Continual Learning for CTR Prediction: A Hybrid Approach

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Continual Learning for CTR Prediction: A Hybrid Approach
Continual Learning for CTR Prediction: A Hybrid Approach

                                                                             Ke Hu∗ , Yi Qi∗ , Jianqiang Huang, Jia Cheng, Jun Lei
                                                                                                     Beijing, China

arXiv:2201.06886v1 [cs.IR] 18 Jan 2022

                                             Click-through rate(CTR) prediction is a core task in cost-per-
                                             click(CPC) advertising systems and has been studied exten-
                                             sively by machine learning practitioners. While many existing
                                             methods have been successfully deployed in practice, most
                                             of them are built upon i.i.d.(independent and identically dis-
                                             tributed) assumption, ignoring that the click data used for train-
                                             ing and inference is collected through time and is intrinsically
                                             non-stationary and drifting. This mismatch will inevitably
                                             lead to sub-optimal performance. To address this problem, we
                                             formulate CTR prediction as a continual learning task and
                                             propose COLF, a hybrid COntinual Learning Framework for
                                             CTR prediction, which has a memory-based modular archi-
                                             tecture that is designed to adapt, learn and give predictions
                                                                                                                  Figure 1: A visual example of the non-stationary and drifting
                                             continuously when faced with non-stationary drifting click           pattern of click log. On the one hand, candidates and clicked
                                             data streams. Married with a memory population method that           items that imply user’s interest are quite different between
                                             explicitly controls the discrepancy between memory and tar-          two remote times, e.g., between May and July. On the other
                                             get data, COLF is able to gain positive knowledge from its           hand, candidates and clicked items are alike in adjacent times,
                                             historical experience and makes improved CTR predictions.            such as the repeated click on hotpot on Sunday in May and
                                             Empirical evaluations on click log collected from a major            the recurring candidate items in May.
                                             shopping app in China demonstrate our method’s superiority
                                             over existing methods. Additionally, we have deployed our
                                             method online and observed significant CTR and revenue im-
                                             provement, which further demonstrates our method’s efficacy.
                                                                                                                  these machine learning methods, is collected sequentially
                                                                                                                  through time and is intrinsically time-varying. It is common
                                                                    Introduction                                  that changes of available advertisements and changes of user
                                                                                                                  interest make users’ click behavior vary over time. As Fig-
                                         Cost-per-click(CPC) advertising systems have achieved huge
                                                                                                                  ure 1 shows, on a Monday in May, bread advertisement was
                                         commercial success over the past decade and are ubiquitous
                                                                                                                  clicked while on a Monday in July, hot dog was clicked when
                                         nowadays. In CPC advertising systems, advertisements are
                                                                                                                  bread advertisement is unavailable(due to leave of advertiser,
                                         ranked by eCPM, i.e., the product of the bid price and the
                                                                                                                  for example). Note that these changes usually happen slowly
                                         predicted click-through rate(CTR). To guarantee reliable ser-
                                                                                                                  and there are also recurring click patterns within a short time.
                                         vice quality and maximize revenue, these ranking systems
                                                                                                                  We say that the distribution of click log is non-stationary
                                         rely heavily on accurate prediction of advertisements’ click-
                                                                                                                  and drifting in that available candidates and users’ interest
                                         through rate. Recent years have seen fruitful progress made
                                                                                                                  stay alike within a short time but will eventually become quite
                                         by developing sophisticated deep models to improve CTR
                                                                                                                  different after a long time. However, most existing methods
                                         prediction’s quality, such as neural model combining factor-
                                                                                                                  on CTR prediction ignore the non-stationary and drifting
                                         ization machine (Guo et al. 2017) and attention-based neural
                                                                                                                  characteristics of click log and implicitly assume a station-
                                         model (Feng et al. 2019). These models not only obtained
                                                                                                                  ary distribution of the training data. This modeling pitfall
                                         improvements in offline experiments but also raised CTR and
                                                                                                                  inevitably leads to sub-optimal performance, especially when
                                         revenue in online A/B test.
                                                                                                                  neural models are under consideration, since neural models
                                            In spite of the rapid development of CTR model’s archi-               are prone to catastrophic forgetting and negative knowledge
                                         tectures, the foundation of those models has rarely been in-             transfer when faced with non-stationary data (Hadsell et al.
                                         vestigated. The click log, which is used as training data for            2020).
                                             The first two authors contributed equally.                              Recently, continual learning has attracted much attention
in building adaptive systems that are able to gain, retain         the de facto approaches to CTR prediction. Some representa-
and transfer knowledge when faced with non-stationary data         tive models are DeepFM (Guo et al. 2017), DIN (Zhou et al.
streams. The main goal of continual learning is to mitigate        2018) and DSIN (Feng et al. 2019).
catastrophic forgetting as well as to foster positive knowl-          All these models assume implicitly that the training data’s
edge transfer in the continuous learning process. Despite          distribution is i.i.d. and have sub-optimal performance in
that the non-stationary and drifting characteristics of click      real world applications. There are very few work on CTR
data calls for special treatment to catastrophic forgetting and    prediction addressing the non-stationary and drifting data
knowledge transfer, the continual learning approach for CTR        problem. A recent work studied session-based recommenda-
prediction remains unexplored. It is a natural question to         tion task in continual learning setting by utilizing memory-
ask, whether CTR prediction algorithms could benefit from          based method to mitigate catastrophic forgetting (Mi, Lin,
continual learning techniques and obtain more precise CTR          and Faltings 2020). However, it gave no formal treatment to
predictions in this non-stationary world?                          the non-stationary and drifting pattern of real world data and
   In this work, we explore the continual learning approach        relied on heuristics to populate memory, with no emphasis on
for CTR prediction and answer the question above positively.       positive knowledge transfer, which is opposite to our method.
We regard CTR prediction faced with non-stationary and
drifting click log as a sequence of learning tasks identified by   Continual Learning
time, e.g. by date. We propose COLF, a COntinual Learning          Most powerful modern machine learning algorithms perform
Framework for CTR prediction that is able to adapt, learn          well only when the presented data is stationary. However, the
and give predictions continuously through a hybrid approach,       world is intrinsically non-stationary. Continual learning is
which consists of a modular architecture to avoid negative im-     an increasingly relevant research area that try to find ways
pact between tasks and a memory replay module to mitigate          for machine learning models to learn sequentially from non-
catastrophic forgetting and foster positive knowledge transfer.    stationary data (Lopez-Paz and Ranzato 2017; Hadsell et al.
As for memory replay to achieve so, we introduce a special         2020).
memory population method that explicitly controls the dis-            There are three main paradigms of continual learning,
crepancy between memory and target data. We test COLF              which are regularization-based methods, methods using mod-
on a large-scale real world dataset and obtain significant im-     ular architecture and memory-based methods. Regularization-
provement over existing methods. We have also deployed             based methods force the gradient on new task to stay aligned
COLF online and rigorous A/B test showed substantial CTR           with gradients from previous learned tasks (Lopez-Paz and
and revenue boost, which further demonstrates our method’s         Ranzato 2017; Chaudhry et al. 2018) or the newly learned
efficacy.                                                          parameters to fluctuate minimally from the old model so
                                                                   to avoid catastrophic forgetting (Li and Hoiem 2017; Kirk-
Document Structure                                                 patrick et al. 2017; Zenke, Poole, and Ganguli 2017). The
In Section we review existing works relevant to ours. In           main weakness of regularization-based methods is the strict
Section we present our formulation and assumptions of              limitation of model capacity which may results in poor adap-
continual learning for CTR prediction. In Section we present       tation to new data.
the proposed hybrid method COLF. In Section we describe               Methods using modular architecture grow the base neural
our experimental work and discuss the result. Finally, we          network as required when faced with newly arrived data in or-
present the concluding remark in Section .                         der to avoid negative impact on learnt knowledge. Knowledge
                                                                   transfer from the past to the future is realised by sharing some
                      Related Work                                 bottom layers or low-level feature representations (Serra et al.
                                                                   2018; Mallya and Lazebnik 2018; Li et al. 2019). The poten-
Our work lies in the intermediate area of two lines of research,   tial problem of these methods is that the ability of knowledge
i.e., CTR prediction and continual learning.                       transfer is limited and the model size may grow too large.
                                                                      Memory-based methods construct a memory set to store
CTR Prediction                                                     the learnt knowledge for future use (Robins 1995; Riemer
CTR(click-through rate) prediction is a core task in cost-         et al. 2018; Sprechmann et al. 2018; Isele and Cosgun 2018;
per-click (CPC) advertising systems, where items are ranked        Rolnick et al. 2019). When the memory is filled with sam-
by the product of bid price and predicted CTR. The preci-          pled historical data, the content of the memory is also called
sion of CTR prediction model is crucial to systems’ success.       exemplars, and the technique to take advantage of the mem-
Substantial efforts have been made on the design of model          ory is called replay, which means training on the memory
architectures in research works on CTR prediction.                 as if recalling the historical experience. Many works focus
   LR(logistic regression) and GBDT are two classical mod-         on how to select the most representative and effective exem-
els for CTR prediction and had been widely adopted in indus-       plars to populate the memory (Aljundi et al. 2019; Guo et al.
try, such as Google Ads (McMahan et al. 2013) and Facebook         2020). Memory-based approaches are shown to be more reli-
Ads (He et al. 2014). Recent years have seen rapid develop-        able than regularization-based methods (Knoblauch, Husain,
ment in neural model’s application in CTR prediction, for          and Diethe 2020). Our method takes a hybrid approach that
example, the Wide&Deep model (Cheng et al. 2016), which            marries modular architecture with memory replay, enjoying
could be seen as a combination of deep neural model and            the advantages of these two paradigms while avoiding the
LR model. Following Wide&Deep, neural models become                weakness of both.
Problem Setup                                  Assumption 1. The distributions {Qi }ti=1 are similar in
We consider CTR prediction in the continual learning setting.          adjacent periods, but quite different when there is a long time
Throughout, we denote X as the input space. We denote x =              gap. To be more specific, we assume KL(Qi , Qi+1 ) < q
(u, v, c) ∈ X as the usual input to a CTR prediction model,            and KL(Qi , Qk ) > q , ∀k > i + mq , where KL is the
where u is the user, v is the target item(e.g., advertisement in       K-L divergence between two distributions and q , mq are
advertising systems) and c is the context information. Denote          problem-related thresholds.
the binary random variable of observed click by y ∈ Y ,                Assumption 2. The click probability functions {f¯i }ti=1
where y = 0 indicates no click and y = 1 indicates a click.            are similar in adjacent periods, but quite different when
Define F as the hypothesis space which is always realised by           there is a long time gap. To be more specific, we as-
neural models of a classical embedding-dense architecture              sume C(f¯i+1 , Qi+1 ) − C(f¯i , Qi+1 ) < f and C(f¯i , Qi ) −
like Wide&Deep (Cheng et al. 2016)(See the right part of               C(f¯k , Qi ) > f , ∀k > i + mf , where C(f, Q) is a problem-
Figure 3).                                                             related criteria to evaluate f ’s performance on dataset sam-
   A standard CTR prediction task is defined by the learning           pled from Q, and f , mf are problem-related thresholds.
problem of conditional click probability estimator                        Figure 1 is an illustrative figure on the two assumptions.
            P(y = 1|x, (D, Y)) = fˆ(x)(x ∼ Q)               (1)        We also validate these assumptions on real world data col-
                                                                       lected from a major shopping app from China(See Section
where (D, Y) = {(xi , yi )}N i=1 is the observed click dataset         for details). Note that our assumptions do not assume a mono-
that is sampled from (X , Y ) according to some distribution           directional change of (Qi , f¯i ). Rather, it only restrict the
Q. We assume that there is a ground-truth click probability            speed of change within a short time and assumes a significant
function and denote it by f¯. Under i.i.d. assumption, the esti-       change in long terms, which leaves space for continual learn-
mator is usually given by the minimization of accumulated              ing methods to mitigate forgetting of useful knowledge in
cross-entropy loss, i.e.,                                              recent times thus fostering positive knowledge transfer. We
          fˆ(x) = argmin                  l(f, xi , yi )    (2)        introduce our continual learning method in next section.
                      f ∈F                                             Remark 1. It is most common in practice to divide click log
                              (xi ,yi )∈(D,Y)
                                                                       into partitions by date. Note that for some applications like
where l(f, xi , yi ) = yi log f (xi ) + (1 − yi ) log(1 − f (xi ))
                                                                       news recommender systems, partitioning by hour may be a
is the cross-entropy loss of a single sample.
                                                                       more suitable criteria due to its sensitivity to time.
   In real world, both the input dataset D and the mapping
function f¯ from input D to output Y are time-varying. Denote
the dataset sequence by (D1 , Y1 ), (D2 , Y2 ), ...(Dt , Yt )(t ∈                                 Method
N, t → ∞), the corresponding sampling distributions by                 In continual learning for CTR prediction, the learner has
Q1 , Q2 , ...Qt and the corresponding ground-truth mapping             to estimate fˆt only with labeled data before time t, i.e.,
functions by f¯1 , f¯2 , ...f¯t . The CTR prediction task in the       {(Di , Yi )}t−1
                                                                                   i=1 . To accomplish this goal, the main intuition is
continual learning setting is the continuous learning tasks of         to construct a training dataset approximating to (Dt , Yt ) and
the click probability function fˆt over time t. Given a specific       learning from an approximated function of f¯t . Based on this
time t, the learning task is defined by                                intuition, we propose COLF, a hybrid COntinual Learning
                                                                       Framework for CTR prediction. In this section, we first intro-
        P(y = 1|x, {(Di , Yi )}t−1 ) = fˆt (x)(x ∼ Qt )
                                  i=1                          (3)
                                                                       duce how COLF does learning and inference continuously
where the condition on {(Di , Yi )}t−1  i=1 indicates the depen-       over time by utilizing a base model flow in company with a
dency on all historical data observed so far and the target on         memory flow under a modular architecture. Then we present
Qt indicates the gap between training data’s distribution and          our memory population method that controls distribution
test data’s. It’s easy to see that the standard CTR prediction         discrepancy between memory and target data. We give a
task is a special case of the the continual CTR prediction task,       complete description of our method in the end of this section.
where all dataset Di are sampled from the same distribution,
i.e., Q = Q1 = Q2 = ... = Qt and all conditional click                 The Workflow of COLF
probability functions f¯i are the same f . However, when Qi            The workflow of COLF is illustrated in Figure 2. COLF
and f¯i are time-varying, reusing Equation 2 at every time             contains two flows ĝt (t ∈ N+ ) and Mt (t ∈ N+ ) in com-
step t as the estimator results in sub-optimal performance             pany with the external data flow {Di , Yi }∞    i=1 and a growing
since usually                                                          modular architecture {fˆt }(t ∈ N+ ) used for actual infer-
                     X           X                                     ence. The first flow is the base model flow ĝt , which takes
            argmin                              l(f, xi , yi )         the role of consuming newly arrived data at each time t to
              f ∈F   j=1 (xi ,yi )∈(Dj ,Yj )                           adapt quickly to the distribution Qt . When the data flow
                                X                                (4)   (Dt , Yt ) ∼ (Qt , f¯t ) is fully observed, COLF updates ĝt−1 by
            6= argmin                          l(f, xi , yi ).                                             X
                 f ∈F
                         (xi ,yi )∈(Dt ,Yt )                                         ĝt = argmin                   l(g, x, y)       (5)
To tackle this problem, we make two reasonable assumptions                                        (x,y)∈(Dt ,Yt )
on how (Qi , f¯i ), i.e., the distribution of (Di , Yi ) may drift     . This update is depicted by base model update path in Fig-
over time.                                                             ure 2. The second flow is the memory flow Mt , which is
Figure 2: The workflow of COLF. Three main information flows over time are annotated, and the arrow lines indicate dependencies
between modules. Note that the actual inference on Dt+1 is done by fˆt , which relies on the base model ĝt and the memory Mt .

responsible for storing historical exemplars that are similar
to distribution Qt+1 , whose update mechanism is to be ex-
plained in detail in the next section. Note that memory Mt
is dependent on (Mt−1 , fˆt−1 , (Dt , Yt )), where fˆt−1 is the
mapping function that is actually used for inference to give
CTR predictions. The memory update is depicted by memory
udpate path in Figure 2.
   Now we introduce fˆt . Since Mt is expected to be similar to
the upcoming target data (Dt+1 , Yt+1 ) and ĝt is an estimator
of f¯t which is similar to f¯t+1 according to Assumption 2, it
is straightforward to train fˆt by
     fˆt = argmin             l(f, x, y) + L(ĝt , f, x, y). (6)
            f ∈F

On the one hand, we decoupled fˆt from ĝt to avoid negative          Figure 3: Architecture of base model ĝt (the right part) and
impact on subsequent tasks. On the other hand, to facilitate          the training of modular architecture of fˆt (the left part).
knowledge transfer, we use a modular architecture based on
ĝt for fˆt . As is illustrated in Figure 3, fˆt and ĝt share the
same bottom embedding layer while fˆt grows its own dense             the above goal, which are discarding old memory, refreshing
layer. We initialize weights of fˆt ’s dense layer by ĝt ’s to im-   relevant memory and appending new memory.
                                                                         Discarding old memory. According to Assumption 2, f¯t
prove convergence rate. Once Dt+1 is observed, fˆt will give
                                                                      and f¯t−k are quite different when k is large but are relatively
CTR predictions on Dt+1 for downstream tasks (e.g. eCPM
                                                                      close when k is small. We can identify the older part in
calculation). When Yt+1 of Dt+1 is fully observed, the cycle
of update, training and inference above begins again. The             Mt−1 according to the corresponding fˆ’s performance on
                                                                      the latest data (Dt , Yt ), which is used as an approximation to
working path of fˆt is depicted by replay path and inference
                                                                      (Qt+1 , f¯t+1 ) which we know nothing about at t. To be more
path in Figure 2.
                                                                      specific, a memory partition Mtt−i is said to be old if
Memory Population Method                                                 1t−k {C(fˆt−1 , (Dt , Yt )) − C(fˆt−i , (Dt , Yt )) > }   (7)
Partition Mt−1 into (Mt−1−kt−1
                                   , Mt−k          t−1
                                       t−1 , ...Mt−1 ) accord-

                                               t−j                    equals 1, where 1 is the index function, C(f, (D, Y)) is any
ing to the date of data collection, where Mt−1 is the subset          function that evaluates f ’s performance on (D, Y) and  is
of Mt−1 that contains all exemplars collected at time t − j           the threshold of old memory surviving. A typical choice of C
and t − 1 − kt is the oldest time of exemplars in Mt−1 . We           could be the AUC score and  is problem-related. See Section
introduce our memory population method to update Mt−1 to              for more discussion. The old memory of Mt is given by
Mt that explicitly controls distribution discrepancy between
Mt and (Dt+1 , Yt+1 ) now. There are three steps to achieve                        Mold
                                                                                    t−1 = ∪1≤k≤kt +1,1t−k =1 Mt−1                   (8)
which should be discarded to avoid negative transfer since                Table 1: Statistics of the dataset used for offline experiment.
their corresponding fˆ are far away from the wanted f¯t+1 .
   Refreshing relevant memory. We denote M̄t−1 =                                                                                       Number
Mt−1 − Mold    t−1 . We further identify the relevant samples
                                                                                                      Total Data Size              ∼ 3 billion
(x, y) ∈ M̄t−1 by its likelihood to be in Qt+1 . Again, we                                            Average Size per Day       ∼ 10 million
use Dt as an approximation to Qt+1 . The likelihood function                                          Feature Num                       ∼ 150
is a maximum likelihood estimator trained on Dt and is de-                                            Total Items                 ∼ 1 million
noted by p̂t . A typical choice of p̂t could be the function of                                       Average Items per Day    ∼ 200 thousand
item frequency in Dt , since items are given by the informa-
tion system and have a natural ID to count on. The irrelevant
memory set is defined by
                                                                          on the data distribution, the optimal continual learning un-
   t−1        = {(x, y)|(x, y) ∈ M̄t−1 , p̂t (x) < p } (9)               der our setting is still NP-hard, given that f¯i , which is ap-
                                                                          proximated by neural network, has quite complex geometric
where p is the surviving threshold of irrelevant memory                  shape, which is also discussed in the paper above. Though
and the relevant memory is given by Mrelevantt−1      = M̄t −             being an approximation method, COLF is expected to out-
    t−1      . The   choice of p is problem    dependant.   See          perform existing methods due to its tailored treatment to the
Section for more discussion. Mrelevant        should be kept   to         non-stationary and drifting characteristics of click data. We
avoid catastrophic forgetting of useful knowledge as well as              present our experimental results in detail in the next section.
to foster positive knowledge transfer.
   Appending new memory. Denote MN         t
                                                 = (Dt , Yt ). In                                                Experiment
addition to the refreshed memory, we append new exemplars                 Experimental Dataset
from (Dt , Yt ) to the memory set. Since we assume both the
data distributions and the click probability functions are very          The experimental dataset is collected from a major shopping
similar in adjacent periods, we append the whole Mnew          to        mobile app in China during a one-year period. Every record
the memory Mt .                                                          in the data has a timestamp identifying its actual event time.
                                                                         We partition the dataset into different parts by date. The
   As a result, we have
                                                                         statistics of the sampled dataset is summarized in Table 1.
      Mt = Mnew ∪ Mrelevant                                                 Figure 4 shows that in adjacent periods, number of new
            t      t
                                                            (10)         items is small while after a long period the number become
         = Mt−1 − Mold    irrelevant
                   t−1 − Mt−1        + Mnew
                                        t   .                            much larger, which is in accordance to Assumption 1. Figure
                                                                         5 shows that Assumption 2 holds in real world data. In adja-
Discussion of COLF                                                       cent periods, the AUC score is quite close whatever training
Combining the modular architecture and the memory popula-                date is chosen, but with larger time gap, the performance
tion method introduced in previous sections, we have COLF                becomes poorer and eventually drops 0.5%.
as is described in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1: COLF
                                                                                          20000          2020-06-01
 0: Initialize the base model ĝ0 , fˆ0 ∈ F, the initial memory                                          2020-09-01
      set M0 = ∅.                                                                                        2020-12-01
                                                                    Number of New Items

 1: for t=1,2,3,...T ,... do                                                              15000
 2:   Observe Dt .                                                                        12500
 3:   Give predictions on Dt using fˆt−1 .
 4:   Observe Yt , the label of Dt and evaluate the perfor-
      mance of fˆt−1 .                                                                    7500
 5:   Update the base model and get ĝt based on                                          5000
      ĝt−1 , (Dt , Yt ) by Equation 5.
 6:   Update the memory module and get Mt based on
      Mt−1 , (Dt , Yt ) by Equation 10.                                                      0
 7:   Update the evaluation function and get fˆt based on                                         0        5      10      15      20     25      30
      Mt by Equation 6 with a modular architecture sharing                                                      Number of Days After
      with ĝt as is illustrated in Figure 3.
 8: end for                                                               Figure 4: Drift of item set. The number of new items is
                                                                          small within a short time but tends to increase over time. The
                                                                          number reaches a very high level after a long time, regardless
   It has been established that continual learning with ar-               of which date is chosen as base.
bitrary data stream is almost always NP-hard (Knoblauch,
Husain, and Diethe 2020). Despite that we have restrictions
Offline Experimental Results on Different
                                                                     Continual Learning Methods
            0.727                                   2020-06-01       Following the common practice in CTR prediction research,
                                                    2020-09-01       we use log-loss and AUC score (Fawcett 2006) to measure
            0.726                                   2020-12-01       a model’s prediction ability and ranking quality. The lower
                                                                     the log-loss is and the higher and AUC score is, the better the
AUC Score

            0.725                                                    model is. Due to the large scale of our data, all experiments
                                                                     are conducted with TensorFlow on a distributed computing
            0.724                                                    platform and are run under the same hyperparameters such
                                                                     as batch size and learning rate.
            0.723                                                        We report the continuous performance of the last four
                                                                     days’ data. As Table 2 shows, from time T to time T + 3,
            0.722                                                    in terms of AUC score, COLF always beats baseline model
                                                                     by a large margin. The relative improvement of AUC score
                    1   2    3     4     5    6        7     8       is 1.01%, 0.99%, 0.97%, 1.03% respectively. Note that 0.1
                            Number of Days Before                    percent improvement of AUC is significant enough in practice
                                                                     for business growth. Log-loss of COLF also is lower than
  Figure 5: Drift of click probability function. AUC score drops
                                                                     baseline in all four days. This result shows that COLF gives
  slightly within a short time but will deteriorate sharply as the
                                                                     more accurate CTR prediction and has higher ranking quality
  time gap between last day of training data and the date of
                                                                     than baseline model, and the improvement is robust over
  test data becomes large regardless of which date is chosen as
                                                                         Table 2 also shows that COLF outperforms ADER and
                                                                     CBRS consistently. The average relative AUC gains are
                                                                     0.90% and 0.47% respectively. In contrast to ADER which
  Continual Learning Algorithms for Comparison                       fills its memory by weighted sampling strategy whose
                                                                     weights are determined by historical frequency, COLF pop-
 We introduce the continual learning algorithms used for com-        ulates its memory by explicitly controlling the gap between
 parison in this section. Note that the memory size of all meth-     memory and target data and thus enables stronger positive
 ods is restricted by 70 million (the average size per week) for     knowledge transfer from the past to the future. The relative
 fair comparison.                                                    weak performance of CBRS is expected since its memory
     CBRS. Class-balancing reservoir sampling(CBRS) is a             population strategy aims at solving class imbalance problem
 method proposed to learn continually with temporally corre-         with no emphasis on the input data’s distribution.
 lated and severely imbalanced data (Chrysakis and Moens
 2020), which is exactly the case of click log. It fills and up-     Offline Experimental Results On Different CTR
 dates a fixed-size memory for replay such that all classes are      Models with COLF
 equally distributed to the maximum extend. Different from           We investigate the performance of COLF with different CTR
 it, COLF has a different memory population method that ex-          base models in this section. The three selected base CTR
 plicitly controls the discrepancy between memory and target         prediction models are as follows.
 data.                                                                  Logistic Regression. Logistic regression(LR) was widely
     ADER ADER is a continual learning algorithm targeting           used for CTR prediction task before the thriving of deep
 at session-based recommendation task (Mi, Lin, and Falt-            neural models. It could be seen as a shallow neural network
 ings 2020). It updates memory according to items’ historical        with only one dense layer. It is the weakest baseline here.
 frequency only, thus may suffer from insufficient positive             Wide&Deep. Wide&Deep is an embedding based neural
 transfer. We include it here to show that our memory popula-        model for CTR prediction and has achieved superior perfor-
 tion strategy’s advantage.                                          mance over traditional non-neural models (Cheng et al. 2016).
     COLF COLF is the method we propose in this paper that           We include it here as the neural model’s baseline.
 use a hybrid continual learning approach based on modular ar-          DSIN. DSIN is the state-of-the-art attention-based neural
 chitecture and memory replay for CTR prediction. We choose          model (Feng et al. 2019). It takes advantages of user behavior
  in Equation 7 to be 0.003 since a 0.003 difference in AUC         data and sequence modeling to achieve better modeling of
 score will result in significant different online performance       user interest. We include it here as the strongest baseline.
 according to past experience. We choose p̂t in Equation 9              As Table 3 shows, CTR base models with COLF always
 to be the item frequency function and p to be 1e-6, guar-          have better performance than those without COLF. Note that
 anteeing a minimal occurrence of 100 times in the memory            AUC gain of DSIN+COLF over DSIN is larger than that of
 (10 million is the average size of our data per day. see Table      Wide&Deep+COLF over Wide&Deep or that of LR+COLF
 1), since a minimal number of 100 occurrences is sufficient         over LR. We conjecture that with more complex feature space
 to learn a good item embedding according to our past ex-            (e.g., DSIN with user behavior features), the data has a sub-
 perience. We show that COLF performs better than other              tler pattern of distribution drifting, thus COLF is able to
 methods consistently.                                               contribute more.
Table 2: Comparison on different continual learning techniques using real world data. BaseModel is a vanilla DSIN model with
no continual learning technique. COLF outperforms all other competitors in all time steps from T to T + 3.

                              t=T                     t=T +1                                       t=T +2                     t=T +3
     M ODEL           LOGLOSS        AUC          LOGLOSS   AUC                                LOGLOSS   AUC               LOGLOSS  AUC
     BASE M ODEL        0.1399      0.7450         0.1411  0.7418                               0.1407  0.7452             0.1395  0.7483
     CBRS               0.1399      0.7458         0.1405  0.7430                               0.1401  0.7458             0.1395  0.7484
     ADER               0.1395      0.7489         0.1404  0.7455                               0.1398  0.7490             0.1393  0.7514
     COLF               0.1388      0.7525         0.1395  0.7491                               0.1391  0.7524             0.1386  0.7560

Table 3: Performance comparison on different CTR models           RPM(Revenue per thousand impressions, an index to mea-
with or without COLF. All the lines with COLF calculate           sure the efficiency of traffic monetization) boost. Note that
the relative AUC gain by comparing with the non-COLF              the advertising system serves millions of users every day
competitor.                                                       and just 1% gain leads to significant revenue growth. As is
                                                                  illustrated in Figure 6, the daily boost is quite robust even
   M ODEL                   LOG - LOSS    AUC         G AIN
                                                                  during holidays (May 1st is International Workers’ Day when
                                                                  there is a seven-day long holiday in China).
   LR                        0.1447      0.7043         -
   LR+COLF                   0.1444      0.7084    0.58%
   W IDE &D EEP              0.1431      0.7150         -
   W IDE &D EEP +COLF        0.1426      0.7196    0.64%
   DSIN                      0.1399      0.7450         -                                 6
   DSIN+COLF                 0.1388      0.7525    1.10%                                  5

                                                                   Performance Gain (%)

Ablation Study                                                                            3

Table 4 shows that removing any part of COLF leads to worse                               2
performance. It is because that removing either relevant mem-
ory or new memory causes useful knowledge forgetting or
insufficient knowledge transfer, while keeping all old memory                             0
suffers from negative knowledge transfer. Note that COLF
without modular architecture performs much worse. We con-
jecture it is because that a portion of data in the memory will                           2
                                                                                              Apr.27   Apr.30      May.3    May.6    May.9
be consumed by fˆt multiple times in this setting, causing                                                          Date
several over-fitting.
                                                                  Figure 6: Online COLF model’s CTR gain over baseline
Table 4: Performance comparison on different variants of          between 2020 April 27th and 2020 May 10th. The gain is
COLF.                                                             always positive and is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

          M ODEL                               AUC
          DSIN WITH COLF                     0.7525
          W/O   MODULAR ARCHITECTURE         0.7479
          W/O   OLD MEMORY DISCARDING        0.7501                                                             Conclusion
          W/O   RELEVANT MEMORY              0.7510
          W/O   NEW MEMORY                   0.7510               We studied continual learning for CTR prediction to address
                                                                  the non-stationary and drifting problem of click data in this
                                                                  work. We gave a formal formulation of the problem and
                                                                  proposed COLF, a hybrid approach that marries memory re-
Online Experimental Results                                       play with a modular architecture to foster positive knowledge
We have deployed COLF in production and now it is serving         transfer and mitigate catastrophic forgetting. Both offline and
the main traffic of a major mobile shopping app’s advertising     online experiments demonstrated COLF’s superiority over
system in China. The online baseline is a highly optimized        existing methods. An interesting extension of our work is the
DSIN model. Carefully designed online A/B test on the ad-         continual learning problem with delayed feedback, which is
vertising system was conducted. During the whole test period,     useful for conversion rate prediction in advertising systems.
COLF contributed up to 2.89% CTR promotion and 2.52%              We plan to investigate it in the future.
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