Covering the La Habra City School District - Education + Communication = A Better Nation
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E E FR Education + Communication = A Better Nation ® Covering the La Habra City School District Volume 7, Issue 20 February / March 2021
Board of Education Adam Cynthia Ofelia Emily Susan Kolberg- Rogers Aguirre Hanson Pruitt Pritchard, Ph.D. President Clerk / Vice President Member Member Member Going the Distance COVID-19 has impacted numerous We are already developing a strategic plan for summer aspects of our daily lives from education to learning and setting goals that address not only the employment to social relationships. It is in academic needs of our students but to foster mindsets, these times that you see the immensity of discourse, and practices that enable us to enrich the social- courage and love that our teachers, staff, emotional learning needs of our students. students, and families are providing to each My heart goes out to each and every teacher, staff, other. It is now, truer than ever, that LHCSD student, and parent/guardian who have endured the is stronger together to face and overcome changes and challenges to the educational world in the Dr. Joanne Culverhouse these challenges! last year. LHCSD will continue to grow and learn from Superintendent Words cannot convey the gratitude we this experience and dream big about the options and have for our teachers, staff, students, and possibilities for our students. We will build an even stronger families for the outpouring of patience, support, and learning environment and continue to teach, engage, and kindness as we carefully work together to navigate the support through virtual, distance, and hybrid learning. unprecedented challenge of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Virtual Learning Model Support for Our emails, texts, and phone calls to VLM Students communicate with parents and With over 700 students students. in grades TK through six, Students miss most of the social the Virtual Learning Model aspects of school, so teachers try (VLM) is now the largest to provide a little time during the “school” in the La Habra City school day for students to chat School District. I put “school” with each other, listen to music, Mike Klewer Principal in quotes because we are play a game, etc. All these efforts not a stand-alone school but are designed to make the virtual another option for LHCSD parents. Since experience more personal and VLM is not a “brick and mortar” school, Second grade teacher, Naomi Kaneshiro, social. A few of our teachers have previews a vocabulary word summarizing even added additional activities for we encourage students and parents to the 2020-2021 school year students outside of the school day maintain the connection with students’ home schools. The home schools have been working with to keep those connections going and growing. VLM to strengthen this connection. We still have room for We have made it a priority to provide VLM students improvement in this area, but we are getting better. with the materials they need to help them be successful. Support is critical during this time because students This includes headphones with microphones, whiteboards, may not be getting the personalized attention they would markers, art supplies, and many other materials as in a regular classroom setting. All VLM teachers provide requested by individual classes. “office hours” to meet with students needing additional However, none of these efforts matter without a teacher support or for those who want some extra time to interact who cares deeply about the students with whom they work. with the teacher and/or other students. Teachers use As challenging as distance learning has been, our teachers Class Dojo, Remind, and Google Classroom along with are dedicated not only to every child’s academic success but also to their social and emotional well-being. Covering the La Habra City School District February / March 2021 3
® Education + Communication = A Better Nation Covering the LA HABRA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOUNDER/PUBLISHER: Kay Coop 562/493-3193 • Kay Coop ADVERTISING SALES: Founder/Publisher Net a Ma dison 562/493-3193 Netragrednik CONTENT COORDINATOR: Barbra Longiny GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PRODUCTION: Happy New Year! It is often We have converted all of our Emily Ung difficult to consider this a happy publications to digital and the COPY EDITORS: new year as we continue to live with response has been excellent. Thank Kate Karp, Anna Zappia the challenges of this pandemic. you for being loyal readers and SOCIAL MEDIA: Nancy Lueder Netragrednik by Neta Madison However, when you read the articles supporters of public education. in this issue you will see there is lots I always enjoy your comments @SchoolNewsRC to be happy about — educators are when you email your answers to our SchoolNewsRollCall innovators. word search contests. Be sure to In this issue you will read articles enter the contests on page 10 and SchoolNewsRollCall 21 YEARS of how teachers engage and motivate 12 (all ages may enter). There are SCHOOL NEWS ROLL CALL, LLC students with the focus on both a student book reviews on page 13. If P.O. Box 728, Seal Beach, CA 90740 healthy mind and body. Parental your child is an avid reader and would 562/493-3193 support is always important, but even like to review their favorite books as a Copyright © 2006, School News Roll Call, LLC Reproduction in whole or in part without written more so during this time. student columnist, email me for info. permission is strictly prohibited unless otherwise stated. Our next issue is April 7, 2021. Opinions expressed by contributing writers and guest columnists are their views and not necessarily those of School News Roll Call. This publication is privately owned and the right is reserved to select and edit content. This publication is paid for through advertisements at no cost to the school district. The La Habra City School District does not endorse the advertisers in this publication. Your current home value may blow your mind! Visit for a free comprehensive home report in just minutes. Call/Text: 562.400.7004 DRE# 01895143 4
Arbolita (TK—6) Visual & Performing Arts Academy 1001 E. Brookdale Ave., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2352 • Staying Safe in Distance Learning! Welcome to 2021! Here at Arbolita, we enjoyed our time in-person with students, even though it was short! We had the opportunity to further our connections with students safely. Now that we have returned to Distance Jennifer Learning, we are all in once again- McCully Rodriguez refining our engagement strategies and Principal continuing to teach the standards daily! Staff have been planning innovative ways to teach remotely and our educational assistants are supporting more students through Zoom breakout rooms. Our students continue to flourish with weekly art, music, and PE lessons. We also have weekly social and emotional classes and many PTA events. We had our first virtual movie night in December, our first drive thru picture day, as well as PTA holiday drive thru events. In the spring, we have some exciting virtual assemblies planned. We are incredibly proud of the progress our students are making all around at Arbolita and at home! Second grade student art project from our weekly art lessons. El Cerrito (TK—6) Code to the Future (Computer Science) 1051 N. Hillside, La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2340 • Virtual Science Experiment and individual support to students in need. Students attend Through the efforts of our generous staff physical education classes and receive weekly instruction and families, El Cerrito Elementary School to address their social emotional needs. All of our amazing continues to support not only our families, staff provides the same instruction our students would but the community as well by providing a receive in person, while they are learning at home. Free Drive-Thru Farmer’s Market Emily Flesher once per month. Principal Recipients receive a generous amount of fresh produce and dairy products each month that our El Cerrito staff and volunteers safely place into the trunk of each vehicle. Within the screens of our virtual classrooms, our dedicated teachers continue to provide top-notch instruction to all of our students. In addition to regularly scheduled academic classes, our staff provides additional small group Virtual science experiment where 5th grade students learned how matter moves through plants. Covering the La Habra City School District February / March 2021 5
Imperial (6—8) International Baccalaureate & Visual Performing Arts 1450 S. Schoolwood Dr., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2344 • Advisement Program emotions. As we continue our quest for International At Imperial Middle School, we recognize Baccalaureate authorization, teachers continue to engage our teachers and staff have done an our students in rigorous, high interest, and motivating IB outstanding job meeting students’ needs units of study. during distance learning. However, we also Cathy Seighman recognize our Principal students deserve recognition for rising to the challenge of not only distance learning, but the challenges life has thrown at them. With this in mind, we provide our students with an Advisement Program that builds relationships and provides a safe place for students to express their feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) lessons provide our students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary Allison Cabibi, LHCSD Teacher of the Year captures distance learning perfectly; to understand and manage “Preparing lessons for virtual learning is like setting the table for dinner; it must be attractive, nutritious, delicious, and fun to eat!” Ladera Palma (TK—6) Dual Immersion Academy 2151 E. Brookdale Ave., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2348 • It Takes a Team At Ladera Palma, our Dual Immersion Academy Team understands the importance of working together to provide our students with the academic and social emotional support they need. With the pandemic extending the time Dr. Rosa Murillo we are distance learning, students are Principal learning their entire curriculum in another language, Spanish! Learning a second language, while distance learning, presents a particular challenge to our students, their families and our staff. As such we support our students academically through small group instruction virtually. Small groups are conducted by our phenomenal teachers and instructional assistants. Additionally, our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Team (MTSS), led by our Teacher on Special Anna Navarro works with a small group to build our EL learners writing skills in small groups. Assignment (TOSA), Anna Navarro, organizes academic intervention groups for our students. learning environment. Our team meets with students in In addition, our students are monitored for their social groups or individually to support their mental health needs. emotional needs through their teachers and/or families. Finally, our PTA provides many community building Social-emotional weekly lessons focus on mental health assemblies and activities to support students’ connection to needs and skills to support our students during this remote our school community. 6
Las Lomas (TK—6) Entrepreneur Exploration & Music/Art 301 Las Lomas Dr., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2353 • Rising to the Challenge every grade level are receiving weekly With a New Year comes social emotional learning lessons to time to reflect on what help them process and cope with the has happened in the past many stressors they are encountering and look forward with on a daily basis both at school and at anticipation for what’s to home. With an increase in the use of come in the future. This technology, students are also learning how to be respectful and safe digital Pam Cunningham year more than ever we Principal are looking forward to citizens when using their i-pad or continuing to support and Chromebook. To ensure students lift our students and families up during understand the importance of using these challenging times of Distance their devices properly, teachers are Learning. Continuing to support our teaching lessons that reinforce digital students and their families is our main citizenship. Our students have been goal as we move into the New Year. able to participate in virtual awards The beginning of the school year was assemblies, receive home visits from Our Trunk or Treat event was a challenging for everyone, but what staff members and our wonderful huge success thanks to our amazing PTA! remains the same is our commitment to PTA has sponsored drive-thru events! continuing the high quality academic and social emotional The PTA has worked hard to support our families. Some learning for our students. events include supply distribution, Ice Cream Social, Trunk There are many ways we have been supporting our or Treat, Holiday Craft Night and Family Movie Night. As students and will continue to support them in 2021. we embark on this next chapter, the staff is committed to Teachers are designing and planning high quality lessons continuing to support our students and families by rising to that engage students in the learning process. Students at the challenge together! JAN FIORE R E A L E S TAT E S P E C I A L I S T Learn about World History • US History Videos • Art • Music Helping families find the right home Study Habits for over 20 years History is about learning and FR EE Thinking about moving? lets' talk It’s Free! understanding the past. The past Enjoy! does not change, but interpretations Histor y B uffs 562.522.9620 Teacher s do. One cannot erase history and Students expect to remember the past. REALTOR® | CalRE #01262942 CalRE #01517694 1772 Hacienda Rd. La Habra Heights, CA 90631 Covering the La Habra City School District February / March 2021 7
Las Positas (TK—6) International Baccalaureate 1400 S. Schoolwood Dr., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2356 • Making It Happen! To facilitate the return to Hybrid Learning, students Las Positas received notification of have been divided into AM/PM learning cohorts. Each becoming an authorized International cohort has between 9-14 students, therefore enabling our Baccalaureate Primary teachers to give individualized Years Programme World attention to students. All School in fall 2020! necessary safety protocols have We have shown the IB been established and put in place. Students’ temperatures are taken Sharon Hensley community that our Principal school is committed upon arrival, masks are worn, to the IB philosophy hand sanitizer is provided, and by teaching all students through each student has a protective transdisciplinary themes using inquiry shield around their desk. Those throughout learning. During this students who continue with unique and challenging time of Distance distance learning will continue Learning, our teachers have shown their to receive educational support commitment to the IB Programme of not only from their teacher, Inquiry. Students are being supported but also through small cohorts in their learning through targeted small attending school. Las Positas is group instruction with our Multi-Tiered committed to the educational and Systems of Support (MTSS), Teacher social emotional growth of every on Special Assignment (TOSA), and student, whether in Hybrid or educational assistants both in person and Distance Learning. We celebrate through Zoom, teacher office hours, a our IB PYP authorization with our social-emotional “Lunch Bunch”, and in community! Student excited to return to Hybrid Learning. person small group cohorts. Sierra Vista (TK—6) College Pathways-No Excuses & Music/Art Exploration 1800 E. Whittier Ave., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2359 • Teamwork The supports our students need during Distance Learning vary and are multifaceted as we have discovered since the start of the Pandemic or since returning to school in August We are first focusing on our student’s Anna Dorado basics - their physical, social, and Principal emotional well-being. We have found that once our student’s basic needs are met, we are able to make better strides in their academics. Majority of our supports come through a collaborative team approach. It all starts with the teacher- knowing each individual student in their class and making the necessary connections Sierra Vista’s Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA), to ensure we are giving them what they need. As Shauhna Feitlin, making no excuses to give students soon as teachers see or hear of a need, they are the extra support and connections they need in distance learning. in immediate contact with the rest of our support team. Our support team at Sierra Vista consists of: a group or individual check ins, home visits, and referrals to community liaison, school counselor or school psychologist, numerous community resources. We make NO excuses to and so many more. Through our hands on team approach assist our students and families with their needs during we have been able to offer students free daily lunches, these difficult times. We know that many needs go beyond holiday gift baskets and donations, social emotional weekly the norm of the “online classroom” and we do all we can to lessons, counseling corner activities and interactions, small make our students successful! 8
Walnut (TK—6) STEAM Academy/AVID 625 N. Walnut St., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2369 • Reading Club range from art and crafts, music, to video production. Although we have not been able to Fortunately, we are also able to offer support for physical support our students in a physical school activities to students to do at home. setting, Walnut teachers and staff have In conjunction with our PTA, we also work with outside worked diligently to support students organizations such as Giving Children Hope which gives and families in distance learning. Daily families food and necessary household supplies along homework assistance is available to all with job training, parenting classes and connecting with community resources. Dr. Alma Noche grades and students can also use this time to Principal work with peers in completing assignments under a supervised adult. We also have small group sessions designed to assist specific students struggling with reading in our Reading Club. In addition, we have also offered extra enrichment for all students, specifically with STEAM. These enrichment activities Washington (7-8) Project Lead the Way/Engineering/Music 716 E. La Habra Blvd., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/960-2374 • High Hopes for the New Year! our homerooms to help students in this season, and we The start of a new calendar year is continue to celebrate our students’ success with Student always exciting as hopes and expectations of the Month Assemblies via Zoom. We are excited for the rise for what could be in the New Year. New Year! At Washington, we continue to hope this year will lead to the Greg White end of the pandemic Principal for everyone. We hope to see our students thriving on campus again. In the meantime, we have seen large numbers of our students succeed in distance learning due to the dedicated efforts of our students, families, teachers, and staff working together. We have faced distance learning challenges with a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) where students have various supports and interventions available to them to help them achieve academically. Further, we are providing social and emotional learning opportunities through Focused Washington Students Covering the La Habra City School District February / March 2021 9
School Readiness 301 W. Las Lomas Dr., La Habra, CA 90631 • 562/690-2386 Celebrating 20 Years The La Habra City School District’s School Readiness program is celebrating twenty years of serving the children and families of La Habra! Our program is free to La Habra residents with children ages birth to five. Twice a month the School Readiness Debbye Viveros Team distributes learning materials to our Coordinator students. These hands-on projects, math manipulatives, and music and movement video links are used during instruction as our students prepare for success in kindergarten and beyond. To register for classes or to see our daily schedule, please visit If you have any questions, please contact Debbye Viveros, Early Learning Coordinator at (562) 690-2386 or Novelist —Word Search Contest Rules! One word in the list is NOT in the word search. When you have completed the word search, one word will be left and that word you email to: Please put La Habra in the subject line. Entries must be received by March 30,2021 COMPUTER PEN From the correct entries one name will be drawn to win a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble. EDITOR BROWSER IPAD GOOGLE SPELLCHECK INTERNET PRINTER BING PUBLISHER ASPIRIN NOTEPAD KEYBOARD READERS TELEPHONE PENCIL WIFI IDEAS IMAGINATION 10
Tyson’s Book Review Taegyoung’s Book Review Monsters aren’t real…are they? Being Normal Percy Jackson’s The Title: Wonder Lightning Thief by Rick Author: R.J. Palacio Riordan is a page turning Do you think you are book with tons of actions on normal? What is being normal? mythological monsters and This book is the story about gods of Mount Olympus. It’s the boy, August, who has facial Tyson also the start to the Percy Taegyoung K. deformity and wants to be normal. He had Jackson series and what a surgeries many times and he couldn’t go to start it is! I’ve read this book before and I school. When he becomes a 5th grader, his parents decide just had to read it again to say how much I recommend this to send him to school. He often gets bullied by other kids at to all tween readers. Most people have heard of the series school because of his appearance, but he doesn’t stop going but if you haven’t, Percy Jackson is the main character who school. has trouble with school and is about to be kick out. He also In addition, this book shows the stories of his family has dyslexia, or trouble with reading. As you go deeper into and his friends. You can read their stories as their views the story, things will happen that you would have never because it is written by multiple perspectives. So, you can thought of, and it makes you wonder if it all is even real. know what they think and why they say or do that. Percy Jackson, The Lightning Thief, is a must read and What will happen to August? How can he make a real Percy Jackson is waiting to start his adventure with you! friend? If you wonder, find out from the book, Wonder. Also, if you are looking for a warm-hearted story, this book is just Tyson is a 7th grader who enjoys playing basketball, skateboarding, and right for you. video games. His favorite subjects at school are math and PE. The best thing about quarantine was having extra time to take care and play with Chewie, his dog. Taegyoung K. is a 5th grader. She loves reading books and writing her own stories. Also, she likes to play video games, board games, and badminton with her family. She would like to be a person who is kind and helps others. Sean’s Book Review Kailani’s Review Middle School Can Change Your Life Positive Outlook Finding the Worm Ways to Make Sunshine by Mark Goldblatt, is is written by Renée Watson, about a 7th grader, Julian a Coretta Scott King Twerski, who attends Award and Newbery Medal McMasters Middle School. winner. The story is about There, 9th graders are a a 10-year-old Ryan Hart Sean real problem, as they are Kailani T. who had to adjust to many the bullies. Julian is seen changes in her life after her admiring a painting of a historical picture, and then is father had lost his job. Her dad’s new job accused of messing it up! Julian’s friend, Quentin, suffers did not pay as much as his old job, so her from a tumor in his head, and due to this, is promised a family had to move into a smaller house visit from a famous baseball player. Another friend, Beverly, and must limit their spending. Ryan faced many challenges is constantly asking Julian to race her in running, but at this point of her life. With the help from her loving family he always says no. This book has a lot of side stories that and friends, she was able to see the positive sides of the contribute to the main idea, making the book interesting, changes. Ryan brought sunshine to her family and anyone suspenseful, and funny. Mark Goldblatt did a great job around her by trying to be a good daughter, good sister, and connecting this book to his previous book, Twerp. In a good friend. conclusion, Finding the Worm is really cool, but you Reading this book taught me to think positive. If we look should read Twerp before this, as you will have a much at things positively, we can always find some good things better time! even in the worst situation. I give this book 5 stars out of 5. Sean is a 6th grader who enjoys playing basketball and volleyball. He Kailani is a 3rd grader who loves to read. When not playing with her loves to teach his dog, Chewie, tricks and taking him on walks. His baby brother, Kailani likes to color and draw. She started taking Spanish favorite subjects at school are math and PE. The best thing about lessons while sheltering-in-place. Horseback riding and skate boarding quarantine was spending time with his family in nature. are the new activities she enjoys. Hope everyone stays well and healthy. Covering the La Habra City School District February / March 2021 11
From Stage to Sidewalk In London in 1743, a performance was done using a Roller skating had become part of the world culture. In brand-new invention to mimic ice skating on stage—the the United States, Hollywood made films with roller skates first recorded use of roller skates. That performance was as early as 1913. Behind the Iron Curtain in 1977, the East followed in 1818 in Berlin, Germany, with the production of Germans produced a film called Die zertanzten Schuhe Der Maler oder die Wintervergn Ugunger (The Artist, or (The Twelve Dancing Princesses. The film industry has Winter Pleasures), a ballet. The following year in France, a produced films with social commentary, such as Kansas patent was issued for the first roller skates. City Bomber (1972) and Rollerball (1975). By 1857, London had its first roller-skating rink. All of Roller skating has even made it into popular music. the early skates were of the in-line type. Then in 1863, Melanie’s song “Brand-New Key” tells the story of a young the first quad skates with four wheels were invented. The girl going by a boy’s house to see him, but he is never home. wheels allowed for easier turning. The skates had two And there is the song by Jim Croce about the Roller Derby wheels in front and two in the back. Queen—how she is the meanest hunk of woman, called Skating became a popular sporting activity for men Spike, and how he fell in love. and women. It was not long before roller-skating became a From that one performance in 1743, roller skating has sporting event for endurance in miles or days. Over time, become a popular activity for children and competition for endurance racing became a team sport. dancing and sports. It has been suggested as a sport in the By 1935, Chicago had the first roller derby rink, and soon Olympic Games. So, the next time you see someone glide the teams were paired together on the same track. Then on by you, remember that the activity was born on a stage in a November 19, 1948, the CBS-TV network broadcast the first play back in 1743 in London! roller-derby race between New York and Brooklyn teams. D.H.Coop is a retired fire/paramedic and retired teacher having taught Most people did not own a TV at the time, but spectators IB and AP World History 30 years. He continues to substitute, tutor and were able to watch the race in store-display windows. The consult. following year, the sport had grown so much that 55,000 spectators filled Madison Square Garden over five-days. Lacrosse—Word Search Contest Rules! One word in the list is Not in the word search. When you have completed the word search, Entries must be received by March 30, 2021 one word will be left and that word you email to: From the correct entries one name will be drawn to win a $20 gift certificate redeemable at Barnes & Noble. (Please put La Habra in the subject line) ATTACK MOUTH GUARD CLEATS NET COACH PLAYERS CREASE RULES DEFENSE SCORE FIELD SHAFT GOAL KEEPER SIDE LINES HEAD STICK HELMETS TEAMS MIDDIES UNIFORMS Word Search by Kai Coop 12
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