Page created by Katherine Mcbride
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a joint project with

Doing business in India

Executive summary                         4   This document is issued by
                                              Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Foreword                                  6   Corporation Limited, India
                                              Incorporated in Hong Kong SAR
Introduction – Doing business in India    8   with Limited Liability in partnership
                                              with PricewaterhouseCoopers
Conducting business in India             18   (PwC). It is not intended as an
                                              offer or solicitation for business to
                                              anyone in any jurisdiction. It is not
Taxation in India                        20
                                              intended for distribution to anyone
                                              located in or resident in jurisdictions
Audit and accountancy                    28
                                              which restrict the distribution
                                              of this document. It shall not be
Human Resources and Employment Law       29   copied, reproduced, transmitted or
                                              further distributed by any recipient.
Trade                                    30
                                              The information contained in
Banking in India                         31   this document is of a general
                                              nature only. It is not meant to
HSBC in India                            32   be comprehensive and does not
                                              constitute financial, legal, tax or
Country overview                         36   other professional advice. You
                                              should not act upon the information
Contacts                                 38   contained in this publication
                                              without obtaining specific
                                              professional advice. This document
                                              is produced by the Bank together
                                              with PricewaterhouseCoopers
                                              (‘PwC’). Whilst every care has been
                                              taken in preparing this document,
                                              neither the Bank nor PwC makes
                                              any guarantee, representation or
                                              warranty (express or implied) as to
                                              its accuracy or completeness, and
                                              under no circumstances will the
                                              Bank or PwC be liable for any loss
                                              caused by reliance on any opinion or
                                              statement made in this document.
                                              Except as specifically indicated,
                                              the expressions of opinion are
                                              those of the Bank and/or PwC
                                              only and are subject to change
                                              without notice. This document
                                              is not a ‘Financial Promotion’.

                                              The materials contained in this
                                              publication were assembled
                                              in July 2012 and were based
                                              on the law enforceable and
                                              information available at that time.
Executive summary
    Liberalisation of the Indian       Extensive trade links              Skilled workforce
    regulatory framework has
    enhanced its attractiveness        Investors can leverage on          India offers a highly-rated human
    as a destination for foreign       India’s trade network with         capital base recognised for its
    investors. This guide sets         its regional and bilateral         skills, knowledge and talent.
    out some of the key issues         free trade agreements
    that foreign investors should      with many trading partners.        Well-developed
    consider when establishing                                            financial system
    their operations in India.         Increasing infrastructure
                                       and good living standards          Its financial system is well
    Key aspects of doing                                                  regulated and offers a broad
    business in India:                 A significant investment in        range of services. Businesses
                                       infrastructure is taking place     can also tap into its developed
    Growth                             in India, particularly in the      capital markets as an alternative
                                       metropolitan areas. Coupled        source of financing.
    India is the world’s largest       with this, India offers good
    democracy and the second-          living standards with a robust     Robust legal system
    fastest growing major economy.     transport system, superior
                                       healthcare facilities and first-   The legal and judicial system
    Pro-business and                   class entertainment centres.       here is robust and efficient,
    stable government                                                     thus, businesses can count
                                       Competitive tax system             on India’s rigorous enforcement
    India offers political stability                                      of laws.
    that is vital to foreign           India offers a very competitive
    investments. Government            tax regime and comprehensive       Great work ethics
    agencies, which have               network of Tax Treaties. Indian
    a pro-business attitude,           taxes would be further modified    India has great work ethics
    work closely with the              by the introduction of Direct      and a very professional way
    business sector to promote         Taxes Code (which was expected     of operating. Employees are
    economic growth.                   to be introduced in April 2012     hard working and willing to
                                       but has been delayed) and          work on holidays/weekends
                                       the Goods and Service Tax.         if necessary.

    In today’s world, business must          year’s expertise, offers the        Stuart Milne
    compete on a much wider                  full range of banking and           CEO
    playing field, no longer confined        financial services to customers     HSBC India
    within national borders.                 across 29 major Indian cities
    Post liberalisation in 1991, India       and backed by our global
    has undergone a paradigm                 presence in 84 countries and
    shift owing to its competitive           territories with around 6,900
    stand in the world. The Indian           offices worldwide***. We
    economy has been on a growth             are well positioned to assist
    trajectory over the last decade          entrepreneurs, multinationals
    with rapid strides across new            and conglomerates eager
    age industries like Information          to tap into this exciting
    Technology, IT enabled                   and booming market.
    services, and Pharma to name
    a few. Today, India is the third         Created in collaboration with
    largest economy in the world             PricewaterhouseCoopers, this
    by GDP PPP (purchasing power             guidebook, Doing business
    parity)*, seventh largest country        in India, provides a thorough
    in the world by area and second          analysis of various options in
    largest by population** and              establishing a business in India.
    there is ample reason for India’s        It also provides an insight into
    viability as a destination for           key opportunities available
    foreign investment. In addition          in India, as well as taxation
    to the above-mentioned                   systems and laws applicable
    macroeconomic indicators,                to businesses operating here.
    higher disposable incomes,
    emerging middle class, low               As your trusted partner, HSBC
    cost but competitive and                 is always looking for ways
    skilled workforce, all contribute        to facilitate your business
    towards India being an                   growth. With this guide, I
    appropriate choice for investors.        hope you find the impetus
    In India, the antecedents                for building a successful
    of the HSBC Group can be                 venture in India and I wish
    traced back to setting up                you a very prosperous future
    of the Mercantile Bank in                in this land of opportunities.
    1853. HSBC, with over 150

    * Economic Times report quoting IMF
      data (http://articles.economictimes.
    Doing business in India

    Economic Growth                    The Index of Industrial          middle-class population in the   • India is ranked as the second
                                       Production (IIP) registered      country will reach 1 billion.      most favoured destination for FDI
    The growth of the Indian           a robust growth of 6.8 per       Since 2001, the Indian middle-     over 2010-12 (World Investment
    economy is based upon              cent in January 2012. Output     class has seen increases in        Prospects Survey 2010-2012,
    rapid urbanisation, poverty        of the manufacturing sector      its disposable income, and         UNCTAD).
    alleviation and building           (which constitutes over 75       consequently, consumption
    much-needed infrastructure.        per cent of the index) grew by   and savings have also risen.     • India is the world’s top location for
    This creates significant           8.5 per cent while the mining    With the current rate of           non-financial services investment
    opportunities for foreign          sector and electricity sector    growth, analysts predict that      and among the top three most
    investment. In addition to this,   increased by 2.7 per cent and    by 2025, India will become         attractive international investment
    India is now Asia’s biggest        3.2 per cent respectively.       the fifth largest consumer         destinations (AT Kearney 2010 FDI
    buying economy, and has the        Industrial production expanded   goods market in the world          Confidence Index).
    world’s largest growing middle     by 4 per cent between            and the Indian middle-class is
    class. The 2011 PwC report,        April 2011-January 2012.         set to assume the traditional    • India ranked among the top three
    Profitable growth strategies                                        role of the American and           countries where British companies
    for the Global Emerging            In light of the economic         European middle-classes.           can do better business during
    Middle (GEM) estimated             uncertainties in Europe,         This view has also been            2012-14 (Report by Leeds University
    that by 2021, India will have      although the Indian economy      acknowledged by the Global         Business School – commissioned by
    about 600 million people           has slowed down recently,        industry in particular.            UK Trade & Investment (UKTI).
    constituting its emerging          opportunities still exist for
    middle class segment.              significant growth. The          With an enhanced consumer        • Offers great promise as a
                                       biggest problem in India has     segment in terms of increased      vital and high-potential market,
    According to the Economic          been inflation which was         consumption in consumer            securing the top ranking in
    Survey 2011-12, the Indian         averaging at 9.4% in 2011.       durables furthering growth,        both the AT Kearney’s 2009 Global
    economy is estimated to grow       With monetary tightening and     and a positive outlook on          Retail Development Index and the
    at 6.9 per cent in 2011-12 and     slowing growth, inflation is     employment and rising              2009 Global Services Location Index.
    7.6 per cent in 2012-2013.         expected to plateau to 8%        incomes, this has facilitated
    The growth forecast has            this year and 7.3% in 2013.      growth in consumption.
    broadly been based on the                                           India’s performance has
    rebound in the agriculture         The Asian Development            been widely acknowledged
    sector which is expected to        Bank has estimated that over     by global agencies:
    grow around 2.5 per cent.          the next two decades, the

Demographic advantage                        decades, India’s position is        1. Gross
                                                                                            Domestic (GDP)                  Diagram 1, illustrates the                   Leading multinationals today        2. Major   Trading Partners
                                                  strengthening: this is a product     and Major Sectors                    GDP contribution made by                     are setting up their R&D centres
     India is today one of the three              of its high birth rate, which                                             each sector in 2011-12.                      in India, thereby acknowledging      India’s top-ten trading partners
     largest Asian economies in terms             will last until around 2050.         India is the fourth largest                                                       India’s true potential.              (for exports and imports) in
     of purchasing power parity. The              A young, eager and well-             economy in the world in PPP          The agriculture and allied                                                        2010-2011, and their respective
     median age of India’s population             educated workforce is the            terms with a per capita GDP          sectors contribute towards                   While the prospects of sectors       share in India’s total trade are
     is 25, which in comparison to                key to India’s future prosperity.    level of US$3,039.                   13.9% of India’s GDP with                    such as IT, Telecommunications,      shown in Diagram 2.
     other Asian countries, puts                                                                                            industry and the services                    Healthcare and Biotechnology
     India in a very favourable                   In the modern knowledge              The economy is constantly            sector accounting for a                      have been well recognised, the       India’s Top
     demographic position.                        economy, this favourable             evolving and growth                  share of around 27% and                      Indian Media and Entertainment       Export Destinations
                                                  demographic phase provides           opportunities are present across     59% respectively.                            Industry, Financial Services,        UAE, US and Singapore were
     The United Nations predicts                  India with a significant             multiple sectors. As the supply                                                   Real Estate, Renewable               India’s leading trading partners
     that India’s working age                     competitive advantage and has        of products and services is          The trade, hotel, transport                  Energy, Travel and Tourism,          in 2011-12 (April to September),
     population (15-64 years) will                important implications for the       insufficient for the 1.2 billion     and communications sector                    Retail, Education, and Auto          accounting for 11.9%, 11.3%
     increase by 135 million in one               country’s economic growth            people, this creates a significant   account for the dominant                     Components among others, are         and 6.2% respectively, of
     decade, that is, by 2020. So                 trajectory and social stability.     and sustained investment             share GDP followed by                        also attracting global attention.    India’s overall trade.
     while most countries such as                                                      potential across all sectors         Agriculture & allied sectors.
     those in Europe, China and the               Highlighted here are some            ranging from infrastructure and
     US will witness a decrease                   of the key attributes of             energy to consumer goods and         Diagram 2.
     in workforce in the coming                   the Indian Economy.                  financial services.                  Percentage Share of Exports of Top 10 Countries in 2011-2012

     Diagram 1.
                                                                                                                            China 5.2%                                                                                         Hong Kong 4.5%
     Sector-wise composition of India’s GDP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Netherlands 3.1%
                                                                                                                            Singapore 6.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     UK 2.8%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Germany 2.7%
     Finance, Insurance, Real                                                                    Agriculture & Allied 14%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Belgium 2.5%
     Estate & Business 17.9%
                                                                                                                            USA 11.3%                                                                                         Saudi Arabia 2.0%
                                                                                                 Mining & Quarrying 2.1%
     Electricity, Gas &
     Water Supply 1.9%

                                                                                                    Manufacturing 15.3%     UAE 11.9%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Others 47.8%
     Trade, Hotel, Transport &                                                                         Construction 7.8%
     Communications 28.1%
                                                                                        Social & Personal Services 13%
     Source:                                                                     Source: Economic Survey 2011-12 (April - Sept 2011)

India’sT op                                 chemicals and related products                                   India’s Top Import Sources
     Manufacturing Exports                       with respective shares in
                                                 overall exports in 2011-12                                       China, UAE and Switzerland
     The top four items in India’s               (April to September) of 21.9%,                                   were India’s leading import
     manufactured exports are                    19.1%, 15.1% and 12%.                                            partners in 2011-12 (April to
     engineering goods, petroleum                                                                                 September) contributing with
     products, gems and jewellery,                                                                                shares of 11.8%, 7.5% and
                                                                                                                  6.6% respectively.

     Diagram 3.
                                                                                                                  Diagram 4.
     India’s Top Commodity Exports in 2011-2012
                                                                                                                  Percentage Share of Imports of Top 10 Countries in 2011-2012
     30                                                                                                      30

     25                                                                                                      25

     20                                                                                                      20   Australia 3.0%
                                                                                                                  Indonesia 3.1%
     15                                                                                                      15
                                                                                                                                                                                 Others 46.7%
                                                                                                                  Germany 3.3%
     10                                                                                                      10
                                                                                                                  Nigeria 3.4%
      5                                                                                                      5
                                                                                                                  Iraq 3.9%
      0                                                                                                      0
              A             B               C        D               E           F            G      H   I
                                                                                                                  USA 4.7%
                                                         % 2010-11       % 2011-12

                                                                                                                  Saudi Arabia 6.0%
     A.   Engineering Goods
     B.   Petroleum Products
                                                                                                                  Switzerland 6.6%                                                China 11.8%
     C.   Gems and Jewellery
     D.   Chemicals and Related Products                                                                          UAE 7.5%
     E.   Agriculture and Allied Products
     F.   Textiles and Textile Products                                                                           Source: Economic Survey 2011-12 (April - Sept 2011)
     G.   Others
     H.   Ores and Minerals
     I.   Leather and Manufactures

     Source: Compiled from Ministry of Commerce and Industry and DGCI&S data (April - Dec 2011-12)

India’s Top Commodity                                                                                        3. Foreign   Investments             Country-wise, investment              repatriation of profits on capital
     Imports                                                                                                                                           routed through Mauritius              investment is permitted, subject
                                                                                                                   The FDI regime has been             remains the largest                   to payment of taxes and other
     Petroluem and petroleum                                                                                       progressively liberalised during    component of FDI infl ows             specified conditions.
     products, capital goods and                                                                                   the course of the 1990s             into India in 2011-12 followed
     Gold and Silver were India’s                                                                                  (particularly after 2000).          by Singapore and the UK.             • Indian capital markets are open
     top commodity imports in                                                                                      A number of restrictions on                                                to FIIs.
     2011-12 (April to September)                                                                                  foreign investment have been        Features of the government’s
     accounting for 30.6%, 19.9%                                                                                   removed and procedures              foreign investment policies          • Indian companies are permitted
     and 12.6% respectively, of                                                                                    have been simplified.               and incentives offered by it:          to raise funds from international
     India’s overall imports.                                                                                                                                                                 capital markets.
                                                                                                                   With limited exceptions,           • No government approval is
     Diagram 5.                                                                                                    foreigners can invest directly       required for FDI in majority        • Special investment and tax
     India’s Top Commodity Imports in 2011-2012                                                                    in India, either on their own or     of the sectors/activities,            incentives are given for exports
                                                                                                                   as a joint venture in industries     except for a small negative list      and sectors, including power,
     35                                                                                                      35    where foreign investment             formulated by the government.         electronics, software and
                                                                                                                   is restricted. Moreover,                                                   food processing.
     30                                                                                                      30
                                                                                                                   investment ceilings, which         • The government has formulated
     25                                                                                                      25
                                                                                                                   are applicable in certain            ‘Sector-Specific Guidelines for     • ‘Single window’ clearance
                                                                                                                   cases, are gradually being           FDI,’ wherein investments up          facilities and ‘investor
     20                                                                                                      20    removed/phased out. India            to specified sectorial caps are       escort services’ are available
                                                                                                                   has witnessed a steady               covered under the automatic           in various states to simplify
     15                                                                                                      15    increase of foreign infl ows         route, with a few exceptions.         the approval process for
     10                                                                                                      10
                                                                                                                   over the years. FDI net infl ows                                           new ventures.
                                                                                                                   have grown at a rate of over       • Foreign Investment Promotion
      5                                                                                                      5     30% compounded annually              Board considers proposals for       4. Physical
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and Economic
                                                                                                                   over the last decade. FDI            foreign participation that do not    Infrastructure
      0                                                                                                      0     infl ows were US$36.5 billion        qualify for automatic approval.
              A             B               C        D               E           F            G      H   I
                                                                                                                   during April 2011-March                                                   India’s process of economic
                                                         % 2010-11       % 2011-12                                 2012 (US$16.0 billion in           • Decisions on all foreign             reform is firmly rooted in a
                                                                                                                   the corresponding period             investment proposals are             political consensus that spans
     A.   Engineering Goods                                                                                        of the preceding year).              usually taken within 30 days         its diverse political parties. Its
     B.   Petroleum Products                                                                                       Portfolio infl ows fell sharply      of submitting an application.        political institutions have fostered
     C.   Gems and Jewellery                                                                                       from US$31.3 billion a year                                               an open society with strong
     D.   Chemicals and Related Products                                                                           earlier to US$3.3 billion          • Free repatriation of capital         collective and individual rights
     E.   Agriculture and Allied Products                                                                          during April-December 2011,          investment is permitted,             and an environment supportive
     F.   Textiles and Textile Products                                                                            mainly as a result of the            provided the original investment     of free economic enterprise.
     G.   Others                                                                                                   uncertainty and risk in the          (on a repatriable basis) was
     H.   Ores and Minerals                                                                                        global economy in relation           made in convertible foreign          India’s time-tested institutions
     I.   Leather and Manufactures                                                                                 to the eurozone crisis.              exchange. Further, free              offer foreign investors a

     Source: Compiled from Ministry of Commerce and Industry and DGCI&S data (April - Dec 2011-12)

transparent environment that          6. Legal   System
      guarantees the security of their
      long-term investments. India’s         The Indian judiciary has a
      dynamic and highly competitive         reputation of being independent
      private sector has long been           and non-partisan. Judges
      the backbone of its economic           are not appointed on political
      activity. It accounts for over 75%     considerations. They enjoy
      of its Gross Domestic Product          a high standing in society.
      and offers considerable scope for
      joint ventures and collaborations.     The Judicial system has a unified
                                             structure. The Supreme Court,
      Today, India is one of the most        the High Courts and the lower
      exciting emerging markets in           Courts constitute a single
      the world. Skilled managerial          Judiciary. Broadly, there is
      and technical manpower that            a three-tier division.
      match the best available in the
      world and a middle class whose         The influence of the British
      size exceeds the population of         Judicial System continues
      the USA or the European Union,         to be significant. The
      provide India with a distinct          official language for Court
      cutting edge in global competition.    proceedings in the High
                                             Court & the Supreme Court
     5. Financial   System                   is English. The procedural law
                                             for land, as well as most of
      Its financial system is well           the commercial and corporate
      regulated and offers a broad           laws, are modelled on English
      range of services including            laws. English case law is often
      banking, insurance, asset              referred to, and relied upon,
      management and treasury                both by lawyers and judges.
      services. Businesses here can
      easily tap into its deep and liquid
      capital markets as an alternative
      source to raise funds.

Conducting business in India
      A foreign company setting              in the same field/area of           Operating as a                      • Project office                       – Representing the parent
      up operations in India has             activity or who brings synergy      Foreign Company                       Foreign companies planning to          company in India and acting as
      the following options:                 to the foreign investor’s plans                                           execute specific projects in India     a buying/selling agent in India.
                                             for India. Sometimes joint         • Liaison office                       can set up temporary project/
      Operating as an                        ventures are also necessitated       Setting up a liaison or              site offices in India for this       – Rendering services in
      Indian Company                         due to restrictions on foreign       representative office is a           purpose. The RBI has granted           information technology and
                                             ownership in certain sectors.        common practice for foreign          general permission to a foreign        development of software
     • Wholly-Owned                                                               companies seeking to enter the       entity for setting up a project        in India.
       Subsidiary Company                    The foreign investment               Indian market. The role of such      office in India, subject to the
       A foreign company can set             guidelines for investment            offices is limited to collecting     fulfilment of certain conditions.    – Rendering technical support
       upa wholly-owned subsidiary           in an Indian company have            information about the possible       The foreign entity needs only          for the products supplied by
       company in India to carry out         already been discussed above.        market and to providing              to provide a report to the             parent/group companies.
       its activities. Such a subsidiary                                          information about the company        jurisdictional Regional Office
       is treated as an Indian resident     • Limited Liability                   and its products to prospective      of the RBI giving the particulars    – Acting as a foreign airline/
       and an Indian company for all          Partnership (LLP)                   Indian customers.                    of the project/contract.               shipping company.
       Indian regulations (including          LLP is a new form of business
       Income Tax, Foreign Exchange           structure in India. It combines    Such offices act as listening and   • Branch Office                         In general, manufacturing
       Management Act, 1999 and the           the advantages of a company,       transmission posts and provides       Foreign companies engaged             activity cannot be undertaken
       Companies Act), despite being          such as being a separate           a two-way information flow            in manufacturing and trading          through a branch office.
       100% foreign-owned. At least           legal entity having perpetual      between the foreign company           activities abroad can set up          However, foreign companies
       two shareholders, for a private        succession, with the benefits      and the Indian customers.             branch offices in India for the       can establish a branch office/unit
       limited company, and seven             of organisational flexibility      A liaison office is not allowed       following purposes, with the          for manufacturing in a Special
       shareholders, for a public limited     associated with a partnership.     to undertake any business             prior approval of RBI:                Economic Zone subject to the
       company, are mandatory.                At least two partners are          activities other than liaison                                               fulfilment of certain conditions.
                                              required to form a LLP and they    activities in India and cannot,     – Export/import of goods.
     • Joint Venture with an Indian           have limited liability. LLP is     therefore, earn any income                                                  Citizens of specified countries
       Partner (Equity Participation)         comparatively easier to manage     in India, under the terms of        – Rendering professional                are prohibited from establishing
       Although a wholly-owned                with less compliance levels as     approval granted by the RBI.          or consultancy services.              a project office or any other
       subsidiary has proved to be            compared to a company form                                                                                     place of business in India
       the preferred option, foreign          of organisation. Further, a LLP                                        – Carrying out research                 without the prior permission
       companies have also begun              is not subject to mandatory                                              work in which the parent              of the RBI.
       operations in India by forging         requirements applicable to                                               company is engaged that
       strategic alliances with Indian        a company with regard to                                                 promotes technical or financial
       partners. The trend is to              provision of depreciation and                                            collaborations between Indian
       choose a partner who is                transfer to reserves prior to                                            companies and a parent or
                                              distribution of profits. The                                             overseas group company.
                                              FDI policy for LLPs has been
                                              notified recently making this a
                                              possible viable entity form for
                                              Indian business operations of
                                              foreign investors.

Taxation in India
     Corporation Income Tax

     Corporate tax rates are as follows:                                                                              Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT)                    Particulars                                  Tax Rates*

                                              Where taxable income                                                    A modified version of MAT,                                                       Resident              Non-resident
              For a company                                                              Other cases                  termed AMT is applicable
                                              exceeds INR10 million
                                                                                                                      to LLPs and certain other           a) Short-term capital assets1           Normal corporate/        Normal corporate/
      Domestic Company                                 32.45%                               30.9%                     taxpayers (other than               (other than (b) below)                  individual tax rates     individual tax rates
                                                                                                                      companies) who are availing
                                            (30% plus surcharge of 5% plus                                                                                b) Short-term capital assets-
                                                                                (30% plus education cess of 3%)
                                                                                                                      from specified profit-linked tax
                                                education cess of 3%)                                                                                     listed equity shares and units
                                                                                                                      incentives. In such cases, AMT
                                                                                                                                                          of equity-oriented funds
                                                                                                                      at 18.5% is payable on adjusted                                                     15%                      15%
      Foreign Company                                  42.02%                               41.2%                                                         which have been charged
                                                                                                                      total income.
                                                                                                                                                          to Securities Transaction
                                             (40% plus surcharge of 2% and                                                                                Tax (STT)
                                                                                (40% plus education cess of 3%)       Unadjusted AMT credit can be
                                                 education cess of 3%)
                                                                                                                      carried forward until the tenth     c) Long-term capital assets-listed
                                                                                                                      year following the year in which    equity shares in a company or
     Dividend Distribution                   be paid/distributed/declared by      companies whose tax payable         the credit arises.                                                                Exempt                    Exempt
                                                                                                                                                          unit of an equity-oriented fund
     Tax (DDT)                               such a domestic company for          under normal income tax                                                 which have been charged to STT
                                             the purpose of computation           provisions is less than 18.5%
     Dividend income is exempt in            of DDT, provided that DDT has        of book profits. The current                                            d) Long-term capital
     the hands of the shareholders.          been paid for by the subsidiary.     effective rates are as below.                                           assets-unlisted securities                      10%                      10%
     However, a DDT is levied                                                                                                                             (other than (c) above) 2
     on companies declaring                  Minimum Alternate                    A credit of such tax paid under
     dividends. The effective DDT            Tax (MAT)                            MAT provisions is allowed                                               e) Other long-term
     rate is 16.22% (15% plus 5%                                                  against the tax liability which                                                                                         20%                      20%
                                                                                                                                                          capital assets3
     surcharge and education cess            The MAT ensures that                 arises in the subsequent
     of 3%). In order to mitigate            companies with low (or zero)         ten years under the normal
                                                                                                                                                         *An applicable surcharge and education cess would also be levied on the above tax rates.
     the cascading effect of DDT,            tax liabilities under normal         provisions of the Income-tax Act.
     any dividend received by a              tax rules are still subject to a                                                                            1. A short-term capital asset is one which is held for a period of not more than 36 months
     domestic company during                 corporation tax charge. Thus,        Unadjusted MAT credit can be                                           (not more than 12 months in the case of shares, listed securities, units of mutual funds
     any financial year from its             MAT of 18.5% on book profits,        carried forward until the tenth                                        and zero coupon bonds).
     subsidiary is allowed to be             along with surcharges and            year following the year in which
                                                                                                                                                         2. Effective FY commencing April 1, 2012 long-term capital gain arising from sale
     reduced from the dividend to            education cess is levied on          the credit arises.
                                                                                                                                                         of unlisted securities in the case of non-residents will be taxed at the rate of 10%
                                                                                                                                                         (earlier 20%). Such gains are to be computed before giving effect to currency
                                                                                                                                                         fluctuations or any indexation benefits.

                                                                                                                                                         3. Indexation of cost of acquisition and improvement of a long-term capital asset of
                                                                                                                                                         any nature (other than debentures) is available to residents. However, the benefit of
                                                                                                                                                         indexation is available to non-residents only on long-term capital assets other than
                                                                                                                                                         shares/debentures of an Indian company acquired in foreign currency. Further, long-
                                           Where taxable income exceeds                                                                                  term capital assets being listed securities, including equity shares in a company or
              For a company                                                              Other cases                                                     unit of an equity-oriented fund, which have not been charged to STT, may be taxed
                                                   INR10 million                                                                                         at 10% (plus applicable surcharge and education cess) without giving any indexation
                                                                                                                                                         benefit at the option of the taxpayer.
      Domestic Company                                  20.01%                              19.05%

      Foreign Company                                   19.44%                              19.05%

Computation of Total                      For certain priority items,           area’. Transactions between any     undertaken or is proposed to          The Indian provisions require the     with this documentation and
       Income – General                          such as energy-saving                 taxpayer and a party located        be undertaken. Certain notified       computation of an ‘arm’s length       reporting requirement will be
                                                 devices and pollution control         in a notified jurisdictional area   residents may also apply to the       price’ to be based on ‘arithmetic     subjected to significant penalties.
     • All incomes accruing or arising           equipment, depreciation is            could have implications such        Authority for Advance Rulings         mean’ of comparable results.
       in India are taxable in India             allowed at higher rates.              as higher withholding tax on        to seek a ruling concerning the       Furthermore, the law provides         Once the accountant’s certificate
       to a non-resident taxpayer                                                      payments, taxability of receipts    computation of total income.          flexibility in ALP by allowing        has been filed, the relevant
       subject to the Double Taxation            Withholding taxes                     and non-deduction of expenses.                                            variance of around 5% of the          assessing officer with the
       Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)                                                                                          Such an advance ruling would          transaction value. However for FY     approval of CIT may refer the
       with the country of residence             There is an obligation on             Double Tax Avoidance                be binding on the person seeking      2011-12 the Central Government        case to Transfer Pricing Officers
       of the taxpayer.                          the payer both resident as            Agreements                          it in relation to the transaction     has removed the 5% variance           (TPO) for detailed review. The
                                                 well as non-resident, to                                                  and the income tax department         and instead they would notify         TPO can also review any other
     • Taxable income is computed for            withhold tax when certain             Double Tax Avoidance                cannot disregard the ruling unless    the variance percentage. In           international transaction for
       a uniform accounting year, i.e. the       specified income/payments             Agreements override the             there is some change in the facts     addition, from FY 2012-13             the determination of ALP that
       fiscal year from 1 April to 31 March.     are credited and/or paid.             Indian Income-tax Act               or law affecting it.                  onwards, an upper ceiling of          may be noted by him during
                                                                                       provisions to the extent that                                             3% is put in place in respect         the course of proceedings
     • The taxable income is called              Transactions with persons             they are more beneficial to         Transfer Pricing                      of the Central Government             before him. Based on available
       ‘Total Income’, which is                  located in Notified Territories       the taxpayers (concessional                                               notifying the tolerance               information, the TPO may adjust
       computed after adding                                                           tax rates applicable under          Indian transfer pricing regulations   range for the determination           or recompute the prices of the
       certain disallowances, such               In order to discourage                certain double tax avoidance        provides that the pricing of          of arm’s length price.                international transactions. The
       as loss on sale of assets and             transactions with persons             conventions that India has          any transaction between                                                     order of such a TPO would
       miscellaneous expenditure                 located in a country which            signed with various countries).     associated enterprises (AE),          Burden of Proof                       have to be considered by
       written off and the reduction             does not effectively exchange         Relief is granted in respect        where either or both entities are     and Assessment                        the Assessing Officer when
       of certain allowances/benefits            information with India, certain       of income chargeable to             non-resident for tax purposes                                               finalising the assessment. Such
       from the book profits.                    anti-avoidance measures were          tax, both under the Income-         (international transaction), is to    The burden of proving that the        an adjustment would attract tax
                                                 introduced from 1 June 2011.          tax Act of India and the            be computed with regard to            international transactions are in     and interest on the additional
       Depreciation                              These measures would enable           domestic tax laws in that other     the arm’s length principle. Two       accordance with the arm’s length      amount. A penalty of 100%
                                                 the Government to designate           country, in order to promote        enterprises are considered to         principle lies with the taxpayer.     (rising to 300%) of the tax on the
       Depreciation is allowed                   any Country/ jurisdiction not         mutual economic relations,          be associated if there is direct/     For this purpose, the Income-tax      adjusted amount may be levied.
       separately at the following rates         exchanging information with           trade and investment.               indirect participation in the         Act requires the maintenance
       for computing taxable income.             India as a ‘notified jurisdictional                                       management or control or capital      of prescribed information             Dispute Resolution
                                                                                       Advance Rulings                     of an enterprise by another           and documents relating to
                                                                                                                           enterprise or by the same             international transactions            In order to expedite the resolution
        Factory Building                                                10%            To facilitate full planning and     persons in both enterprises.          undertaken between AEs.               of disputes of the MNCs, India
                                                                                       to avoid any future disputes        The transfer pricing provisions       Additionally it is also mandatory     introduced an alternative dispute
        Furniture and fittings                                          10%            under the Income-tax Act, a         generally follow the relevant         to report all the international       resolution mechanism in the
                                                                                       non-resident can approach the       Organisation for Economic             transactions with AEs during          form of Dispute Resolution
        Plant and machinery (general)                                   15%            Authority for Advance Rulings       Co-operation and Development          the year. For this purpose a          Panels (DRP). These DRPs are
                                                                                       to determine the income tax         (OECD) guidelines. However,           tax payer is required to file an      comprised of three CITs. Such
        Computers (including software)                                  60%            aspects of any proposed or          there are certain fundamental         Accountant’s Certificate in the       an alternate scheme of dispute
                                                                                       current transaction.                differences. Effective from           prescribed format by the due          resolution is applied in respect
        Motorcars, other than those used in a business of                                                                  FY commencing on 1 April              date of filing corporate tax return   of foreign companies/companies
                                                                        15%            An advance ruling can also          2012, the scope of transfer           i.e. 30 November following the        facing adjustments on transfer
        running them on hire
                                                                                       be sought by a resident to          pricing regulations has also          end of the relevant financial         pricing orders passed on or
        Intangible assets (such as know-how, patents,
                                                                                       determine the tax liability         been extended to a number             year. This certificate is obtained    after 1 October 2009 which are
        copyrights, trademarks, licences, franchises or any             25%
                                                                                       of a non-resident with whom         of specified domestic                 from an independent Chartered         prejudicial to the assessee. In
        other business or commercial rights of a similar nature)
                                                                                       a transaction has been              related party transactions.           Accountant. Failure to comply         such cases, the Assessing Officer
Indirect Tax

     is required to forward a draft order   been initiated. Effective from FY    Sales Tax                            1 April 2005 in the majority of       regard to exports from India,       duties. Apart from the standard
     to the assessee. The assessee          commencing from 1 April 2012                                              Indian states. At present, all the    duty is levied only on a very       rate, reduced rates of 6% and
     can file objections against the        a reference can be made by a         The sale of movable goods in         Indian states have transitioned to    limited list of goods.              2% are prescribed for certain
     draft order before the DRP.            resident as well as a non-resident   India is chargeable to tax at        the VAT regime.                                                           specified products. The rate
     After considering all evidence/        to determine if the arrangement      the central or state level. The                                            The Customs Tariff is aligned       at which excise duty is levied
     objections and further enquiries,      they propose to enter into would     Indian regulatory framework          Under this regime, the VAT            with the internationally-           on the goods depends on the
     the DRP is to issue directions         be hit by the GAAR provisions.       has granted power to state           paid on goods purchased from          recognised Harmonised               classification of the goods under
     to the Assessing Officer within                                             legislatures to levy tax on goods    within the state is eligible for      Commodity Description               the Excise Tariff. The Excise Tariff
     nine months. The Assessing             Advance Pricing                      sold within that state. Such sales   VAT credit in the hands of the        and Coding System of                is primarily based on the eight-
     Officer passes an order within         Arrangement (APA)                    are, therefore, chargeable to VAT    purchaser. The input VAT credit       Tariff Nomenclature (HSN)           digit HSN classification adopted,
     one month in conformity with                                                at the rates notified under the      can be utilised against the VAT/      provided by the World               so as to achieve conformity
     the directions of the DRP. The         Effective from 1 July 2012,          VAT laws of the relevant state.      Central Sales Tax payable on the      Customs Organisation.               with the Customs Tariff.
     order passed by the assessing          APAs have been introduced            All goods sold in the course         sale of goods. This ensures that
     officer pursuant to directions of      with a view to significantly         of interstate trade are subject      the cascading effect of taxes is      The peak rate of Basic Customs      Service Tax
     the DRP can be appealed both           bring down TP litigation and         to Central Sales Tax (CST).          avoided and that only the value       Duty (BCD) is currently set at
     by Revenue and taxpayers before        provide certainty to foreign         Where goods are bought and           addition is taxed. Currently, there   10% for all goods other than        The erstwhile Service tax
     Second Appellate authority.            investors. APA is an agreement       sold by registered dealers for       is no VAT on imports into India       agricultural and other specified    regime, wherein service tax
                                            between a taxpayer and a tax         trading or for use as inputs in      and exports are zero-rated. This      products. Customs duty is           was levied on specified taxable
     GAAR                                   authority on an appropriate          the manufacture of other goods       means that while exports are          levied on the transaction value     services, has been replaced with
                                            transfer pricing methodology         or specified activities (such as     not charged to VAT, VAT charged       of the imported or exported         the Negative List based taxation
     From FY commencing on                  for a set of transactions over a     mining or telecommunications         on inputs purchased and used in       goods. While the general            of services effective 1 July 2012.
     1 April 2013 India’s legislative       fixed period of time in future.      networks), the rate of CST is        the manufacture of export goods       principles adopted for valuation    In terms of the Negative List
     GAAR would come into force.                                                 2%, provided Form C is issued        or VAT paid on goods purchased        of the goods in India are in        based scheme of taxation, all
     Under these broad set of Rules an      Direct Taxes Code (DTC)              by the purchasing dealer to the      for exports, is available to the      conformity with the World Trade     services are taxable except
     agreement could be categorised                                              Seller. In the absence of Form C,    purchaser as a refund.                Organisation agreement on           those mentioned in the Negative
     as ‘impermissible avoidance            On 30 August 2010 the                the applicable rate would be the                                           customs valuation, the central      List or specifically exempted
     agreement’ if the main purpose is      government placed before the         rate of VAT on such goods in the     State VAT is charged at varying       government has established          under the mega exemption
     to obtain a tax benefit and one of     Parliament the Direct Taxes Code     originating state.                   rates of 1%, 4%, 5% and 20%.          independent Customs Valuation       notification. The existing rate of
     the specified supplementary tests      Bill, 2010. The Bill is modelled                                          Goods other than those notified       Rules applicable to the export      service tax is 12%. In addition,
     is met. The consequences would         on the draft Direct Taxes Code       CST is sought to be phased           to be covered under the above         and import of goods.                EC of 2% and SHEC of 1%
     be denial of tax benefits. The         that was originally released in      out before the introduction          rates are charged at a general                                            on the service tax is leviable
     onus to prove that the transaction     August 2009, changes proposed        of Goods and Services Tax            rate ranging from 12.5% to 15%.       CENVAT (Excise Duty)                and accordingly the effective
     is impermissible is on Revenue.        in the Revised Discussion Paper      (GST) in India, which is likely      The general rate though was set                                           rate of service tax is 12.36%.
     GAAR panel (not less than three        released in June 2010 and further    to be implemented post April         at 12.5%, some of the states          Central Value Added Tax
     members) will be constituted to        suggestions and comments             2013. In the interim, CST will       have varied these tax rates in        (CENVAT), commonly referred to      For most services, the service
     dispose of any references by the       made on this by stakeholders.        continue to co-exist with state      view of revenue considerations.       as excise duty is a tax levied on   provider is liable to service tax.
     Revenue and would include an           The Bill was referred to the         VAT. Inter-state procurement                                               the manufacture or production of    However, for certain specified
     independent member from the            Standing/Select Committee of         on which CST is charged in the       Customs Duty                          movable and marketable goods        services, both the service
     Ministry of Law. The GAAR order        the Indian Parliament for further    originating state is not eligible                                          in India. The standard rate of      provider and service recipient
     would be appealable with the           deliberation. The committee          for input tax credit in the          Customs duty is levied on the         excise duty for non-petroleum       are liable to service tax on the
     Tribunal. CBDT has issued draft        has submitted its report to the      destination state.                   import of goods into, and export      products is currently set at 12%.   specified value of services
     guidelines for implementation of       Government in March 2012. DTC                                             from India. The rate of customs       In addition, Education Cess (EC)    and in certain other cases, the
     GAAR. Consultation process for         was expected to be introduced in     VAT                                  duty applicable to a product to       is set at 2% and Secondary          liability has been cast on the
     finalising the GAAR guidelines has     April 2012 but has been delayed.                                          be imported/exported depends          and Higher Education Cess           service recipient to discharge
                                                                                 State level sales tax was            upon on its classification under      (SHEC) is at 1%. These are          service tax liability under
                                                                                 replaced by VAT with effect from     the Customs Tariff Act. With          applicable on aggregate excise      reverse charge mechanism.
Wealth Tax                           Tax Incentives Scheme                                                                                             Personal Tax

     Wealth tax is charged net           100% Export-Oriented Units            the SEZ. Exemption from DDT           export profits for ten years up to     A foreign national seconded                    incomes are subject to income
     wealth as on 31 March every         (100% EOU) Scheme                     to SEZ developers has been            31 March 2011.                         to work in India, in general,                  tax if received or are deemed to
     year (referred to as the                                                  withdrawn from 1 June, 2011 and                                              becomes liable to Indian                       be received in India, or accrue or
     valuation date). Wealth tax is     – 100% EOUs are extended a host        exemption from MAT has also           Enterprises/Undertakings               income tax. Other taxes                        arise or are deemed to accrue
     charged both on individuals          of incentives and facilities,        been discontinued with effect         in Industrial Parks in                 to which an individual may                     or arise in India. However,
     and companies at the rate of         including duty-free imports of       from financial year 2011-12.          Specified States                       become liable are capital gains                ROR income that accrues or
     1% of the amount by which            capital goods, raw material, and                                                                                  tax levied on disposal of assets               arises outside India will also be
     the ‘net wealth’ exceeds INR3        consumables as well as tax           Expenditure undertaken by a           Income tax holidays and                in India and wealth tax levied                 subject to tax in India. In other
     million.                             deductions against export income.    developer on account of the           exemptions from CENVAT                 on possession of taxable wealth.               words, an expatriate who is ROR
                                        – These units are permitted to         development of SEZ is also            are available for units set up         Taxation in India is based on                  is taxed on his/her worldwide
     The term ‘net wealth’ broadly        be set up for a varied range         exempt from duties of customs,        in industrial parks in North           the residential status of a                    income.
     represents the value of the          of business activities including     excise and central sales tax.         East states, subject to certain        person and not on citizenship.
     excess of certain assets over        manufacture, services, software                                            conditions.                            The residential status of a                    The Government has introduced
     the debts concerned. Assets          development, agriculture,            A unit set up in an approved SEZ                                             person under the Income-tax                    compulsory social security
     include guest houses and             aquaculture, animal husbandry,       enjoys a 100% tax holiday for         Tax holiday in respect                 Act is determined solely based                 regulations for employees
     residential houses, motorcars,       floriculture, horticulture and       five years and 50% for the next       of others                              on his or her physical presence                holding foreign passports and
     jewellery/bullion/utensils of        sericulture, without any             ten years (during the last five                                              in India, regardless of the                    working for an entity in India
     gold and silver, yachts, boats,      restrictions of location.            years subject to certain additional   Undertakings engaged in                purpose of the stay. A person                  to which the Provident Fund
     aircraft, urban land and cash in   – Trading activities are not covered   conditions) out of profits            operating and maintaining a            may qualify to be a Resident                   (PF) Rules apply. India has,
     hand. A debt is an obligation        for the purpose of the benefits      derived from actual exports of        hospital or engaged in the             and Ordinarily Resident (ROR),                 principally, two types of Social
     to pay a certain sum of money        extended to these units.             goods and services. The tax           business of hotel located in           Resident but not Ordinarily                    Security schemes, namely, an
     incurred in relation to those      – Undertakings set up in EOUs          holiday period commences              the specified district having a        Resident (RNOR) or a Non-                      Employees Provident Fund and
     assets which are included in         were eligible for a deduction of     from the year in which the SEZ        World Heritage Site are eligible       Resident (NR) in India.                        an Employee Pension Scheme.
     the ‘net wealth’.                    100% of the derived export profits   unit begins to manufacture or         for tax deduction of profits
                                          for 10 years up to 31 March 2011.    produce or provide services.          subject to certain conditions.         Salary income is subject                       At the end of each year, a tax
                                                                                                                                                            to income tax in India if                      return has to be filed with the
                                         Special Economic Zone                 Electronic Hardware                   Investment linked incentives           services are rendered in India,                income tax authorities in the
                                         (SEZ) Scheme                          Technology Park (EHTP)                                                       irrespective of whether salary is              prescribed form. The return is to
                                                                               Scheme and Software                   Investment linked tax incentives       received in India or not. Other                be filed at the latest by 31 July
                                         The SEZ Policy was introduced         Technology Parks of India             providing deduction of 100%-                                                          of the relevant assessment year.
                                         with a view to provide an             (STPI) Scheme                         150% in respect of specified
                                         internationally-competitive and                                             capital expenditure is available to    Personal Tax Rates
                                         unproblematic environment for         These schemes offer a package         certain businesses. Examples of
                                         exports.                              of incentives and facilities like     qualifying investment are laying               Taxable                                  Tax on
                                                                                                                                                                                       Not Over                                Percentage on
                                                                               duty-free imports in line with        and operating a cross-country               Income Over                                column 1
                                                                                                                                                                                        (INR)                                    excess (%)
                                         SEZs are duty-free enclaves           the 100% EOU scheme, as well          natural gas pipeline network                    (INR)                                    (INR)
                                         considered to be outside the          as deemed export benefits and         for distribution and storage,
                                                                                                                                                             0                          200,000                  –                    0%
                                         customs territory of India for        tax holidays. Export-oriented IT      building and operating a new
                                         the purposes of carrying out          enabled services like call centre     hotel or hospital, developing           200,000                    500,000                  –                   10%
                                         their authorised activities. SEZ      services, data processing,            and building a housing project,
                                                                                                                                                             500,000                   1,000,000              30,000                 20%
                                         developers are entitled to 100%       medical transcriptions, etc. are      new plant for production of
                                         tax holidays (of profits and gains    also eligible to be registered        fertilizer, setting up and operating    1,000,000                 and above             130,000                 30%
                                         derived from the business of          under the STP scheme.                 an inland container depot,
                                         developing the SEZ) for ten                                                 bee-keeping and production of          A resident senior citizen (aged above 60 but below 80 years) and very senior
                                         consecutive years out of 15 years     Undertakings set up in EHTPs          honey and beeswax, setting up          citizens (aged 80 years and above) with income up to INR 250,000 and INR 500,000
                                         beginning from the year in which      or STPs were eligible for a           and operating a warehousing            respectively, do not have to pay tax. Further, an education cess at 3% of the tax is
                                                                                                                                                            levied (irrespective of the level of income).
26                                       the government is notified of         deduction of 100% of derived          facility for storage of sugar.
Human Resources
     Audit and accountancy               and Employment Law
     Businesses including both           Human Resources                         legal and corporate status            • Minimum Wages Act 1948,
     private and public companies                                                on registered trade unions;             seeks to determine the minimum
     and branches of foreign             India has a large pool of all types                                             rates of wages in certain
     companies are required to           of labour as well as an adequate      • Plantation Labour Act 1951,             employments, a list of which is
     be audited by independent           supply of office staff for both         provides for the plantation             contained in the legislation;
     certified public accountants.       management/supervisory                  labour and regulates the
                                         and clerical posts. Skilled             condition of work in plantations;     • The Payment of Wages Act 1936,
     Most companies have voluntarily     manpower and professional                                                       seeks to regulate the payment
     adopted 31 March as the date        managers are available at a           • Payment of Bonus Act 1965,              of wages to certain classes
     for preparing their financial       comparatively moderate cost.            provides for the payment of             of employees in an industry;
     statements because a uniform        India is particularly rich in           bonus to persons employed in
     accounting year ending on           IT professionals. Both Indian           certain establishments on the         • Factories Act 1948, is a principal
     31 March is required for tax        and multinational recruitment           basis of profits or on production       legislation that governs the
     purposes.                           agencies exist in the market.           or productivity, as well as             health, safety and welfare of
                                         The Indian work culture                 matters connected therewith;            factory workers;
     Company accounts must be            is immensely diverse and
     prepared according to the           extremely professional.               • The Payment of Gratuity Act           • Employees Provident Fund
     accrual basis of accounting and     English language is used                1972, provides a scheme for             and Miscellaneous Provisions
     on a historical-cost basis, but     for much official communication.        the payment of gratuity to all          Act 1952, seeks to ensure the
     revaluation of capital assets is                                            employees earning wages to              financial security of employees
     permissible. The Companies Act      Employment Laws                         do any skilled, semi-skilled,           in an establishment by providing
     prescribes the form and content                                             unskilled, manual, supervisory,         a system of compulsory
     of the balance sheet and the        India is a member of                    technical or clerical work,             savings;
     information to be disclosed         the International Labour                whether the terms of such
     in the Profit and Loss Account.     Organisation and complies with          employment are express                • The Maternity Benefit Act 1961,
                                         the conventions it has ratified.        or implied, and whether                 regulates the employment of
                                         It has enacted comprehensive            or not such employees are               women in certain establishments
                                         legislations to provide a good          employed in a managerial                for prescribed period before and
                                         working environment for labour          or administrative capacity;             after childbirth; and
                                         and protects their interests.
                                                                               • The Workmen’s Compensation            • Employees State Insurance Act
                                         The key labour laws applicable          Act 1923, is to compensate an           1948, provides for healthcare
                                         to employers and employees in           employee or his/her survivors           and cash benefits to the
                                         India have been outlined below:         in the vent of industrial accidents     employees in case of sickness,
                                                                                 or occupational diseases,               maternity or injury suffered
                                        • The Industrial Disputes Act            resulting in disablement or             during the employment,
                                          1947, is the main legislation          death during the course of              whether they are working
                                          in India that provides for the         the person’s employment;                in a factory, establishment
                                          investigation and settlement                                                   or elsewhere, or they are
                                          of industrial disputes;              • Industrial Employment                   directly employed by the
                                                                                 (Standing Orders) Act 1946,             principal employee or through
                                        • Trade Unions Act 1962, provides        requires employers in industrial        an intermediate agency, if the
                                          for the registration of trade          establishments to clearly               employment is incidental or in
                                          unions of employers and                define the conditions of                connection with the factory or
                                          workers, and is administered by        employment to their workers             establishment.
                                          the state governments. It confers      by issuing standing orders or
28                                                                               implementing services rules;
Trade                               Banking in India
     The government is committed         India’s banking system              There are generally no
     to liberalising its trade regime    is among the strongest in the       restrictions imposed on
     as part of an effort to double      world and it has strict banking     both resident and non-resident
     India’s share of world trade. The   secrecy laws. As the regulator      companies in holding bank
     government is also working to       of India’s financial services       accounts. Savings accounts
     improve customs clearance, and      sector, the Reserve Bank of         are, however, not offered in
     is in the process of negotiating    India has prudential oversight      India to companies. Opening
     a number of regional trade          over the banking, securities,       a bank account is a relatively
     pacts. India joined the World       futures and insurance industries,   simple and straight-forward
     Trade Organisation in 1995. It      including administering the         process. The extent of
     has negotiated the South Asia       various statutes pertaining to      paperwork required largely
     Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA),       money, banking, insurance,          depends on each bank’s
     comprising other South Asian        securities and the financial        Know Your Client requirements.
     countries, and also concluded       sector in general.                  Investors with good credit
     agreements with ASEAN and                                               standing should generally
     Thailand while still negotiating                                        be able to avail themselves of
     with Japan.                                                             a myriad range of credit facilities
                                                                             in India. These credit facilities
     From a very high level,                                                 include overdrafts, short-term
     successive Indian governments                                           advances to medium and long-
     have worked to bring down                                               term loans, import and export
     tariff rates since the early                                            financing facilities, etc.
     1990s. While tariffs have
     been reduced and quantitative
     restrictions were largely
     eliminated in 2001, India has
     increasingly relied on non-tariff
     barriers, including technical
     standards and regulations,
     sanitary rules, local content
     schemes and quotas. Also,
     since January 2005, a new
     patent law has been in place,
     designed to bring India in line
     with international standards
     and put local intellectual
     property rights protection on
     a par with WTO and Agreement
     on Trade-Related Aspects of
     Intellectual Property Rights
     (TRIPS) provisions.

HSBC in India
     Who We Are

     The antecedents of the HSBC         The Bank is the founding and a     2003 HSBC Insurance Brokers         2005 First bank to provide         1998 First to introduce an
     Group in India can be traced        principal member of the HSBC       (India) Private Limited (ININ)      a scorecard-based unsecured        affinity card with a Club –
     back to October 1853 when           Group which operates 6,900                                             overdraft offering to the          the Tollygunge Club Card
     the Mercantile Bank of India,       offices in 84 countries and        2003 HSBC Operations and            Indian SME (Small and
     China and London was founded        territories in Europe, the Asia-   Processing Enterprise (India)       Medium Enterprise)                 1996 First to provide NRI and
     in Mumbai. The acquisition in       Pacific region, the Americas,      Private Limited (HOPE)                                                 foreign users international online
     1959 by The Hongkong and            the Middle East and Africa.                                            2005 First bank to issue Private   access to their accounts abroad.
     Shanghai Banking Corporation        HSBC is one of the world’s         2008 Canara HSBC Oriental           Label Credit Card in India
     Limited of the Mercantile           largest banking and financial      Bank of Commerce Life                                                  1995 First to take on VISA
     Bank, was a decisive factor         services organisations.            Insurance Company Limited           2004 First bank to offer           Plus acquiring business
     in laying the foundation for                                                                               repayment flexibility for
     today’s HSBC Group. Founded         Historical Milestones              2009 HSBC InvestDirect(HIDL)        personal loan customers            1995 First to undertake
     in 1865 to serve the needs of                                                                                                                 Global ATM Switch System
     the merchants of the China          Year of commencement               Firsts in India                     2003 First bank to offer 0%        (GATS) issuing
     coast and finance the growing       of operations in India                                                 surcharge on buying auto fuels
     trade between China, Europe                                            A leader in bringing state-         on credit card                     1995 First to undertake GATS
     and the United States, HSBC         1853 The Mercantile Bank           of-the-art electronic banking                                          acquiring business
     has been an international           of India, China and London         technology to India and to its      2000 First bank to offer HSBC
     bank from its earliest days.                                           customers, HSBC in India has        Premier Customers, hospital        1995 First to introduce
                                         1867 The Hongkong and              several ‘Firsts’ to its credit.     access without initial deposit     off-branch ATMs
     The Hongkong and Shanghai           Shanghai Banking Corporation                                           and emergency referral service
     Banking Corporation Limited         Limited (HBAP)                     2009 First Bank to launch an                                           1994 First bank to provide
     in India offers a full range of                                        integrated E-Card for supply        1999 First bank to offer a         online access to accounts
     banking and financial services      1995 HSBC Securities and           chain farmers                       choice between Fixed and
     through its 50 branches and         Capital Markets (India) Private                                        Floating interest rates to         1989 First to have inter-branch,
     142 ATMs across 29 cities.          Limited (HSCI)                     2009 First Bank in India to offer   its Home Loan customers            inter-city connectivity
                                                                            Non-Life Insurance product
     HSBC is one of India’s leading      2000 HSBC Electronic Data          through ATMs                        1999 First to introduce            1987 First bank to provide ATMs
     financial services groups, with     Processing India Private                                               Export Factoring
     over 30,000 employees.              Limited (HDPI)                     2008 First Bank in India to                                            1985 First bank to
                                                                            offer HSBC Direct, a zero-          1999 First bank to integrate       computerise operations
     HSBC’s network of branches          2001 HSBC Professional             balance alternate-delivery          electronic banking platform
     are located in Ahmedabad,           Services (India) Private Limited   channel-driven proposition          with an ERP solution (SAP R/3)
     Bangalore, Chandigarh,              (HPSI)                             targeted at the SME space
     Chennai, Coimbatore, Gurgaon,                                                                              1999 First foreign bank to raise
     Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore,        2002 HSBC Software                 2008 First Bank in India to         10-year Subordinated Debt
     Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kochi, Kolkata,    Development (India) Private        offer Fixed Deposit product
     Ludhiana, Lucknow, Mumbai,          Limited (HSDI)                     through ATMs                        1999 First Forward Rate
     Mysore, Nagpur, Noida, New                                                                                 Agreement in the country
     Delhi, Nasik, Patna, Pune,          2002 HSBC Asset Management         2006 First Bank to offer
     Raipur, Surat, Trivandrum, Thane,   (India) Private Limited (AMIN)     security device (OTP token)
     Vadodara and Visakhapatnam.                                            for internet banking

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