Consequences of the increased production of wood based bioenergy on the carbon balance projections for Finland - Maarit Kallio & Olli Salminen ...
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Consequences of the increased production of wood based bioenergy on the carbon balance ‐ projections for Finland Maarit Kallio & Olli Salminen Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA) LEF workshop on Forest Sector Analysis Nancy 30.5.‐1.6.2012
Outline for the study on Finnish case Background • GHG balance of Finland and Finnish forests • Policy goals for bioenergy in Finland Research method • 2 scenarios for wood based energy studied using 2 models Some a priori observations Results & conclusions
GHG emissions of Finland •Kioto target for Finland is to go back in emissions to 1990 level, to 71 Mt CO2-eq. •Energy production (much peat, coal, etc.) causes ~ 80% of non-LULUCF emissions. • Forests are important sink, absorbing ~35 mill. t.CO2 /a. GHG Emissions for Finland including LULUCF 100.00 80.00 60.00 Mill. tonnes CO2‐eq 40.00 20.00 0.00 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ‐20.00 ‐40.00 1 Energy 2 Industrial Processes 3 Solvent and Other Product Use 4 Agriculture 5 LULUCF 6 Waste 7 Other ‐60.00 Source: UNFCCC
Finnish forests and Durban 2013‐2020 • Kioto: Little weigth on forest management sink (Art. 3.4). Yet it compensated Finnish LUC emissions (Art 3.3) of 5‐6 Mt/CO2/a. • Durban: Reference levels defined for forest management sinks 2013‐2020, in accordance with decided policies. • If country’s sink exceeds reference, credit ceiling 3.5% x 1990 emissions • Forest sink not allowed and not enough to compensate Finnish LUC emissions. Forest management REFERENCE level Maximum CREDIT SINK in 2010 SINK with HWP FOR BEATING THE REFERENCE. Mt CO2‐eq Mt CO2‐eq M t CO2‐eq Finland 31.9 20.5 2.5
EU‐RES 2020 in Finland Obligations for renewables energy sources by 2020: • 38% of the energy consumed RES‐based. • 20% of the traffic fuels based on RES. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Wood biomass important for reaching the goals: • Double the forest chips use in heat and power to 25 TWh • 3 large biorefineries should make 7 TWh biodiesel mainly from forest chips
3 Sources of forest chips Stumps: ‐ tied to final fellings of timber, mainly spruce Small trees ‐from thinnings ‐most expensive Branches and tops ‐ cheapest to collect ‐ tied to final fellings of timber
35 TWh of forest chips required by the goal will not be available with current roundwood harvest levels The gap can be filled with pulpwood.
Study setting and method
Two bioenergy scenarios with the climate change as in A1B • Low Bio: stagnating use of bioenergy – price of CO2 emission permits down to 0 €/t‐CO2 by 2020 – subsidies and taxes favouring bioenergy removed • High Bio: 2020 bioenergy goals met – price of CO2 emission permits increases to 25 €/t‐CO2 by 2020 – taxes on coal and peat increase as planned by the government – subsidy for chipping small trees for energy – subsidy for wood‐based electricity, if CO2 price below 23 €/t‐CO2
Projected change in average annual temparature in the IPCC scenarios in Finland; A1B assumed co Compared to period 1971-2000 A1B Source: K. Jylhä, Finnish Meteorological Institute
2 simulations models used • Spatial partial equilibrium model for the Finnish forest sector, SF‐GTM, appended with heat, power and biodiesel production – finds market prices and quantities of wood products and biomass, forest industry production, use of solid fuels for heat and power ÆWood biomass prices & quantities to MELA2009 model • Regionalized forest simulations model, MELA2009 – simulates the changes in forest structure optimizing forest management under given prices – calculates the stock of carbon in the forest and forest land
SF‐GTM Regionalised partial equilibrium models for sectors using wood biomass in Finland • Based on economic theory; assumes profit/welfare maximizing producers and consumers • Assumes perfect competition – agents price takers • Equilibrium prices, quantities and trade flows found simultaneously for all commodities and all regions using mathematical programming (maximize (surpluses – transport cost) s.t. conditions) • Integrates growing forest resources, biomass supply, wood biomass using sectors and demand • Version used has 14 Finnish regions + RoW; • Production (technologies) modeled at unit/machine level • Multi‐periodic; one period calculated at a time; the data on operation environment updated between periods
SF‐GTM model Consumers of forest industry products and wood based energy carriers Demand for and supply of wood/forest biomass and producs made of them in other regions (represented by demand functions) Production factors from other sectors (input prices) Forest industry and energy sector using wood biomass Paper & board Sawmills & Plywood Particleboard & production production fibreboard producion Pulp production Heat, power and Pellet production biofuels production Forest resources Increment and drain of the growing stock Biomass (roundwood and forest chips) supply (supply of roundwood affected by price and growing stock, connection of forest chips supply to roundwood harvests)
MELA • is a forest management planning tool generated for Finnish conditions for solving such problems as: ¾ what are the production potentials of forests and ¾ how to manage forests to meet the overall goals of the society/forest owner now and in the future • consists of two main parts: 1) Simulation • automated stand simulator based on individual tree models for producing alternative development and treatment options for stands (Siitonen et al 1996, Redsven et al 2011) 2) Optimization • comparison of stand management alternatives based on linear programming (JLP ‐ Lappi 1972)
Simulation of management schedules MELA INITIAL DATA “Z t=0” State of stand i Natural processes g(Zi,t)j Management unit/Sample plot data (1-32): at time t = (Zi,t)j + ingrowth Inventory year in alternative j - mortality ”random” Area X, Y coordinates + growth Height above sea level - self thinning Temperature sum Owner category Land-use category Soil and peatland category Site type category Drainage category t = t+1 Year from last treatment (by treatments) no, j=j Forestry board district Forest management category t=s Sample tree data (1-20): Number of stems/ha yes, j=j+1 Tree species d1.3 cuttings Height clearing Age (both d1.3 and biological) soil preparation Reduction to model-based saw log volume artificial cultivation Origin tending fertilization,pruning,drainage Height of the lowest living branch, m Human activities: Management category of the tree ht,i = f(Zi,t)
MELA “NFI‐analyses” references • NFI8 (1986‐1994), NFI9 (1996‐2003), NFI10 (2004‐2008), NFI11 (2009‐) – calculations made by forestry centre regions – 50 year simulation time (5 x 10 year periods) Forest 2000 Programme in 1985 and 1990 National Forest Programme 2010 (1999) and 2015 (2007) Regional Forest Programmes (1998, 2000‐2001, 2004‐2005, 2008) Report by the Committee for Financing Forest Protection and Employment (1996) Evaluation of Finnish Biodiversity Program in 2004 National climate and energy strategy 2008
General structure of SF‐GTM and MELA analyses SF-GTM Forest (stand/sample plot) - market analyses data (supply and demand) Computational updating Stand simulator (MELASIM): Management instructions -natural processes - treatments Unit prices and costs for wood by region Management schedules for stands Management strategy: forest level objective and constraints Optimisation (MELAOPT), JLP Treatments, growning stock etc. by calculations units and regions
A problem with synchronization ‐ to be tackled in the future‐ • SF‐GTM • 1 year steps • MELA2009 • 10 year steps; • uses the averages 2007‐2016, 2017‐2026,.. from SF‐GTM ‐> the carbon loss due to bioenergy harvests from rapidly growing forests maybe exaggerated in the first period
Some prior observations the expected impacts of increasing the use of wood based energy: High BIO vs. Low BIO
Expected impact on emission from fossil fuels • 1 MWhf of peat/coal emits circa 0.381 t CO2eq Æ Additional 12 TWh of wood replacing peat & coal in heat & power – reduces fossil GHG emissions by about 4 Mt/year – cuts the Finnish Non‐LULUCF emissions by over 5% • 1 MWhf of fossil diesel emits circa 0.245 t CO2eq Æ 7 TWh of biodiesel – reduces fossil GHG emissions by roughly 1.8 Mt/year – decreases the Finnish GHG emissions from traffic over 10%
Expected impact on forest carbon stock • unlikely to decrease forest carbon stock from current level – Due to high growth and low use of forests, future forest carbon stock may still be even higher than now. • likely to reduce the future forest carbon stock compared to the case without additional demand for energy wood
Annual change in CO2 absorbed from/released to the atmosphere High BIO compared to Low BIO 25 20 NOT sequestered 15 10 Mt CO2‐eq/year 5 Net addition CO2 into atmosphere 0 2011201220132014 2015201620172018201920202021202220232024 202520262027202820292030203120322033 20342035 ‐5 ‐10 NOT released to the atmosphere ‐15 Not released by fossil fuels Not absorbed by forests Net effect in Atmosphere
Cumulative difference in sinks and sources of CO2 in the High BIO compared to Low BIO 400 300 NOT sequestered to the forests due to increased harvests 200 Mt CO2‐eq 100 0 ‐100 NOT released to the atmosphere due to increased use of ‐200 renewable wood energy instead of fossil fuels ‐300 Fossil Substitution Loss in Forest Storage Net effect in Atmosphere
Forest Carbon Sink in High BIO vs. Durban Reference Level 2013‐2020 70 60 Sink increasing despite increased biofuel production. 50 40 Mt CO2 30 20 10 0 Forest Carbon sink Reference level Reference level not jeopardized due to bioenergy
In LOW BIO with no policies favoring bionergy compared to HIGH BIO in 2020: - Roundwood harvests 12% lower - Forest owners’ timber sales income 10% lower - 40% less wood used in replacing fossils - Pulp, paper and paperboard production 2% higher - Sawnwood production affected in much longer run, with 1% reduction in 2030 - Pulpwood prices 2030 already very low discouraging thinnins as forest management and hence harming long-run sawntimber production 70 60 50 40 mill m3 30 20 10 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Roundwood harvests, HIGH BIO Roundwood harvests, LOW BIO Use of material wood and forest chips for energy, HIGH BIO Use of material wood and forest chips for energy, LOW BIO
Summary and conclusions
The first combined model runs suggest that reaching the Finnish targets for wood energy • Has negative impact on the atmospheric CO2 • … but is vital for Finland’s compliance with EU RES 2020 • does not jeopardize the Finnish Durban reference level • Dropping the requirement for 3 large biodiesel plants could help to decrease the short‐run carbon debt – They require increased harvests of (growing) pulpwood – Fossil fuel replacement factor is smaller for biodiesel than in heat & power
However, it is not all about GHGs Increased use of wood based energy means • higher (pulp)wood prices – Higher income for forest owners – motivate forest management – Improve profitability of sawnwood production • more jobs, although domestic peat down • Improved trade balance and self‐sufficiency, when foreign non‐ Foto: E. Oksanen, Metla renewables replaced • Being prepared for raising prices of fossils.
The issue seen in a positive light • It’s the current HIGH growth of Finnish forests making ”sink use” appealing • Past investments on forest management are bearing fruit. • Room for producing both carbon services and renewable energy / other ”post ‐ pulp&paper” products • No support from tax payers’ needed to increase forest C stock • Finally: Sequestration policy vulnerable to risks: wildfires, windfalls, deseases, pests…
Our thanks to: • Dr. Risto Sievänen for calculating the carbon stocks in forest soils with Yasso2007‐model • SETUILMU, TEKES and ECHOES for partially funding our research.
Thank you
Further information • MELA2009 model, e.g.,: – Redsven, V., Hirvelä, H., Härkönen, K., Salminen, O., Siitonen, M. 2009. MELA2009 Reference Manual. The Finnish Forest Research Institute. 656 p. ISBN 978‐951‐40‐2203‐6 (PDF). • Yasso2007 model, e.g.,: – Tuomi, M., Thum, T., Järvinen, H., et al. 2009. Ecological Modeling 220: 3362‐3371. • SF‐GTM model, e.g., – Kallio, A.M.I., 2010. Accounting for uncertainty in a forest sector model using Monte Carlo simulation. Forest Policy and Economics 12(1): 9–16. • Forest energy module ForENER (modification included to SF‐GTM): – Kallio, A.M.I., Anttila, P., McCormick, M., Asikainen, A., 2011, Are the Finnish targets for the energy use of forest chips realistic—Assessment with a spatial market model, Journal of Forest Economics 17, 110–126 • Finnish energy targets, e.g.,: – Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 2010. Kohti vähäpäästöistä Suomea. Presentation of Minister Mauri Pekkarinen, lo velvoitepaketti Kesaranta 200410.pdf. • Biorefinery plans: – UPM‐Kymmene Oyj. 2010. Toisen sukupolven biojalostamo. Ympäristövaikutusten arviointiohjelma. – WSP Environmental Oy, 2009. Metsäliiton ja Vapon biodieselhanke, YVA Ohjelma.
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