Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21

Page created by Brett Hogan
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
Report 2020-21
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
page 2 of 60
                                                                                                          Our               Our        Compliance
                                     Introduction       Our customers          Our people                                                                    Statements
                                                                                                      environment        communities    and ethics

We are independently rated as a
leading responsible business by
the most prestigious international     percentile
benchmarks for sustainability. Our
performance is highlighted here.        FTSE4Good ranking.
                                        Constituent of both FTSE4Good
                                        UK and Europe.

                                                                                                                                                     MSCI – Rated as AA (leader).


                                                                                            Included in both World and
                                                                                            Europe Indices for the
                                                                                            transportation industry.

                                                     CDP rating,
                                                     ahead of industry average of C.                                                   status
                                                                                                                                       Awarded to GLS.
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
page 3 of 60
                                                                            Our          Our             Compliance
                       Introduction        Our customers   Our people                                                           Statements
                                                                        environment   communities         and ethics

CONTENTS                                                                                                               4 Introduction

                                                                                                                       6    Who we are
                                                                                                                       7    Governance framework
                                                                                                                       8    Defining material issues
                                                                                                                       9    Corporate responsibility strategy
                                                                                                                       10 Our customers
                                                                                                                       11 Providing a trusted service
                                                                                                                       12 Our role during COVID-19
                                                                                                                       13 Delivering innovation
Introduction                     Our customers                                                 Our people              14 Supporting small and

4                                11                                                            19
                                                                                                                          medium-sized businesses
                                                                                                                       15 The importance of letters
                                                                                                                       16 Better serving our customers
                                                                                                                       17 Protecting our customers
                                                                                                                       18 Our people
Our purpose,                     Providing a trusted                                           Our people,             19 O
                                                                                                                           ur strategy
ambition and                     service, delivering                                           our priority            20 Engaging our people
                                                                                                                       22 C
                                                                                                                           reating a safe and healthy
approach                         flexibility                                                                               working environment
                                                                                                                       23 Supporting health and wellbeing
                                                                                                                       25 Rewarding people fairly
                                                                                                                       26 Working together
                                                                                                                       27 Valuing diversity and inclusion
                                                                                                                       30 Developing our people
                                                                                                                       32 Investing in the future
                                                                                                                       33 Our environment
                                                                                                                       34   Our environmental strategies
                                                                                                                       35   Our carbon footprint
                                                                                                                       37   Our clean air ambitions
                                                                                                                       39   Responsible consumption
                                                                                                                       41   Managing our
                                                                                                                            environmental impacts
                                                                                                                       43 Our communities
Our                                   Our                                                      Compliance              44 Our social and economic impact
environment                           communities                                              and ethics              45 Our charity partnership with
                                                                                                                          Action for Children

33                                    43                                                       51
                                                                                                                       46 Leveraging our national scale
                                                                                                                       47 Using our local presence
                                                                                                                       48 Unlocking potential
                                                                                                                          through education
                                                                                                                       49 Support for our postal community
Delivering                            A trusted presence                                       Committed               50 Compliance and ethics
a cleaner                             in every community                                       to operating            51 Our business standards
                                                                                                                       53 Responsible procurement
future                                                                                         with integrity          55 Combatting modern slavery and

                                                                                                                          human trafficking
                                                                                                                       56 Statements
                                                                                                                       57 Assurance statement
                                                                                                                       58 KPIs
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
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                                                                                                                              Our                   Our                 Compliance
                                                   Introduction         Our customers            Our people                                                                                    Statements
                                                                                                                          environment            communities             and ethics


                                                      Rita, thank you for joining us again to provide            The health and safety of our people and our          As a business, we have spent time understanding
                                                   your insights on CR matters across the Group               customers has been a top priority throughout            the risks and opportunities associated with
                                                   from the last year. Firstly, what are your key             the pandemic. Could you talk through some               climate change, and I am pleased that we were
                                                   areas of reflection as you look back over the              of the changes the business made to prioritise          able to further develop our disclosure this year
                                                   past 12 months?                                            the wellbeing of colleagues and customers?              in line with the recommendations of the Task
                                                   Clearly, the past 12 months have been dominated            Since the start of the pandemic, every decision         Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
                                                   by the COVID-19 pandemic and our response to               the business made prioritised the health of our         (TCFD) through scenario analysis modelling that
                                                   the challenges it brought, not only to our colleagues      people and customers. New procedures were               was undertaken.
                                                   and the business, but to our customers, communities,       put in place to ensure the business was able to         There was a continued focus from the Committee
                                                   and society as a whole. I believe our responsibility       adapt quickly and in line with emerging guidance        as work continued to develop the environmental
                                                   to all those groups has magnified our purpose as           from Governments and health authorities.                roadmaps and ambitions for both Royal Mail
                                                   an organisation.                                           This included, for example, requiring social            and GLS. We made great progress in GLS with
                                                   Above everything else, what comes to mind                  distancing and masks in all sites, and moving           sustainability forming one of the focus areas
                                                   when I think about the past 12 months was the              from two people in a van to one.                        of its Accelerate GLS strategy, and the roll out
                                                   dedication of our workforce. When needed most,             Of course, supporting the mental health and             of carbon-neutral shipping in the Netherlands.
                                                   they stepped up to the mark and continued to               wellbeing of our colleagues during the year was         Royal Mail already has the lowest CO2e per
                                                   serve their customers and their communities.               of heightened importance. We saw an increase in         parcel of any major UK delivery company, but
Rita Griffin                                       As key workers, they were out delivering                   the number of calls to the Royal Mail First Class       I am pleased that the Company’s ambition does
Non-Executive Director                             continuously to every household right from                 Support employee assistance helpline over the           not stop there. Royal Mail is continuing to push
                                                   the start of the pandemic.                                 year, and I was particularly pleased to see the         forward with trialling and deploying new, more
2020-21 was an unprecedented year.                                                                                                                                    environmentally friendly vans and trucks and is
                                                   And of course, both Royal Mail and GLS both                new mobile app, introduced providing support
One where the Company’s value to society                                                                      to employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week.         working with other fleet operators as part of the
became evident as our colleagues were              played pivotal roles in supporting the broader
                                                                                                              This included a number of tools to support our          UK Electric Fleet Coalition to increase the pace
                                                   societal response to COVID-19. As well as
recognised as key workers, and where               the usual letters and parcels, they delivered              colleagues through the impact of COVID-19.              of the transition to electric vehicles in the UK.
wetook responsibility to deliver some of           COVID-19 test kits, Personal Protective                    Similar assistance programmes were also                    Culture was highlighted as a key area for the
the most important letters and parcels             Equipment (PPE) and vaccination letters                    available in GLS.                                       CR Committee when we spoke to you last year
we have seen in our company’s history.             to support the effort during the pandemic.                    There has been a real increase in the                – could you provide an update on any specific
                                                   With a reduced workforce due to colleague                  ambitions of Governments and customers                  areas of activity or focus from the past year?
Fran Fay, Head of Corporate Responsibility (CR)
                                                   sick absence and shielding, our people                     on environmental issues – what has the CR               We are a people business. And this past year
spoke to Rita Griffin, Chair of the CR Committee
                                                   delivered considerably higher volumes                      Committee been focused or engaged with                  has demonstrated more than ever what great,
to get her reflections on the past year, to hear
                                                   of parcels than usual.                                     during the year?                                        dedicated people we have across our business.
about the focus of the Committee activities over
                                                                                                              There has been and will continue to be a growing        This year we have really focused on understanding
the last 12 months, and to understand where the    I believe the business can truly say that
                                                                                                              sense of urgency and ambition associated with           much more about how our people are thinking and
focus for 2021-22 lies.                            we have been there to connect customers,
                                                                                                              climate change, both in terms of understanding          feeling on a regular basis. I believe that it is only
                                                   companies and countries at a time where
                                                                                                              the potential impacts, but also the ambitions           by doing this that you can really home in on ways
                                                   the usual human contact we are all used
                                                                                                              to put in place and action strong roadmaps to           that we can keep improving the culture across
                                                   to has not been possible.
                                                                                                              transition to a lower, or zero, carbon economy.         the business, and make it a great place to work
                                                                                                              In the build up to COP26 later this year, I expect we   for everyone.
Responsibility                                                                                                will continue to see increased focus and ambition
Committee                                                                                                     from Governments and the business community.
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
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                                                                                                                     Our          Our         Compliance
                                                      Introduction          Our customers           Our people                                                   Statements
                                                                                                                 environment   communities     and ethics


In the past, we have conducted annual                 I was particularly pleased to learn that we
engagement surveys of staff in Royal Mail.            had met our fundraising target of £2million for
This year we also introduced more regular pulse       our partnership with Action for Children. The
surveys. We have also introduced a number of          partnership has been an amazing example of                                             Trust is about more than
ways to create a two way dialogue with staff.         the impact we can make collectively. I think the
For example, Simon Thompson has set up a ‘Your        support for mental health in young people is such
                                                                                                                                             just delivering a good service.
View’ channel so everyone can share their ideas       an important area, and I am so happy we were                                           It’s about being a part of the
and views on how to improve the business. It is       able to support so many young people through                                           communities you serve. It’s about
essential that we understand the views of the         the Blues Programme over the past four years.
workforce. Maria da Cunha, designated Non-                                                                                                   acting with honesty and integrity.
                                                         2020-21 was clearly a busy year for the CR
Executive Director for engagement with the            Committee – what is the focus for the coming                                           It’s about being a great employer.
workforce, continues to engage and listen and
bring that employee voice back to the Board.
                                                      year? What can we expect to see?                                                       It’s about being trusted to look
                                                      As we have discussed, there will be a continued
We hope that this new approach will help to           focus on the culture within the business,
                                                                                                                                             after our planet and communities
create a culture of regular feedback. The first       specifically in relation to how the business is                                        for the next generations.
of our pulse surveys focused on trust, which          taking action on the feedback from the recent
gave colleagues the opportunity to feedback their     Trust surveys in Royal Mail. Health, Safety and
                                                                                                                                             Simon Thompson
views of working for Royal Mail. Although some of     Wellbeing will remain a key area of focus. This is                                     Royal Mail, CEO
the feed back was great to hear, such as the high     of fundamental importance, particularly in the
levels of pride people have in working for Royal      current environment. Finally, the Committee will
Mail, it also told us that only 36% of respondents    review the ambitions and implementation of both
felt valued by the business. The survey told us       the Royal Mail and GLS environment strategies.
that we have more to do to rebuild the trust of       This is an area of growing importance, and one
our colleagues. This is going to be a real focus      that will continue to be a key focus globally in the
for the business this year and an area for review     run up to the United Nations Climate Change
by the CR Committee for 2021-22.                      Conference, COP26.                                                                     Despite the challenges and
    The business has a presence in communities        We will continue to monitor our performance in                                         impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
across the globe – can you elaborate on our           these areas as we strive to continually improve
impact to society and perhaps provide a couple        and I look forward to updating you next year on                                        across our operations, we have
of highlights from the year?                          the progress we have been able to make.                                                been able to keep customers,
I think that over the past year, the general public
have recognised more than ever what a valued
                                                                                                                                             local communities and countries
and trusted part of every community our people        Rita Griffin                                                                           connected. Our Accelerate GLS
are. From the posties who visited customers in        Non-Executive Director                                                                 strategy, is committed to developing
fancy dress outfits brightening the days of those
shielding at home, to the various fundraising                                                                                                sustainable services to suit the
activities we have undertaken, we really have                                                                                                needs of our customers. You
made a difference this year.
                                                                                                                                             will find information about our
                                                                                                                                             activities throughout this report.
                                                                                                                                             Martin Seidenberg
                                                                                                                                             GLS, CEO
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
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                                                                                                 Our                  Our        Compliance
                                             Introduction   Our customers   Our people                                                                Statements
                                                                                             environment           communities    and ethics


                OUR                                                                                                                            WHERE WE
                BUSINESS                                                                                                                        OPERATE

We are an international business that                                                       OUR AMBITION                                 Royal Mail operates throughout the
provides a postal and delivery service
                                                                                                                                             UK, and offers letter and parcel
across an extensive network.                                                             To build a more balanced                           delivery services internationally.
The Group consists of two principal                                                      and diverse parcels‑led,                           GLS has a growing international
operations. Our domestic operation which                                                  international business.                         footprint which currently includes
includes Royal Mail and Parcelforce (Royal                                                                                                    40 countries and nation states.
Mail) and our international operation,
General Logistics Systems (GLS).

                OUR                                                                                – Be positive - about
                PURPOSE                                                                  Royal       what we can achieve
                                                                                         Mail      – Be Brilliant -
                                                                                                     for our customers
                                                                                                   – Be part of it - each one
To connect customers, companies and countries.                                                                                        Our values, which shape our culture,
                                                                                                     of us is responsible.
The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified our purpose and                                                                                underpin everything we do. We focus on
the unique and important role the Group has in connecting                                                                          our customers and on providing reliable
customers, companies and countries.                                                                – Reliability                          and convenient value-for-money
We believe that keeping the principles of CR at the centre of                             GLS      – Security                           services. We want our people to be
our business strategy is vital to its success. The social and                                      – Transparency                        proud to work for our businesses.
economic impacts of the resources that we expend to deliver                                        – Flexibility
our corporate purpose are brought to life in our CR programmes.                                    – Sustainability
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
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                                                                                                       Our               Our             Compliance
                                         Introduction       Our customers        Our people                                                                 Statements
                                                                                                   environment        communities         and ethics

GOVERNANCE                                  PLC BOARD
                                            The Royal Mail plc Board receives regular updates on CR activities, including monthly health and safety briefings. Maria da Cunha
                                            is the designated Non-Executive Director for engagement with the Royal Mail and GLS workforces. The Governance section, on
                                            pages 83 to 137 of our 2020-21 Annual Report and Financial Statements, describes in detail how the Group manages its risks at
Royal Mail Group has a                      Board level, via subcommittees, and throughout the organisation.
committed and experienced
team of professionals, working
in close collaboration with
                                            CR COMMITTEE
executive management and
the Board, to ensure that                   The CR Committee oversees the Group’s ESG agenda and monitors the Group’s performance across a number of key metrics.
Royal Mail Group’s business                 The CR Committee is Chaired by Rita Griffin, Non-Executive Director.
and CR strategies are aligned
                                            The CR Committee membership also includes Non-Executive Directors Maria da Cunha and Baroness Hogg, the CEOs
and implemented.
                                            of Royal Mail and GLS, and, as required, the Director of Corporate Affairs, members of the Royal Mail CR team, the Chief
Our CR governance framework                 HR Officer, the Global Compliance and Sustainability Director and GLS Compliance and Directives Officer.
defines key responsibilities and            The Committee has focused its activities of the year on the following areas: health, safety and wellbeing, culture and
committees used to identify                 diversity, environment strategy, and enhancing the understanding of stakeholders’ ESG expectations and performance.
and manage key risks and                    The Terms of Reference for this Committee can be viewed here:
opportunities across the Group.
                                            Further information about the CR Committee’s activities during 2020-21 can be found on pages 106 to 107 of the Annual Report
                                            and Financial Statements.

                                               ROYAL MAIL UK EXECUTIVE BOARD (EB)                                  GLS EXECUTIVE BOARD
Our policies and frameworks are set
at three different levels, Group wide,        The Chief Executive Officer has overall responsibility for           CR activities are a regular agenda topic for the GLS
Royal Mail and GLS. This structure            CR within Royal Mail. Individual members of the EB are               Executive Board as part of the Accelerate GLS strategy.
reflects the differences between Royal        responsible for strands of CR activity, as follows:                  All country managers are responsible for implementing
Mail and GLS. They are set out in more        – Jenny Hall, Director of Corporate Affairs, is responsible          the sustainability initiatives in their country.
detail on page 52.                              for shaping and implementing our CR strategy, including            An executive sponsor has been appointed to drive the
                                                our environment and community investment strategies.               initiatives across GLS.
                                              – Matt Newman, Chief HR Officer, is responsible for
                                                the people strands of our CR strategy, including health,
                                                safety and wellbeing.
                                              – Achim Dünnwald, Chief Operating Officer, is responsible
                                                for ensuring the implementation of CR -related strategies
                                                across fleet and operations.
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
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                                                                                                                                          Our                           Our                         Compliance
                                              Introduction      Our customers        Our people                                                                                                                                    Statements
                                                                                                                                      environment                    communities                     and ethics


We seek to understand the perspectives        – Climate change and emissions                      G LS publishes a Sustainability Report                                                         The most recent assessment identified
of our stakeholders to ensure our CR            reduction: Management of our carbon               every two years. The latest report is                                                          data protection, health and safety (with
strategy and reporting address their            footprint and preparations for the                available at →                                                         a focus on safe driving), and customer
key issues and concerns.                        transition to a low-carbon economy                en/our-responsibility                                                                          service as key material issues.
We do this by proactively engaging with         are key to sustainable growth.                    As part of this, GLS also conducts materiality
them on topics ranging from social and        – Engagement and culture: Our people                analysis specific to its business which
economic value, climate change, labour          play a pivotal role in achieving our              involves key stakeholders from each
rights, culture and customer service.           strategic priorities. Building a trusting,        country it operates in.
Information about our key stakeholder           inclusive and customer-focused culture
groups and our engagement channels can          is a key focus area.
be found at →         – Labour standards and human rights:
en/responsibility/our-approach/                 Fostering a fair, rewarding and value-              Royal Mail materiality analysis
                                                based culture is key. Strong labour                 The issues depicted on this matrix are those that are deemed most material to the successful
                                                standards and working conditions                    delivery of our business strategy.
KEY MATERIAL ISSUES                             are a vital component of this.
We undertake a materiality assessment         – Customer service: We are focused on                                                                                                                     Engagement                        Climate change
across our Royal Mail business every two        creating a more agile customer-focused                                                                                                                   and culture                      and emissions
                                                                                                                                                         Labour standards                                                                 reduction
years. Through one-to-one interviews,           business that meets the changing needs                                                                   and human rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Diversity                  Customer
surveys and an external stakeholder panel,      of our customers.                                                                                                                                                                            service

                                                                                                    Importance to stakeholders
we identify the issues our stakeholders       – Health, safety and wellbeing: Our                                                                                                                                                            Health, safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and wellbeing
view as being most important. Our most          priority as an employer is to create a                                                                                                                  quality
recent assessment was undertaken during         safe and healthy working environment.
2020. A full description of the process and     Our goal is to ensure a workplace where
outcomes is contained in our 2019-20 CR         everyone is free from injury, with good
Report which is available at                    physical and mental health.                                                                                                                        Resource efficiency

→                  – Diversity: We recognise the importance                                                                      Socio-economic                                                               Mail integrity
responsibility/policies-and-reports             of having a diverse workforce that                                                                                                                                                        Skills and
The assessment identified the following         represents the communities we
                                                                                                                                               Public policy and
issues as being most important to both          operate in.                                                                                       transparency
Royal Mail and our stakeholders.              – Community impacts: We are a                                                                                         Responsible
We regard all the issues identified in the      valued and trusted presence in our                                                                                 procurement

materiality matrix opposite as important        communities. Delivering economic
for Royal Mail to address. We cover all         and social benefits to the communities                                                                                      Prioritisation by Royal Mail
of them in detail in this report.               we service is a key objective of our                                             2019-20 materiality assessment
                                                                                                                                 Over time, the specific prioritisation of issues can change due to our success in managing them, or the relative level of
                                                CR strategy.                                                                     their importance or impact. The issues depicted as being of highest priority to Royal Mail Group and its stakeholders are
                                                                                                                                 those that have been assessed to require the most focus for the next couple of years. They are aligned to the focus areas
                                                                                                                                 of Royal Mail’s CR Committee, and are those areas of our non-financial performance that, overall, currently have the
                                                                                                                                 greatest influence on the success of the business.
Corporate Responsibility Report 2020-21
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                                                                                                                     Our                       Our          Compliance
                                        Introduction           Our customers             Our people                                                                             Statements
                                                                                                                 environment                communities      and ethics


Our CR strategy supports the delivery of our business strategy
and the creation of sustainable stakeholder value. It also protects
our trusted position in society.

                                                                                                                                                          OUR REPORTING
                                      THE OBJECTIVES OF OUR ROYAL MAIL CR STRATEGY ARE TO:                                                                We report against our strategies
                                      – Deliver economic and social benefit to the communities we serve.                                                  under the following areas:
                                      – Manage the environmental impacts of our business and operations.                                                  Our customers
                                      – Drive colleague advocacy for the Group and its community role.                                                    We are proud of the role we play in
                                      – Deliver our transformation responsibly.                                                                           connecting customers, companies
                                                                                                                                                          and countries across the UK through
                                      – Operate with integrity.
                                                                                                                                                          Royal Mail and internationally through GLS.
                                      – Communicate our management of corporate responsibilities openly and transparently.
                                                                                                                                                          Our people
                                                                                                                                                          We are committed to providing our
                                                                                                                                                          people with a safe and healthy working
                                      THE GLS SUSTAINABILITY MISSION
                                                                                                                                                          environment and opportunities to fulfil
                                                                                                                                                          their potential. Fair working conditions are
                                      ThinkResponsible is a key pillar of the activities of the GLS Group. It encompasses the pillars of:                 at the foundation of how we do business.
                                      – ThinkGreen, business practices that help conserve resources.                                                      Our environment
                                      – ThinkSocial, activities that benefit employees, business partners and society at large.                           Environmental considerations are ever
                                      – ThinkFuture, activities in the area of alternative fuel technologies and urban logistics.                         more fundamental to the way we do
                                      – ThinkQuality, reliability, punctuality, transparency and performance standards at                                 business. Ensuring that we play our part
                                        the heart of day-to-day endeavours.                                                                               is a critical aspect of our role in society,
                                                                                                                                                          supporting our customers’ aspirations
                                                                                                                                                          and protecting our resilience and success
                                                                                                                                                          in the long term.
                                      SUPPORTING THE UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS                                                                     Our communities
                                                                                                                                                          We seek to be an integral, valued and
                                      Royal Mail supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), recognising                                        trusted part of every community.
                                      them as a common definition and roadmap for a better and more sustainable
                                      future for all. Through our materiality assessment, we identified five SDGs that are                                Compliance and ethics
                                      particularly relevant to the priority focus areas for our business. These are the goals                             We operate with integrity and transparency
                                      to which Royal Mail Group – Royal Mail and GLS – can make a significant contribution.                               to protect our valued role in society.
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                                                                                                Our                 Our        Compliance
                                           Introduction        Our customers   Our people                                                        Statements
                                                                                            environment          communities    and ethics

                                                   PLACEHOLDER IMAGE


Our unique and important role to
connect customers, companies
and countries has been magnified
throughout the pandemic.
In Royal Mail we aim to create
a more agile customer focused
parcel business centred on three
key priorities: Customer, Trust and
Growth. We will continue to provide
a UK-wide trusted service that is
focused on the customer.
In GLS, we will continue to focus
on implementing innovative digital
and sustainable solutions centred
around customer needs.

1.7bn                                400,000                                                    1.6m                                         1.5bn
parcels handled                      customers offered next-day                                 parcels collected from                       items of PPE delivered
by Royal Mail                        prescription delivery trial                                customers’ doorsteps                         to care homes, GP
                                                                                                through Parcel Collect                       surgeries and social
                                                                                                                                             care providers
page 11 of 60
                                                                                                      Our                 Our               Compliance
                                        Introduction     Our customers       Our people                                                                             Statements
                                                                                                  environment          communities           and ethics


Keeping our customers connected         GIVING OUR CUSTOMERS THE
has been our long-standing duty         FLEXIBILITY THEY NEED
and one which we take great pride in    As consumer demand for online shopping
across the Group. The last year has     increased due to the closure of retail
                                        outlets during national lockdowns, our
taught us that our customers’ needs     focus remained on delivering solutions to
are ever changing and we must           meet the changing needs of our customers.
continue to grow to serve them.
                                        – Royal Mail has launched a Sunday
                                          parcel delivery service for a number
                                          of major retail customers. This                 LAUNCH OF PARCEL COLLECT                         It also means fewer emissions, with
                                          development paves the way for                   Parcels now represent 72% of Group               our postmen and women collecting
                                          seven‑days-a-week parcel deliveries             revenue. The pandemic has accelerated            as part of their daily round resulting in
At Royal Mail we are proud to help        for more customers in the future.               trends we have been seeing for years in          no additional journeys being required.
our UK customers stay connected      – In addition to our existing in-flight              our markets. Parcels, rather than letters,       Since its launch Parcel Collect has
during these challenging times.        delivery options – designated Safeplace            provided Royal Mail with the majority of its     processed over 1.6 million items.
                                                                                          revenue for the first time in its five-century
In‑flight delivery options have been   and Delivery to Neighbour – we have                                                                 In a recent consumer survey 44% of
                                       rolled out additional options including            history. Transforming our network and            respondents stated they are likely to
the number one ask from our sending                                                       working practices to adapt to parcels was
                                       next-day Redelivery as well as Local                                                                use a home collection service offered
customers in e-commerce. Giving                                                           important before. It is vital now.               by their delivery provider.
                                       Collect from Royal Mail Customer
customers the option to specify        Service Points and Post Offices.                   Providing a trusted service that makes
where their parcels are delivered    – GLS Spain has introduced 2,500                     our customers’ lives simpler and better
– in the event they are not at home    convenience points across the country              is crucial to what we do, so, as part of our
to receive them – is just one of       to allow customers to access parcels               commitment to provide great customer
                                       through ParcelLockers 24 hours a day,              experience and a convenient, flexible
the ways we are helping to bring                                                          service, Royal Mail launched Parcel
greater convenience to the lives       or via Parcelshops open 12 hours a day.                                                         I used Royal Mail’s Parcel Collect
                                                                                          Collect, a parcel pick up service which
of our customers.                    We will continue to enhance our customer             is available across the UK.                  during the initial roll out of the
                                        offering to ensure that at all times we                                                            service in Bristol. The service was
                                        provide convenient, reliable, value-for-          Launched in October 2020, the new
        Nick Landon,
                                        money services. And we must do so in an           service sees our postmen or women                really easy to use, and it was a
        Chief Commercial Officer
                                        environmentally responsible way. This is          collect parcels directly from the                convenient way to send a gift to my
                                        the right thing to do and, as our customers       customers’ door, or their nominated              aunt, particularly as I have a new
                                                                                          safe place, as part of their daily round.
                                        demand more sustainable deliveries, it                                                             baby so time is precious!
                                        will also create a competitive advantage.         The service has been particularly valuable
                                                                                          to those customers who may be vulnerable
                                                                                          and shielding, or for those who are unwell                  Parcel Collect customer
                                                                                          or may find it difficult to leave the house.
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                                                                                                       Our               Our             Compliance
                                      Introduction      Our customers       Our people                                                                          Statements
                                                                                                   environment        communities         and ethics


Protecting our colleagues’ and        We are proud to be working closely                 Throughout GLS, our focus remains on          We are proud that our colleagues have
customers’ wellbeing is of the        with the public health authorities to              minimising the risk of infection for our      worked incredibly hard to deliver these
                                      ensure the vital and timely delivery of            delivery drivers as well as our recipients    exceptional volumes on behalf of and to
utmost important to us. Since April
                                      around 30 million vaccination letters too.         when handling parcels. In 2020, a system      our valued customers.
2020, tens of millions of COVID-19    We have also distributed over 1.5 billion          of contactless delivery options was
test kits have been delivered and     items of PPE to schools, social care               developed and launched across the GLS
collected across the country, and     and healthcare providers. This all forms           operation. For example, in Poland, Spain
collections at priority postboxes     part of our dedication to serving our              and the Netherlands PIN codes sent to
have been increased to make it        communities. We understand the                     recipients in advance of delivery replaced
easier for customers to return        importance of this mission and, at                 the requirement for signatures, decreasing
                                      all times, the safety of our colleagues            risk for both customer and delivery driver.
COVID-19 tests.
                                      and customers is our utmost priority.              Due to GLS’ international presence, it has
                                                                                         also created a taskforce for both national
                                                                                         and international level operations so that
                                                                                         potential shipping and delivery challenges
                                                                                         caused by COVID-19 are continually
                                                                                         identified and overcome.

                                      PRESCRIPTIONS IN A HURRY
                                      Royal Mail is working with Echo                    The trial paves the way for a same            We want to ensure that patients
                                      by LloydsPharmacy to trial faster                  day delivery service covering morning         always have a simple and
                                      deliveries of prescriptions to some                orders for urgent medication.
                                      residents in London and the South East.
                                                                                                                                       reliable way to get hold of their
                                                                                         Although the service offers greater           medicine. Much like our recently
                                      The trial aims to give customers a speedy,         convenience for all, it is especially
                                      convenient and secure way to order and             important for vulnerable people               launched feature that lets patients
                                      receive vital medicine from the comfort            who are shielding or not able to              order online and collect at a
                                      of their own home.                                 leave their homes at the moment.              LloydsPharmacy, faster delivery
                                      Initially, customers with time-sensitive           To find out more visit                        gives patients another option for
                                      requirements who are ordering at night             →           getting their medicine when and
                                      will receive their deliveries a whole day                                                        where they need it.
                                      earlier than they currently do.
                                                                                                                                                  Benoit Machefer,
                                                                                                                                                  CEO at Echo by LloydsPharmacy
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                                                                                          Some of the houses on the Isle of Mull        BARCODED STAMPS
                                                                                          include a 30 minute walk to the front         As part of a pilot, Royal Mail added
                                                                                          door, so the use of drones could support      unique barcodes to around 20 million
                                                                                          our frontline delivery staff in offering      Second Class stamps from March 2021
                                                                                          fast and convenient services. This trial      – making them the UK’s first barcoded
                                                                                          will also monitor the environmental           stamps. The barcodes will ensure that
                                                                                          benefits that using UAVs could provide.       the stamps can be uniquely identified
                                                                                          Following the delivery to the Isle of Mull,   in a move that could pave the way for
                                                                                          we will be consulting with the Islanders      innovative customer services and
                                                                                          about how drones could be used to             benefits in the future.
                                                                                          support deliveries to their communities.      Royal Mail has a long and proud
                                                                                          This process will also help to identify       history for creating innovative and
                                                                                          opportunities to support postmen and          intuitive postal solutions. This goes all
                                                                                          women in delivering to other remote           the way back to the Penny Black which
Our customers are spread across         ACCESSING RURAL COMMUNITIES                       parts of the UK.                              established the principle of the one-
the globe, from densely populated       Providing the Universal Service requires          The project was delivered with a              price-goes-anywhere Universal Service.
cities to the most rural highlands.     us to deliver to every community                  consortium including DronePrep
Our aim is to able to deliver to        across the UK. With some remote or                and Skyports, and addressing
all communities in the countries        rural destinations, receiving mail can            technology what3words.
                                        sometimes take longer, particularly               Following the successful trial to the Isle
where we operate.                       during bad weather.                               of Mull, Royal Mail will begin deliveries
                                        In December 2020, Royal Mail became               from the UK mainland to communities
                                        the first nationwide UK parcel carrier to         on the Isles of Scilly. The month long
                                        transport a parcel for recipients via an          trial, starting in May 2021, will focus on
It is an exciting opportunity to test
                                        unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This was           the delivery of critical PPE and COVID
out new ways of working to support      the first step in a programme focused             testing kits, as well as other parcels and
us posties that deliver in some of      on engaging with the community on the             mail. See
the most remote areas of the UK.        Isle of Mull to identify opportunities to         press-centre/press-releases/royal-
Some of the houses on the Isle of       support deliveries to very remote areas           mail-group/scillies-drones-trial/ for
                                        and addresses in the UK.                          more information.
Mull include a 30 minute walk to
the front door so the use of drones
will be a huge help!

       Tom Nunn,
       Postman, Isle of Mull
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Our products and services play a                               parcel postboxes across the UK, we
vital role in supporting economic                              provide convenient posting options for
growth. By offering delivery                                   SMEs looking to sell online. We also
                                                               provide advice and guidance for SMEs
services to all parts of the country,                          online to help them grow their business.
we help small and medium-sized
                                                               Last August, we launched a new Business
enterprises (SMEs) compete with                                Instagram account to support our customer
larger businesses while giving                                 base of more than 26,000 SME businesses
consumers greater choice.                                      and marketplace sellers. The Instagram
With over 16,000 new e-commerce                                page aims to provide inspiration, support
businesses launched between March                              and advice for growing businesses as well
and July 20201, the rise in online retail                      as showcasing suitable products for SMEs
continues to fuel growth in parcel volumes.                    such as App, Click & Drop, guides and
                                                                                                                       THE MAGIC INK POT                            bearable for their children. Our ‘Letter
                                                               insights into shipping, market trends and
With our extensive network, including                                                                                  The Magic Ink Pot creates bespoke            from the Easter Bunny’ did particularly
                                                               marketplaces. The page has been managed
access to Post Offices, postboxes and                                                                                  stories for children. We chatted to          well at that time. Having to spend more
                                                               by our Sales apprentices.
                                                                                                                       company founder Judith Katz about the        time indoors has focused my mind on the
                                                                                                                       pandemic, the inspiration behind her         business and I developed more products;
                                                                                                                       stories and why she uses Royal Mail          ‘Letters from a Mermaid’ and a ‘Father
                                                                                                                       to deliver the company’s products.           Christmas I.O.U’ letter for parents who
                                                                                                                                                                    couldn’t get their hands on that elusive
                                                                                                                       How was Christmas 2020 for                   present in time for Christmas. Look out,
                                                                                                                       The Magic Ink Pot? Were you                  too, for a ‘Letters from the Tooth Fairy’
                                                               We want to be more connected                            busier than in previous years?               gift pack in 2021.
                                                               with our SME customers digitally.                       Well, it was a strange one – that’s for      Why did you choose Royal Mail
                                                               It is also an opportunity for                           sure! The Magic Ink Pot was certainly        to deliver for you?
                                                               customers to share stories about                        busier and that’s partly due to the
                                                                                                                       pandemic sending more people online          The Magic Ink Pot’s letters are written
                                                               their businesses, helping others to                                                                  to bring a bit of good, old-fashioned
                                                                                                                       to search for gifts. I’ve been so grateful
                                                               grow. We’re very excited and can’t                      to Royal Mail for managing to deliver        magic into a child’s day. There’s no
                                                               wait to see where this goes.                            our letters under tremendous pressure.       postal service more traditional and
                                                                                                                                                                    iconic than Royal Mail! With a postbox
                                                                              Stacey Firn,
                                                                                                                       How has the pandemic affected                on every corner, it’s also incredibly
                                                                              Sales Development Manager                your business?                               convenient for me, especially when
                                                                                                                       The first lockdown was particularly          Click and Drop means I can pay for
                                                                                                                       busy as I think people were looking for      postage online.
                                                                                                                       ways to make staying at home more

1 Royal Mail & The Centre for Economics & Business Research Courier, Winter 2020-21
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Research undertaken during the year shows           Letters remain an extremely
that mail continues to connect people and
remains an effective engagement tool.               important and powerful
                                                    communications tool.
                                                    Over the past year, as face-to-face               During the first national lockdown in
                                                    social interactions have been reduced,
                       1 in 5                       and people have been spending more
                                                                                                      2020, Hallmark and Royal Mail partnered
                                                                                                      up to give away half a million greeting
                       people have sent more        time at home, mail has delivered                  cards across the UK with a mission to
                       letters and cards since      important human connection, from                  help show gratitude and appreciation for
                       social distancing            both letters themselves and the
                       measures began.                                                                the heroes in our lives. Those heroes were
                                                    postie delivering them.                           doctors, nurses, care workers, postal
                                                    Research undertaken during lockdown               service workers, teachers, supermarket
                                                    highlighted the emotional significance of         workers, cleaners, caretakers, delivery
                                                    the written word, along with the positive         drivers and many more doing their jobs
                                                    mental health benefits associated.                to keep the world going. Royal Mail,
                                                    According to Royal Mail research, 74%             collected, posted and delivered the
                                                    of Britains felt that writing letters has
                       88%                          positive mental health benefits.
                                                                                                      cards on Hallmark’s behalf.
                       of people reported paying
                       more attention to mail
                       during lockdown.
                                                    A CARD FOR A HERO
                                                                                                      Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised over
                                                                                                      £32 million for the NHS Charities Together
                                                                                                      by walking 100 laps of his garden before     The need to give Captain Tom his
                                                                                                      turning 100 years old, was well deserving
                                                                                                      of the tens of thousands of birthday cards   own selection on our letter sorting
                       39%                                                                            he received last April. The South Midlands   machine highlights just how much
                       of consumers say they                                                          Mail Centre had received so many items       he has inspired the public with
                       have a high level of trust                                                     of mail addressed to Captain Tom that        his efforts. None of the team have
                       in mail compared to 10%                                                        they had to reprogramme their Intelligent
                       for social media.                                                                                                           ever known one person to receive
                                                                                                      Letter Sorting Machines to reroute all of
                                                                                                      his mail to a dedicated collection box.      so much mail.
                                                                                                      Royal Mail also issued a special postmark              Stephen James,
                                                                                                                                                             Plant Manager at Royal Mail’s
                                                                                                      wishing Captain Tom a happy 100th                      South Midlands Mail Centre
Sources JICMAIL, Q2 2018 – Q2 2020.
RoyalMail MarketReach, Coronavirus Research,
                                                                                                      birthday. The postmark appeared on
Trinity McQueen 2020 and IPA TouchPoints 2020.                                                        stamped mail across the UK.
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                                                                                               74.7%                            93.7%                              84%
We are proud of the role we play            We track our Net Promoter Score                    of First Class mail delivered    of Second Class mail delivered     of business customers say Royal
connecting people, especially over          (NPS) through our interviews and                   the next working day             within three working days          Mail are easy to do business with
                                            feedback mechanisms. This measure
the last year. Although we rose to
                                            provides information about the likelihood
meet many new challenges in 2020,           of recommending our brand, with a score
we recognise that there is even             above zero classed as good. At the end
more we can do to improve the               of FY2020-21 our NPS for business                  the COVID-19 pandemic qualified as                  PROVIDING VALUE FOR MONEY
experience of being a Royal Mail            senders was 33%, and 36% for consumers.            an ‘emergency situation’ and, in such               In January 2021 we increased the price
or GLS customer.                            For consumer recipients our NPS was 40%.           circumstances, we are not required to               of our Letter First and Second Class
                                                                                               sustain the Universal Service without               stamps to 85p and 66p respectively.
                                            We take complaints very seriously.                 interruptions, suspension or restriction.           These changes were necessary to
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION                       We aim to resolve customer issues and
                                                                                               As a result of these exceptional challenges,        help ensure the sustainability of the
Improving customer experience is            identify any underlying causes. This year,
                                                                                               Royal Mail delivered 74.7% of First Class           ‘one‑price‑goes-anywhere’ Universal
extremely important to us; as such          as a result of the pandemic, we have
                                                                                               mail the next working day (and 92% of               Service. Recognising that many
we undertake regular research with          faced numerous operational challenges
                                                                                               First Class mail was delivered within two           companies and households are finding
both our business and consumer              as we handled unprecedented parcel
                                                                                               days of being posted). We delivered 93.7%           it hard in the current economic climate,
customers. We measure Royal Mail            volumes. Complaints received by Royal
                                                                                               of Second Class mail within three working           we considered these pricing changes
customer satisfaction by interviewing       Mail during FY2020‑21 totalled 615,892,
                                                                                               days for FY2020-21.                                 very carefully. Royal Mail’s stamps are
around 400 business contract customers,     an 8.5% increase compared with the
                                                                                               Royal Mail’s service levels are improving           still amongst the best value in Europe
and 3,000 consumers per month. In           prior year. Complaints received included
                                                                                               as COVID-19-related absence levels begin            compared to other postal operators
addition to the monthly business and        new issues such as social distancing
                                                                                               to stabilise and as we continue to take action      where the average is £1.09.
consumer satisfaction interviews, we        and the change to doorstep delivery
received feedback from around 50,000        policy. Improving standards across our             to improve Quality of Service. We remain
recipients per month via a link in the      operations continues to be a key priority.         resolutely focused on delivering pre-COVID-19
confirmation of delivery emails.                                                               quality in a COVID-19 world as soon as we can.
                                            QUALITY OF SERVICE
                                                                                               During the year GLS continued to be
Although some customers’ experience         At the beginning of the pandemic we                recognised for its high level of customer
may have been impacted due to the           communicated to customers that despite             service. In Hungary, a survey undertaken
pandemic over the last year, 84% of our     our best efforts, our service was likely           by the independent Economic Research
business customers said that “Royal Mail    to be disrupted. We prioritised the health         institute GKI Digital confirmed GLS as the
are easy to do business with”, and 81% of   and safety of our people and customers             favourite parcel provider in that country
consumer customers agreed that Royal        and we modified our operations. However,           with a satisfaction score of 9.3 (out of 10).
Mail’s services are “easy to use”.          the introduction of necessary social               In 2020 GLS Poland won the Customer
                                            distancing measures, combined with                 Friendly Company award based on
                                            increased COVID-19 related staff absences          the findings of an independent survey
                                            and unprecedented parcel volumes,                  which evaluated customers’ experiences.
                                            inevitably had a detrimental impact on             The business won the same award in 2019.
                                            performance. Ofcom has recognised that
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                                                SCAM PHYSICAL MAIL
                                                                                                                                   403                                  1.5m
As the only carrier required to                                                                                                    investigations into reports of       fake stamps prevented from
deliver to every household in the               Royal Mail will never deliver items of mail                                        stamp fraud reported by the public   reaching the market

nation six days a week, playing a               that it believes to be illegal. We ask our
role in protecting our communities              customers to contact us if they believe
                                                that they have items of mail that may be
is naturally part of what we do.
                                                a scam. We offer Freepost, telephone
                                                and online services for potential victims          DETECTING AND REPORTING                              STAMP FRAUD
                                                and concerned relatives to bring items             DRUGS IN OUR NETWORK
Royal Mail works hard to prevent and detect                                                                                                             We want to help prevent stamp fraud and
                                                to our attention.                                  We understand the tremendous harm
fraud. We work with UK law enforcement                                                                                                                  the sale of fake stamps to our customers.
                                                In addition, we work closely with the              that illegal drugs cause in the community.           We encourage customers to let us know
agencies, Trading Standards and other
                                                worldwide postal industry, our partners            We work closely with law enforcement                 if they have come into contact with fake
organisations to share information about
                                                the National Trading Standards Scams               agencies to stop the carriage and delivery           stamps or have any information that may
criminal activity, and support robust
                                                Team (NTSST), along with other national            of illegal drugs. This year we prevented             be useful for our investigations. This year
proactive action against scams.
                                                postal organisations. We also engage with          over 2,500 packages containing illegal               our Stamp Fraud Helpdesk has undertaken
SCAM TEXTS AND EMAILS                           law enforcement agencies both at home              drugs from reaching the market. In addition,         403 investigations into reports of stamp
During the past year, a number of brands,       and abroad in a coordinated response to            we screen suspicious items using X-ray               fraud reported by the public. We work
including Royal Mail, have been targeted        stop scam mail and the criminals behind            machines and deploy sniffer dogs to help             closely with enforcement agencies including
by scammers who send fake texts or              the scams.                                         detect them. We have also been working               Border Force and online marketplaces to
emails purporting to be from the Company.       This year, we have:                                with the relevant regulatory authorities             disrupt the supply of fake stamps. This year
The frequency of such scams has risen                                                              to prevent the supply of counterfeit                 alone we have prevented over 1.5 million
                                                – Stopped 53,000 items of scam mail
across the board during the pandemic as                                                            medicines from overseas to the UK.                   fake stamps reaching the market.
                                                  at the UK border.
more crime moves online. The fake texts
                                                – Conducted 1,342 investigations
and emails, which fraudulently request the
                                                  into suspected items of scam mail
payment of fees, are in fact phishing scams
                                                  reported to our Scam Mail Helpdesk.
designed to capture sensitive financial data.
We regularly remind our customers that we       – Referred 31 customers who had
would never request payment by email or           identified themselves as being
by text through online engagement. We             victims of fraud to NTSST for
have also developed dedicated web pages           further professional support.
giving examples of scams, guidance on                                                                      PRIORITIES FOR 2021-22
identifying fake texts, as well as guidance                                                                Simplify our product              Restore Quality of              Leverage our environmental
on how to report them.                                                                                     range to an easier to             Service to keep high            advantage to support
→                                                                         understand structure.             levels of customer              customers looking for
                                                                                                                                             satisfaction and trust.         environmental friendly
                                                                                                                                                                             delivery options.
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                                                                                                                                                                         SUPPORTING COLLEAGUES THIS YEAR
We are committed to providing
our people with a safe and                                                                                                                                   Our people have played a vital role throughout the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                   Every decision we have made has put the health of our
healthy working environment and                                                                                                                             people and our customers first. In March 2021, we released
opportunities to fulfil their potential.                                                                                                                      a film looking back and reflecting on the year and the role
With 137,300 employees, we are one                                                                                                                                  we played throughout. ‘One year on’ can be viewed at
of the UK’s largest employers, with                                                                                                                                                             our-people/one-year-on
1 in every 172 people in employment                                                                                                                              “Really early on we adopted the mantra of ‘Protect our
working for Royal Mail. The Group                                                                                                                           people, protect our company, protect our country’, and very
employs 158,600 people. Our people                                                                                                                          deliberately in that order to show that the health, safety and
                                                                                                                                                                wellbeing of our people was the first priority.” Dr Shaun
are our priority, and we have never                                                                                                                                  Davis, Global Director Compliance & Sustainability
been so proud of them as we have
this last year.

97%                                                                             10,400+                                          44%                                                     6.5%
of our UK colleagues                                                            colleagues have                                  women on                                                employee turnover
are on permanent                                                                used our First Class                             the Board1                                              rate, compared to
contracts                                                                       employee wellbeing                                                                                       the average UK
                                                                                and support helpline                                                                                     turnover rate of 15%

1. As at 1 April 2021, the proportion of women on the Board was 44%.
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                                                                                                     BUILDING A CULTURE OF TRUST                   Supported by our Trade Union partners,
                                                                                                     Our ambition is to build a trusting,          we launched ‘The Big Trust Survey’ in
                                                 The last 12 months have been a                      inclusive and customer-focused culture.       April 2021. Over 66,000 colleagues took
                                                                                                     Our values – ‘Be positive, be brilliant,      part which represents almost 50% of
                                                 challenge for every organisation.
Responding to a rapidly changing                                                                     be part of it’ – represent the way we do      our workforce.
                                                 At Royal Mail, we’ve all had to adapt
external environment, we have                                                                        things at Royal Mail and help shape our       This is the second year where the survey
reviewed our UK people strategy to               rapidly to meet the challenges                      engagement strategy.                          is only available on-line. The level of
ensure that it continues to support              of the pandemic as our country                      As key workers, our people have               participation is a 41% improvement on
our business strategy and priorities.            came to rely on us even more.                       played a vital role for the nation this       last year and 32% improvement on the
                                                 Our focus has been on ensuring                      past year, keeping the nation connected       last pulse survey.
Building trust, and focusing on talent           that we’ve been able to respond                     and supporting our communities. Building      In terms of results, we saw a +3
and process excellence will be at the            to our customers’ needs, quickly,                   on a renewed sense of purpose, a culture      improvement in our Trust Index to 62%.
heart of everything we will do.                  positively and safely. We proved
                                                                                                     of engagement has been a key focus;           At 67%, our Engagement Index is now at
                                                                                                     from local initiatives to our national        UK benchmark, a first for us and a positive
As a result, we will focus on four               that we can, and by continuing                      ‘Transformation Story’, our ambition          affirmation that we are concentrating on
strategic priorities:                            to work with our people and our                     has been to keep the conversations going      the right things.
– Building a culture based on trust.             unions on what matters most,                        throughout this most challenging year.

– Identifying and developing our talent at
                                                 I am confident that we will keep                    In February 2021, we launched a new
                                                 on connecting customers and                         approach to surveying our people.
  all levels of our business, so our people
                                                                                                     We moved away from our previous
  can deliver now and in the future.             communities, delivering trust
                                                                                                     annual employee survey and introduced
– Focusing on process excellence and             on the doorstep.                                    regular pulse surveys throughout the
  simplification to free up our people’s                                                             year to help create a culture of feedback
  time so they can concentrate on                            Matthew Newman,                         and increase the employee voice.
                                                             Interim Chief HR Officer
  delivering for our customers.
                                                                                                     The pulse surveys, which are designed
– Delivering brilliantly every day to                                                                to provide insight against our key business      The Big Trust Survey headlines:
  make sure that all our business                                                                    priorities, began in February 2021 with          – Over 66,000 colleagues took part.
  critical services run smoothly to                                                                  our first Trust Survey.                          – Trust Index score of 62% vs
  support our people.
                                                                                                     The first survey asked colleagues for              UK benchmark of 74%.
Our overarching aim is to enable our                                                                 their views on what it feels like to work        – Over 80% of respondents feel
people to grow, build trust, and simplify                                                            at Royal Mail. This gave us a great insight        proud to work for Royal Mail.
what we do to put our customers first.                                                               into levels of trust across the business.
                                                                                                     It has also subsequently driven change           – 49% of respondents feel valued by
                                                                                                     where it matters most to our people.               Royal Mail. We have more to do.
                                                                                                                                                      – 67% engagement index score.
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As a business built on connecting   ENGAGING OUR PEOPLE
                                    THROUGH TRANSFORMATION
our customers, keeping our                                                                                        managers were
colleagues engaged is a key         Following a review of our people strategy we                                  provided with
priority for us.                    launched our Transformation programme in
                                    July 2020. Ensuring that our people were
Our focus this year has been        engaged with our transformation programme
to keep listening to our people     was crucial to ensure its success.
and responding quickly to the       Creating a compelling narrative for
                                                                                       Key to our approach was developing             RECOGNISING AND
challenges they’ve faced.           the programme was fundamental.                                                                    CELEBRATING SUCCESS
                                                                                       our leadership behaviours towards
                                    With input from hundreds of colleagues
                                                                                       positive reinforcement of transformation,      Aligned to our wider transformation
                                    from across the Company and country,
                                                                                       cultivating trust-based relationships          programme, this year we provided our
                                    we created our ‘Transformation Story’.
                                                                                       and driving real cultural change in            operational colleagues with the opportunity
                                    Through each phase of the story we
                                                                                       the way we do things.                          to help shape recognition at Royal Mail.
                                    sought to excite, engage and enable,
                                    creating understanding of our programme            The programme included:                        The ‘Shine’ recognition trials focused
                                    strategy and the part our people play              – Providing development to c1,500              on peer-to-peer, ‘in the moment’ and
                                    in supporting the changes required.                  managers across the organisation             behavioural recognition nominations
                                                                                         to support them in delivering our            aligned to our ‘be positive, be brilliant,
                                    Navigating the challenges of the pandemic                                                         be part of it,’ values. Three different ideas
                                    meant that we needed to utilise a blend              ‘Transformation Story’. This included
                                                                                         upskilling them to be ambassadors            were deployed in September 2020 at 26
                                    of face-to-face and digital platforms to                                                          sites across the operation, with around
                                    communicate with our people.                         and agents of connection, facilitating
                                                                                         sessions in over 1,600 sites.                2,000 frontline colleagues taking part.
                                                                                                                                      Examples included badges, a Wall of
                                                                                       – Delivering activities which helped to        Fame and thank you cards, with the latter
                                                                                         build context that motivates, provided       two offering the opportunity to take part
                                                                                         clarification about what change means        in a draw to win an experience-based prize.
                                                                                         at a local level, and delivered consistent
                                                                                         messaging creating sustainable change        Colleagues provided pragmatic and
                                                                                         for the future.                              constructive feedback with a strong
                                                                                                                                      preference for the thank you card concept
                                                                                       – Sessions aimed to inform colleagues          to be progressed and developed further.
                                                                                         about our transformation journey and
                                                                                         offer our colleagues the opportunity to
                                                                                         ask questions and have their voice heard.
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ENGAGING OUR PEOPLE                                                                                                                             ENGAGEMENT AT GLS

The vast majority of the decisions we
                                                                                                                                                This year GLS Germany was awarded
make could impact our colleagues                                                                                                                5th place in the ‘Best Recruiters’ study
therefore it is important that we engage                                                                                                        of the 100 top employers in the country.
with them and understand their views.
To connect our employees with the Board,
we have held several Employee Voice
Forums (EVFs) to allow for an intimate
and open discussion covering various
topics that are aligned to our strategy.
                                                                                                                                                GLS ranked 1st among the 15 certified
In his previous role as Non-Executive                                                                                                           transport and logistics companies and
Director, our now CEO Simon Thompson                                                                                                            was awarded the Best Recruiters’ seal
                                              KEEPING CONNECTED
has taken an active role in leading several                                                                                                     of approval in gold as the industry winner.
sessions this year with our people from       In March 2021, we expanded our
across the business. In his first month,      online collaboration tool, Workplace              I truly believe Workplace will
Simon hosted the first virtual People Panel   by Facebook, previously only used by              improve the way we communicate                  In GLS, employee engagement
with over 100 colleagues from across the      managers, to our entire UK workforce.
                                              Workplace gives everyone at Royal Mail
                                                                                                and collaborate, making us a                    initiatives are implemented at
business. The panel explored their thoughts                                                                                                     a national level. For example,
                                              a voice, and creates opportunities to             stronger and more connected
and ideas around the concept of Trust.                                                                                                          in May this year, GLS Denmark
                                              share ideas, solve problems and have              team. Everyone in Royal Mail will
In February 2021, Maria da Cunha took                                                                                                           released a new engagement
over from Simon Thompson as the
                                              conversations. This important dialogue            have their voice heard. We will                 strategy to increase job satisfaction
                                              will help us improve Royal Mail for our           be able to share ideas, exchange
Designated Non-Executive Director                                                                                                               by ensuring that employees are seen
                                              people and our customers.
for engagement with the workforce.                                                              knowledge and provide vital                     and heard. GLS also measure job
Further detail on Maria’s activities to       CEO Simon Thompson holds regular Q&A                                                              satisfaction, for example in Italy,
                                                                                                feedback to help us transform.
date can be found on page 92 and 93           sessions with staff. We have also held                                                            regular surveys are used to gauge
in the Annual Report and Financial            a series of ‘Live’ events on Workplace,                                                           workplace satisfaction.
Statements.                                   including an hour long session on culture                Jenny Hall,
                                                                                                       Director of Corporate Affairs
                                              and trust with CWU Deputy General
                                              Secretary (Postal) Terry Pullinger.
Further detail on
Maria’s activities
to date can be
found on page 92
and 93 in the Annual
report and
Financial Statements.
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