Council of Ministers' Response to the Report of the Select Committee of Tynwald on Poverty: First Report for the Session 2020-21 Income and ...

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Council of Ministers' Response to the Report of the Select Committee of Tynwald on Poverty: First Report for the Session 2020-21 Income and ...
GD No. 2021/0056                                 --

         Council of Ministers’ Response to the
           Report of the Select Committee of
                   Tynwald on Poverty:
         First Report for the Session 2020-21
                   Income and Benefits

                        July 2021

Council of Ministers' Response to the Report of the Select Committee of Tynwald on Poverty: First Report for the Session 2020-21 Income and ...
To the Hon Steve Rodan OBE BSc (Hons) MRPharmS MLC, President of Tynwald,
         and the Hon Council and Keys in Tynwald assembled.

         Foreword by the Minister for Policy and Reform

         The Council of Ministers welcomes the report and
         recommendations of the Select Committee of Tynwald on
         Poverty: First Report for the Session 2020-21 on Income and
         Benefits 1.

         This response has been compiled for Council of Ministers by its
         Social Policy and Children’s Committee which includes all the
         relevant Departments; Treasury, Department of Education, Sport
         and Culture, Department of Health and Social Care and Cabinet

         The Council of Ministers acknowledges the wide scope of the issue of poverty – alongside the
         inherent complexity that comes alongside an examination of the relevant issues.

         I should like to express my thanks to the Select Committee for their considerable work,
         and diligence, in examining these issues, and for contributing to an increased awareness
         of these matters.

         Hon R Harmer MHK
         Minister for Policy and Reform

    PP 2021/0105 refers
Background and context

The Council of Ministers notes that this is the Select Committee on Poverty’s second report, specifically
examining income and the Island’s benefit system, which is connected to the section of the Committee’s
remit which states:

‘….to investigate the underlying causes of poverty and how people have ended up in poverty,
and −
…to assess the policies, programs and measures in place by Government and others to tackle poverty.’

It is further noted that that the Committee’s first report – on Poverty Definitions and Data2 – was laid
before Tynwald in December 2019, where it highlighted a ‘need to define and measure poverty in the Isle
of Man’ contending that ‘the reason for measurement is to inform policy and practice.’

Accordingly, the Council of Ministers has considered the second report’s fifteen substantive
recommendations, and prepared a response to each, as below:

Recommendation                         Commentary                      Response
1   That the Council of Ministers   A range of actions has already been          Accept
    should ensure actions           completed in relation to the First
    approved by Tynwald             Report of the Select Committee on
    contained in the First Report   Poverty with many of the other actions
    of the Select Committee on      being longer term or perpetual in
    Poverty are completed by        nature.
    the 31st December 2021,
    and make a report to            Part 1 of Recommendation 1,
    Tynwald to confirm that this    Recommendation 2, and
    has been done no later than     Recommendation 3 are all inter-
    February 2022.                  related and the best opportunity to
                                    accurately measure poverty on the
                                    Isle of Man using the Social Metrics
                                    Commission is through the next
                                    Household Income and Expenditure
                                    Survey, which is due to be undertaken
                                    in 2023/24.

                                    Recommendation 4 is similar to a
                                    recommendation already approved by
                                    Tynwald in October 2019 for DHSC
                                    and the DOI in relation to a statutory
                                    definition of homelessness, which
                                    would include rough sleeping for

                                    Recommendation 5 is a longer term
                                    recommendation, however the
                                    Minimum Income Standards are
                                    published as part of the Living Wage
                                    Report each year (which also
                                    addresses part two of
                                    Recommendation 1), and the next
                                    Household Income and Expenditure
                                    Survey is again, due in 2023/24.

                                    Recommendation 6 is similarly a long
                                    term recommendation, however a
                                    statistics schedule was published in
                                    March 2021 and the Code of Practice
                                    for Statistics will be published shortly.

                                    Recommendation 7 has been
                                    implemented and Recommendation 8
                                    is a Tynwald matter.

2   That the Council of Ministers   Once poverty measures are                   Accept
    should report annually to       established in line with
    Tynwald on poverty              Recommendation 1, then the Council
    measures including the          of Ministers Social Policy and
    effect of Government            Children’s Sub-Committee (“SPCC”)
    actions being undertaken        could co-ordinate a streamlined cross
    which have the aim of           government annual report on the
    reducing poverty.               relevant measures.

                                    Notwithstanding such, no formal
                                    poverty measures have yet been
                                    defined. However, the Social Security
                                    Division already provides many
                                    considered interventions intended to
                                    help people back into work outside of
                                    benefits alone, such as:

                                    • The Manx Restart Scheme
                                    • Supportive work focused
                                    • Comprehensive Employment and
                                      Career Advice
                                    • Formal Work Placements
                                    • Coaching and mentoring
                                    • Varied training and qualification

                                    Additionally Employed Persons
                                    Allowance is integrally designed to
                                    encourage people to take up work,
                                    and increase hours and earnings in
                                    order that individuals are financially
                                    better-off the more that they work −
                                    irrespective of pay and childcare costs.

3   That service level              The principle behind this                   Accept
    agreements be put in place      recommendation [of working with the
    with accredited charities to    third sector to assist services users] is
    allow funding streams and       accepted.
    processes for referrals and
    information sharing which       Service level agreements attached to
    would assist service users.     allocated funding would be subject to
                                    Isle of Man Government Financial
                                    Regulations and best practice around
                                    open and fair competition.

                                    This further aligns with the direction of
                                    travel towards a more commissioning
                                    based footing, moving away from
                                    previous grant models to ‘outcome
                                    based’ delivery with appropriate

In respect of the term ‘accredited’ –
                                   this could link to due diligence carried
                                   out under any financial allocation

                                   Information sharing would need to be
                                   done in compliance with data
                                   protection legislation.

4   That the cost of living        The process of price comparisons is                 Accept
    comparison, last published     already conducted − to a greater level
    by Treasury in July 1991,      of detail − as part of the Living Wage
    should be repeated, by         calculations, where the minimum
    December 2022, to better       income standards are compiled for 10
    understand the differential    different household types. This has
    between the Isle of Man and    been available for 2017, 2019, and
    the UK.                        2020 and more recently for 2021 also.

5   That Tynwald is of the         This would mean that the Manx                       Amend
    opinion that 100% of           Taxpayer would potentially be paying
    pension contributions, up to   the whole of an Employed Persons             T‘ hat Treasury should
    a defined maximum, are         Allowance (EPA) recipient’s                review the current
    discounted when calculating    contribution towards their pension         provision for 50% of
    income in relation to          scheme whilst many people who don’t        pension contributions to
    entitlement to Employed        qualify for income related benefits        be disregarded for
    Persons Allowance.             don’t have a private pension scheme        Employed Persons
                                   themselves and can’t afford to             Allowance purposes, and
                                   contribute to one.                         consider whether a higher
                                                                              level of disregard could
                                                                              incentivise appropriate
                                                                              retirement planning whilst
                                                                              avoiding unintended
6   That Council of Ministers      The Council of Ministers notes the                  Accept
    should have an overarching     nuances and differences between
    statement which sets out to    absolute and relative poverty – and is
    what degree, and on what       minded to advise that it cannot
    terms, it accepts poverty in   collectively ‘accept’ any degree of
    our society; this must         poverty – that state being
    reference the measures         incompatible with the Programme for
    agreed by Tynwald in our       Government.
    first report.

7   That Tynwald is of the         The Council of Ministers notes the                  Accept
    opinion that the               direction of travel globally in respect
    minimum wage should            of the living wage.
    transition to the living
    wage within five years.

with an update on progress towards          update on progress
                                      such.                                       towards such .”

8   That Tynwald is of the            Section 150 and Schedule 4E of the                    Amend
    opinion that benefit rates        Social Security Administration Act
    should be set as a                1992 (as applied to the IOM) specifies      “That Tynwald is of the
    proportion of the living          the issues which the Treasury should        opinion that income
    wage; with provision for          have regard to when conducting its          related benefit rates
    additional needs to be met.       annual review of benefit rates.             should include a
                                                                                  proportional link to the
                                      Treasury should amend this to reflect       living wage and that
                                      the findings of the committed review        Treasury should review
                                      when complete to ensure the                 the current policy on
                                      legislation reflects the types of costs     setting benefit rates and
                                      and issues that should be considered        report findings by early
                                      when reviewing benefit rates each           2022.”

                                      Linking non income related benefits to
                                      living wage could be extremely costly
                                      and poorly targeted as many
                                      recipients receive non income related
                                      benefits in addition to earnings (e.g.
                                      DLA) and or whilst also having high
                                      levels of household income and or

9   That Tynwald is of the            The effect of this recommendation                     Amend
    opinion that the capital tariff   would be that effectively a person
    factor needs reform to be         could retain all of their capital held in   “That the Health and Care
    more reflective of the            property whilst receiving tax funded        Transformation
    income that can be                benefit to meet their essential needs.      Programme, in
    generated from the asset          The capital tariff as it is currently set   considering options for
    rather than its capital value.    may require a person to draw down           the funding of long term
                                      on their capital, or for family to          care, will have regard to
                                      contribute in order to protect their        the actual income that
                                      inheritance and avoid the sale of the       can be generated from an
                                      property. This recommendation would         asset, as well as its capital
                                      have very significant cost implications     value, when considering
                                      and will not impact on poverty as by        how to assess means for
                                      definition those affected have              access to financial support
                                      significant assets and are not in           for care.”

                                      There is no similar provision to the
                                      property tariff in England and Wales
                                      where if a person’s assets are more
                                      than £22,250 they have to meet all of
                                      their care costs until their assets fall
                                      below that level. So Isle of Man is
                                      already significantly more generous
                                      than England and Wales in this regard.
Additionally, the Health and Care
                                   Transformation Programme is already
                                   looking at the long term funding of
                                   care with the aim of exploring
                                   alternative models. Any changes to
                                   the treatment of property need to be
                                   considered as part of this wider

10 That Tynwald is of the          Subject to acknowledging that an                    Accept
   opinion that free school        appropriate, fair and equitable policy
   meals should be made            would need to be in place to achieve
   available wherever there        such.
   appears to be reasonable
   justification to support the
   needs of the child.

11 That all clients should be      Council of Ministers accepts the need               Accept
   provided with appropriate       for a comprehensive communications
   support to ensure they are      drive on this issue via engaging social
   able to claim all benefits to   media, through primary care via GP’s,
   which they are entitled, that   in local pharmacies, and perhaps also
   they are aware of any           in school bulletins.
   passported benefits and
   connected to any relevant       It is recognised that promotion already
   third party support services.   takes place in many forums such as
                                   forms and leaflets, letters, webpages
                                   etc., but improvements into any
                                   transformation programme would be

12 That the application forms                                                          Accept
   and processes should be as
   simple as possible, with
   information sharing in place
   to provide key pieces of
   evidence quickly and
   efficiently and with access
   to online applications.

13 That where claims can only      Treasury would not consider it                     Amend
   be made for a specified         appropriate to accept a re-claim for
   period of time, a further       any benefit on the strength of a          “That where claims can
   application will not require    simple statement, for example “My         only be made for a
   all information to be re-       circumstances haven’t changed since I     specified period of time, a
   input, but a simple review      last claimed”. However, through the       further application will not
   and resubmission.               ongoing Social Security Division          require all information to
                                   Transformation Programme and the          be input where
                                   development of an online portal, we       appropriate.”
                                   shall aim for the auto completion of
                                   claim forms (as far as possible and
appropriate) where appropriate to do
                                  so and without an increased risk of

14 That Tynwald is of the         Treasury already issues free bus                   Amend
   opinion that free travel       passes to people who need assistance
   passes should be included in   travelling to work, work searching or     “That Tynwald is of the
   the range of passported        selection activities.                     opinion that free travel
   benefits available to those                                              passes remain an
   on low incomes.                Any passport benefits have the            essential part of welfare
                                  potential to narrow financial gap         support offered to those
                                  between work and benefits and             who need it to actively
                                  therefore risk dis-incentivising work,    seek employment,
                                  particularly low paid work.               persons with disabilities
                                                                            and pensioners, and that
                                                                            Treasury should review
                                                                            linking travel passes to
                                                                            income related benefits
                                                                            where there is evidence of
                                                                            long term hardship.”

15 That Tynwald is of the         Council notes that the Social Security             Accept
   opinion that essential         Division’s general enquiries phone line
   Government telephone           is already Freephone and is expected
   numbers – for example          to remain so.
   those relating to health,
   housing or finances, should    Council also notes the useful key
   be free to call.               learnings from the successful Covid-19
                                  Community Support Line.

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