COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal $4 trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek

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COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
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                                                    The EU’s
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                                 UNCTAD – UNWTO REPORT

  COVID-19 impact
on tourism could deal
    $4 trillion blow
 to global economy
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
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COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
VENDREDI 02 JUILLET 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 349                                                                                                                                                           3

                                                                                          LA TOUR
                                                                       UNCTAD – UNWTO REPORT

   COVID-19 impact on tourism
    could deal $4 trillion blow
       to global economy
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism could result in a more than $4 trillion loss to the global economy, UN trade and development
              body UNCTAD said on Wednesday in a report issued jointly with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

T                                                  Global vaccination
               he estimate is based on losses                                                               in developing countries, many of which are highly   brunt of the pandemic’s impact on tourism,
               caused by the pandemic’s di-                                                                 dependent on international tourism,” the UNW-       with estimated reductions in arrivals of be-
               rect impact on tourism and the      plan crucial                                             TO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili           tween 60 per cent and 80 per cent.
               ripple effect on related sectors,                                                            added.                                                 They have also been hurt by vaccine ineq-
               and is worse than previously           “The world needs a global vaccination effort that                                                         uity. The agencies said the “asymmetric roll-
expected. Last July, UNCTAD estimated              will protect workers, mitigate adverse social effects
                                                   and make strategic decisions regarding tourism, tak-     Developing countries                                out” of COVID-19 vaccines has magnified
that the standstill in international tourism
would cost the global economy between              ing potential structural changes into account,” said     hit hard                                            the economic blow to the tourism sector in
                                                                                                                                                                these nations, as they could account for up
$1.2 trillion and $3.3 trillion.                   Isabelle Durant, the UNCTAD Acting Sec-                                                                      to 60 per cent of global GDP losses.
                                                   retary-General.                                            International tourist arrivals declined by
  The steep drop in tourist arrivals world-
                                                                                                            about 1 billion, or 73 per cent, last year,
wide in 2020 resulted in a $2.4 trillion eco-         “Tourism is a lifeline for millions, and advancing
                                                   vaccination to protect communities and support tour-     while in the first quarter of 2021 the drop         Rebound amid losses
nomic hit, the report said, and a similar fig-
                                                   ism’s safe restart is critical to the recovery of jobs   was around 88 per cent, the report said.
ure is expected this year depending on the                                                                                                                        It is expected that tourism will recover
                                                   and generation of much-needed resources, especially        Developing countries have borne the
uptake in COVID-19 vaccines.                                                                                                                                    faster in countries with high vaccination

                                                                                                                                                                                            Cont’d on page 4
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
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                                                                                    LA TOUR

                                                  As tourism falls world GDP takes a hit in 2021 (3 alternative scenarios)
rates, such as France, Germany, the United       and the country suffered a 69% fall in inter-         According to UNWTO, international              tourism. They suffered the largest reduc-
Kingdom and the United States.                   national tourists in 2020.                         tourist arrivals declined by about 1 billion or   tions in tourist arrivals in 2020, estimated at
   However, international tourist arrivals          The country’s fall in tourism demand is         74% between January and December 2020.            between 60% and 80%.
will not return to pre-pandemic levels until     estimated at $33 billion and this leads to         In the first quarter of 2021, the UNWTO              The most-affected regions are North-
2023 or later, due to barriers such as travel    losses in closely linked sectors such as food,     World Tourism Barometer points to a de-           East Asia, South-East Asia, Oceania, North
restrictions, slow containment of the virus,     beverages, retail trade, communications and        cline of 88%.                                     Africa and South Asia, while the least-af-
low traveler confidence and a poor econom-       transport.                                            Developing countries have borne the            fected ones are North America, Western
ic environment.                                     Turkey’s total fall in output is $93 billion,   biggest brunt of the pandemic’s impact on         Europe and the Caribbean.
   While a tourism rebound is anticipated        about three times the initial shock. The de-
in the second half of this year, the report      cline in tourism alone contributes to a real
expects a loss of between $1.7 trillion and
$2.4 trillion in 2021, based on simulations
                                                 GDP loss of about 9%. This decline in re-
                                                 ality was partly offset by fiscal measures to
                                                                                                    Covid-19 response: Future support
which exclude stimulation programmes and
similar policies.
                                                 stimulate the economy.                             should be clearly targeted
                                                 Job losses across                                   Vaccines and the uneven prospects for tourism The COVID-19 virus has so far – by
Likely outcomes                                  countries                                           June 2021 – infected 179 million people globally and contributed to 3.9 million
                                                                                                     deaths (WHO, 2021). After abating somewhat in February and March, 2021 daily
   The authors outline three possible sce-          According to the report, the reduction           cases increased to almost one million a day and still amount to 400,000 per day.
narios for the tourism sector this year, with    in tourism causes a 5.5% rise in unemploy-          Vaccine doses administered are approaching 2.4 billion. Vaccinations appear to
the most pessimistic reflecting a 75 per cent    ment of unskilled labour on average, with a         have slowed the spread in some countries, such as Israel, the United Kingdom, and
reduction in international arrivals.             high variance of 0% to 15%, depending on            the United States of America.
   This scenario sees a drop in global tourist   the importance of tourism for the economy.          In most developing countries, access to and distribution of vaccines is a limiting
receipts of nearly $950 billion, which would        Labour accounts for around 30% of tour-          factor, and the virus continues to spread at an alarming rate in India, Brazil, and in
cause a loss in real GDP of $2.4 trillion,       ist services’ expenditure in both developed         many countries where tourism is important for people’s livelihood such as Maldives
while the second reflects a 63 per cent re-      and developing economies. Entry barriers in         and Seychelles. On the other hand, other countries where tourism is an important
duction in international tourist arrivals.       the sector, which employs many women and            sector such as Thailand, Morocco, and Barbados, appear to have done well in
   The third considers varying rates of do-      young employees, are relatively low.
mestic and regional tourism. It assumes a 75                                                         controlling the spread.
                                                                                                     A shot in the arm
per cent reduction in tourism in countries
where vaccine rates are low, and 37 per cent
                                                 Losses worse than                                   Vaccines are a critical part of the solution, albeit with considerable uncertainty,
reduction in countries with relatively high      previously expected                                 even once access and distribution problems are overcome. While effective at
vaccination levels, mainly developed coun-                                                           limiting severe cases and deaths from the virus, so far it is not clear that current
tries and some smaller economies.                   In July last year, UNCTAD estimated that         vaccination efforts completely halt the spread of infection. There are people
                                                 a four- to 12-month standstill in internation-      who are reluctant to receive the vaccine, as they fear adverse short or long term
Closely linked sectors                           al tourism would cost the global economy
                                                 between $1.2 trillion and $3.3 trillion, in-
                                                                                                     effects. In addition, people who have had the vaccine may take less care with
                                                                                                     other preventative measures, and therefore expose themselves and others.
                                                 cluding indirect costs.                             Fears that vaccinations will be less effective against new variants of COVID-19
   This is a multiplier and depends on the
                                                    But the losses are worse than previously         add another layer of concern. However, a major challenge currently is the uneven
backward linkages in the tourism sector,
                                                 expected, as even the worst-case scenario           availability of vaccinations and the low number of vaccinated people in many
including the unemployment of unskilled
                                                 UNCTAD projected last year has turned
labour, according to the report.                                                                     countries.
                                                 out to be optimistic, with international trav-
   For example, international tourism con-                                                           Given these constraints, it is unlikely that tourism will bounce back to its pre-
                                                 el still low more than 15 months after the
tributes about 5% of the GDP in Turkey                                                               pandemic levels within a year or two.
                                                 pandemic started.

A grim outlook for some
 The UNWTO (2021b) reports that tourism experts do not             likely to stay at home. Younger travellers, such as                long-distance, preferring closer destinations with high
 expect a return to pre-COVID arrival levels until 2023 or         backpackers, who seem more willing to travel during                vaccination levels. The share of vaccinated people
 later. In fact, nearly half of the experts interviewed see a      this pandemic tend to stay longer but spend less                   varies significantly across countries, from below 1 per
 return to 2019 levels in 2024 or later (UNWTO, 2021c). The        than older travelers. Cruise ships, involving extended             cent to over 60 per cent (Reuters COVID-19 Vaccination
 main barriers are travel restrictions, slow containment of        confinement, are likely to be less popular. Developing             Tracker). It is likely that tourism in countries with a high
 the virus, low traveler confidence and a poor economic            countries dependent on cruise ship arrivals may need to            share of vaccinated people will rebound faster than in
 environment.                                                      diversify their industries.                                        countries with a low share.
 Travel has adapted to the impact of COVID particularly            The proportion of vaccinated people can be an                      Travel within Europe and North America, for example, is
 in terms of travel restrictions. Domestic travel has              indicator of tourists’ wanderlust and their possibilities          likely to pick up faster beginning this summer than many
 increased, but this does little to help developing                to travel. Although the proportion in the countries of             developing countries, who are still struggling to get
 countries that are dependent on international travel.             origin as well as in the destination can be decisive, it           sufficient vaccines and are thus expected to rebound
 Retirees, who tend to spend more per trip, are more               is likely that tourists will nevertheless hesitate to travel       slower.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Cont’d on page 5
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
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                                                                              LA TOUR

                                              Estimated losses in GDP by region from reduction in tourism (percentage)

Policy Implications
 Tourism is a major economic sector and has a particular      countries, from almost complete to hardly started.            workers. This is essentially borrowing from the future, and
 socio-economic importance, as it employs many                Rolling out the vaccine globally as soon as possible is an    while helpful as a transitionary measure, incurs a debt
 women and young people and provides a livelihood             economic priority. Vaccinating 40 per cent of the global      that will need to be repaid at some stage. Where the
 to many informal workers in developing countries.            population by year’s end and 60 per cent by mid-2022          support is for otherwise healthy businesses, it is likely to
 The current pandemic has a devastating effect for the        is an aspirational goal, but difficult to achieve and could   pay off. This strategy is a challenge for most developing
 tourism sector. UNWTO (2021a) estimates that 100 -           cost $50 billion, according to International Monetary         countries in particular where tourism is large. Social
 120 million direct tourism jobs are at stake. Taking the     Fund, World Health Organization, World Bank and World         security nets do often not exist, and informality is high.
 impact on closely linked sectors into account, the drop      Trade Organization (IMF, 2021) estimates.                     Workers should be protected rather than specific jobs in
 in international arrivals has caused an estimated loss       Nonetheless, the estimated benefits far exceed the            declining sectors, for example through training.
 of about $2.4 trillion in GDP in 2020 and it is possible     costs. While vaccination is incomplete and herd               Third, countries need to make strategic decisions
 that a similar loss occurs again this year. More positive    immunity not achieved, stepping up coordination and           regarding the future of tourism in their countries.
 scenarios for this year with a stronger rebound in tourism   communication on travel requirements is critical. For         Some tourism businesses will not survive even once
 in the second half still show a loss of about $1.7 to 1.8    example, the UNWTO and the airline industry body              travel restrictions are removed. Governments need to
 trillion compared to 2019 levels.                            International Air Transport Association (IATA) collaborate    decide which to support and for how long. Long term
 The recovery will depend to a large extent on the            on a destination tracker. The European Union digital          implications of the pandemic need to be considered.
 uptake of vaccines, the removal and coordination             COVID certificate is a major advance in this sense,           Some structural adjustment is likely to be necessary.
 among countries of travel restrictions and the rebuilding    and IATA is also promoting a travel pass to facilitate        It seems likely that COVID-19 will be around for some
 of travelers’ confidence.                                    the inclusion of travel documents such as vaccination         time. A return to normal before 2023 seems optimistic.
                                                              certificates and test results. Other measures to facilitate   Furthermore, environmental considerations, for example,
 Three policy dimensions are important                        travel could include cheap, fast and reliable testing.        may become more important and could increase costs
                                                              Agreed protocols for testing on departure may remove          for long-distance flights or increase social pressure
 First, bringing tourism back on track including in           the need for quarantine on arrival. Common standards          to avoid them. Other changes may be a reduction of
 developing countries. Much needs to be done to restore       are required so that destination countries accept testing     confidence in cruise ships, more domestic tourism in
 the confidence of travellers, who are concerned about        in the source countries.                                      the three largest source regions, United States, Europe
 health, and the risk of cancelled travel plans and           Second, it is important to mitigate the socio-economic        and China. Developing countries dependent on tourism
 becoming stranded overseas.                                  impacts on livelihoods. Developed countries have              might consider how they can diversify resources away
 Vaccinations seem the most important element. So             used fiscal measures to support tourism businesses and        from tourism.
 far, the vaccine rollout has varied greatly between
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
VENDREDI 02 JUILLET 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 349                                                                                                                                                           6

                                                                                   ACTA PUBLICA

La modération en matière de politique
commerciale a empêché une dynamique
protectionniste destructrice
Selon le dernier rapport de suivi du commerce de l’OMC, la modération des économies du G-20, et des Membres de l’OMC en général, en matière
de politique commerciale a empêché une accélération destructrice des mesures commerciales protectionnistes, dont l’économie mondiale aurait encore
souffert. La Directrice générale de l’OMC, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a toutefois prévenu que des obstacles au commerce subsistaient et continuaient de

saper les efforts déployés au niveau mondial pour accroître et diversifier la production des vaccins
                          e système com-        tinue de lutter contre la pandémie
                          mercial multi-        de COVID-19. Ce rapport, qui
                          latéral a une fois    couvre la période allant de mi-oc-
                          de plus prouvé sa     tobre 2020 à mi-mai 2021, donne
                          valeur. Comme         des indications importantes dans
cela a été le cas pendant la crise financière   divers domaines alors que les pays
mondiale il y a plus de dix ans, il a con-      commencent à aborder les diffi-
stitué un rempart solide et efficace contre     cultés que comporte une reprise
une accélération du protectionnisme face à      économique après une pandémie.
la pire crise économique et sanitaire que       En particulier, au cours des dern-
nous connaissons depuis des générations.        iers mois, la coopération et la co-
Alors que le monde lutte pour remédi-           ordination internationales entre les
er aux lourdes conséquences humaines,           nations et les organisations inter-
économiques et sociales de la pandémie,         gouvernementales ont augmenté et
nous ne devons pas relâcher nos efforts.        se sont intensifiées.
Le commerce ne reprendra durablement               Le rapport indique que le com-
que si l’équité vaccinale est assurée”, a       merce est une force au service
dit la Directrice générale.                     du bien pendant la pandémie car
    “Bien que les constatations du rap-         il donne accès aux fournitures
port indiquent que les mesures restric-         médicales. Bien que la valeur du
tives pour le commerce sont en baisse, les      commerce mondial des marchan-
économies du G-20 ont plus de travail           dises ait diminué de plus de 8% en
à accomplir pour assurer la libre circula-      2020, le commerce des fournitures
tion des fournitures et intrants médicaux       médicales et des équipements de
essentiels pour sauver des vies. Les restric-   protection individuelle a augmenté
tions commerciales entravent nos efforts        de 16% et 50%, respectivement.
visant à accroître la production, en par-       Le rapport indique également que
ticulier dans les pays en développement,        le système commercial multilatéral
et à assurer une distribution équitable         a permis de maintenir les courants
des vaccins. La politique en matière de         d’échanges, l’OMC ayant joué un
vaccins est une politique commerciale et        rôle central pour faire en sorte que
nous devons faire tout notre possible pour      les chaînes d’approvisionnement
prévenir une résurgence de la pandémie,         restent ouvertes et que les poli-
qui compromettrait considérablement la          tiques commerciales restrictives
reprise économique mondiale. À ce stade,        soient évitées.
le leadership du G-20 sera crucial pour            Toutefois, la COVID-19 con-
soutenir le retour à une croissance forte,      tinue de représenter une menace
durable et inclusive.”                          importante pour l’économie mon-
                                                diale et la santé publique. La pro-
Indications                                     duction de vaccins a été lente et la
                                                                                         suffisant de doses afin de vacciner
                                                                                         une grande partie de leur popula-
                                                                                                                               été durement touché par la COV-
                                                                                                                               ID-19 et bon nombre des mesures
                                                                                                                                                                      secteurs de l’économie fortement
                                                                                                                                                                      touchés par la crise, y compris
importantes                                     distribution de ces derniers, iné-       tion.                                 visant le commerce des servic-         l’agriculture, la santé, l’aviation, les
                                                gale, ce qui a entraîné des disparités                                         es mises en place au début de la       transports, le tourisme, l’éducation
   Le 25ème rapport de suivi du                 d’accès importantes entre les pays,      Mesures de soutien                    pandémie ont été prorogées pour        et la culture, ainsi que des mesures
commerce de l’OMC, qui porte sur                en particulier pour les économies                                              remédier aux difficultés auxquelles    fiscales et financières visant à
les mesures commerciales du G-20,               en développement à faible revenu,          Dans l’ensemble des économies       le secteur continue de faire face.     soutenir les activités commerciales
intervient alors que le monde con-              qui luttent pour obtenir un nombre       du G-20, le secteur des services a    Toutefois, l’adoption de nouvelles     et les micros, petites et moyennes
                                                                                                                               mesures visant les services par        entreprises (MPME).
                                                                                                                               les économies du G-20 depuis le           En outre, le nombre d’ouver-
                                                                                                                               troisième trimestre de 2020 a con-     tures d’enquêtes en matière de
                                                                                                                               sidérablement ralenti.                 mesures correctives commerciales
                                                                                                                                  Pendant la période considérée, le   est tombé au plus bas après avoir
                                                                                                                               coût de la prorogation des mesures     atteint son niveau le plus élevé en
                                                                                                                               de relance liées à la COVID a dé-      2020. Le nombre mensuel moyen
                                                                                                                               passé le montant des dépenses en-      d’ouvertures d’enquêtes en la mat-
                                                                                                                               gagées pendant la crise financière     ière a atteint son niveau le plus bas
                                                                                                                               mondiale, mais le rythme des           depuis 2012.
                                                                                                                               dépenses a ralenti et il est apparu       Les rapports de l’OMC sur le
                                                                                                                               que la plupart des mesures étaient     suivi du commerce sont établis
                                                                                                                               de nature temporaire. Depuis le        par le Secrétariat de l’Organisation
                                                                                                                               début de la pandémie, les écono-       depuis 2009. Les membres du G-20
                                                                                                                               mies du G-20 ont notifié à l’OMC       sont les suivants : Afrique du Sud,
                                                                                                                               618 mesures de soutien liées à la      Allemagne, Argentine, Australie,
                                                                                                                               COVID-19, et 290 autres mesures        Brésil, Canada, Chine, États-Unis,
                                                                                                                               ont été identifiées à partir de        Fédération de Russie, France, Inde,
                                                                                                                               sources publiques et de sites Web      Indonésie, Italie, Japon, Mexique,
                                                                                                                               officiels nationaux. Ces mesures       République de Corée, Royaume
                                                                                                                               comprenaient des dons, des prêts       d’Arabie saoudite, Royaume-Uni,
                                                                                                                               ou des plans de relance visant des     Turquie et Union européenne.
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
VENDREDI 02 JUILLET 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 349                                                                                                                       7

                                                         POST SCRIPTUM


                           The EU’s tax schisms
                           The communique released by finance ministers of the G7 group of advanced nations is an
                           attempt to reach a “grand bargain” around tax. According to the initiative, revenue from US
                           technology firms would be taxed in the country in which activity is taking place, in exchange
                           for all countries abandoning Digital Services Taxes (DST) and imposing a minimum corporate
                           tax rate of 15%. A combination of resistance from countries whose corporation tax is less than
                           15%, carve-outs for important industries and difficulties in ratification by the US Congress are
                           likely to limit progress towards this goal in Europe. The status quo on the suspended tariffs is
                           likely to continue, as no action will take place before the G20 summit in October, and the US
                           is unlikely to implement the tariffs before the US Congress acts (if ever). Even if the proposal is
                           implemented, the revenue-raising implications are modest. Nonetheless, this is likely to set the
                           framework for future discussions on tax harmonisation at the EU and international level

                                          communique, released by the        global tax havens for ostensibly American    on June 2nd, when the US implemented
                                          finance ministers of the G7        multinationals.                              and immediately suspended a series of
                                          group of advanced nations                                                       retaliatory tariffs targeted at European
                                          on June 5th, aims to inject        An EU-US grand bargain?                      countries that had implemented DSTs. EU
                                          momentum into finding a                                                         member states are similarly concerned
                           common approach to the long-running               The announcement during the meeting of       that US tech companies, particularly those
                           problem of corporate tax optimisation.            the finance ministers represents a grand     such as Google or Facebook that have a
                           Some countries have been pursuing diverse         bargain of sorts between the US and EU       very light physical footprint, are taking
                           strategies to limit the flight of multinational   to address the issue of tax havens and       a disproportionate share of European
                           tax dollars or to try to lure them in with the    the flight of corporate tax ownership to     commerce without contributing to EU
                           promise of ultra-low tax rates. This issue        the lowest-revenue jurisdictions. The US     coffers.
                           has divided the US and Europe, and created        administration is concerned about the        The bargain would address these concerns
                           divisions within Europe. The EU has sought        siphoning of multinationals’ revenue to      by requiring companies, particularly
                           to receive revenue from the activities of         low-tax jurisdictions, many of which are     tech companies, to be charged sales tax
                           (mostly American) tech companies within           in the EU, and about the DST implemented     in countries in which they have activities
                           its borders, while American regulators            by several European countries. The dispute   (so-called pillar one). This would remove
                           have tried to limit the attractiveness of         with Europe over the DST came to a head      the need for DSTs and set the stage for

                                                                                                                                                      Cont’d on page 8
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
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                                                        POST SCRIPTUM

                           their repeal. In return, all countries,         issue as a justification for the suspension      much room countries will have to avoid this
                           especially low-tax countries, would agree to    of the tariffs, and as a result is unlikely      pillar by artificially reducing their corporate
                           implement a minimum 15% global tax (so-         to repeal them if the delay comes from           tax rate through national exemptions for
                           called pillar two) on corporations in their     the US Congress itself. Additionally, the        investment or other activities.
                           home jurisdictions.                             G7 proposal will have to be agreed by a          Moreover, in most large economies,
                                                                           much wider group of actors to truly take         corporate tax rates do not play a large role
                           Resistance across                               effect, most prominently at the summit           in raising revenue, limiting the gains for G7
                           the board                                       of the more globally diverse G20 group           countries in striking the deal. OECD data
                                                                           of countries, which is set to take place in      indicate that, across the group, corporation
                           The proposal by the G7 faces a long and         October. As a result, there is unlikely to be    tax rarely accounted for more than 10%
                           rocky road to enactment, not least within       much external pressure to push recalcitrant      of government revenue in 1965-2017,
                           the EU, and it may not be adopted at all.       EU countries into line on this issue in the      despite the various changes in the rate
                           Cyprus has already threatened to block          near future.                                     and classification of corporate taxation.
                           the proposal at the EU level, and low-tax                                                        This share is fairly modest compared
                           jurisdictions such as Hungary and Ireland       Little change ahead                              with social security contributions (25%),
                           may also oppose it, as their economic                                                            personal income tax (23%) and value-
                           growth models are based on attracting           In addition to the diplomatic headaches          added tax (VAT; 20%). Even if the new
                           multinational corporations, in part by          associated with negotiating and ratifying        rules generated a substantial change in the
                           offering low business tax rates. This           the deal, its capacity for raising tax revenue   declaration of new taxes, this would be
                           strategy of attracting inward foreign direct    is dubious. There are specific problems          unlikely to substantially bolster the fiscal
                           investment (FDI) through low tax rates is       associated with the two pillars set out by the   position of major economies.
                           a successful tool of economic development,      deal.
                           and small countries such as these are           The first pillar, stating that 20% of firms’     A long road ahead
                           protective of their sovereign right to tax      corporate taxes will be based on the origin
                           multinationals as they see fit.                 of sale rather than its operational origin,      Despite the agreement’s relatively modest
                           Outside the EU, the UK chancellor of the        remains only narrowly defined. The               objectives and outcomes, it represents
                           exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has suggested           new rules apply only to firms that have          progress in international tax co-operation.
                           that financial services firms in the city of    profit margins in excess of 10%. By this         The number of firms that will be directly
                           London be exempted from the first pillar.       definition, only highly profitable companies     affected by the agreement is small, but
                           Preliminary proposals by the OECD in the        with large investments of intangible capital     the position of intangible capital (such as
                           autumn included carveouts for several           (such as pharmaceutical or tech firms)           intellectual property rights on consumer
                           sectors, and the final proposal sets a          are likely to be affected by the agreement,      data) will only become larger in the coming
                           profitability threshold of a 10% margin,        meaning that not all US tech giants will         years, and, similarly, the problem of how
                           but the full list of exemptions is not yet      be covered by this proposal. For instance,       to tax this capital’s returns effectively will
                           finalised (and has the potential to become      Amazon, which has massive global                 grow in importance. Moreover, in many
                           long). Meanwhile, governments that have         operations but very low profit margins, will     European countries, the demographic
                           implemented DSTs have indicated that they       be largely unaffected by this new rule.          profile is set to worsen, diminishing the
                           are unlikely to repeal them until the US        The second pillar—the 15% minimum                scale of government revenue that can be
                           Congress passes a law allowing for pillar one   tax rate—also remains insufficient as a          raised from taxation on labour (social
                           to take effect, which may need to take the      tool to raise revenue. The deal in principle     security and personal income tax). This
                           form of an international treaty and requires    reduces the incentive for firms to declare       will require a pivot towards other sources
                           two-thirds support in Congress—a high bar       profits in foreign (less taxed) jurisdictions,   of revenue, such as corporate taxation.
                           given the polarised political climate in the    as the firm’s country of origin could place      We expect the G7 agreement to provide
                           US.                                             surcharges to bring effective tax rates up       a framework for future discussion on a
                           The economic implications of this on            to the floor of 15%. However, in practice        European level as international discussions
                           the US’s suspended tariffs on Europe are        OECD data indicate that only three EU            progress, but there is little prospect of
                           uncertain, but the status quo is likely         countries (Ireland, Hungary and Cyprus)          meaningful agreement for some years.
                           to prevail for at least the next year. The      have corporate tax rates that are lower
                           administration of Joe Biden, the US             than the agreed 15%, limiting the pillar’s           [Source: Economic Intelligence Unit –
                           president, cited progress on the taxation       efficacy. Moreover, it remains to be seen how                              23 June 2021]
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
VENDREDI 02 JUILLET 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 349                                                                                                                                                             9

                                             21 COMESA STATES
                                                                                                                                       PwC nomme un nouvel associé
 Ministers of Industry Approve                                                                                                         dans le domaine de ‘Risk Assurance
 Frameworks for Implementing                                                                                                                                       PwC Maurice a annoncé la nomination
                                                                                                                                                                d’un nouvel associé, Julien Tyack, responsa-

the Regional Industrial Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                ble du département Risk Assurance Servic-
                                                                                                                                                                es de la firme depuis 2018. Cette nomination
                                                                                                                                                                est effective à partir du 1er juillet 2021, et
  Ministers of industry from the 21 COMESA Member States have approved the                                                                                      porte le nombre total des associés de la firme
                                                                                                                                                                à douze. La nomination de Julien Tyack est
implementation strategy of the regional local content policy framework and the man-                                                                             une première pour la firme mauricienne : elle
           agement of the Special Economic Zones and Industrial Parks                                                                                           souligne l’importance que prend la gestion
                                                                                                                                                                des risques, devenue une priorité pour les en-
                                                                                                                                                                treprises, dans un contexte post-COVID19
                                                                                                                                                                à la fois challenging et plein d’opportunités.
                                                                                                                                                                Les fonctions de gestion des risques sont
                                                                                                                                       au premier rang des changements provoqués par la pandémie, et
                                                                                                                                       elles doivent être prêtes à transformer la façon dont les entreprises
                                                                                                                                       perçoivent et capitalisent sur ces risques.

                                                                                                                                       The Echo : Une occasion unique
                                                                                                                                       de posséder des bureaux à Telfair
                                                                                                                                          The Echo propose aux entreprises et investisseurs l’opportunité
                                                                                                                                       de devenir propriétaires de leurs propres bureaux à Telfair. Cette of-
                                                                                                                                       fre inédite et exclusive leur donne la garantie d’un investissement
                                                                                                                                       durable et sûr dans un emplacement de choix au cœur du futur cen-
                                                                                                                                       tre-ville de la Smart City de Moka. Les acquéreurs bénéficient égale-
                                                                                                                                       ment de nombreux avantages, dont les garanties de la vente en l’état
                                                                                                                                       futur d’achèvement (VEFA) avec des paiements échelonnés jusqu’à
                                                                                                                                       l’achèvement des travaux.

                                                                                                                                       Réouverture de Casela Nature
                                                                                                                                       Parks le 1er juillet

T       he COMESA Local Con-
        tent Policy Framework is
        aimed at helping to trans-
form the region’s low productivity
economies, from overreliance on
                                            spite high growth potential in the
                                            region, poverty, unemployment,
                                            low investment levels, and de-
                                            pressed aggregate demand among
                                            others, are prevalent.
                                                                                          strategy is aligned with the Third
                                                                                          Industrial Development Decade
                                                                                          for Africa (IDDA3) whose guid-
                                                                                          ing principles include: government
                                                                                          ownership and leadership of the
export of unprocessed primary                                                             initiative; strengthened enabling
commodities with either little or           Guiding structural                            business environment; prior-
no value addition, to competitive
economies that produce, and ex-
                                            economic                                      itized sectors with high potential
                                                                                          for growth; and strong partner-
port value added products.                  transformation                                ships for financial and non-finan-
   With the approval, Member                                                              cial resource mobilization at the
States will formulate similar pol-             “This is attributed to depressed indus-    multilateral, regional and bilateral
icies to maximize local benefits            trialization in our region,” she stated       levels.
from industrialization. Equally, the        adding that industrial development               On its part, COMESA Secre-
adopted framework of managing               was critical in addressing the pro-           tariat committed to continue pro-
special economic zones (SEZ) and            ductive constraints towards the re-           viding a platform for lobbying in-
industrial parks will guide Member          alization of inclusive and sustaina-          ternational technical and financial
States when domesticating SEZ               ble transformation of the region.             assistance to support the special
strategies and industrial parks at             The approval of the frame-                 economic zones development.
the national level.                         works will therefore enable the full             “The initiatives will include support-
   In their communique, the Min-            implementation of the COMESA                  ing learning events and profiling some
isters committed to ensure the              Industrialization Strategy and Ac-            SEZ projects that could serve as regional
harmonized regional frameworks              tion, which was adopted by the                centers of excellence,” she said. “Be-          Pour sa grande réouverture au public le jeudi 1er juillet, Casela
and guidelines are implemented in           Ministers in 2019, to guide struc-            sides, the Secretariat will promote the      Nature Parks vient avec des offres promotionnelles et de nouveaux
their respective countries.                 tural economic transformation of              development of border economic zones         concepts : ‘Drive-in Cinema’ et ‘Casela by Night’, entre autres nou-
   Speaking at the opening of the           the region. Among its key compo-              and facilitate the needed technical assis-   veautés. Du 1er au 31 juillet, un tarif promotionnel sur le ticket
meeting, the Minister of Industry           nent is the promotion of agricul-             tance for their development, among oth-      d’entrée à Rs 150 par adulte et Rs 100 par enfant sera proposé aux
and Commerce of Zimbabwe, Dr                ture and value addition.                      ers,” said the Secretary General Ms.         Mauriciens souhaitant profiter des activités et attractions en plein
Sekai Nzenza, observed that de-                The COMESA industrialization               Chileshe Kapwepwe.                           air qu’offre le parc, grand de 350 hectares. Après près de trois mois
                                                                                                                                       de fermeture suite à l’annonce du confinement national, un proto-
                                                                                                                                       cole sanitaire a été élaboré et les mesures sanitaires adéquates ont
Air Mauritius : Vers une reprise                                                                                                       été implémentées pour la sécurité et le confort des visiteurs.

                                                                                                                                       ABC Foods lance une gamme de
progressive des vols à compter                                                                                                         produits à l’attention de nos amis à
du 15 juillet 2021                                                                                                                     quatre pattes
                                                                                                                                          ABC Foods, pôle stratégique du Groupe
   La compagnie nationale d’avia-           né l’importance stratégique des activités     proposera plusieurs destinations eu-         ABC, a récemment lancé Bobtail, Catmor,
tion est fin prête pour accompagner         aériennes, MK jouera pleinement son           ropéennes à travers le hub Charles           Canine Cuisine et Feline Cuisine, quatre
les autorités mauriciennes et plus          rôle pour la relance économique du pays.      de Gaulle. Par ailleurs, pour soute-         marques d’aliments pour chiens et chats qui
particulièrement l’industrie touris-        A compter du 15 juillet, nous prévoyons       nir la reprise, Air Mauritius offre          raviront les papilles de nos compagnons à
tique pour la reprise. Trois vols par       la reprise progressive des vols et graduel-   des tarifs intéressants, soit à partir       quatre pattes. « Nous avons choisi de proposer
semaine sont programmés de Paris            lement augmenter le nombre de fréquences      de 759 euros (toute taxe comprise)           ces marques spécifiques au marché mauricien
à partir du 14 juillet et la fréquence      et de destinations », fait ressortir Sattar   au départ de Paris et ce, à partir du        suite au succès retentissant qu’elles connaissent
passera à quatre dès le 1er août.           Hajee Abdoula, administrateur d’Air           14 juillet. Air Mauritius multiplie les      en Afrique du Sud. Ces dernières sont réputées
   « Air Mauritius répondra présent         Mauritius (MK).                               consultations avec les acteurs prin-         pour leurs qualités nutritionnelles et leur prix
pour soutenir Maurice dans sa stratégie        Avec son partenaire Air France,            cipaux du secteur touristique pour           très compétitif », explique Paul Ah Lim,
de réouverture des frontières. Étant don-   la compagnie d’aviation nationale             rester à l’écoute du marché.                 General Manager d’ABC Foods.
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal  trillion blow to global economy - UNCTAD - UNWTO REPORT - Bizweek
VENDREDI 02 JUILLET 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 349                                                                                                                                                  10


Un livret de sensibilisation
 aux droits humains pour
  le grand public lancé
  La Commission Nationale des Droits Humains (NHRC) a lancé, le lundi 28 juin,
  avec l’appui de l’Union européenne un livret de sensibilisation aux droits humains
destiné au grand public. La NHRC a également présenté le nouveau matériel promo-
tionnel qu’elle va distribuer (un masque et un sac réutilisable) dans le contexte de ses
                     actions de sensibilisation aux droits humains

L       e lancement du livret de 60
        pages intitulé ‘Les Droits
        Humains’ est une initiative
de la Commission Nationale des
Droits Humains (NHRC) pour
                                                                                                                                COVID-19 : PNL commercialise
                                                                                                                                des tests rapides antigéniques
sensibiliser le grand public à la
Déclaration Universelle des Droits                                                                                                 Depuis le lundi 28 juin 2021, des kits de test rapide antigénique
de l’Homme. La NHRC a égale-                                                                                                    seront disponibles dans toutes les pharmacies de l’île. Importé
ment présenté à cette occasion du                                                                                               par PNL, filiale du groupe Leal spécialisée dans la distribution de
matériel promotionnel qui servira                                                                                               produits pharmaceutiques et de produits de grande consomma-
à continuer son action de sensi-                                                                                                tion, ce test à usage unique est vendu à Rs 300 inc. TVA l’unité
bilisation auprès de ses différents                                                                                             et devra être effectué par professionnel de santé. Ce nouvel outil
groupes-cibles à savoir les jeunes,                                                                                             devrait accélérer le dépistage de nouveaux cas, permettant ain-
les personnes âgées, les femmes et                                                                                              si de contenir efficacement la propagation du virus au sein de
les forces de l’ordre.                                                                                                          la population. « L’arrivée de ces kits à Maurice représente un
   Le lancement de ce livret a été                                                                                              pas important, surtout dans un contexte où le pays se prépare à
organisé dans le cadre du projet                                                                                                rouvrir ses frontières à partir du 15 juillet », a déclaré Daniel de
‘Promotion des droits de l’homme                                                                                                Labauve d’Arifat, CEO de PNL.
                                        de l’article 1 de la Déclaration Uni-          lieu dans la salle de conférence de la
à Maurice et à Rodrigues’ qui est fi-   verselle des droits humains qui dit            Délégation de l’Union européenne
nancé par l’Union européenne. Le
projet, lancé en novembre 2017, a
                                        que ‘Tous les êtres humains naissent           en présence de Alan Ganoo, Min-          Une nouvelle agence MCB
                                        libres et égaux en droits et en dignité’.
permis à la NHRC de sensibiliser        Il est de notre devoir à tous de nous mo-
                                                                                       istre des Transports terrestres et
                                                                                       du Métro léger, Ministre des Af-
                                                                                                                                au cœur du Mahogany
aux droits humains plus de 15 000
personnes y compris plus de 3500
                                        biliser pour la défense et la promotion des    faires étrangères, de l’Intégration      Shopping Promenade
                                        droits humains. Avec le livret que nous        régionale et du Commerce inter-
jeunes âgés de 10 à 20 ans.             lançons, nous posons un acte concret pour      national, et de Mons. Seetulsingh,
   Lors de la cérémonie d’ouver-        promouvoir les droits humains, des droits      Président de la NHRC.
ture, l’Ambassadeur de l’Union          universels et indivisibles. La présence du        Il s’agit du second livret expli-
européenne auprès de la Répub-          Ministre aujourd’hui est un signal fort        catif de la Déclaration Univer-
lique de Maurice, S.E.M. Vincent        de l’engagement du Gouvernement dans           selle des Droits de l’Homme lancé
Degert, a déclaré : « Nous aspirons     ce domaine dans lequel nous avons beau-        par la NHRC, après le lancement
tous à vivre une vie dans la dignité    coup travaillé et dans lequel nous contin-     le 27 janvier dernier du livret in-
et dans le respect de nos droits        uerons à travailler ensemble. »                titulé ‘Les jeunes et les Droits Hu-
fondamentaux. C’est l’esprit même          La cérémonie de lancement a eu              mains’.

The Nest : Première
application mobile créée
pour un projet immobilier                                                                                                          La MCB a ouvert sa 41e agence au Mahogany Shopping Prom-
                                                                                                                                enade de Beau-Plan, le jeudi 24 juin 2021. Cette agence résolu-
                                                                                                                                ment moderne allie un service bancaire traditionnel à davantage
   Et si la découverte de votre futur bien immobilier se       acquéreurs potentiels puisqu’il leur permet d’accéder
faisait à travers une application mobile ? C’est l’expéri-     facilement aux principales informations sur le projet.           de services digitaux et un espace de rencontre pour les clients de
ence que propose Know House à ses clients. Le pro-             Téléchargeable sur Google Play et App Store depuis               la région. D’une superficie de 626 m2, MCB Beau-Plan compte
moteur a récemment lancé The Nest by Know House,               avril 2021, l’application propose également l’option de          trois guichets automatiques dont deux permettant d’effectuer
véritable vitrine pour faciliter la commercialisation de       faire un tour virtuel du projet par le biais d’images à          des dépôts en cash, cinq comptoirs et deux kiosques pour les
The Nest, un projet résidentiel haut de gamme, composé         360 degrés des biens ainsi que des espaces communs.              opérations express. L’agence offre une gamme complète de pro-
de 15 unités développées sur un terrain de 6 730 m², à         Il s’agit d’une première dans le secteur de l’immobilier         duits et services bancaires ainsi qu’un espace dédié à l’organisa-
Péreybère. Ce programme est l’interface idéale pour les        à Maurice.                                                       tion de conférences et d’évènements et des facilités de parking.

Relance économique : Cap Business Océan
Indien mise sur le potentiel des PME
                                             Les petites et moyennes en-              chaque année le 27 juin. Actuelle-
                                          treprises ont un rôle clé à jouer           ment en mission à La Réunion, il a
                                          dans la relance économique post             rencontré plusieurs entrepreneurs
                                          -Covid dans les îles de la ré-              et visité plusieurs entreprises pour
                                          gion. C’est le message principal            mieux comprendre les enjeux de
                                          que porte le Secrétaire général             leur secteur d’activité. Des mis-
                                          de Cap Business Océan Indien,               sions similaires sont prévues dans
                                          Éric Magamootoo, à l’occasion               les mois à venir dans les autres ter-
                                          de la Journée des microentre-               ritoires afin d’identifier les oppor-
                                          prises et des petites et moyennes           tunités d’affaires et de coopéra-
                                          entreprises (PME), observée                 tion.
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