Critiques and Controversies of Street Literature

Page created by Jamie Pena
Wanda  Brooks&and
                    Lori Goodson   JimLorraine Savage

                   Critiques and Controversies of Street Literature:
                   A Formidable Literary Genre

                      a friend of mine gave me the book to read and it took me a      adolescents who read street fiction may currently
                      day and a half to finish. i could not put it down. i love the   exist. As a contemporary trend, however, this arguable
                      characters and the storylines. i got so caught up in them it
                                                                                      increase in reading has not surfaced statistically but
                      felt like a movie happening in my head. i could not believe
                      3 educated strong women would fall for men with those           continues to reveal itself anecdotally to those of us
                      types of jobs and all of them had a happily everafter end-      working among teenage populations in both urban
                      ing, it goes to show you that love is a mystery. i cannot       and suburban areas (Morris et al. 20). We noticed
                      wait to read more of wahida clark’s novels, keep them comin     initial evidence of the genre’s appeal at least two years
                      lady. (Amazon, “PP Thugs”)
                                                                                      ago. Street fiction began flooding local bookstores and
                                                                                      showing up in the hands of urban high school stu-

                                 ho is Wahida Clark? According to Wendy,              dents participating in a community, after-school arts
                                 the writer whose criticism appeared on               and literacy program near our university. Since that
                       , Clark is an exceptional                  time, empirical data such as the high rankings given to
                   author who crafts entertaining, thoughtful and                     some street fiction books on confirmed
                   engaging stories. In fact, writers such as Wahida                  our suspicions. Further, while some books falling
                   Clark, Nikki Turner and Teri Woods represent only a                within this genre are not written explicitly for adoles-
                   few authors of “Street Literature” (street lit/fiction), a         cents, the proprietor of a Black owned bookstore in
                   genre permeating the African American literary                     Philadelphia, PA recently explained that the readership
                   tradition in surprising ways. Chain bookstores such as             extends as low as middle and upper elementary school
                   Borders and Barnes and Noble now incorporate street                students. When asked about the increasing appeal of
                   fiction within literary sections designated for “African           these narratives, she reasoned, “You don’t have to live
                   American Interests.” Some public libraries as well as              the life to get wrapped up in the storylines” (Anony-
                   Black-owned bookstores have increased the number of                mous).
                   books they own to include writers like Clark, Turner,                   To provide insight about this literary trend,
                   and Woods (Morris, Hughes, Hassell-Agosto, and                     throughout we highlight street fiction as a formidable,
                   Cottman 20; Young 22).                                             contemporary genre that has grown in popularity
                        Street lit readership appears to be on the rise, and          throughout the past decade. We begin by offering a
                   this growth brings into question some disturbing                   definition, a brief literary and production history,
                   research findings. Results of a National Endowment of              general characteristics and a view on the controversial
                   Arts’ study (Bradshaw and Nichols 26) indicated a                  nature of the genre. This section is followed by a
                   sharp decline in the number of young adults who                    discussion that incorporates theory, related research
                   engage in literary reading, yet, a proliferating and               and excerpts from electronic book reviews (inspired by
                   possibly unprecedented increase in African American                street fiction) to illustrate how readers actually


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interpret the narratives. Specifically, we examine a                 24 who struggle to survive despite immense obstacles
           range of reader responses to varied street texts                     including but not limited to abject poverty, overt and
           extracted from (a website that permits                    institutional racism, as well as violence in its various
           readers to upload electronic book critiques). We                     forms. The protagonist’s saga is conveyed through
           conclude with practical and research-based implica-                  heavy use of African American Vernacular English and
           tions.                                                               quick-moving storylines. The novels are typically set
                                                                                in urban locales with hip-hop culture serving as a
           Definition, History, Characteristics                                 prominent backdrop. Themes such as young women
                                                                                who fall in love with the
           The genre of street fiction is grounded in the tradition
                                                                                wrong men and plots that
           of urban literature novelists from the 1960s and 1970s
           like Donald Goines and Robert Beck (Hill, Perez, and
                                                                                revolve around premarital       Called street literature,
                                                                                sex, violence, crime,
           Irby 77). These writers crafted ultra-realistic tales of                                             urban drama, and hip-hop
                                                                                abortion and illegal
           urban living rife with explicit language and street
                                                                                activities such as drug
           slang told through characters who were often pimps,
                                                                                dealing are common
                                                                                                                literature, this exciting
           prostitutes, and drug dealers. According to Ghose
                                                                                (Morris et al. 19). Despite     genre features fast-paced
           (106), eventually the appeal of the urban novel faded
                                                                                these characteristics,
           but was revived in 1999 with the publication of best-
                                                                                street lit authors Vickie       action, gritty ghetto real-
           selling novel The Coldest Winter Ever (Souljah) and
                                                                                Stringer and K’wan Foye
           subsequent increased popularity of Flyy Girl (Tyree)
                                                                                consistently refer to their     ism, and social messages
           and True to the Game (Woods). One library in Madison,
                                                                                stories as a means to warn      about the high price of
           Wisconsin describes these books in the following way:
                                                                                readers of the pitfalls of
               Called street literature, urban drama, and hip-hop litera-       illegal activity (Reid 11).     gangsta life.
               ture, this exciting genre features fast-paced action, gritty     In other words, these
               ghetto realism, and social messages about the high price of
                                                                                narratives might be
               gangsta life. Following in the tradition of Iceberg Slim and
               Donald Goines, the new generation of street lit writers speaks
                                                                                classified as cautionary or redemptive tales.
               to the experiences of a wide range of characters—from the             An excerpt from a popular street narrative titled
               ordinary people trying to get by in the projects to hard-core    True to the Game (Woods) reveals some of these
               drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps, and gangbangers. (“Street      characteristics. Narrated by Gena, who is a young
               Lit”)                                                            adult, the following events describe her first meeting
           Despite the recent recognition, street lit has not been              with Quadir, “a millionaire associated with the [drug]
           eagerly embraced by major publishing houses,                         cartel:” (Woods back cover)
           although this trend is now changing (see Young 22)                      She said goodbye to Quadir and pocketed his number. Even
           Therefore, in order to initially get their books into the               though he wasn’t driving, he was nice and he was dark-
           hands of readers, street lit writers often self-publish                 skinned, and that was definitely a plus. Not to mention the
           (Hill, Perez, and Irby 77). Independent publishing                      diamond bezel Rolex watch he had on. Damn, she thought,
                                                                                   the man is dark as night, but his beard and his moustache
           houses like Triple Crown Publications and Urban
                                                                                   was so sexy. She would definitely be trying to see him to-
           Books have created another avenue through which                         morrow, which for her was a lifetime away. (Woods 4)
           authors can have their work printed. The books are
           then sold wholesale to street vendors and bookstore                  A few chapters later, we learn more about Quadir’s
           owners or the authors themselves sell the books                      cartel activities as well as his associates. Readers are
           directly to consumers. The Internet boom has also                    privy to a dialogue between Rasun and Reds, two
           provided an additional outlet for publicizing and                    young men employed by Quadir:
           selling street fiction, which has added to its popularity               Back in Philly, the summer heat had driven everyone out-
           and success (Spavlik 65).                                               side onto the sidewalks, porches, corners and streets. There
                The genre typically consists of stories centered on                were open fire hydrants with bursts of water spraying chil-
           African American protagonists between the ages of 16-                   dren . . . Rasun drove back down to North Philly. . . .


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“What’s up?” he said as he pulled up on the corner of 25th         (for adults, young adults and children) an analogous
                     Street.                                                            type of canonization occurred over the past forty years
                     “Nothing, man. What’s up?” asked Reds.
                                                                                        as literary theorists and scholars identified characteris-
                     “You got the money?”
                     “Yeah,” Reds said, pulling a knot of paper out his pocket. . . .   tic elements of these texts (see, for example, Bishop
                     “Is everybody out here tonight or what?” Reds asked.               273) and selected writers, for a variety of reasons,
                     “Most definitely,” Ra said. . . .(Woods 45-46)                     gained prominence over others. Esteemed African
                     “What you need the gun for?” Reds asked.                           American young adult and adult writers who have
                     “Man, what you need it for? You’re going to a party, right?”       received this canonized sanctioning include, among
                     Reds didn’t want to give up the gun. “What the f*** (exple-        others, Walter Dean Myers, Toni Morrison, Mildred
                     tive in original) you need it for? . . . .                         Taylor, James Baldwin, Alice Walker, Jacqueline
                     “We’ll, take that s*** (expletive in original) up with Quadir      Woodson, Virginia Hamilton, Ernest Gaines, Christo-
                     when he comes back,” Ra said, knowing Qua wasn’t giving
                                                                                        pher Paul Curtis, and Walter Mosley. These authors
                     them no guns like that. Mentally, they couldn’t handle a
                     gun . . . and Quadir knew it and wasn’t taking any chances         composed compelling narratives that make up the list
                     . . . (Woods 47)                                                   of middle and high school African Americans literary
                                                                                        texts frequently read in today’s classrooms.
                   As the storyline evolves, the relationship between
                                                                                             Books by the above writers receive high literary
                   Gena and Quadir develops. In the next passage, Gena
                                                                                        honors, such as Newbery and Coretta Scott King
                   reflects on men, in general, and especially those like
                                                                                        awards. They are repeatedly selected for school district
                   Quadir whose elevated financial earnings appeal to
                                                                                        curriculum because their stories convey the themes,
                   young women despite the emotional costs:
                                                                                        ideologies, illustrations and literary qualities deemed
                     The majority of the brothers that were out had woman at            up to standard by teachers, librarians, and parents.
                     home. The funny thing about it though, was that even               The cultural messages and representations embedded
                     though you might be with a guy and really call him your
                                                                                        in the fiction often correspond with a long-standing
                     man, you knew in the back of your mind that he wasn’t
                     your man. . . . the brothers were socially acceptable              literary tradition in which novelists compose stories
                     whoremongers inheriting the earth. Gena’s girlfriends all          with particular purposes in mind. According to literary
                     knew this, but it didn’t make a difference. As long as they        critic Bishop:
                     were spending money, nothing really made a difference.
                     Nothing else mattered. (Woods 44-50)                                  African American literature has been a purposeful enter-
                                                                                           prise, seldom if ever art for art’s sake. . . . Across genres, in
                   In these brief selections, we generally capture street                  poetry, picture books, and contemporary and historical fic-
                   fiction’s essence. Although deeply rooted in a familiar                 tion, Black authors and artists have created a body of
                                                                                           children’s literature that 1) celebrates the strengths of the
                   young-adult storyline that depicts the ebbs and flow of
                                                                                           Black family as a cultural institution and vehicle for sur-
                   a new romantic relationship, this narrative also                        vival; 2) bears witness to Black people’s determined struggle
                   embodies the potential to valorize infidelity, criminal                 for freedom, equality, and dignity; 3) nurtures the souls of
                   activity and a wide range of unprincipled and even                      Black children by reflecting back to them, both visually and
                   stereotypic behaviors. This potential (whether realized                 verbally, the beauty and competencies that we as adults
                   or not) undergirds a good deal of the controversy                       see in them; 4) situates itself through its language and its
                                                                                           content, within African American literary and cultural con-
                   encasing street fiction.
                                                                                           texts; and 5) honors the tradition of story as a way of teach-
                                                                                           ing and as a way of knowing. (273)
                   Canons and Controversy
                                                                                        Since the well-regarded African American writers of
                   Throughout history, competing claims have existed                    whom Bishop refers frequently situate their narratives
                   about whether high brow, canonized, western or                       within realistic urban contexts (Walter Dean Myers
                   classical literature ought to give way to the types of               and Jacqueline Woodson are two noteworthy ex-
                   books some have argued will diminish our society’s                   amples), some might wonder how street lit compares
                   cultural standing because of an over-emphasis on                     in literary legitimacy, sustainability and quality to
                   popular and folk culture or our presumed base desires,               other well regarded African American literature
                   (e.g., controversy over romance and graphic novels).                 (Venable 25). Currently, two perspectives exist.
                   Within the focused area of African American literature                     Rightly or wrongly, values of nihilism, misogyny,


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homophobia, physical abuse toward women and                  reason why people are choosing these stories and
           violence circulate within and around a number of             maybe we should look at what is causing this hunger”
           artists (i.e., rap) who claim membership in the hip          (Young 22). Reader response criticism validates the
           hop culture, such as some street lit writers. Critics of     rationale driving this editor’s argument. If well-
           the genre have made these hip hop life-text associa-         established writers of African American young adult
           tions (Young 22). To them, the narratives likely             and adult fiction are, in some instances, being de-
           intensify a growing cultural disconnect between              centered by street lit authors, what compelling
           today’s poor, African American urban adolescents and         meanings are youth and
           our larger society. Voices largely within the African        young adults deriving from
           American community are weighing in and questioning           these narratives?
           the denigrating cultural messages, ideologies, stereo-            Because studies within Unlike in the past, the
           types and moral values that they contend street lit          the field of literacy explor-    self-publishing, hip hop
           reifies, not to mention the presumed lack of literary        ing reader responses to
           quality (Stovall 56; Venable 25; Young 22).                  texts have revealed that         ethos of these writers has
                On the other hand, a range of folks now consider        despite what is embodied
           street literature a viable genre to discuss and debate       in any piece of fiction,         positioned their stories
           (Hill, Perez, and Irby 78; Wright 42). They contend          readers interpret stories in
                                                                                                         within postmodern sensi-
           that street fiction symbolizes neither a fad nor an          highly complex and often
           oddity in African American culture. Rather, as a             unanticipated ways, reader       bilities that mitigate con-
           literary production, it should be situated within the        response criticism and
           long-standing debate about high brow and popular             research can shed some           structs of power and
           culture that has vigorously reemerged as largely self-       light on how to examine
                                                                                                         authority. As a result,
           taught and self-published writers, sometimes identify-       the street fiction trend
           ing themselves as members of the hip hop generation,         (Beach 8). While not a           assigning a cultural hier-
           began publishing, promoting, and lucratively distribut-      unified theory, many
           ing this genre of literature (Morris et al. 17). Unlike in   scholars writing within the      archy of either high or low
           the past, the self-publishing, hip hop ethos of these        field of reader response
           writers has positioned their stories within postmodern       criticism do share a
                                                                                                         to this emerging genre
           sensibilities that mitigate constructs of power and          common belief in the             becomes rather compli-
           authority. As a result, assigning a cultural hierarchy of    distinct influence and
           either high or low to this emerging genre becomes            transactive nature of the        cated (Young 23).
           rather complicated (Young 23). As scholars have              reader, text and socio-
           argued with respect to the criticism aimed toward the        cultural context within any
           musical genre of rap as well as other non-traditional        reading experience (Rosenblatt 135; Tompkins ix).
           text sources like spoken word, these books may be                 Drawn to titles such as Project Chick (Turner),
           nuanced and varied across a continuum, not unlike            True to the Game (Woods) and Thugs and the Women
           any collection of texts falling within a particular          Who Love Them (Clark), African American adoles-
           literary genre or other popular culture medium (Fisher       cents and young adults (a percentage of whom likely
           365; Morrell 74; Wright 42).                                 resist or struggle with reading in school) make-up the
                                                                        largest population currently reading street fiction in
           Reader Appeal and Interpretations                            non-school contexts or as unofficial curriculum during
                                                                        school hours (Morris et al. 20). Indeed as customer
           Notwithstanding literary merit, the appeal of street
                                                                        reviews on suggest, a significant propor-
           fiction books has received minimal attention. A senior
                                                                        tion of those attracted to the books are adolescent girls
           editor at One World/Ballantine (a major publishing
                                                                        and young adult women. One example
           house) recently said the following about street lit
                                                                        reader review posted by ‘Sha’ about the book Thugs
           readership and the genre’s appeal, “You can’t force
                                                                        and The Women Who Love Them (Clark) reads:
           them (readers) to read James Baldwin. There is a


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I am from Trenton NJ and I can realate [relate] to                    edge of my seat. The story never developed into what I
                     this book.                                                            thought the book was about. The three friends in the book
                                                                                           didn’t seem like they had their own heads on straight, but
                     This book is how it is on the street and also                         were supposed to have such “high inspirations”. . . please.
                     descibes [describes] passion a lot.                                   The pimp portion of the story was garbage. . . It made no
                                                                                           sense. Wahida didn’t show the girls to be ambitious and
                     Ms. Clark is a wonderful writer.
                                                                                           doing something with their lives. I just couldn’t get into the
                     This is the second book of hers that I have read.                     book. (Amazon “PP Thugs”)
                     (Amazon “PP Thugs”)                                                Along with literary criticism, adult street lit fans aware
                   Commenting on the urban novel some have coined a                     of the teenage readership voice real-world concerns.
                   classic, The Coldest Winter Ever (Souljah), which                    Reacting again to The Coldest Winter Ever (Souljah)
                   received a commendable ranking in the Amazon best                    (ranked #3,464 on January 12, 2009, by,
                   selling books category (# 2,164) and boasts more than                ‘loni’ cautioned:
                   1000 customer reviews/responses on the website,
                                                                                           What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this
                   another electronic critic, ‘school marm’, wrote:                        acclaimed novel? I can say that I would be upset if it were
                                                    The main character is spoiled,         recommended reading for classroom assignment. There is
                                                    extremely audacious, and               too much careless promiscuous behavior, crime, drugs and
      For a responsible adult,                      headstrong. She thinks she’s           other ingredients in the gumbo mixed story. For a respon-
                                                    street smart and ahead of the          sible adult, this is an entertaining novel. For a teen, it is a
      this is an entertaining                       game. But her character has            map to destruction. This is a popular book for teens be-
                                                    flaws that demonstrate her             cause of all of the sex, profane language and crime. We
      novel. For a teen, it is a                    weakness and vulnerability.            wonder why our teens are so out of control! Teens are not
                                                    This book leads you on a jour-         responsible enough to read this. They generally are copy-
      map to destruction. This                      ney that wakes you up to the           cats. Let your teens read it at their and your own risk.
                                                    realities of your own life             (Amazon “The Coldest”)
      is a popular book for                         through this character and her
                                                                                        As evidenced by the reviewer stances above, street
                                                    support cast of characters.
      teens because of all of                       Each one of them along with         literature exists on a continuum, and Amazon critics
                                                    the various events of this novel    evaluate the books across this range. These nuances
      the sex, profane lan-                         will help to define why this is,    may not be readily apparent to an outsider to the
                                                    in my opinion, one of the           genre, however. Looking closely at the types of
      guage and crime. We                           “Best Reads Ever”. (Amazon
                                                                                        approaches readers take while engaged in street fiction
                                                    “The Coldest”)
                                                                                        literary interpretation should assist with illuminating
      wonder why our teens
                                           As these responses reveal,                   these variations. Beach (8) contends that five group-
      are so out of control!               the appeal of street lit                     ings of theoretical foci best depict the range of reader
                                           narratives derives, at least in              response theorists and, thus, approaches to reading
      Teens are not respon-                part, from readers’ percep-                  stories: textual, experiential, psychological, social and
                                           tions of literary quality (e.g.,             cultural. Each of these foci contributes to a fuller
      sible enough to read this.
                                           characters, storyline, theme)                understanding of how readers construct meaning from
                                           as well as the writer’s ability              literature.
               to depict a reality that resonates with her readership                        For example, textual response theorists such as
               (e.g., “this book is how it is on the street”). However,                 Rabinowitz and Smith (54) discuss the ways readers
               the depth and range of critiques found on Amazon                         rely on text-based narrative and genre conventions
               certainly stand out as noteworthy, as a post by                          when making sense of fiction. Adolescent street lit
               “chocolate” about Wahida Clark’s Thugs and the                           readers taking this stance might, then, pay close
               Woman Who Love Them (which is ranked # 249, 389                          attention to how the realism of the genre is con-
               on January 12, 2009 on Amazon’s best selling cat-                        structed, perhaps stating an interest in how writers
               egory) suggests:                                                         bring readers along through plot construction. An
                     I am not sure if I read the same book that all the other
                                                                                        example of this stance emerges in the following
                     reviewers read. I really wanted to love this book, but it wasn’t   comments by ‘chocolate’ who describes Thugs and the
                     my cup of tea. . . But for the most part, I was never on the       Women Who Love Them (Clark):


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The story didn’t have a moral or even a followable storyline         Lastly, from social
               to me. One page will talk about one of the girls going to the
               club, shooting heroine and then the next page she will be a
                                                                               (Lewis and Fabos 482) or             Rabinowitz writes about
                                                                               cultural (Beach 87) reader
               aspiring doctor. (Amazon “PP Thugs”)
                                                                               response stances, adolescent         rules of signification;
           Rabinowitz writes about rules of signification; among               girls and young women
           these are narrative conventions in which the “autho-                might opt to read these
                                                                                                                    among these are narra-
           rial audience and the narrative audience must share                 books because they provide           tive conventions in
           some beliefs about reality in order for the situations              a forum for discussion
           and actions to have the consequences they do and for                amongst their family and             which the “authorial
           the plot to get from point A to point B” (100). The                 friends, either through face
           reader above appears quite troubled by the inconsis-                to face communication,               audience and the narra-
           tent rules of plot structure coupled with characters’               posting messages to sites            tive audience must
           seemingly unbelievable hopes and dreams.                            such as Amazon, written
                 From experiential (Rosenblatt 22) or psychological            messages via e-mail or by            share some beliefs
           (Holland 29) reader response stand points, readers of               text messaging. These
           street lit might become engaged because the storylines              interactions can also provide        about reality in order for
           allow them to vicariously and emotionally live                      feelings of group member-
                                                                                                                    the situations and ac-
           through experiences that resemble their own lives.                  ship and define cultural
           Research has shown that, at times, African American                 practices of reading in out of       tions to have the conse-
           girls and adolescents do identify with stories about                school settings as the next
           others who look like them racially and with respect to              post indicates:                      quences they do and for
           gender, but identification represents neither a static
           nor uncritical reading of a text (Brooks, Browne, and
                                                                                  While at work on a Saturday I       the plot to get from
                                                                                  stopped at my friends desk and
           Hampton 665; Davis 260; Sutherland 391). For                           she just so happened to be          point A to point B”
           instance, Radway (71) studied a group of women who                     reading this book. She told me
           avidly read romance novels. She found that even                        I just had to read it since she     (100).
           when texts rhetorically and discursively depicted                      wasn’t able to put it down.
                                                                                  Right then and there I left the
           patriarchal ideologies, romance readers reinterpreted
                                                                                  building, walked across the
           the ideologies. The women viewed their reading                         street, and purchased the book immediately. I started read-
           purposes as resisting the text as well as re-imagining                 ing that Saturday and didn’t put it down until Sunday night.
           life circumstances. Street literature may be for some                  YES, I FINISHED IT THE ENTIRE BOOK IN A LITTLE OVER
           readers, therapeutic and empowering as J. Brea, an                     24 HOURS!!! I then passed it to my mom & she couldn’t put
           Amazon critic of The Coldest Winter Ever (Souljah),                    it down. Then to my cousin and then her gentleman friend.
                                                                                  I am an avid reader and this book tops my top 3 books of
           points out:
                                                                                  ALL time. It’s been 5 years since I read it and now I’m
               First Off this Book is a must buy no Questions Asked!              dying to read it again. So after buying a couple of copies for
               As a hispanic female born in harlem raised in Yonkers I can        gifts, I’m back to buy another for myself. (Amazon “The
               relate to many “Black” girls in the neighborhood. This Novel       Coldest”)
               Not only Spoke the truth but gave you front seat to the
                                                                               Moreover, because these texts often flourish outside of
               same world we live in only through the eyes of someone
               from the “hood”. You will Notice how most of the things         the school curriculum, an unusual blurring has
               that happen to Winter are self fulfilled prophesies and some-   occurred. An out-of-school literary pastime encourages
               times what we think we need is just what we want, not a         its readers to come together socially around books.
               necessity nor an asset. Will Have you thinking twice about      Learning transference across contexts appears to be
               the route you’re taking. A real Eye opener! (Amazon “The
                                                                               taking place.

           Here the story helps the reader answer subconscious                 Practice and Research Implications
           or unanswered questions about her own life because
           she lives through the protagonist’s experiences.                    Notwithstanding the explosion of this emerging genre,
                                                                               a search on the Ebsco Host ERIC Database, using the


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following terms: “street lit,” “hip hop lit”, “ghetto lit,”   response forms such as electronic, oral, written, poetic
                   “gansta lit” and “urban fiction” returned one research        and artistic might prove valuable. We also argue for
                   article based on a public library program and a mere          the importance of discussing street fiction with youth
                   six articles focusing on genre descriptors and                in out of school settings where fewer restrictions guide
                   unmethodical summarizations of these texts. Rather            the solicitation of reader interpretations. Results of
                   than research- or practitioner-based literacy or literary     these types of studies might eventually inform wide-
                   journals, writers for magazines, newspapers and web           ranging ideological discussions about the social
                   sites sit at the forefront of this literary trend. On the     constructions of ethnic groups, cultural shifts as well
                   whole, literary scholars, educational researchers and         as the heterogeneity of gender construction, sexuality,
                   classroom teachers remain at the periphery of emerg-          urban life, and adolescence.
                   ing debates surrounding street fiction’s popularity                To conclude, because educators often encourage
                   although the demand for these books continues to              youth to spend time engaging in literary pursuits for
                   increase. For instance, nine years after the release of       leisure, giving increased attention to this genre and its
                   the best seller The Coldest Winter Ever, Souljau’s            readership appears to be justified and needed. Schol-
                   newest tale, Midnight: A Gangsta Love Story has               arly input will be invaluable to practitioners who
                   already been reviewed by a Washington Post Newspa-            continue to gauge whether and how literature influ-
                   per columnist (Valdes C05). To date, 113 comments/            ences or subverts the literacy, cultural and moral
                   responses on (just two months after the            development of youth, particularly those identified as
                   release) have been posted about Midnight (Souljau)            “resistant” or “disengaged” learners.
                   along with five active links on the discussion board
                   (Amazon “Midnight”).                                          Wanda M. Brooks is an assistant professor of literacy
                        How might practitioners, literary critics and            education in the College of Education at Temple Univer-
                   educational scholars attend to the growing street             sity, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate course
                   fiction phenomenon? A recent article by Hill, Perez,          related to literacy theories, acquisition and instruction. Dr.
                                                                                 Brooks’ research interests include the reading processes of
                   and Irby (79) represents a step forward. The authors
                                                                                 African American middle school students, reader response
                   suggest ways English teachers might incorporate these
                                                                                 analyses of African American children’s and young adult
                   texts in their classrooms. The article provides a
                                                                                 literature, and literacy events and practices of adolescents
                   thoughtful list of possible approaches, such as allow-        in after-school settings. She has published in Reading
                   ing students to edit the street fiction narratives, to        Research Quarterly, The New Advocate, Children’s
                   conduct literary analysis on the stories as they are          Literature in Education, Journal of Children’s Literature,
                   bridged to the analysis of canonical and contemporary         English Journal, and The Journal of Negro Education.
                   literature, as well as to compose their own version of a      Before coming to higher education, Dr. Brooks taught at
                   street lit saga.                                              the elementary and middle school levels for six years.
                        Because we reside in the infancy stage of this
                   dialogue, we suggest examining these stories more             Lorraine Savage is a doctoral student in Urban Education
                   closely to uncover some of the underlying areas of            at Temple University. Her research interests include
                   appeal for readers as we generally attempted through          African American student achievement, culturally relevant
                                                                                 pedagogy, and high school dropouts. Before Temple, she
                   this article. Since reading this genre manifests largely
                                                                                 worked as an academic counselor for high school students
                   as an out-of-school reading practice, scholars and
                                                                                 in New York City. She has a Master’s degree in Education
                   practitioners involved with youth in these capacities
                                                                                 from Hunter College.
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                   groups, etc.) have been given an unusual opportunity          Works Cited
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                                                                                 ———. “PP Thugs and the Women Who Love Them.” Online
                   of readers’ interpretations through a wide variety of
                                                                                   posting. Customer Reviews Web Forum. 1 Dec.


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                                                                                                                         THE ALAN REVIEW         Winter 2009

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