Continuity of Topic, Interaction, and Query: Learning to Quote in Online Conversations

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Continuity of Topic, Interaction, and Query: Learning to Quote in Online Conversations
Continuity of Topic, Interaction, and Query:
 Learning to Quote in Online Conversations
 Lingzhi Wang1,2 , Jing Li3 , Xingshan Zeng1,2∗, Haisong Zhang4 , Kam-Fai Wong1,2
 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
 MoE Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies, China
 Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
 Tencent AI Lab, China
 3, 4

 Abstract [T 1]: Save your money. Scuf is the biggest
 ripoff in gaming.
 Quotations are crucial for successful explana- [T 2]: What would you suggest instead?
 tions and persuasions in interpersonal commu-
arXiv:2106.09896v1 [cs.CL] 18 Jun 2021

 [T 3]: Just use a normal controller.
 nications. However, finding what to quote in
 a conversation is challenging for both humans
 [T 4]: Ooooooh, I get it’re just dumb.
 and machines. This work studies automatic [Q]: The dumb ones are the people spending
 quotation generation in an online conversation over $100 for a controller. A fool and his money
 and explores how language consistency af- are soon parted.
 fects whether a quotation fits the given context.
 Here, we capture the contextual consistency of Figure 1: A Reddit conversation snippet about buying a
 a quotation in terms of latent topics, interac- Scuf controller. The quotation is in blue and italic. [T 1]
 tions with the dialogue history, and coherence to [T 4] are history turns while [Q] is for query turn.
 to the query turn’s existing content. Further,
 an encoder-decoder neural framework is em-
 ployed to continue the context with a quotation a quote and ensure its continuity of senses with
 via language generation. Experiment results the existing contexts. For task illustration, Figure
 on two large-scale datasets in English and Chi- 1 displays a Reddit conversation snippet centered
 nese demonstrate that our quotation generation around the worthiness to buy a Scuf controller. To
 model outperforms the state-of-the-art models. argue against T 4’s viewpoint, we see the query
 Further analysis shows that topic, interaction,
 turn quotes Tusser’s old saying for showing that
 and query consistency are all helpful to learn
 how to quote in online conversations. buying a controller is a waste of money. As can
 be observed, it is important for a quotation rec-
 1 Introduction ommendation model to capture the key points be-
 ing discussed (reflected by words like “money”
 Quotations, or quotes, are memorable phrases or and “dumb” here) and align them to words in
 sentences widely echoed to spread patterns of wis- the quotation to be predicted (such as “fool” and
 dom (Booten and Hearst, 2016). They are derived “money”), which allows to quote something rele-
 from the ancient art of rhetoric and now appear- vant and consistent to the previous concern.
 ing in various daily activities, ranging from formal To predict quotations, our work explores se-
 writings (Tan et al., 2015) to everyday conversa- mantic consistency of what will be quoted and
 tions (Lee et al., 2016), all help us present clear, what was given in the contexts. In context
 beautiful, and persuasive language. However, for modeling, we distinguish the query turn (hence-
 many individuals, writing a suitable quotation that forth query) and the other turns in earlier his-
 fits the ongoing contexts is a daunting task. The tory (henceforth history), where topic, interaction,
 issue becomes more pressing for quoting in online and query consistency work together to determine
 conversations where quick responses are usually whether a quote fits the contexts. Here topic con-
 needed on mobile devices (Lee et al., 2016). sistency ensures that the words in quotation reflect
 To help online users find what to quote in the the discussion topic (such as “fool” and “money”
 discussions they are involved in, our work studies in Figure 1). Interaction consistency is to iden-
 how to recommend an ongoing conversation with tify the turns in history to which the query re-
 Xingshan Zeng is the corresponding author. sponds (e.g., T 1 and T 4 in Figure 1) and guide the
quote to follow such interaction. Query consis- ing comprehension (Zheng et al., 2019), which
tency measures the language coherence of quote learns to put suitable text fragments (e.g., words,
in continuing the story started by the query. For phrases, sentences) in the given contexts. Most
example, the quote in Figure 1 is to support the prior studies explore the task in formal writings,
query’s argument. such as citing previous work in scientific pa-
 In previous work of quotation recommendation, pers (He et al., 2010), quoting famous sayings in
there are many methods designed for formal writ- books (Tan et al., 2015, 2016), and using idioms in
ings (Tan et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2019); whereas news articles (Liu et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2019).
much fewer efforts are made for online conversa- The language they face is mostly formal and well-
tions with informal language and complex inter- edited, while we tackle online conversations ex-
actions in their contexts. Lee et al. (2016) use a hibiting noisy contexts and hence involving quote
ranking model to recommend quotes for Twitter consistency modeling with turn interactions. Lee
conversations. Different from them, we attempt et al. (2016) also recommend quotations for con-
to generate quotations in a word-by-word manner, versations. However, they consider quotations as
which allows the semantic consistency of quotes discrete attributes (for learning to rank) and hence
and contexts to be explored. largely ignore the rich information reflected by a
 Concretely, we propose a neural encoder- quotation’s internal word patterns. Compared with
decoder framework to predict a quotation that con- them, our model learns to quote with language
tinues the given conversation contexts. We cap- generation, which can usefully exploit how words
ture topic consistency with latent topics (i.e., word appear in both contexts and quotations.
distributions), which are learned by a neural topic For methodology, we are inspired by the
model (Zeng et al., 2018a) and inferred jointly encoder-decoder neural language generation mod-
with the other components. Interaction consis- els (Sutskever et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2014).
tency is modeled with a turn-based attention over In dialogue domains, such models have achieved
the history turns, and the query is additionally en- huge success in digesting contexts and generate
coded to initialize the decoder’s states for query microblog hashtags (Wang et al., 2019b), meet-
consistency. To the best of our knowledge, we are ing summaries (Li et al., 2019), dialogue re-
the first to explore quotation generation in conver- sponses (Hu et al., 2019), etc. Here we explore
sations and extensively study the effects of topic, how the encoder-decoder architecture works to
interaction, and query consistency on this task. generate quotations in conversations, which has
 Our empirical study is conducted on two large- never been studied in existing work. Our study
scale datasets, one in Chinese from Weibo and is also related to previous research to understand
the other in English from Reddit, both of which conversation contexts (Ma et al., 2018; Liu and
are constructed as part of this work. Experiment Chen, 2019; Sun et al., 2019), where it is shown to
results show that our model significantly outper- be useful to capture interaction structures (Liu and
forms both the state-of-the-art model based on Chen, 2019) and latent topics (Zeng et al., 2019).
quote rankings (Lee et al., 2016) and the recent For latent topics, we are benefited from the re-
topic-aware encoder-decoder model for social me- cent advance of neural topic models (Miao et al.,
dia language generation (Wang et al., 2019a). For 2017; Wang et al., 2019a)), which allows end-to-
example, we achieve 27.2 precision@1 on Weibo end topic inference in neural architectures. Never-
compared with 24.0 by Wang et al. (2019a). Fur- theless, none of the above work attempts to study
ther discussions show that topic, interaction, and the semantic consistency of quotes in conversation
query consistency can all usefully indicate what to contexts, which is a gap our work fills in.
quote in online conversations. We also study how
length of history and quotation affects the quoting 3 Our Quotation Generation Model
results and find that we perform consistently better
than comparison models in varying scenarios. This section describes our neural encoder-decoder
 framework that generates quotations in conversa-
2 Related Work tions, whose architecture is shown in Figure 2.
 The encoding process works for context model-
Our work is in the line with content-based recom- ing of turn interactions (described in Section 3.1)
mendation (Liu et al., 2019) or cloze-style read- and latent topics (presented in Section 3.2). For
Decoder −−→ ←−−
 y1 ym-1 both directions: hci = [hci,ni ; hci,0 ]. Further,
 GRU GRU … GRU we define the history representations as hc =
 Turn-based Attention … … hhc1 , hc2 , ..., hcm−1 i, which will be further used to
 w1 w2 wn wq y1 y2 ym encode the interaction structure (described later).
 Query Encoder. Similar to the way we encode
 Interaction Encoder
 ( ) 
 GRU GRU … GRU GRU each turn in history, a Bi-GRU is first employed
 ( ( )) 
 to learn query representations q = hcm . Then,
 … ( , 6) we identify which turns in history the query re-
 Turn Turn Turn Turn
 Encoder Encoder Encoder Encoder sponds to for learning interaction consistency. To
 Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn n Query 
 this end, we put a query-aware attention over the
 History Encoder Query Encoder Neural Topic Model
 history turns and result in a context vector below:
Figure 2: Our encoder-decoder framework for conver-
sation quotation generation. It encodes turn interac- X
tions (for both query and earlier history) and latent top- c= αi · hci , αi = sof tmax(hci · q) (2)
ics in contexts. The decoder predicts quotes in aware i=i
of topic, interaction, and query consistency.
 Afterwards, we enrich query representations with
 the features from history and obtain the history-
the decoding process to be discussed in Section aware query representations:
3.3, we predict words in quotes taking topic, in-
teraction, and query consistency into considera- q̃ = Wq [q; c] + bq (3)
tion. The learning objective of the entire frame- where Wq and bq are learnable parameters.
work will be given at last in Section 3.4.
 Structure Encoder. With the representations
3.1 Interaction Modeling learned above for query q̃ and history hc ,
To describe turn interactions, we first assume that we can further explore how turns interact with
there are m chronologically-ordered turns given their neighbors (henceforth conversation struc-
as contexts and each turn Ti is formulated as a ture) with another Bi-GRU. It is fed with the
word sequence hwi,1 , wi,2 , ..., wi,ni i (ni denotes hhc1 , hc2 , ..., hcm−1 , q̃i sequence and the hidden
the number of words). We consider the m-th turn states sequence hh1 , h2 , ..., hm−1 , hm i is further
as the query while others the history (Thistory = put into a memory bank M for decoder’s attentive
hT1 , T2 , ..., Tm−1 i). Here we distinguish the query retrieval in quotation generation (see Section 3.3).
and its earlier history to separately explore the
 3.2 Topic Modeling
quote’s language coherence to the query (for query
consistency) and its interaction consistency to the Following the common practice (Blei et al., 2003;
earlier posted turns. In the following, we will de- Miao et al., 2017), we model topics following the
scribe how to encode history and query turns, and bag-of-words (BoW) assumption. Hence, we form
how the learned representations work together to a BoW vector xbow (over vocabulary V ) of the
explore conversation structure. words in context to learn its discussion topic. The
 topic inference process is inspired by neural topic
History Encoder. Here we describe how to en- models (NTM) (Miao et al., 2017). It is based
code turns in history. We first feed each word on a variational auto-encoder (VAE) (Kingma and
wij (the j-th word in the i-th turn) in history Welling, 2013) involving an encoding and a de-
into an embedding layer to obtain its word vec- coding step to reconstruct the BoW of contexts.
tor ci,j . Then word vectors of the i-th turn Ci =
hci,1 , ci,2 , ..., ci,ni i are further processed with a BoW Encoding Step. This step is designed to
bidirectional gated recurrent unit (Bi-GRU) (Cho learn a latent topic variable z from xbow . Here
et al., 2014b). Its hidden states are defined as: words in conversation contexts are assumed to sat-
 isfy a Gaussian distribution prior on mean µ and
 −−→ ←−−
 hci,j = fGRU (ci,j , hci,j−1 ), hci,j = fGRU (ci,j , hci,j+1 ) standard deviation σ (Miao et al., 2017). They are
 (1) estimated by the following formula:
The turn-level representations are hence cap-
tured by concatenating the last hidden states of µ = fµ (fe (xbow )), log σ = fσ (fe (xbow )) (4)
where f∗ (·) is a neural perceptron performing Topic and Interaction Consistency. For model-
a linear transformation activated with an ReLU ing quote consistency of discussion topics (with θ)
function (Nair and Hinton, 2010). and turn interactions (with M ), we design a turn-
 based attention over conversation contexts to de-
BoW Decoding Step. Conditioned on the latent
 code the quotation. Its attention weights are com-
topic z, we further generate words to form the
 puted in aware of the structure-encoded turn rep-
BoW of each conversation xbow . Here we assume
 resentations hj from M and topic distribution θ:
each word wn ∈ xbow is drawn from the conversa-
tion’s topic mixture θ, which is a distribution vec- exp(fd (hdi , hj , θ))
tor over the topics. In the following, we show the αij = Pm d
 j 0 =1 exp(fd (hi , hj 0 , θ))
generation story to decode xbow :
 • Draw latent topic z ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ). where fd (hdi , hj , θ) captures the topic-aware se-
 • Topic mixture θ = sof tmax(fθ (z)). mantic dependency the i-th word in quotation to
 • For the n-th word in the conversation: the j-th turn in contexts and is defined as:
 – Draw the word wn ∼ sof tmax(fφ (θ)).
 fd (hdi , hj , θ) = Wd [hdi · hθj ] + bd (8)
Here f∗ (·) is a ReLU-activated neural perceptron
defined above. The topic mixture θ will be later where hθj = Wθ [hj ; θ] + dθ , and parameters Wd ,
applied to capture topic consistency when predict- bd , Wθ , and dθ are all trainable. Then we give the
ing the quotation. context vector ti conveying both topic and interac-
 tion features for the i-th word to be generated:
3.3 Quotation Generation m
To predict the quotation y, we first define the prob- ti = αij hj . (9)
ability of words in it with the following formula: j=1

 |y| Finally, we predict the i-th word in quotation
 P r(y|Thistory , Tquery ) = P r(yi |y
As for LQGM , it is defined as the cross entropy Weibo Reddit
loss over all training instances to train the quota- # of quotes 1,053 1,111
tion generation model (QGM): Avg len of quotes 4.0 10.1
 |Voc| of quotes 1,251 4,111
 X # of convs 19,081 44,539
 LQGM = − log(P r(yn |Cn , θn )) (13)
 Avg # of turns per conv 2.51 4.25
 Avg len of turn per conv 21.6 71.8
where N is the number of training instances. |Voc| of convs 44,134 72,375
Cn = {Thistory , Tquery }n represents the contexts
of the n-th conversation and θn is Cn ’s topic com- Table 1: Statistics of Weibo and Reddit datasets. The
position induced by NTM. upper rows are for quotes and the lower rows are for
 conversations. The “len” refers to the number of tokens
4 Experimental Setup contained. “Avg # of turns” means the average turn
 number in context.
Datasets. For experiments, we construct two
new datasets: one in Chinese from Weibo (a pop-
ular microblog platform in China and henceforth tend to quote in later turns while Weibo earlier. To
Weibo) and the other in English from Reddit further compare users’ quoting behavior, we show
(henceforth Reddit)3 . Here the raw Weibo data the distribution of quotation number in Figure 3(a)
is released by Wang et al. (2019a) and Reddit ob- and position in Figure 3(b). Figure 3(a) shows
tained from a publicly available corpus.4 For both only a few quotations are commonly used in on-
Weibo and Reddit, we follow the common prac- line conversations, probably because of its infor-
tice form conversations with posts and their com- mal writing style. While for Figure 3(b), we find
ments (Li et al., 2015; Zeng et al., 2018b), where only a few Weibo conversations quote 5 turns later
a post or comment is considered as a conversation while the distribution on Reddit is much flatter.
turn. 0.20
 Weibo 0.7
 To gather conversations with quotations, we Weibo
 0.16 Reddit 0.6 Reddit

maintain a quotation list and remove conversations 0.12

containing no quotation from the list. For the re- 0.08 0.3
 0.04 0.2
maining, if a conversation has multiple quotes, 0.1
we construct multiple instances where one cor- 5 6 7 8 9 ,15] ,20] ,30] ,40] 00] 00] 0.0
 [10 (15 (20 (30 (40,1(100,5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
responds to the prediction of a quotation therein.
 (a) Frequency Distribution (b) Position Distribution
On Weibo, we explore the quoting of Chinese
Chengyu.5 For Reddit, we obtain the quotation Figure 3: Quotation distribution over frequency (on
list from Wikiquote.6 Afterwards, we remove con- the left) and position (right). X-axis: frequency (left)
versation instances with quotations appearing less and context turn number (right); Y-axis: proportion of
than 5 times to avoid sparsity (Tan et al., 2015). Fi- quotations (left) and conversations (right).
nally, the datasets are randomly splitted into 80%,
10%, and 10%, for training, development, and test.
 The statistics of the two datasets are shown in Preprocessing. To preprocess Weibo data, we
Table 1. We observe that the two datasets exhibit adopted open-source Jieba toolkit7 for Chinese
different statistics. For example, from the aver- word segmentation. For Reddit dataset, we em-
age turn number in contexts, we find Reddit users ploy natural language toolkit (NLTK8 ) for tok-
 enization. In BoW preparation, all stop words
 The datasets are available at https:
 and punctuation were removed following common
Datasets-for-Quotation-Recommendation practice to train topic models (Blei et al., 2003).
comments/ Parameter Setting. Here we describe how we
 5 set our model. In model architecture, the hidden
Chengyu can be seen as a quotable phrase (Wang and Wang,
2013) — memorable rhetorical figures to convey wit and size of all GRUs is set to 300 (bi-direction, 150
striking statement (Bendersky and Smith, 2012).
 6 7
for each direction). For encoder, we adopt two lay- Finally, the following of our variants are test:
ers of bidirectional GRU, and unidirectional GRU 8) IE ONLY: using interaction modeling results
for decoder. The parameters in NTM are set up for decoding (w/o topic and query consistency
following Zeng et al. (2018a). For input, we set modeling); 9) IE+QE: coupling interaction and
the maximum turn length to 150 for Reddit and query consistency (w/o NTM used for topic con-
200 for Weibo, and the maximum quotation length sistency); 10) IE+QE+NTM: our full model.
20. Word embeddings are randomly initialized to
150-dimensional vectors. In model training, we 5 Experimental Results
employ Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015),
 In this section, we first show the main comparison
with 1e − 3 learning rate and the adoption of early
 results in Section 5.1. Then Section 5.2 discusses
stop (Caruana et al., 2001). Dropout strategy (Sri-
 what we learn to represent consistency. Finally,
vastava et al., 2014) is also used to avoid overfit-
 Section 5.3 presents more analysis to characterize
ting. We adopt beam search (beam size = 5) to
 quotations in online conversations.
generate a ranking list for quote recommendation.
 5.1 Main Comparison Results
Evaluation Metrics. We first adopt recommen-
dation metrics with popular information retrieval Table 2 reports the main comparison results on two
metrics Precision at K (P@K) and mean average datasets, where our full model significantly out-
precision (MAP) scores (Schütze et al., 2008) performs all comparisons by a large margin. Sev-
used. For P@K, K=1 to measure the top predic- eral interesting observations can be drawn:
tion, while for MAP we consider the top 5 out- • Quotation is related with context. The poor
puts. Here we measure the generation models with performance of weak baselines reveals the chal-
their predictions after quotation matching (Section lenging nature of quoting in online conversations.
3.3). Then, generation metrics are employed to It is not possible to learn what to quote without
evaluate word-level predictions. Here we consider considering context.
both ROUGE (Lin, 2004) from summarization (F1 • Generation models outperform Ranking. Gen-
scores of ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-L are adopted) eration models in encoder-decoder style perform
and BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) from translation. much better than ranking. It maybe attributed
To allow comparable results, generation models to generation model’s ability to learn word-level
are measured with their original outputs (without mapping from source context to quotation.
quotation matching) while for ranking competi- • Interaction, query, and topic consistency
tors, we take their top-1 ranked quotes. are all useful. We see IE ONLY outperforms
 S EQ 2S EQ, showing that interaction modeling
Comparisons. We first adopt two weak base- helps encode indicative features from context.
lines that select quotations unaware of the target Likewise, the results of IE+QE are better than
conversation: 1) R ANDOM: selecting quotations IE ONLY, and IE+QE+NTM better than IE+QE,
randomly; 2) F REQUENCY: ranking quotations both suggesting that learning query and topic con-
with frequency. Then, we compared two ranking sistency contribute to yield a better quotation.
baselines: 3) non-neural learning to rank model • Quoting in Reddit is more challenging than
(henceforth LTR) with handcrafted features pro- Weibo Chengyu. All models perform worse on
posed in Tan et al. (2015). 4) CNN-LSTM (Lee Reddit than Weibo. The possible reason is that
et al., 2016): previous quotation recommendation Chinese Chengyu is shorter and renders a smaller
model (CNN for turn and quotation encoding and vocabulary than English quotes (see Table 1).
LSTM for conversation structure).
 Next, we consider the encoder-decoder genera- 5.2 Quotation and Consistency
tion models without modeling conversation struc- We have shown our effectiveness in main results.
ture: 5) S EQ 2S EQ (Cho et al., 2014a): using an Here we further examine our learned consistency
RNN for encoding and another RNN for decod- and their effects on quoting. In the rest of this pa-
ing; 6) TAKG: Seq2Seq framework incorporating per, without otherwise specified, our model is used
latent topics for decoding. 7) the state-of-the-art as a short form of our full model (IE+QE+NTM).
(SOTA) model NCIR (Liu et al., 2019) designed For comparison, we select TAKG for its best per-
for Chinese idiom generation. formance in Table 2 over all comparison models.
Weibo Reddit
 Weak Baselines
 R ANDOM 0.2 0.7 2.1 2.1 0.2 0.1 0.7 5.6 4.5 0.1
 F REQUENCY 2.3 6.9 3.1 3.1 2.3 1.0 4.7 1.7 1.5 1.0
 Ranking Models
 LTR 3.6 9.3 5.1 5.1 3.6 1.7 7.1 4.1 3.6 1.7
 CNN-LSTM 7.3 11.3 10.5 10.5 7.3 4.1 5.2 6.8 6.0 3.7
 Generation Models
 S EQ 2S EQ 19.9 24.1 22.6 22.5 19.9 7.2 9.8 11.7 10.6 4.7
 TAKG 24.0 27.3 26.8 26.7 24.0 12.5 16.0 15.7 14.4 6.7
 NCIR 22.6 26.5 25.3 25.2 22.6 7.3 12.2 10.9 9.9 4.1
 Our models
 IE ONLY 21.5 24.8 24.5 24.4 21.5 11.2 14.6 13.9 12.8 5.7
 IE+QE 22.0 24.7 25.2 25.1 22.0 13.5 17.4 17.0 15.5 7.0
 IE+QE+NTM 27.2‡ 31.6† 29.5 ‡ 29.5‡ 27.2‡ 17.5† 24.0† 20.3† 18.8† 9.5†

Table 2: Comparison results on Weibo and Reddit datasets (in %). RG-1 and RG-L refer to ROUGE-1 and
ROUGE-L respectively. The best results in each column are in bold. Our full model IE+QE+NTM achieves
significantly better performance than all the comparisons (paired t-test. ‡: p < 0.05; †: p < 0.01)

 0.7 Human 1 Human 2
 0.6 Our Model
 TAKG Ground Truth 84 78

 IE ONLY 36 32
 0.3 IE+QE 49 46
 0.1 Table 3: Human evaluation results for the quote coher-
 0.0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10
 ent with query (count out of 100).

Figure 4: Attention weights over turns. X-axis: turn
position; Y-axis: the normalized weight.
 ble 3 shows the count of “yes” for the ground truth
 quote and the output of IE ONLY and IE+QE. In-
Interaction Consistency. To understand the po- terestingly, even ground truth quotations cannot
sitions of turns a quote is likely to respond to, attain over 85% “yes”, probably because of the
we display the turn-based attention weights (Eq. prominent misuse of quotations on social media.
7) over turn position in Figure 4. Also shown is Nevertheless, the better performance of IE+QE
the attention weights from TAKG (Wang et al., compared with IE ONLY shows the usefulness to
2019a) for comparison. Here we use Reddit con- model query consistency for ensuring quotation’s
versations for interpretation because they involve language coherence to the query.
larger turn number (see Table 1). It is seen that
TAKG can only attend the first three turns while
we assign higher weights to turns closer to query.
In doing so, the quotes will continue senses from Topic Consistency. Here we use the example in
later history, which fits our intuition that partici- Figure 1 to analyze the topics we learn for model-
pants tend to interact with latest information. ing consistency. Recall that the conversation cen-
 ters around price and value and the quote is used
Query Consistency. We carry out a human eval- to argue that only fools will waste the money. We
uation to test the coherence of query and the pre- look into the top 3 latent topics (by topic mixture
dicted quotations. 100 conversations are sam- θ) and display their top 10 words (by likelihood)
pled from Weibo and two native Chinese speak- in Table 4. There appears words like “pay” and
ers are invited to examine whether a quote carry “stupied”, which might help to correctly predict
on the query’s senses (“yes”) or not (“no”). Ta- “fool” and “money” in the quote.
Topic 1 game property child rights pay guy
 24 24
 state church guys paid Our Model Our Model
 20 TAKG 20 TAKG
 Topic 2 f**k evidence sh*t guys stupid edit 16 16


 12 12
 nice proof dude dumb 8 8
 Topic 3 car buy cops police scrubs gun 4 4
 0 0
 technology shot crime energy Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

 (a) Turn Number (b) Token Number
Table 4: The top 10 words of the 3 latent topics re-
lated to the conversation in Figure 1. Words suggesting Figure 6: MAP scores (y-axis) over context length
conversation’s focus are in blue and italic. (left in turn number and right token number) in vary-
 ing quantiles. For each subfigure, from left to right
 30 shows the results in Q1 ([0, 0.25)), Q2 ([0.25, 0.5)), Q3
 Our model's MAP (%)

 28 ([0.5, 0.75)), and Q4 (0.75, 1)).
 22 80
 Weibo Our Model
 20 60 Reddit 2.0 CNN-LSTM

 Growth Rate
 18 1.5
 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 20 0.5
Figure 5: Our MAP scores over conversations with
varying turn number. X-axis: turn number; Y-axis: 0[5, 100) [100, 200) [200, 300) [300, 400) [400, 500]
 0.0 1 2 3 4
MAP scores. The best results are seen for 8-turn convs.
 (a) MAP on Freq. Ranges (b) Growth Rate Comparison

5.3 Sensitivity to Context and Quotations Figure 7: Left subfigure: Our MAP scores (y-axis) on
 different frequency range (x-axis). Right: growing rate
In this section, we study how varying context and (y-axis) on Weibo, where x-axis indicates the order of
quotations affect our performance. neighboring ranges.

The Effects of Context. Here we examine
whether longer context will result in better results. results are shown in Figure 6(b) where our model
In the following, we measure context length in consistently outperform TAKG over conversation
terms of turn number and token number. context with varying token number.
 Turn Number. Figure 5 shows our MAP scores
 The Effects of Quotation. We further study our
to quote for Reddit conversations with varying
 results to predict quotations in varying frequency
turn number. Weibo results are not shown here
 and the MAP scores are reported in Figure 7(a). In
for the limited data with turn number > 4. Gener-
 general, higher scores are observed for more fre-
ally, more turns result in better MAP, for the richer
 quent quotations, as better representations can be
information to be captured from turn interactions.
 extensively learned from training data. We also
The scores drop for turn number > 8, probably be-
 notice a slower growing rate as the frequency in-
cause of underfitting and a more complex model
 creases. To go into more details, we compare the
might be needed for interaction modeling.
 growing rates with ranking model CNN+LSTM
 To further explore model’s sensitivity to turn and show the results in 7(b) on Weibo (Reddit re-
number, we first rank the conversations with turn sults in similar trends). In comparison, we are gen-
number and separate them into four quartiles erally less sensitive to quotation frequency (except
(Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , in order with increasing turn for very rare quotes). It is likely to be benefited
number). We then train and test in each quartile, from quotations’ internal structure while ranking
and compare the results of our model and TAKG models can be largely affected by label sparsity.
in Figure 6(a). As can be seen, our model presents
larger margin for quartiles corresponding to larger 5.4 Further Discussions
turn number, indicating our ability to encode rich
 Here we probe into our outputs to provide more
information from complex turn interactions.
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