Constituent power and constitution-making process in Brazil: concepts, themes, problems
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Constituent power and constitution-making process in Brazil: concepts, themes, problems cristiano paixão, massimo meccarelli Introduction the crisis serves to “put the action into the future” (“infuturazione dell’azione”)4, Studies on constitutional law have often after the collapse of dictatorships and elected constituent dynamics1 as a the Second World War, it was a matter of privileged object of analysis. However, focusing on constituent processes and on current political dilemmas stimulate this the democratic perspective, as a way of interest in a new way. The recurrence of definitively overcoming the inadequacies of the state of “crisis” seems to afflict the the regime of the rule of law experienced in expansive trajectory of the constitutional the liberal age. The idea of writing a history State2 and, with it, of the democratic of the emergence (and performativity) of ideas, concepts and devices, one centered regimes. In such a context, if we wish to around the novelty of the democratic avoid a retrotopic view3, the questions that constitution (think of concepts such as we can address to history can no longer be fundamental rights, human rights, social about the performative potential of ideas, rights, constituent power, citizenship, concepts and devices, or rather, they can equality, political party, etc.) was related no longer be used to narrate a history of to the new constitutional framework and to the emergence of ideas, or even merely to an attempt to obtain a critical point of view propose a genealogy of such ideas. of reality and contribute to opening up new This approach to the heuristics of horizons for law. history has certainly offered a solid basis Today, however, the problem of for several historiographic and theoretical “putting” the crisis into the future itineraries in the past few decades. If it concerns precisely those new frameworks is true – as Flavio Lopez de Oñate had of constitutional States that have marked already highlighted – that the study of history since the end of the Second World giornale di storia costituzionale / journal of constitutional history 40 / II 2020, pp. 29-54 issn 1593-0793 / isbn 978-88-6056-673-7 / © eum 2020 29
Intersezioni War (in Europe) and after the end of the takes into account the positioning that we last period of dictatorships (in South are suggesting. America). In order to maintain a critical viewpoint – and to maintain the problems that the constitutional State has managed to take care of at the center – it would seem For a phenomenology of the constitution- convenient to try a different approach and making process: a tentative assessment to update the questions that we can address to history. Constitutions have various functions and Instead of performativity, those are used in different ways by political and questions should look at the original limits social actors. We could say, however, that of the ideas of concepts and devices, they they represent an important instrument of should clarify their bonds of theoretical separation – and subsequent connection – sustainability (or even, we could say, their between law and politics. On the one hand, functional assumptions)5, after which they condense the fundamental political those ideas, those concepts, those devices, options of a given community in a single cease to fulfil, guarantee, their expected document. On the other, they assume the functions. In this way, history would be role of the supreme norm of the legal system. able to highlight these constitutive limits Precisely because of these characteris- and thus, with this, to contribute to an tics, constitutions are not produced rou- understanding of the perspectives of tinely or even periodically. They have a cer- meanings within our conceptual arsenal, in tain uniqueness, which also manifests itself order to face the current problems. in the political and social processes that How would it be possible to write a will have marked their elaboration. Some constitutional history, one able to offer authors, such as Bruce Ackerman6, speak a reconstructive outlook of this kind? of “constitutional moments”. Although the This article starts from this fundamental expression “moment”, as we will explain, problem. Our aim is to point out some may not be entirely appropriate for our paths and potential for investigations. It problem – since political processes have is an initial presentation of ideas, which several temporalities, phases and, also, means that the following reflections will “moments” – what should be highlighted be rethought, re-read, in the light of the here is the singularity of the process itself. development of tangible research and of We seek to emphasize that the process critical observations. We intend to indicate of drafting a constitutional text involves the traces to be followed up by researchers in expansion of any available options, if we the field in general. At the end of the article, compare it with ordinary legislative activity. we will point out some elements that could A constituent assembly – a political body be examined in greater depth in specific that may have very different origins and investigations of Brazilian constitutional composition – is not limited by procedures history. We will start, however, by exploring established in the constitutional order that the possibility of an approach to the study it is intended to overcome; above all, that of the constitution-making process that same political situation which gave rise 30
Paixão, Meccarelli to the convocation and the functioning of itself. By this, we mean that the law is the assembly allows the political actors, in intrinsically marked by time. charge of writing the new constitutional The impact of time on the constituent text, to have greater freedom in structuring process is also evident from a different the connection between law and politics. point of view. In fact, law can imply time In some cases, this unique political situation also as a device for its own attributions may even be an instrument of pressure of meaning. Seen from this angle, time for constitutional innovation. Political is internal to the legal dimension. It acts processes involving regime changes are as a factor that tends to determine the particularly significant – such as the law and the dynamics of its development, constituent process that took place in South placing the legal problem in a context Africa after apartheid, or the drafting of the of other problems that characterize that new Constitution in Brazil after the end of temporality. military rule. It is a question of ascriptive time, i.e. Another aspect that must be considered time that affects the content that the law as- concerns the temporal dimension. By sumes7. It express attributive force, repre- definition, law is a system that continuously sents a special temporal condition, thus af- articulates past, present and future. fecting the law’s regime either of permanence As a textual phenomenon, modern law or of impermanence. thrives in a context of interpretation. As for the first type, let us think of Doctrinal reflections on legal rules and the custom, abrogation and constituent power; collections of precedents (in similar cases these are all legal configurations at the or not) make up a powerful backdrop to heart of constituent processes; they make which the interpreter seeks to refer. But, time an element of their own content and as is well known, interpreting norms is not use it to attribute foundation and stability an operation that focuses essentially on the (therefore, permanence) to the norms. As past. Legal norms are used in processes for the second type (the time that ties the that involve conflicts, dilemmas and law to a condition of impermanence) we demands. And these processes always give think of temporal configurations such as rise to decisions taken in the present, for transition, crisis or emergency. Insofar as they situations that presentify themselves. There indicate and determine a temporary state of is also a forward-looking element in this law, they act as factors that bring legitimacy context of interpretation: decision-making to it. Both of these forms of attributive time bodies (judges, administrative authorities, are relevant for our problem. private entities) are aware of the historicity Later on, we will return to this specific of decisions, aware of the fact that a certain point. Here, however, we would like to change in the orientation of the institution highlight that the comprehension of that decides may denote a given direction attributive time differs from that of the for the future. The selection of cases that constitutional moment. This latter tends to will be decided by a Supreme Court or a concentrate on the special importance of Constitutional Court in a given year, is part a historical moment (that comes into the of a certain “agenda” within the institution light as a particular temporal condition) in 31
Intersezioni relation to the progress and the outcomes or even to impose an authoritarian regime, of the constituent process; on the other in all cases there will be choices, decisions, hand, ascriptive time, draws attention the affirmation of a new order. to the complex matrix from which the Alongside the importance of the constitution-making process has taken temporal factor, another element that shape. characterizes the mise en forme of the Alongside presentification and attributiv- constitution must also be considered: the ity, there is a third aspect in which the tem- resilience of old frameworks and resistance poral dimension highlights its relevance in to the constitution-making process itself. the making of the Constitution: the disconti- Here, we are referring to a complexity nuity. This can be found in the development that is barely perceptible if we restrict of the work of a political body that claims to our attention to the strictly constituent embody the original constituent power. Con- moment, but that is decisive from the point stituent processes are often related to de- of view of historical analysis. mands for transformation. In many types Despite its centrality – which must be of transformations, not only in the classic considered even after the “normalization” examples of revolution, such as those in of the constituent activity, when the new the United States of America and France, text comes into force – the process of one can speak of movements for the resto- preparing a constitution is no more than an ration of a regime8 or, even of the negoti- important part of the material available for ated transition between actors of a closing investigation. The “other side of the coin” political regime and the future members of must be taken into consideration, namely, a new political panorama in a given com- the de-constituent pressures that may arise munity9. There are also acts committed by during the period in which a constitutional authoritarian regimes, which seek and seize text is in force12. The combination of political any opportunity to imbue their domination agendas at the domestic and international with the appearance of legality (which may levels may mean, at times, a slowdown in include the element of constitutionality)10. the implementation of a new constitution; Under all these circumstances – very dif- this may occur through reforms required ferent from one another and usually found by partners at the international level, coordinated, in some manner or another, by situations of “white intervention” by in various episodes of history – there is one supranational organizations or even stem element all have in common: discontinuity from the transformation of the global in relation to the immediate past. Whether to economic panorama13. establish a new order from a clear rupture Another observation seems necessary: with the past regime, or to proceed with a constituent power can arise gradually, in restoration (which is nothing less than the a non-planned way, or even during the recovery of a distant past regarding to a near regular activity of a political or legislative past), or to negotiate the terms of an agree- body that did not originally have a ment (which will involve a dispute over the mandate to draft a constitutional text. past, that is, over what will remain in the The two classic examples derive from “present of things future” of that past11), the first two manifestations of original 32
Paixão, Meccarelli Artists protesting against the military dictatorship, February 1968 constituent power. In the United States a constitution. It was a typical organ of after Independence just as in Revolutionary the Ancien Régime, with stratification France, two entities that had already been inherent to its own configuration. As is well previously foreseen are convened and known, the Third State, when declaring began to function. Throughout the process, itself autonomous, decided to become a political transformations took place and constituent assembly14. these same political bodies declared It is essential to emphasize that there themselves constituent assemblies. The is no constitution created ex nihilo. Even a Philadelphia Convention was convened, hypothetical “original constitution” cannot as we know, to amend the Articles of avoid being inserted in time. The authors Confederation, a constitutional document of the first modern constitutions – in the that had been in force in the United United States in 1787 and in France in States since 1777. In France, the General 179115 – had to deal with two constellations States were called by the monarch in a of past experiences. The first was composed context of political and economic crisis, of several legal and political documents without, initially any intention of drafting that already existed when the texts were 33
Intersezioni drafted: in the case of the United States, the by the community, and which cannot be Declaration of Independence, the Articles explained (or contained) by the regular of Confederation and the various state functioning of the institutions, such as constitutions; in the French case, there parliament, or the courts. In contrast, there already were the Déclaration des droits de is the usual operation of institutions, as l’Homme et du Citoyen and the legal norms in provided for in modern constitutionalism: force both before and immediately after the laws approved by the competent bodies, revolutionary process had broken out. The legal actions analyzed by the courts and, in second condensation of past events involves this situation, the population is mobilized the relationship with the pre-existing to a far lesser degree. By dealing with this regime regarding the aforementioned polarity between “politics in exceptional constitutions. The United States was a moments” and “politics in normal moments”, nation that had won its independence from Ackerman manages to show that, in the Britain. Revolutionary France had had, in political history of the United States there its past, a dense political history marked were situations of the first type, such as by the Ancien Régime, with its inequalities, when the Constitution of 1787 was drafted, its distinctions of status and its vestiges of the period of reconstruction after the feudalism. Civil War and, in the twentieth century, This seemingly obvious observation the implementation of the New Deal, all – that every constitution is a historical moments of greater mobilization and artifact – also serves as a warning to participation of citizens in choosing the constitutional history: that one should political direction of the community. neither start from a radical separation This distinction has been incorporated between the moments of elaboration of the into constitutional theory and has given rise constitution (when the original constituent to a great deal of critical debate, which is power comes into play) nor from situations still in full swing17. Its use, however, should of ordinary validity of constitutional texts not be seen as natural, as if the contrast (a circumstance in which only the derived were present at all times and in all places constituent is present). Although the and were always operative for constitutional distinction deserves to be maintained, it is history. That is because the distinction can fundamental that the gap between the two transmit a certain nuance. It is possible – activities does not widen too far. and does occur in some historical contexts In the aforementioned volume by – that certain constitutional changes take Bruce Ackerman16, that soon became very place without the presence of the original influential in constitutional theory, the constituent power or even without the broad author sought to establish two modalities mobilization of citizenship. Government of relationship between politics and law, policies, for example, can induce thus creating a persuasive explanation for constitutional transformations. American constitutional history. According Moreover, the twentieth century wit- to Ackerman, there are moments of nessed several manifestations of a certain broader mobilization of the population in authoritarian constitutionalism – regimes general, in which central issues are decided that sought to establish the constitution- 34
Paixão, Meccarelli al bases of their own will. In these cases, and the complexity of the registers that there is the mobilization of a power appara- characterize it. For the post-modern tus against active citizenship. There are no observer, the heuristics of the constituent “extraordinary politics”, except in its worst process, rather than from the unilinear aspects: the blatant use of the exception as a trajectory that links it to the result (the mode of constitutional construction. constituted constitutional system), seem On the other hand, situations of intense to emerge from the different tensions that mobilization of the population may occur, intersect it, from its dispersive multi- with an increase in popular participation directionality and, from its essentially and in the occupation of spaces in the conjunctural value. public sphere, but which are not followed So, for historical discourse it is a ques- by constitutional innovation. This occurs tion of achieving an analytical approach when the constitution operates as a kind of able to articulate and deconstruct the rele- barrier, hindering the reform, or revision, vance of the constitution-making process. of its own terms, by means of more elaborate Here, we can try a first approach to the and complex procedures being adopted for problem by rethinking the questions about altering the text (such as the requirement its “how” and its “what”. of supermajorities for the approval of With regard to the first point (the “how” amendments). In these circumstances, there will be mobilization, demands and of the constitution-making process) we participation, but the institutional response propose considering the juxtaposition will not materialize. between the terms constitutive / constituent. With “constitutive” we intend to identify the constitutional dynamics that have effectively contributed to producing the constitutional order as a normative fact; Constituent and Constitutive Dynamics in the constitution-making process they may have produced it either as a whole, or, in some of its aspects. These dynamics are both top-down or bottom-up, they can On the basis of the observations made so far, it is clear that the interest of constitutional be multiple, simultaneous, asynchronous history in the constitution-making process and competitive, and above all express stems from the complexity of the analytical conjunctural potential. Think, for example, levels that such a topic encompasses. This of the concession of a Constitutional Charter, is all the more relevant if, as we observed the enactment of a law of constitutional at the beginning, the problem today is that importance, a decision of a Constitutional of promoting a historiographical discourse Court that changes a constitutional rule, a capable of preserving the quality of a critical transitional discipline, a revolutionary act knowledge. For example, above and beyond or a coup d’état, that de facto establish a new their relevant moments, the constitution- constitutional order (the first finalizing the making process seems to be of interest for exercise of a constituent power, the second the ascriptive times that mark its passage, imposing, through the use of force, a new thus revealing the internal contradictions constitutional framework). 35
Intersezioni On the other hand, with the term for example, or even the term “factor”, “constituent” we mean the potential of or “situation” seem more suitable when the dynamics, the social and political searching for the constitutive/constituent facts that intend (or claim) to contribute differential referred to above. Likewise, to the production of a constitution. These this function could be performed by are essentially bottom-up dynamics, the spatial concepts such as “field of action”, bearers of a programmatic projection. “place of occurrence”, “localization”, Think of the establishment, and the work, “spatialization”, etc. terms that a recent of a constituent assembly, of a mass strike, historiography has used to explain the of the dynamics of social cohesion favored complex phenomena of the construction of by the exercise of transitional justice. national legal identities and State building Constitutive and constituent dynamics, dynamics in particular with reference to thus defined, stand out as distinct concepts Latin America18. at the theoretical level. From a historical It is time, then, to address some point of view – and this is precisely what elements of Brazilian constitutional history, allows this juxtaposition to open up considering the observations proposed so original analytical perspectives – they can far. be combined (for example, when these constituent dynamics succeed in making the project that activated them come true) or contrasted (a constitutive dynamic that Paths of constitutional history in Brazil. serves to block or prevent a constituent Problems dynamic) or move on autonomous tracks (for example, when the constituent Brazil’s constitutional history is an authentic dynamics do not succeed or, when the laboratory of political and institutional constituent dynamics are implemented but experiences, given the diversity and intensity without expressing a constituent force). of the political disputes, social conflicts and As stated above, alongside the institutional solutions19 there. In the last question of the “how”, it is also good to 20 years some innovative research projects rethink the question of the “what” of the have begun to analyze, with originality, constitutional-making process. Here it the problems of constitutional law in the is a question of trying to overcome the Brazilian experience20. Let us look at some unilateral conception of the constituent significant facts in this complex history. process underlying categories, such as In less than two centuries, Brazil has constitutional moment, turn, stage, etc.; produced seven Constitutions. A significant it is a question of putting the foundational finding in Brazilian constitutional history significance of the processes observed into is the relationship between political change the background. The problem becomes, and constitutional construction. There in fact, that of prioritizing a semantic is a direct correspondence between the constellation capable of emphasizing the transformations of the political regime conjunctural scope of the constitutional- and the emergence of a constitution. As making process: the term “dynamic”, soon as Brazil became an independent 36
Paixão, Meccarelli nation, the Constitution of 1824 was of 1946 largely rescued the structure and drawn up, the choice being that of a institutional design of 1934. From the unitary state and a monarchical form21. 1950s onwards, Brazil entered a stage After the fall of the monarchy, and the of economic modernization and greater subsequent transformation of the regime industrialization, which took place amid into a republic, the Constitution of 1891 particularly intense political and social was promulgated22. this Constitution was conflicts. The impulse to modernize, and heavily influenced by the 1787 Constitution the conflicts, accelerated after 1961, with of the United States of America (with its widespread popular mobilization in the federalism, bicameralism, Supreme Court early 1960s. In 1964, however, a civil- with lifetime judges appointed by the military coup took place, the President of President of the Republic and approved the Republic was removed, and power was by the Senate). A Revolution broke out in usurped by the military (with the support of Brazil in November 1930 which changed sectors of the political class and the business the relationship between central power community). A considerable number of and local leaderships and marked the political actors seem to have presumed that beginning of a modernization project it would be just another of the occasional which remained within the framework military interventions (along the lines of of liberalism (combined with some those which had occurred in 1945, 1954 state intervention in the economy) and and 1955), and would be followed by the democracy. The Constitution of 1934, rapid return of power to civilians. However, drafted by a Constituent Assembly, was a as we know, this was not the case. The political and legal document that sought military ruled Brazil for 21 uninterrupted to confer durability and stability to this years. In that period, a new Constitution, new state organization. But the troubled that of 1967, was soon amended by the 1930s still saw the emergence of a new Amendment Act of 1969 and was imposed constitution. The democratic experience on the National Congress (already severely came to an end with the self-coup unleashed mutilated by the removal of many members by Getúlio Vargas with the support of of Parliament from office). Power was finally sectors of the military. On the same day returned to civilians through an intricate that the National Congress was declared process of political transition and re- closed, a Constitution was also granted. democratization. A Constituent Assembly Thus, on November 10, 1937, Brazil began was elected in 1986. The constituent work to be governed by a Constitution imposed on it lasted from February 1, 1987 to October by Vargas and, as one would expect, this 5, 1988, when the current Constitution was Constitution also stipulated the leading promulgated23. role of the Executive Power in the direction It Is clear how dense and multifaceted of the country’s modernization process. Brazilian constitutional history has In 1945, when the Vargas dictatorship been. There have been many constituent ended, a Constituent Assembly was processes, much alternation between elected. Representing a wide range of regimes, many situations of popular political orientations, the Constitution mobilization and, also, of repression by 37
Intersezioni authoritarian governments. Constitutive the 1990s, there were processes involving and constituent dynamics intertwine political transition all over Eastern within this complex history, composing Europe25 and in South Africa26, to cite but the fabric that determines the trends of two examples that have become emblematic, the constitution-making processes. Even and are still extensively researched today. the attributive force of time seems to stand After a few decades, it had become out clearly from those events. Therefore, evident that these transitions were an attempt at conjunctural approach to more complex than had previously been Brazilian constitutional history would seem thought. Mere observation, classifica- possible. In the following we would like tion and analysis of the different ways, in to propose three analytical perspectives which some states have made the transi- that seem to us, also in the light of recent tion from authoritarianism to democracy, historiographical contributions, to be able is by no means sufficient. In reality it is to open the field to a similar approach. clear that these transitions cannot sole- ly be understood as temporal operators, in the chronological sense of the term. Throughout an ongoing transition, deci- Transition and its historical significance sions are made, choises about the past are explicitly made and new social and political The concept of transition plays an configurations are formed. Such delibera- important part in Brazilian constitutional tions, such choices, may be projected into history, especially in cases of the changes later stages of the process of “passage” from in the connection between law and politics one regime to the other. They may shape the that occur when an old text is replaced by a new regime, delineate choices that will be- new constitution. Indeed, as this article will come available to political actors; in short, seek to demonstrate, the very concept of they may bind the future. transition itself will require revision. Thus, there is no one time of transition. Transition means a passage, a path of Rather, we could argue that there are several connection, between one stage and another. times produced during any transition. The field of “transitology” has emerged In Because of this complexity, we propose the political science, devoted to investigating category of “ascriptive times” as a tool for processes of change from dictatorships to observing transitional times, that is, the democracy, highlighting Latin American projection, for post-transitional times, of history in the second half of the Twentieth the effects of decisions made by political, Century, during which time authoritarian social and, also, institutional actors during regimes were replaced by democratic the transition processes. Such effects can governments24. Needless to say, these be seen not only by the repercussions, transitions occurred at different times in on the future, of resolutions made in the each country of the region, and they also present of such transitions. They may also had very diverse effects. Moreover, this be observed by the absence, that is, by the phenomenon is not restricted to the South voices, demands, manifestations of social American continent: for example, during groups which, although mobilized during 38
Paixão, Meccarelli the process of political transformation, list compiled by Schneider includes only had no impact, no voice, in the decisions political amnesties. If the total number of that led to the new regime27. Whenever amnesties granted is taken into account, transitions are triggered, the political and notably those associated with reviewing legal systems are affected differently. The the acts of removal of public officials or of duration of political time is different from workers on strike, the total will be substan- that of legal time. Transformations can tially higher. Indeed, in most constitutions be faster in politics, while institutional adopted in Brazil, amnesty was granted to structures can be resistant to change or political opponents (1934, 1946 and 1988) adapt to them only gradually. Therefore, it or at least the possibility was discussed dur- is of utmost importance to observe and take ing the work of drafting the document, as in note of what kinds of constitutional reforms the Legislative and Constituent Assembly of are required by transitional processes, as 182329. well as how some of the pre-transitional Interestingly, as constitutions came constitutional arrangements can persist and went one after the other, the dynamics under democratic regimes. of amnesty became more complex. As Some of the constitutions written shown by the accurate research undertaken during transitions were written on the by Raphael Peixoto de Paula Marques, basis of a political agreement or “pact.” To the effects of an attempt at a communist what extent do such political agreements revolution, which took place in 1935, are influence the content it was common still being felt today. This is why a legislative to intervene in trade union boards and decree of 1961 provided an amnesty for the to demand that the leaders comply with military who had committed themselves national security rules”. to the movement, even permitting them In some transitional cases, actors from to return to the armed forces. Following the fallen political regime gain political the 1964 coup, the then ruling military capital from influencing the constitutional resisted complying with the amnesty provisions. How, then, does such influence decree, until it was replaced by a more affect the transitional process per se, or the restrictive decree law in 1969 (which led democratic credentials, of the new regime? to several demands that ended up being As regards Brazilian Constitutional heard by the Federal Supreme Court). But history, which is distinguished by its in- when the 1988 Constitution came into tense processes of political transformation force, those affected by the 1969 decree when alternating between regimes, the law were also granted amnesty. That means study of transitions is crucial for research that the political amnesty established in in this field. One reason for such an inter- the 1988 Constitution reaches back to an est is the connection between transitions uprising in 193530. There are institutional and an instrument that is found in Brazil- consequences to it: the Amnesty ian political history: amnesty. In an exten- Commission set up to ensure enforcement sive investigation, Ann M. Schneider finds of the provisions of the Constitution 38 norms that granted amnesty in Brazil- continues to operate today, with around ian history between 1891 and 197928. The 9,000 applications still to be analyzed31. 39
Intersezioni And, as regards the current scenario, incompleteness and limitations of the the political transition that took place, Brazilian transition, which is characterized especially in the 1980s, remains a legal by conciliation, with no punishment for and political issue. On October 5, 2018, the acts committed by agents of the regime33. Constitution celebrated its 30th anniversary These brief notes highlight how the at a real crossroads between past, present time of transition is a decisive time crucial and future. for understanding the institutional history The major issue relating to the pre- of countries such as Brazil. A careful 1988 period has to do with the legacy of approach to studying the situations and the military regime. In its temporary constitutive factors in the constitution clauses (art. 8), the Constitution states making process, even if detached from that during the dictatorship “acts of constituent dynamics, still allows us to exception” were perpetrated, that is, it consider its relevance at a deeper level. clarifies that the fundamental elements of the rule of law were violated. Nevertheless, Brazilian courts have persistently ruled for the validity of an amnesty law enacted Uses of the exception in constitutional history – on the initiative of the regime – in 1979, which precludes the opening of criminal There is an element that we must emphasize proceedings to determine responsibility within Brazil’s extensive constitutional of the dictatorship’s agents who have history. Among the constituent assemblies perpetrated serious violations of jus cogens and constitutional documents that have of international law in human rights. In been imposed, as well as in both transitions the cases of the Araguaia guerrilla group and amnesties, one aspect seems to be and the murder of journalist Vladimir ever-present in the Brazilian experience: Herzog, the Inter-American Court for that of activating mechanisms of exception. Human Rights found that Brazil had failed This is a classic theme within the to provide an appropriate response to history and theory of the Constitution. a continuing violation of human rights. The use, the duration, the consequences Not even the enactment of the 1988 of the prescription of a situation of Constitution has been able to remove the exception are variables, but the debates authoritarian past32. have one important point in common: As is well known, since January 2019 the what are the limits that should be set for Brazilian federal government has been in those governments, that make use of such the hands of a political group that expressed resources? What kind of developments can its explicit endorsement of the acts of be achieved in connection with the rule of torture carried out during the military law? regime. Many authors involved in science It is well known that that was one and political philosophy have attempted of the main controversies that defined to assess the interplay of conditions that the Republic of Weimar. Article 48 of has led to such a state of things. One the Constitution enacted in 1919, which prevailing interpretation highlights the enabled the President of the Reich to 40
Paixão, Meccarelli suspend individual rights and guarantees, at the time. Its primary function was to was used in several situations, most often facilitate the repression of several social in the period before the Nazi Party34 forces that mobilized to vindicate their took power. More recently, the debate rights37. around “the exception” has returned But the collapse of the First Republic to the surface in the US reaction to the did not mean the end of the use of emer- September 11, 2001 attacks. How extensive gency measures. During the short time in is the prerogative of the President of the which the 1934 Constitution was in force United States, as commander-in-chief of (that was democratically drawn up by a the armed forces, to restrain the exercise constituent assembly specially elected of the rights of enemy combatants in the for this purpose38), the then President, campaign against Iraq and Afghanistan? Getúlio Vargas, after he had neutralized To what extent is it possible to appeal to the revolutionary movement that arose Courts to seek a ruling that would be a in 1935 (mentioned above), decided to restraint on presidential power? Since the create a National Security Court, clearly establishment of the Guantánamo prison an “exception” Court, where defendants’ camp, this latter issue has taken on a central rights were reduced39. A state of siege was role in US constitutional law. In successive also decreed. Interestingly, one expedi- decisions, the Supreme Court, after the ent also used by Vargas was to extend the division among the federal courts over the validity of the emergency measures: since extent of presidential prerogative, ended up the 1934 Constitution had been restrictive preventing several actions that were a real regarding the consequences of the decree exacerbation of the presidential functions, of the state of siege (given the abusive use such as the suspension of Habeas Corpus35. of the institute in the First Republic), Var- Now it is time to look at the issue of gas searched for another way to suspend exception in Brazilian constitutional the constitutional guarantees of the popu- history. lation. His government launched a consti- The 1891 Constitution, the first to be tutional reform that passed in a remarka- enacted after the Proclamation of the bly short time (11 days), with some serious Republic (which took place in 1889), procedural shortcomings, in order to allow had a long lifespan, as it survived until it the suspension of guarantees through the was replaced by the 1934 Constitution. decree of the state of war40. However, particularly during the First In the post-war period, the issue of the Republic period (which ended in 1930), state of siege again played a central role it was routine for the executive branch to in Brazilian history, mainly during two decree a state of siege. Of the ten politicians episodes of constitutional crisis. In the who were presidents of the Republic troubled 1950s, which were marked not only between 1891 and 1930, eight decreed a by the process of economic modernization, state of siege. Over the entire period of the but also by a succession of political crises, a First Republic (1889-1930), 2,365 days deadlock arose due to the attempt by sectors were passed in a state of siege36. Thus, the of the armed forces to prevent, in 1955, exception was almost a standard procedure the inauguration of Juscelino Kubitschek, 41
Intersezioni Parliamentary session that then established the 1988 Brazilian Constitution who had been elected president that year. was central in the process of undermining Within a few months, the National Congress his leadership role in the executive branch. decided to remove two interim presidents Five months later, the government was both of whom were close to the military overthrown by a coup42. sector. After the second impediment, After the fall of João Goulart, the the Acting President declared a state of military regime made extensive use of siege, which served as a justification for exception mechanisms, from the so-called the Supreme Court not to consider the “institutional acts”, repressive regulations motivation for one of the impediments that were unilaterally decreed, and were decided unilaterally by Congress41. In João neither submitted to the Congress, nor could Goulart’s government, political tensions be scrutinized by the judiciary. Seventeen resurfaced. It was a period of heightened institutional acts were issued between action by social movements (students, 1964 and 1969, the first of which, nine days workers, artistic class sectors) and, also, of after the coup d’état, imposed a series of political polarization, which mirrored the punishments on civilians and the military, Cold War context. In October 1963, after and removed several congressmen. The declarations by his political opponent, second act, in 1965, dissolved the existing Carlos Lacerda, who openly defended a political parties, creating bipartisanship, coup d’état, João Goulart manifested his and extinguished the process of popular willingness to decree a state of siege. But the election of the president of the Republic. political conditions were no longer there. The No. 5 Act, of 1968, ordered the closing Goulart backed down, however, the episode of the National Congress and inaugurated a 42
Paixão, Meccarelli violent cycle of persecution, torture, deaths The exception is an event that suspends the and forced disappearances43. rule, and precisely for this reason, imposes As the regime came to an end, another a mandatory change in considering the rule. mechanism of exception was activated. To What we are observing – to return to avoid the approval of a draft constitutional our issue, which consists of a problem amendment that would have provided of interpretation of historical events for the popular election of the President and experiences – leads us to consider of the Republic, the latest of the General the experience of the exception as an Presidents decreed “emergency measures” ascriptive time, even though different in the Federal District, re-introducing from the transition: rather than preparing censorship of the media, denying people proactive constraints that prejudice future access to the urban perimeter, and constitutional arrangements, the exception dissolving political meetings. The initiative contributes to determining the a priori from turned out to be decisive for Congress to which it is possible to elaborate a project for reject, in a first vote, the draft constitutional the future. In this sense, therefore, it can be amendment44. investigated in its value as a constitutive What is the overall significance of these factor in the constitution-making process. experiences for the constituent process? On the basis of modern legal culture, we are used to thinking of the exception in an exclusionary key, as something that does Mobilizing social actors: the right to strike not belong to the legal order and even less to its foundations45. The exception, in fact, One significant element – and a recurring represents an area in which the political feature in Brazilian constitutional history – dimension radically affirms its primacy is the emergence, in different contexts, over the legal sphere; this is true in the of movements to mobilize segments of case of the general category of the “state the population with a kind of constituent of exception”, whether it is declined to impulse, i.e., demands that point to social indicate a “state of the law” or an “empty inclusion and civic participation (by legal space”46. pressure groups or collective entities formed Philosophy, however, explains that at in an autonomous way). The organizational the phenomenological level, the exception forms and agendas for vindication are quite shows an evenemential character. It different; the task of the legal historian is constitutes an event which, insofar as it is to identify and analyze them, and then to a posteriori, escapes from the conceptual assess their importance within the broader a priori, and implies a re-stipulation of framework of Brazilian constitutional the a priori itself47. There is, therefore, history. a relationship between event and It is a question here of focusing hermeneutics, which allows us to discern on the dynamics we have defined as a normative significance in the exception, constituent, where the distinctive element that is, the consistency of a phenomenon is its constitutive potential rather than its which contributes to determine norms. actual effect, or Impact, on framing the 43
Intersezioni constitutional order. These moments that narrowly, arguing that it had not been we identify as constituent have their own regulated by law. Workers and unions, for specific relevance, particularly if we are their part, continued to mobilize and call interested in appreciating the conjunctural new strikes. During the period from 1961 background of a constitutional history, to 1964, exactly the time when activities since they carry a specific attributive force in the public sphere, and among social within the context of the constitution actors in the urban context, became more making process. This specificity is relevant intense, and, as mentioned above, there and important if one is to understand the was a significant increase in the number of values and functions of constitutional strikes occurring, including a large series of structures. political strikes50. One of the key elements of mobilization With the 1964 coup, the disruption is the use of strikes as a social practice. of the political process led, clearly, to a Throughout the Republican period, trade decrease in the numbers of work stoppages. unions and workers’ associations generated In fact, the regime, aware of the power of the mobilizations that assumed the form of a demands of strikes, issued a legal act shortly strike, and this inevitably led to repression after assuming power. The procedures by police and military forces. First of all, required, foreseen by the act, in order to we must emphasize the vitality of the strike initiate strikes were complex and slow; as a form of claim, even when there was no state control was permanent; and, there legal provision regulating the stoppage of were countless constraints on essential services in place. In the early days of the activities. Furthermore, the act introduced First Republic, the Criminal Code of 1890, various crimes against the organization of in its original version, included the strike as work, including “promoting, participating a crime committed against the organization in or inflating strikes or lock-outs in breach of work. Nevertheless, at the time of the of this act”. The penalty was imprisonment vacatio legis of the Code, a decree amended from six months to one year and a fine. the original drafting of the article and For a recidivism, the penalty was doubled. kept violence during a strike, as criminal Not by chance did the act become known conduct48. The right to strike, nonetheless, among workers, as an “anti-strike act”, was not ruled by any legal norm. However, as in practice it made it impossible for this did not prevent numerous strikes from virtually all kinds of stoppages to take place. being triggered, including a general strike To further restrict an already very strict in July 1917, which was widely adhered to in regime, the 1967 Constitution prohibited cities such as São Paulo, Campinas, Curitiba strikes in essential activities and public and Porto Alegre49. services. For its part, Decree-Law 314/1967 One interesting paradox emerged established that “Promoting a strike or between the 1940s and the mid-1960s. lock-out that leads to the paralysis of Brazilian courts, including the Federal public services or of essential activities, Supreme Court, began to interpret the with the purpose of coercion of any of the provision of the 1946 Constitution that Powers of the Republic” was a crime against established the right to strike more national security, which was punishable 44
Paixão, Meccarelli by two to six years of imprisonment51. universe of mobilization of workers. In There were strikes, in industrial towns 1979, 26 professional categories went on (Osasco and Contagem) in 1968, but these strike in 15 states52. In total, there were were violently repressed by the military 3,207,994 workers on strike. In 1980, the government. The trade unions, which had number of striking workers decreased to already been severely affected by arrests 664,700, which could be explained by a and persecutions, entered a period of near few factors: worsening of the economic cri- inactivity. This scenario would change, sis, increased unemployment, and, greater nevertheless, in the late 1970s. mobilization of the repressive structures53. After May 1978, workers from several The period between 1978 and 1980 is automotive enterprises unleashed a wave marked by the convergence of several agen- of strikes. These industries were located in das of social movements, and strikes played towns near São Paulo, in an area called the an important role in this context, which ABCD - Santo André, São Bernardo, São was, however, broader. Caetano and Diadema. This was an intense One of the key points of the ABCD and remarkable movement. The figures are strikes was the horizontal articulation impressive: in a nine-week period, from of the workers, i.e. mobilization, May 12 to July 13, 1978, 213 plants from nine independent and outside of the union cities were recorded as being on strike (as boards and, in some cases, contrary to well as the ABCD, there were shutdowns in the guidance of the labor hierarchy. This São Paulo, Osasco, Jandira, Taboão da Serra, led to an internal struggle in workes Cotia and Campinas). Overall, 245,935 representation; as well as fighting with workers went on strike. If we consider the the entrepreneurs, it was also essential 1978 data for all Brazil, the results are as to change the internal structures of follows: fourteen professional categories professional unions themselves. As a went on strike, in seven states and there result, the workers had to convince their were 539,037 workers on strike in that year. coworkers (in union assemblies and The 1979 and 1980s wage campaigns elections) that the leaders traditionally were also shaped by collective conflicts, associated with the government did not strikes, assemblies, repression, inter- represent them. In short, that they had to vention and the protagonism of workers. fight for internal democracy too. There were some differences between these The workers and, gradually, the more strikes and the spontaneity of those in 1978: combative unions as well as other social firstly, the strikes were prepared with more movements intensified the struggle careful, more strategically. Simultaneous- against the dictatorship. As stated by ly, the repression itself became more so- Maria Helena Moreira Alves, “1979 was a phisticated: it was common to intervene in decisive year for the opposition as a whole”. union boards and to demand that leaders During the most intense phase of the 1979 complied with national security rules and strikes, “a functional network of alliances norms. If one compares the 1979 and 1980 was established between the grassroots data with those already mentioned from organizations, the social movements linked 1978, one can observe an expansion of the to the Church (including the CEBs) and 45
Intersezioni the unions”54. We should also mention strike; rulings by the courts oscillated the work done by the Brazilian Committee wildly and still do so, as regards the extent for Amnesty, a group that emerged from and the scope of the right, in a dispute that the demands of relatives of opponents is still wide open58. to the military regime, who were exiled This reconstruction in which strikes take for reasons of political persecution, but place offers an important insight. When we whose return was considered to be crucial speak of social or political mobilizations, for the re-democratization of the country. we refer to very different phenomena: we And, finally, we can add the support of are thinking about political subjects, the intellectuals, liberal professionals and dynamics of their institutionalization, members from the political opposition, the social facts that have the tendency to and with this it will be possible to grasp the insert demands for legal protection into a breadth of social and political mobilizations wider programmatic framework; but the that accompanied and dialogued with phenomena of a more spontaneous nature the striking workers. With this whole are also important for our discourse, even dimension of the battle for citizenship, a though they are by no means part of a process phenomenon of “overflowing” the agenda of institutionalizing political dynamics or of workers and union entities is clear: the even when they are not part of a broader struggle for democracy and freedom was political program. As for our problem, which also at stake55. is to understand the conjunctural basis of the Not surprisingly, the right to strike constitution-making process, which would was given a special place in the 1988 seem to be very useful to throw more light on Constitution, in the realm of social rights. the complexity of the constituent dynamics; The 1987-88 constituent, for that matter, they are the bearers of a design impulse, but adopted an interesting approach. Article they can and must be rediscovered in all 9 of the Constitution acknowledges the their multi-directionality. right to strike, “ it being the competence of the workers to decide on the advisability of exercising it and on the interests to be defended thereby”56. This constitutional Concluding remarks: constitutional history, rule allows the workers themselves to transitions, and crisis decide on the extent of the action they want to trigger. In other words, the agenda, form, We have sought to demonstrate how moment and terms of the demands belong ascriptive temporal categories, which to the workers, who can also be understood contain both constituent and constitutive as “collective legal subjects”57. As one might dynamics, can be useful analytical tools for expect, such a semantic shift in the right to an in-depth reading of the constitution- strike under the 1988 Constitution would making process. This also allows us to not have been automatically assimilated develop a critical point of view regarding by the agencies in charge of resolving the present-day. collective conflicts. A repressive memory In the context of concrete experiences had been built up regarding the right to like those that have shaped Brazilian 46
Paixão, Meccarelli constitutional history, attributive temporal Even as the concluding lines of this article conditions has served to reveal a twofold were being drafted, massive street protests face. These temporal conditions are were taking place in two South American inextricably linked to the incandescence countries: Ecuador60 and Chile61. In of ongoing political processes, however, Bolivia62, on the other hand, there were they, contemporaneously, maintain their articulations between the armed forces own autonomy, in that they constitute a and the police that led to the resignation conditioning factor for the political process of the President of the Republic, which was itself. followed by huge street protests. In these It is essential to note, though, that le- three countries, measures of exception gal time is not the same as political time. have been adopted in an attempt to contain This is an evolutionary achievement of the the protests. In all of them there have been form of functional differentiation, which fatalities. is characteristic of modernity, and is re- From the second decade of the 21st cen- lated to the invention of the constitution as tury onwards, a series of threats to demo- a form. Obviously, there will be repercus- cratic constitutionalism is discernible un- sions in the law on changes and disruptions der the perspective of global history. Some in the political system, but such repercus- political discourses that have eventually sions will by no means be causal, immediate been given names such as “new populism”, or automatic. This will depend on various “sovereignisms” or “digital populism” mediations, and a major one is, precisely, arouse a degree of uncertainty for the fu- the constitution itself (and its autonomy ture of contemporary democracies. The under the law). This is, in fact, one of the emergence of anti-global extreme right prerequisites of modern democracy: keep- organizations, the massive use of technol- ing a minimum degree of separation be- ogies and social networks as influencing tween law and politics59. factors in elections and referenda and, in For this very reason, a political crisis some cases, the institutional transforma- does not necessarily mean a legal crisis. tion of some communities are elements When constructing constitutional history, that together call into question the frame- that is one point that must be considered. work of post-war democratic constitution- Certain political crises may acquire an alism. Examples of countries that are ex- institutional dimension that will affect the periencing these uncertainties to varying legal system. Others may be resolved within degrees, are: Hungary, Poland, Italy, the the political system itself. United Kingdom63. This same reasoning also applies Meanwhile, Brazil has been experiencing to constitutional history from a global a constitutional crisis since 2016, when an historical perspective. Crises may erupt impeachment process was initiated against to varying degrees, also, the relationship the then President of the Republic without between politics and law may differ any demonstration of the existence of a considerably from country to country. crime of responsibility64. Such a state of 2019 is a particularly troubled year in crisis intensified when in 2018 a candidate, the political context of South America. who expresses views that are fundamentally 47
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