Convectively-coupled High-frequency Atmospheric waves triggered Kerala floods in 2018 and 2019

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Convectively-coupled High-frequency Atmospheric
                                                  waves triggered Kerala floods in 2018 and 2019
                                                                                                             Kiran S. R.
                                                                                                 Department of Civil Engineering
                                                                                                   Central Polytechnic College
                                                                                                   Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
                                                                                                 ORCID Id: 0000-0003-3200-8624
arXiv:2110.01944v1 [] 5 Oct 2021

                                                   Abstract—Floods have repeatedly battered the South Indian          South China Sea and West Pacific [4]. Similarly, Ref. [5]
                                                state, Kerala, as a result of the unprecedented heavy rainfall        deduced that the Kerala floods of 2018 was triggered by the
                                                during Boreal Summers, in recent years. The state witnessed           formation of an intense and long-duration atmospheric river
                                                large departures from normal rainfall in 2018 and 2019. Previous
                                                studies have seldom adopted a systematic approach to understand       with more than 60% of moisture supply from the Central-
                                                the phenomenon responsible for the recurrent extreme events.          Eastern Indian Ocean.
                                                Hence, this study, based on spectral methods, identifies a char-         Although, the above studies attempted to investigate the
                                                acteristic propagation of high-frequency equatorial waves in the      extreme precipitation in 2018 from the general wind field con-
                                                atmosphere, which travelled from near tropical west Pacific to the
                                                east coast of Africa. These waves stimulated intense convection       ditions existed then, no conclusive evidences to support their
                                                and ensured sufficient availability of moisture over the state, and   theories exist hitherto, even after the extreme events repeated
                                                are hence responsible for Kerala Floods.                              in 2019 and 2020 during the same season. This incited the
                                                   Index Terms—Kerala Floods, Indian Monsoon, Mid-                    necessity to investigate the climate dynamics responsible for
                                                tropospheric convection, Moisture convergence, High-frequency         the recurrent disaster.
                                                Equatorial waves

                                                                       I. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                      II. DATA & M ETHODOLOGY
                                                   Kerala, the south-west coastal state of India, experienced
                                                heavy rainfall and consequent floods in 2018 and 2019 during
                                                Summer. The state received extremely heavy rainfall during               Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) gives daily
                                                the South-West Monsoon in the two years – from 8th to                 rainfall data at a spatial resolution of 0.25o × 0.25o over the
                                                17th August 2018 and from 3rd to 10th August 2019, which              Indian Ocean region. In addition, the daily gridded rainfall
                                                caused unprecedented floods resulting in massive loss of life         data from raingauge observations over Kerala is obtained
                                                and property. These recurrent extreme events in the state have        from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) from 2011 to
                                                raised questions of changing climate in the southern part of          2019. Further, the ERA5 Reanalysis of the European Centre
                                                Peninsular India. Hence, there arose a necessity to identify          for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) gives the
                                                the physical phenomenon which derailed the hydrology of the           specific humidity (kg/kg) and winds (zonal & meridional
                                                State in recent years.                                                winds in m/s and vertical velocity (or omega) in Pa/s) for
                                                   Vimal and Harsh (2019) observed no increase in mean and            different vertical pressure levels from 1000 to 100hPa.
                                                extreme precipitation in Kerala over the past six decades and            In this study, the daily departures from the mean of
                                                identified that the extreme rainfall event in August 2018 was         atmospheric variables during 2018 and 2019 by deducting
                                                driven by anomalous atmospheric conditions due to climate             the average of daily data of the atmospheric variables from
                                                variability rather than anthropogenic factors [1]. Hunt and           2011 to 2017 from the daily data for the years 2018 and
                                                Menon (2020) concluded that the precipitation in Kerala may           2019 separately. Since, the two-day maximum precipitation
                                                be 18% heavier for the pre-industrial period and 36% heavier          of 2018 was abnormally high (220mm) and surpassed even
                                                for a prospective climate in 2100 [2]. According to Ref.              the 95th percentile of 70 years (150mm), a 7-year mean would
                                                [3], the presence of a strong westerly jet along with the             suffice to capture the anomaly [1]. Hovmöller diagrams, which
                                                formation of the offshore vortex trough and the transport             depict the temporal variation of atmospheric variables along
                                                of mid-tropospheric moisture from various sources under the           zonal/meridional direction, are used to identify the propagation
                                                presence of conducive vertical shear of horizontal wind may           of waves and its characteristics. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
                                                have contributed to the extreme rainfall over Kerala in 2018.         is performed on time series of atmospheric variables or its
                                                Further, there are theories that the strong westerly flow, which      anomalies for the ease of representation in frequency domain.
                                                is a part of the cross equatorial Monsoon flow, was constantly        The dominant harmonics, thus identified, are filtered out using
                                                propelled by a couple of cyclonic systems over Bay of Bengal,         Band-Pass Filters (BPF) for further analysis.
Fig. 1. (first & third figure) TRMM rainfall on the days of peak rainfall in 2018 and 2019 respectively. (second & fourth figure) Corresponding values of
ERA5 Vertical velocity at 600hPa and 350hPa respectively.

                                            Rainfall anomalies of 2018 = Rainfall of 2018 minus 7year mean daily rainfall                                                                       Amplitude Spectrum of Precipitation over Kerala
                               200                                                                                                                                     5
                                         North Kerala                                                                                                                               33.2 days
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rainfall anomalies of 2018
                                         Central Kerala

                                                                                                                                           Amplitude Spectrum |P(f)|
                                                                                                                                                                       4                                                                      7year Mean precipitation
Precipitation anomalies (mm)

                               150       South Kerala
                                                                                                                                                                                    16.6 days         7.8 days
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5.5 days


                                                                                                                                                                           0      0.05          0.1          0.15         0.2          0.25    0.3          0.35            0.4
                               -50                                                                                                                                                                                  frequency (Hz)
                                1-Jun       15-Jun              1-Jul          15-Jul              1-Aug           15-Aug      1-Sep
                                                                                                                                           Fig. 4. Amplitude spectrum of IMD rainfall anomalies of 2018 averaged over
Fig. 2. IMD daily rainfall anomalies (in millimetres) of 2018 over North,                                                                  the state of Kerala, in comparison to that of the 7 year mean precipitation.
Central and South Kerala, measured with respect to the 7 year mean
precipitation.                                                                                                                                                                             Amplitude Spectrum of Precipitation Anomalies of 2019
                                                                                                                                                                               26.1 days                                                       Rainfall anomalies of 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                            15.9 days
                                                                                                                                           Amplitude Spectrum |P(f)|

                                               Rainfall anomalies of 2019 = Rainfall of 2019 minus 7year mean daily rainfall                                           5                                                                       7year Mean precipitation

                                        North Kerala                                                                                                                                              9.4 days
                               200                                                                                                                                     4
                                        Central Kerala                                                                                                                                                                   5.1 days
Precipitation anomalies (mm)

                                        South Kerala                                                                                                                                                          6.4 days
                               150                                                                                                                                     3


                                 0                                                                                                                                         0      0.05          0.1          0.15         0.2          0.25    0.3          0.35            0.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    frequency (Hz)
                                1-Jun       15-Jun              1-Jul          15-Jul              1-Aug           15-Aug      1-Sep
                                                                                                                                           Fig. 5. Amplitude spectrum of IMD rainfall anomalies of 2019 averaged over
                                                                                                                                           the state of Kerala, in comparison to that of the 7 year mean precipitation.
Fig. 3. IMD daily rainfall anomalies (in millimetres) of 2019 over North,
Central and South Kerala, measured with respect to 7 year mean precipitation.
                                                                                                                                           the state may be determined from ERA5 omega distribution.
                                                                                                                                           At a geographical location in Kerala (76.5o E, 10o N), unusually
                                                     III. R ESULTS & D ISCUSSIONS                                                          high negative values of omega (rising air) were observed
                                                                                                                                           at 600hPa in 2018 and at 350hPa in 2019 (Fig. 1 (second
A. Rainfall over Kerala in 2018 & 2019
                                                                                                                                           & fourth figure), and are hence juxtaposed with rainfall for
   Kerala experienced anomalous rainfall events in 2018 and                                                                                comparison. It is interesting to conclude very high spatial
2019, with peak daily precipitation on 15th August and 8th                                                                                 correlation of precipitation with mid-tropospheric convection
August respectively [3,6]. Figure 1 (first & third figure) shows                                                                           in 2018 and with upper-tropospheric convection in 2019, on
the spatial distribution of TRMM rainfall over Peninsular India                                                                            the days of extreme events.
on these days. One observes heavy precipitation confined                                                                                      From IMD gridded rainfall point data, precipitation anoma-
only to the windward side of Western Ghats, especially its                                                                                 lies were determined for the North, Central and South Kerala,
southern region. Any propensities of localized convection over                                                                             for the years 2018 and 2019 (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). In 2018,

Bandpass-filtered rainfall anomalies of 2018
                                0.1                                                                                                                             5-8days bandpass filtered ERA5 Meridional Velocity in 2018        ×10 -3
Precipitation anomalies (mm)


                                                                                                                           Pressure Levels (hPa)
                                                                                                                                                      200                                                                                  3

                               0.05                                                                                                                   400

                                  0                                                                                                                   600
                                                                                                                                                       1-Jun     15-Jun       1-Jul     15-Jul      1-Aug     15-Aug          1-Sep
                                -0.1                                                                                                                                                                                                       1
                                                                                                                                                               12-20days bandpass filtered ERA5 Meridional Velocity in 2018

                                                                                                                          Pressure Levels (hPa)
                                  1-Jun    15-Jun         1-Jul       15-Jul          1-Aug          15-Aug   1-Sep                                   400
                                                                                                                                                      600                                                                                  0

Fig. 6. 5-8days, 12-20days and 20-60days bandpass-filtered IMD rainfall                                                                               800
anomalies of 2018 averaged over the state of Kerala.                                                                                                 1000
                                                                                                                                                       1-Jun     15-Jun       1-Jul     15-Jul      1-Aug     15-Aug          1-Sep        -1
                                                                                                                                                               20-60days bandpass filtered ERA5 Meridional Velocity in 2018

                                                                                                                            Pressure Levels (hPa)
                                                      Bandpass-filtered rainfall anomalies of 2019
Precipitation anomalies (mm)

                               0.05                                                                                                                   800
                                                                                                                                                     1000                                                                                  -3
                                                                                                                                                       1-Jun     15-Jun       1-Jul     15-Jul      1-Aug     15-Aug          1-Sep

                                                                                                                          Fig. 8. 5-8days, 12-20days and 20-60days bandpass-filtered ERA5 Meridional
                                                                                                                          velocities of 2018 averaged over the state of Kerala with altitude.
                                 1-Jun     15-Jun         1-Jul       15-Jul          1-Aug          15-Aug   1-Sep

Fig. 7. 5-8days, 12-20days and 20-60days bandpass-filtered IMD rainfall
anomalies of 2019 averaged over the state of Kerala.                                                                                                           5-8days bandpass filtered ERA5 Meridional Velocity in 2019         ×10 -3
                                                                                                                                                      200                                                                                  3
                                                                                                                             Pressure Levels (hPa)

Kerala witnessed two distinct extreme events – on 8th August
(over 50mm) and on 15th August (over 150mm). Similarly,                                                                                                                                                                                    2
two extreme events were observed in 2019 too – on 8th August                                                                                          800
(over 150mm) and on 15th August (over 50mm).                                                                                                         1000
                                                                                                                                                       1-Jun 15-Jun           1-Jul    15-Jul       1-Aug 15-Aug             1-Sep
B. Dominant modes of variability                                                                                                                                                                                                           1
                                                                                                                                                            12-20days bandpass filtered ERA5 Meridional Velocity in 2019
   Identification of the constituent harmonics, which con-                                                                                            200
                                                                                                                             Pressure Levels (hPa)

tributed to the precipitation anomalies of 2018 and 2019,                                                                                             400
shall expose the real phenomenon responsible for the extreme                                                                                                                                                                               0
event. Hence, Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) of the spatially-
averaged rainfall anomalies were performed for both the years,                                                                                        800
and the resultant amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig. 4 and                                                                                         1000
Fig. 5. The spectrum corresponding to the 7 year mean daily                                                                                            1-Jun 15-Jun           1-Jul     15-Jul      1-Aug 15-Aug              1-Sep        -1

rainfall is superimposed for comparison. In 2018 and 2019,                                                                                            200
                                                                                                                                                            20-60days bandpass filtered ERA5 Meridional Velocity in 2019
                                                                                                                             Pressure Levels (hPa)

the rainfall spectra are dominated by frequencies in the bands
of period 5-8 days, 12-20 days and 20-60 days. The semi-                                                                                              400
annual variability (180 days), a characteristic response of the                                                                                       600
equatorial Indian Ocean region during Spring and Fall [7], can
be neglected for this study.
   For further analysis, the time series of precipitation anoma-                                                                                     1000                                                                                  -3
                                                                                                                                                       1-Jun 15-Jun           1-Jul     15-Jul      1-Aug 15-Aug              1-Sep
lies for the concerned years were filtered separately for the                                                                                                                             Time
bands 5-8 days, 12-20 days and 20-60 days. Fig. 6 shows the
bandpass-filtered rainfall anomalies for the year 2018. The 5-8
days high frequency mode made an exceptional contribution to                                                              Fig. 9. 5-8days, 12-20days and 20-60days bandpass-filtered ERA5 Meridional
the extreme event in August, compared to the other two modes.                                                             velocities of 2019 averaged over the state of Kerala with altitude.
The high frequency mode rightly captured the two prominent

5-8days bandpassed V-wind                                   12-20days bandpassed V-wind                  20-60days bandpassed V-wind
                            200hPa                                       700hPa                                     200hPa                                       200hPa                ×10-3
         1-Sep                                        1-Sep                                     1-Sep                                        1-Sep                                             3


        21-Aug                                       21-Aug                                    21-Aug                                       21-Aug                                             1

        15-Aug                                       15-Aug                                    15-Aug                                       15-Aug


         7-Aug                                        7-Aug                                     7-Aug                                        7-Aug

                                                                           Cp = 12m/s

         1-Aug                                        1-Aug                                     1-Aug                                        1-Aug                                             -3
                 80            100             120            80            100          120             80            100            120             80            100          120
                      Longitude (degrees)                          Longitude (degrees)                        Longitude (degrees)                          Longitude (degrees)

Fig. 10. (first & second figure) 5-8 days bandpass-filtered ERA5 Meridional velocities of August 2018 meridionally averaged over the state of Kerala at
pressure levels 200hPa and 700hPa respectively. (third figure) 12-20 days bandpass-filtered Meridional velocities at 200hPa in 2018. (fourth figure) 20-60 days
bandpass-filtered Meridional velocities at 200hPa in 2018.

peaks in rainfall departures during the month. In 2019, the                                          13]. As a consequence, it can be inferred that the Quasi-
extreme precipitation which peaked on 8th August was the                                             biweekly Oscillations (QBO) of 12-20 days period and the
unambiguous consequence of superposition of all the three                                            Madden-Julian Oscillations (MJO) of 20-60 days period might
modes in-phase (Fig. 7). Yet, the 5-8 days periodicity leads                                         have exacerbated the extreme event in August 2019 [12], but
to capture the second extreme event of the year. Hence, it is                                        cannot drive the anomalous event by itself. Therefore, the
important to investigate the phenomenon which is responsible                                         strong connection between the high-frequency mode with the
for these dominant modes of variability, especially the high                                         convective tendencies at mid-troposphere in 2018 and at upper-
frequency mode, which has assumed great significance to the                                          troposphere in 2019 stands established.
extreme rainfall events of 2018 and 2019.
    ERA5 Reanalysis meridional winds over the state of Kerala,                                       C. Westward-propagating High-frequency Waves
for different pressure levels in 2018 and 2019, are bandpass-                                           In order to study the temporal evolution of the filtered
filtered for the dominant modes of variabilty (Fig. 8 and                                            meridional winds at any pressure levels, Hovemöller diagrams
Fig. 9). In 2018, the 5-8 days mode is associated with                                               are prepared for the month of August by meridional averaging
the intensification of meridional winds at mid-troposphere                                           over the latitudinal extend of the state of Kerala. As per the
(800hPa - 500hPa). Similar anomalous wind patterns are                                               above discussion, the middle and higher levels of troposphere
seldom observed for the other modes at mid-troposphere;                                              resonated to the 5-8 days mode during the extreme event
although these had modulated the upper troposphere, but not                                          of 2018, while only the upper atmosphere resonated to 12-
exclusive to period of extreme rainfall. Hence, the role of                                          20 days and 20-60 days periodicity during the same event.
the high frequency mode in causing the Kerala floods of                                              Therefore, Hovemöller diagram corresponding to 700hPa is
2018 stands substantiated, as it conforms to the anomalous                                           prepared only for the most dominant high frequency mode,
precipitation and convection observed in Fig. 1.                                                     while it is prepared at 200 hPa for all the three modes of
    On the other hand, during the extreme event in August 2019,                                      variability (Fig. 10). The 5-8 days mode at 700hPa exposes
a stark variability in meridional winds at upper atmosphere                                          a interesting dynamical phenomenon, vide Fig. 10(second
(400hPa - 200hPa) is observed for the 5-8 days periodicity                                           figure). During the extreme event of 2018, signals of strong
(Fig. 9). Other modes possessed relatively lower magnitudes                                          anomalous meridional winds propagated from the West equa-
at any levels during this period, although all the three modes                                       torial Pacific (100o E - 120o E) to the east coast of Africa, with
contributed comparably to the precipitation anomalies as per                                         the phase speed (Cp ) of about 12 m/s. These westward prop-
Fig. 7. But, these modes can be observed to constitute the                                           agating signals possess wave characteristics which resemble
zonal winds over Kerala (Figure not shown), which are long                                           the equatorially trapped atmospheric waves of synoptic time
deemed classical Intra-seasonal Oscillation (ISO) modes as-                                          scales [8, 9, 10]. The variability associated with meridional
sociated with the zonal component of the Monsoon Jet [11,                                            winds corresponding to 12-20 days and 20-60 days at 200hPa,

5-8days bandpassed V-wind           12-20days bandpassed V-wind            20-60days bandpassed V-wind
                                             200hPa                               200hPa                                200hPa            ×10-3
                              1-Sep                                1-Sep                                 1-Sep                                    3


                             21-Aug                            21-Aug                                   21-Aug                                    1

                             15-Aug                            15-Aug                                   15-Aug


                              7-Aug                                7-Aug                                 7-Aug

                              1-Aug                                1-Aug                                 1-Aug                                    -3
                                      80       100           120           80        100          120            80       100           120
                                       Longitude (degrees)                  Longitude (degrees)                   Longitude (degrees)

Fig. 11. (first figure) 5-8 days bandpass-filtered ERA5 Meridional velocities of August 2019 averaged meridionally over the state of Kerala at 200hPa pressure
level. (second figure) 12-20 days bandpass-filtered Meridional velocities at 200hPa in 2019. (third figure) 20-60 days bandpass-filtered Meridional velocities
at 200hPa in 2019.

in Fig. 10(third figure) and Fig. 10(fourth figure) respectively,                    tropospheric convection in 2018 was the response to a low
do not reveal any wave characteristics in the wind field.                            pressure region created by the circulations in the field induced
   Similarly, Hovemöller diagrams are prepared from merid-                          by waves. As a consequence, the waves dilated the wind
ional winds at 200hPa pressure level in 2019 for the three                           field to stimulate convection and further conveyed additional
variability modes (Fig. 11). As observed in 2018, westward                           moisture to cause extreme precipitation on the windward side
propagating waves of 5-8 days period, resonated the upper                            of Kerala in consecutive years.
troposphere for the second consecutive year (Fig. 11(first
                                                                                                         IV. S UMMARY & C ONCLUSIONS
figure)). The high-frequency waves originated near the east
Indian Ocean (100o E) crossed over Kerala and finally reached                           Kerala experienced a spate of flood events in 2018 and 2019
Africa, with the same phase speed as in 2018. As antici-                             during Summer Monsoon. This study resolves to understand
pated, the other modes had not assumed significance during                           the dynamics of anomalous rainfall events in the state and
the extreme event (Fig. 11(second figure) and Fig. 11(third                          gives better insights from the available observations. The
figure)). Therefore, the westward-propagating high frequency                         summary of analysis and the conclusions thus drawn are
waves were simultaneously excited in the atmosphere with the                         discussed here.
anomalous convection over Kerala.                                                       1) Extreme precipitation events recurred in Kerala in 2018
   The ERA5 specific humidity in the atmosphere is vertically                              and 2019, which peaked on 15th and 8th August re-
integrated from near surface (1000 hPa) to the mid-troposphere                             spectively. The convective activity at mid-troposphere
(600 hPa) and bandpass-filtered for the high-frequency mode                                and upper-troposphere were strongly correlated with the
for the year 2018, with the objective of identifying the source                            spatial distribution of precipitation.
of moisture (Fig. 12). The figure is overlaid with the winds                            2) Fourier Transforms performed on the precipitation
(5-8 days bandpassed) at 700 hPa. Alternate cyclonic and anti-                             anomalies exposed the prominent modes of variability
cyclonic circulations were observed to travel westward at mid-                             – 5 to 8 days, 12 to 16 days and 20 to 60 days. Out of
troposphere from Equatorial Pacific to Arabian Sea, which                                  these, the high frequency mode (5 to 8 days) is observed
is nothing but the manifestation of the westward-propagating                               to dominate over the other two in 2018 during the
high-frequency wave train. The waves appear to possess zonal                               extreme event, although all the three seemed to possess
wave length of about 6000 km as they propagate with a                                      comparable magnitudes as they fell in-phase in 2019.
phase speed of 12m/s and are trapped to the equator. One                                3) The high frequency mode of period 5-8 days domi-
observes the transport of moisture along the wave trajectory,                              nated mid-troposphere in 2018 as well as at the upper-
especially with the cyclonic vortices, which infers that the mid-                          troposphere in 2019, all particular to the period of ex-

moisture as it propagated. The waves not only stimu-
                            14-Aug-2018                        ×10 -5                        lated convection along its trajectory, but also ensured
      15N                                                               3
                                                                                             sufficient moisture availability. Therefore, the convective
        7N                                                                                   activities which intensified in the mid-troposphere and
        0N                                                                                   upper-atmosphere in 2018 and 2019 respectively, were
        7S                                                                                   the direct consequence of the equatorially-trapped high
                                                                        2                    frequency waves, which played a significant role in
       15S                                                                                   driving the recurrent anomalous precipitation in the
               80E        90E       100E       110E       120E
                                                                                             South Indian state.
      15N                                                                                                      ACKNOWLEDGMENT
        7N                                                              1               The author thanks Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)
        0N                                                                            and Asia-Pacific Data Research Center (APDRC) services for
        7S                                                                            granting free online access to the observations and Reanalysis
                                                                                      data for all users.
               80E        90E       100E       110E       120E                                              AUTHOR C ONTRIBUTIONS
                            16-Aug-2018                                                 K.S.R. performed the analysis, drawn conclusions and pre-
                                                                                      pared the manuscript.
                                                                                                             C OMPETING I NTERESTS
                                                                        -1              The author declares that there exist no competing interest
                                                                                      with any person or agency in matters related to this research,
       15S                                                                            and has not received any funds or grants in any form for the
               80E        90E       100E       110E       120E
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