Corporate Plan 2021-22 - Australian Electoral Commission

Page created by Christina Long
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - Australian Electoral Commission
Corporate Plan
Welcome to our corporate plan
Welcome to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Corporate Plan 2021–22: the outline of the four key activities that enable
us to fulfil our purpose against a backdrop of an increasingly complex operating environment.

                           The planning process
                           provides an opportunity
                                                             the realities of law, process or context, can ooze into
                                                             the mainstream and can influence broader societal
                                                                                                                        The next federal election will be
                           to reflect on our agency’s
                           commitment to delivering
                                                             views. Anticipating those issues enables the AEC to
                                                             deal with matters before they influence the reputation
                                                                                                                        the largest and most complex
                           elections to the highest          of Australia’s electoral system.                           in Australia’s history. The sheer
                           standard, and to ensure a
                           safe and trusted result for all   The next federal election will be the largest and most     size and scale of the event, with
                           Australians.                      complex in Australia’s history. The sheer size and scale
                                                             of the event, with the highest level of enrolment since    the highest level of enrolment
                              The AEC’s values of            Federation, brings with it the need to provide services
electoral integrity through agility, professionalism         to meet the demand, and to recruit and train more staff    since Federation, brings with
and quality underpin everything we do and assist
us to deliver federal elections that are: accessible to
                                                             to help deliver the franchise. The current COVID-19
                                                             pandemic continues to add a layer of complexity and
                                                                                                                        it the need to provide services
all eligible voters; professionally run; impartial; and
transparent. We also continue to evolve and innovate
                                                             we must remain alert, focused and ready to work with
                                                             our stakeholders to adjust. We also expect the next
                                                                                                                        to meet the demand, and to
in order to meet the demands of the changing external        event will be the most scrutinised election to date, in    recruit and train more staff to
environment.                                                 light of increased citizen engagement through social
                                                             media observed both here and internationally.              help deliver the franchise.
Maintaining a positive reputation for the Australian
electoral system amongst citizens is critical in ensuring    The AEC has measures in place to manage security
trust in election results, and electoral integrity is        (both cyber and physical), provide accurate information
central to this. Additionally, proactive strategies to       and ensure operational integrity so citizens have
build understanding about electoral processes, and           faith in, and can trust, the election result. The
to manage stakeholder and community expectations             AEC’s is steadfastly committed to maintaining high
about electoral services, is becoming even more critical.    standards, and to applying the requirements of the
                                                             Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act)
The challenge of electoral reputation management has         without fear or favour.
intensified in the era of social media and disinformation:
particularly when some citizens and other                    Planning the future direction of the AEC and evolving
commentators can be astonishingly swift to reach,            the services we provide to meet future requirements
and then broadcast, unshakably strong views about            requires us to think beyond the immediate.
electoral events. These views, frequently untethered to

1 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
To that end, we have been considering what elections          A further key element of the modernisation strategy
might look like in the year 2030 and, more importantly,       is the AEC Command Centre, which will provide
what electors will expect from the voting experience          a central, overarching view of all aspects of our
in the longer-term future. The thinking behind this
planning exercise is enabling us to respond to our
changing environment, and develop processes to
                                                              operations. The command centre will be up and
                                                              running at the next federal election and will help
                                                              enhance situational awareness of key operations, and
identify appropriate risks, mitigations and controls. In
doing so, our key aim is to facilitate, not complicate, the
electoral process. Concrete steps towards this Voter
                                                              drive nationally consistent, centrally led service delivery.

                                                              While we always maintain an appropriate level of
2030 vision are already underway.                             preparedness, we now move to the ‘mobilisation’ stage
                                                              of our electoral readiness framework. This means we            I, as the accountable authority
We are on a pathway to becoming a leader in learning          are conducting exercises and rehearsals to confirm that
and development and we have never been more                   changes and lessons from the previous election have            of the Australian Electoral
heavily invested in this aspect of our organisation. The      been implemented, and we’re ready to conduct the big           Commission, present the
AEC identifies learning and development needs to              event – whenever it may be.                                    Corporate Plan 2021–22 which
develop programs that are focused on increasing the
skills and knowledge of the workforce and building our        Tom Rogers                                                     covers the period 2021–25 as
overall capability.                                           Electoral Commissioner                                         required under paragraph 35(1)
We are taking great strides in our modernisation
                                                                                                                             (b) of the Public Governance,
journey. The AEC received significant funding in the                                                                         Performance and Accountability
2020–21 federal budget to modernise the AEC’s                                                                                Act 2013.
antiquated IT systems architecture. The first stage in
planning of this program of work is nearing completion.                                                                      Tom Rogers
Ultimately, over many years, the program will enable                                                                         Electoral Commissioner
us to simplify, secure and strengthen how we deliver
elections. Fundamentally, the modernisation process
will improve the core capabilities underpinning how we
deliver elections and assist the AEC to cope with the
expected and unexpected challenges of the future.

2 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
This is the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Corporate Plan 2021–22. The document sets our
strategic direction for the next four years and outlines the elements in our plan that work together
to deliver our purpose.

Purpose                                                    We measure our performance against our key
                                                           activities, distinct or significant work that contributes
The AEC is a non-corporate Commonwealth entity             to achieving our purpose.
under the Public Governance, Performance and                                                                                  Professionalism
Accountability Act 2013 and an independent statutory
authority, established under the Commonwealth              Commission
Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act).
                                                           Section 6 of the Electoral Act establishes a three-
Our purpose is to maintain an impartial and                person Commission which has exclusive powers,
independent electoral system for eligible voters through   particularly in relation to electoral redistributions,                Electoral
active electoral roll management, efficient delivery of    political party registration, and funding and disclosure.             integrity
polling services, and targeted education and public        Current Commission members are:


awareness programs.

                                                           • Hon. Justice Susan Kenny AM, Chairperson

Pursuant to the Electoral Act, we do this by:

                                                           • Mr Tom Rogers, Electoral Commissioner
• conducting successful electoral events, including        • Dr David Gruen, Australian Statistician and
  federal elections, by-elections and referendums,           non-judicial member.
  and industrial elections and ballots
• ensuring confidence in the Commonwealth Electoral
                                                                                                                              AEC Values
• regulating political party registrations and financial
• supporting electoral redistributions
                                                           We are a leader in refining
• undertaking public awareness activities.                 and delivering best practice
We must also provide a range of electoral information
                                                           in election management.
and education programs, both in Australia and in
support of Australia’s national interests.

3 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Key activities                                             Our Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS)
Our performance is measured against our key                 Performance measures                                                                      Key activities
                                                                                                                                                  1   2           3    4
1. maintain the integrity of electoral and regulatory       Electoral roll management
                                                            • Percentage of eligible voters enrolled (enrolment rate)
2. prepare for and deliver electoral events                 • Redistributions determined when planned in accordance with timeframes
3. engage with our stakeholders through education             identified in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
   and public awareness activities                          Elections, by-elections and referendums
4. maintain a capable and agile organisation and            • The writs for a federal election event are issued and returned in accordance with
   continue to professionalise our workforce.                 legislation and timeframes
                                                            • For industrial elections and ballots, results are delivered with integrity and
                                                              withstand scrutiny
Operating context
                                                            Public awareness

Our operating context discusses the environment             • Deliver public awareness and education products that target all Australian
we expect to operate in over the next four years.             citizens aged 18 years and over
It outlines how we build our capability and manage
                                                            Party registration and financial disclosure
our risks, and how we cooperate with others to deliver
our purpose.                                                • The AEC maintains an up-to-date public register of political parties
                                                            • Disclosure returns are published and regulated in accordance with timeframes in
                                                              the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
Our corporate plan fits within the broader APS             In the PBS, the AEC has one outcome: Program 1.1 — To deliver electoral events.
Performance Management Framework required
under the Public Governance, Performance and               We report our performance through our key activities. The following table maps the performance
Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). Our performance        measures in the PBS against the AEC’s key activities. Our performance against each measure is detailed
aligns with the performance criteria in the Portfolio      on pages 11 to 18.
Budget Statements (PBS)*.
                                                           *See 2021–22 PBS published in May 2021

4 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Operating context
Our environment                                             This challenge is perhaps greater than ever before,             disclosure and compliance activities. These tasks—
                                                            especially given the global COVID-19 pandemic’s                 among others—are continual and support not just an
Our environment has never been more complex or              drastic impact on our social landscape. Gatherings              Australian federal election, but the broader system of
unpredictable. We are experiencing unprecedented            of people now require considerable forethought and              democracy, including other Australian elections.
operational challenges.                                     planning.
                                                                                                                            At the heart of all the AEC’s responsibilities is an
The Australian electoral system is distinguished by         In a trend that has been observed since the 2016                absolute focus on electoral integrity. Australians
important features such as compulsory voting, non-          federal election, the Australian public increasingly            are rightly proud of our electoral system, widely
fixed dates for elections and a wide range of voting        seeks more flexible options at election time, particularly      acknowledged as one of the best in the world.
methods. It allows Australians to freely exercise their     regarding pre-poll voting. Within the current pandemic          We remain agile to meet any challenges that may
civic rights and responsibilities.                          context, voters will expect greater voting accessibility        adversely impact what we value so much – a triennial
                                                            and choice. Our preparations and planning must                  festival of democracy that is free and fair.
Much of the AEC’s daily work lies in preparing to           respond within the context of the Electoral Act –
conduct the next federal election and the various           the legislation that dictates how the AEC delivers              Our role is to maintain this respected system and ensure
scenarios in which it can be held. Among the                the electoral process.                                          that it is held to the highest standards. We protect and
requirements is the recruiting and training required                                                                        support democratic processes by building our capability,
for a workforce that expands from around 800 to             Over and above the logistics of running an election,            managing risk and collaborating with others. We are
over 90,000 during an election period. We purchase,         the potential for malign actors to attempt to interfere in      committed to delivering safe and secure electoral events
prepare and despatch a myriad of polling equipment          our electoral procedures is a growing concern. We are           and services to the Australian community.
and materials to hundreds of early voting centres and       vigilant about physical and online security, as well as
thousands of polling places around Australia and            information privacy. Worldwide, we observe increasing
internationally.                                            attention, conflict and expectations surrounding
                                                            elections, and we try to educate and reassure voters            Our environment has never
Arrangements are also made for Australians who live in      where necessary. The threat of disinformation is always
remote locations, who are interstate or overseas, voters    present and the AEC aims to take the lead in explaining         been more complex or
                                                            to the public how we conduct elections.
with a disability, and those who temporarily reside in
Antarctica. It is this voting access – an entrenched
                                                                                                                            unpredictable. We are
                                                            In addition to continual election preparation activities, the
expectation of all Australians – that sets the Australian
system apart from so many others.                           AEC maintains the nearly 17 million enrolment records           experiencing unprecedented
Delivering this voting process is a great privilege, but
                                                            for eligible Australians. We focus on ensuring accuracy
                                                            and currency of the Commonwealth Electoral Roll. We
                                                                                                                            operational challenges.
also an enormous challenge. A federal election is often     also redistribute electorate boundaries, assess and
described as one of the largest and most complex            complete party registration applications, run thousands
logistical peacetime events undertaken in Australia.        of industrial ballots each year, and administer financial

5 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Our risk oversight and management
With COVID-19 continuing to impact all aspects of our operations, we must adapt and respond
to manage our risks effectively.

It is crucial that we meet Australian Government and       An important component of the AEC’s risk management
community expectations to provide a safe environment       framework is the risk management policy, which applies
for the public to enrol and vote, and to stay informed     to all aspects of our operations. This policy defines:
and educated about our electoral system and services.
                                                           • the AEC’s approach to managing risk and articulates
Our risk management framework                                how this approach supports the agency’s objectives
                                                             and activities
The AEC’s commitment to maturing our risk
management framework and strengthening                     • the principles of the agency’s risk appetite and risk
organisational capability continues. We will:                tolerance
                                                           • key accountabilities and responsibilities for
• legitimise risk-taking within our appetite                 managing and implementing the risk framework.
• strengthen strategic alignment and risk communication
                                                           Our risk appetite statement specifies that the AEC
• promote learning opportunities that reinforce positive   accepts medium and low levels of risk and prefers not
  risk behaviour                                           to accept high and extreme risks. The following table
• share good practice and better integrate risks with      lists our strategic risks, their impacts and selected
  identified lessons                                       mitigation strategies.
• bolster collaboration in managing shared risks
• embed enterprise risk management with a greater
  focus on key controls to ensure AEC risks are being
  well managed.

6 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Managing our strategic risks

  Strategic risk                                                        Impact of risk eventuating                                                   Mitigating strategies

  1. The Electoral Act and the AEC’s current operating model loses      • Disengagement from external and internal stakeholders, employees           The AEC regularly scans the environment to assess the risk
     relevance to the modern-day service delivery experience – and        and the temporary election workforce                                       context and respond collaboratively to changes. This is supported
     expectation of electors and stakeholders – especially in a post                                                                                 by a robust governance framework that oversees a range of
                                                                        • More electors vote informally or not at all
     COVID-19 pandemic environment.                                                                                                                  organisational health factors.
                                                                        • Reduced ability to positively influence electoral policy and legislation
                                                                                                                                                     The AEC is becoming a learning organisation and is continuing
                                                                        • Health hazards to AEC employees and the public                             to invest in developing people. We develop strategies to build the
                                                                                                                                                     critical operational and professional capabilities of APS staff and
                                                                                                                                                     the temporary election workforce.
  2. The AEC is unable to uphold electoral integrity and transparency   • Electors are disenfranchised
                                                                                                                                                     We use lessons management to inform and refine behavioural and
     against a changing environment of domestic and global threats.
                                                                        • Election delivery outcomes are adversely affected                          business process improvements for future electoral events.
                                                                        • Increased external scrutiny                                                The AEC will invest in a future operating model to sustain continual
                                                                                                                                                     improvement – both for voter experience and in the AEC workforce
                                                                        • Privacy or confidentiality breach
                                                                                                                                                     – through future electoral cycles.
                                                                                                                                                     The AEC is implementing the Election Systems Modernisation
  3. The AEC fails to build trusting relationships with electors,       • More electors vote informally or not at all                                (Indigo) program. This initiative will govern the replacement and
     political stakeholders, and the government.                                                                                                     modernisation of core election IT systems. An agile technology
                                                                        • Reduced ability to positively influence electoral policy and legislation
                                                                                                                                                     platform, Indigo will transform the AEC’s delivery of electoral
                                                                                                                                                     services and ensure ongoing integrity of the electoral system.
  4. The AEC cannot source and maintain a capable and trained           • Impact on election readiness and change effectiveness                      The AEC People Strategy will deliver a range of solutions for our
     Australian Public Service and temporary workforce.                                                                                              multi-tiered workforce.
                                                                        • Inability to meet community expectations for delivery of polling
                                                                          services                                                                   See page 8 for more information on our modernisation and people
  5. The AEC is not properly positioned for the future and is unable    • Reduced ability to effectively and efficiently deliver core business and
     to deliver its core business and services, as its systems and        improve service offering
     processes are not sustainable, relevant and modern.

7 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Our capability                                                Learning and development is critical to professionalising    This work has also enabled the AEC to think well
                                                              our workforce. The AEC is focusing on five key areas:        beyond the next election and to expand IT to meet the
In an increasingly complex operating environment, we                                                                       needs of all Australians.
continue to build our business processes and election         • organisational capability
delivery model through our lessons management                                                                              The Indigo program will be managed through a series
                                                              • learning culture
framework.                                                                                                                 of tranches, with the first delivering:
                                                              • accountabilities and responsibilities
Our people capability                                                                                                      • new baseline IT platforms to ensure readiness for
                                                              • temporary election workforce
                                                                                                                             future planning
The AEC’s one workforce is unique and multi-tiered.           • learning infrastructure.
Our talent includes APS employees engaged under                                                                            • updated supply chain management processes
the Public Service Act 1999, statutory appointments,          The AEC’s investment in this domain is building the          • streamlined recruitment and management of the
contractors, our election surge workforce, and our very       capability of our people to achieve excellence. As a           AEC’s temporary election workforce
large temporary election workforce.                           result, our employees are equipped to adapt to the
                                                                                                                           • improved election contact centre operations to better
                                                              changing nature of the AEC’s work, as well as evolving
Collectively, our workforce maintains an impartial and                                                                       facilitate voter self-service
                                                              community expectations. A highly skilled workforce
independent electoral system for eligible voters, and         reinforces our reputation as a professional, responsive      • agile business processes to drive productivity
delivers various other electoral, education, regulatory       electoral management body.
                                                                                                                           • assurance of security in the AEC’s coordination of
and enabling services. Our one workforce – with its
                                                                                                                             federal elections.
unique skills – is critical to delivering quality services.   Our ICT capability
                                                              IT systems                                                   All Australians should benefit from greater automation,
Our People Strategy supports AEC Key Activity 4. This
                                                                                                                           less manual handling, and swifter election results.
will be achieved through a range of initiatives. Among        The AEC is undergoing a major information technology
these is the delivery of a strategic workforce plan,          and communications transformation following
building organisational capability, and ensuring uptake       the Australian Government’s announcement of
of early intervention for optimum wellbeing. We will also     $96.4 million in funding in October 2020.
develop new talent initiatives to attract and nurture                                                                      Our broader strategic direction
high performing talent and workforce diversity over our       It is vitally important that the AEC operate robust and
employee life cycle.                                          fit-for-purpose IT platforms. A modernised electoral         is to modernise and use
The strategy focuses on four pillars: healthy
                                                              management system will greatly improve our capacity
                                                              to deal with security risks. Among these challenges,
                                                                                                                           available tools, data and skills to
workplaces, one workforce, our culture, and continuous
improvement. These pillars are supported by our
                                                              we must enhance our ability to detect, prevent and
                                                              respond to external interference in Australia’s elections.
                                                                                                                           better manage emerging risks
Learning and Professional Development Strategy
2020–2025, Diversity Inclusion Strategy 2019–2022,
                                                                                                                           and the changing operating
                                                              The Elections System Modernisation (Indigo) program
and Reconciliation Action Plan 2020–2021.                     is a shift in the AEC’s approach which will deliver a        environment.
                                                              citizen-centric, agile technology platform. The seven-
                                                              year transformation journey will reposition how we
                                                              provide electoral services and ensure ongoing integrity
                                                              of the electoral system.

8 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
AEC Command Centre                                             Our cooperation
Part of the AEC’s recent government funding will
be used to develop a new command centre that                   External cooperation is critical to ensure the AEC
will provide a secure, leading-edge, central point of          succeeds in an evolving environment, delivering safe
command. This initiative will also allow the AEC to            and effective elections into the future.
better monitor elections and give the overarching
visibility required during electoral events.                   Election events in Australia
Our broader strategic direction is to modernise                We partner with a range of public and private entities
and use available tools, data and skills to better             to deliver Australian electoral events. We also foster
manage emerging risks and the changing operating               collaborations and help others.
environment. Establishing the command centre aligns
                                                               To meet the enormous task of conducting a federal
with this goal and will help deliver safe and secure
                                                               election, in all its scale and complexity, the AEC works
                                                               with many Australian Government agencies, state,
                                                               territory, local government jurisdictions and external
Disinformation and cyber security
                                                               suppliers. Partners helping us deliver increasingly
A breakdown in public trust endangers electoral                intricate voting options include:
integrity. Everyone involved in the safe delivery of
elections must be committed to reducing the footprint          • the Australian Taxation Office, which works with state
of disinformation.                                               and territory agencies to share data and improve the
                                                                 quality of the electoral roll
The risks of inaction are serious. Consequences could
be an erosion of public confidence in our governing            • the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which provides
institutions, and the potential to disenfranchise                population information that we use to calculate
electors.                                                        redistributions
                                                               • Services Australia, which helps with remote mobile
In an evolving electoral context, threats range from             polling and call centre assistance
influencing voters before casting their vote, to interfering
with the mechanics of the voting process. The possible         • the Australian Federal Police, which assesses
outcome could be a compromise in our ability to                  suspected breaches of criminal offences of the
effectively conduct an election with a trusted result.           Electoral Act
                                                               • Australia Post, which ensures we can provide a
We ensure our people are equipped with the tools                 choice of postal and enrolment services
to share verified election details and to prevent
disinformation.                                                • the Department of Health, and health departments
                                                                 in different jurisdictions, which provide support and
We do this by being a highly credible source for election        advice regarding the AEC’s COVID-safe measures
information and by educating all stakeholders. In                ahead of electoral events.
particular, we are proactive in countering disinformation
across media platforms and other channels.

9 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
The Electoral Integrity Assurance Taskforce helps           accessibility, inclusion and participation in the electoral   in these bi-lateral endeavours include electoral
safeguard against interference that may impact on           process by people with disability.                            management bodies, academic institutions and
the safe delivery of electoral events. Potential threats                                                                  international development agencies.
include malicious cyber activity, physical attacks,         The AEC delivers a range of electoral information and
foreign interference or disinformation. Security and        education programs, including our National Electoral          AEC activities include:
integrity of the electoral system are the AEC’s top         Education Centre in Canberra. To complement our
priorities. We co-lead this taskforce, guided by other      education program, we are working with the Museum             • technical assistance
key agencies across government, including:                  of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House to
                                                                                                                          • strategic planning and advice
                                                            establish a dedicated public exhibition. This important
• Department of Finance                                     interactive display will explain Australia’s federal          • training courses
                                                            electoral system and the role of the AEC.                     • reviewing and updating policies and manuals
• Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
• Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional         We work with the Electoral Council of Australia               • knowledge exchange programs
  Development and Communications                            and New Zealand to manage electoral rolls for                 • workshops
                                                            Commonwealth, state, territory and local government
• Attorney-General’s Department                                                                                           • designing, printing, and supplying electoral
                                                            elections. In the spirit of mutual cooperation, the
• Department of Home Affairs                                council considers contemporary electoral challenges             materials.
• Australian Federal Police.                                with a view to improving equality for all eligible voters.
                                                                                                                          The Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand
                                                            The AEC also conducts industrial elections and ballots        Electoral Administrators (PIANZEA) network is an
When required, the taskforce is also supported by the
                                                            under the provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 and the        Australian government-funded electoral support
intelligence community.
                                                            Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.                program led by the AEC. The network has helped
                                                                                                                          deliver programs and resources for more than 20 years
The future of the electoral operating environment will
                                                            International engagement                                      to strengthen the capability of Pacific Island electoral
be shaped, in part, by the AEC’s close relationship with
                                                                                                                          management bodies.
the Department of Finance. This partnership helps us        The AEC is internationally recognised for its support of
contribute, when appropriate, to inform electoral policy    emerging democracies and for building the technical           The AEC also continues to play an integral role as
and legislative reform.                                     capacity of partner electoral agencies. This reputation       a founding partner of the Building Resources in
                                                            enables the government to include electoral support as        Democracy, Governance and Elections (BRIDGE)
The AEC prioritises support for all Australians’            a key element of development assistance.                      partnership.
electoral participation. We seek to engage citizens
from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds,     We work closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs        This professional development program is focused on
Indigenous Australians, people with disability, young       and Trade to build international capacity and capability.     electoral processes and is the only initiative of its type
people and those experiencing homelessness.                 The AEC delivers projects virtually and sends subject         delivered to electoral officials around the world. As well
                                                            matter experts overseas to advise and help develop            as the AEC, BRIDGE partners are the International
Working with state and territory electoral commissions,     quality electoral services.                                   Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,
we collaborate with community organisations and
                                                                                                                          International Foundation of Electoral Systems, United
other service providers to share electoral information,     By building trust, mutual respect and shared vision,          Nations Development Programme and the United
educate about election processes and promote                the AEC promotes peaceful and inclusive societies             Nations Electoral Assistance Division.
recruitment opportunities. The AEC chairs the Trans-        through sustainable development. Our partners
Tasman Disability Advisory Committee, which fosters

10 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Our performance
This year we continued to build our performance framework against our four agency activities,
and to provide more detailed performance measures and targets.

The AEC’s Performance Reporting Framework guides            We must always be ready to deliver an electoral event.
our approach to developing, managing and reporting
performance information in line with the Public             Each phase of the election readiness framework
Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013         directs our workflow and is reflected in the
(PGPA Act). We measure our performance against four         performance measures for the year. Our ‘lessons
key activities and the results we intend to achieve.        learned’ approach directs a continual cycle of
                                                            improvement and learning across all aspects of AEC
The following pages detail our key activities and the       operations. In 2020–21, we moved into the ‘implement
targets that measure our success.                           change’ phase. In 2021–22, we will begin ‘mobilisation’
                                                            for the next federal event.
Reporting cycles
We report our performance through the annual
performance statements in our annual reports.

The AEC operates on two reporting cycles:

• externally on a four-year cycle through the PGPA Act
• internally as part of the electoral cycle focusing on
  the three phases of election readiness
  – lessons
  – implement change
  – mobilisation.

11 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Key activity one
Maintain the integrity of the electoral and regulatory processes
An essential feature of Australian democracy is an                   This includes:                                                                 This enables all eligible Australians to enrol, nominate
electoral system that operates with a high level of                                                                                                 as candidates, vote, and have their votes counted
                                                                     • maintaining a complete and accurate
integrity. The AEC maintains an impartial electoral                                                                                                 accurately and securely. Citizens participate in a free,
                                                                       Commonwealth Electoral Roll
system and processes for elections, referendums,                                                                                                    fair and appropriately regulated electoral system.
plebiscites and by-elections in accordance with                      • driving voter turnout
the Commonwealth Electoral Act 2018 (the Electoral Act)
                                                                     • supporting electoral redistributions
and the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984.
                                                                     • registering political parties
As the Australian Government’s independent electoral
                                                                     • regulating the funding and disclosure scheme
body, electoral integrity is central to the AEC’s values
                                                                       for political entities and individuals
of agility, professionalism and quality. To maintain
electoral integrity, the AEC regulates important aspects             • regulating the authorisation of electoral
of the electoral system.                                               communications.

Intended results              AEC contributions                  Performance measures                                   Targets                   Source                            Method and frequency

                                                                                                       2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25

1.1 Deliver the franchise –   Maintain impartial and             Percentage of eligible voters                                                    Electoral roll and Australian     Roll and population data
    an Australian citizen’s   independent enrolment and          enrolled (enrolment rate).                                                       Bureau of Statistics population   calculated and reported annually
    right to vote             electoral services and processes                                          ≥95%       ≥95%        ≥95%       ≥95%    data.                             at the end of each financial year
                              that enable voters to exercise                                                                                                                        and at close of rolls for a federal
                              their franchise.                                                                                                                                      election or referendum.

                                                                 Percentage of voters enrolled         >90% voter turnout rate for elections      AEC Tally Room.                   Number of people enrolled to
                                                                 who turn out to vote at all federal   for the Senate and House of                                                  vote who cast a vote by any
                                                                 electoral events (turnout rate).      Representatives at the 2021–22 federal                                       voting method at a federal
                                                                                                       election.                                                                    electoral event.
                                                                                                       Where applicable, turnout rate will be
                                                                                                       reported for by-elections.

                                                                 Percentage of votes cast formally     >90% formality rate for Senate and         AEC Tally Room.                   Percentage of formal votes cast
                                                                 for the House of Representatives      House of Representatives.                                                    when compared to all votes
                                                                 and Senate at next federal                                                                                         cast at a federal electoral event
                                                                 election or at a referendum or for    Where applicable, formality rate will be                                     (including referendum).
                                                                 by-elections (if any held).           reported for by-elections.

12 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Intended results              AEC contributions                      Performance measures                                Targets                      Source                                Method and frequency

                                                                                                        2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25

1.2 Maintain a high level     Actively manage the electoral roll     Percentage accuracy of the                                                       The Annual Roll Integrity Review      AEC roll data and other agency
    of confidence in the      throughout the electoral cycle.        Electoral Roll at the electoral                                                  (ARIR), which measures the            data, calculated and publicly
    electoral roll                                                   division-level and individual                                                    accuracy and integrity of electoral   published quarterly and annually
                              Process enrolments to agreed
                                                                     address-level.                                                                   roll data.                            at the end of each financial year.
                              timeliness and standards and
                              quality assure a representative
                                                                                                         ≥95%        ≥95%        ≥95%       ≥95%
                              sample of enrolments for
                                                                                                          and         and         and        and
                                                                                                         ≥90%        ≥90%        ≥90%       ≥90%
                              Support the delivery of state,
                              territory and local electoral events
                              by delivering joint roll services
                              to state and territory electoral

                              Support the timely conduct of        Redistributions determined in        All redistributions are determined            Government Gazette and                For each redistribution,
                              electoral redistributions, ensuring, accordance with the Electoral Act.   in accordance with the planned                newspaper notices, and the date       publication of notices and
                              as near as practicable, that                                              determination date and impacted               of letters to electors lodged with    letters to electors comply with
                              each state and territory gains                                            electors are notified prior to the relevant   Australia Post.                       requirements in the Electoral Act.
                              representation in the House of                                            federal election.
                              Representatives in proportion to
                              their population.

1.3 Exercise our regulatory   Process political party                The AEC maintains an up-to-date Compliance with Part XI of the                   Electoral Act (Part XI), AEC          No identified breaches of Part XI
    functions                 registrations in accordance with       public register of political parties. Electoral Act.                             funding and disclosure, Client        of the Electoral Act for the year,
                              the Electoral Act.                                                                                                      and Return Management system          as at reporting date.
                                                                                                                                                      and the AEC website.
                              Regulate the funding and financial
                              disclosure scheme for political
                              parties, entities and individuals     In relation to political parties    Annual returns published on the first     For annual returns and election           Annual returns: measured
                              with disclosure obligations.          and entities with disclosure        working day in February.                  returns, the source is the                annually.
                                                                    obligations, the AEC publishes                                                Transparency Register on the
                              Develop education and                                                     Election returns published 24 weeks after                                           Election returns: measured for
                                                                    the returns in accordance with                                                AEC website.
                              awareness resources and                                                   polling day for each electoral event.                                               each electoral event.
                                                                    timeframes in the Electoral
                              products to assist political entities Act, and conducts compliance                                                  For compliance reviews, please
                                                                                                        Compliance reviews completed annually                                               Compliance reviews: measured
                              in Part XX of the Electoral Act                                                                                     refer to the AEC website.
                                                                    reviews in line with the approved   compared to the approved program.                                                   annually as at reporting date.
                              and those impacted by electoral program.
                              authorisations to understand
                              and comply with their regulatory

13 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Key activity two
Prepare for and deliver electoral events
The AEC delivers federal electoral events, industrial                service expectations. Electoral services and events                           The AEC uses a lessons management approach
elections, protected action ballots, and Torres Strait               need to be accessible to all eligible Australians.                            during and following an electoral event to ensure
Regional Authority elections in accordance with the                                                                                                Australians are provided with successful electoral
relevant legislation and rules.                                      The AEC prepares for and delivers electoral events                            events. Within the bounds of the Commonwealth
                                                                     through the Election Readiness Framework. While the                           Electoral Act 2018 (the Electoral Act), we continue
The AEC provides the best possible electoral services                AEC works to a three-year electoral cycle, the timing                         to enhance and modernise our model for delivering
and events to stakeholders and the public within a                   of electoral events is unknown. The AEC must strike                           electoral events and services.
complex environment and in response to increasing                    a careful balance between the likelihood of an event
community expectations. The AEC must deliver                         occurring with the cost and complexity associated with                        Under the Electoral Act, the AEC also supports
these services and events with the highest degree of                 maintaining a readiness posture. Election readiness is                        international electoral management bodies, in close
integrity, impartiality, and in accordance with legislation.         also balanced against other agency priorities.                                cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs
We deliver to all stakeholders and diverse customer                                                                                                and Trade.

Intended results                AEC contributions                Performance measures                                 Targets                    Source                            Method and frequency

                                                                                                      2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25

2.1 The AEC maintains an        Using the Election Readiness     AEC-wide readiness achieved          Agency wide readiness meets the            AEC Election Readiness            Undertaken as required at key
    appropriate level of        Framework, the AEC               by the Directed Level of Electoral   Directed Level of Electoral Readiness      Framework.                        times prior to each electoral
    election readiness          comprehensively prepares for     Readiness date (federal elections    date (federal elections only).                                               event.
                                the federal election and other   only).
                                electoral events.

2.2 The public and              Successfully deliver federal     The election result – for each     The writs for a federal election event are   Electoral Act.                    For each electoral event:
    stakeholders have           electoral events in accordance   event – is delivered in accordance issued and returned in accordance with
                                                                                                                                                 Electoral Commissioner’s advice   • Writs returned to the Governor-
    confidence the electoral    with legislation.                with the Electoral Act.            legislative requirements and timeframes.
                                                                                                                                                 published on AEC website.           General or State Governors or
    process is well managed
                                                                                                      The AEC will report on the number of                                           the Speaker of the House of
    in accordance with                                                                                                                        Outcomes of the Court of
                                                                                                      Court of Disputed Returns matters which                                        Representatives
    legislation                                                                                                                               Disputed Returns.
                                                                                                      challenge AEC conduct, and whether
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Electoral Commissioner’s
                                                                                                      these challenges are dismissed or
                                                                                                                                                                                     advice published on the AEC
                                                                                                      upheld in favour of the AEC.
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Court of Disputed Returns

14 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Intended results               AEC contributions                     Performance measures                               Targets                    Source                         Method and frequency

                                                                                                        2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25

2.3 Accessible and high        Deliver enrolment services to         Percentage of new enrolments                                                  Roll data from AEC enrolment   Rates calculated monthly and
    quality enrolment and      electors in a timely and efficient    and enrolment updates lodged                                                  systems and extracts.          reported annually at the end
    polling services           manner.                               through the Online Enrolment                                                                                 of each financial year. Also
                                                                     Service.                                                                                                     calculated at close of rolls for full
                               Identify opportunities to
                                                                                                                                                                                  federal elections.
                               modernise delivery of enrolment                                           ≥80%       ≥80%       ≥80%       ≥80%
                               services and increase digital
                               offerings to our stakeholders.

                               Deliver polling services to the       Voting locations (including early  100% of polling locations are published.   AEC Election Management        Publication on the AEC website
                               public (including priority groups –   voting centres and polling places)                                            System data.                   for each electoral event.
                               see below in Key Activity 3) within   published on the AEC website
                                                                                                                                                   AEC website.
                               the parameters and timeframes         before polling commences.
                               set in the Electoral Act and the
                               AEC’s Event Service Plan.             After election night, count        Preliminary election results available on AEC Election Management         Publication on the AEC website
                                                                     information is progressively       election night and progressive count      System data.                    for each electoral event.
                               Mature and embed the AEC’s            updated on the AEC website.        information updated on the AEC website.
                               lessons management approach
                               and capability.
                               Undertake an AEC voter survey         Undertake a lessons                Lessons from the previous electoral        AEC Lessons Management         Agency-wide qualitative analysis
                               following each federal election       management approach to             event implemented at the next electoral    Framework.                     undertaken for each federal
                               to inform future planning and         delivering electoral events.       event.                                                                    election.
                               delivery of electoral events.
                                                                                                                                                   AEC Election Readiness

2.4 Industrial elections and   The AEC meets legislative             Election and ballot results are    The AEC will report on the outcomes     Federal Court outcomes.           Federal Court outcomes for the
    ballots are designed for   requirements to conduct               delivered with integrity and       and number of events in which the AEC’s                                   year, as at reporting date.
    the future and delivered   electoral events for organisations    withstand scrutiny.                conduct is challenged before a court.
    with integrity             registered with the Fair Work
                               Commission; and protected
                               action ballots when assigned
                               as the Ballot Agency by the Fair
                               Work Commission.
                               Engage with stakeholders to
                               modernise industrial election
                               processes and systems, mature
                               planning and assurance, and
                               detail lessons learned.

15 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Key activity three
Engage with our stakeholders through education and public awareness activities
To maintain awareness of electoral matters, the AEC                   Our education and public awareness activities target                       The AEC also continues to deliver education programs
engages with the public and a range of different                      all eligible voters and consider Australia’s diverse                       for tens of thousands of school children through
communities and stakeholders throughout the                           population. Targeted information, services, tools                          our National Election Education Centre (NEEC) in
electoral cycle. At a federal election, the AEC conducts              and strategic partnerships are developed for priority                      Canberra.
a national advertising campaign across a range of                     groups, including those who may experience some
communication channels and in many Indigenous and                     barriers to electoral participation.
major community languages to maximise successful
election participation.

Intended results               AEC contributions                  Performance measures                                 Targets                 Source                         Method and frequency

                                                                                                       2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25

3.1 Enable Australians to      Provide timely and accurate        Deliver public awareness and         The AEC’s public awareness campaign     Campaign evaluation report.    Specific communication activities
    participate in electoral   electoral information and public   education products that target all   is delivered in accordance with key                                    delivered for mainstream and
    events and understand      awareness products and             Australian citizens aged 18 years    objectives outlined in the campaign                                    identified special audience
    electoral matters          campaigns to a range of target     and over.                            strategy and meets identified                                          groups measured for each federal
                               audiences to support enrolment                                          benchmarks for electoral events.                                       election.
                               and participation in electoral

                               Work with key stakeholders such    Percentage of 18 to 24 year                                                  Roll data from AEC enrolment   Rates calculated monthly
                               as state and territory electoral   old Australians enrolled (youth                                              systems.                       and published quarterly. Also
                               commissions, further enhance       enrolment rate).                      ≥85%       ≥87%      ≥87%       ≥87%                                  measured and reported for each
                                                                                                                                               ABS population data.
                               partnership arrangements                                                                                                                       federal election.
                               and extend our digital reach to
                               provide awareness and education
                               products to the priority groups.   Deliver electoral participation      Assessment of activities delivered in   Assessment against Targeted    Assessment of activities for the
                               The priority groups include:       activities to support AEC priority   accordance with the AEC Targeted        Engagement Framework           year as at each reporting date.
                               youth (18–24 years old);           groups.                              Engagement Framework 2020-2023          2020–23.
                               Indigenous Australians; people                                          and the AEC Indigenous Electoral
                               with disability; people from                                            Participation Program National Action
                               culturally and linguistically                                           Plan 2021–2022.
                               diverse backgrounds; people
                               experiencing homelessness; and
                               people who are incarcerated.

16 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Intended results                        AEC contributions                       Performance measures                                        Targets                       Source                              Method and frequency

                                                                                                                          2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25

 3.2 Enhance understanding               Deliver a high quality and              Annual visitors to the NEEC.             New baseline determined in 2022–23*.             AEC visitor data captured via the   Visitor attendance reported
     of Australia’s electoral            accessible electoral education                                                                                                    NEEC online booking system.         annually.
     system                              experience to school children
                                         through the NEEC.
                                         Provide a program of                    Visitor satisfaction rates at the                                                         AEC NEEC visitor data.              Visitor satisfaction surveys
                                         targeted professional learning          NEEC.                                     ≥ 90%        ≥ 90%       ≥ 90%       ≥ 90%                                          captured for each education
                                         opportunities and resources                                                                                                                                           program reported annually.
                                         to teachers that support their
                                         teaching of the Australian              Maintain the number of unique                                                             AEC for Schools website.            AEC website analytics of unique
                                         electoral system consistent with        views of AEC for Schools                 ≥ 200,000 ≥ 200,000 ≥ 200,000 ≥ 200,000                                              visits to AEC for Schools website
                                         the Australian Curriculum.              website.                                                                                                                      reported annually.

                                                                                 Teacher professional learning            350 teacher professional learning                AEC Learning Management             Professional learning participation
                                                                                 participant numbers.                     participants (with an intention to review        System data and attendance          rates reported annually.
                                                                                                                          in 2022–23)*.                                    at in-person sessions.

* COVID-19 affected visits and face-to-face education programs through 2020. The NEEC will be refurbished in 2021–2022, affecting visits. A new baseline visitor target will be established in 2022–23.

17 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Key activity four
Maintain a capable and agile organisation and continue to professionalise our workforce
Building and maintaining a capable and agile                            our agility and capability. We do this by refining our                     Our people and learning and development strategies
organisation and professional workforce is critical to                  organisational structure and focusing on key aspects                       are designed to ensure the AEC can attract, develop
delivering electoral events. To ensure we can respond                   of governance and assurance. We are also investing in                      and retain a talented, agile and professional workforce.
to changing legislation, policy, community expectations                 and modernising our enrolment and election systems                         This includes both our regular APS and temporary
and our environment, we must continue to develop                        and processes.                                                             election workforce, which surges to more than 90,000
                                                                                                                                                   employees during a federal election.

Intended results                 AEC contributions                 Performance measures                                Targets                    Source                           Method and frequency

                                                                                                       2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25

4.1 Develop and maintain         Continue to develop our workforce Percentage of identified APS                                                   AEC Learning Management          Training completion data
    a professional, talented     by implementing the AEC People employees undertaking specific          ≥ 95%      ≥ 95%     ≥ 95%        ≥ 95%   System.                          measured annually.
    and agile workforce          Strategy and Learning and         training relevant to their role.
                                 Development Strategy.
                                                                   Percentage of TEW employees                                                    AEC Learning Management          Training completion data
                                 Further expand our capability     completing election training                                                   System.                          measured for each federal
                                                                                                        ≥ 95%      ≥ 95%     ≥ 95%        ≥ 95%
                                 to support and train the AEC’s    relevant to their role.                                                                                         electoral event.
                                 temporary election workforce.

4.2 Invest in organisational  Continue to mature and               Increase agency-level               Increase or maintain maturity against      Comcover Risk Culture survey,    Survey benchmarking using
    capability and governance streamline our agency’s              governance maturity in the areas    identified Commonwealth surveys or         AEC Information Management       Commonwealth frameworks and
                              organisational structure and         of risk management, protective      plans.                                     Strategy and National Archives   agency maturity assessments
                              governance arrangements.             security, privacy and information                                              of Australia’s Check-up PLUS     for protective security and
                                                                   management.                                                                    survey and reports, Protective   information management
                                 Improve our maturity across
                                                                                                                                                  Security Policy Framework, AEC   measured annually.
                                 management of finance and
                                                                                                                                                  Privacy Management Plan.
                                 workforce, risk, security                                                                                                                         Comcover Risk Culture survey is
                                 (under Protective Security                                                                                                                        measured biennially.
                                 Policy Framework), information
                                                                                                                                                                                   Qualitative assessment on
                                 management and privacy.
                                                                                                                                                                                   privacy management, performed
                                                                                                                                                                                   annually as at reporting date.

4.3 Implement systems           Continue investment in the AEC’s Progress the modernisation of         Meet the key program milestones            Program documentation            Governance reporting
     and processes that are     modernisation agenda.            the AEC’s core election and roll      associated with the procurement,           and reporting.                   mechanisms (including internal
     sustainable, relevant and                                   management systems.                   delivery, execution and de-                                                 and external assurance) as
     modern to support election                                                                        commissioning of these systems.                                             guided by program structure and
     planning and delivery                                                                                                                                                         documentation; as at reporting

18 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
Regulator performance
The AEC regulates the Commonwealth funding and              The principles of regulator best practice are:
disclosure scheme detailed under Part XX of the
Electoral Act. This requires candidates, Senate groups,     • continuous improvement and building trust –
political parties, political campaigners, associated          regulators adopt a whole-of-system perspective,
entities, third parties and donors to lodge election or       continuously improving their performance, capability
annual financial disclosure returns with the AEC.             and culture to build trust and confidence in
                                                              Australia’s regulatory settings
The AEC administers the registration of political parties
                                                            • risk-based and data-driven – regulators manage
under Part XI of the Electoral Act and maintains a
                                                              risks proportionately and maintain essential
Register of Political Parties. This lists those parties
                                                              safeguards while minimising regulatory burden, and
which are eligible to have the party affiliation of their
                                                              leveraging data and digital technology to support
endorsed candidates printed on ballot papers at a
                                                              those they regulate to comply and grow
federal election.
                                                            • collaboration and engagement – regulators are
The AEC administers the authorisation of electoral            transparent and responsive communicators,
communications in accordance with Part XXA of the             implementing regulations in a modern and
Electoral Act.                                                collaborative way.

In line with the Australian Government’s commitment
to reducing the cost of unnecessary and inefficient
regulation imposed on individuals, business and
community organisations, we apply the principles of
regulator best practice in assessing our regulatory

19 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
The following table outlines our performance against our measures of success.

What we do to meet the best practice principles               Measures                                                                              Key activity reference
We understand the operating environment and                  • The AEC maintains an up-to-date public register of political parties.                1, 2, 3 and 4.
circumstances of stakeholders, and take actions to minimise
                                                             • We regulate the funding and disclosure scheme, ensuring that disclosure returns
the potential for unintended negative impacts on them.
                                                               are published and regulated in accordance with timeframes.
We provide guidance and information that is up to date,
                                                             • We undertake regular compliance reviews that examine a sample of disclosure
clear, accessible and concise, and that is delivered through
                                                               returns, and use a risk-based approach to compliance. The outcomes of
appropriate channels to the target audience.
                                                               compliance activity are published on the AEC’s website.
We apply a risk-based, proportionate approach to
                                                             • We administer the funding and disclosure scheme, political party registrations
compliance obligations, engagement and regulatory
                                                               and electoral authorisations. We provide guidance and information to ensure
enforcement actions.
                                                               stakeholders are aware of the need to comply with electoral legislation as well as
We ensure information requests to the public and               the ‘how-to’.
stakeholders are tailored and only made when necessary
                                                             • We apply a risk-based proportionate response in addressing multiple voting
to secure regulatory objectives, and only then in a way that
                                                               and non-voter prosecutions, and in administering electoral communications
minimises impact.
                                                              • We continue to improve our risk management maturity to build organisational
                                                                capability. We are also maturing and embedding our lessons management
                                                                approach and capability.
                                                              • We manage feedback and complaints in line with the AEC complaints
                                                                management policy, and seek improvements in administration when relevant.

20 Australian Electoral Commission Corporate Plan 2021–22
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