CONSIDER THIS SA BANKS: NO CRISIS IN SIGHT - pages 16 and 46 - Prudential Investment Managers

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CONSIDER THIS SA BANKS: NO CRISIS IN SIGHT - pages 16 and 46 - Prudential Investment Managers
QUARTER 01 2021
                              Consistency is the only currency that matters.

                           SA BANKS:
                            NO CRISIS
                             IN SIGHT   pages 16 and 46

pg 38


CONSIDER THIS SA BANKS: NO CRISIS IN SIGHT - pages 16 and 46 - Prudential Investment Managers
Contents                                  Consider this Q1 2021

                               10                                          46
                               TABLE TALK: A unique set of                 SA’s corporate credit market
                               investor opportunities in multi-            bounces back
                               asset funds                                 The local credit market has staged
                               Portfolio Manager Sandile Malinga           a better-than-expected revival after
                               discusses the recent rebound in returns     grinding to a halt and suffering
                               from multi-asset funds and why              further credit downgrades earlier
                               we’re excited about their prospective       in 2020, explains Duncan Schwulst,
                               returns.                                    Credit Analyst.

                               16                                          56
                                                                           BOOK REVIEW: Conscious
                               Covid-19 and SA Banks: Recovering
                                                                           consumerism: Driving business
                               from the lows
                                                                           change for the better
                               South Africa’s commercial banks
                                                                           Miranda Van Rensburg reviews
                               have near-record provisions but are
                                                                           Elevated Economics, which describes
                               still being priced for a crisis, explains
                                                                           how consumers are effecting change
                               Equity Analyst Stefan Swanepoel.
                                                                           among businesses and their leaders
                                                                           by increasingly using “purpose” as a
                               25                                          criterion in their purchases.

                               2020: The year the world remained
                               Have global equity markets acted
                               irrationally in shrugging off the impact
                               of the Coronavirus? asks Aadil Omar,
                               Portfolio Manager and Head of Equity

                               The Active Return Journey

                               As a follow-up to his earlier article,
                               Valdon Theron, Head of Institutional
                               Business, demonstrates how, using
                               the most appropriate measures,
                               Prudential’s equity performance has
                               remained consistent through the cycle,
                               despite recent disappointments
     Letter from the CEO

     Bernard Fick provides a   38
04   perspective on markets
     and fund returns and
     what we could expect
                               The Risk Manager’s Toolkit
                               In this time of heightened risk, Clare
     going forward.            Lindeque, Head of Quantitative
                               Analysis, explores some of the ways
                               risk managers keep investment teams           16
                               on the straight and narrow.

                               Consistency is the only currency that matters.
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                                                                                    works even
                                                                                  harder when
                                                                                   it’s tax-free.

                                                           Our extensive range of tax-free funds gives you
                                                            access to a variety of asset classes and sectors,
                                                                   across both local and offshore markets.

                                                                Invest online in under 10 minutes by visiting
                                                     Consistency is the only currency that matters.                                      TM

     Prudential Portfolio Managers Unit Trusts Ltd (Registration number: 1999/0524/06) is an approved CISCA management company (#29). The Tax -free savings product are approved in terms of section 12T
     (8) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 and is only open to natural persons that are South African residents For further details around the tax free products please visit
     investor/terms-and-conditions. Collective Investment Schemes (unit trusts) are generally medium-to long-term investments. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future investment performance.
     A Prudential unit trust fund may consist of different fund classes that are subject to different fees and charges. The Prudential Unit Trusts (Tax-free) Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) summary with all
     fees and maximum initial and ongoing adviser fees is available on our website. Fund prices are published daily on the Prudential website.

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                                    LETTER FROM THE CEO

                                                                    Letter from the CEO

                                               Benard Fick
                                               CHIEF EXECUTIVE

                                        Dear Prudential client,              conditions on the ground was
                                                                             largely ignored as investors began
                                        In the last quarter of 2020 we       to look ahead to better growth
                                        saw that, even as a second wave      prospects in 2021 and beyond.
                                        of Covid-19 infections spread
                                        alarmingly, causing tighter          At Prudential we did not ignore
                                        lockdowns and many more              the real-world impact of the
                                        deaths, global financial markets     pandemic, instead urging our
                                        celebrated the rollout of vaccines   staff and their families to take
                                        in many of the larger economies by   even more precautions and avoid
 Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                        broadly pushing equity markets to    becoming complacent, especially
                                        record highs -- a stark dichotomy    during the holidays. We hope this
                                        of sentiment. The worsening          was the case for our clients as
                                        of health and socio-economic         well, and that you all managed to

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                                   LETTER FROM THE CEO

                                       enjoy a safe, healthy and happy      both the local bourse and SA
                                       year end.                            bonds to deliver positive returns
                                                                            for the year, and at levels that
                                       Investment returns surprisingly      would not have been expected as
                                       positive for 2020                    recently as October. The FTSE/JSE
                                       It proved to be a surprisingly       All Share Index (ALSI) managed
                                       good year for many investors         to record a 7.0% total return in
                                       based solely on the total returns    rand terms over the 12 months,
                                       recorded by many different asset
                                                                            and the All Bond Index (ALBI)
                                       classes around the world. This
                                                                            produced 8.7%.
                                       was due largely to November’s
                                       vaccine-related developments, as     The rand also staged a reasonable
                                       well as the election of Democrat     recovery in the latter months
                                       Joe Biden as US President. Other     of 2020 from oversold levels,
                                       factors contributing to the          but still ended the year weaker,
                                       strong risk-on sentiment were
                                                                            losing 4.6% against the US dollar,
                                       the US Congress’ agreement of
                                                                            9.0% versus the pound sterling
                                       a fourth large stimulus package
                                                                            and 14.4% against the euro. As
                                       in December, and the UK and
                                                                            such, local investors would have
                                       EU’s last-minute conclusion of a
                                       Brexit deal.                         benefitted from their offshore
                                                                            returns being boosted by rand
                                       We also saw some early evidence      depreciation.
                                       of investors beginning to realise
                                       the extraordinary value on offer     The table below shows the
                                       in certain sectors of the South      decent gains in 2020 across major
                                       African equity market that were      asset classes, with the notable
                                       particularly beaten down in the      exceptions being global and local
                                       March 2020 market correction. We     listed property stocks. Even global
                                       experienced a strong rebound in      bonds delivered an unexpectedly
                                       the financial sector, and SA banks   robust 9.2% total return in US
                                       in particular, where our client      dollars, considering the high prices
                                       portfolios held fairly significant   at which they started the year,
                                       positions. More broadly, the         as central banks and investors
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                                       improved global sentiment helped     continued to buy up supply.

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                                   LETTER FROM THE CEO

                                                                                                      TOTAL RETURN   TOTAL RETURN
                                        ASSET CLASS
                                                                                                         Q4 2020         2020
                                        SA equity – FTSE/JSE All Share Index (in rand)                   9.8%           7.0%
                                        SA equity – FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share (in rand)             11.5%          0.6%
                                        SA listed property – FTSE/JSE SAPY (in rand)                     23.6%          -37.5%
                                        SA bonds – BEASSA All Bond Index (in rand)                       6.7%           8.7%
                                        SA inflation-linked bonds – JSE CILI Index (in rand)             5.4%           4.2%
                                        SA cash - STeFI Composite Index (in rand)                        11.0%          5.4%
                                        Global equity – MSCI All Country World (Total) (in US$ net)      14.7%          16.3%
                                        Global equity – MSCI World (Developed) (in US$ net)              14.0%          15.9%
                                        Global equity – MSCI Emerging Markets (in US$ net)               19.7%          18.3%
                                        Global bonds – Bloomberg Barclays Global                         3.3%           9.2%
                                        Aggregate Bond Index (in US$)
                                        Global property – FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Property REIT          13.6%          -11.4%
                                        Index (in US$ net)

                                       Prudential fund performance                             positions and the investment case
                                       The past 18-month period was                            for each, in significant detail. We
                                       one of the most challenging in                          further used the market correction
                                       Prudential’s more than 25-year                          to rotate some positions in order
                                       history. We share our clients’                          to exploit the opportunity to
                                       disappointment in our portfolio                         build positions in a handful of
                                       performance over the period                             specific high-quality companies,
                                       (which have also weighed on the                         at generational levels of cheap
                                       medium-term performance, as                             valuations.
                                       reflected in the table). After all,
                                       Prudential staff’s own retirement                       It is therefore pleasing to observe
                                       savings are invested alongside                          the strong recoveries posted by
                                       our clients in these funds.                             nearly all our funds over the
                                                                                               last three to four months of the
                                       Our investment teams spent                              year, as highlighted in the fourth
                                       considerable time and effort                            quarter returns in the table, which
Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                       in 2020 to review all portfolio                         shows the annualised returns of

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                                   LETTER FROM THE CEO

                                                  PRUDENTIAL FUND PERFORMANCE to 31 DECEMBER 2020

                                                                                                                      3-YEAR         5-YEAR    10-YEAR
                                                                                        Q4 2020        1-YEAR
                                    Prudential Unit Trust Fund                                                        RETURN         RETURN    RETURN
                                                                                       RETURN %       RETURN %
                                                                                                                       P.A.%          P.A.%     P.A.%
                                    Equity Fund                                            12.6               9.2        2.3          5.4         9.7
                                        Benchmark                                          9.6                1.9        0.5          3.1         6.9
                                    Dividend Maximiser Fund                                10.0               4.0        1.8          4.2         9.0
                                        Benchmark                                          9.6                1.9        0.5          3.1         6.9
                                    SA Equity Fund*                                        12.0           -4.2           -3.1         3.0*        8.8*
                                        Benchmark                                          11.5               0.6        -1.5         3.1         7.9
                                    Enhanced SA Property Tracker Fund                      21.4           -35.6         -21.6         -9.5        3.0
                                        Benchmark                                          22.2           -34.5         -20.7         -8.4        3.5
                                    Balanced Fund                                          7.0                2.3        2.5          4.6         9.2
                                        Benchmark                                          5.9                5.2        3.6          4.4         7.7
                                    Inflation Plus Fund                                    5.3                -0.7       0.1          2.8         7.9
                                        Benchmark                                          1.6                8.2        9.0          9.6         10.1
                                    Enhanced Income Fund                                   2.8                4.2        5.5          6.9         7.3
                                        Benchmark                                          1.0                5.4        6.6          7.0         6.9
                                    Income Fund                                            1.2                5.1        7.5          N/A         N/A
                                        Benchmark                                          1.0                5.4        6.6          6.9         N/A
                                    Global Equity Feeder Fund                              1.5            15.9          11.7          8.1         15.2
                                        Benchmark                                          0.6            21.6          16.6          11.0        18.1
                                    Global Balanced Feeder Fund                            -1.1           10.5           N/A          N/A         N/A
                                        Benchmark                                          -2.7           18.3           N/A          N/A         N/A
                                    Global Inflation Plus Feeder Fund                      -4.0           11.4           9.9          4.1         11.0
                                         Benchmark                                        -12.4               5.2        5.0          0.5         9.3
                                    Global Bond Feeder Fund                                -7.3           14.2          10.4          3.5         11.6
                                         Benchmark                                         -9.4           14.2          11.1          3/6         11.3

                                   SOURCE: Morningstar
                                   *SA Equity Fund 5- and 10-year returns reflect zero-fee B Class returns.
                                   All other funds are A class returns (returns after all fund management fees and other charges).
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                                   LETTER FROM THE CEO

                                       our Prudential Unit Trust funds for   credit rating was downgraded
                                       different periods up to 10 years.     further into junk status and the
                                       While fund performances have          budget suffered severe revenue
                                       not fully returned to their long-     shortfalls and funding challenges.
                                       term benchmark-beating levels,        Given the extra bond supply
                                       we are confident that portfolios      required, investors could have
                                       are positioned appropriately          reasonably expected a weaker
                                       under the circumstances, and we       local bond market for the year,
                                       anticipate much more pleasing         but in the last three months,
                                       outcomes over the next three to
                                       five years.                           both local and global investors
                                                                             snapped up SA government bonds
                                       What has 2020 taught us?              due to their attractive yields in
                                       Amid a global pandemic that has       relation to global alternatives.
                                       lasted for a year, and widespread     This resulted in unexpectedly
                                       lockdowns that have caused the        good gains for bondholders in
                                       South African economy to shrink       a year of very bad news for the
                                       by an estimated 8.0% for the          bond market, and supported our
                                       year, who would have predicted        previous viewpoint that investors
                                       that the SA equity market would       had materially priced-in a ratings
                                       still manage to deliver a 7%          downgrade well before it actually
                                       return for the year? Against most     occurred.
                                       expectations, hindsight showed
                                       us that investors who maintained      So 2020 has (once again) reminded
                                       their equity exposure for the         us that anyone’s ability to make
                                       duration of the year, probably        money from forecasting is limited
                                       came out in better financial health   at best, and that it makes sense
                                       than would have been expected.        to stay true to your investment
                                                                             strategy even in the midst of
                                       Just as surprisingly, South African   extreme short-term uncertainty
                                       bonds were able to deliver an         and volatility. Investors who
                                       impressive 8.7% return for            panicked amid the March 2020
                                       investors in 2020. This, in a year    correction, and sold out of growth
                                       during which the government’s         assets such as equities to park their
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                                   LETTER FROM THE CEO

                                       funds in “safe” money market                       the economy and government’s
                                       funds, only managed to lock-in                     fiscal position present some very
                                       their capital losses and would                     significant challenges that will
                                       probably not have experienced                      take a concerted effort from all
                                       the subsequent recovery as equity                  sides to resolve. At Prudential
                                       markets recovered.                                 we are committed to playing our
                                                                                          part in this effort.
                                       For Prudential’s part, we promise
                                       to remain patient, keep a long-                    We hope you enjoy this Q1 2021
                                       term outlook and follow our                        edition of Consider this, and as
                                       consistent investment process                      always welcome any feedback
                                       to deliver competitive, inflation-                 you may have.
                                       beating returns for all our clients.
                                       We are hopeful that asset prices                   Sincerely,
                                       will continue to recover in the
                                       months ahead, as the global
                                       vaccine rollouts progress and start
                                       to contain the pandemic, gradually
                                       improving the physical, mental
                                       and financial health of everyone.
                                       In South Africa, however, there
                                       is additional work to do since

                                    Bernard joined Prudential in 2008 as Head of Institutional Business and was appointed as Chief
                                    Executive Officer in 2010. With more than 27 years of industry experience, Bernard previously
                                    worked at Alexander Forbes in a range of leadership roles, including Managing Director of the
                                    Namibian business as well as Head of the Asset Consulting Division. Bernard holds a Bachelor of
                                    Commerce degree in Maths and Actuarial Science from Stellenbosch University and is a Fellow of
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                                    the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and the Actuarial Society of SA.

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                                   TA B L E TA L K

                                                                                 Sandile Malinga
                                                                                 PORTFOLIO MANAGER

                                      i     KEY TAKE-AWAYS

                                          While multi-asset low-equity unit       This high prospective return range
                                          trusts like the Prudential Inflation    relative to its history (its objective
                                          Plus Fund have underperformed in        is 4% above inflation) is due to
                                          the last three to five years, most      the very attractive prevailing
                                          have rebounded since the lows of        asset valuations across a range of
                                          late March 2020.                        asset classes the fund is holding,
                                                                                  which increase the chances for it
                                          Although there has been a wide
                                                                                  to outperform as well as giving it
                                          divergence in returns within the
                                                                                  enhanced downside protection.
                                          category, the Inflation Plus Fund
Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                          has returned over 30% during the        Based on this, investors should
                                          period, and we are excited by the       consider remaining in the Inflation
                                          Fund’s prospective returns of 6-9%      Plus Fund in order to catch up on
                                          p.a. above inflation over the next      the underperformance of previous
                                          five years.                             years.

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                                   TA B L E TA L K

                                                     I have invested some of my retirement money
                                                     in a multi-asset low-equity fund, but it has
                                                     been underperforming its benchmark for over
                                                     three years. I see returns have started to pick
                                                     up now - should I sell my holdings and move
                                                     somewhere else?

                                                    Over the past five years,    Prudential’s Inflation Plus Fund has
                                                    investors have certainly     been one of the very top-performing
                                                    been disappointed with       unit trusts in the category with a 33.1%
                                                    the low returns delivered    return over this period, repeating
                                       by funds in the ASISA Multi-Asset         its historic tendency to outperform
                                       Low-Equity category of unit trusts,       in periods when higher-risk assets
                                       which have underperformed their           perform better than lower-risk assets.
                                       historic averages as well as lower-risk   We know there is still much ground
                                       fixed income and cash investments.        to be recovered by investors, but
                                       However, over the relatively short        we are excited by the fund’s return
                                                                                 potential over the next five years.
                                       period since the worst of the
                                                                                 Investors should be as well. This is
                                       Coronavirus-related market crash in
                                                                                 thanks to a unique set of opportunities
                                       late-March 2020, South African asset
                                                                                 that presented itself in 2020 in the
                                       prices have recovered significantly
                                                                                 wake of the Coronavirus crisis. While
                                       across a range of asset classes, with
                                                                                 we certainly owned a lot of assets –
                                       fund performance reflecting this. In
                                                                                 both equities and bonds – that fell
                                       the Low-Equity category, the average      sharply, we were able to sell some
                                       fund has returned a very respectable      that didn’t fall as much, rotating into
                                       21.3% from its lows, but there has        others that presented much better
                                       been a wide divergence of returns         upside potential. This has left the
                                       between the funds, with the lowest        Inflation Plus Fund with excellent
                                       delivering only 1.8% and the highest      prospective returns and downside
                                       producing 36.3%. Consequently, the        protection, thanks to both the very
                                       investor experience has likely varied     low valuations (some at generational
                                       from extreme disappointment to            lows) at which we have been able to
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                                       relative satisfaction.                    buy selected assets, and the fact that

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                                   TA B L E TA L K

                                          such a large and diverse proportion                                               it holds large active overweights to SA
                                          of assets have such high prospective                                              bonds and SA equities, and a moderate
                                          returns compared to their history. Both                                           overweight to SA inflation-linked
                                          of these factors increase the probability                                         bonds (ILBs). According to Prudential’s
                                          of fund outperformance into the                                                   valuation analysis, although all these
                                          future under various scenarios. The                                               assets have become less cheap in
                                          downside protection is enhanced even
                                                                                                                            recent months, they are still valued
                                          more by the fund’s carefully considered
                                                                                                                            at levels well below their historic fair
                                          diversification and Prudential’s risk-
                                                                                                                            value. For SA bonds, the prospective
                                          conscious portfolio construction
                                          process.                                                                          five-year real returns are the highest
                                                                                                                            they have been since 2004, with the
                                          We prefer SA bonds, SA equities                                                   20-year government bond indicating
                                          and SA ILBs                                                                       a real return of 7.6% p.a. and the
                                          Looking at the fund’s positioning as of                                           10-year bond 5.9% p.a. as of the end
                                          the end of 2020, as shown in Graph 1,                                             of 2020.

                                                             GRAPH 1: Inflation
                                                                 Graph          Plus
                                                                        1: Absa’s    Fund: Active
                                                                                  provisions        positions
                                                                                             at all time highsvs
                                                                        strategic asset allocation
                                                                                                                                                        Active Positions

                                      30% 28.6%                                                                                   SA Bonds                                                   7.1%

                                                  25.0%                               25.3%                                       SA Equity
                                      25%                                                                                                                                             3.6%
                                                                                                                                  SA ILBs                                            2.8%
                                                                                                                                  Foreign Cash                                    2.5%
                                                                                                                                  SA Cash                                     0.0%
                                                       11.8% 12.5%                                 12.0%
                                      10%                                                                                         Foreign Equity (incl. Africa)       -0.7%
                                                                5.3%                                                              Foreign Bonds              -5.6%
                                                                                                           1.5% 1.5%              SA Listed Property       -9.7%
                                               SA        Foreign SA Listed     SA         SA     Foreign      SA        Foriegn                   -12%      -8%      -4%   0%        4%      8%
                                              Equity      Equity Property     Bonds      ILBs     Bonds      Cash        Cash

                                                         Fund Asset Allocation             Strategic Asset Allocation
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                                   Source: Prudential Investment Managers
                                   SOURCE: Prudential Investment Managers

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                                   TA B L E TA L K

                                       ILBs are also an attractive holding          prefer taking overweight positions in
                                       in the portfolio for their excellent         sectors such as banks (Standard Bank
                                       diversification and inflation protection     and Absa are among the fund’s top
                                       qualities. Investors worried about a         overweights). The fund has its other
                                       potential government default would           significant overweight holdings in
                                       do well to hold these as protection          large, diversified global companies
                                       against such a scenario, rather than         like British American Tobacco and
                                       opting for cash. Our analysis shows          Anglo American, and in well-valued
                                       ILBs should deliver a real return of         groups like Multichoice, all with good
                                       around 4.1% p.a. as an asset class           potential to outperform the market.
                                       compared to their historic average of
                                       2.0% p.a. real. Prudential’s valuations      Underweight global bonds
                                       for prospective real returns for each        Examining offshore positioning,
                                       asset class are shown in Graph 2.            Inflation Plus has a large underweight
                                                                                    to global government bonds due to
                                       As for SA equities, their valuations at      the negative yields prevailing broadly
                                       the end of 2020 pointed to a real return     across developed markets. Although
                                       of 9.5% p.a. for the asset class over        historically global bonds have offered
                                       the next five years, versus their historic   an average real return of around
                                       fair value of 6.5% p.a.. While SA listed     1.8% p.a., currently as an asset class
                                       property is at first glance trading even     they are set to deliver -0.6% p.a. as
                                       more cheaply at a prospective real           Graph 2 highlights. The fund also has
                                       return of 9.5% p.a. compared to its          a small underweight holding in global
                                       historic fair value of 6.0%. p.a., we are    equities, since global markets are
                                       concerned about the high earnings            collectively slightly expensive due to
                                       uncertainty in the sector combined           the predominance of the expensive US
                                       with relatively high levels of debt and      market. As an asset class our valuations
                                       weak growth prospects. We therefore          show the five-year prospective real
                                       have a significant underweight to listed     return from global equities at 4.9%
                                       property in the Inflation Plus Fund.         p.a., when historically their fair value
                                       There is a higher degree of safety           has been 5.5%. On top of this, the
                                       in other equity sectors with equally         rand remains undervalued against
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                                       high return potential, such that we          the major global currencies, so that

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                                   TA B L E TA L K

                                              any appreciation from current levels                                         9.0% p.a. It is positioned to outperform
                                              could contribute to losses in rand                                           its history under a wide number of
                                              terms going forward.                                                         conditions, including: if the status-
                                                                                                                           quo continues; if SA equities re-rate;
                                              Prospective real fund returns of                                             if the SA yield curve flattens from its
                                              over 6.0% p.a.                                                               current steep shape; or if the listed
                                              Looking at the fund’s overall asset                                          property market rallies. It is likely to
                                              holdings and their current valuations,                                       underperform, however, if the SA
                                              the Inflation Plus Fund is set to deliver                                    yield curve steepens further; if there
                                              a real return of over 6.0% p.a. over                                         is a repeat of the listed property crash
                                              the next five years. This assumes that                                       we experienced in 2020; or if South
                                              nothing else changes and asset prices                                        African and global equity markets
                                              and market ratings stay the same                                             de-rate going forward.
                                              going forward. However, should asset
                                              prices rise to reach their long-term                                         As the first two scenarios are highly
                                              “equilibrium” or fair value levels, the                                      unlikely, we have a higher degree of
                                              fund has a prospective real return of                                        confidence in the upside for future
                                                                                  GRAPH 2: Prospective real returns
                                                                             Graph 1: Absa’s provisions at all time highs
                                                                                              South Africa                                                   The World

                                                      10%                                                                   9.5%          9.5%
                                       Real Returns

                                                                           4.1%          4.0% 3.8%                 4.1%
                                                      4%                                               3.5%



                                                            -0.6%                                                                                       -0.6%-0.4%
                                                      -2%     Cash           ILBs        Government          Corporate        Listed         Equity       World          World
                                                                                           Bonds              Bonds          Property                     Bonds          Equity
Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                                                                           14 January 2021           30 January 2020      Fair Value

                                   SOURCE:     Bloomberg,
                                     Source: Bloomberg, Reuters,Reuters,    Prudential
                                                                Prudential Investment     Investment
                                                                                      Managers 14.01.2021Managers 14.01.2021

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                                   TA B L E TA L K

                                       fund returns than the downside. With               Going forward, investors now have
                                       South Africa’s short-dated interest rates          the chance to “catch up” on the
                                       at such low levels already and longer-             inflation-beating returns the ASISA
                                       dated bond yields high compared                    Multi-Asset Low Equity category funds
                                       to their history, further significant              have struggled to produce over the
                                       yield curve steepening is not likely.              past five years or so. These higher
                                       And based on the exceptionally low                 returns are unlikely to come from cash
                                       valuations for listed property currently,          as they did during this period: interest
                                       we wouldn’t expect these assets to                 rates are so low that, on our valuation
                                       de-rate by the same extent in 2021.                basis, prospective real returns from
                                                                                          cash investments are negative over
                                       A return of 6.0% above inflation is                the next five years. So now is not the
                                       one that has typically been delivered              time to hide in low-risk investments,
                                       by high-risk, equity-only funds in the             but instead to hold a portfolio of
                                       South African investment industry.                 carefully diversified assets that will
                                       So a similar level, or the potential               provide the potential for excellent,
                                       for a 9.0% return, from a lower-                   inflation-beating returns with only
                                       risk, well-diversified fund compliant              moderate risk.
                                       with retirement regulations like the
                                       Inflation Plus Fund presents a rare
                                       opportunity for investors.

                                    Sandile joined Prudential in 2013 as a member of the fixed-income team, and later joined the
                                    multi-asset team in 2018. He is currently the joint-Portfolio Manager of the Prudential Money
                                    Market, Income, High Interest, Balanced and Inflation Plus Funds. His role involves providing
                                    analytical and economic support to our multi-asset and fixed-interest investment process. He is
                                    also a member of the Prudential Asset Allocation Committee. With 13 years’ industry experience,
                                    Sandile previously worked for Investec Asset Management as a fixed interest dealer and analyst.
                                    He also served as Portfolio Manager on large institutional fixed interest client mandates with
                                    liability immunization objectives. Sandile holds a BSc in Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial
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                                    Science and is a Student member of the Faculty of Actuaries.

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                                     A N A LY S I S

                                                         COVID-19 and SA banks:

                                                        Recovering from the lows

                                                  Stefan Swanepoel
                                                  EQUITY ANALYST

                                        i     KEY TAKE-AWAYS

                                         SA banks were as well-placed as            Although loan impairments have
                                         possible to cope with stress arising       risen, client support in the form of
                                         from the impact of the Coronavirus,        repayment deferrals, government
                                         with all-time high provisioning and        financial support and interest rate
                                         tight lending criteria already in place.   cuts helped mitigate the deterioration
                                                                                    in banks’ loan books. Banks have
                                         Lower retail transactional income
                                                                                    not been as hard-hit by the crisis as
                                         was offset to some extent by higher
                                                                                    could have been expected.
                                         revenue from facilitating client risk
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                                     Consider this QUARTER 01 2021                                                     Page16
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                                   A N A LY S I S                     COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                       S    outh African banks have certainly
                                            not been immune to the impacts
                                        of COVID-19. The first half of the year
                                                                                   domestic franchises. In our view, all is
                                                                                   not lost, the businesses remain resilient
                                                                                   and we expect to see a continued
                                        was characterised by uncertainty,          recovery in earnings off the depressed
                                        with markets expecting banks to            bases.
                                        post significant losses and potentially
                                        needing to raise capital. The second       Digital adoption accelerates
                                        half of the year saw these fears           Earlier in the year, as concerns over
                                        moderating. The banks have proven          how rapidly the virus was spreading
                                        to be resilient, with the conservative     set in, many banking customers were
                                        standards of the Basel capital accords     forced out of branches and onto
                                        and our own National Credit Act            digital channels. While this transition
                                        allowing the banks enough headroom         was already in progress, its pace
                                        to deal with the negative impact.          was dependent on the willingness
                                                                                   and digital enablement of clients.
                                        While the devastation of the pandemic
                                                                                   Particularly marked accelerations were
                                        continues and the chances of further
                                                                                   noted in Europe among the older
                                        severe lockdowns cannot be overruled,
                                                                                   population, where digital adoption
                                        the banks have built up some of
                                                                                   was historically slow. While this will
                                        the largest provisioning buffers on
                                                                                   not result in overnight cost savings for
                                        record (see Graph 1) thanks to the
                                                                                   the banks, the higher level of online
                                        forward-looking accounting principles
                                                                                   engagement does improve their ability
                                        embedded in IFRS 9. Lower interest
                                        rates, while hurting banks’ net interest   to cross-sell products. It is also linked
                                        margins, have boosted the ability of       to lower costs; however, the banks still
                                        borrowers that were not impacted           sit with physical branch infrastructure
                                        by job losses or COVID-19 disruptions      that needs to be serviced. As the
                                        to repay. They have also improved          branch leases are renewed, the banks
                                        affordability, and we have seen an         can reduce their cost bases either with
                                        uptick in retail asset growth demand.      complete closures of certain branches
                                        The banks’ operations in the rest of       or a reduction in floor space. These
                                        Africa (excluding South Africa) have       benefits will filter in over the next
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                                        proven to be more resilient than the       few years.

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                                   A N A LY S I S                      COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                        One may be forgiven for thinking that       Into 2021 we would anticipate rising
                                        this gives new (digitally advanced)         retail transactional revenues to more
                                        entrants like Tyme or Discovery Bank a      than compensate for slowing trading
                                        substantial advantage, but that would       volumes as hedging drops from peak
                                        discount the huge strides already made      levels.
                                        by the big incumbents. Most of the
                                        existing banks’ online branches are         Impairments will take time to
                                        already by far their largest contributors   work through
                                        of new business. With the cost of           As lockdowns were introduced and
                                        the existing physical infrastructure        countries around the world were
                                        already in the base, there is substantial   bracing for the impact, not only on
                                        opportunity for savings for them into       lives but also on their economies,
                                        the future.                                 the banks were forced to deal with
                                                                                    the uncertain consequences of a new
                                        Trading volumes remained robust             accounting standard - IFRS 9. While
                                        While transactional revenues on the         forward-looking models are always
                                        retail side were depressed during the       best for addressing uncertainty, they
                                        early period of the lockdown, these         can have their drawbacks in a global
                                        have started to show signs of recovery.     downturn where very few sectors are
                                        Large-ticket items relating to travel       left untouched. Given the economic
                                        have been notably absent and may            woes in South Africa pre-COVID, the
                                        take longer to recover, but the banks       South African banks were bracing
                                        have recorded consistent growth since       for rating agency downgrades and
                                        the trough in April 2020. All was not       potential domestic stress. As a result,
                                        lost as banks also made more money          their credit-granting criteria was already
                                        in parts of their trading businesses        quite tight heading into the crisis.
                                        amid the heightened uncertainty.            Provisions-to-advances ratios were at
                                        As investors and corporates hedged          some of the highest levels on record
                                        out risk, banks as market-makers            prior to COVID. Banks were as well-
                                        capitalised on the underlying activity.     placed as possible for any impending
                                        This boosted earnings into the mid-         stress. Over the interim reporting
                                        year June 2020 results reporting, and       period mid-year, the banks continued
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                                        will contribute to the full year as well.   to increase all-time high provisioning

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                                   A N A LY S I S                                         COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                        and tighten their lending criteria even                              government support, as this support
                                        further, but the approximate 300bps                                  is wound down, non-performing loan
                                        (3.0%) reduction in interest rates has                               (NPL) levels may increase. Pleasingly, as
                                        improved affordability.                                              the economy reopens, the percentage
                                                                                                             of assistance provided by banks
                                        Retail clients working in impacted
                                                                                                             continues to reduce dramatically from
                                        sectors were aided initially by blanket
                                                                                                             the highs of April 2020. While some
                                        deferrals on their loan repayments or,
                                        in the case of FirstRand, by a personal                              clients are still being supported and
                                        loan. The assistance was subsequently                                some risk remains, many loans are
                                        moderated as industries reopened and                                 protected by underlying collateral
                                        the lockdown eased. Most banks now                                   such as vehicles or homes. The banks
                                        require at least partial payments of                                 continue to operate in a pragmatic
                                        instalments. While some clients are                                  manner and will offer support where
                                        still receiving payments in the form of                              needed in future lockdowns.

                                                                  Graph 1: Absa’s provisions at all time highs
                                                                         Graph 1: Absa’s provisions at all time highs
                                   50 000                                                                                                                    4,5%

                                   45 000                                                                                                                    4,0%
                                   40 000                                                                                                                    3,5%
                                   35 000
                                   30 000
                                   25 000
                                   20 000
                                   15 000

                                   10 000                                                                                                                    1,0%

                                    5 000                                                                                                                    0,5%

                                         0                                                                                                                   0%
                                                                 2007              2009    2009         2011       2013       2017           2019

                                                             Specific provision               General provision            Provisions to advances
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                                   Source: Company data, Prudential Investment Managers

                                   SOURCE: Company data, Prudential Investment Managers

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                                   A N A LY S I S                      COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                        The number of corporates in distress        consumer affordability. Given the
                                        has also decreased; banks continue          restrictions imposed by the National
                                        to track high-risk sectors such as          Credit Act, these lower interest rates
                                        aviation, hospitality & tourism-related     have helped consumers to qualify for
                                        industries, commercial property finance     higher loan amounts, previously out
                                        and construction. Some companies in         of reach. Despite banks being cautious
                                        these troubled sectors have recently        about lending too aggressively in
                                        had rights issues, passing the risk onto    this environment and raising their
                                        shareholders and in turn reducing their     credit granting criteria, the substantial
                                        bank debt exposures. We anticipate          reduction in the repo rate has allowed
                                        more of this to come in due course.         banks to lower their lending rates
                                                                                    but still see an increase in lending
                                        Going forward, the banks will continue      volumes. The high activity levels will
                                        to increase their collection capacity in    unlock liquidity from the housing
                                        order to support the orderly repayment      market and continue to boost top-line
                                        or work-out of loans. Thankfully the        revenue for the banks. Historically,
                                        banks have realised that it is in no        some of the banks’ most profitable
                                        one’s interest to merely evict non-         business was typically written during
                                        paying customers from their homes           the worst economic periods, as banks
                                        and repossess their cars. They have         remain acutely focused on credit risk
                                        learned many lessons from the 2008          and margins, and this should hold true
                                        Global Financial Crisis, including trying   going forward as well. The benefit of
                                        to assist consumers as best possible        the lower interest rates has also aided
                                        with selling their various assets, rather   those who have not been financially
                                        than out right repossession. Similarly,     impacted by the pandemic. The banks
                                        on the corporate side they can earn         have seen consistently better payment
                                        fees from their clients’ capital raises     trends in the non-impacted sectors.
                                        or planned work-outs.
                                                                                    Africa regions performing better
                                        Consumer affordability aided by             than South Africa
                                        interest rate cuts                          In the rest of Africa, the impact of the
                                        The SA Reserve Bank’s interest rate cuts    pandemic on economic growth and
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                                        totaling some 300bps have boosted           banking sectors in various countries

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                                   A N A LY S I S                      COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                        has been more muted. Many of the            course. Both Absa and Standard Bank
                                        banks posted either limited declines        continue to have standout franchises
                                        -- or in several instances even profit      in the rest of Africa.
                                        growth – in their African operations
                                        during the period, with low levels          Capital remains robust as regulators
                                        of penetration and more resilient           consider a return to dividends
                                        economies supporting the bottom             In what is a positive development
                                        line. While the Africa regions are          globally, regulators are retracting the
                                        not immune to impairment risk,              blanket bans for banks on the return
                                        transactional activities and deposit-ed     of capital (or dividend payments)
                                        franchises still make up the bulk of the    imposed at the start of the pandemic.
                                        underlying businesses; earnings from        While initially concerned about the
                                        lending activities are less important.      uncertain impact from COVID, most
                                        However, it is notable that the best-       of the banks have proven to be much
                                        performing franchises still have as         more resilient post the Global Financial
                                        diversified a portfolio as possible.        Crisis. In our view, the signal this
                                                                                    is sending is more important than
                                        In our fund positioning we favour           the actual payment of a dividend;
                                        those banks with strong franchises          regulators would not allow banks to
                                        built up in the rest of Africa. These       return capital to shareholders if there
                                        are extremely hard to replicate given       were material concerns over future
                                        the unique operating environment            losses. If a bank rather elects to retain
                                        and political risks embedded in the         its capital, it still aides in increasing
                                        various geographies. With the growth        the book value of the bank, and the
                                        outlook in the rest of Africa better than   capital could be returned at a future
                                        the domestic outlook, we think this         date.
                                        will prove supportive for continued
                                        earnings diversification and higher         In Graph 2, we can see how Standard
                                        profitability for banks. We have            Bank’s total capital adequacy ratio
                                        seen the rest of Africa make up an          (CAR) and its Tier 1 capital ratio have
                                        increasingly greater share of group         fallen only slightly from the beginning
                                        profitability, and the region could         of 2019 through June 2020, remaining
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                                        make up the bulk of bank profits in due     at robust levels on par with, or higher

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                                    A N A LY S I S                                          COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                                                 Graph 2:
                                                                 Graph 2: Standard
                                                                          Standard Bank's
                                                                                   Bank’s robust
                                                                                          robust capital
                                                                                                 capital level
                                                                           could support a dividend






                                                 2008      2009       2010       2011     2012   2013      2014    2015    2016     2017         2018   2019   H1 20

                                                                            Total Capital Adequacy Ratio                  Tier 1 Capital Ratio

                                   Source: Company data, Prudential Investment Managers

                                    SOURCE: Company data, Prudential Investment Managers

                                           than, those it maintained in 2018. As                                  payment of dividends; however, they
                                           the potential impairment risks abate,                                  have reminded the market that it is
                                           this would suggest that from a financial                               just a guidance note, and the decision
                                           health perspective, it could afford to                                 ultimately sits with each company’s
                                           pay a dividend without endangering                                     board. In our view, these trends all
                                           its financial strength.                                                point to the fact that the worst has
                                                                                                                  passed and the risk of any potential
                                           Based on the extent to which the                                       capital raises has been vastly reduced.
                                           banks are trading at discounts to their
                                           book values, we think that dividend                                    A strong indicator of this was the
                                           buybacks would be a preferred way                                      recent upgrade of South Africa’s largest
                                           to return capital in due course. The                                   five banks’ National Long-Term credit
                                           South African regulators have not                                      ratings to ‘AA+’ from ‘AA’ by Fitch,
                                           removed the guidance note issued                                       which it said reflected an improvement
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                                           earlier this year discouraging the                                     in their creditworthiness relative to

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                                   A N A LY S I S                                                COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                          the best credits in the country.                                   banks’ financial health is now lower
                                                                                                             and signs are pointing towards a better
                                          Banks still offer value                                            credit experience than what is being
                                          Throughout the Coronavirus crisis,                                 provided for presently. This contrasts
                                          South African banks have remained                                  to equity valuations; for example,
                                          well capitalised, and all signs in the final                       Absa trades at a discount to its book
                                          weeks of the year have indicated that                              value as the market is expecting high
                                          impairments have peaked. Importantly,                              levels of losses to continue for the
                                          bank profitability has been robust                                 foreseeable future.
                                          enough to absorb the high levels of
                                          provisioning. None of the big banks                                Graph 3 shows how Absa has been
                                          posted losses over the period, and net                             trading at a price-to-book-value ratio
                                          asset value has been preserved. While                              of less than 1.0 since the market sell-
                                          we are not entirely out of the woods,                              off in March, and has yet to recover
                                          the risk of a further deterioration in                             much ground. We would anticipate

                                                                                       Graph 3: Absa’s P/B vs ROE
                                                                                       Graph 3: Absa's P/B vs ROE

                                      3,5                                                                                                            30,0%

                                      3,0                                                                                                            25,0%


                                      0,5                                                                                                             5,0%

                                      0,0                                                                                                             0,0%
                                        Mar-87           Mar-91          Mar-95          Mar-99     Mar-03   Mar-07   Mar-11     Mar-15    Mar-19

                                                                                 P/B                                           ROE (RHS)
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                                   Source: IRESS, Company data, Prudential Investment Managers
                                   SOURCE: IRESS, Company data, Prudential Investment Managers

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                                   A N A LY S I S                          COVID-19 & SA BANKS: RECOVERING FROM THE LOWS

                                        that as banks’ cost of credit reduces,              above their cost of equity. We think
                                        the return on equity (ROE) would                    the banks are cheap compared to
                                        recover in due course to pre-COVID                  their longer-term valuations, and we
                                        levels. We therefore do not believe it is           expect them to deliver returns above
                                        justified that Absa trades at a discount            the broader equity market and greater
                                        to its book value. As a result, we think            than their own historic average over
                                        the total returns are attractive, as                time. As such, we are overweight the
                                        substantial levels of earnings growth               sector and more specifically, shares like
                                        over the next few years (in excess of               Absa, Standard Bank and Investec, in
                                        40%) could be further boosted by                    our best investment view portfolios
                                        improvements in the ratings.                        and many of our unit trusts that hold
                                                                                            equity. Our preference for these banks
                                        We think this presents an opportunity.              over the other banks is informed
                                        While financial activity levels continue            by the relative value of the shares.
                                        to grow off a depressed base and                    While we rate FirstRand more highly
                                        there are opportunities for future cost             in terms of quality, it is substantially
                                        savings, banks’ ROE may take some                   more expensive than other banks in
                                        time to recover, but should trend to                the sector.

                                     With 15 years’ experience in financial services, Stefan joined Prudential in 2019 as an Equity
                                     Analyst focusing on Banking as well as select Property, Speciality Finance and Insurance companies.
                                     Stefan was one of the top three rated analysts covering Banks and Specialist Financial Services
                                     companies on the sell-side. Prior to that Stefan was on the buy-side focusing on Financial Services
                                     companies. He completed his articles at PwC in the FS Banking division and is a qualified Chartered
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                                     Accountant. His qualifications include B.Com Accounting (cum laude) and B.Com Accounting Hons.

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                                     A N A LY S I S

                                                           2020: The year the world

                                                                 remained complex

                                                  Aadil Omar
                                                  PORTFOLIO MANAGER AND HEAD OF EQUITY RESEARCH

                                        i     KEY TAKE-AWAYS

                                         Despite the seriousness of the global   of influences and actors that comprise
                                         pandemic, global equities (as proxied   them.
                                         by the US S&P 500 Index) seemingly      The more accepting we are of market
                                         shrugged this threat off by trading     complexity, the better able we are
                                         below their 12-month levels for only    to identify and optimise for those
                                         43 days.                                elements that are in our influence.

                                         Many people thought this comprised
  Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                         irrational behaviour, but it actually
                                         reflected the complexity of global
                                         equity markets and the vast number

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                                   A N A LY S I S                             2020: THE YEAR THE WORLD REMAINED COMPLEX

                                       D    o you remember your holiday
                                            season at the end of 2019? To many
                                        readers it will likely be recalled as a less
                                                                                       and financial hardship, loneliness
                                                                                       and emotional tumult, brought on
                                                                                       by this microscopic virus, you would
                                        troubling time. You probably walked            be forgiven for feeling somewhat less
                                        into the festive cheer reminiscing             optimistic about the future. A touch
                                        about the monumental shifts that               of pessimism would not have been
                                        occurred during the past two decades           without cause.
                                        since the humdrum of the Y2K bug,
                                                                                       If this narrative made you somewhat
                                        but nevertheless looking forward to
                                                                                       uneasy, I sympathise – writing it
                                        the third. Promising possibilities lay
                                                                                       was equally unsettling. Despite the
                                                                                       uneasiness, there is something surreal
                                        Now imagine you knew all the mayhem            about the drama that is Covid-19 and
                                        that would descend over the world in           its off-shoots. It is one of the few
                                        this, the 20th year since the turn of the      narratives universally understood
                                        millennium. Imagine you knew that              and relatable to just about everybody
                                                                                       reading this. Covid-19 is probably
                                        a respiratory virus would cast a long
                                                                                       the first disease (in living memory)
                                        shadow over the world, rising – as the
                                                                                       the world has suffered collectively in
                                        sun does – in the east before sweeping
                                                                                       time. It is also likely the first time the
                                        westward over the globe. And then
                                                                                       phrase “we’re all in this together” has
                                        it made itself at home the world
                                                                                       proved true on some level. Equally,
                                        over. In addition to the healthcare
                                                                                       Covid-19 was also the first time our
                                        crisis, imagine you had the insightful
                                                                                       species confronted a complex problem
                                        knowledge that the year 2020 would
                                                                                       in real time.
                                        also be host to one of the deepest
                                        global economic recessions in living           Financial markets shrugged off
                                        memory plunging millions of people             the threat
                                        into unemployment and reducing                 The US bull market before Covid-19
                                        once-towering companies to pale                was often scoffed at – I recall a
                                        shadows of their former selves. Given          commentator referring to it as “the
                                        all the pain and suffering, distress           most hated bull market of all time”.
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                                   A N A LY S I S                                                                                                  2020: THE YEAR THE WORLD REMAINED COMPLEX

                                           Many investors sounded alarm bells                                                                                                       pundits shouting in disbelief at the
                                           as they watched the market continue                                                                                                      market’s irrationality still grows louder.
                                           to rise into the news of Covid-19 all
                                           the way to the end of February 2020.                                                                                                     Graph 1 tracks the daily change in price
                                           Although the sell-off was probably                                                                                                       of the S&P 500 relative to its price level
                                           accompanied by a fair amount of                                                                                                          a year ago. Over the calendar year
                                           panic, when it finally cracked many                                                                                                      2020, the Index traded below its level
                                           investors sighed a breath of relief -                                                                                                    from a year ago for only 43 days (or
                                           the markets were finally behaving in                                                                                                     16% of the time). This in a year when
                                           a way that was sensible and congruent                                                                                                    most people would probably agree
                                           to the way we were feeling, as locked                                                                                                    with the narrative that the world is
                                           down citizens of the world. Market                                                                                                       somewhat different and perhaps a
                                           rationality prevailed.                                                                                                                   little scary.

                                           For the S&P 500, the correction lasted                                                                                                   When something is widely relatable
                                           all of 43 trading days (see Graph 1                                                                                                      it seems only obvious
                                           below). Perhaps the price action was                                                                                                     When a phenomenon is as widely
                                           rational, but the cries of many market                                                                                                   relatable as our experience of Covid-19

                                                                                                   Graph 1: S&P
                                                                                                      Graph      500 price
                                                                                                            1: S&P500        change
                                                                                                                      price change    y-o-y

                                     40%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4000

                                     30%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3500
                                     10%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2000

                                      0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1500
                                    -20%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0



























                                                              Change in price level of S&P500 Index (y-o-y)                                                       S&P500 Index [RHS]                                        S&P500 Index 1 year earlier [RHS]
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                                   Source: IRESS     IRESS Data

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                                   A N A LY S I S                               2020: THE YEAR THE WORLD REMAINED COMPLEX

                                        has been it has the potential of                   “Prices are not driven solely by real-
                                        framing our world view completely.                 world events, news, and people. When
                                        We then expect all other phenomena                 investors, speculators, industrialists,
                                        we encounter to comply with this                   and bankers come together in a real
                                        view, to live within this frame. The               marketplace, a special, new kind
                                        idea that financial markets shrug off              of dynamic emerges—greater than,
                                        the plainly obvious, albeit negative,              and different from, the sum of the
                                        reality we observe seems preposterous.             parts. To use the economists’ terms: In
                                        It is not in the frame. We can only                substantial part, prices are determined
                                        but conclude that the market and                   by endogenous effects peculiar to
                                        some market participants must be                   the inner workings of the markets
                                        irrational and behaving in a way that              themselves, rather than solely by the
                                        is counter to reality. This may well be            exogenous action of outside events.”1
                                        so. But consider the alternative: these
                                                                                           The market exists at the intersection
                                        comments might hint more at an
                                                                                           of a vast number of participants,
                                        underappreciation of the complexity                each with their own evaluations,
                                        of market mechanisms than they say                 motivations and specific needs. The
                                        about the rationality of the market.               emergent complexity makes for routine
                                                                                           surprises and inexplicable gyrations.
                                        When we observe real-world
                                                                                           While many times a credibly sounding
                                        phenomena and attempt to translate
                                                                                           and easily understood rationale is
                                        them into market prices in a direct
                                                                                           identified after the fact (ex-post), our
                                        real-time (or linear) fashion, we fail
                                                                                           ability to precisely identify causes and
                                        to appreciate the emergent properties
                                                                                           effects ahead of the moment (ex-ante)
                                        of a complex system. Or as the erudite
                                                                                           remains elusive.
                                        mathematician and father of fractal
                                        geometry, Benoit Mandelbrot,                       Complex means non-compliant to
                                        explains, we should recognise there                expectation
                                        are indeed endogenous features within              Brenda Zimmerman of York University
                                        the market:                                        and Sholom Glouberman of the
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                                            Mandelbrot, Benoit B.The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets (p. 21). Profile. Kindle Edition.

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                                   A N A LY S I S                           2020: THE YEAR THE WORLD REMAINED COMPLEX

                                        University of Toronto, professors who       Firstly, while complex problems at not
                                        study the science of complexity, have       linear, they often embed trade-offs.
                                        proposed a distinction among three          Trade-offs invariably mean conceding
                                        different kinds of problems in the          something for something else. In the
                                        world: the simple, the complicated,         money management business, the
                                        and the complex. Simple problems have       trade-offs are well known and run
                                        neatly consistent logical processes, like   along the lines of potential return
                                        baking cake from a mix. Following           against the risk of loss. What makes
                                        the recipe brings a high likelihood         it complex is that outcomes cannot
                                        of success. Complicated problems            be known ahead of time.
                                        require a multitude of people, props
                                        and specialised expertise to solve –        Next, a key part to dealing with
                                        like sending a rocket to the moon.          complexity is deciding what is important
                                        Timing and coordination become              and what isn’t – it makes the task of
                                        vital to success. Complex problems are      weighing up trade-offs more concrete.
                                        often unique, and while experience          Often solutions to complex problems
                                        may provide expertise, it does not          benefit from constraints – what are
                                        guarantee success. An example of a          the non-negotiables, for instance.
                                        complex problem is raising a child. A
                                                                                    Finally, accept what is likely in your
                                        key feature of complex problems is
                                                                                    frame of understanding and what is
                                        that their outcomes remain uncertain
                                                                                    not. Like the unrequited expectations
                                        (probabilistic at best).
                                                                                    of many market pundits during the
                                        Money management probably lies on           pandemic, the market never quite
                                        the spectrum between a complicated          complies with our expectations – at
                                        and a complex problem. While there          least not over a short time horizon.
                                        is no handy step-by-step guide for          The more accepting we are of the
                                        confronting complexity, it may be           complexity of the market, the better
                                        helpful keeping the following general       able to identify and optimise for those
                                        ideas in mind:                              elements that are in our influence.
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                                   A N A LY S I S                                                                                          2020: THE YEAR THE WORLD REMAINED COMPLEX

                                                                                                                          Graph 2: S&P 500
                                                                                                                         Graph 1: S&P500

                                      80%                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4000
                                      50%                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3000
                                      40%                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2500
                                      10%                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1500
                                     -20%                                                                                                                                                                                                                          500





















                                                                         Change in price level of S&P500 Index (y-o-y)                                        S&P500 Index [RHS]                              S&P500 Index 1 year earlier [RHS]

                                   Source: IRESS
                                   SOURCE: IRESS Data

                                            If we are to learn anything from 2020,                                                                                  Index traded below its level from a
                                            we should learn that the world is still                                                                                 year earlier for 295 days (or 10% of
                                            complex.                                                                                                                the time). The events of 2020 did little
                                                                                                                                                                    to alter the trajectory of this market,
                                            Afterword                                                                                                               but it has been a more tumultuous
                                            For readers interested in a longer-term                                                                                 year than we’ve become used to.
                                            view of the S&P 500’s annual price
                                            change, Graph 2 illustrates the time
                                            series over the past decade. In the last
                                            10 years (or 2,870 trading days), the

                                       With 14 years’ investment experience, Aadil joined Prudential in July 2013 as an Equity Analyst.
                                       In August 2018 he joined a global equity hedge fund in London, before returning to Prudential
                                       in January 2020 as Head of Equity Research. He is also joint-Portfolio Manager of our House View
                                       Equity portfolios. He holds a BCom degree (Hons, cum laude) from the University of Pretoria and a
Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                       Masters in Finance degree from INSEAD. He is also a CFA charterholder.

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                                     A N A LY S I S

                                                                            The active return

                                                                           journey continues

                                                  Valdon Theron
                                                  HEAD OF INSTITUTIONAL BUSINESS

                                        i     KEY TAKE-AWAYS

                                         When analysing a fund’s return           Although Prudential’s more recent
                                         performance, it’s important to use       relative equity performance has
                                         rolling periods of return, rather than   been disappointing, a look at rolling
                                         a simple “point-in- time” return         periods over three years and longer
                                         period, such as five or 10 years, as     shows the Prudential Core Equity
                                         the latter is an arbitrary period that   Composite has continued to beat its
                                         says little about the consistency of a   benchmark consistently.
                                         fund’s behaviour through different
  Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                         market cycles.

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                                   A N A LY S I S                                   THE ACTIVE RETURN JOURNEY CONTINUES

                                       I  n a previous article, The active return
                                          journey (Consider this Q1 2019), we
                                        proposed that investors should analyse
                                                                                      for example five years and longer,
                                                                                      by compounding more gains than
                                                                                      losses against the benchmark over
                                        a fund’s returns relative to benchmark        the shorter term.
                                        (active returns) on a rolling basis. We
                                                                                      The last 18-24 months has undoubtedly
                                        argued that this provides investors
                                                                                      been a disappointing period of
                                        with a far more complete picture than
                                                                                      relative performance for investors in
                                        the most popular method of looking
                                                                                      Prudential’s equity portfolios. This on
                                        at a fund’s active returns, whether it
                                                                                      top of below-average equity market
                                        be over 1 year or 10 years, at a single
                                                                                      returns, or beta, which is outside of
                                        point-in-time. Analysing active returns
                                                                                      our control in a fully invested equity
                                        in a monthly sequence provides more
                                        data points and allows investors to
                                        see how a fund has “behaved” over             Graph 1 shows rolling 12-month active
                                        various investment cycles. When, and          returns (vertical grey bars) for the
                                        how, was outperformance delivered?            Prudential Core Equity Composite
                                        To what degree of consistency, i.e. the       since its inception in 2004. This is an
                                        frequency by which it has beaten its          aggregation of all the institutional
                                        benchmark over various rolling return         portfolios we manage using our
                                        periods?                                      specialist Core (Houseview) equity
                                                                                      process. After a particularly strong
                                        A key take-away from the previous
                                                                                      period of outperformance over 2017
                                        article, where we analysed the
                                                                                      and 2018, 12- month rolling active
                                        performance of the Prudential Core
                                                                                      returns have largely been negative
                                        Equity Composite up until 31 December
                                                                                      in the ensuing period.
                                        2018, was that over shorter time periods,
                                        such as rolling 12-month and even             Despite the recent downturn in
                                        36-month periods, underperformance            active returns, the since-inception
                                        can and does happen. However,                 outperformance of 1.3% per annum
                                        Prudential has been able to consistently      remains very attractive. This means
Prudential Investment Managers ©

                                        beat its benchmark over longer periods,       that over the 16-year tenor of the

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                                   A N A LY S I S                                                                                            THE ACTIVE RETURN JOURNEY CONTINUES

                                          Prudential Core Equity Composite, a                                                                      following lines can prove particularly
                                          R100 million investment would have                                                                       useful to our clients after a period
                                          grown to R989 million (gross of fees),                                                                   of underperformance against the
                                          compared to R825 million for a similar                                                                   benchmark:
                                          investment in the benchmark.
                                                                                                                                                         What has caused the
                                          While underperformance in the short                                                                            underperformance?
                                          term is not unusual, we do assess                                                                              Was the underperformance
                                          ourselves on a continuous basis. A                                                                             caused by any change to
                                          superior long-term track record is                                                                             investment philosophy or process?
                                          ultimately achieved by the “wins”                                                                              Has the underperformance
                                          outweighing the inevitable “losses”                                                                            affected the long-term
                                          against the benchmark over shorter                                                                             performance track record or
                                          time periods. An assessment along the                                                                          consistency profile?

                                                                           Graph 1: Prudential Core Equity Composite
                                                                                              Graph  1: Prudential
                                                                                               Performance          Core Equity
                                                                                                           as at 31 December 2020
                                                                                                  Performance as at 31 December 2020
                                   14%                                                                                                                                                                                          15.1%
                                   10%                                                                                                                                                                                         R825.4m
                                      Aug           Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug       Aug         Aug       Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug        Aug
                                       04           05         06         07         08        09          10        11         12         13         14         15         16         17         18         19         20

                                                                             12 month rolling Alpha                                Core Equity Composite                                 Benchmark
                                    Source: Statpro & Prudential Investment Managers
                                    *Market value weighted blend based on the underlying fund benchmarks within the composite, it consists of the FTSE/JSE Shareholder Weighted Index and FTSE/JSE Capped Shareholder Weighted Index.
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                                   SOURCES: Statpro, Prudential Investment Managers

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