17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy

Page created by Janice Barton
17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy
17 March 2022
17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy
Except as the context otherwise indicates, ’Neptune’     assumptions that we consider reasonable, are subject     This presentation contains non-GAAP and non-IFRS
or ‘Neptune Energy’, ‘Group’, ‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘our’,     to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual      measures and ratios that are not required by, or
refers to the group of companies comprising Neptune      events or conditions to materially differ from those     presented in accordance with, any generally accepted
Energy Group Midco Limited (‘the Company’)               expressed or implied by the forward-looking              accounting principles (‘GAAP’) or IFRS. These non-IFRS
and its consolidated subsidiaries and equity-accounted   statements. While these forward-looking statements       and non-GAAP measures and ratios may not be
investments.                                             are based on our internal expectations, estimates,       comparable to other similarly titled measures of other
                                                         projections, assumptions and beliefs as at the date of   companies and have limitations as analytical tools and
In this presentation, unless otherwise indicated, our    such statements or information, including, among         should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute
production, reserves and resources figures are           other things, assumptions with respect to production,    for analysis of our operating results as presentation
presented on a basis including our ownership share       future capital expenditures and cash flow, we caution    under IFRS or GAAP. Non-IFRS and non-GAAP
of volumes of companies that we account for under        you that the assumptions used in the preparation of      measures and ratios are not measurements of our
the equity accounting method, in particular, for the     such information may prove to be incorrect and no        performance or liquidity under IFRS or GAAP and
interest held in the Touat project in Algeria through    assurance can be given that our expectations, or         should not be considered as alternatives to operating
a joint venture company. Production for interests held   the assumptions underlying these expectations, will      profit or profit from continuing operations or any
under production sharing contracts is presentation on    prove to be correct.                                     other performance measures derived in accordance
an appropriate unit of production basis.                                                                          with IFRS or GAAP or as alternatives to cash flow from
                                                         Any forward-looking statements that we make in this      operating, investing or financing activities.
The discussion in this presentation includes forward-    presentation speak only as of the date of such
looking statements which, although based on              statement or the date of this presentation.
17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy
Sam Laidlaw, Executive Chairman
17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy

Creating growth, accelerating the transition

    – HSE remains our highest     – Aim to store more carbon       – 2021 earnings and OCF          – Shorter-term focus
      priority                      than we emit by 2030             higher on strong prices          in strong price environment
    – FY21 production in          – Lower carbon energy            – Strong level of liquidity to   – Development capex lower as
      line with guidance            production: electrification      support growth                   projects complete
    – 2022 guidance higher at     – Integrated energy hubs:        – Low leverage supported         – Short-cycle projects,
      135-145 kboepd                gas, CCS(1) and hydrogen         by stronger EBITDAX              low break-even prices
    – Projects drive production   – Utilise existing               – Tax charge of $1 billion in    – Exploration spend lower,
      to c.170 kboepd in 2023       infrastructure, capabilities     2021, tax rate 72%               focused around existing hubs

1. Carbon capture and storage.
17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy

Diversified portfolio, strong balance sheet, lower carbon strategy

                – Geographically diversified OECD-
                  focused portfolio, access to key markets
                – Gas-weighted reserves and production,
                  strong growth potential
                – Balanced commodity price                                                                                                        Gas                                      41%
                  exposure, gas, oil and LNG
                                                                            Geopolitical risk,                                                    Renewables                         33%
                                                                           energy nationalism,
                                                                             investment gap                       – Near-term returns through
                                                                                                                    short cycle investments       Oil                          26%
 – Hub strategy integrates gas,                                                                                   – Active hedging programme,
   electrification, CCS, hydrogen                                                                                   future cash flow protection   Nuclear              8%
 – Leading ESG ratings, accelerating                                              Macro                           – Low break-even costs, low
   lower carbon projects                                                          factors                           leverage, strong liquidity    Coal         (12%)
 – Produce lower carbon gas and
   oil safely and efficiently                                                                High and volatile                                                          4%
                                                             Net zero, ESG                                                                        Other
                                                                                             prices, regulatory
                                                         financing, legislative
                                                                                            uncertainty, supply
                                                                                                 chain risk
                                                                                                                                                   Neptune has a production and 2P reserves gas
                                                                                                                                                                weighting of 74%

 1.   Neptune’s strategic positioning to macro trends.
 2.   Shell LNG Outlook 2021
17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy
Pete Jones, CEO
17 March 2022 - Neptune Energy
Operational update

Strong operational and financial results
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (kboepd)                                130-135                          130.0
– Good HSE performance with improvement in PSER(1) KPI; plan in place                                                                                                                                                                                      (130-145)

  to return TRIR(2) to lower levels by tackling minor incidents                                                                                                                                                                                         145-155
– Strong operational and financial performance in 2021, largely ahead
  of guidance                                                                                                                                                                                                   (kg CO2/boe)                                 ~8                            6.4

– Significant free cash flow of $863 million driven by higher economic                                                                                                                                                                                    ~11.5
  production, stronger commodity prices and lower capex                                                                                                                                                         ($/boe)

– Progressive increase in production achieved, with three projects                                                                                                                                              ($m)                                       ~650                            636
  brought onstream. Production efficiency of 82%
– Remaining developments progressing well; to add 47 kboepd of                                                                                                                                                  ($m)                                       ~180                            154
  new production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ($bn)                                       ≥2.0                           2.0
– Positive results from exploration and appraisal activity                                                                                                                                                                                                   (~1.4)

– Increased 2P reserves to 604 mmboe, 107% reserve replacement ratio                                                                                                                                            (net debt/EBITDAX)
Operational update

  Increasing production with full year contribution from new projects


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (~5 kboepd)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               135-145 kboepd
  180           (18.3 kboepd)
                                                            12 kboepd
  160                                                                                                         14 kboepd                                                                                            20 kboepd(3)








                               2021                                                Q1                                                  Q2                                                 Q3                                                 Q4                                      2022

                                                                                                                                                                                     Touat (AL)                                                                                      Snøhvit
                                                                               Gjøa (NO)                                                                                            Cygnus (UK)                                                                                      Touat
                                                                                                                           L5/L10/K12/G17 (NL)
                                                                              Merakes (IN)                                                                                          NOGAT (NL)
                                                                                                                                                                                    Merakes (IN)                                                                                     Production equivalent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     insurance income

  1. The operator, Equinor, expects Snøhvit to restart in May 2022. | 2. Business interruption insurance income may vary depending on restart timing at Snøhvit and agreement for the level of claims with the insurers. | 3. Production from Njord is not included in our 2022
  guidance. Output from Njord is expected to progressively increase reaching plateau in 2025.
Operational update

Further new projects provide growth potential

                                                                                                                                     200                                                                                        Risked mean
                                                                                                                                              170 kboepd                                                                        exploration

    ‒ 107% reserve replacement ratio; 123% achieved over past four years                                                             150
    ‒ Increased proportion of developed 2P reserves                                                                                                                                                                             2C resources

    ‒ Potential new projects include Blasto, Echino South, Dugong, Römerberg,                                                         50
      Isabella. Maha already upgraded to 2P reserves                                                                                                                                                                             2P reserves
                                                                                                                                                2022         2023         2024           2025   2026       2027         2028        2029       2030

2P reserve split                              2C resource split(2)                                                 Gas
                                                                                                                   Oil                     Njord (20 kboepd(3)), Fenja (10 kboepd(3)),            Existing projects to increase group
               26%                                                                                                                                                                                production to c.170 kboepd in 2023
                                                                                                                                                     Seagull (17 kboepd(3))
                                                              36% 32%                                              Europe
                                                                                                                   North Africa
                      604 mmboe                                          433 mmboe                                 and APAC

                                                                                        68% 64%
                                                                                                                                   ‒ Refocused exploration strategy delivering positive drilling results
                                                                                                                                     ‒ New discoveries at Blasto and Turkoois
                                                                                                                                     ‒ Successful appraisal of Maha and Dugong
                                                                                                                                   ‒ Active exploration and appraisal programme planned in 2022
                                      ~1 billion barrels of 2P reserves and 2C resources
                                                                                                                                     ‒ Key wells at Ofelia, Hamlet, Isabella and Yakoot
                                                                                                                                     ‒ Step up in activity in the Netherlands
1. 2P reserves and contingent resources are management estimates, the majority of which are independently audited by ERCe.
2. Contingent resources included within categories 1-3.
3. Production rates calculated as 12 month peak rate.
Operational update

Lower carbon barrels, integrated energy hubs
                                                                          Long life, low cost, lower carbon portfolio

                                                                1                                 Gas
    ‒ Focus where we have experience and infrastructure    Lower carbon
      (electrification, CCS and hydrogen)                     energy
                                                                           Hydrogen                           Oil
    ‒ Utilise higher returns from O&G to invest
      incrementally in low carbon energies
    ‒ Structure the organisation around focused activity                        Electrification         CCS
      set, optimise portfolio for near-term value          energy hubs
Operational update

Beyond net zero, aiming to store more carbon than we emit

                                                                                                                                            million tonnes CO2e
 60                                                                                         Snøhvit (NO)                                                                                             L10 CCS
                                                                                                                                                                                                    5 Mton/yr
                                                                          Njord Area (NO)                        Electrification of Njord                                                             2026
 50                          Gudrun (NO)                                                                          and Snøhvit has the
                                                                                                                potential to reduce gross   20                                                               DelpHYnus/other UK,                   Scope 3
                 Duva,                                                                                          emissions by 1 Mton/year                                                                         Norway CCS                       emissions
 40           Gjøa P1 (NO)                                                                                                                                                                                       4.5 Mton/yr
     Existing:                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~2027
    Gjøa (NO)
 30 Q13 (NL)


                                                                                                                                             5                                                                                                                                Emissions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              stored for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              third party
   -                                                                                                                                         0
       2020        2021        2022         2023        2024         2025        2026         2027           2028    2029     2030            2022           2023          2024           2025          2026           2027           2028          2029           2030

       1.     Indicative timeline for future projects at Njord (including Hyme, Bauge, Fenja) and Snøhvit.                                  1.
                                                                                                                                            -5       Indicative chart. Assumes 100% ownership of CCS projects, with L10 commencing in 2026 and ramping up to full capacity (5 million
       2.     Gudrun electrification project is due to start-up in late 2022.                                                                        tonnes of CO2) in 2028, and DelpHYnus/other UK and Norway CCS opportunities commencing around 2027 and increasing to full
       3.     Production excludes Nova compensation.                                                                                                 capacity (4.5 million tonnes of CO2) in 2029.
                                                                                                                                            2.       Emissions from use of sold product are Scope 3 category 11 emissions. This includes 2P reserves and 2C resources.
Armand Lumens, CFO
Financial results

Strong balance sheet, targeted investment and healthy cash flow

                                                                  ‒ Strong liquidity, low leverage
  ‒ Strong capital structure provides liquidity                   ‒ Maintain or improve current credit ratings
    to support growth, while maintaining low                      ‒ Cash flow protection through hedging and insurance

  ‒ Capex to focus on shorter-cycle projects
    for nearer-term value creation                                ‒ Near-term returns, balanced with investments
                                                                  ‒ Invest in profitable lower carbon production growth and low carbon developments
  ‒ Lower exploration expenditure, adding                         ‒ Full cycle break-even pre-tax costs of
Financial results

Strong financial performance, driven by higher economic production and commodity prices

                                                                                                                                                  OCF before w/c
       EBITDAX(1)                                                                                             Post-tax                880
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Net debt(4)
       ($m)                                                     2,109                                         operating                                                1,697                                         ($m)                                                     2,104
                                                                                                              cash flow                                                                                                                      1,821
                                                                                                                                       35                                                 Working
                                                                                                              ($m)                                 OCF after w/c
                                                                                                                                                                                          capital change
                                940                                                                                                   915

                               2020                             2021                                                                                                                                                                         2020                             2021
                                                                                                                                     2020                               2021

       OPEX(2)                                                                                                Capex(3)                741
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Net debt to
       ($/boe)                                                                                                ($m)                                                                                                   12-month                                                 2,104
                                                                 11.3                                                                                                    636                                                                  1.9
                                9.5                                                                                                                                                                                  EBITDAX(1,4)

                               2020                             2021                                                                 2020                               2021                                                                 2020                             2021

1. EBITDAX (as defined by the RBL and Shareholder agreements). EBITDAX comprises net income for the period before income tax expense, financial expenses, financial income, other operating gains and losses, exploration expense and depreciation and amortisation. Includes our share of net income
from Touat. | 2.Opex including royalties, but excluding equity-accounted entities. | 3. Development capex, excluding acquisitions and exploration, but including equity-accounted entities. | 4. Book value net debt excluding Subordinated Neptune Energy Group Limited Vendor Loan as defined in RBL
and shareholders agreement.
Financial results

Higher earnings driven by revenue growth
                                                                                                                                                                              ‒ $759.2 million of realised(7) hedging losses in 2021 compared with a
                                                                                                                                                                                $287.0 million gain in 2020
                                               ($ million)(1)
                                                                                                                                                                              ‒ $128.6 million of other operating income in 2021 in relation to net LOPI
Revenue and other operating income                                                               2,618.7                         1,569.1
Operating costs                                                                                  (512.5)                         (467.0)
                                                                                                                                                                                insurance income in Norway
Other cost of sales(2)                                                                             20.4                           (73.2)                                      ‒ $145.8 million net impairment reversal(6) in 2021 predominantly due to
G&A expenses                                                                                      (78.4)                          (69.1)
Share of net income/(loss) from equity-accounted entities(3)                                       61.1                           (20.0)
                                                                                                                                                                                Indonesia operations and a $32.2 million impairment reversal in Algeria
EBITDAX (RBL basis)                                                                              2,109.3                          939.8                                         (Touat)
DD&A                                                                                             (575.1)                         (584.7)
Exploration expenses                                                                              (67.7)                          (91.2)
                                                                                                                                                                              ‒ Effective tax rate of 72% and a tax charge of $1 billion in 2021
Operating profit                                                                                 1,466.5                          263.9
Net impairment reversals/(losses)(4)                                                              113.6                          (325.7)                                                                                                             ($ million) (1)
Other operating losses(5)                                                                         (65.4)                          (33.6)
Operating profit/(loss) before tax and financial items                                           1,514.7                          (95.4)
Net finance costs                                                                                (122.3)                         (237.7)                                          2,109
Profit/(loss) before tax                                                                         1,392.4                         (333.1)                                                                                                          (65)            114            (122)
Taxation charge                                                                                 (1,005.2)                         (65.9)                                                                          (68)            1,467

Net profit/(loss) after tax                                                                       387.2                          (399.0)

                                                                ($ million)(1)
Operating profit/(loss) before tax and financial items                                          1,514.7                           (95.4)
Net impairments (reversals)/losses(6)                                                           (145.8)                           358.4
                                                                                                                                                                                 EBITDAX          DD&A         Exploration      Operating       Other(5)          Net         Net finance    Tax        Net
Net restructuring (release)/cost                                                                 (0.5)                             25.3                                                                         expense          income                       impairment         cost                 income
Other                                                                                            (0.1)                             (1.0)                                                                                                                       reversals

Underlying operating profit before tax                                                          1,368.3                           287.3

1. Numbers might not equal due to rounding differences. | 2. Other cost of sales include under/over lift, net-off income from tariffs and services and NOGAT operating costs. ). | 3. LOPI insurance income and impairment reversals for Algeria are included within equity-
accounted entities. | 4. Net impairments (reversals)/losses, excluding equity-accounted entities. | 5. In 2021, other operating losses ($65.4 million) include a loss on mark-to-market commodity contracts ($73.8 million), a release of contingent consideration ($2.5 million),
pension scheme curtailment credit ($4.1 million) and other net gains ($1.8 million). | 6. Net impairments (reversals)/losses, including equity-accounted entities. | 7. Realised hedging losses refer to fair value losses on commodity derivative contracts that matured during the
Financial results

                                                                                                                                          S&P                              BB-                Positive                  BB-

                                                                                                                                          Moody’s                          Ba3                Positive                  B1

                                                                                                                                          Fitch                            BB                 Stable                    BB
Strong cash flow generation, leverage materially lower                                                                                                                                                                                          Leverage ratio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Net debt
                                                                          ($ million)(1)                                                                                                                                                        12mth rolling EBITDAX

                                                                                                                                           $2.3bn          $1.4bn                                                                                     $2.1bn      $2.1bn
    1,697                 (119)

                                                                        (13)                  (1)            (85)
                                                                                                                                                                                            $0.1bn       $1.1bn                          $0.9bn
                                                                                                                            863                                            $1.0bn

Post-tax operating    Exploration and         Development           Acquisitions(3)           Equity-        Other(4)   Free cash flow   Total available     Drawn          Undrawn          Cash        Liquidity(1)             31 Dec 2020              31 Dec 2021
    cash flow           evaluation              capex(2)                                    accounted                                      facilities(5)   facilities(5)    facilities(5)
                           capex                                                           investments

1. Numbers might not equal due to rounding differences.
2. Development capex excludes equity-accounted entities.
3. Acquisitions include exploration assets ($9.0 million) and development assets ($3.7 million).
4. Includes repayment of lease obligations ($107.4 million) and proceeds from asset sales ($20.9 million).
5. RBL facility.
Financial results

   Actively managing hedge programme to increase upside exposure

$/MMbtu                                                                                                                               $/bbl                       62%

     12                                                                                                                               80
                                                                                                                                      70                                                     23%                           26%

                                                                                                                                                      Oil          Gas     Total             Oil             Gas           Total
                                                                                                                                      50                          2022                                       2023

      6                                                                                                                               40
                                                                                                                                      30      Hedged downside volumes(1)           mmboe           10.7             5.3
                                                                                                                                              Upside cap                           $/MMbtu         6.6              13.1
                                                                                                                                      20      Downside floor                       $/MMbtu         5.8              5.9
      2                                                                                                                                       Oil
                                                                                                                                              Hedged downside volumes(1)           mmbbl           6.4              5.1
                                                                                                                                              Upside cap(3)                        $/bbl           87.4(2)          NA
      0                                                                                                                               0
                         Gas                             LNG                               Oil                        Other liquids           Downside floor                       $/bbl           51.2             41.8

   1. Hedged volumes includes swaps, puts and collars.
   2. Post-tax hedge ratio reflects our equity production volumes, whereas our RBL hedging obligations exclude certain volumes.
   3. We have bought calls to provide further upside exposure to oil prices above $95.38 for part of the hedged volume.
Financial results

Strong financial outlook, supported                                                                                                          Production growth expected in 2022, with outcome
                                                                                                                                             contingent on operational efficiency at Touat and restart
by rising production and commodity prices                                                                                                    timing at Snøhvit. Start-up of Njord to drive further
                                                                                                                                             growth in production.
                                                                                                                                             Carbon intensity to rise slightly, reflecting later start to
                                                          (kboepd)                                  135-145                                  gas compression in the UK. On track to achieve longer
                                                          (kg CO2/boe)                                    ~8                                 term targets for carbon and methane intensity.

                                                          ($/boe)                                  11.5-12.5                                 Development capex and exploration spend likely to be
                                                                                                                                             lower reflecting a reduction in activity. Decommissioning
                                                          ($m)                                         ~600                                  spend to increase slightly.

                                                          ($m)                                         ~130                                  Cash taxes in 2022 include additional taxes for 2021 due
                                                                                                                                             to the timing of our tax assessments in Norway. Cash
                                                                                                                                             taxes will result in lower operating cash flows than in
                                                          ($m)                                          ~85
                                                                                                                                             2021, when we received a net cash tax refund.
                                                          ($bn)                                         ~1.0
                                                                                                                                             If investments do not meet strict return measures, cash
                                                          ($bn)                                         >1.2                                 to be distributed to shareholders. Leverage to be
                                                                                                                                             maintained at less than 1.5 times.
                                                          (net debt/EBITDAX)
Sam Laidlaw, Executive Chairman

Lower carbon, strong cash flows and returns

   – Lowering emissions from our              – Tight control on new investment,     – Well-positioned to benefit from
     operations through electrification         with a lower spend on exploration      higher commodity prices
   – Focused strategy on integrated           – Focus on higher value, short-cycle   – Snøhvit and Touat restart to drive near-
     energy hubs to deliver CCS, hydrogen       projects around existing hubs          term production growth
   – Aim to store more carbon than            – Targeting c.170 kboepd, with new     – Maintaining control on operating costs
     we emit by 2030                            projects onstream in 2023              and managing hedging positions
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