Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -

Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
Consultation on
Coffey Review

KPMG Response
30 January 2018
Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
Consultation paper on review of Ireland’s Corporation Tax Code
Tax Policy Division
Department of Finance
Government Buildings
Upper Merrion Street
Dublin 2
D02 R583


30 January 2018

Dear Sirs

KPMG response to Consultation on Coffey Review
We are pleased to enclose our submission in response to the public consultation by the Department of
Finance on the review of Ireland’s Corporation Tax Code.
Ireland’s corporation tax regime has formed an important part of Ireland’s policy initiatives which serve to
attract and retain foreign direct investment (FDI) as well as making Ireland an attractive location for
domestic entrepreneurs to conduct business through corporate entities. KPMG acknowledges the
continuing importance to Ireland of ensuring that its corporation tax regime maintains its competitiveness
from an international perspective whilst aligning the regime with international developments emerging from
the OECD’s project on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) and related initiatives under the European
Union (EU) Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD).
We have responded to all of the questions in the consultation and grouped our responses into three areas:
■ Ireland’s implementation of anti-BEPS measures contained in ATAD,
■ Recommendations for consideration in relation to Ireland’s transfer pricing regime as set out in the
  Review of Ireland’s Corporation Tax Code by Seamus Coffey, and
■ Considerations relating to the adoption of a more territorial regime for taxation of foreign profits
  together with suggestions related to simplifying Ireland’s existing regime for granting double tax relief.
In overall terms, we consider that Ireland’s corporation tax regime is well positioned to meet the new
requirements for corporation tax regimes. However, like any other jurisdiction, Ireland faces challenges in
adopting these measures and knitting them into its existing regime in a manner that is experienced by
business as an evolution and not a revolution in approach. Certainty of tax outcomes promotes and
sustains investment by business.
In framing our responses, we believe have balanced the requirement for Ireland to align its regime with
these new international standards with implementation changes that should be experienced as an organic
evolution of the regime. We have also looked ahead to test how the combined effect of our suggestions
across these three areas could work in the overall context of Ireland’s corporation tax regime.
The contact for this submission is Sharon Burke. Email: Direct line: (01) 4101196.

Sharon Burke
Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
               Executive Summary                                                            1
 SECTION 1:    Anti-BEPS Measures contained in ATAD                                        10
               Question 1 : General Anti-Abuse Rule                                        12
               Question 2 : Controlled Foreign Company regime                              17
               Question 3 : Exit Taxation                                                  33
               Question 4: Hybrid Mismatch measures                                        38

 SECTION 2:    Ireland’s Transfer Pricing Regime                                           44
               Question 5 : Adoption of 2017 OECD transfer pricing guidelines              46
               Questions 6 -9 : Domestic transfer pricing regime                           52

 SECTION 3:    Adopting a Territorial Regime                                               61
               Question 10 : The effects of moving to a territorial tax base               63
               Il ustrative examples, application of transfer pricing principles and CFC
 APPENDIX 1:   rule under Option B

APPENDIX 2:    Overview of branch exemption regimes                                        82
               Suggested wording for the revision of paragraph 9FA, Schedule 24,
APPENDIX 3:    TCA 1997
Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
Envisioning Ireland’s future tax regime
KPMG welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation on recommendations
set out in the Coffey Review of Ireland’s Corporation Tax Code.
KPMG is the largest provider of business taxation advice in Ireland. We have drawn on
our experience of providing advice to businesses across a range of sectors to provide in-
depth comments in response to the consultation questions.
The consultation address a series of complex matters which will be of fundamental
importance in shaping Ireland’s future corporation tax regime.

Our responses set our suggested approaches to:             on concepts already familiar to business and
                                                           to Revenue. This is so that the measures
■ Adopting complex measures set out in the
                                                           could be understood in their application and
  European Union (EU) Anti-Tax Avoidance
                                                           provide for certainty of outcomes once they
  Directive (ATAD) in a manner which
                                                           are in effect.
  represents a best fit for Ireland’s tax
  existing tax system.                                  ■ Ireland’s transfer pricing regime
   The complexity of adopting ATAD measures                We foresee that transfer pricing will become a
   into Ireland’s tax regime arises in part                more central part of Ireland’s corporation tax
   because of the judgments necessary to apply             regime providing both protections for Ireland
   general provisions in the Directive in a                to assert its taxing rights on profits arising
   manner that meets a minimum standard of                 from international trade by Irish based
   providing equivalent protection. Our analysis           businesses as well as protecting its domestic
   considers how this standard of protection               tax base.
   might operate, in practice, when ATAD
                                                        ■ Framing a tax regime which offers greater
   measures are applied in the wider
                                                          simplicity to taxpayers operating in an
   environment of Ireland’s tax system and
                                                          international environment
   interact with protections already in Ireland’s
   regime.                                                 Adopting a foreign branch exemption regime
                                                           which is available at the election of taxpayers
   Through a series of suggestions related to
                                                           and introducing an exemption regime for
   each ATAD measure, we have made
                                                           certain foreign dividends should simplify
   recommendations on implementing the
                                                           Ireland’s tax regime for Irish based business
   measures in a manner that we believe fits
                                                           seeking to grow internationally.
   Ireland’s corporation tax regime and is
   aligned with existing protections in Ireland’s          We have also suggested changes that could
   tax system.                                             be made to Ireland’s existing capital gains
                                                           exemption regime for gains on disposals of
   We believe that our suggestions, if
                                                           substantial shareholdings.
   implemented, should preserve the relative
   competitiveness of Ireland’s tax regime post         Our approach
   adoption EU-wide of ATAD measures while
   meeting the required minimum standard of             Our recommendations are detailed and technical
   protection.                                          in nature because we consider that detailed
                                                        consideration is required to implement changes
   We have attempted to identify implementation         to these important aspects of Irelands’
   approaches and legislative changes that build        corporation tax regime in a manner that provides

Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
greatest certainty for taxpayers and, where                These tax rate differences have, in the past,
possible, simplifies its operation in a number of          served to provide protections against the
key respects.                                              potential base erosion of Ireland’s domestic tax
                                                           base. In circumstances where additional
We consider that adoption of the measures set
                                                           protections are introduced under the adoption of
out in this submission could provide an
                                                           ATAD anti-base erosion measures as well as
environment where Ireland ultimately adopts a
                                                           changes which we have proposed to Ireland’s
single 12.5% corporation tax rate applying to all
                                                           transfer pricing regime, we suggest that
profits subject to corporation tax. This
                                                           protections based on higher corporation tax rates
simplification in the operation of Ireland’s regime
                                                           are no longer required.
is one which we believe Ireland should aspire to
achieve within the next few years.                         We recommend that, once these additional
                                                           protections are in place, Ireland should remove
The United Kingdom (‘UK’) offers a single,
                                                           the higher tax rates from its corporation tax
reduced rate of 19% on all profits subject to
                                                           regime so that a simplified, and more powerful,
corporation tax for all companies whatever their
                                                           corporation tax 12.5% regime remains. This
size or ownership. The striking simplicity and
                                                           regime can better compete in attracting and
power of the UK tax policy choice on corporation
                                                           retaining investment in an international context.
tax can be seen when you compare its regime
with an Irish corporation tax regime that has              Our suggestions in relation to the adoption of
different tax rates for trading income, non-trading        ATAD measures, changes to Ireland’s transfer
income and capital gains and a different effective         pricing regime and moving to a more territorial
tax rate for certain profits earned by closely-held        regime seek to achieve, over time, an
companies.                                                 appropriate balance of different protections so as
                                                           support this necessary simplification of Ireland’s
                                                           existing corporation tax regime.

Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
Executive summary
The summary below provides a high level overview of KPMG
recommendations made in response to the consultation
questions. Our response is grouped into three areas which are
reflected in three different sections in this submission. They
follow the main themes of the consultation being our response
and recommendations in relation to: Ireland’s adoption of
measures under the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD);
transfer pricing matters; and, moving to a more territorial regime
by introducing an exemption regime for certain foreign dividends
and adopting an elective branch exemption regime. The final
section also includes suggestions in relation to the simplification
of Ireland’s regime for affording foreign double tax credit relief
where an exemption does not apply. Some of the sections refer
to supplementary materials that are included in Appendices.


                                                              the test does not require that activities be
 Question 1: General Anti-Abuse Rule                          carried on with a view to realising a profit.
                                                            Revise the definition of “business” at subsection
                                                              (1)(a) so that it is not limited to any trade,
In order to more perfectly align the Irish General            profession or vocation but includes other
Anti-Abuse Rule (‘GAAR’) with the minimum                     business activities.
standard framework set out under ATAD, we                   Make expressly clear that the reference to
suggest changes should be made to section 811C,               double taxation relief which is set out in
Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (TCA 1997) as                    subsection (4)(d) includes relief, if applicable,
follows:                                                      for foreign taxes.
 Delete subparagraph (II) of subsection (2)(b)(i)
   which provides that a taxpayer must meet both            Question 2: Controlled Foreign
   a tax avoidance test and a business test. This is
   because ATAD GAAR provides that GAAR does                Company (CFC) rule
   not apply if a taxpayer meets the genuine
   arrangements test (i.e. even if there is a tax
   avoidance purpose).                                     The following is an overview of the key features we
                                                           suggest should be reflected in a CFC rule. We
 Revise the application of the “business”
                                                           believe that this approach is both aligned with
   exception test at subsection (2)(b)(i)(I) so that
                                                           Ireland’s international tax policy objectives, avails

Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
of appropriate flexibility under ATAD and meets the              genuine economic activities test under the
ATAD minimum standard of protection.                             suggested gateway tests.

 Adopt one of three permitted approaches under                Apply a simplification approach to achieve a
   ATAD which limits the CFC rule to income                      proportionate reduction in compliance burden
   which has been artificially diverted to the CFC.              when calculating the effective tax rate of the
   Apply the framework set out at subparagraph                   CFC under Irish tax principles by taking as a
   2(b) of Article 7, ‘the Option B approach’.                   starting point the timing of recognition of the
                                                                 income in the accounts of the CFC in its
 Under Option B, define “essential purpose to                   functional currency for the tax accounting
   obtain a tax advantage” as set out in ATAD to                 period. Apply Irish capital gains tax principles to
   mean a purpose of artificially diverting income to            compute capital gains in the local functional
   the CFC. Provide a safe harbour that, if the                  currency to avoid distortions caused by currency
   activities of the CFC are in the nature of a trade            movements.
   under Irish tax principles, the taxpayer can
   assume that arrangements that form part of that             Apply permitted exclusions by excluding from
   trade have not been put in place with the                     scope subsidiaries with accounting profits of no
   purpose of artificially diverting income.                     more than EUR 750,000 and non-trading
                                                                 income and non trade related capital gains of no
 Apply a gateway to exclude from the scope of a                 more than EUR 75,000 as well as subsidiaries
   CFC rule arrangements that meet the genuine                   whose accounting profits amount to no more
   arrangements test. If this gateway is failed, the             than 10% of operating costs for the period.
   taxable CFC income is limited to amounts
   generated through assets and risks which are                Avoid double taxation by providing credit relief
   linked to significant people functions carried out            for taxes on CFC taxable income for foreign
   by the Irish controlling company.                             taxes which are equivalent to corporation tax,
                                                                 including EU CFC charges on the same profits.
 To provide additional protection from artificial               Provide double tax relief if profits assessed to
   diversion of income, where the income of the                  tax under the CFC regime are later received as
   CFC is non-trading in character under Irish tax               a taxable dividend or realised as part of a
   principles, there is an alternative gateway test if           taxable capital gain on disposal of a CFC.
   the purpose test is failed. This gateway requires
   the CFC to meet a genuine economic activities               Provide transitional relief to the Irish parent for
   test. If this is failed, the non-trading income (not          subsidiaries acquired from third parties by not
   already taxable in Ireland) is in scope of the                applying the CFC rule to the acquired subsidiary
   CFC rule. The genuine economic activities                     until the second tax accounting period post
   carve out means that this protection operates in              acquisition.
   a manner which is aligned with EU freedoms.
                                                               Develop the CFC legislative measures in close
 A subsidiary is potentially a CFC where the Irish              consultation with businesses and tax
   parent meets a greater than 50% ownership test                practitioners to ensure they can operate as
   which is set by reference to percentage of                    intended across different business sectors in
   votes, share capital, entitlement to profits on               Ireland. Support implementation with detailed
   winding up and distributable profits as well as a             guidance developed in conjunction with
   company included in a consolidated accounting                 business and tax practitioner representatives.
   group of the Irish parent.
                                                               Apply with prospective effect to CFC income of
 Apply the CFC rule to the tax exempt profits of                companies for tax accounting periods beginning
   foreign branches where Ireland applies a                      on or after 1 January 2019.
   foreign branch exemption regime.
 Preserve Ireland’s tax treaty obligations related
   to capital gains of treaty resident CFCs.
                                                               Question 3: Exit taxation
 Provide for a White List of excluded countries
   solely as a basis to reduce the taxpayer burden
   of calculating for each taxable period the                 Having reviewed the framework for the exit taxation
   effective tax rate of each subsidiary. This would          regime set out in Article 5 and in the recitals to the
   not allow the taxpayer to presume that the CFC             Directive, our recommendations for revisions to
   had met either the genuine arrangements or                 Ireland’s existing exit tax regime are as follows.

Consultation on Coffey Review - KPMG Response 30 January 2018 -
 Apply a 12.5% rate of corporation tax to the
   measure of the exit gain where the asset was in           Question 4: Hybrid mismatch
   use for the purposes of a trade. (The capital             measures
   gains tax rate of 33% currently applies to an exit
 Apply transfer pricing principles to the exit gain        We recommend that Ireland adopts the following
   by pricing the market value of the asset upon            approach to implementation of hybrid mismatch
   import and exit using transfer pricing principles        measures.
   set down in the OECD Guidelines on transfer
   pricing.                                                  Implements the framework under ATAD without
                                                               going beyond that framework i.e. does not apply
 Measure the exit gain in the functional currency             hybrid mismatch counter measures to payments
   of the company (using an average exchange                   to jurisdictions with a nil tax rate nor to
   rate to translate the taxable measure in                    mismatches arising from transfer pricing
   functional currency into Euros to arrive at the             adjustments.
   exit tax payable amount).
                                                             Implements the main measures with effect from
 Apply an uplift in tax basis to the market value             1 January 2020 and potentially adopts the
   (established under arm’s length principles) of an           extended implementation deadline of 1 January
   imported chargeable asset, whether imported                 2022 for reverse hybrid measures.
   from EU Member States or third country
   jurisdictions.                                            Excludes the securitisation regime set out at
                                                               section 110, TCA 1997 from the general scope
 Extend exit tax events to the transfer of an                 of the measures but instead adjusts the anti-
   asset to a foreign tax exempt branch (in the                hybrid measures already contained in section
   event that Ireland moves to adopt a foreign                 110 so that they are aligned with the ATAD
   branch exemption regime) and more generally                 regime.
   broaden the scope of exit taxation events to
   align with the four exit taxing events described          Applies the ATAD hybrid mismatch approach to
   in Article 5. This includes removing the concept            the design of a branch exemption regime i.e.
   of an excluded company from the existing                    does not provide for a branch exemption under
   regime.                                                     domestic law unless the profits of the foreign
                                                               branch are subject to tax in the branch
 In order to meet the ATAD minimum standard,                  jurisdiction.
   potentially remove the ability to postpone the
   entirety of the exit charge under section 628,            Applies the ATAD hybrid mismatch approach to
   leaving only the possibility which is permitted             the design of a dividend exemption regime i.e.
   under ATAD of deferring the payment over a 5                does not apply a dividend exemption where the
   year period (which is given under section 628A).            payor has claimed a deduction for the dividend
 Apply domestic reliefs including the substantial
   shareholding gains exemption available under              Excludes lease receipts from the scope of the
   section 626B, TCA 1997 in determining the                   secondary defensive measures as such receipts
   amount of the chargeable exit gain.                         are already included in taxable income.

 Adopt permitted exceptions for temporary                   Avails of the permitted exemptions to exclude
                                                               certain ‘on-market’ repo transactions, certain
   transfers of assets in certain financial services
                                                               loss absorption regulatory capital instruments in
   transactions.                                               the banking sector, and defined collective
                                                               investment vehicles from the scope of the
 Adjust the manner of operation of the relief
   under section 634, TCA 1997 to align with
   CJEU case law and exit tax principles.                    Treats as included in income payments which
                                                               are taxed in another jurisdiction in the relevant
                                                               period even if not taxed upon the same entity as
                                                               the entity which is considered to be the taxable
                                                               recipient from an Irish perspective.
                                                             Designs measures after close review and
                                                               analysis of international tax developments,

especially in jurisdictions such as the United           Provides detailed implementing guidance to
   States of America (US) (which has seen a major             provide certainty for taxpayers on the scope and
   reform of its tax regime including international           application of the measures.
   tax matters).
 Consults with business and tax practitioners,
   including review of draft legislative measures
   prior to enactment, to ensure that the measures
   are understood across business sectors and
   achieve their intended effect.


                                                              In recognition of the position faced by
 Question 5: Key considerations                               businesses who already operate in an
 when incorporating the 2017 OECD                             international environment where the 2017
 Transfer Pricing Guidelines                                  Guidelines are applied, allow for early adoption
                                                              by taxpayer election for 2018 or 2019 tax
                                                              accounting periods.

We consider that the 2017 OECD Transfer Pricing             application to intra group financing transactions,
Guidelines (‘the 2017 Guidelines’) are the                    Ireland should not seek to change its current
appropriate reference point for Ireland’s transfer            approach to transfer pricing of financing
pricing rules:                                                arrangements until there is international
■ From a defensive perspective in asserting                   consensus on how Article 9 (of the OECD
  Ireland’s right to tax profits associated with the          Model Tax Convention) applies to capital and
  control of risk and oversight of DEMPE                      debt.
  functions by Irish based decision makers.                   It is important that Ireland continues to actively
■ In protecting Ireland’s domestic tax base by                engage in the OECD working group on pricing
  adopting transfer pricing guidance which is                 financial transactions and capital in order that its
  consistent with the outline approaches                      views can be taken into account as the OECD
  suggested in this submission in relation to                 works to develop consensus in this area.
  adoption of an EU compliant CFC regime and
                                                            application of the authorised OECD method of
  exit taxation measures.
                                                              attribution of profits to branches,
■ To reduce the risk of double taxation and
                                                              We suggest that Ireland adopts the authorised
  uncertainty for taxpayers which could arise
                                                              OECD approach to the attribution of profits to
  where Ireland’s framework for transfer pricing is
                                                              branches both in the case of Irish branches of
  out of line with the framework adopted by its
                                                              non-tax treaty resident entities and in the case
  major trading partners.
                                                              of foreign branches of Irish residents that are
Considerations for adoption include:                          not located in tax treaty jurisdictions.
 timing of implementation with adequate                    their application to the pricing of transactions in
   advance notice of adoption for taxpayers,                  capital assets within the corporation tax regime,
   If a decision is taken in 2018 to adopt the 2017
   Guidelines, a mandatory date for adoption                readiness for adoption on the part of business
   should apply no earlier than 2020.                         and Revenue.
   The operative date should be signalled as soon
   as possible in 2018.

that do not exceed the EU size definition of a small
    Question 6: Arrangements that were                               or micro entity1.
    agreed before 1 July 2010                                        If it decided to extend transfer pricing rules to
                                                                     medium sized enterprises, we suggest that:

It would be appropriate to include within the scope
                                                                      Safe harbour approaches are introduced which
                                                                        would not require transfer pricing
of the transfer pricing regime those arrangements
                                                                        documentation to be prepared where a
which are still in place that were agreed before 1
                                                                        transaction is within the scope of defined safe
July 2010 (‘grandfathered arrangements’). This
                                                                        harbour transactions and potentially also safe
should be done with prospective effect and not
                                                                        harbour pricing ranges.
require the application of transfer pricing
adjustments to past transactions under                                Medium sized entities can avail of a lighter
grandfathered arrangements.                                             touch minimum documentation standard than
We suggest that this approach is followed, with one                     that which applies to larger taxpayers.
exception. This is in relation to loan arrangements                   Optional adoption is made available to those
with a defined loan maturity date which we suggest                      SMEs that seek to put in place Irish transfer
should not be re-priced until the pre-existing loan                     pricing arrangements e.g. to align their Irish
agreement has come to an end.                                           position with that which applies to group
It is not generally required that a loan arrangement                    members in other jurisdictions that apply full
is re-priced for transfer pricing purposes once the                     local transfer pricing requirements.
terms and conditions of the loan arrangement do
                                                                      Early announcement and potentially deferred
not change and the loan remains in place between
                                                                        adoption for smaller companies in comparison
the same counterparties.
                                                                        to larger companies to allow smaller companies
                                                                        greater time to review intra group transactions
                                                                        and to put appropriate transfer pricing
                                                                        documentation in place.
    Question 7: Extension of transfer
    pricing rules to SMEs

                                                                      Question 8: Extending domestic
The existing scope of application of Ireland’s                        transfer pricing rules to non-trading
transfer pricing regime should be retained to apply                   income
to entities within groups that exceed the EU size
thresholds for SMEs.
This appears to achieve an appropriate balance                       The difference in corporation tax rate between the
between the risk of loss of tax revenues from                        12.5% rate of tax on trading income and the 25%
mispricing of transactions in cross border trade                     rate of tax on non-trading income means that the
between group members of SMEs with the                               application of transfer pricing to non-trading income
complexity and administrative burden associated                      could result in an outcome which is not neutral for
with meeting transfer pricing requirements. This                     transactions between two taxpayers within the
also avoids the potential adverse impact on                          scope to Irish corporation tax. This is
Revenue’s transfer pricing resources of                              notwithstanding that this is neutral from a transfer
administering compliance for a higher volume of                      pricing perspective as the understated income of a
transfer pricing cases if the regime is extended to                  counterparty which is subject to a transfer pricing
enterprises of a smaller scale.                                      adjustment is matched by the overstated income of
                                                                     the corresponding party to the transaction.
If transfer pricing is extended to smaller
enterprises, it should not be extended to entities                   Developments in an EU test case on the non-
                                                                     application of transfer pricing provisions to

  A small enterprise is defined as an enterprise which employs
fewer than 50 persons and whose annual turnover and/or
annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 10 million.

transactions between domestic taxpayers suggests             The amount of expenditure eligible for capital
that the non-application of transfer pricing to such           allowances on assets acquired from non-
transactions is not in breach of EU fundamental                resident group members.
                                                            These changes should not affect the continuing
If the positive December 2017 decision of the               application of capital gains tax provisions to
Advocate General is upheld by the Court of Justice          transactions by individuals where market value is
of the European Union (CJEU), Ireland could                 applied to measure the taxable disposal proceeds
reframe its transfer pricing regime and:                    on chargeable assets and the assets are not being
   apply transfer pricing to non-trading                   held as part of a trade or business undertaking.
    transactions, but
   not apply transfer pricing to transactions
    between domestic taxpayers.
                                                             Question 9: Transfer pricing
                                                             documentation requirements
By adopting this approach, Ireland’s regime could
both be more robust in protecting against potential
misuse in the context of cross border mismatches
arising from differences in transfer pricing whilst         In order to balance the protections afforded by
remaining compliant with EU freedoms.                       having robust documentation standards applicable
                                                            in Ireland to transfer pricing which meet
At a minimum, if the AG’s opinion is upheld by the          international norms with the documentation
CJEU, it should support the application of simplified       compliance burden for taxpayers, we consider that
procedures for transactions between domestic                it would be appropriate to:
taxpayers as compared to the regime applicable to
transactions with taxpayers outside the charge to            Require transfer pricing documentation to be
Irish tax.                                                     prepared no later than the due date for the filing
                                                               of the corporation tax return for the tax
If it is decided to retain transfer pricing for
                                                               accounting period in which the relevant
transactions between domestic taxpayers,
                                                               transaction was reflected.
legislative change of a procedural nature could be
made to avoid the disproportionate impact of the             Impose the full scope of the transfer pricing
differences in tax rate between trading and non-               documentation requirements which are
trading income.                                                described in the final report under Action 13 of
This would include:                                            the BEPS Project on taxpayers who are within
                                                               the scope of the Country-by-Country (CbyC)
 Measuring the corresponding adjustment in like               reporting requirements.
    manner and applying the same rate of tax for
    the counterparty companies.                              Issue guidance on the expected scope of
                                                               documentation to be included in the master file
 Providing relief for corresponding adjustments               and local file balancing information
    on a current period basis and on a self-                   requirements of use to Revenue with the burden
    assessed basis for taxpayers.                              associated with documentation preparation. The
                                                               guidance could allow for appropriately adjusted
Extending transfer pricing approach to capital                 documentation requirements to apply to smaller
transactions                                                   multinationals.
We suggest that it would be appropriate to apply
transfer pricing principles to the measurement of:
                                                             In keeping with current Irish best practice in
                                                               relation to transfer pricing documentation,
 The market value consideration which is applied              Ireland’s formal adoption of transfer pricing
    in measuring the disposal consideration of                 documentation requirements should be aligned
    chargeable assets under the Corporation Tax                with OECD guidelines and should not impose
    Acts.                                                      additional requirements solely for Irish transfer
                                                               pricing purposes.
    We suggest that this approach should be
    adopted in tandem with the application of a              In circumstances where an Irish taxpayer has
    12.5% rate of corporation tax to chargeable                access to transfer pricing documentation which
    gains arising on the disposal of chargeable                is aligned with the OECD standard and covers
    assets in use for the purposes of a trade.                 the transaction that the Irish entity is party to,
                                                               Ireland continues its current practice of not

requiring that the company itself must prepare            transactions. A number of possible approaches
   the documentation or that the documentation               are set out in our response to Question 7 (as
   must be in Ireland, once it can be made                   safe harbours can be expected to provide
   available to Revenue.                                     greatest proportionate relief for enterprises of a
                                                             smaller scale).
 Adopt safe harbour approaches to transfer
   pricing. A taxpayer is not required to prepare          Should transfer pricing be extended to SMEs, in
   pricing documentation where a transaction falls           accordance with OECD guidance, SMEs should
   within scope of a defined safe harbour.                   only be required to provide information about
                                                             their material cross-border transactions upon a
   Safe harbours also benefit Revenue as they
                                                             specific request from Revenue in the course of
   reduce the administrative burden of reviewing
                                                             a tax audit or for transfer pricing risk
   pricing documentation for agreed safe harbour
                                                             assessment purposes.


                                                           Apply Ireland’s exit taxation regime to accruing
 Question 10: Suggestions for an                             capital gains on assets transferred from an Irish
 elective branch exemption and                               taxable presence to a foreign tax exempt
 dividend exemption regime                                   branch.
                                                           For maximum flexibility, make available the
                                                             branch exemption regime at the election of
Outline of suggested Irish branch elective                   companies, on a branch-by-branch basis.
exemption regime
                                                           Relief would not be available for foreign taxes
We suggest that Ireland could move to adopt a                on branch profits where the exemption regime
branch exemption regime which would be available             applies.
at the election of taxpayers along the following
lines:                                                     Relief would not be available for branch losses
                                                             against Irish profits where the branch exemption
 Exempt from tax profits arising from a trade               applies. This is with the exception of any ‘final’
   conducted through a foreign branch in any                 and otherwise unused losses arising on the
   jurisdiction outside Ireland. Exclude countries           ‘liquidation’ or unwind of the foreign branch. In
   which are included on an EU blacklist of                  accordance with EU case law precedents, these
   jurisdictions which do not meet acceptable                losses should remain available for use against
   corporate tax governance standards.                       Irish profits.
 The exemption is available only where the                Transitional measures related to past branch
   branch is engaged in the conduct of a trade.              losses would apply in moving to adopt a branch
                                                             exemption regime and also where a taxpayer
 Apply Ireland’s CFC regime to the foreign                  makes a future election to apply the exemption
   branch profits exempt from Irish tax.
                                                             regime to a previously loss making branch.
 Exemption is not available where the branch is             These essentially provide that the exemption
   not recognised as a taxable presence in the               from Irish tax is available to the extent the
   branch jurisdiction i.e. the branch exemption             branch profits exceed branch losses previously
   would be available only where the profits of the          offset against Irish profits.
   branch can be said to be subject to tax in the
                                                           In circumstances where a taxpayer conducts a
   foreign jurisdiction.
                                                             business through a transparent entity such as a
 The exemption extends to branch profits                    partnership and the business gives rise to a
   whether in the character of income or capital             taxable branch presence abroad, the corporate
   gains arising to the branch.                              partner should be entitled to the branch
                                                             exemption on its share of the foreign branch

profits provided that the partner’s indirect               Simplify the operation of tax credit relief for
   interest in the branch’s profits represents a               dividends paid from the profits of indirect
   holding of at least 5%.                                     subsidiaries by calculating tax credits on a
                                                               pooled basis for the profits of a holding
Outline of dividend exemption regime
                                                               company and its subsidiaries.
We suggest that a dividend exemption regime
                                                             In the case of Ireland’s tax credit regime for
should apply as follows:
                                                             royalties, we suggest that Ireland adopts the
 Apply to dividends where the Irish resident                following simplification measures:
   company has a direct or indirect interest of at            Rewrites the legislative measures which
   least 5% in the company from which the                      underpin the operation of the credit relief regime
   company is ultimately sourced.                              for royalties to make them easier to read and
 To be eligible for exemption, the dividend                   more straightforward to administer in practice.
   (which may be tracked through any number of                Provides clarity on the scope of royalty
   intermediary layers of company) should be paid              payments that are eligible for the relief in the
   by a company which is resident for tax purposes             context of payments for services.
   in a jurisdiction to which Ireland’s substantial
   shareholding exemption on capital gains applies            Clarifies the entitlement of the company to
   i.e. tax treaty jurisdictions.                              deduct excess and unused creditable foreign
                                                               taxes on royalty income under general
 A dividend exemption should not be available                 principles.
   where the payor has secured a tax deduction
   for the dividend.                                         Ireland could also improve the competitiveness of
                                                             its regime for credit relief on royalties by enhancing
 For tax exempt dividends, tax relief would not             its regime but it is recognised that these changes
   be available for taxes borne on payment of the            may have cost implications. These include:
   dividend or for taxes borne on the profits from
                                                              calculating the net income measure (which
   which the dividend is paid.
                                                               operates to limit the amount of credit relief) by
Section 3 includes detailed suggestions in relation            reference to net margins from the royalty profits
to the simplification of Ireland’s existing double tax         instead of by reference to the margins of the
credit relief regime for foreign taxes on branch               trade as a whole,
profits, dividends and royalties.
                                                              offsetting excess unused credits against other
In the case of branches, these include:                        income of the trade, and
 Providing certainty on the deductibility of foreign         pooling surplus tax credits to carry forward for
  tax as an expense of the trade in the case of                use in future periods.
  branch losses.
                                                             We suggest different approaches to introducing
 Amending paragraph 9FA, Schedule 24, TCA                   enhancements to balance Exchequer costs.
  1997 so that Ireland’s unilateral credit pooling
                                                             In tandem with adoption of a branch and dividend
  relief for tax credits on branches can operate as
                                                             exemption regime, Ireland should review the
                                                             operation of its corporation tax exemption for
 Providing for the operation of credit relief on a          capital gains on disposals of substantial
  pooling basis for branches operating in                    shareholdings to provide greater certainty that
  business sectors (such as insurance) with                  corporation tax only applies once within a corporate
  business profit cycles which can apply over                holding structure. This could include changes to:
  periods of 7 to 10 years.
                                                              the substantial shareholding exemption at
In the case of dividends it is suggested that Ireland          section 626B, TCA 1997
                                                              repeal section 591A, TCA 1997 which applies to
 Permit taxpayers to track and attribute tax                  ‘abnormal dividends’, and
  credits to dividends solely by reference to a
                                                              clarify the interpretation and application of the
  taxpayer election which is not tied into
                                                               scope of corporate reorganisation and
  resolutions made under local company law.
                                                               reconstruction reliefs especially where
 Change the manner of operation of credit relief              shareholders are otherwise tax exempt on
  under paragraph 9I, Schedule 24, TCA 1997.                   income and gains from the company.

measures contained in
SECTION 1:   Anti-BEPS MEASURES CONTAINED IN ATAD                                        Consultation on Coffey Review

In Section 1, we set out our response to Questions 1 to 4 of the consultation on
matters for Ireland to consider upon implementation of anti-avoidance measures
contained in ATAD. These include a General Anti-Abuse Rule, a Controlled Foreign
Company rule, exit taxation and hybrid mismatch measures.

Ireland will need to adopt a complex set of measures in ATAD which are only framed in
general terms in the Directive. This requires careful consideration of how the measures
could best fit into Ireland’s existing corporation tax system. In recognition of this
complexity, our comments and suggestions in response to Questions 1 to 4 are
technical and detailed in nature.
We believe that our response illustrates that,                 diverted to entities outside the charge to Irish tax.
notwithstanding the complexity, Ireland can                    This has led to the suggested approach for
implement ATAD measures in a manner which is                   adoption of a CFC rule.
consistent with the existing framework of its
                                                               Ireland’s corporation tax regime is focused on
corporation tax regime.
                                                               providing certainty of taxation for taxpayers whilst
We believe that this can also be done in a manner              remaining in line with international best practice
that future proofs Ireland’s regime when we look               and meeting its obligations under EU law.
ahead to the potential interaction of ATAD
                                                               Given the complexity associated with
measures with future changes to Ireland’s transfer
                                                               implementation of ATAD measures and the
pricing regime as well as the possibility of moving
                                                               relatively short timeframe for adoption, we urge that
to a more territorial regime.
                                                               policy makers and Revenue work closely with
In framing our suggestions for adoption of the                 industry and tax practitioners in implementing the
ATAD measures, we have assumed that Ireland                    measures. This should include consultations based
will adopt changes that we have suggested in our               on draft legislative measures. By testing the
response in Section 2 of this document on transfer             operation of draft legislative measures against
pricing matters and will also move to adopt an                 outcomes across a range of business sectors
exemption regime for foreign branch profits and                which operate in Ireland, businesses and Revenue
certain foreign dividends (discussed in Section 3).            alike can be confident that the measures, when
                                                               implemented, will fit within Ireland’s tax regime in a
In order to test if the suggested policy and technical
                                                               manner that is understood and provides certainty of
choices in adopting ATAD measures represent a
best fit for Ireland’s existing system, we have
sought to identify to commonalities between the                We have anticipated that, at a future date, Ireland
principles underlying ATAD measures and the                    will also move to adopt a further ATAD measure
policy principles which form part of the framework             which is a general interest limitation rule. Where
of Ireland’s regime.                                           relevant, we have considered how adoption of
                                                               other ATAD measures could potentially impact the
One of the most important of these principles is
                                                               future adoption of an interest limitation rule and
that Ireland only seeks to tax profits which are
                                                               have included comments in the relevant part of our
attributable to activities carried on in Ireland except
in circumstances where profits have been artificially

SECTION 1:   Anti-BEPS MEASURES CONTAINED IN ATAD                                   Consultation on Coffey Review
             Question 1: General Anti-Abuse Rule

Question 1: Matters to consider on implementation of a General
Anti-Abuse Rule (GAAR)

   Overview
    of GAAR
             of suggested approach to implementation

 The approach and design of Ireland’s General Anti-Avoidance Regime (GAAR) at section 811C, Taxes
 Consolidation Act 1997 (TCA 1997) is aligned in a number of ways with the GAAR which is set out at
 Article 6 of ATAD. It requires some changes to align it more perfectly.

 Under ATAD, GAAR is focused on counteracting the abuse of corporate income tax measures.
 Ireland’s GAAR covers a range of taxes beyond corporation tax including income tax, capital
 acquisitions tax, stamp duty, and more.

 At recital 11 to the Directive, it is stated that ‘Within the Union, GAAR should be applied to
 arrangements that are not genuine; otherwise the taxpayer should have the right to choose the most
 tax efficient structure for its commercial affairs.’

 In order to more perfectly align the Irish GAAR with the minimum standard which is set out in the
 recital to the Directive and the framework for GAAR set out in Article 6, we suggest the following
 changes should be made to section 811C:

      Delete subparagraph (II) of subsection (2)(b)(i) which provides that a taxpayer must meet both a
      tax avoidance test and a business test. This is because ATAD GAAR provides that GAAR does
      not apply if a taxpayer meets the genuine arrangements test (i.e. even if there is a tax avoidance

      Revise the application of the “business” exception test at subsection (2)(b)(i)(I) so that the test
      does not require that activities be carried on with a view to realising a profit,

      Revise the definition of “business” at subsection (1)(a) so that it is not limited to any trade,
      profession or vocation but includes other business activities.

      Make expressly clear that the reference to double taxation relief which is set out in subsection
      (4)(d) includes relief, if applicable, for foreign taxes.

SECTION 1:   Anti-BEPS MEASURES CONTAINED IN ATAD                                    Consultation on Coffey Review
             Question 1: General Anti-Abuse Rule

Detailed overview of GAAR
In the table below, we have set out a high level overview of the features of the ATAD GAAR regime which
are described both in the recitals to the Directive and in Article 6. We have compared these with the
features of the Irish regime which are set out under section 811C, TCA 1997.

 of Irish  Features of ATAD GAAR regime
                  GAAR has a function to fill in gaps which should not affect the applicability of
                 specific anti-abuse rules.
                  This is how Irish GAAR has been applied.

                  Taxpayer has the right to choose the most tax efficient structure for its commercial
                 This is set out in recitals to the Directive. This principle is well established and
                  applied under Irish case law.

                  GAAR applies to transactions with domestic, EU and third country counterparties in
                  a uniform manner. The application of GAAR in a domestic and cross border context
                 does not differ.
                  The Irish provisions apply to the Irish tax consequences of arrangements with Irish
                  and non-Irish counterparties.

                 Penalties can apply under GAAR.

                  ATAD GAAR is confined to corporate income tax.
                 Section 811C applies to a broad range of Irish taxes including corporation tax.

                  Application of genuine economic arrangement test to all business activities
                  (including potentially financial activities). If the taxpayer satisfies the genuine
                  economic test, GAAR does not apply.
                  The scope of the genuine economic arrangement test is framed as a business
                  exception test under Irish GAAR and requires both that a business related test is
                  satisfied and that the purpose of the transaction was not to give rise to a tax
                  advantage. The scope of business activities is limited only to those activities that
                  are undertaken with a view to realising a profit and which are considered to be in
                  the nature of a trade, profession or vocation for Irish tax purposes.
     ?/X          ATAD GAAR applies only where both of the following apply:
                  ■ there is an arrangement or series of arrangements which have been put into
                    place for the main purpose or one of the main purposes of obtaining a tax
                    advantage that defeats the object or purpose of the applicable tax law, and
                  ■ they are not genuine having regard to all relevant facts and circumstances in
                    that they are not put into place for valid commercial reasons which reflect
                    economic reality.
                  This means that under ATAD GAAR will not apply where the taxpayer meets the
                  genuine economic arrangements test.

SECTION 1:   Anti-BEPS MEASURES CONTAINED IN ATAD                                  Consultation on Coffey Review
             Question 1: General Anti-Abuse Rule

 of Irish  Features of ATAD GAAR regime
                  Under section 811C, Irish GAAR may not apply if both tests set out under
                  subparagraphs (2)(b)(i)(I) and (II) are met.
                  Subparagraph (I) requires that the transaction “was undertaken …with a view to the
                  realisation of profits in the course of the business activities of a business carried on
                  by the person.”
                  Business for this purpose is defined at subsection 1(a) to mean “any trade,
                  profession or vocation” which includes a subset only of the broader range of
                  potential business activities.
                  The application of the business test appears not to be aligned with the framework
                  for ATAD GAAR in two respects. The first is to require a profit realisation motive
                  and the second is to confine the definition of business to a subset only of business
                  The second test under subparagraph (II) further requires that the transaction “was
                  not undertaken primarily to give rise to a tax advantage”.
                  ATAD is clear in not requiring a taxpayer to meet an additional tax avoidance
                  purpose test where there are genuine arrangements that are in place for valid
                  commercial reasons which reflect economic reality.

                  A tax advantage under GAAR is one that defeats the object or purpose of the
                  applicable tax law.

                 A tax advantage under section 811C is very widely defined but an exception is
                  provided (at subsection (2)(b)(ii)) to disapply section 811C where the transaction
                  did not result directly or indirectly in a misuse of the provision or an abuse of the
                  provision having regard to the purposes for which it was provided.

                  Affords reliefs from double tax where relevant.
                  Subsection (4)(d) of section 811C provides for relief from double taxation. All other

                  references in section 811C are to taxes administered by the Irish Revenue.
                  It would be welcome to have clarity that the reference to relief from double taxation
                  could also include double taxation arising by reason of the imposition of foreign and
                  Irish taxes to the same item.

                  The in scope transaction is ignored and re-characterised for domestic tax
                 This is the consequence for the relevant Irish taxes where a transactions falls
                  within the scope of section 811C.

SECTION 1:     Anti-BEPS MEASURES CONTAINED IN ATAD                                                  Consultation on Coffey Review
               Question 1: General Anti-Abuse Rule

As can be seen from the comparative overview of                       tax advantage. Unlike ATAD, it is not sufficient that
the key features of Irish GAAR and the GAAR                           the taxpayer has met the genuine arrangements (or
framework set out in recitals to ATAD and in Article                  business exception) test.
6 of the Directive, many aspects of Ireland’s regime
                                                                      We suggest that subparagraph (II) should be
are aligned with the framework of the regime set
                                                                      deleted in order to meet the Directive’s
down in the Directive. This is with the exception of
                                                                      requirements for a GAAR that applies a consistent
areas which are identified above and which are
                                                                      standard EU-wide and that is also aligned with EU
discussed further below.
                                                                      case law precedents.
a. ATAD GAAR does not apply to genuine
                                                                      b. Aligning the ATAD genuine arrangements
                                                                         test with section 811C business exception
The framework for GAAR as set out in the Directive                       test
involves the imposition of a two part test to each
                                                                      The business exception test that is set out at
transaction. This is that there is a motive to avoid
                                                                      subparagraph (I) is the formulation adopted in Irish
tax and, further, that there are not genuine
                                                                      law of the genuine arrangements test set out in the
arrangements which are defined by reference to a
                                                                      Directive. It provides that the economic reality
requirement for sufficient economic reality to be
                                                                      exception which is described at Article 6(2) is
associated with the transaction. Where the genuine
                                                                      available under section 811C in relation to
arrangements test is satisfied, the Directive
                                                                      transactions effected with a view to realising profits
provides that GAAR should not apply.
                                                                      in the course of business activities in the nature of
It is clear from the wording in recital 11 to the                     a trade, vocation or profession. We suggest that
Directive that this formulation for GAAR is to apply                  the operation of this exception could be more
throughout the EU i.e. in a consistent manner EU-                     perfectly aligned with the Directive where the profit
wide. Recital 11 states that ‘Within the Union,                       making motive is deleted and the definition of
GAAR should be applied to arrangements that are                       business is extended to include other business
not genuine; otherwise the taxpayer should have                       activities.
the right to choose the most tax efficient structure
                                                                      This might be done as follows:
for its commercial affairs.’
                                                                      ■ By deleting the words “with a view to the
This formulation of the GAAR test is broadly
                                                                        realisation of profits” from subparagraph
consistent with case law from decisions of the
                                                                        (2)(b)(i)(I) to read as follows “was undertaken
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) 2
                                                                        …with a view to the realisation of profits in the
which has established the standard for the
                                                                        course of the business activities of a business
application of anti-abuse measures as one which
                                                                        carried on by the person.”
requires “a wholly artificial arrangement which does
not reflect economic reality”.                                        ■ By reframing the definition of “business” at
                                                                        subsection (1)(a) to read as follows: “business
The genuine arrangements test in the Directive is
                                                                        activities which include but are not limited to
framed as a business exception test in Irish
                                                                        a trade, profession or vocation”.
legislation. It is set out in in two parts in subsection
(2)(b)(i)(I) and (II) of section 811C. Unlike the                     This broadening of scope of the definition of
framework for GAAR under the Directive, the                           business appears to be better aligned with the test
second part of the test in Irish law which is set out                 in ATAD but also with the meaning of economic
at subparagraph (II) requires the taxpayer also to                    activities that has been considered by the CJEU in
meet a motive test of the transaction not being                       recent findings of the court on review of anti-abuse
undertaken or arranged primarily to give rise to a                    measures in the domestic law of Member States3.

  The leading case which established this principle is Cadbury        related to the requirement that the company was engaged in
Schweppes case, C-196/04. This principle has been endorsed            defined economic activities). The manner of definition of the
by the CJEU in more recent cases in which it has considered           economic activities under German law was found not be aligned
the application of various domestic anti-abuse measures by            with the EU principle that anti-abuse measures could apply in
Member States. See later footnotes for further details.               the case of a wholly artificial arrangement which does not reflect
                                                                      economic reality. At para 73 (referenced in para 97), the CJEU
  In the 20 December 2017 decision in the joined cases of             found “The fact that the economic activity of a non-resident
Deister Holding (C-504/16) and Juhler Holding (C-613/16), the         parent company consists in the management of its subsidiaries’
CJEU reviewed anti-abuse measures in German domestic law              assets or that the income of the company results only from such
which sought to deny relief from dividend withholding tax on          management cannot per se indicate the existence of a wholly
dividends paid by German resident companies unless the non-           artificial arrangement which does not reflect economic reality”.
resident parent company met a number of tests (one of which

SECTION 1:     Anti-BEPS MEASURES CONTAINED IN ATAD                                                 Consultation on Coffey Review
               Question 1: General Anti-Abuse Rule

c. Clarifying operation of double taxation relief                     We foresee that one area of EU jurisprudence that
   for non-Irish taxes where GAAR applies                             is likely to evolve in future is the question of the
                                                                      interaction of domestic GAAR provisions and the
Finally, in order that it is clear that Irish GAAR can
                                                                      double tax treaty obligations of Member States.
operate equally in a domestic as well as a cross
                                                                      This international aspect of the application of
border scenario4 (e.g. involving EU or third country
                                                                      GAAR is relevant to GAAR as it operates in the
counterparties), it would be useful to expressly
                                                                      context of ATAD which focuses on international
confirm that the reference to double taxation in
                                                                      aspects of corporate income tax regimes. We
subsection (4)(d) of section 811C includes double
                                                                      recommend that Ireland’s tax policy makers
taxation which might arise by reason of the
                                                                      continue to monitor the development of EU
imposition of both foreign and Irish tax to the same
                                                                      jurisprudence on the application of general anti-
                                                                      abuse measures, both as it relates to the
We suggest that this refinement is particularly                       application of GAAR but also as it potentially
important in the context of Ireland’s requirement to                  affects Ireland’s tax treaty policy.
respect freedoms available under the Treaty for the
Functioning of the European Union in the
implementation of any measures under a directive                      Implementation risks
including GAAR5. It is clear from this evolving line
                                                                      We have summarised in the table below possible
of EU case law, that domestic anti-abuse measures
                                                                      implementation risks that could arise when seeking
(including affording relief from double taxation)
                                                                      to meet the minimum standard under ATAD for a
should be applied in an equivalent manner to
                                                                      GAAR that should apply EU-wide on a consistent
comparable transactions with resident and non-
                                                                      basis to target abuse of corporate income tax
resident counterparties.
Related matters                                                       In the following table, we have described possible
Subject to the suggested changes outlined above,                      consequences arising from the identified
we consider that the interpretation of Ireland’s                      implementation risks and how the risks have been
GAAR can continue to evolve based on precedents                       addressed by our suggested implementation
that can emerge from judgments handed down by                         approach.
the Irish courts as well as by the CJEU.

 Recital 11 to the Directive provides that ‘It is furthermore         of dividend withholding tax to dividends paid to certain non-
important to ensure that GAARs apply in domestic situations,          residents) was found to be higher for certain non-resident
within the Union and vis-à-vis third countries in a uniform           shareholders than for domestic recipients of dividends. This
manner, so that their scope and results of application in             difference in approach in the application of domestic anti-abuse
domestic and cross-border situations do not differ’.                  measures under German and French law was found to
                                                                      represent a barrier to the freedom of establishment. It is clear
  In the joined cases of Deister Holding (C-504/16) and Juhler        from this evolving line of EU case law that domestic anti-abuse
Holding (C-613/16) (German cases) and in the Eqiom and Enka           measures should be applied in an equivalent manner to
case (C-6/16) (a French case), the CJEU found that anti-abuse         comparable transactions with resident and non-resident
measures in domestic law in Germany and France respectively           counterparties.
were in breach of EU freedoms. The cases dealt with measures
which related to the payment of dividends by resident
companies to non-resident companies. The burden of proof for
the German or French taxpayer (related to the non-application

SECTION 1:     Anti-BEPS MEASURES CONTAINED IN ATAD                                            Consultation on Coffey Review
               Question 1: General Anti-Abuse Rule

    Implementation risk                   Consequence                              Addressing risk

    Not perfectly aligned with            Uncertainty for taxpayers and            Deleting the second part of the
    ATAD regime.                          Revenue alike in the                     business exception test in Irish law
                                          application of domestic GAAR             which requires a taxpayer with genuine
                                          measures if the ATAD GAAR                arrangements to also satisfy a primary
                                          framework and evolving EU                purpose tax advantage motive test
                                          case law precedents on the               which does not apply under ATAD
                                          application of GAAR in an EU             GAAR.
                                          context are based on
                                                                                   Clarifying that the genuine economic
                                          measures which diverge from
                                                                                   arrangements test can apply to
                                          the domestic framework6.
                                                                                   business activities other than those
                                                                                   undertaken with a profit motive and is
                                                                                   not limited to activities in the course of
                                                                                   the conduct of a trade, profession or
                                                                                   Clarifying that double tax relief is also
                                                                                   available, where applicable, for double
                                                                                   taxes arising by reason of double
                                                                                   taxation from the application of Irish
                                                                                   and foreign taxes to the same item.

    Not perfectly aligned with            Risk of legal challenge to               Proposing the adjustments outlined
    ATAD.                                 existing cases which are being           above should not affect the scope of
                                          litigated through the courts             existing cases which are in the process
                                          under notices of opinion raised          of being litigated through the courts
                                          under section 811C (and its              under section 811C (or the former
                                          pre-cursor, section 811).                version of Irish GAAR under section
                                                                                   811) as they should apply with
                                                                                   prospective effect.

 “Measures taken by the Member States for the prevention of fraud and abuse must be appropriate for attaining that objective and
must not go beyond what is necessary to attain it” (para 56, decision dated 20 December 2017 of the CJEU in the joined cases of
Deister Holding (C-504/16) and Juhler Holdings (C-613/16) which concerned German anti-abuse measures related to withholding tax
on dividends and its application in the context of the EU Parent Subsidiary Directive (90/435/EEC).

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