2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh

2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh

       Kuala Lumpur             26th – 27 th
        Convention              August
          Centre                2019
2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh
We are pleased to announce that the National Institute of
   Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will conduct the 22nd
   Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Safety and Health
   (COSH2019) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala
   Lumpur, Malaysia on the 26th to the 27th of August 2019.

    COSH2019 serves as an enhanced platform for OSH
    professionals in Malaysia to share and update their OSH
    knowledge and skills to meet the dynamic changes in the
    Malaysian working environment.

    Discussing current challenges and concerns relating to
    safety and health is one of the primary objectives of this

    As an organisation that focuses on safety and health of
    employees, NIOSH has come a long way to realise its
    objective of becoming the centre of excellence for
    Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Malaysia.

    COSH2019 will bring together OSH practitioners from
    various disciplines to share their knowledge, expertise,
    skills and ideas to help create an accident-free

         COSH2019 THEME
 In this global economy, occupational safety and health (OSH)
 issues are among the key determinants to a company’s
 competitiveness through productivity enhancement and efficiency.
Industries and employers must realize that four fundamental factors
justify OSH management.

They are corporate social responsibility, integrity and moral obligation,
good business sense and legal obligation. Common sense tells us that effective OSH management not only
reduces the risk to safety and health but also ensures high returns to the company in terms of productivity and
profitability. Managing OSH is not only essential for business competitiveness but also sustaining the well-being
of the workforce.

In any business enterprise, the issue of preserving and retaining their employees is most urgent. The welfare of
their human resources should be of utmost importance to employers and a pre-requisite to developing and
 maintaining a competent and highly skilled workforce. Therefore, OSH education and training is of paramount
 importance and employers should see it as an investment and not an expense.
2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh

Theme                   DRIVING OSH EXCELLENCE WITH
                        INTEGRITY FOR THE FUTURE
Registration Date
& Time
                        25th August 2019 (9:00am – 5:00pm)
                        26th August 2019 (8:00am – 9:00am)                                      CONFERENCE
Conference Date
                        26th – 27th August 2019
                        9:00am – 5:00pm
                                                                                               INFORMATION  s
Venue                   Kuala Lumpur
                        Convention Centre,
                        Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
                                                              CONFERENCE FEE
Frequency               Annual
                                                              NIOSH Membership, Government, Student, Speaker,
Organiser               National Institute of
                                                              Competent Person : RM 1000.00 per pax * (Inclusive of SST)
                        Occupational Safety
E-Certificate Link      and Health (NIOSH)                    Note : *The above fees are subject to change to any amendments
Supporters               MOHR/DOSH/SOCSO                             of law related to taxation.
Homepage                 www.myniosh.com                      Registration can be made through www.myniosh.com
                                                              Should you require further assistance, kindly contact the COSH2019
E-Certificate Link       https://nise.niosh.net.my
                                                              Secretariat by email at cosh@niosh.com.my
Recognition Point       CEP, CCD & CPD
                        *Subject to approval
HRDF                    Claimable
Language                English
                                                                   INDUSTRY PROFILE
        PARTICIPANTS PROFILE                                              1.
                                                                               Agriculture, Forestry & Mining
                                                                               Information Technology
           1.   Top management
                                                                          3.   Chemical & Petrochemical Processing
           2.   Engineers
                                                                          4.   Banking & Finance
           3.   Lecturers, Academicians & Researchers
                                                                          5.   Manufacturing & Assembly
           4.   Human Resource Managers and Personnel
                                                                          6.   Professional Services & Consultancy
           5.   Trade Visitors
                                                                          7.   Research & Development
           6.   Laboratory Personnel
                                                                          8.   Building & Construction
           7.   Government Officers
                                                                          9.   Cement, Ceramic and Glass
           8.   Safety Professionals / Practitioners
                                                                         10.   Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics
           9.   Health Professionals / Practitioners
                                                                         11.   Iron & Steel
          10.   Competent Persons (SHO, SSS, OHD, OHN, IHT, CHRA)
                                                                         12.   Medical and Health Care
          11.   Safety Managers & Supervisors
                                                                         13.   Plastics Products
          12.   Security Managers and Personnel
                                                                         14.   Education & Training
          13.   Safety & Health Committee Members
                                                                         15.   Food & Beverage Services
          14.   Academicians
                                                                         16.   Transport & Distribution
                                                                         17.   Government & Regulatory bodies
                                                                         18.   Telecommunication
                                                                         19.   Oils & Gas
                                                                         20.   Electrical & Electronics
2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh
PROGRAMME                                                                            DRIVING OSH EXCELLENCE WITH
                                                                                     INTEGRITY FOR THE FUTURE

(LEVEL 3)                                              (LEVEL 3)                                            (LEVEL 3)
25th august 2019 | SUNDAY                              27th august 2019 | TUESDAY
  DAY 0: REGISTRATIOn SESSION                            DAY 2: CONCURRENT SESSION
0900 – 1700 Registration Day for
            COSH2019 Participants and Exhibitors       0800 – 0900 Morning Refreshment & Exhibition Show

                                                                       CONFERENCE HALL 1, 2 & 3                   BANQUET HALL
CONFERENCE HALL 1, 2 & 3                               0900 – 1000
                                                                               Concurrent 1.1:
                                                                             OSH, Ethic & Integrity
                                                                                                               Concurrent 1.5:
                                                                                                          OSH, Ethic & Integrity by
(LEVEL 3)                                                                  from Islamic Perspective         Malaysian Industrial
26th august 2019 | MONDAY                                                           JAKIM                   Hygiene Association
  DAY 1: PLENARY SESSION                                                      Concurrent 1.2 :                Concurrent 1.6 :
0800 – 0900 COSH2019 Participants Registration         1000 – 1100        OSH, Ethic & Integrity For        OSH In Construction
            Morning Refreshment & Exhibition Show                  informal worker (Experience Sharing)    Mr Liu, Chwan-Ming-
                                                                   Dr. Nirmalie Champika Amarasinghe –          Chairperson,
0900 – 0945 Plenary Paper 1: DRIVING OSH                                      Director General,              Institute of Labor,
            EXCELLENCE WITH INTEGRITY                                        NIOSH Sri Lanka            Occupational Safety & Health
            Dr. Shigeo Umezaki,                                                                               (ILOSH) Taiwan
            Director- General, NIOSH Japan (JNIOSH)    1100 – 1200              Concurrent 1.3 :                   Concurrent 1.7 :
                                                                            OSH, Ethic & Integrity –             Psychosocial Health:
1000 – 1100                                                           Research to Practise Approach (R2P)     Related to Ethic & Integrity?
              by the Minister of                                           Dr Orrapan Untimanon –                Adeline Ng – Director,
              Human Resources, Malaysia                                  Senior Occupational Health,            Workplace Safety and
1100 – 1200   Plenary Paper 2:                                        Ministry of Public Health, Thailand           Health Institute
              Social Security Organization (SOCSO)                                                                (WSHI), Singapore
1200 – 1300 Plenary Paper 3:                           1200 – 1300              Concurrent 1.4 :                     Concurrent 1.8:
            Department of Occupational                                    OSH, Ethic & Integrity In           OSH, Ethic & Integrity Among
            Safety and Health (DOSH)                                       International Relation                     Asean Country
                                                                     Korea Occupational Safety and Health            Mr. Iyus Hidayat-
1300 – 1400 Lunch Break & Visit to                                          (KOSHA), South Korea             Director of OSH Development,
            Exhibition Booths                                                                               Ministry of Manpower, Indonesia
1400 – 1500 Plenary Paper 4:                           1300 – 1430 Lunch Break & Visit to Exhibition Booths
            International Labour Organization
            (ILO), Thailand                            1430 – 1530               Concurrent 1.9 :                   Concurrent 1.11 :
                                                                       Emerging Infections Worldwide:           : OSH, Ethic & Integrity &
1500 – 1600 Plenary Paper 5: OSH, ETHICS & INTEGRITY                         Challenges of Sampling                 Professionalism
            Pusat Governans, Integriti dan Anti-                       Bioaerosols and Other Infectious Malaysian Society for Occuptional
            Rasuah Nasional (GIACC)                                           Agents In Workplaces              Safety & Health (MSOSH)
1600 – 1700 Plenary Paper 6: Experience Sharing :                     Dr. Atin Adhikari – Assistant Professor ,
            Malaysia                                   1530 – 1630             Concurrent 1.10 :                    Concurrent 1.12 :
                                                                             PLUS Malaysia Berhad               : OSH, Ethic & Integrity &
1700 – 1730 Tea Break / End Of The Day                                                                              Professionalism
                                                                                                            Malaysian Society for Occuptional
                                                                                                                Safety & Health (MSOSH)

                                                       1630 – 1700

                                                       1700 – 1730 Tea Break / End of The Day

      The COSH2019 Secretariat reserves the right to make any changes to the tentative programme and schedule,
    For more details regarding the programme, please visit www.myniosh.com or email us at cosh@niosh.com.my
2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh

                                                                                           DRIVING OSH
                                                                                           WITH INTEGRITY
                                                                                           FOR THE FUTURE

       The concurrent exhibition
       will showcase international                                            Exhibition   :      26th - 27th August 2019
       exhibitors displaying the
                                                                              Time         :      9:00am – 5:00pm
       latest equipment,
       technology & solutions to                                              Venue        :      Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 3)
       demonstrate competitive
       advantages and                                                         Zone
       competency.                                            FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

 cosh2019 floor plan

         Level 3                                                       ENT
                                                               CON ALL
                                                                  H                            PLEN
                                                    NH ALL                                               HAL
                                         EX HIBIT

                                TRADERS HOTEL

        Ground Floor
                                                                    G HA

  The COSH2019 Secretariat reserves the right to make any changes to the tentative programme and schedule,
For more details regarding the programme, please visit www.myniosh.com or email us at cosh@niosh.com.my
2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh
2019 August 26 -27 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Niosh
                                                                                                             DRIVING OSH EXCELLENCE WITH
                                                                                                             INTEGRITY FOR THE FUTURE

  1. PAYMENTS                                                                 7. DATA PROTECTION
      All registration made prior to the conference must be paid in              By submitting your registration details, participants agree to allow
      full to guarantee the seat. Once payment has been received,                COSH2019 and companies associated with the conference
      an email confirmation with QR code will be sent.                           to contact them regarding their services. Participants who
      The sales of Coupon code will be closed two weeks                          do not wish to receive such communications must send an
      before the conference date and the registration can only                   email to cosh@niosh.com.my . The contact details of registered
      be made through online registration.                                       participants will be placed on the attendee list which will be
                                                                                 passed to sponsoring companies and to all attendees for
      Failure to pay any outstanding amount in full by the
                                                                                 the purpose of networking and meetings. Participants who
      ‘balance due date’ could result in the cancellation of your
                                                                                 do not wish to be included on this list should advise us at
      registration and any relevant administration charges
                                                                                 the time of registration.
      incurred by us will apply.
      All accounts, except in the case of exempt organisations                8. WEBSITES & LINKS
      (proof of exception required), will be subject to Value
      Added Tax at the prevailing rate. Payment terms are 28                     COSH2019 and its associates’ websites may link to other
      days net after the date of the invoice. Overdue accounts may               websites and networking tools provided for the convenience
      be charged interest at the rate of 2% per month on the                     of the users. The contents of these websites are maintained
      outstanding balance.                                                       by their owners, for which the COSH2019 Secretariat takes no
                                                                                 responsibility. Neither can responsibility be taken for contents
  2. SUBSTITUTIONS & CANCELLATIONS / FAILURE TO ATTEND                           of any website linking to this website.
      Once registered, fees remain payable unless a notice of
      cancellation is received as follows:                                    9. SPEAKERS TERMS & CONDITIONS
      At least 14 days before the conference date, full refund will              The COSH2019 Secretariat may use the speaker’s name and
      be given (minus RM 100.00 for administrative charge).                      presentation materials to help promote the conference.
      Less than 10 working days but not more than 5 working days,                Presentations and papers including all associated artwork
      15% refund will be given.
      Less than 5 working days, no refund will be made. However,                 requested by the author. The papers must be objective and
      a substitute participant can be admitted to the conference.                completely free of advertising and commercialism.
      - All substitutions and cancellations must be received in                  The COSH2019 Secretariat may audio and/or video tape the
      writing (Formal Letter).                                                   speaker’s session and the recording may be reproduced
                                                                                 and sold as part of the overall conference materials. This
  3. REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                                    allows participants to purchase audio/video copies of
                                                                                 presentations that they could not attend.
      Registration information will be sent to the registered participants
      by email at least seven days prior to the event. Participants              The COSH2019 Secretariat may reproduce copies of the
      who did not receive the registration information should                    speaker’s presentation (eg. PowerPoint slides or supporting
      contact us by email at cosh@niosh.com.my                                   handouts) on paper and/or electronically and these may
                                                                                 be sold as part of the overall hand-out materials during the
                                                                                 conference and after the event. Any acknowledgement
                                                                                 regarding information or article should be included at the
                                                                                 end of the abstract/presentation, as these will be distributed
      The COSH2019 Secretariat reserves the right to make alterations            to the conference participants.
      to the conference programme, venue and timing.
      If the programme is cancelled or postponed, a full refund               10. E-CERTIFICATE
      will be made.
                                                                                              9 certificates will be available on the last day
      The organisers shall not be liable for any expenditures,                   after the closing ceremony.
      damage or loss incurred by the participants.                               Participants who do not fullfill the full attendance will not receive
                                                                                 the e-certificate on the last day of the conference.
      The views expressed by the speakers are at their own responsibility.
      The COSH2019 Secretariat will not accept liability for advice            You should print a copy of these Terms & Conditions or save them to
      given, or views expressed, by any speakers at the conference             your computer for future reference. Please note that we will amend
      or in any materials provided to the participants.                        these Terms & Conditions from time to time. Every time you wish to
                                                                               make a booking, please check these Terms & Conditions to ensure that
                                                                               you comply with the Terms & Conditions which will apply at that time.
      For promotional purposes, there may be a professional
      photographer and video production taking place during

      recorded are advised to inform the organisers.
                                                                               For more details, please contact:
                                                                               The COSH2019 Secretariat
                                                                               Business and Marketing Division (BMD)
                                                                               National Institute of Occupational Safety And Health (NIOSH) Malaysia
Registration can only be made by online registration.
                                                                               Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Section 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,
For registrations via the Coupon Code and Local Order (LO Government)          Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
method please contact the COSH2019 Secretariat.                                Tel        : +603-8769 2100 Ext: 2156
Please take note that your registration wil not be confirmed until an email    Faks       : +603-8926 8037
confirmation with a QR code is received                                        Email      : cosh@niosh.com.my
                                                                               Web        : www.myniosh.com
Excellent Accessibility and Connectivity
Overlooking the iconic PETRONAS Twin Towers and the 50-acre KLCC Park, the Centre is
strategically located in the heart of the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) precinct, a
100-acre 'city within a city' development, where delegates and visitors attending events
at the Centre are spoilt for choice given the varied and exciting range of recreational,
entertainment, food & beverage and accommodation options, with over 25,000 hotel
rooms (budget to 5-star properties) within walking distance.

The precinct infrastructure also provides excellent accessibility and connectivity, with
the majority of attractions within a comfortable 5 to 10-minute walk via covered
air-conditioned walkways from the Centre.

•     Convenient
•     Strategic Location
•     Powerful Collective Offering
•     Over 25,000 Hotel Rooms (Budget to 5-star Properties) within Walking Distance

Accommodation On-site
Hotels next to the Centre

           2,052 rooms                                     155 suites

         51 apartments                                   1 royal suite

    Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur
    643 rooms • 41 suites • 51 apartments

    Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
    370 rooms • 42 suites

    Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur
    520 rooms • 51 suites
    Impiana KLCC Hotel
    519 rooms • 21 suites • 1 royal suite

                             KUALA LUMPUR

     TRANSPORTATION                                                                                                                                            PARKING RATE
                                   LRT AMPANG LINE                           KL MONORAIL
       KOMUTER                                                                                                                                                 KL Convention Centre Parking Rate:

                                                                          Chow Kit                                                                             Current Rate
                                                                                                                                                               1st Hour RM 5.00
                                 Putra                                                                                                                         2nd Hour & Every Subsequent Hour RM 4.00
                                                                                                            TWIN TOWERS                           LRT KELANA
                                                       Sultan Ismail                                                                              JAYA LINE
                                                                                                 Kg Baru
                                                                                                                                                               Special Rate
                                                                                                                      KLCC LRT
                                                                                                                                         Ampang Park           Early Bird (Monday-Friday)
                                                                       Medan Tuanku
                                                                                                 SURIA KLCC                                                    ENTRY between 5:00am-9:00am and EXIT
                                                                                                                                          Mosque               between 4:00pm-12:00am (Flat Rate RM 18.00)
                                                         Bandaraya                                Mandarin
                                                                  Dang Wangi                      Oriental
                                                                                                  Kuala                      KLCC PARK
                                                                                       Bukit      Lumpur H                                                     *Exit before 4:00pm or after 12:00am,
                                  Bank Negara                                          Nanas                  Grand Hyatt
                                                                                                           H  Kuala Lumpur                                     normal rate will apply.
                                                                                                KLCC        Raja Chulan
                                                                                                Hotel H
                                                                                                                                          Traders Hotel
      Parliament                                                          KL Tower                                                   H    Kuala Lumpur
      House                                  Masjid
                                             Jamek                                                     KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE

                                              Merdeka             Masjid Jamek                                        Pavilion
                                                     Sultan Abdul                                  Bukit Bintang
                                                     Samad Building
                                                              Market             Plaza Rakyat
                     Garden                 National                                                       Imbi
                                            Mosque          Pasar Seni
                                                                                           Hang Tuah

                                        KL RAILWAY                            Maharajalela                                       To Kuala Lumpur
                                        STATION                                                                                  International Airport

                                                         Tun Sambanthan
                   STATION                      KL MONORAIL
                                                TERMINAL                                                       Pudu
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