Corfe Castle Environment Working Group Action Plan

Page created by Herman Lowe
Corfe Castle Environment Working Group Action Plan                                                               Adopted 9 December 2019

AIM "How can what an individual, business or organisation is doing in our Parish be done in such a way that it reduces its impact on the Environment (in terms
of Climate Change Emergency)?"
Category                   Item                        Actions                                                   Notes                                                            Recommendations
Public Engagement
                           Low Carbon Dorset Meeting   Acting on the Feed-back: (1) circulate a list of things   Communication by: (1) email to members of the community          (1) That CCPC agree to support its
                                                       residents and businesses can do to reduce their           who have signed a form wanting to be on a circulation list for   Environment working group in the
                                                       impact on the Environment; to include suggestions         more information (Clerk to ensure that we are compliant with     actions identified in this Action Plan
                                                       on how to implement these; (2) offer of a speaker         GDPR), (2) posting on the website, and (3) in the CVN/Dubber.    and support the Environment Group in
                                                       from Wales who has experience of setting up a                                                                              actively forming a Purbeck-wide
                                                       Community-led Energy Project for a Purbeck-wide                                                                            Environment Group with others across
                                                       group; (3) support for the formation of a Purbeck                                                                          Purbeck to enable a formal method of
                                                       Environment Group (either linked or not to DC); (4)                                                                        sharing ideas and working on common
                                                       encourage community buildings to introduce                                                                                 projects. (2) That funds are allocated
                                                       climate emergency mitigation in how they are run;                                                                          in the 2020/2021 budget for the
                                                       (5) lowering the carbon footprint of older listed                                                                          Environment working group to cover
                                                       properties and or; (6) encouraging landlords to                                                                            additional work of the clerk and for
                                                       adapt tenants properties by writing to them as the                                                                         meeting hall hire.
                                                       parish council; (7) ask the community to come
                                                       forward if they have any expertise they can share
                                                       with the Working Group and (8) if they would like to
                                                       join the group and or a Purbeck-wide group.
Biodiversity meeting 25 November    Invites, Publicity, Equipment, set up, facilitate,     (1) Projector - to borrow? ASK NT, (2) Invites -all Cllrs (inc. our   (3) That CCPC support the meeting of
                                                                     refreshments... suggested what to achieve want to      tree officer), CHECK Ali sent flyer to email list held, then,         25 November on Biodiversity to
                                                                     form a community environment group for                 Michael Bond and other large landowners such as Rempstone             include paying for hall hire, (4) Should
                                                                     community projects...                                  Estate (who else?), ASK NT to circulate to volunteers and             the outcome of the Biodiversity
                                                                                                                            tenant farmers, landowners, Rev Jackson, Holiday letting              meeting be the formation of a
                                                                                                                            businesses,(3) CONFIRM yes to NT for help with refreshments;          community working group on
                                                                                                                            NT Jonathan to circulate to Commons Committe and to ask               implementing ways of Enhancing
                                                                                                                            Sophie and the ‘Beaver’ lady (name not known - back from the          Biodviersity in the community, that
                                                                                                                            brink? They both attended last Commons meeting). (4)                  CCPC help support that in terms of co-
                                                                                                                            following from (3) can Clerk ask NT about if beavers have             ordination.
                                                                                                                            already been introduced onto NT land given that a dead
                                                                                                                            mother beaver and baby beaver have been found on NT land ;
                                                                                                                            we thought consultation was still happening about
                                                                                                                            introducing beavers...have concerns about negative affects
                                                                                                                            such as the knowing of trees (David Brown, Tom Clarke). (5)
                                                                                                                            Tree Charter Scheme info SHARE onto NT... We have missed
                                                                                                                            the deadline for the November planting but would like offers
                                                                                                                            of sites and a choice of trees from the list to be worked on
                                                                                                                            ready for the next offer.

                                 Website                             Can there be a permanent area on the website for       For sharing good practice on waste, on planning matters               (5) That a section of the CCPC website
                                                                     Environment Working Group info and news to be?         relating to housing, on transport, on energy use and on               be allocated specifically for the
                                                                                                                            enhancing Biodiversity. In addition, one outcome of the Low           Environment group info and news.
                                                                                                                            Carbon Dorset meeting was the realisation that our country
                                                                                                                            does not have an Action Plan in place; there is therefore a
                                                                                                                            need for the council to lobby government for necessary
                                                                                                                            changes and to inform the community so they can in turn
                                                                                                                            choose to lobby as individuals.

                                 CVN/Dubber/letters in local press   A monthly section dedicated to this issue; for
                                                                     example celebrating achievements and ‘did you
                                                                     know’ facts about for example the brown food
                                                                     waste bin.
                                                                     Clerk to hold the list and to ensure that the way we
                                                                     are using the list is compliant with GDPR

Internal Audit - All parish councillors need to audit their areas listed below for issues to be identified
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (6) That a deadline be agreed for Cllrs
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to add their comments re: auditing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  their areas of responsibility, suggest by
                                                                                                                                                                                                  25 November so updates can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                  agreed at December meeting and any
                                                                                                                                                                                                  potential additional budget allocations
                                                                                                                                                                                                  can be considered.
Energy (power and heating)     (1) Public Toilets - use green energy supplier
                                              (ACHIEVED) and low energy lights (To check), (2)
                                              rented halls, (3) staff office
               Transport                      (1) Car share where possible
               Products                       Green Cleaning products/refillable containers where Clerk to check with JD Facilities                                      (7) the clerk be instructed to install a
                                              appropriate                                                                                                                drinking water tap at West Street
                                                                                                                                                                         public toilets
Working Groups Co-ordination & Agenda         Be mindful of aim for climate mitigation
                                                                                                                                                                         (8) That the Finance Committee
                                                                                                                                                                         consider how the Financial Regulations
                                                                                                                                                                         can be amended so that Climate
                                                                                                                                                                         Mitigation is worked in as a criteria for
                                              Work climate mitigation into a criteria for financial                                                                      financial decision making.
               Finance                        decisions
               Highways Maintenace            Enhance roadside flora/fauna                            Look into ways of achieving this
               Housing                        (1) Check that new housing development and              Clerk to write to DC and MP to insure that Planning Officers       (9) The clerk to write to our MP and to
                                              improvements are meeting the legal requirements         are fulfilling their current obligations re: climate mitigation.   DC on behalf of PC asking for
                                              to mitigate for Climate Change. (2)Rental homes         Clerk to write to DC to lobby to change planning regulations       necessary changes to planning law to
                                              need updating, (3) Need to lobby to change listed       re: listed buildings to make it a requirement for climate          allow climate mitigation on existing
                                              buildings regulations so that they can have solar       mitigation to be carried out by property owners and                and new housing.
                                              panels and double glazing.                              developments over a certain amount should have car charging
               National Trust                 Scrutinise NT Local Climate Mitigation Plan             Lobby for water tap by their loos
                                                                                                                                                                         (10) Clerk to ask NT for their current
                                                                                                                                                                         Local Climate Mitigation Plan and (11)
                                                                                                                                                                         to ask NT to install a water tap by their
                                                                                                                                                                         loos near the Castle Entrance.
               Planning                       Similar to Housing above
               Rights of Way                  (1)Woody Hyde permissive footpath to avoid people Follow this up through our Unitary Cllr                                  (12) That CCPC ask our Unitary Cllr to
                                              walking along the road, and other opportunities                                                                            drive the permissive footpaths forward
                                              from other campsites? (2) Norden Park footpath                                                                             (Woody Hyde and Norden)

               Tourism                                                                                                                                                   (13) Clerk to contact known Holiday
                                              Holiday let properties should follow the                                                                                   letting companies re: their Climate
                                              Communities good practice on mitigating for                                                                                Emergency Mitigation Plan
                                              Climate Emergency
               Youth liaison/School liaison
Environment                                                                                                                                                        (14) Increase the budget for training to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 allow for attendance at
                                                                                                                                                                                                 training/events re: Climate Emergency,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 (15) That the Environment Group meet
                                                                                                                                                                                                 monthly on the third Thursday of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 month to approve recommendations
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of any changes to the ACTION PLAN to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 be recommended for approval at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 next full council meeting and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 circulated in advance.

                              Car parking                            Car charging points should be installed in all car       Contact NT and DC and our MP                                       (16) Clerk to write to our MP, DC and
                                                                     parks                                                                                                                       NT to ask for car charging points to be
      Nominees to other bodies Corfe Castle Charity
                                God’s Acre
                                Sport’s Trust
                                Town Trust
Representatives on other bodies Chamber of Trade & Commerce
                                Commons Management
                                CPRE                                 CPRE promote Climate Change Mitigation and could
                                                                     be a useful resource
                                                                     DAPTC is concerned about promoting Parish
                                                                     Councils involvement in Climate Change Mitigation
                                                                     as they fear it is political; this has the unfortunate
                                                                     consequence that parish councils who hold the
                                                                     same fear, are failing to take any mitigation action     Lobby - I have the support of the group to lobby
                              DCA                                    DCA Chairman Alan Clevett is supportive of CCPC
                                                                     Environment Group and is keen to work in
                                                                     partnership where appropriate
                              Emergency Planning
                              Friends of the Library
                              Local Archeology liaison
                              Parish tree warden                     Tree Charter Joan to be involved
                              Perenco Liaison                        Oil - Infrastructure Law
                              Swanworth Quarry
                              Swanage Railway                        Should be free to                                     Lobby for drinking water
                              Transport (Purbeck Transport Action)                                                         (1) Lobby for carparks to have car charging points and (2) to
                                                                     Raise making changes so that this group can have      look into lamp posts having charging points, (3) lobby to
                                                                     more teeth and work better and to include adding      improve public transport so that it is a realistic alternative. (4)
                                                                     climate Mitigation in order to re-think the transport create solutions on the narrow country roads for safe cycling
                                                                     network and lobby for change
                              Village Hall
                              Litter-Free Purbeck
                              Swanage Community Defibrillator
Wider Engagement                                                       All expressing support/interest to work together,
                              Supportive: Langton Matravers PC,        sharing ideas and forming a Purbeck-wide group -
                              Swanage TC (Sustainable Swanage),        RECOMENDATIONS
                              West Lulworth PC, Wareham TC, Arne
                              PC, Lytchett Minster and Upton TC,
                              Lyme Regis Town Council, past
                              members of PEAT

Waste - promoting the Circular Economy (Reduce, Re-use, Re-cycle)
                              Avoid use of single-use plastic          (1) Water re-fill points, (a) Audit of re-fill points in
                                                                       Corfe, (b) install tap/water fountain, (c) work
                                                                       towards Plastic-Free status with the community
                                                                       (Surfers Against Sewage); (2) Encourage local shops
                                                                       to take on re-fill schemes, (3) Encourage use of re-
                                                                       usable glass bottles with a deposit scheme; (4) more
                                                                       glass refuse containers; (5) a communal glass bottle
                                                                       cleaning plant for use by small businesses (AONB
                                                                       interested - possible funding)

                              Encourage use of the brown waste         Support Sarah Spurling’s aim for there to be a food        Contact businesses for their view. Carole and Terry (Corfe
                              bins for food waste including cooking    waste collection service for businesses                    Castle Village Stores) have already expressed an interest
                              fat                                                                                                                                                              CVN page
                              Better information on what can be        DWP to do short U-Tube videos on (1) what can be           To build confidence in that waste is not simply dumped
                              recycled                                 recycled and where, (2) what happens to Dorset

                              Adopt the scheme run in Poundbury
                              by Darmers First School which recycles
                              waste which DWP doesn’t deal with
                              An annual village re-use day. Everyone
                              puts stuff they no longer want on
                              same day outside house and
                              encourage villagers/outsiders to take
                              them with donation to charities (eg

                              Introduce a Free-cycle scheme            Post on website or use social media

Renewable energy/switch to              (1) Actively promote Non-Conservation area to        Purbeck and Dorset-wide initiatives
                                  renewable energy supplier/improve       adopt solar panels by using worked examples
                                  insulation/be more energy efficient     showing pay-back, trusted trader scheme, sources
                                                                          of low cost finance and grants. (2) Actively promote
                                                                          improving insulation in homes through publicity and
                                                                          trusted trader recommendations, (3) Engage with
                                                                          landowners to improve tenanted properties
                                                                          insulation and energy efficiency, (Freecycle -

                                  Climate Law contrasting Infrasturcutre law
                                  Community-led renewable energy projectWind turbines, bio-mass

               Public Transport                                        (1) Summer service on SWR from Bournemouth to           Should be free transport for young people, lobby for free
                                Plan an improved public transport      Corfe/Swanage to reduce car use                         public transport
                                strategy with a view that more funding
                                may be released to mitigate.
                                Comments at AONB workshop was
                                that public transport needs to be a
                                realistic option
                        Cycling A safer and more effective cycling     Lobby Dorset Council
                                network needs to be developed to
                                serve the needs of both commuters
                                and visitors
                          Cars Encentives to swap to electric cars and
                                vans                                   (1) car charging points needed in the village

Biodiversity Enhancement
                    Off-setting Frequent travellers could pay to offset
                                into local initiatives to enhance
                                biodiversity and could actively
                   Tree Charter Need to do some work with NT,                                                                  list of native wild flower for this area ASK about for when we
                                engage with other landowners... Talk                                                           grow flowers for spring... Church re:re-wilding project,
                                about tree charter project and ask                                                             possible LMPC working group biodiversity iversity talk 5 mins -
                                who would like to be part of that                                                              Steve to CHAIR Nominated recommendation...
                                working group, ASK
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