Page created by Ray Todd

                                                          50 Wood Street, Coventry RI 02816
                                                        Phone 401.822.9175    Fax 401.822.9128
                                                          Like us on Facebook—Coventry Resource and Senior Center
                                                    to view our Monthly Newsletter
                                                         Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00am—4:00pm

From The Director’s Desk
                                                                                               JULY 2021
                                              Hello Everyone:

Over the past month and a half of reopening, our classes are getting full and our
building is coming back to life. I have been able to speak with many of you one-on-
one and each of you have a story of resiliency and making it through the difficulties
of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we celebrate the birth of our nation and our
Independence this July 4th, we also celebrate our return to being free from the past
year and now more independent as we participate and connect with one another.

It brings me joy to hear people’s laughter filling our center. If you have not made it
into our center, I would like to personally invite you to join us and see what we have     Table of Contents
to offer.                                                                                  Monthly Happenings…….Page 2
We would like to welcome our new receptionist and intake worker Lynn Jacavone              Monthly Happenings…….Page 3
who is joining our team to help in any way she can. Presently, she is signing people
                                                                                           Monthly Happenings…….Page 4
up for the MY Senior Center program where you will get an ID card and you can
become a member of our center at no cost to you. You will be able to use this card         Monthly Happenings…….Page 5
to check-in and we will be having a raffle the last week of July to win some great         General Services…………Page 6
prizes. So sign up today and visit us and we will give you a 50 cent tour of all that we
                                                                                           General Services…………Page 7
do in our new space.
                                                                                           Activities…………………Page 8
MEAL SITE: On Monday July 12, 2021 we will be resuming our hot meal program.
We have been given the go-ahead by Blackstone Health our Food Service Provider             Health & Wellness……….Page 9
that this is the date we restart our “normal” meal site operations.                        Nutrition………………….Page 10
NEW PROGRAMS-On Tuesday, July 13 from 9:30-11:30, the new mobile library will              Café Monthly Menu……...Page 11
be here at the Coventry Resource and Senior Center. This will take place out on the
                                                                                           Live Healthier…..………...Page 12
patio (weather permitting). The Coventry Public Library staff will be on-site to sign
people up for library cards as well as lending books. We will be asking our folks who      Resources………………...Page 13
are grandparents to bring a grandchild for lunch. The Library will also leave a drop       Resources………………...Page 14
box on –site for those who need to return library books if you can’t return them to
the library. Sign-ups will be the first week of July.
                                                                                           Resources……………….. Page 15
                                                                                           Hope & Recovery………..Page 16
B-I-N-G-0 will be returning on……Wednesday July 14, 2021 @1:30pm. Keep an eye
out for announcements and details.                                                         Hope & Recovery………..Page 17
This month sounds like fun! Boy are we overdue for some fun! Stop by and see us!           Staff Directory…………...Page 18
Until Next Month-Enjoy the summer weather, and enjoy your friends and families!
BE WELL-Bob Robillard Jr., LMHC-Director
Page 2
                      MONTHLY HAPPENINGS…
The Coventry Public Library is excited to launch a            BOCCE IS BACK !!!!
      MOBILE LIBRARY this summer .
      See page 3 for all locations and dates.             Thursdays at 2:00pm in our
   It will be at the Coventry Senior Center on               brand new Bocce Court
  July 13th and August 3rd 9:30—11:30am.                       Weather Permitting
Please come and you can sign up for a library card,    Call 822-9175 for more information.
      check out a book, get tech help & more

           Has returned !!!
 Come join us on Wednesday, July 14th
              at 1:30pm
    We are looking to start a group on                   ****************************
         Wednesdays at 1:00pm.
    Please sign up with the receptionist
    and when we have enough players                    BINGO        LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS
          we can set a start date!                    to assist with calling back numbers and giving out
    **********************************                               prizes on Wednesdays.
                                                       If you are available, the time slot would be from
                                                           Call Pat 822-9180 or 822-9474. Thanks!
                                                            Hope to start playing BINGO in July…
                                                                 Please consider volunteering


                                                         CHRONIC PAIN SELF-MANAGEMENT
                                                                    COMING IN SEPTEMBER !!!
    THE POOL ROOM IS OPEN                             Will provide participants with the tools to manage medica-
     & looking for more players !                      tions including signs of addiction and other side effects,
 We have two billiard tables open for play            fatigue, frustration, proper nutrition, communication skills
        Monday through Friday                          to address family, friends, and healthcare professionals.
                                                      (Please call receptionist 822-9175 to add your name to the
           8:00am to 4:30pm.                              waiting list. See page 3 for additional information.)
       Cheapest rates in town at
          $4.00 for the month.
          Come join the fun !
Page 3

                                       COMING IN SEPTEMBER !!!
Will provide participants with the tools to manage medications including signs of addiction and other side
                    effects, fatigue, frustration, proper nutrition, communication skills
to address family, friends, and healthcare professionals. Facilitated by two certified peer leaders in group
        sessions. It does include a gentle exercise program. 2 1/2 hours per week for six weeks.
                        This is for anyone 18 years of age or older and it is FREE.
       Provided by RI DOH & Community Health Network at the RI Parent Information Network.
              Please call our receptionist at 822-9175 to add your name to the waiting list.

 Question to RI Dept. of Health: I’ve already had COVID-19. Should I get vaccinated?
Answer: Yes. It’s unclear how long immunity lasts after an infection. People who get COVID-19
   can develop serious illnesses and long-lasting symptoms. V accine is the best protection.
Page 4

             VACCINE INFORMATION                For all links and information visit
            *To schedule for state and regional sites go to or call 844-930-1779
             Rhode Islanders can also call 211 for assistance setting up appointments on
                  *To schedule at select CVS locations visit CVS.COM, the CVS phar macy app
              or call 1-800-746-7287 Listen to r ecor ding and Pr ess 1 & then say “speak to an agent”
     *To schedule at select Walgreens locations, visit Walgr Vaccine or call your local
             *To schedule at select Walmart pharmacy locations, visit www.walmar
         *To schedule at select Stop & Shop pharmacy locations, visit
                 Appointments are recommended but not necessary at the state site in Cranston,
                  and also at select locations at CVS, Walgreens, Walmart and Stop & Shop.
              *There is also a link for homebound individuals to sign up at or call 211
    *Providence VA Medical Center, 830 Chalkstone Ave. Prov *Walk in Vaccine clinic for all Veterans!
If not enrolled in VA healthcare, bring DD214, picture ID and a completed 1010EZ if you have access to it online.
         FREE RIDES TO VACCINE APPTS. Seniors call 211 and push #6 for LYFT Rides.
FREE RIPTA bus rides Call 401-781-9400 or email / for routes

To print proof of your vaccinations go to or if no access online you can call 222-8022

          RI Department of Health COVID-19 HOTLINE (401) 222-8022 or visit
         Visit or after hours call 211 for the latest info & guidance.
    COVID-19 resources listed on this page ar e just a par tial list. These and mor e r esour ces & links ar e
                    on the RI Covid-19 Information Portal at
       R I Office of Healthy Aging (for mer ly RI Dept of Elder ly Affair s) www.oha.r esour ces
              or call the Healthy Aging Helpdesk at the POINT (401) 462-4444 or 211 after hours
            Please wear your face covering if not vaccinated, wash your hands & social distance !
     United Way of Rhode Island           Call 211 for help 24/7     (Call, text or chat)

               MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT: 24/7 (mental health & substance use crises)
                                Call 911 if there is risk of immediate danger.
         *For adults call BH LINK (401) 414-5465 *For under 18 call KidLink at 855-543-5465
                               Visit the BH Link website at www.bhlink.or g
   Or you can visit the 24-HOUR/7-DAY TRIAGE CENTER at 975 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI
     *RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-800-494-8100 or www.r icadv.or g to access 24/7 Chat Helpline
            For more info on the above and other supportive services go to

TESTING: If you have symptoms and need to be tested call your healthcar e pr ovider or ur gent car e to make an appt.
*Or go online to to be prescreened and to set up an appointment. You can also call 222-8022 or go
to Asymptomatic testing also available. *TO ACCESS ALL RESULTS

EMPLOYMENT RELATED ISSUES: Depar tment of Labor & Tr aining (401) 462-2020 To file for unemployment or
TDI go to
SMALL BUSINESS SUPPORTS / free tech help: commer cer or call (401)521—HELP(4357)                        .

     COVID-19 FUNERAL ASSISTANCE THROUGH FEMA (Expenses incurred after January 20, 2020)
     Call 844-684-6333 to get an application completed with the help from a FEMA representative.
Page 5
Page 6
                                 GENERAL SERVICES
                               Coventry Resource and Senior Center
    Case Management
    Our social workers provide case management services to all Coventry residents of any age.
    They will confidentially assess the individual or family circumstances and either assist directly or
    provide information and referrals on local, state and federal programs.
    Please call the main office at 822-9175 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

    Medicare Information
    Our Social Worker Assistant Stefani assists those individuals in providing information and assistance with
    understanding Medicare programs, health insurance options and prescription plans etc.
    Please call 822-9175 for more information or to schedule an appointment with Stefani.

    Health & Wellness / Nurse
    Our nurses are available to monitor your blood pressure, weight and diabetes as well as to answer some of
    your basic health questions. In addition, the center offers health & wellness education seminars and
    presentations on many subjects. We also collaborate with Department of Health and other agencies to make
    available important workshops and fitness programs.

    The Coventry Cafe provides a nutritional meal to approximately 80 individuals per day. Our volunteers
    deliver Meals on Wheels to Coventry residents. The Coventry Community Food Bank and Community
    Garden also assists our residents. Please call 822-9175 for more information on any of the above.

    Educational Programs
    Monthly workshops on topics such as social, financial, preventative care and legal/estate planning etc.
    We always welcome any suggestions you may have on informational presentations.

                                                                  SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM
     COVENTRY CARES VOLUNTEERS                                 The Senior Companion Program trains volunteers
           If you would like to volunteer at the                to serve isolated older adults in their own homes,
    Coventry Resource and Senior Center we may be                  adult day centers, and other community sites.
    able to connect you with an opportunity that will          Senior Companions must be 55 or older and must
      enrich your life as well as the lives of others.             meet specified income limits. They receive a
          VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES                                tax-free stipend and other benefits while serving
     Community Garden / MOW Delivery / Bingo /                         clients an average of 20 hours weekly.
           Dining Room servers / Kitchen help                     Contact Office of Healthy Aging at 462-0569
               Call 822-9175 for more info                          to apply to become a Senior Companion.
           *VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to be                                      
        substitute volunteers in the mealsite !!!                    ————————————————-
                                                               Senior Companions are matched with a resident in
                                                                     need of socialization and companionship
             NOTARY PUBLIC - Free Service                           and will serve four hours one day per week
This service is available at no charge. Three staff members                  at no cost to the participant.
are RI Registered Notaries. Please call 822-9175 to ensure         Call Lynn at 822-9125 to be placed on the
a notary is available for you.                                 waiting list and for any updates as to openings.
Page 7
                              GENERAL SERVICES
                            Coventry Resource and Senior Center
                                            PLEASE COME,
                                            MEET FRIENDS
                                       & RELAX ON THE PATIO !
                                          Enjoy the sun or shade

Our nurses are at your service to monitor blood pressure, weight, diabetes and medication management.
            People are welcome from the community to take advantage of this free service.
                 Our nurses are ready for any basic nursing questions you might have.
                             Nurse Jane or Nurse Carolyn are available:
         Mon 8:30—12:30 Tues 8:30—12:30                 Thurs 8:30-12:30 Fri 8:30—12:30

                COFFEE SHOP                                               LENDING LIBRARY
      Hoping to open by August 2nd
                                                                      Come browse our Lending Library
      Open mornings daily 9:30 to 11:30 providing
                                                                      and pick up some interesting
      tea, coffee, hot chocolate, juices, and snacks.
                                                                      reading… or you might have some
                                                                      books to share...

                                           PROJECT FRIENDS
Project Friends is a State of RI licensed community based day service program developed in 1992 for
adults with developmental disabilities. Each individual has a plan that offers choices of activities
which build independence, adult daily living skills, socialization, self-esteem and confidence.
Participants are supported by case aides. If you would like more information about Project Friends,
please feel free to call the Marlena Davis or Lisa Cote at 822-9144.

                                              ‘TIS THE SEASON
‘Tis the Season is a volunteer organization serving families in the towns of Coventry and West Greenwich.
It was established in 1992 with its main focus to provide a joyful holiday season for all, especially children.
 ‘Tis the Season operates through the generosity of the community. Some members of the community have
   small fundraisers. Others prefer to donate money directly. The Fire Departments graciously conduct an
annual “Boot Day” to support ‘Tis the Season. These funds are used to purchase needed food and clothing.
Local schools and churches hold food drives. Other clubs and organizations conduct toy drives all to benefit
‘Tis the Season. Still other families, businesses, schools and other local groups choose to “Adopt a Family”
      at the holidays. Call 822-9178 for more information, how to request assistance or how to donate.
Page 8

 Coventry Resource & Senior Center
BOCCE - Starting June 17th Weather Permitting
Thursdays at 2:00 in our brand new Bocce Court
Or feel free to come on your own any time of the week....

PITCH / CARDS          Starting June 22nd
Tuesdays at 1:00 we meet in the mealsite. The cost is $25.00 for
seventeen weeks. For more information see Charlie or Wanda in
person or call 822-9175.

BINGO Returns on July 14th - Please come & join the fun                     Weekly / Monthly
Wednesday Afternoons 1:30 – 4:00 Looking for Bingo callers                Activities & Programs
CRIBBAGE          Beginning June 3                                    8:30am – Nurse available
                                                                      8:00am – Pool Room
Thursdays at 1:00 pm.                                                 1:00pm Scrabble
We meet in the activity room on the left just behind the mealsite.
Always looking for cribbage players !
                       ——————————                                     Tuesday
                                                                      8:30am – Nurse available
Want to learn how to play cribbage ? We have someone who will
teach you on Fridays @ 1:00. Simply call us at 822-9175 and we        8:00am – Pool Room
will make sure she is available for you !                             10:15am Sociables (1st Tuesday)
                                                                      10:30am Arthritis Exercise Class
SCRABBLE         has begun...                                         1:15pm Pitch
Mondays at 1:00 am. All skill levels are invited to join this group
                                                                      8:00am – Pool Room
KNITTING         has begun...
                                                                      9:30am Knitting
Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:30 . If you knit or crochet we would love to
                                                                      1:00pm Canasta
have you join us in the mealsite. If you need any help with your
                                                                      1:30pm Bingo
projects, we would be happy to help.
POOL ROOM—Open & looking for more players                             8:30am—Nurse available
Did you know that we have two billiard tables?                        8:00am – Pool Room
The tables are open for play Monday - Friday 8:00 – 4:30pm.           11:00am Creative Writing
Cheapest rates in town only $4.00 for the month. Come join us!        1:00pm Cribbage
                                                                      2:00pm Bocce (Weather Permitting)

CREATIVE WRITING GROUP                    Beginning June 3            Friday
Thursdays at 11:00. Cynthia Anne Bowen, a published fiction writer    8:30am – Nurse available
and poet, has a B.A. in English Literature from Brown University.     8:00am – Pool Room
No experience necessary. All you need is a desire to put your words   10:30am Arthritis Exercise Class
on paper. She will show you how. $5.00 per class.                     1:00 pm Need Help with cribbage—
                                                                      call to sign up
CANASTA        coming soon… Every Wednesday at 1:00
We will be meeting in the activity room just behind the mealsite.
Page 9
Please note: Some programs & activities have
not resumed yet. Please call 822-9175          HEALTH & WELLNESS
if you have any questions. Thank You

                                                          CHRONIC PAIN SELF-MANAGEMENT

                                                                     COMING IN THE FALL !!!

                THE SOCIABLES                              Will provide participants with the tools to manage
   On the first Tuesday of every month at 10:15am        medications including signs of addiction and other side
  some interesting single seniors meet and plan day          effects, fatigue, frustration, proper nutrition,
   trips for the upcoming month. If you’re not busy                communication skills to address
  every Sunday and enjoy plays etc. we would love            family, friends, and healthcare professionals
               to have you join our group.             Facilitated by two certified peer leaders in group sessions.
                                                                It does include a gentle exercise program.
   ********************************                                 2 1/2 hours per week for six weeks.

                                                       This is for anyone 18 years of age or older and it is FREE.
                                                       Provided by RI DOH & Community Health Network at the
  WALK WITH EASE coming in the Fall
                                                                     RI Parent Information Network.
               a program for better living
                                                                 Please call our receptionist at 822-9175
 Arthritis Foundation Certified. Doctor Recommended
                                                                   to add your name to the waiting list.
 The Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease Program
   is an exercise program that can reduce pain and
  improve overall health. If you can be on your feet
   for 10 minutes without increased pain, you can
          have success with Walk With Ease.
 Classes are one-hour each. 3x per wk for 6 weeks.            RHODE ISLAND NICOTINE HELPLINE
                     Cost is free.                              1-(800) - QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669)
            Call Pat Fleming at 822-9474                Get free counseling sessions, plus extra virtual support
              to be added to waiting list               through text messages and online tools. Callers may be
                                                           ages 13+. Patients ages 18+ may also receive free
                                                          nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) gum, patches,
   ********************************                           or lozenges if eligible through the mail.
      ARTHRITIS EXERCISE CLASS                           **********************************************
             coming soon
                                                                    DISPOSE MEDICINES SAFELY
Tuesdays and Fridays 10:30 – 11:30.                        Get rid of expired or no longer needed medications
This is an eight week program for $40.00.                   safely by locating a safe disposal site near you at
We include chair exercises as part of the program.
Stop in for a class to see if this is what you
are looking for !
Page 10

                        COVENTRY COMMUNITY FOOD BANK (822-9199)
    Located at 191 MacArthur Blvd. Coventry. Enter main entrance and the food bank is in the basement.
In order to determine eligibility to use the food bank, you must meet with a social worker at the Coventry Resource
                     and Senior Center at 50 Wood Street for a full assessment. Call 822-9175.
         The Food Bank greatly appreciates any donations… Currently in need of: canned pasta, cereal, snacks,
  juice boxes, peanut butter. We always accept any non-perishable items such as personal care items & household
    cleaning supplies. In the basement of 191 MacArthur Blvd. there is a Large Blue Bin for any food donations.

        COVENTRY COMMUNITY GARDEN located in front of the Town Hall Annex.
        (Come check out the Bee Hive too!) All of the produce grown goes directly to the Food Bank.
        Please help us feed our community! If you have a few hours per week available or maybe you have
        community service hours for school or college this would be a great opportunity.
        For more information, please call 822-9175.Visit the Coventry Community Garden on Facebook.

St. Vincent de Paul Society Are you or is someone you know an elder in Coventry or West Warwick.?
Please call the SVdP Society at 828-3090 before 3pm on Wednesday to schedule a deliver y or pick up of a
warm meal from our Saturday Grab and Go weekly meals. If you will pick up your meal, please come to the
OLC school Gym located at 445 Washington St. Coventry on Saturday between 11:00am—12:00 noon.

                COVENTRY CAFÉ
Come have lunch at the Café for those 60 and over or                      Additional food pantry options…
individuals with disabilities. Each Café offers at least two   Faith Fellowship Food Pantry
of the three meal choices daily. The “spa option” for the      260 Victory Highway, West Greenwich 397-3383
health conscious, features lighter fare such as a main         Open every Wednesday 4pm—6pm             *Please bring a
course salad. The “pub option” offers a sandwich for those     picture ID and any bill mailed to your current address
who want a traditional lunch. The “hearty option” provides     Emanuel Lutheran Church 20 Leaf St. WW 821-8888
a full, hot lunch for those who prefer their main meal at      Tues 10am –12 can go weekly (For WW & Coventry
midday. Please call 822-9180 for your lunch reservation at     residents only) *Please bring proof of address
least one day in advance. Salad option requires one week       Project Hand Up
notice. If you cannot make it in, please call us to cancel.
                                                               15 Factory St. WW located behind American Legion
The suggested donation is $3.00. guest under 60 for $4.00.
                                                               $6 for 3 prefilled bags. 965-9050 or Check their
                                                               facebook page (Project Hand Up) for times & changes
Meals on Wheels of Rhode Island
Provides home delivered meals to frail, homebound seniors
and qualified disabled persons, five days per week. Seniors
must be 60 years or older, live alone, have no one to help       PARTICIPANT INFORMATION FORM
them, and be unable to shop, cook, or drive. If under 60,      All those who participate in our mealsite/Café must
an approved waiver is required through eligible waiver          fill out a PIF for this congregate meal program.
programs (DHS, PACE, NHPRI) Can make referral                        You must be 60 or older or a person with
on-line at or call (401) 351-6700
                                                                             disabilities to participate.
Donations accepted but not mandatory.
Page 11

The hot meals will be starting back on July 12th !!!
Page 12

             Please note:
Always consult your healthcare provider
    when contemplating new ideas
       to promote better health.
Page 13
                                   Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and/or Neglect (RIGL 40-11-3) to report
RESOURCES                        known or suspected cases to DCYF within 24 hrs 1-800-RI-CHILD (1-800-742-4453)

How to apply for SNAP (food stamps) benefits; RIW (cash assistance); (CCAP) child care assistance and
other programs – Can apply online or you may opt to complete the printable application. The application can be
found at RI Department of Human Services website: DHS Call Center (1-855-697-4347)
RI DHS all mailed applications be sent to: RI Dept of Human Services, PO Box 8709 Cranston, RI 02920 or can
be hand delivered to any DHS location. Closest is Warwick DHS 195 Buttonwoods Ave. Warwick 02886

URI SNAP OUTREACH         NEED HELP WITH RENT? For r ental & utility assistance              RI LEGAL SERVICES 401-274-2652
  Call 1-866-306-0270     RentReliefRI at or CCAP’s new client portal      RI Office of Mental Health Advocate    at or call CCAP at 467-7013 for questions.        401-462-2003 Advocacy, legal help for
                                                                                             those with mental health issues.
                 HOUSING RESOURCES
                                                                        Office of Child Support Services For an application
                                                                        visit (401) 458-4400
 Section 8 applications will only be accepted online accessible
                 at                               PARENT SUPPORT NETWORK
                                                                        WWW.PSNRI.ORG (401) 467-6855
*For a statewide list of rental properties & other resources
                                                                        RI PARENT INFORMATION NETWORK      Click on RENTAL RESOURCE GUIDE
                                                                        WWW.RIPIN.ORG (401) 270-0101
   *If you find yourself in need of “Emergency Housing” -               RIPIN Healthcare Advocate: assists those cover ed
 Are you currently homeless or facing homelessness in the               by both Medicare and Medicaid with denials, benefits
next 14 days ? Your first step should always be to contact              etc.& Neighborhood Integrity Call 1-855-747-3224
      RI Coordinated Entry System (CES) at 277-4316.                    FREE AND REDUCED PRICE SCHOOL MEALS visit
If it is not safe for you to call, please fill out form at   RI Dept of Ed to see if you qualify at
       They will assist in finding an appropriate shelter and           home.aspx Or your school website
  provide case management services for permanent housing.
                                                                          Bright Stars—Rating system for RI Child Care
For info on Public Housing for Elderly and Disabled, and Affordable Call 1-855-398-7605
  multi-family housing in Coventry - Coventry Housing Authority
 401-828-4367 - 14 Manchester Circle or visit       CHILD INC. 823-3228
                                                                        Head Start/Early Head Start: No cost
      Other helpful sites: /           programming for expecting parents and children / /         birth to five who are eligible by family income,
                                                                        foster placement or are experiencing homelessness.
      WESTBAY CAP *Please note their NEW ADDRESS:                       Also Extended Day Childcare & RI Pre-K ...
      Westbay Community Action on 487 J efferson Blvd. in
    Warwick, 02886 offers Coventry residents who are eligible:          EBC House Hotline 738-1700 www.ebccenter .or g
       Heating Assistance, Good Neighbor Energy Fund,                   24hr. hotline 1-800-494-8100
      Weatherization Programs etc. www.westbaycap.or g                  Safe shelter; transitional housing; court advocacy; counseling
                 or call 732-4660 Fax 739-2761
   National Grid Consumer Advocate Carlos Andrade 784-7222.                 RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence
                                                                           The Helpline: 24-Hour Support 1-800-494-8100
                    Low - Cost Home Internet                           &
  Essential for Every Child’s Education CONNECT2COMPETE                         CHURCH OF CHRIST Giving Closet
  Visit                       42 Nooseneck Hill Road, West Greenwich
                                                                          (Lower Level Coventry-West Greenwich Elks Lodge)
         Need HealthSource RI? Can apply online at
                                                                          Open every Wednesday from 1—5pm. FREE 397-9700 or call 1-855-840-4774

******************************************                              the SHARING locker third Saturday of each month,
 Family Health Services of Coventry (CCAP), 191 MacArthur               10-12noon Westminster Unitarian Church—Smith Hall
                                                                        119 Kenyon Avenue, East Greenwich 401-884-5933
Blvd. www.comcap.or g 401-828-5335 affordable health and dental
                                                               ( items such as deodor ant,
   Family Health Services also has a HealthSource RI navigator.
                                                                        tissues, laundry detergent, razors etc.)
 WIC at 191 MacAr thur Blvd. 589-2610 Tuesdays and Thurs
SUPPORT GROUPS                                                                                                   Page 14
Here are just some in R I…
American Parkinson Disease Association / APDA
                                                                       FYI Robert J. Allen      Masonic Medical Equipment
Parkinson’s Information & Referral Center at Kent Hospital             Distribution Center 451-0184* Open Fridays 9 to 12
Call Mary Ellen Thibodeau, RN 401-736-1046 or                          Pre-owned – loaned at no cost 116 Long Street in
email or visit their website at               Warwick (across from St. Rose & Clement Church –                                                   through the iron gates “Masonic Shriners” Warehouse
                                                                       on left
Hope Hospice & Palliative Care Rhode Island                            Ocean State Center for Independent Living.
Bereavement support groups . Call 1-800-338-6555 or visit their        1944 Warwick Ave, Warwick, RI
website at                                       Needing equipment such as wheelchairs, grab bars,
                                                                       walkers, transport chair, toilet,etc. Or need a wheelchair
TGI Network of Rhode Island                         ramp ? Call OSCIL at 401-738-1013 Ext. 13 or
support and advocacy for the TGI community in Rhode Island   
SAGE RI sager Services, advocacy          The Alzheimer’s Association’s 24/7 Helpline service
and education for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders       Visit or call 1-800-272-3900
PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay,         Adult Day Programs—for a statewide list go to:
bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents
and families, and allies. Provides support, education and advocacy.   DHS Long Term Care office
RI Chapter (401) 307-1802                     to apply for nursing home care contact (401) 415-8455
                                                                      For a list of updated licensed Nursing Homes,
IF A SENIOR (60 & older) IS NOT SAFE at home call:                    Assisted Living Facilities and Home Care providers
Office of Healthy Aging—formerly Department of                        go to RI Dept of Health website at
Elderly Affairs: Protective Services 401-462-0555                     Saint Elizabeth Haven Shelter & Elder Justice
Call 211 after hours. to file report online.
                                                                      Community Program 401-244-5476 Temporary shelter
RI General Law 46-66 mandates that anyone who suspects the
                                                                      for elder victims & advocacy, case management,
abuse of an older person must report it to the
                                                                      safety planning for victims in the community.
Adult Protective Services Unit (401-462-0555)
     FOR NEGLECT OR ABUSE IN A FACILITY call:                                               Transportation
    Department of Health Facilities Regulation: 401-222-5200           MTM coor dinates tr anspor tation ser vices for Rhode
 RI Attorney General Patient Abuse or Neglect, Medicaid Fraud &        Islanders age 60 and older & Under 60 Adults with
     Drug Diversion Unit: 401-222-2566 or 274-4400 x2269               disabilities on Medicaid only – General and special
        Alliance for Better Long Term Care: 401-785-3340               medical appts., adult day services, senior meals program
  (advocates for those in nursing homes, assisted living, or those     and INSIGHT. There is a $2 fee per ride.
             receiving home care or hospice services)                  1-855-330-9131. It also coordinates non-emergency
**************************************************                     transportation for Medicaid recipients who have no
   Are you disabled and need information on services…                  other means of medical transportation.

 Office of Rehabilitation Services (ORS)                Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Paratransit
 Disability Determination Services (DDS) 40 F ountain St.              Services 461-9760 or for application.
                                                                       *Pick up & drop off must be within 3/4 mile of a regular
            Providence, RI 02903 401-421-7005
                                                                       fixed bus route. $4.00 one way fare.
        *************************************                          RIPTA 784-9500 ext. 604 or
 Dept. of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities
                  and Hospitals (BHDDH)                                       PROGRESO LATINO            401-728-5920
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)              Bilingual services, activities, support and information for
For any questions call 401-462-3421 and ask to speak with an                      elders and disabled over age 60
                   eligibility caseworker.
  Report concerns or abuse of an adult with disabilities aged                PET OWNERS Need help with vet expenses?
                                                                              FRIENDS of ANIMALS in NEED 489-3645
             18—59 by contacting: RI BHDDH
                                                                                  CAWS 615-2200 West Warwick
         QUALITY ASSURANCE UNIT at 462-2629                                  RI Community Spay / Neuter Clinic 369-7297
    24 hour hotline, seven days per week, 365 days per year                  RI Veterinary Medical Association 751-0944
Page 15
                                                                    NOTICE FOR LOW / MODERATE INCOME
                                                                             COVENTRY HOMEOWNERS
                                                                           Grant / loan funds available through the
                                                                    Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
                                                                   pr ogr am to assist qualified homeowner s with only
                                                                                the following home repairs:
VETERANS SERVICES…To apply for pensions,                         *replacement of old inadequate furnaces; *windows;
compensation, vocational rehabilitation, education, home          *leaking or inadequate roofs; *failed septic systems.
loans etc. Contact the Providence Regional Office of the            Please call Gail Hardink in Planning at 822-6246
Veterans Benefits Administration, 380 Westminster                or email for fur ther details
St. Providence RI at 1-800-827-1000 or
------------------------------------------------------         R I SPECIAL NEEDS EMERGENCY REGISTRY
                                                               The R I Department of Health maintains a registry for Rhode
To apply for healthcare, hospital & prescription benefits
                                                               Islanders of all ages-infants to seniors– who have speech,
contact the Providence Veterans Administration                 cognitive, developmental, mental health, sensory and
Medical Center at 830 Chalkstone Avenue in                     mobility disabilities, chronic conditions, and/or other special
Providence at 273-7100 / 1-866-363-4486 or                     healthcare needs. The Registry allows first responders and                                          emergency management officials to plan, prepare for, and
--------------------------------------------------------       respond to the needs of the community in an emergency.
To receive readjustment, PTSD, marital & family                For more info or to enroll, visit
counseling, outreach services, bereavement & substance         401-222-5960/ RI Relay 711
abuse counseling etc. for the veteran and family members
contact the VET CENTER at 2038 Warwick Avenue,                  Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island
Warwick RI 401-739-0167. Services provided at no cost.          784-8600 Services for immigrants and refugees
------------------------------------------------------------    Center for Southeast Asians 401-274-8811 Victim
Rhode Island Veterans Resource Center                           services, interpreters, advocacy and support services
560 Jefferson Blvd. Suite 206 Warwick, 401-921-2119
Offers two computer workstations with internet access,                    SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE
printers, telephones. Staff available to assist with job           30 Quaker Lane, Warwick RI 02886 (first floor)
searches, resume development, and research.                           1-866-964-2038 or TTY 1-800-325-0778
                                                         Can also apply online for retirement
                  Veterans Crisis Line                                 benefits, SSI, Medicare/disability benefits;
                 1-800-273-8255 Press 1                         replacement ss card; proof of benefits; status of appeal etc.

RI VET CORPS is an Amer iCor ps pr ogr am at                    Having issues with Social Security or the VA ?
Westbay Community Action in Warwick.                            Offices are available to help - Residents can contact:
A representative will provide information and referrals to      Senator Jack Reed, Cranston office 943-3100
veterans and their families and will help access available      Congressman Jim Langevin, Warwick office 732-9400
benefits and services. They can be reached at 921-5350.
————————————————–————                                          Great resource information: Rhode Island Guide to
OPERATION STAND DOWN                                           Services for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities can be
An independent non-profit agency to assist veterans who are    found at Click on 2017 Pocket Manual
eligible in securing stable housing and employment. Also
assist with basic needs (food & clothing), education and             CodeRed pr ovides automated calls on your landline
training services etc. 1010 Hartford Ave. Johnston                and/or cell phone and text messages alerting you of weather 1-800-861-8387 / 383-4730                                  emergencies, sex offender notifications, town info etc.
—————————————————————                                            Your landline is automatically on the system, but if you want to
                                                               receive notifications on your cell phone you would need to register
NEW ENGLANDERS HELPING OUR VETERANS                             your cell phone # online at the town website 401-649-2548 Follow on facebook                      or the Coventry Police website at
Page 16
                                                 HOPE AND RECOVERY
Addiction is a Disease. Recovery is Possible. Treatment is Available.
Call the RI Hope and Recovery Helpline:                       Rhode Island Department of Behavioral
401-942-STOP / 401-942-7867                                 Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities &
Rhode Island’s recovery helpline connects individuals in           Hospitals (BHDDH) - BH LINK
crisis with treatment and recovery support.              If you are going through a mental health or substance use
English & Spanish counselors licensed in                  crisis, there is help. Services and referrals provided by a
chemical-dependency are available 24 / 7 .                   professional team of registered nurses, counselors,
Or anyone can visit any Providence, Newport,                 psychiatrists, peer specialists, etc. 24-hours-a-day,
East Providence or Woonsocket fire station to connect       seven  days-a-week. Call 401-414– LINK (5465) or
to recovery services.                                         visit BHLINK.ORG or walk into our location at
When you’re ready --- The stations are open 24/7 for            975 Waterman Avenue in East Providence.
walk-ins. No r efer r als needed and it is fr ee.              Call 911 if there is risk of immediate danger.
Fire/EMS & recovery professionals will connect you to help.
Go to for mor e info.                            Other Important resources in a crisis
                                                                         911 (police, fire and rescue)
mental health and substance abuse treatment, case                        THE SAMARITANS RI (401) 272-4044
management, housing services, crisis response & more
                                                                         UNITED WAY 211 LINE Just dial 211
at Kent County YMCA 401-615-9945                                         NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE
for all stages of recovery                                               1-800-273-8255
CCAP Behavioral Health Counseling 401-467-9610                           Mental Health Association of RI *For treatment
provides mental health & substance abuse services,                       options          (401) 726-2285
anxiety, depression, trauma counseling etc.                                                           Alcoholics Anonymous (401) 438-8860
RI’s 24/7 Buprenorphine Hotline 401-606-5456
Call to talk with a healthcar e pr ovider , get a health                 VETERANS CRISIS LINE 1-800-273-8255 Press 1
evaluation, and make a plan for Medication Assisted
Treatment (MAT) (to treat opioid addiction & pain)
                                                                        Rhode Island’s Free Quitline 1-800-QUIT NOW (784-8669)
EBC House Hotline 401-738-1700                                          for help quitting Smoking and Vaping. Get free counseling
24hr.Statewide hotline 1-800-494-8100                 sessions, plus extra virtual support through text messages and
Safe shelter; transitional housing, court advocacy;                     online tools. Callers may be ages 13+. Patients ages 18+ may
counseling                                                              also receive free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) gum,
________________________________________                                patches, or lozenges if eligible through the mail.
Get rid of medicines safely by locating a safe                          ***********************************************
                                                                        Free 24/7 Quit Vaping Support Designed for Teens
disposal site near you at
                                                               Resour ces for teens                      ages 13-17 by phone, text, or online chat. Find more resources
NALOXONE (Narcan): A medicine that can                                  for parents, health educators, and others.
reverse an opioid overdose at RI pharmacies
                                                               a user fr iendly website offer ing
without a prescription from a doctor.
                                                                        many resources for people who may be at risk of overdose as
Find naloxone at
                                                                        well as concerned family members and friends.
                                                                        Coventry Substance Abuse Task Force (401)562– 2277
certain immunity against arrest to individuals who call
                                                                        Facebook: Coventry Substance Abuse Task Force
for medical assistance when someone is experiencing
                                                                        Twitter: @CoventryTask Instagram:@Coventry_SATF
an overdose. DON’T BE AFRAID TO CALL 911
Page 17
                                      HOPE AND RECOVERY
          Your teen is unique, valuable, and important. Have you told them lately ?
Does your teen know how important they are to you? Do they have others who pour sincere and positive
affirmations into them? So many teens struggle with their self-esteem for a variety of reasons. Self-esteem is all
about how they feel about themselves. Self-esteem plays an important role in our teens’ lives. It can determine if
goals are set and achieved, levels of motivation, self-worth, and directly ties into their future achievement levels and
                                   TIPS AND ADVICE TO CONSIDER
Maintain a positive attitude and avoid negativity. The effect of negativity wears off onto our children and before we
realize it they are pulled down by the vibes surrounding us.
Listen to your children. We all have busy lives, but it is important to stop and listen to what they are saying.
Many times they are trying to tell you something and parents will shrug it off as unimportant.
Praise your teen on what they have accomplished. Praise the effort more than the ability (encouragement is better
than praise). Make praises specific not generic, praise has to be sincere, and praise should be intermittent
not overdone.
Encourage physical activity and healthy eating habits. Staying active and eating healthy form the basis of a sound
body and mind. Studies have indicated that exercise changes the brain’s chemistry and in doing so, helps ward off
low self-esteem and clinical depression.
Your parenting style can play an important part in the development of your child’s self-esteem. Overparenting,
underparenting, and rigid, controlling parenting all affect how children view themselves. Never forget that your
actions can dramatically impact the life of your child.
WARNING SIGNS OF A PROBLEM                      Here are some signs that are commonly displayed by teens
who have low self-esteem: Walking with their head down      Doesn’t make eye contact when talking
Uses negative “I am” statements                Often involved in teasing, name calling, or gossiping about others
Engages in inappropriate physical contact or avoids physical contact
Excessive bragging about themselves, their achievements, or appearance
Avoids social situations                       Apologizes constantly

                                 BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM
   Provide unconditional love and respect.
   Have your teen make a list of things they like about themselves, things they are good at, and their strengths.
   Approve of and delight in your teen. Actively praise their accomplishments and effort.
   Display appropriate and consistent discipline.              Don’t stop hugging your teen.
   Continue to display your teen’s photos, report cards, awards etc, in your home.
   Have your teen make three goals and help them reach those goals.
   Encourage your teen to focus on their successes. Learn from failures, but don’t dwell.
                 (Above taken from Parent Handbook A Resource for Parents of Teen & Preteens Page 29)
Page 18
                 Staff Directory
Director Rober t Robillar d   822-9127
Lead Social Worker Cather ine Pendola     822-9178
                                                          You can view our monthly newsletter online at
Bookkeeper J omar ie Fabian   822-9177                     Click on Departments; Human Services; Attachments
Receptionist/Intake Coordinator Lynn J acavone
Main # 822-9175                                               Coventry Town Council Members
Social Workers                                         Ann Dickson, EdD Distr ict #1
Susan Pajak 822-9176                           401-439-3030
                                                       Jennifer Ludwig      Distr ict #2
Lynn Pendola 822-9125                             551-482-4725
                                                       James LeBlanc        Distr ict #3
Social Worker Assistant Stefani Weber 822-9146     401-821-1426
                                                       Hillary Lima          Distr ict #4
Food Bank     822-9199
Nurse’s Office 822-6208                                Kimberly Shockley Distr ict #5
Mealsite/Café 822-9180                        401-241-8517
Program Coordinator Pat Fleming 822-9474                  If you need to know what district you are in,                                     please visit
                                                              then click on Council Voting Districts
Program Assistant                 822-9180
Project Friends Director Mar lena Davis   822-9144                                  Coventry Friends of Human Services Advisory Board:
                                                       Steve Glover    Florence Martinelli Joan DeGregory
Project Friends Coordinator Lisa Cote     822-9144     Gail Tatangelo Judith Taylor        Joan Tillinghast                                   Ernest Rusack, Chairman              Mike Ziroli

TOWN OF COVENTRY Additional phone number s…                      INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY
             Police and Fire………911                     Information regarding closings/delays due to weather events
   Police Department………………….826-1100                          will be on channel 10 & local radio stations.
   Fire Department…………………….821-3456                                Online at
   Town Clerk………………………....822-9173                                    click V iew Current Closings.
   Town Manager……………………...822-9186                            In doubt - call the main number at 822-9175
   Tax Assessor………………………..822-9162
   Tax Collector………………………..822-9167                              DONATIONS ALWAYS APPRECIATED
   Library……………………………....822-9101                        Checks can be made payable to the Coventry Food Bank
   Parks & Recreation………………….822-9107                Gift cards and/or cash also accepted * You can either drop off in
   Planning Department…. …….……...822-6246                 person or mail to: Coventry Resource & Senior Center
   Building Inspector…………………..822-9156                     50 Wood St. Coventry, RI 02816      ATTN: JoMarie
   Animal Control……………………...822-9106
   Public Works………………………...822-9110
   Board of Canvassers………………....822-9150                 If any information contained in newsletter is incorrect,
   Coventry School Administration…….822-9400                      please report to 822-9176. Thank you !
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