Corporate Presentation - GFT Italia Maggio 2019 - ABI Lab

Corporate Presentation - GFT Italia Maggio 2019 - ABI Lab
Corporate Presentation
GFT Italia
Maggio 2019
Corporate Presentation - GFT Italia Maggio 2019 - ABI Lab
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Use of this presentation

 Remarks:
 This document is a general company presentation. It is for general purposes only and it is not intended
  to be the basis for proposals and / or contracts.
 The content of this presentation is protected by law and should not be used without the prior written
  consent of the GFT Technologies SE and GFT Italia s.r.l..

GFT GROUP               05/06/2019                                        CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   2
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                                         GLOBAL DELIVERY WORKFORCE*                                                                                                RICAVI**

                                                   5.500                                                                                              € 413
Shaping                                                     persone                                                                                                milioni

the future                                     NUMERO DIPENDENTI*
                                                                                  4,870 4,875
                                                                                                                                               STRUTTURA AZIONARIA

of digital                                                              3,131

business                                   1,027
                                                    1,300     1,386

                                           2008     2010      2012      2014      2016      2018*

                                                                                                                                     Ulrich Dietz                  Maria Dietz            Free float
                                          * di cui 625 risorse esterne | FTE secondo IFRS
                                          ** di cui > 80% in Banking

                                                        CONSULENZA                                         SOLUZIONI                                                              APPLICATION
                                                                                                           DIGITALI                                                               MANAGEMENT &

  GFT GROUP           05/06/2019                                                                    CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   3
Corporate Presentation - GFT Italia Maggio 2019 - ABI Lab
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Guidiamo il cambiamento digitale

                     CAPITAL                         RETAIL
                     MARKETS                        BANKING                      INSURANCE                                    INDUSTRY

       CONSULENZA                                   SOLUZIONI DIGITALI                       APPLICATION MANAGEMENT
                                                                                             & OUTSOURCING

       Forniamo servizi di consulenza per           Sviluppiamo soluzioni IT, moduli e       Manuteniamo, personalizziamo e
       qualsiasi processo di                        pacchetti applicativi personalizzati     sviluppiamo applicazioni con
       trasformazione, dal concept iniziale         sulla base delle esigenze del            l’obiettivo di ridurre al minimo i
       all’implementazione globale del              cliente – partendo da zero o             costi e massimizzare la qualità e la
       business e ai modelli operativi –            aggiornando le applicazioni              flessibilità.
       incluso il lancio di specifici processi      esistenti.

GFT GROUP                        05/06/2019                                                  CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   4
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Espansione internazionale e mercati target

         Ulrich Dietz founded GFT in Germany                                                                                                                              Launch of

                                            GFT                 GFT                   GFT                                            GFT      GFT                                           GFT                     GFT Canada,
                                            Switzerland         UK                    Spain                                          Brazil   USA                                           Italy                   Costa Rica
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Poland

 87                   90               97      99         00              01                02                     04           05      08          11               12       13                  14                       15                     16                    17               18
        Major project: GRIT (Object-

        graphical user interfaces)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      V-Neo (Canada/Belgium)
        oriented environment for

                                                                                        Nearshore development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Adesis (Spain, Mexico)
                                                               Large IT-outsourcing

                                                                                                                                               Asymo (Switzerland)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Habber Tec (Brazil)
                                                                                                                                                                                              Rule Financial (UK)
                                                               (Germany, Spain)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mecemsa (Spain)
                                                               Deutsche Bank

                                                                                        centre in Spain

                                                                                                                                                                           Sempla (Italy)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Acquisition of
                                                                                                                                               Acquisition of

                                                                                                                                                                           Acquisition of

                                                                                                                                                                                              Acquisition of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Acquisition of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Acquisition of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Acquisition of



GFT GROUP                                             05/06/2019                                                                                                                CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED                                            5
Corporate Presentation - GFT Italia Maggio 2019 - ABI Lab
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5.500 esperti in 13 paesi

                                                                                                                                           France (5)

                                                                                                                                           Belgium (5)

  Canada (230)                                                                                                                             Brussels

  Toronto                                                                                                                                  Switzerland (50)
  UK (200)                                                                                                                                 Zurich
                                                                                                                                           Germany (400)
  USA (60)                                                                                                                                 Bonn
                                                                                                                                           St. Georgen
  New York

  Mexico (240)                                                                                                                            Italy (700)
  Mexico City                                                    Poland (700)                                                             Florence
  Costa Rica (110)                                               Lodz
  Heredia                                                                                                                                 Montecatini Terme
  Brazil (750)                                                   Spain (2,050)                                                            Piacenza
  Alphaville                                                     Alicante                                                                 Torino
  Curitiba                                                       Barcelona
  Sorocaba                                                       Lleida
                                                                 Valencia                                                                 Locations
I numeri includono dipendenti (FTE) e risorse esterne            Zaragoza                                                                 Nearshore locations

GFT GROUP                                     05/06/2019                         CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   6
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I leader di mercato si affidano a noi

                    CAPITAL                       RETAIL
                    MARKETS                      BANKING   INSURANCE                                    INDUSTRY

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Cosa facciamo

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Competizione più agguerrita per i budget IT

                                                Multi-        Fraud

                                   Digitalisation                               management

                    Customer                                                                         flexibility

                                      New                                            Time to
                                   competitors                                       market

                                 markets                                       Legacy


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GFT Helix: Disruption ed efficienza in azione

CUSTOMER CENTRICITY                                COLLABORATION                             AUTOMATION                                                     GAME CHANGERS
   Front-end modern architectures                    Open APIs | Internal APIs              Robotic & intelligent process                                   Artificial intelligence (AI) | Machine learning (ML)
   Design thinking | Digital product design          Business as a platform                  automation (RPA | IPA)                                          Natural language processing (NLP)
   Customer life journeys (bus. service design)      Modular architectures                  Bots | Virtual assistants                                       Distributed ledger technologies (DLT)
   User experience (UX)                              Ecosystems (rebundling)                User & operational analytics | KPIs                             Augmented, virtual & mixed reality (AR | VR)


PLATFORM ENGINEERING                               DATA ENGINEERING                          REGULATORY, RISK &                                             CLOUD ENGINEERING
   Agile & DevOps transformation                     Data   architecture & reengineering   COMPLIANCE SERVICES                                               Cloud assessment & preparation
   Core platform optimisation & management           Data   governance & quality            Compliance & risk control / visualisation                       Migration & optimisation
   Replatforming | Platform development              Data   lineage & insights              Regulatory automation                                           DevOps & CloudOps
   Vendor solutions                                  Data   lakes                           Business continuity                                             Native cloud development
   Microservices

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Tecnologia applicata

     ARTIFICIAL            BLOCKCHAIN                CLOUD               DATA                                         INTERNET OF
   INTELLIGENCE               DLT                                      ANALYTICS                                         THINGS

     Autonomous and        Reduced reliance     Easy ramp-up        Transform data                                Connecting
      proactive              on intermediation                          into knowledge                                 cyber and
                                                  Highly flexible
      decisions                                                                                                        physical world
                            Shared access to      and scalable        Fast and smart
     Intelligent            trusted data                               decisions                                     Infinite
                                                  Enables realtime
      workflows and                                                                                                    opportunities for
                            100% integrity of     decisions           Great customer
      interactions                                                                                                     optimisation
                             information                                experience
     Productivity boost                                                                                              Unleashes new
      by automation                                                                                                    business ideas

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Le nostre competenze

                                              Project-                                               Digital
                                                                       Consulting                   solutions


                    Scrum                                                            & outsourcing
                                   CMMI                   TECHNOLOGY

                               Freelancers                 GFT HELIX                      banking

                            Partners                                                                 markets
                                               GFT                       Industry

GFT GROUP                              05/06/2019                          CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   12
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Collaborazione con partner specializzati




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Il Digital Innovation Lab di GFT

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Come lavoriamo

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Cosa ci differenzia

                                       Big enough to deliver – small enough to care
                                        Processo decisionale snello grazie alla struttura organizzativa orientata al cliente
                                        Delivery scalabile a livello globale – onsite | mixed shore | nearshore

                                       Delivery accelerato
                                        Metodologie efficaci assicurano delivery di successo in progetti di alto profilo
                                        Approccio concreto basato su creatività e competenza

                                       Passione per l’innovazione
                                        I GFT Labs e il network CODE_n identificano trend e tecnologie disruptive
                                        Piattaforme e acceleratori consentono scalabilità agile e una efficiente digitalizzazione

                                       Focus sulla sostenibilità
                                        Un’ampia percentuale azionaria di GFT è posseduta dalla famiglia fondatrice
                                        Caring | Committed | Courageous | Collaborative | Creative

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I nostri core values

                                       Ci prendiamo cura delle persone, delle loro culture e
                                       opinioni e rispettiamo tutti in eguale misura.

                                       Ci impegniamo all’interno della nostra azienda e con
                                       i nostri clienti.

                                       Collaboriamo per riuscire nel nostro lavoro come
                                       una squadra.

                                       Abbiamo il coraggio di affrontare le sfide ed
                                       esplorare nuovi orizzonti abbracciando così nuove
                                       opportunità di crescita.
                                       Trasformiamo le idee in soluzioni creative e ci
                                       impegniamo per ottenere risultati di qualità in tutto ciò
                                       che facciamo.

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                   Quando la passione finalmente ripaga

                                                      2018 IDC FinTech
                                                      Real Results Awards
                                                      Category Efficiency & Agility

                                                      IDC FinTech
                                                      Rankings 2017

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Success stories

Shaping the                      Insurance           Italy
      future of digital

Improving customer                                 THE CHALLENGE
                                                   Need to improve customer care and convenience
service in insurance                                Use Artificial Intelligence and cognitive technologies to leapfrog user experience and loyalty
                                                    Limited expertise on the client site in identifying suitable business processes and technology
with AI and chatbots
Success story
                                                   THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                   Technology consulting: ideation, exploration and integration
                                                    Decision to design a chatbot for customer care services
                                                    Exploration of technologies: Front-end and communication channel implementation, chatbot
                                                     personality and user experience modelling, Natural Language Understanding engine selection,
                                                     chatbot dialog platform
                                                    Integration of chatbot with the knowledgebase (structured and unstructured) as well as relevant
                                                     workflows and processes

                                                   THE BENEFIT
                                                   Proof: AI can hugely boost customer care and save costs
                                                    Chatbot is an ideal first project to effectively deploy AI technologies
                                                    Client teams were upskilled
                                                    Client build a road-map for the adoption of cognitive technologies in high-impact areas with
                                                     measurable ROI+

      GFT GROUP           05/06/2019                                                          CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   20
Shaping the                      Capital           Spain
      future of digital                markets           Poland

Risk data aggregation                            THE CHALLENGE
                                                 Cover the overall objectives of the BCBS239
and risk reporting portal                         Strengthen the banks’ risk data aggregation capabilities and internal risk reporting practices
                                                  Enhance the risk management and decision making processes
for tier 1 global bank                            Collate and visualise the results of +3,000 controls across the risk and finance aggregation and
                                                   reporting processes

Success story
                                                 THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                 Provide a flexible and extensible RDA&RR portal to contain three levels of information; from
Creation of automated                            the granular measurement point level to the highly aggregated BCBS239 compliance level
risk-reporting portal                             Delivery of multiple portal releases ahead of schedule following agile principles
                                                  Technology: HTML5 Portal, QlikView elements embedded in the portal provide self-service
                                                   analytics with short implementation cycles
                                                  Dedicated teams set up in Spain and Poland for rapid expansion, with up to 35 heads involved
                                                  Handover to the bank’s far-shore teams for maintenance mode

                                                 THE BENEFIT
                                                 Single, self-service entry point for consistent risk aggregation & reporting across all
                                                  Numerous previous RAD applications decomissioned
                                                  Easy creation of new measurement points and risk metrics
                                                  Reduced application maintenance efforts
                                                  Modern user experience with strong self-assessment activity encourages wide adoption and
                                                    interaction by users

      GFT GROUP           05/06/2019                                                        CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   21
Shaping the                               Capital           Spain
       future of digital                         markets           Poland

Big data                                                   THE CHALLENGE
                                                           Benchmark cost, agility and performance and propose new, efficient solution
warehouse for                                               Current big data solution consist of multiple bespoke codes running on the Cloudera platform
                                                            Large number of feeds to be on-boarded
tier 1 global bank                                          Custom requirements around data, metadata, data publishing and -ingestion processes
                                                            Define a migration strategy from onsite, legacy server-based system to internal cloud solution

Success story
                                                           THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                           Create modern and future-proof big data warehouse
Cloud solution to digitalise                                Adopting internal cloud technology for smooth deployments
end-to-end business                                         Utilising GFT’s cloud and big data experience to drive efficient ‘problem-shaped’ solutions
                                                            Using GFT’s reference data architecture to define architecture and migration strategy
                                                            Adopt a TDD / DDD approach, pairing programming with a defined code review process
         Data visibility improved                           Establishing mixed-shore team of cloud engineers and architects

                                                           THE BENEFIT
                                                           State-of-the-art cloud platform: fast, flexible and consistent data
         Accelerate agility                                 Fully-fledged, scalable and efficient big data platform
                                                            Able to on-board new feeds quickly in a standardised way
                                                            Clear data consistency, reconciliation and lineage rules across entire feed base
                                                            Failure detection time down from days to minutes

       GFT GROUP                    05/06/2019                                                        CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   22
Shaping the                                   Capital           United Kingdom
         future of digital                             markets           Poland

Blockchain innovation                                            THE CHALLENGE
                                                                 Utilise blockchain technologies to facilitate a new payments mechanism
for Royal Bank of                                                 Build a new blockchain-based payments solution, compliant to SEPA
                                                                  Prove that the application and blockchain technology can scale to domestic payments volumes
Scotland (RBS)                                                    Provide a ‘fast feedback’ environment to achieve an optimised distributed ledger solution that can
                                                                   move beyond proof-of-concept into production

Success story
                                                                 THE ENGAGEMENT

“We are pleased to have GFT involved as they                     Build a clearing and settlement mechanism named ‘Emerald’ with Blockchain and Cloud
 bring expertise, tenacity and tooling to this                    Collaboration with Google and the bank to share resources rapidly and securely
 emerging technology. The use of GFT enables                      Designed a test framework and rig within the Google Cloud Platform to enable rapid deployment
 us to maximise the chances of gaining the best                    of modified configurations and code
 results in the performance and scaling testing of                Built big data analysis tools to identify where and how to scale up
 this new platform.”                                              Built and deployed the GFT cloud technology sandbox with environment and toolset for
                                                                   collaborative working and rapid experimentation
Richard Crook,
                                                                 THE BENEFIT
Head of Innovation Engineering, RBS
                                                                 New blockchain-based payments solution able to scale to real-time payment standards
                                                                  Proof that Ethereum based ‘Emerald’ scales
                                                                  Optimised configuration that fully meets the banks business case
                                                                  Simulated 6 nodes (representing 6 banks) with effective round trip transaction time between 666
                                                                   milliseconds and 8 seconds

         GFT GROUP                        05/06/2019                                                        CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   23
Shaping the                      Retail            Spain
      future of digital                banking

Leveraging Bank as a                             THE CHALLENGE
                                                 Enable the bank to operate under a platform model based on Open APIs
Platform Open APIs to                             Maintain customer engagement in an increasingly competitive market where new entrants
                                                   and FinTechs are challenging customer loyalty at traditional banks
Expand Services                                   Monetise the bank’s data assets by enabling third parties to build new services using these data
                                                  Ensure an exceptionally high level of data security according to banking regulations
Success story
                                                 THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                 Design and implementation of an API development framework used across 11 banks in 35
                                                  Customer interactions, web and mobile traffic patterns analysed to plan user experience journey
                                                  Design of front-end architecture, working across cultures and continents in multiple languages,
                                                   whilst securely collecting the APIs
                                                  Focus on architecture, governance model and selection of appropriate tools and software
                                                  Delivered proof-of-concept and blueprint on the functionality of the API infrastructure

                                                 THE BENEFIT
                                                 Proven, sustainable model for the digital bank of the 21st century
                                                  The Bank as a Platform architecture enables an API-focused service development model,
                                                   accelerating the delivery of innovative services to customers
                                                  Increased customer engagements as customers benefit from more relevant, event-driven offers
                                                   accurately matching their needs, as well as smoother transactional experiences with third parties
                                                  New third-party revenue streams enabled through open APIs

      GFT GROUP           05/06/2019                                                        CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   24
Shaping the                               Retail            Italy
      future of digital                         banking

Digital wallet                                            THE CHALLENGE
                                                          Develop a mobile app for P2B, P2G and P2P payments
solution for an Italian                                    Enable payments in e-commerce and physical stores (P2B) as well as person-to-person (P2P)
                                                            money transfers through a single mobile app
tier one bank                                              Include payments to government institutions (P2G) for taxes and other public services
                                                           Solution must comply with and support required standards for accounts and cards

Success story
                                                          THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                          Design and implementation of a comprehensive digital wallet solution
                                                           Development of the initial business idea and feasibility study
        Digital wallet solution with
                                                           Implementation in partnership with SIA, an international transactions processor based in Italy
        over 4.2 million users
                                                           Combination of skills in banking systems, mobile apps and related enabling technologies through
                                                            Appverse project

        App deployed at over                              THE BENEFIT
        120 Italian banks                                 Secure and easy to use app now deployed by 80% of all Italian banks
                                                           Solution recognised by the market as a “de facto standard” with over 4.2 million users
                                                            at more than 120 Italian banks
                                                           Foundation for the next wave: Smart Living, aimed to make day-to-day life simpler through
                                                            advanced mobile services

      GFT GROUP                    05/06/2019                                                       CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   25
Shaping the                      Retail            Italy
      future of digital                banking

Teenage banking                                  THE CHALLENGE
                                                 Enable teenagers to manage their finances easily and securely
through BankMeApp                                 With the aim of making financial services more appealing to young people, Crédit Agricole
                                                   organised an internal contest with over 20,000 employees worldwide
for Crédit Agricole Italia                        Crédit Agricole Italia was entrusted with the implementation of the winning project ‘BankMeApp’
                                                  BankMeApp shall enable teenagers and their parents to effectively manage day-to-day financial
                                                   events, while also providing first lessons on financial education
Success story
                                                 THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                 Design and implementation of secured mobile app with strong focus on usability
                                                  As a long-standing partner to banking group Crédit Agricole Italia, GFT was selected because of
                                                   its strong expertise in mobile payment services
                                                  Development of the initial business idea and feasibility study
                                                  Development of app prototypes with carefully designed user experience and interfaces to attract
                                                   young people by engaging graphics and “playful” usability
                                                  Implementation of a range of services, ensuring the functional coverage of the application in
                                                   compliance with multichannel architecture. Particular attention was paid to security levels

                                                 THE BENEFIT
                                                 High customer satisfaction and engagement as app becomes part of daily life
                                                  Teenagers now able to monitor financials directly on a smartphone, e.g securely request and
                                                   obtain additional funds from their parents through the chat function
                                                  From the parents’ perspective, the app is an effective tool for financial education as well as
                                                   effective day-to-day collaboration with their kids
                                                  The Italian Association of Banks (ABI) selected BankMeApp as winner of the “2017 ABI Award –
                                                   Innovation for Retail Customers: the bank for the family and young people”

      GFT GROUP           05/06/2019                                                       CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   26
Shaping the                      Insurance           Italy
      future of digital

Effective timely                                   THE CHALLENGE
                                                   Improve the effectiveness of detection and investigation of potential frauds
detection of frauds                                 Sift through huge volumes of structured and unstructured data from many different sources
                                                    Correlate different data elements to detect suspicious connections between people and vehicles
with Big Data                                        involved in a claim
                                                    Promptly detect potential fraud in order to prevent pay-outs to fraudulent claimants and avoid
                                                     financial loss
Success story
                                                   THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                   Develop an innovative and effective antifraud solution by leveraging Big Data technologies
                                                    Combining Big Data technologies with NoSQL data models to execute complex real time queries
                                                     in over 60 million documents
                                                    Deployment of advanced technologies like machine learning and semantical engines
                                                    Integration of new data sources from the Web, like national and local press

                                                   THE BENEFIT
                                                   An award winning solution and the beginning of a strategic partnership
                                                    HDI Assicurazioni now has an established and solid Big Data foundation, used as main pillar for
                                                     its innovation strategy
                                                    Professional platform to efficiently detect potential frauds - thus preventing financial loss
                                                    The solution was recognised as the “Best Antifraud solution” at Italy Insurance Awards 2017

      GFT GROUP           05/06/2019                                                         CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   27
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             Pharma supply chain                               THE CHALLENGE
                                                               Build a POC to demonstrate blockchain tracking for the pharma supply chain
             tracking and planning                              Design and proof all necessary components
                                                                Use Cumulocity IoT platform (GFT partnership with Software AG)
             with Blockchain                                    Provide base for industrial rollout

             Success story
                                                               THE ENGAGEMENT
                                                               Transfer use-case into operational IT solution
                                                                Provide blockchain knowledge for use case development
                                                                Architecture design
                                                                General software development for UX, back-end and front-end

                                                               THE BENEFIT
                                                               Concept and architecture validated: enhanced transparency and quality controls
                                                                Trusted data regarding punctuality, damage, theft, temperature deviations, loss
                                                                Analysis of influencing variables e.g. weather, strike, natural disasters, wars, political influences
                                                                Transparent multi-stakeholder planning and risk management: Which routings are safest?
                                                                Benchmarking of different roles e.g. freight forwarder, cargo, airline and identification of non-
                                                                Enabling short-term operational counter-measures
                                                                Easy to use mobile interfaces

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Lawsuit document                                            THE CHALLENGE

                                                            Optimise lawsuit document handling process at large Spanish retail bank
processing                                                   Timeconsuming classification of lawsuits, i.e. extraction of relevant entities and the
                                                              comprehension of legal implications in unstructured documents
with AI                                                      Potential bottleneck at entrypoint of process (when claims are handed in)
                                                             Need for full integration into relevant business processes
Success story                                                Scalable setup to allow extension of solution to other use cases

                                                            THE ENGAGEMENT

                                                            Design and roll-out of an integrated AI solution, based on machine learning and deep
        Lawsuit documents
                                                             Business value demonstrated through initial Proof of Concept. Over 2,000 documents were
        processed 60% faster                                   used for training the algorithms
                                                             The full scale solution is automatically classifying legal lawsuits by extracting relevant content
                                                               and determining the object of the claim
        Increased customer                                   Machine learning and deep learning algorithms used to automatically classify documents in pre -
        satisfaction                                           defined classes

                                                            THE BENEFIT

                                                            60% reduction in time
                                                             Bottlenecks at the entry point are avoided and claims are promptly routed to the relevant legal
                                                             High efficiency of the solution to incorporate new types of claims. By directing unusual claims for
                                                              manual processing by humans, the solution learns about this new type of claim and is able to
                                                              accurately classify it in the future.
                                                             Customer satisfaction increased due to more rapid responses, augmenting the possibilities of
                                                              reaching a friendly settlement to the claim

      GFT GROUP                05/06/2019                                                               CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   29
Shaping the                    Type here if add   Insurance         United Kingdom
       future of digital              info needed for    Retail Banking
       business                       every slide

                                                                   THE CHALLENGE
Digitalisation of business                                         A lack of technology was a business inhibitor
workflow for a leading                                              Our client, a global financial services firm quoted on NASDAQ, acquired an independent
                                                                      insurance broker to develop a new strategic vertical sector
insurance broker                                                    Many of the business processes at the broker were manual: insurance requests, quotes and
                                                                      documentation were all paper based with high transaction costs
                                                                    Manual processes made it difficult to respond to market opportunities and regulatory change
Success story                                                         quickly

                                                                   THE ENGAGEMENT

Cloud solution to digitalise                                       Design and deliver an Insurance-as-a-platform solution to support an ambitious growth plan
end-to-end business                                                GFT managed the entire project, including:
                                                                    A review of existing business workflow and proposed new automated processes
                                                                    Design and build a fully automated solution to collect insurance requests via a web interface,
                                                                     streamline workflow, generate automated quotes and digitise all documentation
         Reduced business costs
                                                                    Implementation of a new architecture with AWS Lambda, using ReactJS with Redux and Java
                                                                     for the back-end based on ‘cloud native’ serverless applications
                                                                    Adopted DevOps, and a continuous delivery pipeline using AWS and a mixed-shore
         Improved response time for                                  development team to deliver in the shortest possible time
                                                                   THE BENEFIT

                                                                   The business has been transformed and the client is more agile and responsive
                                                                    Greatly reduced cost-per-transaction and improved response time
         faster completion of tasks
                                                                    Tasks that previously took two days to complete are now completed in two minutes
                                                                      (500 times faster)
                                                                    Business benefits from scale and high-volume, low-value markets are viable now
                                                                    Improved client experience that drives new business and loyalty
                                                                    New products can be added easily without changing software

       GFT GROUP                      05/06/2019                                                            CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   30
Shaping the                Type here if add   Capital Markets   United Kingdom
      future of digital          info needed for                      Poland
      business                   every slide

Google Cloud Platform:                                        THE CHALLENGE

                                                              The consolidation of regional platforms onto single global regulatory reporting platform as
Liquidity Coverage                                            part of the Future State Architecture for a Global Tier 1 Investment Bank
                                                               GFT were engaged to deliver a Liquidity & Capital risk regulatory reporting solution that takes all
Ratio Reporting                                                  the daily investment banking trade data, performs validations, data quality checks, aggregations
                                                                 & reporting across all regions and asset classes for the business and global regulators
                                                               Move to a strategic future state architecture and retire legacy applications
Success story                                                  Create a big-data solution for Capital & Liquidity reporting, which the global bank was reliant on
                                                              THE ENGAGEMENT

                                                              Modelled different architecture options on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and recommended
                                                              the optional configuration using BigQuery, Python and Apache Beam
                                                               Team of 10 nearshore and 5 onshore experts worked with the client in collaboration
        Consolidated regional platforms
                                                               Consolidated regional platforms onto single global regulatory reporting platform as part of the
                                                                 Future State Architecture
                                                               To meet the demands of regulatory reporting T+1 the GFT Finance Reg Reporting team
        Reduced daily processing time                            resorted to aggregate level processing and reporting to meet the regulatory requirements
        by 90 percent                                          Big Data Solutions, MicroServices, DevOps, Open Source distributed processing, Test Driven
                                                                 Development (TDD) utilising Cucumber, Business Driven Development (BDD) to enable
                                                                 subsequent migration to cloud once the on-premises application was implemented

        Accurately calculated the daily LCR                   THE BENEFIT

                                                              Massive reduction in processing time
                                                               Reduced the daily processing time from 6 - 10 hours to under 30 minutes with the GCP
                                                               Client now able to ingest trade data from across the divisions of the bank - investment banking,
                                                                retail banking, commercial banking and private banking
                                                               Accurately calculated daily LCR in line with both the bank’s and the regulators requirements

      GFT GROUP                  05/06/2019                                                              CONFIDENTIAL - © GFT TECHOLOGIES SE AND GFT ITALIA S.R.L. 2019 | ALL RIGHT RESERVED   31
Shaping the future
of digital business

GFT sta guidando la trasformazione digitale delle istituzioni                  Contatti:
finanziarie leader a livello mondiale . Altri settori, come l’industria e il
settore assicurativo, si avvalgono delle significative capacità                GFT Italia S.r.l.
consulenziali e di implementazione di GFT in tutti gli as petti delle          Via Sile, 18
tecnologie pioneristiche, come il cloud engineering, l’intelligenza            20139 Milano
artificiale, Internet of Things per l’Industria 4.0 e blockchain.    

Con la sua profonda competenza tecnologica, solide partnership e
soluzioni IT scalabili, GFT aumenta la produttività nello sviluppo
software. Ciò garantisce ai clienti un accesso più veloce alle nuove
app licazioni IT e agli innovativi modelli di business, riducendo, allo
stesso tempo, i rischi.
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