Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK

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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
1       REAL LIVES

    Summer 2021 | Issue 62

                                      AWA R D -W I N N I N G

       Supporting & empowering ostomates

    and the
    battle to get
    active again

            SHARON MORRIN              SUE LENNON
            Emergency stoma            Let’s talk
                                                                Real stories
            surgery during lockdown    about                 Real
                                              sex S TOMA HEL PL
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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK

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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
F RO M T H E E D I TO R I A L T E A M            3

                                               Dear readers
Editorial Team                                 Welcome to our new look                    prescription services is on the minds of
                                               Tidings which, as ever, is                 some readers. To find out more about
Editor, Writer & Researcher
                                                                                          this and its likely impact on patients
Richard Biddle                                 packed with all the features               turn to page 7 of Colostomy UK news.
Creative Editor & General Manager              and articles you love!                     In our news pages, you will also find
Libby Herbert
                                                                                          details of a survey we are conducting
Marketing &                                    It’s tempting to kick off by talking       about the service ostomates receive
Communications Manager                         about the pandemic, but as things in       from companies that manufacture
Lucinda Mitchell                               the UK seem to be moving in the right      and deliver stoma products. If you have
                                               direction as I write this, I’m not going   time, then please complete this. You
Senior Stoma Care Nurse Specialist
Ambra Bertinara
                                               to tempt fate. All I will say though, is   can do it online or via the tear-out
                                               that the Colostomy UK team intend          survey form on page 8. Lastly, on page
Colostomate & Volunteer                        to start a gradual return to our offices
Jackie Dudley                                                                             36 you will find a ‘teaser’ about our
                                               (indeed it may be underway by the          upcoming September challenge…
Colostomate & Volunteer                        time you read this). Although this
Gillian Cowell                                 comes with the pain of having to            So, what else lies in the pages ahead?
Data Analyst & Publishing                      travel to work each morning, it’s fair      In Dear nurse, Mark Johnston talks
Arvind Anand                                   to say that everyone (even those who        about pancaking. We also have an
                                               claim otherwise) is glad. It signals the    important article from Sue Lennon
                                               resumption of office banter and that        who is a psychosexual therapist. Sex is
                                               buzz you get working with like-minded       a topic which, to my mind, isn’t given
                                               and enthusiastic people. Somehow            the attention it deserves. As a charity,
                                               this is never the quite the same online,    we are keen to push it to the forefront
                                               although it is nice to sneak a peep at      and get ostomates and healthcare
                                               the inside of colleague’s houses! The       professionals discussing it as a matter
                                               return will also mean we will be able       of course. We have five Real lives
                                               to quickly turn around requests for         stories. I know from feedback just how
                                               RADAR keys and our literature etc.          helpful these are to people. Anyone
                                                                                           struggling to get fit after surgery
                                               There are a number of things I would        should find Ed Rowland’s experiences
                                               like to draw your attention to in this      useful. John Bigland’s and Laura Plant’s
                                               edition. I know from calls and emails       stories capture that courageous
                                               received that the issue of centralised      spirit we so often see when people
Tidings Magazine:
The views expressed by the contributors are                                                are faced with seemingly endless
not necessarily those of Colostomy UK. Great
care has been taken to ensure accuracy, but
                                                                                           and insurmountable health issues.
Colostomy UK cannot accept responsibility                                                  Similar is the case with Sharon Morrin
for errors or omissions.                                                                   who ended up facing the prospect
Disclaimer:                                                                                of emergency stoma surgery during
The display, description or demonstration                                                  lockdown.
of products and services or the inclusion of
advertisements, inserts and samples within
Tidings Magazine does not constitute an
                                                                                           Finally, Alan Blacklee reflects very
endorsement or recommendation of these                                                     honestly on the price he paid for
products and services by Colostomy UK.                                                     delaying seeking help. It’s a cautionary
©Copyright 2021 Colostomy UK. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be
                                                                                           tale, but one you will be glad to hear
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or                                               has a happy ending!
transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying,                                                      Best wishes,
recording or otherwise, except as permitted
by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988, without the prior written
permission of the publisher. All marks

H2 Creative (Bath) Limited                                                                 Richard Biddle                                                                           Editor, Writer & Researcher

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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
CONTENTS                      5

Colostomy UK is a national charity that
offers support and advice to people living
with a stoma, their families, carers, and
                                                                                  Colostomy UK News
friends. We’re here if you have questions,
need support or just want to talk to someone
who lives with a stoma.
                                                                                 6       Colostomy UK: News
We also run projects to EMPOWER
ostomates to return to sports, hobbies
                                                                                 16      Colostomy UK: Volunteers
and other interests and give them the
confidence to take up fresh challenges.                                          30      Active Ostomates
We are advocates for ostomates’ rights
and their voice on the bigger issues. Our

                                                                                  Real Lives
campaigns raise awareness and encourage
organisations to make their facilities more
inclusive. SUPPORTING and enhancing
ostomates’ wellbeing is at the core of
everything we do.                                                                10	
                                                                                    The Dangers of Ignoring the
How to contact us                                                                         Symptoms of Illness – Alan Blacklee
Stoma helpline for:                                                              12	
                                                                                    Emergency stoma surgery during
	Emotional support, experience-based                                                     lockdown – Sharon Morrin
  advice and guidance from a volunteer.
  0800 328 4257
  24 hours a day and completely free.
                                                                                    Confidence and the battle to get
                                                                                          active again – Ed Rowland
Adminline for:
	Information packs, ID cards, RADAR                                              38	
                                                                                     I still carry a lot of guilt when it
  keys, travel certificates and Literature.
  0118 939 1537
                                                                                          comes to my illness – John Bigland
  If we’re not in, just leave a message.
                                                                                     16 years and more than
To request (or cancel) your quarterly
                                                                                         20 surgeries – Laura Plant
copy of Tidings call 0118 939 1537
Editorial Enquiries                                                              Wellbeing
	Letters, articles or other submissions
  Colostomy UK, Enterprise House,                                                 34	
                                                                                     Dear Nurse – Mark Johnson
  95 London Street Reading,
  Berkshire, RG1 4QA
                                                                                     Let’s talk about sex – Sue Lennon
Advertising enquiries
	For a media pack and advertising rates:
  0118 939 1537
                                                                                     Colostomy UK: Fundraising
                                                                                     Step up for stomas

Social media:
            Find us on
            Facebook                                                              49	
                                                                                     Your letters and emails
   Join our ‘private’ support group today
   simply put ‘Colostomy UK Support Group’
   into your Facebook search bar, click on
  ‘Group’ and click on ‘Ask to join’ you will   Donating to Colostomy UK
   be assured of a warm welcome!                An annual donation of £25 (or what you can afford) allows us to produce Tidings and to continue our
                                                vital work, supporting, and empowering ostomates – see page 25 for our donation form.
                                                You can also donate via our website or by calling us on 0118 939 1537

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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
6         NEWS

                                                                                              Libby Herbert
                                                                                              General Manager

                                           Tom Skilbeck
                                           We are delighted to announce the
                                           appointment of Tom Skilbeck who
As General Manager of Colostomy            joins Colostomy UK as our Strategy
UK I am delighted to announce that         and Change Trustee.
- after jumping through numerous
hoops - our application to work            Originally hailing from the north-east
with the charity Pilotlight has            of England, Tom now lives in north
been accepted. Pilotlight, whose           London with his wife and dog. Tom is        sigmoid colostomy. It was during one
strapline is ‘Great causes deserve         a management consultant who helps           of many sleepless nights searching for
great talent’, brings businesses           organisations to deliver people-related     information that Tom found Colostomy
and charities together to support          change programmes. He has worked            UK and the treasure trove of support and
strategic planning.                        extensively in the private sector with      resources we offer.
                                           clients from all over the world.
The ‘Pilotlighters’ are professionals                                                  Tom is thrilled to be joining the
from different sectors, who will be        As part of his ongoing battle with a        board of trustees. He sees it as a
working with us over a 10-month            complex transphincteric horseshoe           fantastic opportunity to use his skills
period to help us shape Colostomy          fistula, Tom became an ostomate             and experience and make a positive
UK’s strategy and develop our people.      in September 2019 and has a loop-           difference for ostomates everywhere.
Pilotlight works specifically with small
and ambitious organisations like ours,
tackling disadvantage in the UK and
trying to improve the lives of those       Have your say on the companies
most in need. Making no charge for
their services, Pilotlight only support    that manufacture and deliver
around 75 charities at a time, so I am
thrilled that Colostomy UK has been
                                           stoma products
selected. Working with such talented       As part of our commitment to be the voice
people and a fantastic organisation        of ostomates, Colostomy UK is investigating
is an amazing opportunity for our          the service provided by companies that
charity. Their expertise will help us to   manufacture and deliver stoma products.
evolve which, in turn, will help us to
better support ostomates.                  You can help us by completing a
                                           short survey. Your responses will
Ed Mayo, CEO, Pilotlight said: “At
                                           allow us to build a better picture
the heart of all great charities is a
                                           of stoma care in the UK, which
decision to care. I am delighted to
                                           we can then use to work with the
welcome Colostomy UK as a new
                                           stoma industry and the NHS.
charity partner for Pilotlight, to
support your vital work of care for        We want to ensure ostomates get the best
people with a stoma. Good luck for         support and services possible! To complete the survey, follow
the work ahead!”                           this link:
                                           or turn to page 8 to complete a paper copy of the survey which you
To find out more about Pilotlight
                                           can return by post.
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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
Back to content page                                                                                             NEWS              7

Centralised                                    Everything points to similar services
                                               being introduced in other locations in

                                               the future. So why is this happening
                                               and how could it affect you?

                                               CCGs are introducing centralised
                                               prescription services for four
                                               main reasons:
Traditionally repeat prescriptions             1.	To make sure that ostomates
for stoma products have been
issued by your GP (family doctor).
In some areas of England this is
                                                   get the right products, in the
                                                   right quantity.                      Legacy Update:
starting to change with Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
                                               2.	To make sure that ostomates
                                                   have a regular review with a         Helping ostomates
introducing specialist stoma
products ordering services,
                                                   stoma nurse.
                                               3. To improve quality of life.
                                                                                        achieve their GOALs
overseen by stoma nurses.                      4. To reduce waste.
                                                                                        In the last edition of Tidings, we
If you live in Nottinghamshire, South          Change can be disconcerting,             told you about our new eight-week
Tees, Rotherham, Luton, and Harrow             but it is important to remember          pilot project called ‘Giving Ostomates
for example, your prescriptions have           the following:                           Active Lifestyles (GOAL)’. Everyone
been managed by a centralised                                                           taking part in the programme was
prescription service for some time.            •	
                                                 The only real change is that
                                                 your prescription will now be          looking for support with healthy eating
If you’re in Halton, Knowsley,                                                          and exercise following stoma surgery.
Liverpool, St Helens, Warrington, or             managed by a prescribing
The Wirral, the new Merseyside &                 service not your GP.                   On 15th March, our first six participants
Region Stoma Service will soon take            •	
                                                 The prescribing service will           logged on to the first online session with
over managing your prescriptions.                contact you to place your              Personal Trainer Jo Prance. There was a
These services are generally run by              regular order rather than              follow-up session a few days later with
an external company.                             your dispensing company.               Sophie Medlin, Consultant Dietitian.
Although each service operates                 •	
                                                 How you receive your order            It is thanks to the legacy of Isabel and Derek
slightly differently, generally speaking          WILL NOT CHANGE.                      Jonas that we were able to run this pilot. We
you can expect a monthly call to                                                        hope the results from it will allow us to do a
                                                 Specialist nurses from
review your last order and place a                                                      full roll-out in the future. As many will know,
                                                  prescribing services are all
new one, along with some health                                                         it is common for ostomates to struggle
                                                  trained stoma care nurses. They
and product-related questions to                                                        with their weight after surgery and to lack
                                                  are there to complement the
make sure that your needs are being                                                     confidence when it comes to exercising.
                                                  support you receive from your
met. Your prescription is then placed
                                                  hospital team, not replace them.      As a self–funding charity, donations such
with the dispensing company of your
choice or your local pharmacy, who will        If you have any questions                as legacy gifts are vital. Large or small, they
deliver your order. If your monthly call       about centralised prescription           have an extraordinary impact on the people
identifies any health or product issues        services please email                    we help and support. As well as funding
you will be offered an appointment    or speak            projects like this, legacies enable us to:
with a specialist stoma nurse.                 to your stoma nurse or GP.
                                                                                        • Run our 24-hour Stoma Helpline
                                                                                        • Provide our volunteers with the
                                                                                           training and support they need
                                                                                        • Produce Tidings
Vacancy: Clinical Trustee                                                               • Fund campaigns
                                                                                        •	Move closer to our vision of a
Are you a healthcare professional actively working with stoma                             stoma-friendly society
patients and the stoma community?
We are looking for a registered practitioner to join our board of trustees.
You will enhance Colostomy UK’s understanding of the challenges clinicians                To find out more about leaving a gift in
face on a day–to–day basis and help us to forge productive relationships                  your will, see the legacy leaflet enclosed
with the healthcare profession. Your input and guidance will shape our                    with this Tidings, or visit our website.
services, helping ostomates of today and tomorrow thrive and flourish.                    For more information about GOAL visit:
This is a voluntary position suitable for a senior clinician. Charity experience
will be beneficial.
To enquire please email:

                                                                                                TIDING S 6 2 I SUMM ER 2021
Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK

Have your say on the companies that
manufacture and deliver stoma products
As part of our commitment to be the voice of ostomates, Colostomy UK is investigating the service provided by companies that
manufacture and deliver stoma products. You can help us by completing a short survey. Your responses will allow us to build a
better picture of stoma care in the UK, which we can then use to work with the stoma industry and the NHS. We want to ensure
ostomates get the best support and services possible!
Either complete the survey below and post it to us (Colostomy UK, Enterprise House, 95 London St, Reading RG1 4QA)
or follow this link:

    1. Where do you live?    o England o Scotland o Northern Ireland o Wales
    2. What type of stoma(s) do you have?   o Colostomy o Ileostomy o Urostomy o Don’t know
    Other (please specify)
			                                                 D D M M Y Y

    3. When did you have your stoma formed? Date

    4. Have you ever received any communication (call/mail/email) from a stoma product manufacturer or
    dispenser offering you samples that you haven’t requested?

    o Yes      o No

    5. Have you had your stoma products changed without being consulted?

    o Yes      o No

    6. Have you had any products added to your prescription that you felt weren’t needed?

    o Yes      o No

    7. Were you actively involved in choosing the stoma care products that you use?

    o Yes      o No

    8. Were you offered a choice of dispenser/delivery company?

    o Yes      o No

    9. Please select all the options that are important to you when choosing your dispensing/delivery company?

    o Ease of ordering o Complete delivery of order o Quick delivery of order
    o Provision of free complementary products such as wipes or disposal bags o Telephone advice relating to stoma care
    o Telephone advice relating to stoma care o Being able to easily sample and trial different products
    o Annual product review by a Stoma Care Nurse
    o Please expand:

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Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
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AMI Medical Ltd, Unit 4 Central Court, Off Finch Close, Nottingham, NG7 2NN
Confidence and the battle to get active again - Colostomy UK
10   REAL LIVES                                                                                            Back to content page

The dangers of ignoring the                                                          Having established with hard

                                                                                     evidence something that everyone
                                                                                     already suspected (indeed I can
                                                                                     almost hear the sighs of our women
                                                                                     readers!) the researchers went on
                                                                                     to ponder many questions. They

of illness
                                                                                     queried for example the extent to
                                                                                     which the reluctance of men to visit
                                                                                     their GP might be a contributing
                                                                                     factor to lower male to female life
                                                                                     expectancy (particularly as men
                                                                                     are more likely to have dangerous
                                                                                     occupations than women). They
 BY RICHARD BIDDLE                                                                   also touched on the implications of
                                                                                     delaying seeking help, and how this
                                                                                     can lead to patients (both male and
                                                                                     female) presenting with a serious
                                                                                     disease at a later (and less treatable)
                                                                                     stage. The latter is of course very
                                                                                     pertinent in the current climate
                                                                                     and is something that Colostomy
                                                                                     UK’s president, Ian Daniels FRCS
                                                                                     has warned about recently in this
                                                                                     magazine. A similar gender disparity
                                                                                     exists with bowel cancer screening,
                                                                                     which is all the more worrying
                                                                                     given that men are at higher risk of
                                                                                     getting bowel cancer than women.
                                                                                     According to Public Health Matters,
                                                                                     which is the official blog of Public
                                                                                     Health England, in 2014 only 53%
                                                                                     of men completed their home tests
                     Research published                                              compared to 58% of women.
                     recently in the British
                                                                                     The purpose of this article is not to
                     Medical Journal                                                 examine why all this might be. You
                     concluded that men                                              will also be relieved to hear that I
                                                                                     am not going to inflict on you an
                     were less likely to                                             analysis of the researcher’s detailed
                     consult their GPs                                               findings. But what I do want to do,
                                                                                     is to use the experience of one of
                     than women.                                                     our readers to show, starkly, what
                                                                                     the above can equate to in human
                                                                                     terms. My intention, and that of Alan
                                                                                     Blacklee, who was kind enough to
                                                                                     share his story with me, is twofold:
                     This finding followed a huge study,                             to encourage people to seek help
                     which looked at the consultation                                early when they are ill, and, if you
                     rates at 446 GP practices over a                                are in the age bracket to qualify for
                     three-year period, taking in almost                             bowel screening, urge you to do the
                     four million patients. The crude                                tests (and to tell your loved ones to
                     consultation rate was 32% lower                                 do them too!). This message applies
                     in men, and the gender gap in                                   equally to men and women, but I
                     consultation rates most pronounced                              am saying it just a little bit louder to
                     between the ages of 16 and 60 years.*                           male readers, for obvious reasons.

                     * Wang, Y., Hunt, K., et al., ‘Do men consult less than women? An analysis of
                     routinely collected UK general practice data’, British Medical Journal Open 2013;3.

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Back to content page                                                                                     REAL LIVES             11

Alan is now 61 years old and lives in                                                         November 2014. As his cancer had
Middleton St. George, near Darlington,                                                        spread circumferentially around the
with Frances his wife of 38 years. The                                                        bowel and rectum, it was necessary
couple have two grown-up sons and                                                             to remove part of his bowel, along
two grandchildren. Alan served 32                                                             with his anus, sphincter, and coccyx.
years as a firefighter with Cleveland Fire                                                    He also had a permanent colostomy
Brigade before retiring from the service                                                      formed. Mr Gunning told Alan
in 2010. He then retrained and worked                                                         afterwards that he was extremely
as a Class One HGV driver until March                                                         lucky that the cancer had not burst
this year, when he “retired for good”.                                                        out of the bowel, saying that this was
Alan is now free to enjoy the things                                                          imminent. Alan was in hospital for
he loves, which include motorcycling,                                                         11 days before spending a long and
walking, the great outdoors, as well                                                          painful recovery period, made all the
as cooking and photography. I get                                                             more frustrating due to tailbone pain
the impression from speaking to                                                               and stitches which made it difficult
Alan that the motorcycle trumps                                                               for him to sit.
everything else. As he has been keen
to tell me: “Call anytime, I’ll always                                                        Thankfully, Alan has been cancer free
answer, unless I’m out on the bike.”                                                          since his surgery and has adapted
                                                                                              well to life with a stoma. As you will
When I asked Alan to tell me his                                                              have picked up, he is ‘back on the
story, he began by referring to                                                               bike’ and when we last spoke, he
himself as “a fool”. Taken aback                                                              was counting down the days until
by this (it’s not usually someone’s                                                           he could go out for a pint with his
opening gambit when I interview                                                               mates. But reaching this point has
them) I asked him to explain what                                                             taken time. Initially he struggled
he meant. It quickly became clear:                                                            with his body image, and the
                                                                                              nerve damage he sustained during
                                               Looking back Alan still can’t believe
“I was a typical bloke. I had                                                                 surgery will always be there. He has
                                               what he did next… nothing. He                  also never managed to regain his
 symptoms for a long time
                                               rationalised what had happened as              fitness, although he sees this as
 and found every excuse in                     a burst haemorrhoid. Alan gets quite           work in progress. Alan readily admits
 the world not to attend the                   passionate when he talks about this            he was lucky, in the sense that he
 doctors, until it was too late.”              incident. He is very clear: “I was an idiot.   is still alive. Being generally of a
                                               I knew something was seriously wrong,          positive disposition, he has moved
Alan’s first symptoms appeared in 2010,        but instead of doing what I should have        on. He has also learned to live with
just after he retired from the fire service.   done, I accepted my fate. I also hid           the consequences of his inaction,
These took the form of a strange               what was going on from my wife.” But,          although he still wonders what might
sensation in the area of his anus and          by now, time was running out. Over             have been if he had acted on his
occasional diarrhoea. Alan says these          the course of the next few days Alan           symptoms back in 2010. This was
symptoms got significantly worse over          started to lose control of his bowels.         really driven home to him recently,
time with the appearance of blood              His hand forced, he finally booked to          when an ex-colleague from the fire
when he went to the toilet. Rather             see his GP. His doctor acted promptly.         service was diagnosed early with
than getting things checked out by his         On hearing how long Alan had been              bowel cancer and had this removed
doctor, he passed the bleeding off as          experiencing symptoms she rang the             by keyhole surgery and without the
possible haemorrhoids. Alan lived with         hospital immediately and Alan was              need for a stoma. Alan’s advice to
this state of affairs for almost four years    booked in for a colonoscopy the day            readers is simple:
until one summer day in 2014, when he          after. Mr Gunning, the consultant who
got the sudden urge to open his bowels.        went on to operate on Alan, performed          “If you take nothing else
He explains that he was incredibly lucky       this. He found three abnormal growths           from my story, take my
to get to the toilet in time and then,         in Alan’s bowel, which were later
when he got up from the toilet, was                                                            advice to seek medical help
                                               confirmed as cancerous.
shocked to see the bowl bright red with                                                        as soon as you have ANY
blood. He says that there was a massive        After a short course of radiotherapy            unusual symptoms.”
amount of blood.                               Alan went down for surgery in

WWW.CO LOSTO MY U K . O RG                                                                        TIDING S 6 2 I SUMMER 2021
12   REAL LIVES                                 Back to content page

                          BY SHARON MORRIN

                          When you are only 46
                          years old, you don’t
                          immediately associate
                          a change in your bowel
                          habits with cancer.

                          Perhaps that’s why when I first started to
                          get symptoms, I didn’t pursue the matter
                          quite as I should have done. That’s the
                          benefit of hindsight for you, and it didn’t
                          help me last spring, when things came to a
                          head. I’ll never forget the 24 March 2020. As
                          I set off for work that morning the stomach
                          pains started. Putting this down to trapped
                          wind, I persevered, but the pain got steadily
                          worse. On the way back from picking up my
                          son Marty from his Dad’s I got some extra
                          strong mints, having heard these were good
                          at getting ‘things’ going. That evening I ate
                          the whole packet. After a restless night
                           I woke up in agony and my partner Russ
                          called 111, who said to go to A&E.

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By the time we arrived, I was               meant Russ had to go home,
doubled over in pain. The doctors           leaving me scared and alone. The
thought it was my appendix, but             tests included a CT scan, as they
then the questions turned to bowel          thought it could be inflammation
movements.                                  of the bowel or appendicitis. This
                                            revealed a mass in my sigmoid colon.
I explained they had started to change,     The doctors said they couldn’t be
from loose to constipated, sometimes        sure if it was cancerous, but they
with blood showing. In fact, this had       needed to operate. Two days after
been going on for some time. I’d just       being admitted I had an emergency
got used to it. The blood started in        Hartmann’s procedure and end
2017 and I got this checked by my           colostomy formed. While I waited,
GP. It was a bit embarrassing: without      I was in contact with Russ and
the promise of a meal or a night out,       managed to speak to Marty and my
he performed a rectal examination.          mum, but no visitors were allowed.
He said it could be internal piles and      It was very difficult. I didn’t even
told me to record if and when blood         know what a stoma was and didn’t
showed again. For the next three years      have a chance to process what was
I saw blood occasionally but put it         happening. There wasn’t even time
down to internal piles. It was easier       to site my stoma.
this way. But as I’ve come to realise,
the path of least resistance isn’t always   I came round with people                     the consultant told me I was lucky to
the best… The pain side of things           at my bedside. My surgeon                    be alive, as apparently the tumour
came later. The first episode was in                                                     was about to burst. Hearing this gave
December 2018 when me and Russ
                                            delivered the bad news: the                  me goosebumps. Arrangements were
were at a concert for his 50th birthday.    mass was cancerous, and                      made for me to have a colonoscopy
It came on just before the gig started,     a lesion had been found                      through the stoma to check my bowel
lasted two hours, and then was gone.        on my liver.                                 was ok and an MRI scan on my liver.
Further episodes followed, but I didn’t                                                  The thought of the former freaked me
pay them much attention. Why would          This came as a huge shock. I had             out. My stress levels on the day weren’t
I? The pain didn’t last long.               lost my dad 16 months earlier to             helped by all the waiting between
                                            oesophageal cancer. My goal now was          patients due to the heightened care
It was early 2020, when I noticed more      to recover from this operation and           being taken with Covid-19. The
changes and saw more blood. I knew          get used to living life with a stoma.        procedure wasn’t as bad as I expected.
I should have gone to the doctors, but      I found everything overwhelming              The worst part was the Moviprep I had
like many GP practices, you can only        at first. After five nights in hospital, I   to take the night before, leading to
call ours for appointments at 8:00 am.      went home. Recovery was hard. It was         regular toilet trips to empty my bag!
As this is when I leave for work, it’s a    three weeks before I could straighten
bit awkward. Sometimes you have to          up and sleeping was difficult. Russ was      The MRI scan confirmed four lesions
wait 20 minutes to get through, plus        a huge support, helping me shower,           across the liver, one of which was
I didn’t feel comfortable having to say     changing my stoma bags, etc. It              close to where the blood vessels
anything to my work colleagues, so          wasn’t plain sailing; there were a few       enter and another that was too big
I left it. Our lives are ruled by time.     accidents, and I don’t think the sofa        for surgery. This meant four rounds
Scarcely did I know how little of it I      will ever be the same again. But we          of chemotherapy in late May. I found
might have had left. If I’m honest,         just laughed it off; it was all part         this difficult to cope with. It played
by this point cancer had crossed my         of getting used to this new way of life.     havoc with my calves and I suffered
mind. I’d recently seen stuff on social                                                  painful constipation which lasted up
media about it. But I didn’t have any       On the 14 April 2020, I was well             to four days each time. Stool finally
of the other symptoms, such as losing       enough to celebrate my 47th birthday.        passing through the stoma was like
weight. If anything, I was putting it       Stuck in lockdown it was a quiet day         having contractions, but I felt such
on. This helped me to rationalise my        spent with Russ and Marty. That              relief afterwards. Post-chemo CT
decision not to call.                       evening the Indian takeaway we had,          and MRI scans showed the tumours
                                            washed down with a couple of glasses         had shrunk enough for surgery. I was
Back at A&E, an X-ray showed                of wine, prepared me for my follow-up        given notification of my pre-surgery
a shadow in my abdomen. I was               appointment at the hospital. It was          appointment on the same day as I
admitted for more tests. Coronavirus        here my diagnosis was confirmed and          received news that Marty’s father had

WWW.CO LOSTO MY U K . O RG                                                                     TIDING S 6 2 I SUMMER 2021
14        REAL LIVES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Back to content page

died unexpectedly. My emotions were                                                                                                                                                                      this; from clothes not fitting anymore
all over the place, having to tell my son                                                                                                                                                                because of my stoma to not being able
the awful news while trying to prepare                                                                                                                                                                   to be with the people I love. But I have
for major surgery. I was more nervous                                                                                                                                                                    remained positive. Russ has been my
this time round as I had the time                                                                                                                                                                        rock, as well as my carer, nurse and
to think about things. Fears of not                                                                                                                                                                      housemaid! Thanks to him I have kept
coming out of surgery swept over me.                                                                                                                                                                     going. He has cheekily named my stoma
I was scared about leaving my child an                                                                                                                                                                   “Kuato” from the film Total Recall and
orphan. In the end, they removed 60%                                                                                                                                                                     bestowed on me the DJ name “Atoms”
of my liver, along with my gallbladder.                                                                                                                                                                  a stoma anagram, for when we can start
Originally it was meant to be 40%, but                                                                                                                                                                   DJing again. The professionalism of
chemo can change the way the liver                                                                                                                                                                       NHS staff and the support of friends,
looks, so it was decided to remove                                                                                                                                                                       family and work colleagues has been
everything that looked suspicious.                                                                                                                                                                       vital too, as has the help I have received
I stayed in for seven days, again with                                                                                                                                                                   from Colostomy UK and Bowel
no visitors.                                                                                                                                                                                             Cancer UK.

Shortly before Christmas I had follow-      my neck and rectum. I am now due                                                                                                                             I hope my story will help
up bloods and another CT scan. In           to have a fine needle aspiration of                                                                                                                          others who are going through
January 2021 my oncologist informed         the neck (biopsy). It has been an                                                                                                                            a similar journey. I hope, too,
me all the cancer markers were low,         emotional 12 months, compounded                                                                                                                              that my experience is a salutary
and my lungs, liver and bowel were          by coronavirus visiting restrictions
clear, but due to an enlarged para-         in hospitals, which left me scared
                                                                                                                                                                                                         reminder to everyone not to
aortic lymph node in my aorta, I had        and alone at some of my darkest                                                                                                                              delay acting on the symptoms of
to have a PET CT scan. This showed          moments. I’ve shed many tears from                                                                                                                           illness. As I have learned, you are
small, highlighted lymph nodes in           the frustration of going through                                                                                                                             never too young to get cancer.

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                                                                                                              95 London Street,                 House, 2nd Floor,                                                    Promoter: Mr Giovann              anyone under                           Enterprise House,
                                                                                                                                  Reading, Berkshire                                                                                      i Cinque, Colostom          16 years. No tickets                         2nd Floor, 95 London
                                                                                                                  Late entries will                        , RG1                                                     Colostomy Associa                      y UK, Enterprise                may be sold on                                Street, Reading
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      hased helps us                                 and Wales No:
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          towards supporting vital Colostomy UK services such as our 24–hour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lottery Licence
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   e ostomates

          stoma helpline, support literature and Tidings magazine. If you would like to purchase
          raffle tickets please get in touch by calling 0118 939 1537 or email
          Every ticket purchased helps us to support and empower ostomates.

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REAL LIVES        15

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  WWW.CO LOSTO MY U K . O RG                                                                         TIDING S 6 2 I SUMMER 2021
16       NEWS

                                                                                            Emma Howell
                                                                                            Volunteers Manager

I know from speaking to our
volunteers just what a worry
tackling the ‘firsts’ can be after
having stoma surgery – be that
the first meal out, the first time
going to the shops, or the first time
using a public toilet. For many new
ostomates these opportunities
have been delayed by lockdown
or shielding over the last year,
and therefore their worries have
amplified. With this in mind I asked
the team what advice and tips
they would give new ostomates.
Hopefully, even our more stoma-
experienced readers will pick up a
nugget or two from what follows…
The overarching message from our
volunteers was ‘be prepared and
remember no one will know that you
have a stoma – unless you tell them’.
Many of our volunteers have their
own pre-packed travel or emergency
bags, which they take with them
whenever they go out, whether it
be to the shops, the cinema or even
round a friend’s house. The one
pictured opposite is used by Helpline
volunteer Sue. It contains from the
top, clockwise: non-descriptive bag to
                                           it goes onto the pad, rather than my      their ID card and RADAR key. Finding
carry everything, stoma bags, safety
                                           clothes. I promise you, this tip has      accessible toilets is a topic that most
item (a folded puppy training pad for
                                           helped a lot of ostomates feel safe       of our team mentioned. You can use
extra protection against leaks), dry
                                           and more confident.”                      ‘Toilet Map’, ‘AccessAble’s Accessibility
wipes, bottled water, adhesive remover
                                                                                     Guide’, or ‘Changing Places Toilets
(spray or packet), hand sanitizer, over-   Other volunteers, such as Chris, also
                                                                                     Searchable map’ to find toilets near
the-counter output thickeners*, air        include a peg in their bags, which they
                                                                                     you. Bernard said: “don’t be afraid to
freshener and black disposable bags.       find useful for holding upper clothes
                                                                                     use the accessible toilets and if you
                                           out of the way when they are changing
Sue said: “I always have Puppy Training                                              get funny looks from people just out-
                                           their bag. Donna also takes a roll of
pads (Amazon £13 for 50), smaller,                                                   stare them or ask them if there’s
                                           microporous tape. In her experience it
neater and thinner than hospital bed                                                 a problem – in my experience it
                                           can repair, temporarily, most problems!
pads. I fold these up and tuck them                                                  usually works very swiftly! People
between my pants and ensure it covers      As well as a travel/emergency bag,        need to remember that not all
my stoma bag, so that if the bag leaks,    many of our volunteers also take          disabilities are visible.”

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                                                                  Recycle and Raise Funds
                                                                  We’ve teamed up with ‘iCollectClothes’ to offer a hassle-free way
                                                                  of donating items you no longer want.
                                                                  They will collect clothing, shoes, linen, bedding, towels, curtains,
                                                                  accessories (bags, belts, hats, scarves), books, DVDs, CDs, soft toys,
                                                                  electronics and small domestic appliances and convert them into a
                                                                  donation for Colostomy UK.
                                                                  Donations allow us to continue focusing on the things that matter to
                                                                  you - supporting and empowering ostomates.
                                                                  If you live in Greater London, the West Midlands or Merseyside you
                                                                  can book a collection. For all other areas give them a call and they will
                                                                  be able to advise when they will be collecting near you.
                                                                  Book your collection by calling 0344 879 4417 or book online

Icollect Clothes - Recycle and Reuse HP- v2.indd 1                                                                                     29/04/2021 07:47

Here are some other tips/ advice from the team:
• M
   ake sure your bag is secure                      • S tay local at first so that you
  and empty before you go out.                          know the area and where toilets
                                                        are in case of need.
• W
   hen you first venture out,
  have a purpose, like getting a                     • I f eating out, avoid anything
  newspaper and chose a time                            too rich or spicy.
  when you think your stoma is
                                                     • Try to remember that no-one
  less likely to be active.
                                                        knows you have a stoma. Try
• D
   on’t feel pressured (either by                      to be confident!
  yourself or others) to make that                   And finally, as a number of our
  first trip out. Take it when you                   volunteers said:
  feel ready.
                                                     • T
                                                        hink positive. You can do this!                                                      ✓
• D
   on’t be afraid to use                              If in doubt, phone the Stoma
  accessible toilets.                                  Helpline (0800 328 4257) and                                                            ✗
• G
   o for a short walk to start with.                  speak to a volunteer who has
  Then as your confidence grows,                       been there, done it and got the
  get more adventurous!                                stoma bag!!
• I f possible, go out with a family                Take care, Emma
   member or friend, so you feel                     * Before trying output thickeners,
   supported.                                        speak to your stoma care nurse, as
                                                     excessive use can cause blockages.

WWW.CO LOSTO MY U K . O RG                                                                                   TIDING S 6 2 I SUMMER 2021
18   REAL LIVES                                                  Back to content page

                                         ED ROWLAND WITH
                                         RICHARD BIDDLE

Confidence                               If you’ve followed the

and the battle
                                         exploits of our Rugby
                                         League team, then

to get active                            you will know that its
                                         impact has extended

Ed Rowland, with Richard Biddle
                                         far beyond the pitch.

                                        Media coverage of fixtures has brought
                                        stomas and the needs of ostomates to a
                                        wider audience and, at the same time,
                                        raised awareness of Colostomy UK and the
                                        work our charity does in supporting and
                                        empowering ostomates.
                                        But it’s also about the difference it makes at an
                                        individual level. It’s about the effect it has on
                                        somebody when they don the purple kit, tie
                                        their boot laces, and make their first tackle.
                                        It’s about people like Ed Rowland.
                                        Ed, who is 38 and a police custody sergeant,
                                        is married to Kate who is also a police officer.
                                        The couple have two children, Maggie who is
                                        now five and Grace who is one. Ed had stoma
                                        surgery in October 2016 after a ten-year battle
                                        with ulcerative colitis (UC). He was diagnosed
                                        following a foreign vacation, when he came
                                        back with what he thought was a post-holiday
                                       ‘tummy’. However, rather than improving, it got
                                        worse. At the time he was a frontline police
                                        officer. For a man in his early twenties, this
                                        was his first encounter with serious illness. His
                                        weight dropped dramatically, and he became
                                        increasingly concerned about what was going
                                        on. In the end, Ed was admitted to hospital and
                                        diagnosed. Over the next decade, he found
                                        himself in and out of hospital with flare-ups.
                                         He was also on and off steroids, while all the
                                        time battling to stay well enough to continue
                                        doing the work he loved. Ed says that the stoma
                                        option was broached with him, but he always
                                        shut these conversations down quickly. As he
                                        said: ‘I wasn’t prepared to even consider it’.
                                        Ed’s views changed when UC nearly caused
                                        him to miss the birth of Maggie. This was the
                                        moment when he realised that he couldn’t
                                        continue as he was. During his next flare-up Ed

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was told he was out of options and so         I had a sneaky look at the variety of          ball, I thought I could still move like a
the next day had surgery. Post-op he          support wear, bands and protection             teenager, and tried a side step past
was determined to get his fitness back.       plates on show. I was wearing my work          an opposing player, which I did, only
Ed talks in terms of his stoma giving him     ostomy guard but debated whether to            to realise the ball had been snatched
a new lease of life. He began to put on       wear it. I decided I would as it would give    out of my hands. But the whistle blew.
weight and, as he puts it: ‘feel normal       me a bit more confidence in taking a hit.       I received the ball again, and took it
again’. For the first time in many years Ed   It then dawned on me…I wouldn’t be             into the tackle, holding it tight this
was able to do what he wanted without         able to wear my glasses. I wear them all       time. I took the hit and went to the
the fear and anxiety that UC had cursed       the time and things are blurry without         ground with the ball nestled into
him with. That’s not to say of course,        them. I took them off and made my way          my right armpit.
that he didn’t have to adjust to life with    out squinting and worrying that I would
                                                                                             As I hit the ground, I felt a crack and a
a stoma and all that brings.                  find it difficult to see the ball, let alone
                                                                                             pop as the wind was knocked out of me.
                                              catch it when it was passed to me!
Ed’s road to fitness started with the                                                        It was lucky I couldn’t talk as there were
gym. He took things gradually,                                                               a bunch of expletives in my head as I
welcoming the fact that for the first            Take your time. Small                       stood up. I heard my teammates yelling,
time in years, he didn’t need to keep                                                        but I couldn’t breathe let alone ‘play the
dashing off to the toilet. He then               progressions make a                         ball’. I saw the ball on the ground and
progressed from the gym to running.            massive difference in the                     used my foot to roll it behind me as I
All the while his confidence was slowly        long term. Start light and                    had seen on TV. I then bent over with
returning. This brings us to early 2019        build yourself up steadily.                   my hands on my knees to catch my
when Ed read about the Colostomy UK                                                          breath while the game continued.
Rugby League team and decided he was
                                                                                             I felt the adrenaline rushing and the
ready for such an opportunity. Ed made
                                                                                             pain subsiding. I was hooked. I loved
his debut that summer against the
                                                                                             being part of this team, despite feeling
Political Animals. This is what he said
                                                                                             I wasn’t any good! But it didn’t matter.
about the experience:
                                                                                             I took the ball into another tackle to
“I was nervous about leaving home                                                            be held up by two players who gave
 and traveling to Leeds. I had recently                                                      me a pat on the back, one of whom
 moved to the north east with my                                                             said ‘good lad’, in a distinctive northern
 family and transferred jobs. This was                                                       accent. I made a good couple of tackles,
 a massive change in my life, and now                                                        took a few good hits, passed the odd
 I had volunteered to pull on the Team                                                       decent ball, missed a couple of tackles,
 Colostomy UK rugby league shirt! I had                                                      and loved every second of it.
 never played league before, and grew
                                                                                             Afterwards, it was great to share a pint
 up going to a union school… but that
                                                                                             with both teams, talk about the game,
 was 20 odd years ago, and since then I
                                                                                             and watch the rugby on the bar TV. I left
 had grown older, bigger, with more life
                                                                                             for home with a boost of confidence, a
 experience, and there was the matter
                                                                                             new network of friends and, of course,
 of having a stoma…
                                                                                             a few battle scars to be proud of!”
I was confident in taking hits and rolling
                                              Just then I was spun a ball from a             Regaining your fitness after stoma
around on the floor from work but saw
                                              blurry faced player in purple. I caught        surgery can be a real challenge. And, of
rugby as a real test. I purchased a pair of
                                              it and my eyes adjusted a little. We           course, fitness means different things to
cheap boots, packed a bag of kit, made
                                              then proceeded to warm up with a few           different people. Not everyone aspires
sure I had the armour I wear for work,
                                              up-and-under kicks. The first of these,        to playing a contact sport like rugby.
and set off first thing. I had no idea
                                              I nailed a catch, pulling the ball into        For some it’s about getting out and
where I was going, so was completely
                                              my torso and dropping down to my               walking or doing the garden. However,
reliant on the sat nav. After a few wrong
                                              knee. My confidence rocketed and I was         Ed’s advice on the matter applies to
turns, (which with UC would have set
                                              suddenly that 15-year-old schoolboy            all: “Take your time. Small progressions
off a need for the toilet) I arrived at
                                              back on the rugby pitch. I was told I          make a massive difference in the long
the ground and was met by a smiley
                                              would be playing as second row. I was          term. Start light and build yourself up
Giovanni and Libby who introduced me
                                              comfortable with this as I had played          steadily. Wear hernia support. Enjoy the
to team members as they arrived.
                                              hooker at school, and being a forward,         progression and with it the boost to
 I then went to the changing room.            I wouldn’t need to worry much about            confidence that follows. Above all, as
 It was the first time I’d actually got       lines and formations, or so I thought.         difficult as it may be, try and see your
‘changed’ in front a group of people with     I soon realised rugby league is very           bag as a trophy of a previous illness or
 my bag. I had been on holiday and let it     different to union. The whistle blew           battle, not a representation of defeat.”
 all hang out, but this seemed different.     to start. The first time I received the

WWW.CO LOSTO MY U K . O RG                                                                          TIDING S 6 2 I SUMMER 2021

                                                                                             Giovanni Cinque
                                                                                             Fundraising and Development Manager

Supporting Colostomy UK
We are a self-funding charity and rely on donations and grants to fund
all our activities. Every £1 that you donate really helps.
There are loads of ways you can support us. Please visit for more details.
Despite the challenges we’ve all faced over the last twelve months we’re both
proud and humbled that people have continued to find ways to support us.
Unfortunately, we don’t have the space to acknowledge everyone, but are
delighted to feature some of our fundraising heroes in this issue.

                                                                                       Make a
                                         Carmen can                                    difference with
                                         The fabulous Carmen Carmichael
                                         is taking on the virtual Land’s End to
                                                                                       Amazon Smile
                                         John O’Groats challenge - completing
                                         874 miles this year – to support
                                                                                       and Facebook
                                         Colostomy UK, and if that’s not
                                                                                       Do you shop on Amazon?
                                         enough she’s also fundraising through
                                                                                       You can raise free donations
                                         charity auctions and has raised £660
                                                                                       for Colostomy UK when you
                                         already! We wish Carmen the best of
                                                                                       shop with AmazonSmile!
                                         luck with her awesome challenge!
                                                                                       Every £1 raised helps us to
                                                                                       better support ostomates.
                                                                                       AmazonSmile customers can

                                                                                       support Colostomy UK in the Amazon
                                                                                       shopping app. Just open the app, go
                                                                                       to the main menu and tap ‘Settings’.
                                                                                       Choose ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow
                                                                                       the on-screen instructions. Thank
                                                                                       you and happy shopping!
  Despite the Weymouth 10K being                                                       Another easy and straightforward
  cancelled Karen McGuinness                                                           way to support is by setting up
  still managed to don her Team                                                        a Facebook fundraiser on your
  Colostomy UK running vest and                                                        birthday. You can encourage your
  complete 10,000 kilometres on                                                        friends, family and followers to
  her own. She also raised a brilliant                                                 donate too. For more details visit
  £200 as well. Thank you, Karen.                                            

                                                                         FREEPHONE S TOMA HEL PL I NE: 0 8 0 0 3 28 4257
Back to content page                                                                                  FUNDRAISING                  21

100 miles
in May
for Colostomy UK
A team from Pentagon Corporate
Fleet spent May challenging
themselves to cycle, walk or run 100
miles over the course of the month
to raise money for Colostomy UK!

We’re really grateful to Hannah, Sarah,            decision to have an irreversible         Freya’s father is likely to need a
Chad, Nat, Freya, Janine, Jon, Anne,               ileostomy which was carried out on       colostomy too, due to Crohn’s
Debbie, Ian, Richard, and Tamara for               the 8th February this year. We believe   Disease. At the moment it affects
choosing to both raise funds and                   this is genetic, as 15 years ago my      his day-to-day life and limits things
awareness for our charity.                         grandfather, Terry, (her father) had     they can do as a family. Freya
                                                   bowel cancer, also resulting in an       mentioned they no longer go on
Hannah explains why they chose to                  irreversible ileostomy. It is possible   family bike rides or camping and
support us. “Colostomy UK is a charity             I will also require the support of the   have to plan meticulously when
very close to my heart as both my                  charity in the future as there is a      they do go out anywhere.
mother and grandfather have stomas.                50/50 chance I also carry the
                                                                                            “It truly is a hidden part of life which
In February 2020 my mother, Jeanette,              gene... my journey to find that
                                                                                            needs to be ‘out there’ more, and I
was invited for routine screening,                 out has just started!
                                                                                            hope by doing this May challenge
initially a sigmoidoscopy and then a               Both my mother and grandfather           we can make an impact!”
colonoscopy. A high number of polyps               are doing well. I am so proud of them,
                                                                                            You can still support the team and
were found (not all could be removed)              but I really believe that this is a
                                                                                            Colostomy UK by donating through
and she was then referred for genetic              subject that needs to be spoken
                                                                                            their Just Giving page:
counselling and subsequent testing.                about more. People have to be more
After three long months of waiting,                comfortable talking about it. The
she was informed that she carries the              work that Colostomy UK does in
AFAP gene, thus increasing her risk of             supporting ostomates and their
bowel cancer. She took the difficult               families is so important.”

       Picture perfect
       Talented artist, ostomate, and supporter of Colostomy UK,
       Emily Hackworthy has created a beautiful and striking set
       of ‘outline body’ prints representing ostomates.
       Her artwork of male and female forms with either a colostomy
       or ileostomy are now available for sale via our online shop, and
       Emily is kindly donating all the proceeds to Colostomy UK.
       You can order online at:
       Please allow 28 days for delivery. Purchase is for print only.
       Frame not included. Print size A4.

WWW.CO LOSTO MY U K . O RG                                                                         TIDING S 6 2 I SUMMER 2021
22         FUNDRAISING                                                                                                 Back to content page

                                                                                                                        Something fishy?
                                                                                                                        A huge thank you to Martin and Lee from Yateley
                                                                                                                        West Fishery fishing club who have chosen
                                                                                                                        Colostomy UK as the beneficiary of their annual
                                                                                                                        charity weekend this August.
                                                                                                                        They’re hoping to raise as much as possible through
                                                                                                                        a combination of donations, tournament entry fees,

                                         In the bag!
                                                                                                                        and a raffle over the weekend of 6th to 8th of August.
                                                                                                                        If you’d like to support their big weekend, you can also
                                                                                                                        visit their Just Giving page at https://www.justgiving.
                                         If you’re planning a clear-out, you can donate                                 com/fundraising/martin-gardener2 with donations
                                         your unwanted clothes, paired shoes, linen,                                    going to Colostomy UK.
                                         bedding, towels and curtains to ICollectClothes,
                                         and at the same time generate much needed
                                         funds for Colostomy UK!
                                         They can also collect accessories (bags, belts, hats,
                                         scarves), books, DVDs, CDs, soft toys, electronics
                                         and small domestic appliances.
                                         If you live in Greater London, the West Midlands
                                         or Merseyside you can book a collection online at
                                         by calling 0344 879 4417.                                                                  POSTAGE STAMPS
                                         For all other areas give them a call and they will be
                                         able to advise when they will be collecting near you.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Quarterx1 01v00r00 Stamps | Date of Publication: June 2021 | Copyright ©2021 Colostomy UK | Registered charity no. 1113471

                                                                                                                             Stamps to be cut/torn
 l                                                                                                                           from recent mail.
 p.                                       Help us support
                                                                                                                             • British and foreign
37                                        the ostomates of                              Your copy of Tidings
.org                                    today and tomorro                               includes a copy of our                  stamps – no need
                                                                                        legacy booklet. If once you             to separate.
                 g you
                                                                                        have taken care of your              • No more than 1cm of envelope
                 p of
          ery step
        the way
                                                                                        friends and family, you                 left around each stamp.
                                                                                        would like to leave a gift in

                                                                                                                             •	Do not trim stamps too close so

                   ast we have the
                                                                                        your will to Colostomy UK,              that perforations are damaged.
                                                                                        we would be delighted to
         At Colopla
         ä   ä æ
                              o youo
         the right ssolution for
          – whetherr that is a
          yo       ma care routine.
            our stom

                                                                                        receive your support.
                     more >>   >>
           Find out m

                                                                                                                           You can now
                                                                                                                                               Colostomy UK Stamp Appeal
                                                                                        For more details please see        donate your
                                                                                                                           used and            10 Chestnut Avenue
                                                                                        the booklet or email us at         unwanted            North Walsham
                                                                                             stamps to           Norfolk
                                                                                                                           Colostomy UK,       NR28 9XH
                                                                                                                           send to:
                                              Will you consider lea Will?
                                             ostom   y UK a gift in your
                                                                     27/07/2020 14:35

                                                                                                                               FREEPHONE S TOMA HEL PL I NE: 0 8 0 0 3 28 4257
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