An overview of government measures responding to - COVID-19 28 March 2020

Page created by Calvin Zimmerman
An overview of government measures responding to - COVID-19 28 March 2020
An overview of government
                           measures responding to
                           28 March 2020
LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                       Hogan Lovells
An overview of government measures responding to - COVID-19 28 March 2020


UK     1
AS AT SATURDAY, 28 MARCH 2020          1
GERMANY                                6
AS AT FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2020            6
FRANCE                                12
AS AT FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2020           12
AS AT FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2020           19
POLAND                                24
AS AT FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2020           24
LUXEMBOURG                            30
AS AT FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2020           30
AS AT FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2020           34

As at Saturday, 28 March 2020
                                                                           UK: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                Debt Markets/Senior                  Real Estate                         Tax                       Insolvency               Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
Furloughed employees:           The Coronavirus                Extended Notice                 Suspension of Business        No changes have been
                                                                                                                                                              Coronavirus Act 2000:
All UK employers with a         Business Interruption          Periods:                        Rates: Suspension of          introduced at the time of
                                                                                                                                                              The government have the
PAYE scheme will be able to     Loan Scheme ("CBILS"):          Residential tenants           business rates for those in   writing; however, the
                                                                                                                                                              power to require a relevant
access support to continue      Available to banks, lease          have extra protections      the leisure, retail and       government confirmed on
                                                                                                                                                              entity within certain
paying part of their            companies and other types          in the form of extended     hospitality sector for the    28 March 2020 that the
                                                                                                                                                              industries to provide
employees’ salary for those     of lender. Where the               notice periods required     2020-21 tax year.             following measures would
                                                                                                                                                              necessary information on
that would otherwise have       government will cover 80%          before their tenancies                                    be introduced at the earliest
                                                                                                                                                              whether their supply chain
been laid off during this       of the lender's exposure to        can be terminated; and      Stamp Duty:                   opportunity applying
                                                                                                                                                              is being disrupted. The
crisis. HMRC will reimburse     eligible SME borrowers                                           STFs should only be        retrospectively from the
80% of their wages, up to       (SME means less than £45m
                                                                Any commercial tenant,                                      beginning of March:
                                                                                                                                                              range of entities that may
                                                                                                  sent by email to HMRC.                                      be subject to this power is
                                                                   whether in the retail
£2,500 per month for all        annual turnover). The                                             E-signatures are
                                                                   and leisure sectors or                                    Protection from                  wide, catching suppliers at
furloughed workers from         government will also pay the                                      accepted whilst such
                                                                   otherwise, and no                                         winding-up petitions:            every point along the supply
the 1st of March 2020           first 12 months of interest                                       measures are in place.
                                                                   matter what their                                         Directors would be able to       chain before the product
onwards. This measure will      and fees on behalf of the                                        Payment of stamp duty
                                                                   financial position, is                                    file a "COVID-19                 reaches the consumer,
be in place for up to 3         borrower. CBILS is an                                             must be made
                                                                   now protected until the                                   Declaration" stating that the    although individuals, like
months initially but may be     extension of the EFG                                              electronically (using
                                                                   end of June from the                                      company was facing a             sole traders and some
extended if necessary.          (Enterprise Finance                                               Faster Payment, BACS
                                                                   risk of its lease being                                   temporary liquidity or           farmers, are not in scope.
                                Guarantee) scheme which                                           or CHAPS) and details
                                                                   terminated (by                                            operational challenge as a
It is unclear whether this      has been running since                                            of the transaction must
                                                                   forfeiture) for non-                                      consequence of COVID-19.
HMRC grant is also              2009 (www.british-                                                be sent to HMRC by
                                                                   payment of rent.                                          That would start a 90 day        Competition Law
intended to cover an            business-                                                         email (at the address      period running. During that      relaxation: The
employer's NICs liability. If                                        above) rather than by
                                                               However, it is important to                                   time (a) the company could       government are allowing
it is, the net payment to       onavirus-business-                                                post. Payments by
                                                               note that:                                                    not be deemed to be unable       supermarkets to work
employees will be less than     interruption-loan-scheme-                                         cheque will not be
                                                               1. any rent sums                                              to pay its debts under the       together to feed the nation
80% of their usual wages.       cbils). Its use by portfolio                                      banked until the
                                                                   (including the March                                      cash flow test for the           during the 2019 novel
The position in relation to     companies in private equity                                       temporary measures
                                                                   quarter) that fall due                                    purposes of a creditor           coronavirus disease
pension contributions for       funds continues to be                                             end (so HMRC will not
                                                                   during this period are                                    winding up petition (it is not   outbreak (COVID-19),
furloughed employees is not     debated (some lenders                                             process the transaction
                                                                   not waived or                                             proposed to change the           elements of competition law
dealt with in the current       arguing the £45m turn over                                        even if it has received
                                                                   postponed, it is just the                                 balance sheet test as the        will be temporarily relaxed
government guidance. We         threshold should be                                               the details by email).
                                                                   right to forfeit that is                                  measures are designed to         for the food sector.
will update this note as        aggregated across portfolio

                                                                              UK: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                 Debt Markets/Senior                   Real Estate                           Tax                        Insolvency               Commercial Contracts
                                     Lending Issues
further information              companies in a fund).                postponed until after        Deferred VAT                   address short term liquidity
becomes available.                                                    30 June;                     Payments: VAT payments         issues not more significant      The CMA will issue more
                                 Interest Rate Cut: The          2.   it is unclear whether        shall be deferred for the      capital issues); and (b) any     guidance on this in due
Grant to self-employed           Bank of England cut interest         'rent' in the legislation    next quarter (i.e. up until    petition would be invalid        course but has issued a
workers: Self-employed           rates to 0.1% and have               means principal rent,        the end of June                without the approval of the      preliminary statement
workers are able to apply for    increased its holdings of UK         sums reserved as rent        2020). Businesses will have    court.                           warning traders not to
a grant equivalent to 80% of     government and corporate             (which will often            until the end of the current                                    exploit the coronavirus
                                                                                                                                  Moratorium: directors
their average monthly            bonds by £200 billion to a           include service charge)      financial year to make any                                      outbreak to take advantage
                                                                                                                                  would be able to file for a
profits up to a maximum of       total of £645 billion.               or all regular payments      deferred payments (Noted                                        of people.
                                                                                                                                  moratorium similar to an
£2,500 a month. This will                                             due under a lease such       in the Chancellor of
                                                                                                                                  administration interim
only be open to those with a     Contingent Term Repo                 as insurance. At             Exchequer's speech on 20th
                                                                                                                                  moratorium if directors
trading profit of less than      Facility: The Bank of                present, a cautious          March 2020).
                                                                                                                                  have an intention to put in
£50,000 in 2018-19, or an        England has announced the            approach that business
                                                                                                   Deferred self-                 place measures to overcome
average trading profit of less   activation of the Contingent         tenants can take is
                                                                                                   assessment income tax          a temporary COVID-19
than £50,000 from 2016-17,       Term Repo Facility                   prioritising paying all
                                                                                                   payments: Deferring            related liquidity crisis in
2017-18 and 2018-19.             (“CTRF”). The CTRF is a              sums other than
                                                                                                   upcoming self-assessment       order to avoid insolvency or
                                 flexible liquidity insurance         principal rent, as
                                                                                                   income tax payments for        to appoint an administrator
Statutory sick pay aid           tool that allows participants        principal rent is the
                                                                                                   self-employed persons (due     with a view to being rescued
scheme: Government aid           to borrow central bank               only payment that is
                                                                                                   on 31 July 2020 to January     as a going concern.
scheme to reimburse small/       reserves (cash) in exchange          undoubtedly captured
                                                                                                   2021 (Noted in the
medium employers (less           for other, less liquid assets        by the legislation.                                         Wrongful trading: The
                                                                                                   Chancellor of Exchequer's
than 250 employees) for the      (collateral).                        Equally, should a                                           law would be changed so
                                                                                                   speech on 20th March
cost of coronavirus related                                           tenant withhold all                                         that a director would not be
SSP.                             Covid Corporate                      sums due under their                                        made liable for wrongful
                                 Financing Facility: HM               lease, it is                                                trading if, acting reasonably,
Coronavirus Bill 2019-           Treasury and the Bank of             recommended that                                            he misjudge the potential
21: Temporary suspension         England have designed a              landlords avoid                                             negative impact of the crisis
of the requirement for           webpage setting out the              forfeiting until the                                        on the business.
waiting days, which              practical steps that a firm          position has been                                           The UK government
ordinarily means that SSP is     needs to take in order to            clarified by the                                            confirmed that
not payable for the first        access the Covid Corporate           government;
three days of sickness           Financing Facility (“CCFF”)     3.   interest will continue to
absence. This will apply         and a number of FAQs on              accrue, and sums other
retrospectively from 13          the scheme.                          than rent will need to
March 2020.                                                           be paid to avoid the risk
                                 Relaxing of operating                of forfeiture; and
                                 obligations for PRA-            4.   landlords will still have
                                 regulated institutions:              other remedies
                                 The Bank of England and

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                           Hogan Lovells

                                                                       UK: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid           Debt Markets/Senior                  Real Estate                   Tax   Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                               Lending Issues
                           the PRA have announced              available to them
                           measures aimed at                   including serving a
                           alleviating operational             statutory demand prior
                           burdens on PRA-regulated            to a bankruptcy or
                           firms and Bank-regulated            winding up petition,
                           financial market                    issuing court
                           infrastructures including:          proceedings for
                               Cancellation of the            payment or taking steps
                                Bank’s 2020 annual             to take control of a
                                stress test – the annual       tenant's goods under
                                cyclical scenario (ACS).       the Commercial Rent
                               Amendments to the              Arrears Recovery
                                biennial exploratory           Regime (CRAR)
                                scenario (BES)                 regime. However, given
                                timetable and                  the lockdown that has
                                postponement of the            been announced, it may
                                joint BoE and FCA              be difficult to exercise
                                survey into open ended         CRAR as the premises
                                funding.                       in question should be
                           The PRA has provided
                           guidance to lenders on how      Lockdown: Retail, hotels,
                           they should respond to          hospitality, and leisure
                           covenant breaches related to    services went into lock down
                           Covid-19, as follows:           on 23 March 2020. Broadly,
                                                           only supermarkets and
                               “[The PRA] would            other food shops,
                               expect lenders to           pharmacies, vets, hardware
                               consider the need to        stores, petrol stations,
                               treat [covenant             banks, post offices,
                               breaches that arise         laundrettes, and premises
                               from Covid-19 related       hosting food banks or
                               matters that are of a       homeless services are
                               general nature or are       designated essential and are
                               firm-specific but           allowed to remain open.
                               unrelated to the
                               solvency or liquidity of
                               the borrower]
                               differently compared to

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                       Hogan Lovells

                                                             UK: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid           Debt Markets/Senior          Real Estate              Tax   Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                               Lending Issues
                               uncertainties that arise
                               because of borrower-
                               specific issues and in
                               doing so consider
                               waiving the resultant
                               covenant breach. [The
                               PRA] would expect
                               firms to do so in good
                               faith and not to impose
                               new charges or
                               restrictions on
                               customers following a
                               covenant breach that
                               are unrelated to the
                               facts and
                               circumstances that led
                               to that breach.”"

                           Joint statement by the
                           FCA, FRC and PRA: The
                           FCA, FRC and PRA issued a
                           joint statement on 26 March
                           2020 announcing a package
                           of actions, including:
                               A statement today by
                                the FCA allowing listed
                                companies an extra 2
                                months to publish their
                                audited annual
                                financial reports.
                               Guidance from the
                                FRC for companies
                                preparing financial
                                statements in the
                                current uncertain
                                environment. This is
                                complemented by
                                guidance from the
                                PRA regarding the

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                          Hogan Lovells

                                                             UK: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid             Debt Markets/Senior        Real Estate              Tax   Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                                 Lending Issues
                                approach that should be
                                taken by banks,
                                building societies and
                                investment firms in
                                assessing expected loss
                                provisions under
                               Guidance from the
                                FRC for audit firms
                                seeking to overcome
                                challenges in obtaining
                                audit evidence.

                           Source: HL Client Note:
                           FCA, FRC, PRC and
                           ESMA announce
                           measures to alleviate
                           impact on listed issuers
                           and their auditors in
                           response to COVID-19

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                          Hogan Lovells

As at Friday, 27 March 2020
                                                                      Germany: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid               Debt Markets/Senior                 Real Estate                          Tax                          Insolvency              Commercial Contracts
                                   Lending Issues
                                                               (e.g. Tenant/Landlord          (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                       relief)                 payments, filings, etc.)

Improved access to             German state aid               New Debtor protection           Direct and indirect              Suspension of the
short-time work                schemes to support the         under lease agreements:         taxes:                           obligation to file for
allowance:                     German economy and             This is applicable to both,                                      insolvency until 30
                                                                                              Taxpayers who can prove to
                               businesses’ liquidity:         private and commercial                                           September 2020: The
   Short-time work                                                                           be directly and not
                                                              tenants. It prohibits the                                        obligation of a company's
    allowance                  KfW measures:                                                  inconsiderably affected may
                                                              landlord from terminating a                                      management to file for
    (Kurzarbeitergeld) can                                                                    submit applications for
                               Conditions for existing KfW    lease agreement due to the                                       insolvency in case of
    be granted to employes                                                                    deferral of taxes (in
                               programmes (“KfW               tenant failing to pay rent                                       illiquidity
    on a more flexible                                                                        particular covering Income
                               Unternehmerkredit” for         due between 01 April until                                       (Zahlungsunfähigkeit) or
    basis. Government                                                                         Tax, Corporate Income Tax
                               companies existing for more    30 June 2020 as a result of                                      over-indebtedness
    measures have made it                                                                     and VAT for previous years–
                               than 5 years) and “ERP-        the COVID-2019. For this                                         (Überschuldung) will in
    easier for companies to                                                                   initially deferral for 3
                               Gründerkredit-Universell”      purpose, the tenant must                                         general be suspended until
    obtain state benefit for                                                                  months; extended if
                               for start-ups loans for        provide credible evidence of                                     (for the time being) 30
    this as the threshold of                                                                  necessary) as well as
                               businesses less than 5 years   the connection between the                                       September 2020. No
    one third of the                                                                          applications for adjustment
                               old) have been loosened.       pandemic and his non-                                            suspension will be available,
    workforce affected by                                                                     of advance payments of
                               The instrument has been        performance.                                                     if the insolvency did not
    the work shortage has                                                                     income and corporation tax
                               opened for larger companies                                                                     result from the COVID 19
    been lowered to 10%.                                      The law particularly            until 31 December 2020
                               as turnover thresholds have                                                                     pandemic or if there are no
   The German                                                emphasizes that tenants do      (based on the estimated
                               been lifted.                                                                                    reasonable prospects that
    government will cover                                     not have the right to refuse    annual result). Interest on
                                                                                                                               the company's illiquidity can
    payment of social          The KfW loan programme         performance and that            deferral can generally be
                                                                                                                               be eliminated until 30
    security contributions     covers up to 90% of the risk   tenants and landlords           waived. Requests for
                                                                                                                               September 2020.
    for the employees as if    for loans for companies of     remain obliged to perform;      deferral of taxes due after 31
    they were employed on      all sizes.                     therefore, even if the          December 2020 and                The insolvency law related
    their regular working                                     landlord is prohibited to       requests for adjustment of       measures came into effect
    time.                      The maximum principal has      terminate, a deferral of the    advance payments relating        (retroactively) on 1 March
                               been increased to up to EUR    rent is explicitly not          only to periods after 31         2020.
                               1bn. Risk assumptions by       foreseen as the landlord's      December 2020 must be
                               KfW total up to 80% for                                                                         For companies which have
Compensation for                                              claim to payment continues      specifically justified.
                                                                                                                               not been illiquid on 31

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                   Hogan Lovells

                                                                         Germany: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                 Debt Markets/Senior                  Real Estate                         Tax                       Insolvency              Commercial Contracts
                                     Lending Issues
                                                                 (e.g. Tenant/Landlord            (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                         relief)                   payments, filings, etc.)
parents who must stay          large /larger companies and      to arise and remains due                                      December 2019 it will be
at home to take care of        up 90% for small for             (including any default                                        assumed (such assumption
children: The state is         medium size enterprises as       interest on arrears).                                         being rebuttable only in
offering compensation to       defined in Annex I of EU                                                                       exceptional cases) that the
                                                                Currently, various
these employees who must       Commission Regulation EU                                                                       insolvency was caused by
                                                                approaches for mutual
stay home to take care of      651/2014.                                                                                      the COVID 19 pandemic
                                                                agreements on rent
their children due to school                                                                                                  and that there are
                               Interest levels may be           deferrals or even waivers,
and kindergarten closures                                                                                                     reasonable prospects for
                               enhanced between 1.00 –          can be observed in the
in Germany.                                                                                                                   eliminating illiquidity.
                               1.46% for small or medium-       market, e.g. the additional
Possibility to defer           sized businesses and             payment of deferred rent in
                                                                                                                              Exclusion or limitation
payment of social              between 2.00– 2.12% for          instalments (limited period
                                                                                                                              of the right of creditors
security contributions         larger businesses.               / total remaining term),
                                                                                                                              to file for insolvency:
without interest:                                               agreements on additional
                               The application processes                                                                      A third party's application
Employers who are unable                                        revenue or profit rent
                               have been eased depending                                                                      for the opening of
to pay social security                                          components, the extension
                               on the size of the loans.                                                                      insolvency proceedings will
contributions due to the                                        of the fixed term of the lease
                               KfW also offers direct                                                                         only be admissible if the
Covid-19 epidemic can apply                                     agreement as well as the
                               participations in syndicated                                                                   debtor was insolvent before
to the competent statutory                                      advance / extraordinary
                               loans “Direktbeteiligung für                                                                   1 March 2020.
health insurance for a                                          indexation of the rent. All
temporary deferral of said     Konsortialfinanz-ierungen”       solutions are mainly aimed
                               at pari passu terms and                                                                         Lifting of payment
contributions for the                                           at finding amicable
                               assumes risks of up to 80%.                                                                     prohibitions in the
months of March, April and                                      solutions, as both
                                                                                                                               event of insolvency:
May. As an exception to the    Measures for guarantee           contracting parties should
                                                                                                                               Generally the management
regular rules, no interest     banks                            have a substantial interest in
                                                                                                                               is personally liable for
shall become due for the       (Bürgschaftsbanken):             the continuation of the hotel
                                                                                                                               payments which are made
deferred payments which                                         lease agreement after the
                                   increase of guarantee                                                                      after the company has
will become due in June                                         crisis.
                                    limit to EUR 2.5mn                                                                         become illiquid or over-
                                                                Due to the federal system in                                   indebted. Such "payment
                                   the Federation will
                                                                Germany, the single states                                     prohibitions" will be lifted
                                    increase its share in the
                                                                have issued different                                          as far as:
                                    risk in guarantee banks     ordinances and/or general                                     1) the obligation to file for
                                    by 10%                      rulings. Therefore the                                              insolvency is suspended
                                   increase of the             situation and applicable                                            (see above); and
                                    maximum limit of 35%        laws vary from federal state                                  2) the payments serve to
                                    of operating resources      to federal state and                                                maintain and resume
                                    in guarantee banks’         sometimes even from city to                                         business operations or
                                    total exposure to 50%

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                  Hogan Lovells

                                                                  Germany: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid             Debt Markets/Senior               Real Estate                          Tax                  Insolvency         Commercial Contracts
                                 Lending Issues
                                                           (e.g. Tenant/Landlord            (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                   relief)                   payments, filings, etc.)
                               authority to make         city and need to be assessed                                  to implement a
                                guarantee decisions up    in every single case.                                         restructuring plan.
                                to EUR250,00              Lockdown: Overall, only
                                independently and         premises for the necessities
                                within a period 3 days    of daily living are allowed to
                           Guarantee program for          be open; such as
                           companies in                   supermarkets and other
                           structurally weak              food shops, pharmacies,
                           regions: The German state      vets, petrol stations, banks,
                           covers operating loans and     post offices, laundrettes,
                           investments with a surety      and premises hosting food
                           requirement exceeding EUR      banks or homeless services.
                           50mn and a guarantee rate of
                           up to 80%.
                           Economic Stabilisation
                           ungsfonds, WSF):
                           German Bundestag and
                           Bundesrat approved of the
                           establishment of an
                           economic stabilization fund
                           with a view to ensuring
                           liquidity of German
                           companies that were sound
                           prior to the COVId-19 health
                           The WSF complements the
                           aforementioned KfW
                           measures and includes the
                           following instruments:
                                   guarantee
                                    framework of
                                    EUR400bn to assist
                                    companies to

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                  Hogan Lovells

                                                                 Germany: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid           Debt Markets/Senior                Real Estate                   Tax               Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                               Lending Issues
                                                           (e.g. Tenant/Landlord    (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                   relief)           payments, filings, etc.)
                                   themselves in the
                                   capital markets
                                   (bridge to liquidity
                                  authorisation to
                                   grant credit of up to
                                   EUR100bn for
                                   (strengthening of
                                   thw capital of the
                                  further
                                   authorisation to
                                   grant credit for
                                   EUR100bn for the
                                   refinancing of the
                                   KfW special
                           WSF may:
                                  grant guarantees
                                   for bonds and
                                   other liabilities
                                  purchase shares or
                                   other forms of
                                  grant subordinated
                                   debt or other forms
                                   of hybrid capital
                           The Federal Government
                           will be raising additional
                           funds on the capital markets
                           to finance these measures.

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                 Hogan Lovells
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                                                                   Germany: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid              Debt Markets/Senior               Real Estate                     Tax               Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                                  Lending Issues
                                                             (e.g. Tenant/Landlord      (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                     relief)             payments, filings, etc.)
                           Only companies from the
                           real economy that met at
                           least two of the three criteria
                           before 1 January 2020 are
                           eligible for stabilization
                                    total assets
                                    turnover exceeding
                                    more than 249
                                     employees on
                                     annual average
                           Changes with regard to
                           claw-back rules, the
                           provision of
                           restructuring loans and
                           shareholder loans:
                                New loans which have
                                 been granted within the
                                 suspension period (i.e.
                                 until 30 September
                                 2020) the provision of
                                 collateral and the
                                 repayment of such
                                 loans until 30
                                 September 2023 will
                                 not be subject to claw-
                                 back law.
                                The same applies for
                                 the repayment of newly
                                 granted shareholder
                                 loans. For such new
                                 shareholder loans the
                                 statutory subordination

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                     Hogan Lovells
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                                                                 Germany: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid             Debt Markets/Senior              Real Estate                     Tax               Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                                 Lending Issues
                                                           (e.g. Tenant/Landlord      (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                   relief)             payments, filings, etc.)
                                will be lifted if an
                                insolvency filing has
                                been made until 30
                                September 2023.
                               Granting restructuring
                                loans to companies
                                affected by the COVID
                                19 pandemic will not be
                                regarded as immoral
                                lending or delaying the
                                company's insolvency.
                               Congruent and certain
                                transactions which are
                                carried out during the
                               Suspension periods will
                                not be subject to claw-
                                back law, unless the
                                other party knew that
                                the debtor's financing
                                or restructuring efforts
                                were not suitable to
                                eliminate the debtor's
                           Source: HL client note:
                           New regulations to mitigate
                           consequences of the COVID-
                           19 pandemic in Germany

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                   Hogan Lovells
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As at Friday, 27 March 2020
                                                                             France: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                Debt Markets/Senior                     Real Estate                           Tax                         Insolvency                Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
                                                                   (e.g. Tenant/Landlord           (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                           relief)                  payments, filings, etc.)
                                                                                                   Payment deferral of
Partial activity (Decree        Measures by the Public            Micro-enterprises: The                                            This below reforms will          Relaxation of the rules
                                                                                                   direct taxes: Companies,
of 26 March 2020):              Investment Bank:                  French government has                                             apply until the expiry of a      applicable to the
                                                                                                   other businesses and self-
Amendment to an                                                   suspended the payment of                                          period of three months after     performance of public
                                The French Public                                                  employed individuals can
employee's role can be                                            rents and charges falling due                                     the date of cessation of the     contracts: Contracts which
                                Investment Bank (BPI) has                                          ask, without any specific
implemented under certain                                         between 12 March and 24                                           state of health emergency:       would be compromised as a
                                announced that it will                                             condition to be fulfilled, a
specific circumstances                                            July 2020 (subject to                                                                              result of the COVID-19
                                guarantee up to 90% of the                                         deferral (up to 3 month) of      1)   The state of cessation of
where the continuity of the                                       possible extension) for                                                                            epidemic, in order not to
                                amount of eligible loans                                           the payments of direct taxes          payments shall be
company's activity is at                                          enterprises with less than 10                                                                      penalise economic operators
                                taken out by companies with                                        (such as corporate income             assessed taking into
stake.                                                            employees and 2 million in                                                                         and to allow the continuity
                                their credit institutions. This                                    tax, but not VAT or payroll           consideration the
                                                                  turnover.                                                                                          of these contracts (Order No.
                                guarantee is accessible to                                         tax) and certain local taxes          situation of the debtor
Process: The possibility to                                                                                                                                          2020-319 of 25 March 2020
                                companies which satisfy           These micro-enterprises          (land tax, “CFE”-tax) due in          on 12 March 2020.
implement this scheme has                                                                                                                                            (only available in French) on
                                several criteria.                 cannot incur any sanction        March.
to be requested online to the                                                                                                                                        various measures to adapt
                                                                  such as late interest,                                                 Consequently, if, on 12
Labour Administration.          The BPI has indicated that it                                                                                                        the rules for procurement,
                                                                  penalties, termination and       Rebate of direct taxes:               March, the debtor was
                                would extend its standard                                                                                                            procedure or execution of
                                                                  so on.                           Companies, other businesses           not in a state of
In principle, employers have    guarantees over investment                                                                                                           contracts subject to the
                                                                                                   and self-employed                     cessation of payments,
to inform and consult           loans without charging any        This is a rent freeze rather                                                                       French Public Procurement
                                                                                                   individuals (which are                but such a state has
Economic and Social             management fees.                  than a rent free period. Once                                                                      Code and public contracts
                                                                                                   otherwise in good standing)           arisen during the period
Committee ("CSE") (if any)                                        this time has expired the                                                                          not covered by it during the
                                The BPI has indicated that it                                      facing severe difficulties can        of health crisis, it
prior to making a request                                         parties will need to negotiate                                                                     health crisis caused by the
                                would support companies'                                           also request direct tax               cannot be assigned to
for use of this scheme. As an                                     how these rents and charges                                                                        Covid-19 epidemic)
                                maintaining cash flow by                                           rebates.                              judicial reorganization
exceptional and temporary                                         will be paid, rescheduled,
                                directly providing fresh                                                                                 (“redressement              Tourist travel and
measure in the current                                            postponed.                       Subsidy for certain
                                liquidity, through: (i)                                                                                  judiciaire”) or judicial    holiday contracts:
context, employers are          granting medium-term loans        The government has also          SMEs: SMEs having a
                                                                                                                                         liquidation.                Modification of the
allowed to inform and           with no security interests        introduced a freeze on the       turnover below €1m and
                                                                                                                                                                     obligations of tourism
consult their CSE within a      (Prêt Atout) for a limited        payment of                       which either: (i) are closed
                                                                                                                                         The debtor can always       professionals, whether
maximum of 2 months             maturity and for certain          electricity/gas/water bills to   as a result of an
                                                                                                                                         apply for the opening of    organisers or retailers, to
following the request made      eligible companies, with a        the benefit of the same          administrative decision; or
                                                                                                                                         judicial reorganization     enable them to offer their
to the Administration.                                                                             (ii) face a decrease of their

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                             Hogan Lovells
- 13 -

                                                                             France: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                  Debt Markets/Senior                    Real Estate                        Tax                       Insolvency                Commercial Contracts
                                      Lending Issues
                                                                    (e.g. Tenant/Landlord           (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                            relief)                  payments, filings, etc.)
                                  deferred principal               businesses.                     turnover in March 2020 of         or liquidation              customers, for a fixed and
The Labour Administration         repayment of 6 to 12                                             more than 70% compared to         proceedings if its state    limited period of time, a
                                                                   Middle-sized businesses:
has 48 hours to instruct the      months; such loans must be                                       March 2019, can request a         of cessation of             refund of their trip or stay in
                                                                   The main professional
request, it being noted that      associated with a bank loan                                      €1,500 subsidy.                   payments occurred           the form of an identical or
                                                                   organisation representing
in case the Administration        (which can be counter-                                                                             during the health crisis.   equivalent service offer, or
                                                                   landlords in France have
remains silent, the request       guaranteed by BPI), (ii) the                                                                       The debtor may also         in the form of a credit note
                                                                   expanded these measures to
is considered as accepted.        factoring of all invoices                                                                          request the opening of      valid for 18 months (Order
                                                                   cover up to 250 employees
                                  together with a credit line                                                                        safeguard proceedings,      No. 2020-315 of 25 March
                                                                   and 50 million turnover.
NB: the Labour                    representing 30% of the                                                                            even if his state of        2020 (only available in
                                                                   These measures include:
Administration tends to           amount being factored and                                                                          cessation of payments       French) on the financial
restrict the possibility to use   (iii) the granting of loans to   1)   Suspension of payment                                        occurred between            conditions for terminating
this scheme (No systematic        certain eligible companies,           of rents and charges as                                      March 12 and the date       certain tourist travel and
partial activity measure,         co-financed by local                  from 1st April until the                                     of the request.             holiday contracts in the
rejection of applications as a    authorities for a limited             end of the lockdown                                                                      event of exceptional and
preventive measure from           maturity, with a duration of          period, at least for                                    2)   With regard to ongoing      unavoidable circumstances
Labor Administration in Île-      7 years, including 2 years of         businesses forced to                                         conciliation proceedings    or force majeure).
de-France, control a              deferred principal                    close as part of the                                         - The duration of
                                                                                                                                                                 Electricity, gas and
posteriori).                      repayment, for an amount              lockdown.                                                    ongoing conciliations is
                                                                                                                                                                 water: In order to prevent
                                  ranging from EUR 10,000 to       2)   Negotiating the terms of                                     automatically extended
Duration: this scheme can                                                                                                                                        and limit the cessation of
                                  EUR 300,000.                          payment without any                                          until three months after
be implemented for a                                                                                                                                             activity of micro-enterprises,
                                                                        sanction against the                                         the date of cessation of
maximum of 12 months,             Subject to reasoned request,                                                                                                   the ordinance prohibits, the
                                                                        tenants;                                                     the state of health
renewable in certain              BPI will automatically                                                                                                         suspension, interruption and
                                                                   For the other enterprises not                                     emergency.
circumstances.                    postpone the payments of its                                                                                                   reduction of the supply of
                                  loan (principal and interest)    subject to a lock down,                                                                       electricity, gas and water to
                                                                   landlords are invited to                                     3)   It is possible to open a
Compensation: under this          and property leasing, for a                                                                                                    these companies, and
                                                                   negotiate on a case by case                                       new conciliation
scheme, the compensation          period of 6 months, without                                                                                                    provides, if they so request,
                                                                   basis.                                                            proceedings
process is the following:         any administrative fees.                                                                                                       for the payment of the
                                                                                                                                     immediately following
                                                                   No rent free period has                                                                       corresponding bills to be
                                  Measures by the French                                                                             the failure of a first
   Each employee                 government: The French           been introduced or decided                                                                    staggered over time, without
                                                                                                                                     conciliation procedure.
    impacted by the partial                                        - It is a matter of                                                                           penalty.
                                  government has announced
    activity mechanism            the creation of a global         negotiation between the                                                                       Penalties: In order to
                                                                                                                                4)   The judicial
    shall receive an hourly       envelope of EUR 300 billion      parties.                                                                                      prevent and limit the
    allowance paid by the         to guarantee new loans                                                                                                         cessation of activity of
    employer to compensate        granted by banks to                                                                                                            micro-enterprises, the
                                                                                                                                     judiciaire”) may
    the salary loss. This         businesses affected by the       Lockdown: The French                                                                          ordinance prohibits, the
                                                                                                                                     immediately send the
    hourly allowance should       consequences of the Covid-       Government ordered a                                                                          application of financial
                                                                                                                                     statement of salary
    represent at least 70%

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                          Hogan Lovells
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                                                                          France: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid               Debt Markets/Senior                    Real Estate                        Tax                        Insolvency                Commercial Contracts
                                   Lending Issues
                                                                 (e.g. Tenant/Landlord           (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                         relief)                  payments, filings, etc.)
    of the employee's gross    19 epidemic. This direct         shutdown of any                                                   claims to the AGS, in        penalties, damages, the
    hourly salary (except in   guarantee issued by the          establishment receiving                                           order to enable the          enforcement of resolutory or
    case the applicable        State is added to the            public (except for those                                          latter to take over the      penalty clauses or the
    National Collective        guarantee schemes                deemed essential) until                                           payment of salaries,         activation of guarantees or
    Bargaining Agreement       implemented by BPI               15 April 2020.                                                    without being required       sureties, due to the non-
    or a company-wide          described above.                                                                                   to submit this statement     payment of rent or rental
                                                                Essential establishments are
    agreement provides                                                                                                            to the employees'            charges relating to the
                               Except for civil property        notably food shops
    otherwise), it being                                                                                                          representative               professional and commercial
                               companies and credit             (including wine/alcohol
    specified that                                                                                                                beforehand or to             premises of these
                               institutions or finance          shops), gas stations,
    employees paid at the                                                                                                         request the prior            companies.
                               companies, companies from        car/moto shops (repair
    legal minimum wage                                                                                                            approval of the official
                               all economic sectors are         shops, equipment shops,
    should receive 100% of                                                                                                        receiver.
                               eligible to benefit from these   etc.), computer/phone shops
    their salary;
                               loans guaranteed by the          (including repair shops),
   The employer should        State.                           hardware shops, hotels,
                                                                                                                             5)   The duration of the
    receive from the French                                                                                                       safeguard and
                                                                banks, insurance, laundry
    State an allowance                                                                                                            reorganization plans
                               The State direct guarantee       services and funeral services.
    amounting to 70% of                                                                                                           (“plans de
                               only concerns loans granted
    the hourly                                                                                                                    redressement”) may be
                               by banks to companies
    compensation of the                                                                                                           extended until the
                               affected by the Covid-19
    employee, calculated on                                                                                                       expiry of a period of
                               crisis in order to meet their
    the basis of                                                                                                                  three months following
                               cash flow needs. These loans
    compensation taken                                                                                                            the date of cessation of
                               are one-year cash loans
    into consideration for                                                                                                        the state of health
                               (which can be further
    paid holidays within the                                                                                                      emergency; the Public
                               extended for another five
    following limitations:                                                                                                        Prosecutor's Office may
                               year). Their amount is
   minimum of €8.03 per                                                                                                          request that this
                               limited and the threshold of
    unworked hour, and                                                                                                            extension be for one
                               the guarantee depends on
   maximum 4.5 times the                                                                                                         year.
                               the number of employees
    legal minimum salary       and turnover of the
    (e.g. approx. € 6,900                                                                                                    6)   The president of the
                               company. These will be
    gross per month for a                                                                                                         insolvency court may
                               commercialised by the banks
    full-time job).                                                                                                               extend the time limits
                               as from 25 March 2020 until
                                                                                                                                  imposed on the court-
                               the end of the year. The cost
                               of these loans will only
Possibility to force                                                                                                              administrator
                               consist of (i) the cost of
employees to take paid                                                                                                            (“administrateur
                               financing specific to each
holidays/RTT days                                                                                                                 judiciaire”), the judicial
                               bank (interest rate), without

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                      Hogan Lovells
- 15 -

                                                                       France: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                Debt Markets/Senior                Real Estate                      Tax                       Insolvency               Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
                                                                (e.g. Tenant/Landlord       (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                        relief)              payments, filings, etc.)
(Order of 25 March              margin and (ii) the cost of                                                                  representative
2020) under the                 the State guarantee.                                                                         (“mandataire
following conditions:                                                                                                        judiciaire”), the
                                The State has delegated the                                                                  liquidator and the
For paid leave:
                                monitoring and                                                                               commissioner for the
   Entering into a             administrative management                                                                    execution of the plan, at
    company-wide                related to such guarantee to                                                                 their request, until the
    agreement or a              BPI. While the smallest                                                                      expiry of a period of
    national-wide collective    companies will have to turn                                                                  three months following
    agreement;                  to BPI, the larger companies                                                                 the date of cessation of
   Limited to 6 forced days    will have direct contact with                                                                the state of health
    of working holidays         the Ministry of Economy                                                                      emergency.
    which cannot be             and Finance.
    imposed/modified                                                                                                    7)   In judicial
    beyond 31 December                                                                                                       reorganization
    2020; and                                                                                                                (“redressement
   Complying with a                                                                                                         judiciaire”), the
    minimum notice period                                                                                                    requirement for a
    of one day.                                                                                                              hearing ruling to be
                                                                                                                             handed down within
                                                                                                                             two months of the
For RTT days accrued by the                                                                                                  opening judgement on
employee (including if they                                                                                                  the maintenance of the
are in a company saving                                                                                                      observation period is
time account –"CET"):                                                                                                        abolished.
    limited to 10 days which
     cannot be                                                                                                          8)   The periods relating to
     imposed/modified                                                                                                        the observation period,
     beyond 31 December                                                                                                      the plan, the
     2020;                                                                                                                   maintenance of activity
    Complying with a                                                                                                        and the duration of the
     minimum notice period                                                                                                   simplified judicial
     of one day.                                                                                                             liquidation are
                                                                                                                             automatically extended
Possibility to derogate to                                                                                                   until the expiry of a
legal working time                                                                                                           period of three months
(Order of 25 March                                                                                                           following the date of
2020): Companies which

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                            Hogan Lovells
- 16 -

                                                              France: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid               Debt Markets/Senior        Real Estate                      Tax                       Insolvency               Commercial Contracts
                                   Lending Issues
                                                       (e.g. Tenant/Landlord       (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                               relief)              payments, filings, etc.)
carry out an activity required                                                                                      cessation of the state of
for national security or the                                                                                        health emergency.
continuity of economic and
social life are entitled to                                                                                    9)   The periods within
derogate to public policy                                                                                           which dismissals must
rules on working hours,                                                                                             be implemented in
weekly rest and Sunday rest                                                                                         order to benefit from
until 31 December 2020:                                                                                             the AGS guarantee have
    Maximum daily                                                                                                  been extended until 3
     working time increased                                                                                         months following the
     to 12 hours (instead of                                                                                        date on which the state
     10);                                                                                                           of health emergency
    Maximum night                                                                                                  comes to an end.
     working time increased
     to 12 hours (instead of                                                                                   10) A debtor may seek
     8), subject to a                                                                                              approval not to appear
     compensatory rest                                                                                             at a hearing. The court
     equivalent to the hours                                                                                       may require the plaintiff
     worked over the normal                                                                                        to attend by other
     night working time;                                                                                           means if required
    Daily rest decreased to 9                                                                                     though.
     hours (instead of 11),
     subject to compensatory                                                                                   11) Communications
     rest equal to the                                                                                             between the clerk of the
     duration of the rest                                                                                          court, the court
     from which the                                                                                                administrator and the
     employee has been                                                                                             judicial representative
     deprived;                                                                                                     as well as between the
    Weekly working time                                                                                           organs of the
     has been increased to                                                                                         proceedings make take
     60 hours (instead of                                                                                          place by any means
     48);                                                                                                          besides attending in
    Weekly working time                                                                                           person.
     over a 12-week period
     has been increased to                                                                                     12) Agricultural
     48 hours (instead of                                                                                          amicable settlement
     44);                                                                                                          procedure:

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                   Hogan Lovells
- 17 -

                                                               France: Government Programmes

     Employment Aid               Debt Markets/Senior        Real Estate                      Tax                      Insolvency              Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
                                                        (e.g. Tenant/Landlord       (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                relief)              payments, filings, etc.)
    Weekly working time                                                                                           A judge may not refuse
     for night worker over a                                                                                        to appoint a conciliator
     12-week period                                                                                                 on the grounds that the
     increased to 44 hours                                                                                          debtor's situation
     (instead of 40);                                                                                               worsened after 12
    Possibility to grant the                                                                                       March 2020;
     weekly rest to the                                                                                            It must be possible to
     employees by rollover                                                                                          establish an agreement
     on Sunday (instead of                                                                                          even if it does not put
     compulsory Sunday                                                                                              an end to the cessation
     rest). This possibility is                                                                                     of payments, if the
     also opened to the                                                                                             cessation of payments is
     services providers used                                                                                        due to an aggravation of
     by the Companies                                                                                               the debtor's situation
Companies using these                                                                                               after 12 March 2020
derogations are required to
immediately inform their
Social and Economic
Committee and the Labour
Authority (DIRECCTE).
A Decree shall define the list
of the companies entitled to
those derogations.

Implementation of
specific sick leave: A
specific sick leave has been
implemented for parents of
children who are: (i) 16 years
old or younger; and (ii)
impacted by the schools
closure; if remote work is
not possible for them, these
employees may take a sick
leave and receive
compensation as if they were

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                  Hogan Lovells
- 18 -

                                                              France: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid               Debt Markets/Senior        Real Estate                      Tax               Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                                   Lending Issues
                                                       (e.g. Tenant/Landlord       (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                               relief)              payments, filings, etc.)
sick, with no notice period.

Postponement of the
deadline for payment of
the employee savings
scheme (Order of 25
March 2020): The
deadline for the payment of
the profit-sharing and
optional profit-sharing
schemes (which is normally
on 1st June 2020) is
postponed to 31 December

Payment deferral of
social security
contributions: Companies
have the possibility to defer
all or part of the payment for
up to 3-months without
applying penalties.

Extension of the validity
of periodic medical
examinations to 30

Residence permit: Those
expiring between March 16
and May 15, 2020 shall have
their residency permit
extended for up to 90 days.

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                               Hogan Lovells
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As at Friday, 27 March 2020
                                                                             Italy: Government Programmes

     Employment Aid                 Debt Markets/Senior                  Real Estate                            Tax                        Insolvency               Commercial Contracts
                                      Lending Issues
                                                                  (e.g. Tenant/Landlord             (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                          relief)                    payments, filings, etc.)
                                  Moratorium for early
The following special funds                                      Lockdown: Commercial              Time to pay debts:              At this stage, the Italian      No specific measures have
                                  Red Zone: By order of the
are applicable in case of total                                  activities to the public went                                     Government has not still        been introduced for specific
                                  Presidency of the Council of                                     Enterprises and
or partial suspension of the                                     into lock down starting from                                      adopted specific legislative    contracts to address the
                                  Ministries (the "Order"),                                        professionals (i) involved in
work activity due to COVID-                                      11 March 2020 until 3 April                                       decrees to regulate the         economic and social
                                  borrowers may request a                                          the sectors most affected by
19 emergency, for maximum                                        2020 (unless such term is                                         impact of the COVID-19          consequences of the COVID-
                                  moratorium (up to twelve                                         Covid-19 pandemic (e.g.
9 weeks, to refund – in part                                     further postponed with                                            emergency on the insolvency     19 outbreak.
                                  months and at no additional                                      accommodation facilities,
(up to 80%) – the salary of                                      further decrees) – with the                                       proceedings.
                                  cost or charge) on principal                                     travel agencies, restaurants,                                   Notwithstanding the above,
not working employees in                                         only exclusion of essential
                                  and interest payments on                                         bars and pubs, etc.) or (ii)    That being said, COVID-19       in order to evaluate the
force since 23rd February                                        and first necessity activities.
                                  loans for property and                                           whose revenues did not          shall have a strong impact      impacts of the Covid-19
                                  businesses located in the      Some regions have issued          exceed EUR 2 million in         on pending insolvency           related events on the
1) Redundancy fund                Municipalities of Bertonico,   special and more restrictive      FY2019 can benefit from a       proceedings, most notably:      agreements with Italian
("CIGO") or ordinary              Casalpusterlengo,              measures in relation to           postponement to 31 May                                          suppliers, it is first of all
                                                                                                                                   1)   in a liquidation
cheque: a special CIGO            Castelgerundo, Castiglione     certain activities.               2020 of certain payments                                        necessary to verify
                                                                                                                                        scenario, the related
(mainly available to              D'Adda, Codogno, Fombio,                                         due on March and April                                          whether/what is stated in
                                                                 At the moment, there are no                                            (judicial and voluntary)
industrial - or similar -         Maleo,      San    Fiorano,                                      2020                                                            the contract at stake in
                                                                 provisions allowing                                                    procedure for the
companies with more than          Somaglia and Terranova dei                                                                                                       relation to what is meant by
                                                                 suspension or postponement                                             company assets sale is
50 employees) has been            Passerini in Lombardy, and                                       The activity of collection of                                   “force majeure” and/or if a
                                                                 of the payment of the rent.                                            suspended; and
made available to be used         Vo' in Veneto (the "Red                                          tax and non-tax related                                         definition of "rebus sic
                                                                 Free rent periods or                                              2)   in a going concern
only in the period 23rd           Zone"). If the banks do not                                      payments due towards                                            stantibus" or a similar
                                                                 postponements of the                                                   scenario, the business
February - 31st August            publish             another                                      Public Authorities has been                                     concept is therein provided
                                                                 relevant payments may                                                  continuity of company
2020;                             rescheduling plan within 30                                      suspended                                                       and/or if the relevant
                                                                 nevertheless be negotiated                                             may be jeopardized by
                                  days of publication of the                                                                                                       consequences are therein
2) Additional                                                    by the parties.                   Suspension of tax                    the lock down of any
                                  Order, there will be a                                                                                                           regulated.
Redundancy fund, so-                                                                               fulfilments: With respect            commercial/industrial
                                  payment suspension on their    Force Majeure: The
called “in deroga”                                                                                 to all taxpayers, any tax            activities provided by     Productive activities:
                                  loans until 14 November        Covid-19 pandemic may be
rovided by the Regions                                                                             fulfilment due in the period         the decrees.               From 22 March 2020 until
                                  2020                           qualified as a “force
or Autonomous                                                                                      from 8 March 2020 to 31                                         15 April 2020 (unless such
                                                                 majeure” event, and one
Provinces ("CIGD"): This                                                                           May 2020 – other than (i)                                       term is further postponed
                                  SME    Protection     Fund     should look whether a “force
is available for employers                                                                         the payment obligation, (ii)                                    with further decrees), all

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                           Hogan Lovells
- 20 -

                                                                            Italy: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                Debt Markets/Senior                    Real Estate                         Tax                 Insolvency    Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
                                                                  (e.g. Tenant/Landlord          (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                          relief)                 payments, filings, etc.)
which cannot benefit from       and             First-Home       majeure” clause is included     the levy of withholding taxes                productive activities are shut
other subsidy plans.            Protection Fund: Small           in the relevant lease           and regional and municipal                   down, with the express
                                and medium enterprises           agreement. If no clear          surtaxes – has been                          exclusion of those
To enjoy of the above
                                (SMEs) based in the Red          regulation on “force            postponed to 30 June 2020,                   specifically listed in the
subsidies, employers need to
                                Zone, may apply (for twelve      majeure” is provided in the     without any sanction being                   relevant law decree.
follow simplified and shorter
                                months from the publication      lease, evaluations have to be   due
Unions consultations (which                                                                                                                   Some Regions issued special
                                of the Decree) to their bank     made on a case-by-case
last three days and can be                                                                       Tax credit for costs                         and more restrictive
                                lenders for support through      basis, taking also into
carried out electronically)                                                                      borne to sanitize the                        measures in relation to
                                the SME Protection Fund          account whether the
and administrative                                                                               workplace: for the year                      certain activities. For
                                (Fondo di garanzia per le        relevant activity was subject
procedures.                                                                                      2020 a tax credit equal to                   additional information in
                                PMI) in the form of a            to a complete or a partial
                                                                                                 50% of the cost of                           this regard, please refer to
However, State/regional         guarantee or reinsurance for     lockdown. Tenants may have
                                                                                                 sanitization is granted,                     the “Real Estate” section.
funds currently allocated for   their loans, respectively, up    some grounds to ask for a
                                                                                                 within a cap of Euro
these subsidies are limited.    to 80% of the amount of the      reduction or, in particular
                                                                                                 20,000.00 for each                           Force majeure: If no
                                loan     and     90%       for   circumstances, a suspension
                                                                                                 employer.                                    (clear) provisions are
                                reinsurance. The Decree also     of the payment of the rent
Special authorised                                                                               Conversion of DTA into                       included in the contract,
                                established a moratorium up      or, also depending on the
absences of the                                                                                                                               reference has to be made to
                                to eighteen months for first-    duration of the “force          tax credit: any DTA, even if
employees (not working                                                                                                                        the general principle of
                                home residential loans to        majeure” event.                 not reported in the financial
from home and not                                                                                                                             Italian law on the force
                                borrower who have their                                          statements, relating to
benefiting of any social                                         Tenant Right to                                                              majeure. In this respect,
                                employment suspended or                                          carried forward tax losses
program) under the                                               Withdraw: Tenants have a                                                     Italian law does not provide
                                reduced for 30 days or more                                      (art. 84 Italian Corporate
COVID-19 emergency:                                              right to withdraw from the                                                   for a definition of what is
                                                                                                 Tax Code) and carried
                                                                 agreement at any time in                                                     meant by “force majeure”.
Special parental leaves         Cura Italia Decree. This                                         forward notional interest
                                                                 the presence of serious                                                      The concept is indirectly
has been granted to             has added:                                                       deduction benefit ("ACE",
                                                                 grounds by sending a                                                         defined in different
employees with children:          i. The possibility for all                                     art. 1 of Law Decree 201 of
                                                                 registered letter with at                                                    provisions of the Italian Civil
                                       micro-enterprises or                                      2011), may be converted into
   up to 12 years old (the                                      least six months' notice                                                     Code ("ICC") and is guided
                                       SMEs       (MSMEs)                                        tax credit by companies
    age limit does not apply                                     unless this was expressly                                                    by Italian case law.
                                       based in Italy and                                        suffering bad debts (overdue
    in the case of children                                      excluded by the parties in
                                       impacted           by                                     for more than 90 days)
    with disabilities) can                                       the agreement (derogation
                                       COVID19 to postpone                                       subject to their assignment
    benefit from 15 -                                            is possible only for
                                       their interest and                                        to third parties. The
    continuous or split –                                        agreements having an
                                       principal payments                                        conversion is allowed for an
    days of leave at 50% of                                      annual rent higher than
                                       until 30 September                                        amount equal to 20% of the
    their salary. This leave                                     Euro 250,000). Courts have
                                       2020. For the same                                        nominal value of the
    is also extended to                                          always been quite reluctant
                                       term, lenders are                                         assigned bad debts (within a
    members of the INPS                                          to recognize withdrawal for
                                       prevented       from                                      cap of Euro 2 billion)
                                                                 serious grounds though

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- 21 -

                                                                            Italy: Government Programmes

     Employment Aid              Debt Markets/Senior                    Real Estate                           Tax               Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                                   Lending Issues
                                                                  (e.g. Tenant/Landlord             (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                          relief)                    payments, filings, etc.)
     Gestione Separata (i.e. a        cancelling        credit   and, so a right to terminate
     Separate Account held            facilities committed       under the above provision
                                                                                                   Financial measures for
     by INPS). Alternatively,         to MSMEs. Affected         needs to be evaluated on a
     the employee can                 lenders may however        case by case.
                                                                                                   enterprises to safeguard
     request a "babysitter            apply for a guarantee
                                                                                                   the level of employment
     bonus" for a maximum             covered by the SME
                                                                                                   prior to Covid-19.
     of 600 euros;                    Protection Fund, for
    From 12 to 16 years old,         up to 33% of the
     who can benefit of               further credit drawn
     unpaid leave for the             during the freeze, or
     entire duration of the           33% or the interest or
     school closures                  principal payments
     (currently until 3rd             extended              or
     April but probably               postponed;
     extended).                  ii. further strengthening
                                      and flexibility to the
                                      SME          Protection
Additional paid permits               Fund, especially in
(at charge of the                     the real estate and
National Social Security              hotel tourism sectors;
Institute/INPS) for              iii. creation of an Agri
employees who take care               and Fishing Fund to
of a disabled family                  support businesses in
members – In March and                the agriculture and
April 2020 such employees             fishing sectors to
can enjoy an additional 15            bear the cost of
days of paid leave (in                interest on loans and
addition to the 3 monthly             credit facilities in the
ordinary days of leave).              last two years; and
                                 iv. possibility for the
Other absences of
                                      State through Cassa
employees: The absence of
                                      Depositi e Prestiti
an employee who is under
                                      S.p.A. to guarantee
quarantine or precautionary
                                      the      banks'     risk
home-stay if they:
                                      exposures             to
1)   tested positive for              businesses affected
     COVID-19 test; or                by COVID19 which

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                Hogan Lovells
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                                                                          Italy: Government Programmes

     Employment Aid               Debt Markets/Senior                  Real Estate                      Tax               Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
                                                                  (e.g. Tenant/Landlord       (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                          relief)              payments, filings, etc.)
2)   had close contact with            are not eligible for
     someone who resulted              coverage through the
     positive to the test; or          SME        Protection
3)   lives/comes from areas            Fund.
     at epidemiological risk,
                                Extended              Credit
shall be treated as paid
                                Support:       The      Italian
sickness (at charge of the
                                Banks' Association (ABI)
State) for the purposes of
                                has agreed with the main
economic treatment, and
                                business Associations to
shall not be counted within
                                extend the credit support
the so-called "comporto"
                                under the existing 'Accordo
(i.e. the period during which
                                per     il   Credito     2019'
the employee is entitled to
                                programme       to    MSMEs
maintain his/her job even
                                affected by COVID-19 for
though on sickness leave).
                                loan agreements entered
Bonuses payable to              into until 31 January 2020.
employees: Employees            This program allows the
(whose total income does        eligible borrower to require
not exceed Euro 40,000.00)      a moratorium of up to
shall receive a not taxable     twelve months (for medium
bonus of Euro 100 pro-rated     and long term financings),
with respect to the days they   or     an     extension      in
carried out their activity at   repayment plan for up to
the workplace in the month      100% of the remaining term
of March 2020. The cost is      (for short term loans).
on the State, but is
                                Issuance of Medium-
anticipated by the employer.
                                Long Term Bonds: The
Restrictions to                 Italian Ministry of Economy
dismissals: Employers are       and Finance has announced
prevented from carrying out     issuance of medium-long
individual and collective       term bonds, which take into
dismissals in the period        account the current market
from 17th March to 16th         situation
May 2020. Any collective        (
dismissal procedure started     cio-
after 23rd February 2020 is     stampa/comunicati/2020/d

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                                                                   Italy: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                Debt Markets/Senior           Real Estate                      Tax               Insolvency   Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
                                                           (e.g. Tenant/Landlord       (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                   relief)              payments, filings, etc.)
suspended until the 16th of      ocumenti/comunicato_005
May.                             9en.pdf).
Only disciplinary dismissals
can be carried out in the
above period.
Tax credit to sanitise the
workplace: For the year
2020 a tax credit equivalent
to 50% of the cost to sanitize
the workplace tofCOVID-19
contagion is granted, up to
Euro 20,000.00 for each
employer. The tax credit is
available until the
exhaustion of the allocated
limited funds.

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As at Friday, 27 March 2020
                                                                           Poland: Government Programmes

    Employment Aid                Debt Markets/Senior                   Real Estate                         Tax                         Insolvency               Commercial Contracts
                                    Lending Issues
                                                                  (e.g. Tenant/Landlord         (e.g. VAT, suspension of
                                                                          relief)                payments, filings, etc.)

                                                                 Overview up to date as of 27 March 2020, at 12:30 (GMT+1)

The Polish government has submitted a draft amendment to the Law on Special Measures for COVID-19 and Crisis Prevention. The draft amendment is being discussed and voted on
March 27 by the Polish Parliament and is expected to become in full force and effect directly upon its publication. The draft amendment provides for the following changes.

Remote working:                 State guaranteed loans:          Automatic              rent    Possibility of retroactive        For now, the government      Extension of deadlines
Employers are now entitled       Lenders (other than            suspension for tenants         settlement of tax losses           programmes / measures        in contracts executed
to instruct employees to           small and mid-size            in shopping centres:           in PIT and CIT: The loss           do not provide for the       pursuant to public
work remotely to prevent           entrepreneurs) can ask        Where a tenant is located in   incurred in 2020, taxpayers,       temporary suspension of      procurement: Deadlines
COVID-19.                          for a government-backed       a shopping centre (with an     under certain conditions,          the obligation to file for   in contracts concluded
                                   guarantee for up to 80%       area in excess of 2,000        will be able to deduct from        insolvency of                pursuant to public
Additional childcare               of the outstanding facility   sq.m.) and access has been     the income obtained in             entrepreneurs whose          procurement law have been
leave: Additional childcare        balance with aim of           banned by the Polish           2019.                              liquidity problems are       extended during periods of
allowance (if an employee          liquidity purposes;           government, the obligations                                       caused by the epidemic       epidemic risk and
                                                                                                Excluding the
must take care of his/her        The maximum permitted          of the parties under lease                                        and who take real steps      contractual penalties for
                                                                                                application of
child due to the closure           level of non-interest         agreements expire.                                                to restore liquidity after   delay will not apply in this
                                                                                                regulations in income
school) paid by a state for a      consumer credit has been                                                                        the epidemic.                respect.
                                                                                                taxes regarding the so-
maximum period of 14 days.         substantially reduced for     Lease term extension                                             Certain procedural and
                                                                                                called bad debts: the
                                   customer loans.               until June 30, 2020:                                              court deadlines that have    Possibility of
                                                                                                provisions on bad debts in
Co-financing of salaries         Banks may change credit        Lease agreements that                                             not yet been started will    determination by the
                                                                                                PIT and CIT, under certain
of employees on                    facility conditions,          would expire by June 30,                                          be interrupted and those     authorities of maximum
                                                                                                conditions, will not be
economic stoppage /                including payment terms,      2020 can be automatically                                         already running will be      prices/profit margin for
                                                                                                applied to advances of
with reduced working               for small and mid-size        extended once the tenant                                          suspended for the            specific types of goods
                                                                                                debtors, who should take
time due to Covid-19               entrepreneur on terms         submits written statement to                                      duration of the epidemic.    and services: The Minister
                                                                                                into account unpaid
(not yet in force):                agreed with the lenders.      the landlord. The tenant can                                      This will affect, among      of Health acting in
                                                                                                liabilities when calculating
Employers who incurred the       Banks will be able to          exercise this right provided                                      others, deadlines in the     cooperation with the
                                                                                                advances on income tax.
Economic Downturn (their           amend loan agreements         that such tenant did not                                          enforcement proceedings      Minister of Economy and
turnover was lower than (i)        if the loan was granted       breach the lease agreement     Postponement of the                and deadlines on which       the Minister of Agriculture

LIB01/CLAYRUSS/6654673.8                                                                                                                                                        Hogan Lovells
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