CPDF Plan for TAs 2021-2022 - "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his ...

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CPDF Plan for TAs 2021-2022 - "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his ...
Serving Catholic Primary Schools across England and Wales

    CPDF Plan for TAs

“Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser,
teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.”

                        Proverbs 9:9

CPDF Plan for TAs 2021-2022 - "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his ...
Dear TAs,

Thank you for the amazing work you have completed, supporting your school communities
through a challenging year. It has been an honour to provide CPDF (Continuous Professional
Development and Formation) for you and your colleagues throughout this past year and to
work alongside you.

We have listened to your feedback about what you’d like next year, taken on board Ofsted
requirements and studied the research on the best CPDF and how it is delivered.

A big focus for Ofsted is how school leaders are supporting staff with high quality Continuous
Professional Development. I will attend all sessions, they will have up to date, relevant CPDF
and an option to network and learn from others.

For the first time, the Catholic Primary Partnership is providing CPDF focused solely on the
needs of TAs. You are welcome at any session (not just those within this document).

Please check with staff member responsible for CPDF before you book.

After nine months with me as Director, I hope you can see that the Catholic Primary
Partnership is evolving, building on previous strengths and moving forward to meet your
needs. Let us know how we are doing and what you need next. We are YOUR Catholic
Primary Partnership.

Kind regards

Julie-Anne Tallon


CPDF Plan for TAs 2021-2022 - "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his ...
As the Catholic Primary Partnership enters a new chapter, under new leadership, it was
essential to revisit the vision and mission of the organisation. The partnership was set up by
Catholic headteachers, to support and serve Catholic headteachers. Our vision is to ‘S.E.E’.
We are committed to being a Catholic organisation moulded by the example of Christ, we
are committed to servant leadership. We strive to provide excellent CPDF, to ensure all
stakeholders are given every opportunity to become the person God has called them to be.
We want to constantly evolve, nurturing a culture of constant review, evaluation and planning
for next steps to review what we’ve done and build upon strengths to offer our schools the
very best.

                            What is the

                                      Servant Leadership
                                       Mission Integrity - a
                                     commitment to Servant
                                  Leadership; evident through
                                    interactions, service and
                                         SUPPORT to all.

           Excellent CPDF
       Inclusive of Leaders at
        all levels - developing                                       Evolving
        all stakeholders to be                                  A culture of constant
         the person God has                                     evaluation, reflection
       called them to be and                                    and improvement to
        empowering them to                                      provide the very best
       develop the children in                                     for our schools.
         our care to achieve
               their best.

CPDF Plan for TAs 2021-2022 - "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his ...
Loving God,

We asked for strength, and you gave us difficulties to
                  make us strong.
 We asked for wisdom, and you gave us problems to
 We asked for prosperity, and you gave us purpose
                and brains to use.
   We asked for courage, and you gave us fears to
 We asked for patience, and you gave us situations
         where we were forced to wait.
We asked for love, and you gave us troubled people
                     to help.
We asked for justice, and you called us to be just and
                lead with integrity.
Lord, we have received nothing that we asked for or
  And yet, we receive everything that we needed.
              For this we give thanks.
                                            Colleen Hanycz

CPDF Plan for TAs 2021-2022 - "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his ...
Marian Term

CPDF Plan for TAs 2021-2022 - "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his ...
                                       (AUTUMN 1)
Managing Challenging Parents Learn how to manage challenging parents calmly and
With Emma Shackleton            safely. Use our proven 'firebreak' method for handling
                                parents who find it difficult to control their emotions.
Day 1 – Thursday 16 September

2021                            Day 1 of 3 -you can attend all or some of the sessions.
Day 2 – Wednesday 23rd March    Most impact will be from attending all three.
2022                            To book:
Day 3 – Wednesday 4th May 2022 Day 1
9.00am – 12.00Noon              https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/challenging-parents/
Zoom                            Day 2
 For Office staff, SENCO, DHT, https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/angry-behaviours/
 AHT, ECT (NQT) or the TA in Day 3
the class that deals with ‘that https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/adhd-support/
Directors note:
To get the most out of Emma’s excellent CPDF we recommend attendance at all 3 sessions.
Feedback on Emma’s sessions in 2021 were outstanding. One HT asked me why I hadn’t got
all HTs at this training as it was so good!

Mathematics                           We are very aware that class-teachers in their first three
                                      years of teaching have had a very disruptive start to
With Helen Owens                      their teaching career. Helen is an excellent Maths
                                      Provider who supports schools nationally and
Wednesday 20th October 2021           internationally, this CPDF will support teachers in first
12.30pm - 3.15pm                      three years of teaching to develop their mathematical
                                      knowledge, understanding and pedagogy to support the
An afternoon session supporting       mathematical development of all children in their classes.
staff to deliver Maths in the         We will look at mathematical progression, challenge and
morning.                              support and how we can provide an interesting and
                                      stimulating learning environment. Ideas for supporting
Zoom                                  pupils who may have missed learning due to lockdown
                                      will be discussed and shared.
For teachers in the first three       To book:
 years of teaching or anyone
returning to teaching. HLTAs/         https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/mathematics-2110/
 TAs who lead Maths Groups
   may also find this useful.
Director’s note:
Helen still teaches Maths, her knowledge is up to date, relevant and supportive. We are
trialling running this session in the afternoon so that class-teachers are still in class to teach
maths in the morning. Send all class-teachers in their first three years of teaching-they’ve had
a rough deal, this is worth the investment.


 (Autumn 2)
                                      (AUTUMN 2)
 CPDF, Provider, Date                                     Description
For teachers in first three           Brush up on your basics with our guide to 12
years of teaching                     fundamental strategies that will help you to supercharge
                                      your behaviour management with any class!
With Emma Shackleton
                                      To book:
Wednesday 3 November 2021
9.00am – 12.00 Noon                   https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/teachers-first-three-

  For ECTs (NQTs) and RQTs,
class teachers, office staff and
Director’s note:

This is a must for your teachers in their first three years of teaching. They’ve had a really
bumpy start to their teaching career as a result of the pandemic, send them on this-it’ll be
worth it!

Young People’s Mental Health          An overview of young people’s mental health post Covid.
for TAs                               Whilst this is aimed at TA’s, teachers who would like a
                                      light touch overview of Young Peoples Mental health are
With Hugo Metcalfe                    very welcome.
(Psychologist & Researcher)
                                      1in 6 Young People experience a mental health disorder.
Tuesday 16 November 2021
           th                         Therefore, understanding young people’s mental health
                                      and evidence-based support strategies is essential for
9.00am -12.00 noon                    anyone engaging regularly with Young People, including
                                      parents, teachers, support staff and professionals.
                                      This training workshop is designed to
   For Teaching Assistants.           give delegates the knowledge, skills and tools
                                      to understand current issues and
 Note - This could also be part of    information concerning young people’s mental health
   your ECT(NQT) and NQT+1            and wellbeing, provide the skills to identify early warning
        support package.              signs and offer initial support.

 Would your office staff find this    The Program Aims
useful? As they are often the first
 ‘port of call’ for adults needing    DEVELOP an understanding of Young People’s Mental
             support…                 Health.

IDENTIFY common mental ill health conditions, signs &
                                     symptoms and common factors that influence young
                                     people’s mental health & Wellbeing.

                                     DEFINE the most effective approaches and strategies to
                                     support young people to develop skills in stress
                                     management and wellbeing.

                                     DISTINGUISH tools for supportive conversations and
                                     strategies to build personal resilience.

                                     To book: https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/young-
Director’s note:
TAs are often the first ones dealing with the results of mental health issues with our pupils
and yet we haven’t formally trained them with how to deal with this. This is a MUST for your
TA’s. It could also be part of your ECT and NQT+1 support package…

 Why not buy additional places and train ALL of your support staff? For very little
cost, all support staff would be hearing the same message. Let them access it from
                             home? A win-win all round.

J2Skills – Getting the most out        This session is suited for school that have the Just 2
of the Just 2 Easy Tool Suite,         Easy Tool Suite or schools that would like to explore
embedding computing in the             what this Tool Suite can offer. During the session we
curriculum                             will look at some key tools including J2e5, J2Stars, JIT
With Entrust Ltd                       and J2Data and we will demonstrate how these can be
                                       used to effectively deliver the computing curriculum.
Monday 22nd November 2021              To book:
9.00am - 11.00am                       https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/just-2-easy-suite/
    For computing Leaders,
 teachers and TAs who want to
  learn more about the Just 2
        Easy Tool Suite.

Director’s note:

If your school uses the Just 2 Easy Tool Suite, this is a must to ensure you are getting the
most out of it.

EYFS- Practical Guide to Self-        On this course, Sue Cowley will help you learn more
Regulation in the Early Years         about what self-regulation is, how it develops in young
                                      children and why it is so important for positive long
With Sue Cowley                       term outcomes. We will look at how staff can take a
                                      positive approach to young children's behaviour, pre-
Wednesday 24th November 2021          empting issues and developing provision that meets all
9.00am - 12.00 noon                   the children's needs. We will explore the vital role of
                                      co-regulation in supporting children to build impulse
Zoom                                  control, empathy and resilience.

This course is suitable for staff     During the sessions we will look at a range of
 working in EYFS. It will also        strategies that teachers, practitioners and staff can use
potentially be of interest to all     to support the development of self-regulation, to boost
primary staff who would like to       children's empathy and to help them learn ways to
    learn more about how              manage their emotions. We will look at the role of
behaviour develops in the early       routines, agency and challenge in helping children
        years onwards.                develop self-regulation skills. We will explore how a
                                      'needs-based' analysis can help you identify the best
                                      ways to support your children with their behaviour. We
                                      will also examine some ways of building partnerships
                                      with parents.

                                      To book:
Director’s note:
Sue is a highly respected consultant who is considered nationally to be an expert in EYFS. Sue
featured on Teachers TV and supports schools up and down the UK. Having met Sue, I am
very excited for her CPDF. A colleague of mine attended one of Sue’s training sessions and
fed back ‘every single statement she said had impact’.

Mathematics for KS 1                  To support Key Stage 1 staff in ensuring all pupils are
                                      challenged and supported. We will look at
With Helen Owens                      mathematical expectations and experiences to support
                                      pupils to reach age related expectations and greater
                                      depth. Ideas for supporting pupils who may have
Thursday 2nd December 2021            missed learning due to lockdown will be discussed and
12.30pm - 3.15pm                      shared.

Zoom                                  To book:
For Year 1 and 2 teachers (and
 TA’s/intervention support).          https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/mathematics-2112/
Director’s note:
After the disruptions EYFS and KS1 pupils have had to their learning, Y1 and 2 teachers are
dealing with issues they have not had to face before. Helen is very aware of maths issues and
how to support your KS 1 teachers. We’ve gone for the afternoon slot to reduce disruption to
maths and phonics teaching – we hope this is helpful. Perhaps send multiple KS 1 staff?


(Spring 1)
                                      (SPRING 1)
 CPDF, Provider, Date                                  Description
MVP - Mentors in Violence          Three-hour training from the VRU. MVP is a peer lead
Prevention                         leadership programme for children which takes the
                                   bystander approach. It is a fully resourced programme
With Lea-Ann Bentley               which is docked into the PSHE curriculum.

Tuesday 25th January 2022          Through the use of scenarios, discussion and reflection
9.00am - 12.00 noon                activities you will challenge, empower and promote a
                                   culture of and inclusion within the student population
Zoom                               while promoting critical thinking and developing
                                   character through the values sessions are based on.
Follow Up Session
Tuesday 1st February 2022          To book:
                                   Day 1 – We will automatically book day 2 for you
This is excellent for Y5 and 6     https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/mentors-in-violence-
  staff and really great for       prevention-1/
   secondary transition.
Director’s note:
Our pupils are facing challenges outside of school that they need support with how to deal
with. This will support a member of your staff team to deliver this in school (Why not send
two staff members, so they can work on this as a team?) This is a great opportunity to
demonstrate your commitment to the well-being of pupils beyond the school gates, preparing
them for the challenges of life in modern Britain.

Adapting to Change: Effective      How do we 'thrive' rather than simply 'survive' in times
Tools For Resilience & Stress      of uncertainty and change?
                                   To build Personal Resilience and Adaptability we need to
with Hugo Metcalfe                 understand the relationship between Uncertainty, Stress
(Psychologist & Researcher)        and Wellbeing. Stress management and wellbeing
                                   training programs are not new. However, much of the
Wednesday 2nd February 2022        focus has been on reducing staff stress, whilst research
9.00am - 12.00 noon                suggests that low wellbeing is not only a result of
                                   increased stress but also a lack of Personal Resilience.
                                   Actively developing Personal Resilience can be up
 For CSELs, Headteachers,          to 3x as effective in supporting Stress
Heads of School, SLT, middle       Management and adapting to
  leaders, teachers, TAs.          change then standard stress management
                                   programs alone.
  Perfect for Individuals and
  Teams looking to improve         This session brings together the latest research on
     Personal Resilience           Resilience & Stress Management to build a program that

and develop effective tools to       develops greater awareness and supports lasting
cope with stress and respond         change.
 to uncertainty in changing
           times.                            Resilience is the key to lasting Stress

                                     THIS SESSION AIMS TOO:

                                     Develop an understanding of ‘Wellbeing’ in the
                                     workplace / school environment, including key research
                                     findings, facts and figures.

                                     Identify the signs and symptoms and understand the
                                     neuroscience of stress.

                                     Define strategies to reduce stress, adapt to change and
                                     build personal resilience.

                                     Learn individual and organisational level interventions to
                                     effectively build resilience to promote stress tolerance
                                     and growth, in times of uncertainty and change.

                                     To book:


Director’s note:

I honestly think that stopping and investing in actively developing Personal Resilience will be
a great investment of time for Leaders at all Levels. Access this CPDF at home and fully
commit to it-the results may be phenomenal…

Music and practical ideas for        This course is an opportunity to encounter new music,
the Sacraments                       bring life into existing music and to share practical ideas
                                     and resources for the Sacraments.’
With Dan Callow and Emily
Jordan: OneLife Music                Our responsibility is to prepare and nurture our children
                                     as they get ready to receive their Sacrament.
Tuesday 15th February 2022
9.00am - 15.00pm                     This course will share music and practical ideas in
                                     preparation of (and for their day of) Sacrament
Face to face at Edgbaston            as well as continuing their faith journey.
Stadium, B5 7QU
                                     You will receive constructive ideas and approaches to
 Suitable for those preparing        assist in the preparation of the Sacraments and ideas of
children for their Sacraments;       music to be used for the Sacrament day itself.
 music lead, RE lead or class
         teacher/TA.                 To book:
Director’s note:
As school and parishes prepare for wonderful larger scale Sacramental celebrations, Emily
and Dan will inspire your staff. Not only is this going to be fabulous CPDF but a wonderful
celebration – send as many as you can.

Maths for Teaching Assistants        We will look at how we can support the learning of the
                                     pupils in lessons. Resources, ideas and material will be
With Helen Owens                     shared in order to allow pupils to be independent, to
                                     scaffold learning and to use manipulatives to enable
Thursday 10th February 2022          understanding. Ideas for supporting pupils who may
12.45pm - 3.00pm                     have missed learning due to lockdown will be discussed
                                     and shared.
                                     To book:
   For Teaching Assistants.
Director’s note:

We ask TA’s to support those that are struggling but what training are we putting in to
support the TA’s with Maths? I strongly suggest purchasing additional places and training all
of your TA’s. Helen always provides a raft of useful resources and delegates leave her training

Lenten Term

 (Spring 2)
                                     (SPRING 2)
 CPDF, Provider, Date                                  Description
De-escalating Angry                Find out what’s happening in brains and bodies when
Behaviours                         students get angry. Learn techniques to avoid and what
                                   works to de-escalate angry behaviours.
With Emma Shackleton
                                   Day 2 of 3 -you can attend all or some of the sessions.
Day 2 Wednesday 23 March
2022                               To book:

Day 3 Wednesday 4th May 2022       https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/angry-behaviours/

All sessions are:
9.00am - 12.00 noon


 For teachers, SENCO, deputy
      headteachers, TAs.
Director’s note:

Quite simply, Emma’s delivery is outstanding. Send any staff member that would like support
with de-escalating behaviour issues.

Rosary Term

(Summer 1)
                                     (Summer 1)
  CPDF, Provider, Date                                    Description
ADHD support                          Discover what causes ADHD, how it affects behaviour
                                      and what that looks like I the classroom. Learn
With Emma Shackleton                  techniques that will benefit pupils with ADHD, and the
Day 3 of 3                            entire class.

Wednesday 4th May 2022                Day 3 of 3 -you can attend all or some of the sessions.
9.00am - 12.00 noon
                                      To book:
  For teachers, SENCO, deputy         https://www.bcpp.org.uk/events/adhd-support/
      headteachers, acting
       headteachers, TAs.
Directors note:
Emma is guaranteed to deliver superb content. Do you have staff that would benefit from
support with how to nurture pupils with ADHD? Get them on this.

Developing Young Writers:             On this course, author and teacher Sue Cowley will help
Engaging and Inspiring your           you learn more about how to engage and inspire your
Children                              children in writing, including those children who have
(inc. SEND)                           SEND. She will examine the range of skills that go
                                      together to create a young writer, exploring ways to
                                      inspire your children to make marks in different contexts,
With Sue Cowley                       considering different forms of communication, and
                                      looking at how you can support your children to develop
Tuesday 17th May 2022                 their writing techniques.
                                      During the sessions, Sue will look at practical and
9.00am - 12.00 noon                   interesting ways to help your children develop their
                                      handwriting, improve their spelling, grasp different
Zoom                                  grammatical concepts and understand the building
                                      blocks of writing. She will explain effective ways to help
 This course is suitable for all      your children get over the worries that can block them
early years and primary school        from getting going on their writing. She will share
             staff.                   imaginative ideas for using challenges and provocations
                                      to inspire all your children to write.
                                      To book:
Directors note:
Two thirds into the year, your class teachers really know where each writer is and which
groups need to be pushed. You will know which class-teachers/ TAs would benefit from
support and inspiration around writing. Send them on this.

Trinity Term

(Summer 2)
                                       (Summer 2)
   CPDF, Provider, Date                                     Description
'Why Words Matter?' –                 A hard-hitting session highlighting the importance of
Misogyny, Sexism and FGM              language used in Primary School including our
                                      responsibilities around FGM (Female Genital Mutilation.)
With Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson
                                      In shaping young lives, this session reframes the sense of
Thursday 16 June 2022                 keeping women safe in society to the correct approach to
                                      Christian responsibility where an imbalance exists: to
9.00am – 1.00pm                       teach our boys and young men a lifelong respect for
                                      “I was privileged to attend this session led by Sarah
  For Headteachers, Senior            Hewitt-Clarkson. Throughout the session many light
     staff, PSHE leaders,             bulbs went on in my head at everyday language and
Citizenship leaders, teachers,        presumptions that seem small but contribute to a much
   TAs and interested staff.          bigger problem in perception and reality. I recommend it
                                      highly.” Mgr Timothy Menezes.
                                      To book:
Directors note:

I attended this hard-hitting training myself and am still reflecting on it. It’s powerful, it’s
shocking, it makes you think. Due to content, this is best accessed from home and not in a
public shared space.

The small print (it’s not actually small)

•   Always get approval from the person responsible for inset in your school before
    booking online.

•   One-form entry schools get one free place on every course. Two-form entry schools
    get two free places on every course. Three-form entry schools get three places on
    every course.

•   Additional places can be purchased. £20 for online £35 for face to face.

•   Governors CPDF places are £10 each.

•   Some courses have additional charges, this is stated in the CPDF plan.

•   Failure to attend a pre-booked place will incur a charge.

•   Zoom links will be sent to delegates in advance of CPDF, please do a tech check
    before the day and contact us if any issues.

•   Places to be booked via the website. Any problems, questions, queries
    email s.cope@newman.ac.uk

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