatures are present in
                                            Effects of Host Mechanisms
differently than subtype B that is com-                                                 early HIV infection (median, 17.5 days
                                            on Neuropathogenesis
mon in North America, Joseph and col-
leagues used deep sequencing to iden-       Even though HIV can adapt to the CNS        HIV was associated with
tify that 64% of PLWH (n=50) had evi-       environment, which may increase its         persistent alterations
dence of HIV compartmentalization in        neurovirulence, the host environment
the CSF (Abstract 449). The frequency       also plays a critical role, particularly    in plasma and IgG
of compartmentalization did not dif-        among a population that is more likely      glycomes, including
fer by HIV subtype. Few details were        than the general population to be ad-
provided about the cognitive assess-        versely affected by comorbid condi-
                                                                                        decreases in anti-
ment, but the investigators noted that      tions, such as obesity, cardiovascular      inflammatory highly
CSF compartmentalization was asso-          disease, and drug toxicity, as discussed    sialylated glycans.
ciated with worse verbal fluency in un-     above. Observations from cohort stud-
treated PLWH, although this difference      ies and clinical trials are crucially im-   after infection) (Abstract 409). Nearly
was no longer significant after ART ini-    portant elements of translational re-       a year after initiating ART, most DNA
tiation. de Oliveira and colleagues se-     search, but the development of clini-       methylation changes were minimally
quenced HIV envelope DNA by high-           cally useful biomarkers and beneficial      restored except for interferon-related
throughput single genome amplifica-         interventions ultimately hinges on a        genes (eg, IFI27, IRF7, and MX1), sug-
tion from brain tissue collected at au-     clear, mechanistic understanding of         gesting that DNA methylation of these
topsy from 12 donors enrolled in the        pathogenesis. New findings were re-         genes in blood-derived monocytes ident-
North American National NeuroAIDS           ported at CROI 2019 that advance our        ifies HAND risk very soon after infec-
Tissue Consortium, identifying that a       understanding of the mechanisms by          tion and might be a future, clinically ac-
third of the participants had evidence      which the host environment increases        cessible biomarker.
of compartmentalization compared            the risk of CNS disease in PLWH.                Nearly all research in the neuroHIV
with HIV DNA from lymph node or                Four presentations focused on the        field is challenged by the heterogene-
spleen (Abstract 452).                      immune system, a key contributor to         ity of the HAND phenotype: numerous
    Measuring CSF HIV RNA down to the       HIV pathogenesis in the CNS. One            conditions contribute to HAND risk and
single-copy level may have value,19 but     novel report focused on CD30, a CD4+        these differ from individual to individ-
single-copy assays are not clinically       T-cell surface protein that is enriched     ual.23 Chief among these differences
available. The Cobas-TaqMan HIV-1           in infected cells. Concentrations of        may be sex: women and men appear
Assay v2.0 is commonly used in the          soluble CD30 in the CSF may indicate        to differ substantially in the conditions
clinic and has a lower limit of quan-       the extent of ongoing migration of          that predispose to impaired cognition
tification (LLQ) of 20 copies/mL. If HIV    transcriptionally active T-cells during     and mental health disorders.24 Rubin
RNA is suppressed below the LLQ,            suppressive ART, although CD30 may          and colleagues extended their work
the report for this assay will indicate     also be solubilized from the surface of     in this area by using novel methods
whether the HIV RNA concentration           an as-yet unidentified cell type within     (Dynamic matrix factorization; Cluster
is at or below 20 copies/mL or below        the CNS. Peluso and colleagues mea-         Identification using Frobenius residual;
the limit of detection, which may be        sured soluble CD30 in CSF from 130          Ingenuity Pathway Analysis) to analyze
lower than 10 copies/mL. Motta and          PLWH and identified that concentra-         data from a 42-plex biomarker array
colleagues previously identified that       tions in CSF, but not blood, remained el-   measured at several time points in par-
having HIV RNA in CSF below the limit       evated during suppressive ART. Higher       ticipants in the WIHS (Abstract 407).
of detection is associated with lower       CSF concentrations of soluble CD30          They found that biomarker profiles, in-
CSF neopterin concentrations than           correlated with higher concentrations       cluding biomarkers classified as being
having HIV RNA suppressed below 20          of NFL, an axonal protein that has been     associated with the antiviral immune
copies/mL.20 At CROI, Farhadian and         strongly linked to risk for HAND (Ab-       response, oxidative stress, and vascular
colleagues extended these findings to       stract 125). Of note, the CD30/CD30         dysfunction within 2 years of initiating
link lower HIV RNA in CSF to lower          ligand axis has been implicated in ex-      ART distinguished women living with

IAS–USA        Topics in Antiviral Medicine

HIV from women not living with HIV            sialylated glycans, correlated with bet-          to disclose. Dr Letendre has had travel paid
as well as predicted cognitive trajec-        ter neurocognitive performance. Data              for by ViiV Healthcare.
tory over 12 years. Among women liv-          on the CSF glycome were also pre-
ing with HIV, biomarkers classified           sented and were similar to the findings
as “Myeloid, T Cell, and Endothelial          from blood. Although high-dimension,              Additional References Cited
Cell Communication” or “Microglial            discovery-driven methods such as gly-             in Text
Chemokine-Mediated T Cell Recruit-            comics have limitations, the reported              1. Ances BM, Benzinger TL, Christensen JJ,
ment to Brain” seemed to be broadly           results are promising and strongly sup-               et al. 11C-PiB imaging of human immuno-
                                                                                                    deficiency virus-associated neurocognitive
deleterious (as estimated by their as-        port the value of additional research.                disorder. Arch Neurol. 2012;69(1):72-77.
sociation with performance in cogni-             In addition to the glycomic exo-                2. Cooley SA, Strain JF, Beaumont H, et al.
tive domains) and those classified as         some work, Pulliam and colleagues                     Tau positron emission tomography bind-
                                                                                                    ing is not elevated in HIV-infected individu-
“Immune Activation and Vascular Dys-          presented impactful data on neuron-                   als. J Infect Dis. 2018;[in press]
function” or “Leukocyte Recruitment           derived exosomes (NDEs) in blood (Ab-              3. de Boer MG, van den Berk GE, van HN, et
to Brain” appeared be more beneficial         stract 411). A non-exosomal neuronal                  al. Intolerance of dolutegravir-containing
                                                                                                    combination antiretroviral therapy regi-
over time. This distinction between           biomarker, NFL, has been measured                     mens in real-life clinical practice. AIDS.
neuropathogenic and neuroprotective           in blood and may have clinical util-                  2016;30(18):2831-2834.
mechanisms highlights an important            ity, 26 but its measurement in blood               4. Sanford R, Strain J, Dadar M, et al. HIV
                                                                                                    infection and cerebral small vessel dis-
issue in the field. To date, neuroHIV         currently requires a specialized instru-              ease are independently associated with
research has focused more on dele-            ment (Quanterix Simoa) and its concen-                brain atrophy and cognitive impairment.
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terious mechanisms associated with            trations in blood can be very low during           5. Su T, Caan MW, Wit FW, et al. White mat-
the neurologic complications of HIV           suppressive ART. In this analysis, the                ter structure alterations in HIV-1-infected
than on mechanisms associated with            investigators identified sex-based dif-               men with sustained suppression of vi-
                                                                                                    raemia on treatment. AIDS. 2016;30(2):
resilience.                                   ferences in NDEs. In women, cognitive                 311-322.
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presented very novel glycomics data, an       NFL concentrations but was associated                 matter damage, neuroinflammation, and
                                                                                                    neuronal integrity in HAND. J Neurovirol.
area that has not yet been addressed          with concentrations of 7 NDE proteins                 2019;25(1):32-41.
in the neuroHIV field (Abstract 124).         (eg, microtubule associated protein tau            7. Rubin LH, Radtke KK, Eum S, et al. Cogni-
HIV causes a persistent state of hypo-        and neuronal cell adhesion molecule),                 tive burden of common non-antiretrovi-
                                                                                                    ral medications in HIV-infected women.
sialylation that interferes with binding      with a consistent pattern being that the              JAIDS. 2018;79(1):83-91.
of sialic acid to sialic acid binding pro-    proteins were higher in women who                  8. Ranga U, Shankarappa R, Siddappa NB,
tein and that does not appear to reverse      had asymptomatic neurocognitive im-                   et al. Tat protein of human immunodefi-
                                                                                                    ciency virus type 1 subtype C strains is
with ART. Sialyic acid binding proteins       pairment (ANI) and lower in women                     a defective chemokine. J Virol. 2004;78:
are expressed on monocytes, macro-            with symptomatic mild neurocognitive                  2586-2590.
phages, and other cells and the binding       disorder (MND). In men, the expected               9. Sacktor N, Nakasujja N, Skolasky RL, et
                                                                                                    al. HIV subtype D is associated with de-
of sialic acid to them may contribute         association between higher NFL con-                   mentia, compared with subtype A, in
to the persistent inflammation that oc-       centrations and cognitive impairment                  immunosuppressed individuals at risk of
                                                                                                    cognitive impairment in Kampala, Ugan-
curs in PLWH.25 In this initial cross-        was present, but impairment was also                  da. Clin Infect Dis. 2009;49(5):780-786.
sectional analysis (n=108), HIV was           associated with 12 NDE proteins (eg,              10. Dunfee RL, Thomas ER, Gorry PR, et al.
associated with persistent alterations        mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neu-                  The HIV Env variant N283 enhances
                                                                                                    macrophage tropism and is associated
in plasma and IgG glycomes, including         rotrophic factor and “a disintegrin and               with brain infection and dementia. Proc
decreases in anti-inflammatory highly         metalloproteinase” [ADAM] metallo-                    Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006;103(41):15160-
sialylated glycans, compared with con-        protease 23) that differed from those             11. Strain MC, Letendre S, Pillai SK, et
trols. The investigators found that 7         of women and were higher in both ANI                  al. Genetic composition of human im-
glycan structures (eg, A2G3S3, LacNac         and MND than in unimpaired PLWH.                      munodeficiency virus type 1 in cerebro-
                                                                                                    spinal fluid and blood without treatment
Glycans) differed between participants        Although exosome methods remain a                     and during failing antiretroviral therapy.
who had cognitive impairment and              specialized method, the prospect of                   J Virol. 2005;79(3):1772-1788.

those who did not. In general, main-          identifying biomarkers of CNS neuro-              12. Arrildt KT, LaBranche CC, Joseph SB, et
                                                                                                    al. Phenotypic correlates of HIV-1 macro-
tenance of higher levels of sialylation       nal injury using blood is promising and               phage tropism. J Virol. 2015;89(22):11294-
in blood plasma was protective: higher        requires additional research.                        11311.
levels of sialylated oligosaccharides                                                           13. Gorry PR, Taylor J, Holm GH, et al. In-
                                                                                                    creased CCR5 affinity and reduced CCR5/
correlated with better cognitive perfor-      All cited abstracts appear in the                     CD4 dependence of a neurovirulent prima-
mance (or conversely, higher levels of        CROI 2019 Abstracts eBook,                            ry human immunodeficiency virus type
                                                                                                    1 isolate. J Virol. 2002;76(12):6277-6292.
hypo-sialylated oligosaccharides were         available online at                               14. Sturdevant CB, Joseph SB, Schnell G, Price
associated with worse performance).                                 RW, Swanstrom R, Spudich S. Compart-
Investigators also assessed the exo-                                                                mentalized replication of R5 T cell-tropic
                                                                                                    HIV-1 in the central nervous system early
somal glycome and found that higher           Financial affiliations in the past 12 months:         in the course of infection. PLoS Pathog.
levels of several glycans, including α2-3     Dr Ances has no relevant financial affiliations       2015;11(3):e1004720.

CROI 2019: Neurologic Complications Volume 27 Issue 1 April 2019

15. Canestri A, Lescure FX, Jaureguiberry         19. Anderson AM, Munoz-Moreno JA, McCler-               consensus report of the Mind Exchange
    S, et al. Discordance between cerebral            non DR, et al. Prevalence and correlates            program. Clin Infect Dis. 2013;56(7):
    spinal fluid and plasma HIV replication           of persistent HIV-1 RNA in cerebrospinal            1004-1017.
    in patients with neurological symptoms            fluid during antiretroviral therapy. J Infect   24. Maki PM, Rubin LH, Springer G, et al. Dif-
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16. Mukerji SS, Misra V, Lorenz D, et al. Tem-        HIV-positive patients with undetectable         25. Lubbers J, Rodriguez E, van KY. Modu-
    poral patterns and drug resistance in CSF         viraemia. Antivir Ther. 2017;22(6):539-543.         lation of immune tolerance via Siglec-
    viral escape among ART-experienced            21. Shinoda K, Sun X, Oyamada A, et al.                 Sialic acid interactions. Front Immunol.
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17. Joseph J, Cinque P, Colosi D, et al. High-        nity. J Autoimmun. 2015;57:14-23.                   Plasma concentration of the neurofila-
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    sortium meeting, 9 June 2016, Bethesda,           Comparative DNA methylation profiling               of CNS injury in HIV infection: a cross-
    MD, USA. J Virus Erad. 2016;2(4):243-250.         reveals an immunoepigenetic signature               sectional study. EBioMedicine. 2016;3:
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    Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(8):e9969.           associated neurocognitive disorder: a           ©2019, IAS–USA. All rights reserved

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