Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences

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Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
For AS/A Level

                                         and GCSE

Computer Science
at Disneyland Paris
Information Pack                             September 2018 Edition

                                                        © Disney

                   © Disney/Pixar
Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
© Disney
ICT & Computing –
Learning Objectives
We cover key material from the most popular
ICT and Computing examination specifications.
Our aim is to bring classroom teaching alive
through an exploration of the working practices
at Disneyland Paris. No other educational travel
specialist has the knowledge or backstage access
to provide this vital learning dimension.
Key Topics
Practical uses of ICT
Ride design
 ●● Design and safety
 ●● CAD
 ●● Spread sheet modelling, stress analysis
 ●● Computer control of sound and light systems

Digital design
 ●● 2D and 3D Signage
 ●● Technological integration, computer projection

ICT in action
  ●● Video editing, light pens, music
  ●● Utility programmes (anti virus etc and
     computer security                               Computer Science
  ●● The importance of help desks

Computing                                            for AS/A Level and GCSE students
 ●● Market research
                                                     The ICT and Computing Study Experience is a residential education
 ●● Social media                                     programme based at Disneyland® Paris, a world-class entertainment
 ●● Online communities
                                                     and leisure destination. The Resort is part of the massive Disney empire
 ●● Communicating within an organisation
                                                     and leads the way in combining technology with live entertainment. It’s
 ●● Network planning                                 a must-visit case study for any ICT and Computing student seeking to
 ●● Databases                                        improve their examination results.
 ●● Algorithms
 ●● Pseudo codes                                     This Study Experience provides you with               Interactivity and student involvement are at
 ●● Projects - blue sky to completion
                                                     everything you need to undertake a truly              the heart of the Study Experience and no other
                                                     curriculum-led trip to Disneyland Paris and           educational travel specialist offers such a rich
Through the Seminars, Workshops and                  is designed to meet clearly defined learning          educational experience and a real enhancement
Assignments, the ICT and Computing Study             objectives.                                           to the teaching of ICT and Computing.
Experience will show how Disneyland Paris
                                                     It includes two ICT and Computing seminars, an        As a result of our exclusive access to Disneyland
selects and applies subject methods in both its
                                                     expert-led interactive workshop and a number          Paris’ senior management during the creation
day-to-day delivery and in its strategic planning.
                                                     of specialist assignments.                            of the Study Experiences, members of the
Please note that topic areas may be amended to                                                             Disneyland® Paris management team and
                                                     We also include entry to the Resort’s two
reflect specification changes and developments                                                             many other Disney backstage experts add their
                                                     theme parks, Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney
at Disneyland Paris.                                                                                       personal input to the seminars.
                                                     Studios® Park, allowing your students the
                                                     opportunity to have fun and experience, at first-     This input is regularly updated through new
                                                     hand, the application of their subject in real-life   video footage, filmed behind-the-scenes at the
Contents                                             environments.                                         Resort and at Disney’s London offices by Study
                                                                                                           Experiences. This exclusive content is therefore
                                                                                                           only available to students and teachers
Learning Objectives                             2                                                          attending the Study Experience.

Educational Content                             3    Meeting exam board specifications
                                                     All content is mapped against the major English and Welsh AS/A Level and GCSE examination
Travel Choices                                  4
                                                     specifications, as well as the comparable Scottish National Qualifications N4 and N5. This includes:
Dates and Prices                                5    • AS/A Level and GCSE Information and Communications Technology

                                                     •  AS/A Level and GCSE Applied Information and Communications Technology
Disneyland® Paris                             6&7
                                                     • AS/A Level and GCSE Applied ICT, Computing and Computer Science

Meals & Activities                              8                                       Examination Specifications
                                                           Edexcel          AQA            OCR          WJEC                    SQA             CCEA
Booking Form                                    9
                                                             ✓               ✓                 ✓                ✓                ✓                ✓
Support Information                            10    The Study Experience is also suitable for related diploma and vocational courses, as well as the
                                                     International Baccalaureate.
Booking Conditions                             11

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Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
Educational Content                                                                                           Study Experiences
                                                                                                              Key Benefits
The ICT and Computing Study Experience                 creating fun entertainment for guests and the
                                                                                                              This highly interactive learning experience
immerses students in the practical applications        Disney values. Particular emphasis will be given
                                                                                                              includes all of these educational activities:
of ICT and Computing at this world-famous              to working as a team, communicating, meeting a
theme park resort in a number of different and         deadline and problem solving.                          Subject-Specific Seminars
engaging ways:                                         At the end of the workshop teams will present          Groups will attend two forty-minute
                                                                                                              multimedia seminars, delivered to an
• Through attending two Seminars hosted by
                                                      their plans to a mock ‘Disney management
                                                       panel’ comprising of the facilitator and               audience of 100-200 students.
    facilitators with considerable experience of
    working with Disneyland Paris and featuring        participating teachers, who will ask questions         Led by one of our team of Paris-based
    back-stage video interviews and footage            and provide feedback to each team. Once back           facilitators, with considerable experience
    filmed exclusively for Study Experiences           at school or college, students will be able to         of the Resort and its working methods,
                                                       complete their project and enter the Student           students will explore how Disneyland Paris
• By taking part in our interactive Workshop
                                                       Challenge, should you wish to do so.                   uses many key examination topics to carry
    which encourages the students to use their
                                                                                                              out its planning and day to day activities.
    knowledge of ICT and Computing principles          Seminar Two
    and practices                                                                                             Our facilitators will engage your students
                                                       Practical Uses of ICT                                  in thinking about how their subject is seen
•   Completing  subject-specific Assignments
                                                       Communications: With the help of the IT and            in action in the Resort.
    during their time in the Parks and at the Resort
                                                       Consumer Research departments here at the
Seminar One                                            resort we will see how ICT plays a crucial part in     Interactive Workshop
                                                       the day to day running of Disneyland Paris. The        For the workshop, students will initially
ICT and Theme Parks                                    seminar begins with an exploration of the resorts      be divided into groups of 30-40, then split
Product Design: Following a welcome and brief          computer aided personal interviews, designed to        into smaller teams of 8-10 and encouraged
overview of Disneyland Paris, students will be         ensure that guests visiting the resort are satisfied   to participate in a fun, interactive learning
introduced to work of the in-park roller coaster       with their visit and become repeat customers.          experience with our professional facilitator.
designers. We’ll be looking at the design aspects      This includes collection of data, analysis and         They will be treated as though they are
of its world-famous coasters and exploring             interpretation. We follow this with a quick look       Disney professionals and the facilitator will
some of the core ICT skills used in the process.       at the role of social media in promoting a world       guide and inspire them to work as a team,
There will be examples of early and current            famous theme park and communication in                 meet a realistic deadline and communicate
computer aided design, together with the               restaurants.                                           their ideas persuasively – as well as testing
tools and software used by the operations and          Booking and Finance for Web Design: This               some core subject skills.
maintenance teams.                                     section considers the work behind the online           It is highly recommended that teachers
Digital Design: The role of the resort’s graphic       booking system, with templates, CSS formatting         play an active part in the workshops by
designers will be explored through their work on       and CMS. We also explore the use of databases,         encouraging their students in their work
the Disney Dreams incredible night-time show,          and the importance of secured data for financial       and assisting the facilitator in providing
including computer generated models and map            transactions, including that of a major tour           feedback.
animation. We will also discover the work behind       operator working with Disneyland Paris.
the graphics and ride design of Ratatouille The        Technical Requirements: We close with a                Education Support
Adventure.                                             look at the technical requirements of the resort       Group leaders will receive a copy of the
                                                       such as the use of algorithms, pseudo code and         Teacher Education Guide complete with
Systems and Hardware: This is followed by a
                                                       some alternative processes used by third party         an introduction to the Study Experience,
look at other important aspects of computer                                                                   learning objectives and outcomes, a
technology including utility programmes and            application developers such as GUI based tools.
                                                       Great importance will be placed on the use of          workshop and background information.
computer security. A typical activity will be                                                                 You will also receive copies of the Student
to explore the vital need for safe and secure          good, reliable hardware.
ICT systems in ride safety. In addition, we will       Assignments relevant to Seminar 2 include:
examine the Disney values of emotion, service          • Key Assignment 1a, Systems and applications         The Student Workbook includes space
and creativity, an essential aspect of everyone’s         (based on a past ICT GCSE exam paper)               for note taking, including bulleted notes
work at the resort that can be replicated in our       •  Key Assignment 1b, Data structure and              of the content; background information
own lives.                                                 software development (based on a past ICT          for the workshop task; assignments,
                                                           Computer Science GCSE exam paper)                  some of which are directly based on past
Assignments relevant to Seminar 1 include:
• Key Assignment 1a, Systems and applications
                                                       •   Key Assignment 1c, Information systems and        examination papers, to develop students’
                                                                                                              subject knowledge further through their
                                                            applications (based on a past ICT GCE exam
   (based on a past GCSE ICT exam paper):                                                                     experiences in the Resort and a visit
• Ride operations – using IT to improve the
                                                       •    Key Assignment 1d, Software development
guest experience
                                                             (based on a past Computer Science GCE exam       There is also an education email “hotline”
• Roller coaster control systems
                                                             paper)                                           for group leaders to use should they
Interactive Workshop                                   •     Networks as a communication tool.               have any queries on the content of the
Design a Roller Coaster                                                                                       Seminars, Workshop or Assignments.
The Workshop provides a practical and
fun opportunity for students to apply their            The Student Workbook contains ICT, Computing
knowledge to a real-life task. Working in teams        and Computer Science assignments closely
of eight, students will use their skills to design     linked to the seminars and workshop as shown
a new roller coaster for Disneyland Paris. For         above. These are designed to be allocated by
example, students could consider the use of            teachers/group leaders to students as part of
computers in gating systems or design a ride           their study programme, to be completed during
that incorporates virtual reality.                     their time in the parks. Assignments are directly
Students will need to combine their                    relevant to their studies and a selection are
understanding of ICT with the practicalities of        based on past GCSE or GCE exam papers.

Online: Call: 020 8335 4455                                                                                                     3
Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
Your Itinerary Choices
                                                     Study Experiences offers a choice of itineraries to suit your
                                                     requirements, all staying on-site at Disneyland® Paris, ensuring that for
                                                     the duration of your tour, you are based within the secure environment
                                                     of the Resort.
                                                     Seminar & Workshop Timings                         Five Day Tour with crossings
                                                     The seminars and workshops will take               Hull-Zeebrugge
                                                     place during the course of your stay at the        Ideal for groups based in the north of England
Your Group Size                                      Resort. The timings of these will be available     and Scotland.
Our three and four day tours are available for       approximately four weeks prior to the event.
groups of any size. For schools and colleges                                                            Days One & Two
travelling by coach, if you have a group size of     Three Day Tour by Coach                            You will be collected by coach from your school
between 44 and 49 passengers, then we will           Day One                                            or college and take an overnight crossing on the
provide you with exclusive use of your own                                                              ferry, with cabin berths included. On arrival in
                                                     Your coach will collect you from your              Zeebrugge, you will travel on to Disneyland®
48 or 49-seat coach contact us for details of
                                                     school or college early in the morning             Paris, where there will be some time in the late
what we can provide for groups of more than
                                                     for the journey to the Channel port and            afternoon to enjoy admission to Disneyland®
49 passengers). We can tailor your itinerary to
                                                     your crossing to Calais. Once in France,           Park and Walt Disney Studios® Park.
suit your plans, for example arranging specific
                                                     the journey from Calais to Disneyland®
visits in Paris or an extra day’s admission to the                                                      Day Three
                                                     Paris takes approximately five hours.
Disney Parks.                                                                                           Enjoy a day’s admission to both Disneyland®
                                                     On arrival at Disneyland Paris, you will be met
Groups of fewer than 40 students will be                                                                Park and Walt Disney Studios® Park.
                                                     by the Study Experiences resort team, who
allocated a shared coach with another school                                                            Days Four & Five
                                                     will assist you with check-in at your hotel. The
or college for the journeys to and from
                                                     resort team will also be on hand to answer         This morning you have the opportunity
Disneyland Paris to ensure that you do not
                                                     any questions you may have throughout              of visiting Paris en-route to Zeebrugge in
have any coach under-occupancy costs to pay.
                                                     your stay. For dinner we recommend that            time for your overnight crossing back to
Some teachers choose to combine with other
                                                     you pre-book one of our meal deal options.         Hull, once again with cabin berths included.
departments to bring their student numbers
up to 40 and therefore enjoy the added               Day Two                                            On arrival in Hull you will complete your
benefits and comforts of having exclusive            After breakfast, your students will enjoy          journey back to your school or college.
use of their own coach. Study Experiences            unlimited access to both Disneyland®
also hosts education programmes for                  Park and Walt Disney Studios® Park,                Eurostar Travel Option
Mathematics, Science, Business Studies, Media        with their One-Day Hopper Ticket.                  We are able to offer both the three and four
Studies, Performing Arts, Design & Technology,       To round off your day, we recommend once           day tours with return Eurostar travel from
Health & Social Care, STEM and for Key Stage         again booking one of our meal deal options.        London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet or Ashford
3, our special “Discover the Magic” programme                                                           International Stations to Disneyland Paris.
                                                     Day Three                                          The Eurostar high-speed rail service brings
for 11-14 year olds.
                                                     During the morning, you will reboard your          you to the centre of Disneyland Paris from
Our five day tour is only available to groups of
                                                     coach and begin the journey back to Calais         London in just over two and a half hours.
40 or more students.
                                                     for your return Channel crossing, arriving at      As the Eurostar service arrives during the early
Study Experiences’ Safety                            your school or college during the evening.         afternoon and departs in the evening, we offer
Management System                                    Four Day Tour by Coach
                                                                                                        the option to pre-book additional days’ entry
                                                                                                        to the Disney Parks. Please note that you will
At Study Experiences, the safety and
                                                     We offer the opportunity for you to                need to make your own travel arrangements
wellbeing of you and your students is our
                                                     stay an extra night at Disneyland Paris,           to St Pancras, Ebbsfleet or Ashford stations.
absolute priority. We operate a detailed Safety
                                                     with a choice of further full day in the
Management System, with all suppliers chosen                                                            Flight Travel Option
                                                     Disney Parks or a visit to Paris.
for the quality of their services, compliance
                                                     If you choose to visit Paris, which will be        We are also able to offer both the three
with our safety management standards and
                                                     on either the second or third day of your          and four day tours with flights to Paris
experience in working with school and
                                                     tour, your coach driver will provide a short       from your choice of Belfast, Birmingham,
college students.
                                                     tour of the main sights prior to dropping          Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds Bradford,
                Study Experiences is an              you off at a suitable central location. You        Liverpool, London Luton, London Gatwick,
                Assured Member of The                will then have free time for sightseeing.          Manchester and Newcastle airports.
                School Travel Forum, a
                                                     Many groups choose to book a Bateaux               In France, we will then provide return coach
                group of leading school tour
                                                     Mouches Seine River Cruise or visit the            transfers between the airport and Disneyland
                operators that promote good
                                                     observation deck at Tour Montparnasse              Paris, however please note that you will need
                practice and safety in school
                                                     56, providing fabulous views of Paris.             to make your own travel arrangements to
                                                     See page 8 for more details.                       and from your chosen UK departure airport.
                Study Experiences has been                                                              On confirmation of your flight times,
                                                     The Four Day Tour is an excellent option for
                awarded the Learning Outside                                                            should timings permit, we will offer
                                                     all groups. We particularly recommend it for
                the Classroom Quality Badge,                                                            the opportunity to purchase additional
                                                     groups travelling from the west and north of
                a recognisable and trusted                                                              days’ entry to the Disney Parks.
                                                     England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
                Quality Badge for all types
                of Learning Outside the
                Classroom providers.

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Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
Study Experiences Dates & Prices                                                                           Three Day Study Experience
                                                                                                           ●●    eturn coach travel and Channel crossings
                    Three Day Study Experience at Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne*                                      from your school or college to Disneyland®
                                                                                       Sequoia Lodge            Paris
         Departure Date                 Coach         Eurostar            Flight        Supplement
                                                                                                                OR Return Eurostar travel from London or
         Mon 21 Jan 2019                 £224           £284               £364               £45               Ebbsfleet or Ashford to Disneyland Paris
         Mon 28 Jan 2019                 £224           £284               £364               £45               OR Return flights to Paris and return
                                                                                                                coach transfers between the airport and
         Wed 6 Feb 2019                  £224           £344               £384               £45               Disneyland Paris
         Mon 11 Feb 2019                 £264           £384               £404               £65          ●●   Two nights’ hotel accommodation

        Mon 18 Feb 2019*                 £274           £394               £414               n/a          ●●   Continental breakfasts
                                                                                                           ●●   One day Hopper Ticket to Disneyland®
                                                                                                                Park and Walt Disney Studios® Park
                                                                                                           ●●   Two curriculum-led seminars, hosted by
                     Four Day Study Experience at Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne*                                      Study Experiences facilitator
                                                                                       Sequoia Lodge       ●●   Interactive workshop
         Departure Date                 Coach         Eurostar            Flight        Supplement
                                                                                                           ●●   Teacher Education Guide
         Sun 20 Jan 2019                 £319           £360               £439               £70          ●●   Student Workbook, with subject-specific
         Sun 27 Jan 2019                 £319           £360               £439               £70               assignments

                                         £319           £420               £459               £70          ●●   The services of the Study Experiences resort
          Tue 5 Feb 2019
                                                                                                                and education teams
         Sun 10 Feb 2019                 £369           £469               £490              £100          ●●    ne free teacher place for every
         Sun 17 Feb 2019*                £379           £479               £500               n/a               ten students
                                                                                                           ●●   Government taxes and service charges

                                                                                                           Four Day Study Experience
                     Five Day Study Experience at Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne*                                 also includes:
                                                                                       Sequoia Lodge            One extra night’s accommodation
         Departure Date                 Coach with overnight ferry crossings                               ●●
                                                                                                           ●●   Continental breakfast
         Sun 20 Jan 2019                                £319                                  £45
                                                                                                           ●●   Visit to Paris or second day’s admission
         Sun 27 Jan 2019                                £319                                  £45               to both Disneyland Park and Walt Disney
                                                                                                                Studios Park
          Tue 5 Feb 2019                                £319                                  £45
         Sun 10 Feb 2019                                £369                                  £65          Five Day Study Experience
         Sun 17 Feb 2019*                               £379                                  n/a
                                                                                                           also includes:
                                                                                                           ●●   Two night’s cabin accommodation on
Dates marked with * are based on accommodation at the B&B Hotel Disneyland Paris – see page 6.                  return overnight crossings
                                                                                                           ●●   Admission to both Disneyland Park and
                                                                                                                Walt Disney Studios Park on Day Three
Three & Four Day Tours                                Free Teacher Places                                  ●●   Option to visit Paris en-route to port on
Regional Coach Supplements                            We provide one free teacher place for every               return journey
Since the cost of coach hire is determined by         ten students that you book. Teachers are
the driving distance of your school or college        accommodated on the basis of two sharing a
from Disneyland® Paris, we have to charge a           room. For all teachers accommodated in single
supplement per student for journeys which             rooms a supplement of £120.00 for the Three
involve significantly extra mileage.                  Day Study Experience, £180.00 for the Four Day
                                                      Study Experience and £240.00 for the Five Day                       How To Book
●●   Scotland, Wales (except Cardiff, Newport,       Study Experience will apply.
      Torfaen, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire),                                                                  Secure your places on the Study Experience
                                                      If you wish to bring more than one teacher for        with a provisional booking by calling us
      Cornwall £10.00
                                                      every ten students, the cost of each additional       on 020 8335 4455. Places will be held
●●   Northumberland, Cumbria, Tyne & Wear,            teacher corresponds to the student price.             WITHOUT OBLIGATION, to allow you time
     Durham £9.00
                                                                                                            to collect deposits.
●●   Lancashire, Yorkshire, Merseyside, Greater
                                                                                                            To confirm your students places on the
     Manchester, Cheshire, Derbyshire,                  Prices                                              Study Experience, please complete and
     Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk,            Prices shown are valid for all bookings received    return the Booking Form with a deposit
     Staffordshire, Shropshire £6.00                    from 1 October 2018.                                of £30 per student if travelling by coach
●●    evon, Cardiff, Newport, Torfaen, Caerphilly,
     D                                                                                                      or £100 per student if booking Eurostar or
     Monmouthshire £5.00                                                                                    flight travel. There’s nothing further to pay
●●   All other counties No supplement                                                                       until the final balance due date, 12 weeks
                                                                                                            before your trip.

Online: Call: 020 8335 4455                                                                                                      5
Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
Disneyland® Paris
Your Choice of Hotel
For tour dates up to and including week
commencing 10 February 2019, you can
choose from one of two of Disneyland Paris’
uniquely themed hotels, Disney’s Hotel
Cheyenne and Disney’s Sequoia Lodge:
                                                   A complete resort experience
Like a scene from a Wild West movie, the
14 frontier style buildings of Disney’s Hotel                           Disneyland® Paris is the perfect venue for students
Cheyenne are grouped around a main street
of covered porches and wooden walkways.
                                                                        to enjoy the full benefits of learning outside
The Western styling runs right through to the                           the classroom. It offers a great standard of
bedrooms, which have one double bed and                                 accommodation and, outside of the time devoted
two single beds, bathroom, TV and telephone.
Students are accommodated on the basis                                  to the seminars and workshops, you are assured
of three sharing a room at Disney’s Hotel                               of non-stop fun and entertainment in Disneyland®
Named after the majestic American
                                                   Park, Walt Disney Studios® Park and Disney® Village! The price of your
redwoodtrees, Disney’s Sequoia Lodge               Study Experience includes admission to both Disneyland Park and Walt
is reminiscent of the famous hunting               Disney Studios Park.
retreats found in the U.S. National Parks.
Accommodation is in the main building itself
or in one of the five lodges. Bedrooms have                                                            Prepare to be amazed as you enter
two double beds, bathroom, TV and telephone.
Hotel facilities include an indoor swimming                                                            a world of magic and make-believe
pool. Students are accommodated on the basis                                                           unlike no other, where five themed
of two sharing a room at Disney’s Sequoia                                                              lands radiate from the classic Disney
                                                                                                       Main Street, U.S.A.® and fairytale
For tours departing week commencing
17 February 2019, your group will be                                                                   Sleeping Beauty Castle.
accommodated at the B&B Hotel Disneyland
Paris. This new hotel is just a short drive away
from the Disney Parks. The modern spacious         Whether its the forty or so thrilling rides and     « Indiana JonesTM and the Temple of Peril
bedrooms benefit from air-conditioning, free       attractions, the chance to meet some of your           – prepare yourself for a whip-cracking
Wi-Fi and can sleep up to 4 students. Teachers     favourite Disney Characters, the shops and             adventure as you enter the Temple of Peril
are accommodated on the basis of two sharing       stores crammed with Disney souvenirs, the              and find yourself in a runaway wagon
a room. The hotel operates a free shuttle                                                                 speeding through the ancient ruins. Tummy-
                                                   wonderful restaurants or spectacular parades,
service to/from the Disney® Parks which                                                                   turning action!
                                                   Disneyland® Park captures the hearts of kids of
can be used by all groups. Study Experiences
does NOT charge any supplements for under-         all ages.                                           « Star Tours – Say * # ¤ (Hi!) to R2D2 as
occupied student rooms where this is due to                                                               you pass through a droid workshop. Then
your breakdown of male or female students
                                                   « Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast® – Zap the                take a thrilling virtual reality ride to the
                                                       Evil Zurg in this ride inspired by the             Moon of Endor and on the way destroy the
not fitting exactly into rooms of three at
Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne, rooms of two at               Disney•Pixar’s movie Toy Story 2                   Empire’s headquarters on the Death Star.
Disney’s Sequoia Lodge or rooms of four at the     «   Pirates of the Caribbean – A thrilling voyage      Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a
B&B Hotel. Breakfast is included in the price          with the meanest pirates of all!                   bumpy ride.
of the Study Experience. We offer a range of       «   it’s a small world – Fantasyland’s timeless     « Meet Mickey Mouse – Everybody’s favourite
optional evening meals, bookable in advance –          musical cruise                                     Mouse is taking time out! Meet him
see page eight for prices and sample menus.        «   Big Thunder Mountain – climb aboard                in the rehearsal room of his theatre in
Study Experiences’                                     Frontierland’s hair-raising runaway train!         Fantasyland. Enjoy classic clips featuring
Seminar & Workshop Venue                           « Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain – with a               Mickey and his friends before joining Mickey
                                                       frenzy of red and green blaster fire, the          who will share some of his favourite props
The Gaumont multi-screen cinema, where                                                                    and costumes – and pose for a special photo
                                                       wicked whirr of TIE fighters and a stunning
your seminars and workshop are held, is                                                                   souvenir with you!
                                                       Star Wars™ score, Star Wars Hyperspace
situated at the entrance to Disney Village, just
                                                       Mountain is a jaw-dropping experience fit
a few minutes walk from Disneyland® Park and
                                                       for the most fervent followers of the Force.
Walt Disney Studios® Park.

                                                   Disney Village
                                                   Set between Disneyland® Park and Walt
                                                   Disney Studios® Park, Disney Village is the
                                                   hub of entertainment at Disneyland® Paris.
                                                   Themed bars, restaurants, an IMAX cinema,
                                                   15 multiplex screens, street artists, and
                                                   a Games arcade add to the fun. The vast
                                                   Disney Store and other themed outlets are
                                                   open during the day for Disney souvenirs and

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Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
© Disney

                                                                                                                                                            “This was our second year for
                                                                                                                                                          Health & Social Care students at
                                                                                                                                                          Disney, when last year’s students
                                                                                                                                                           found out we were going again
                                                                                                                                                        they came with deposit in hand and
                                                                                                                                                         asked if we would take them back!
                                                                                                                                                        We all had an excellent experience,
                                                                                                                                                          can’t wait to take another group
                                                                                                                                                         of students next year, and maybe
                                                                                                                                                             some from previous years!”
                                                                                                                                                                Chichester College

                                                                                                                                                          “All our pupils, and staff, really
                                                                                                                                                        enjoyed the experience and I would
                                                                              Enter through the Hollywood-style                                          recommend this to any school to
                                                                              gates and begin to explore the                                              take part in. Looking forward to
                                                                              wonders of television and movies,                                              doing it all again in 2019.”
                                                                              with fascinating tours, interactive                                              Stewarton Academy
                                                                              shows, some of the Resort’s biggest-
                                                                              thrill rides and the chance to meet                                       “Disneyland Paris trip is an amazing
                                                                              yet more favourite Disney characters.                                     experience for the pupils, as it gives
It’s “Lights, camera... and lots of action!” all                               « Animagique – Join Mickey, Donald and                                    them an opportunity to see Maths
the way as you wander through the studio                                             friends as the wonderful world of animation                        in action in a fun way. It has helped
lots, finding yourself on set at Disney Studio 1,                                    is brought to life in this endearing Toon                            to develop our pupil’s social and
witnessing jaw-dropping stunts and awesome                                           Studio show
special effects, behind-the-scenes glimpses of
                                                                                                                                                              independence skills too.”
                                                                               «     Slinky Dog Zigzag Spin2 – Enjoy a madcap
the colourful world of Disney animation, and                                         ride as Slinky® Dog chases his tail!                                         Priestnall School
learning some of the secrets of TV and cinema
                                                                               «     Ratatouille: The Adventure – This newly-
                                                                                     opened, state-of-the-art dark ride combines
                                                                                     technology, effects and storytelling as never                      “Very pleased with how smoothly
« Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop1 – join the green
      soldiers for a simulated parachute drop                                        before in a Disney attraction, including                             the trip went, the educational
« Studio Tram Tour®: Behind the Magic – This
                                                                                     trackless ride vehicles and 3D projections                          content of the seminars is very
      innocent journey through Production                                      « The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™3 – Faded                              suitable for trainee engineers.
      Courtyard® takes a wrong turn!                                                 Hollywood glamour and eerie goings-on                                 Would definitely go again.”
                                                                                     before you plunge – literally – into The
« Armageddon Special Effects – Prepare to                                            Twilight Zone™                                                                Truro College
      take cover in Backlot’s whirlwind tour
                                                                               «     Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith –
« Moteurs... Action! Stunt Show Spectacular® –                                       This is the ultimate high-energy, adrenaline-
      Take your seats in the grandstand for a jaw-                                   fuelled Roller coaster!                                              “The team at Study Experiences
      dropping, high-octane display now featuring                                                                                                       cannot do enough to ensure a good
                                                                               «     RC Racer4 – Squeeze into Andy’s speediest
      Lightning McQueen from Disney•Pixar’s
                                                                                     toy car and ride Toy Story Playland’s                               trip. Every interaction from initial
                                                                                     25-metre-high half-pipe coaster                                      booking to working with staff in
1) Inspired by Disney-Pixar movie Toy Story 2) Slinky® Dog is a registered trade mark of Poof-Slinky, Inc. All rights reserved.
3) Inspired by The Twilight Zone ® a registered trademark of CBS Inc. All rights reserved. 4) Hot Wheels® is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc.    resort is excellent. They definitely
Hot Wheels® Trademark and Track used with permission ©2009 Mattel, Inc All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                  take care of you.”
                                                                                                                                                               Balwearie High School
                                                                              Meal Deals
                                                                              Study Experiences offers a range of optional                              “The students and staff thoroughly
                                                                              meal packages in Disney Village, including the                            enjoy the enrichment of travelling
                                                                              Earl of Sandwich, Planet Hollywood and King
                                                                                                                                                         abroad and the use of the park for
                                                                              Ludwig’s Castle restaurant. We also provide
                                                                              you with the opportunity to book Buffalo                                   the rides and seminars. The whole
                                                                              Bill’s Wild West Show...with Mickey and                                     experience is an added bonus to
                                                                              Friends, a unique dinner-show that ends with                                   their learning every year.”
                                                                              a real ranch-style hoedown! See page eight
                                                                              for more information including meal prices.
                                                                                                                                                                  Weston College

Online: Call: 020 8335 4455                                                                                                                                      7
Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
Optional Meals, Activities and Travel Arrangements
To ensure that you and your students are able to plan all your arrangements in advance and budget for your time away, Study Experiences offers a wide range of
pre-bookable optional meals, activities and excursions.
At Disneyland Paris, we can arrange meals, extra day Disney Park tickets, and evening entertainment with dinner at Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. Should you
choose to book the Four or Five Day Study Experience and visit Paris, we can also arrange the excursions detailed below, which you can pre-book.

       Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show... with Mickey and Friends!                                            Dinner at Planet Hollywood
                 £40 per student and £45 per teacher                                                     From £22.00 per person per meal
    Available at 2130hrs on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. What a premier!             Available every day. This famous restaurant chain, with its Hollywood
    Mickey and his friends - Minnie, Goofy, and Chip & Dale, invite you to a        memorabilia collection featuring props from blockbuster movies and classic
    whole new Wild, Wild West! Go back to the Old West and live a spectacular       TV shows, offers a choice of set menus. The restaurant is located in Disney
    show starring Buffalo Bill, Sitting Bull, Annie Oakley and the Rough Riders.    Village. We will confirm your meal reservation time prior to travel.
    And what’s more, you’ll enjoy a Texan-style barbecue and receive a              £22.00 per person Menu: Choice of burger or pasta + soda.
    magnificent souvenir cowboy hat!                                                £27.50 per person Menu: Choice of burger or pasta + ice cream or
    N.B. As live animals are used during this Show and the cavalcades               chocolate mousse + soda.
    raise dust, it is not suitable for people suffering from asthma or other        (Please note: you will need to select your choice of burger/pasta and ice cream/chocolate
    respiratory disorders.                                                          mousse prior to travel.)

                    Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne Buffet Meal                                                        Earl of Sandwich Meal Deal
                          £37 per person per meal                                                                   £13.75 per person
     The hotel offers an all-you-can-eat buffet meal. There is a large selection     Earl of Sandwich offers great value hot sandwiches. Study Experiences’
     of starters, main courses and desserts and the price also includes 1 soft       exclusive meal deal includes a choice of sandwich (choose from Best BLT;
     drink (33cl) or 1 mineral water (50cl). Sample menu:                            Cannon Balls; Frenchy; Ham; Ultimate Grilled Cheese) or House Salad +
                                                                                     Crisps + soda + cookie/brownie/piece of fruit. Highly recommended.
     Starters: Pasta salad, rice salad, choice of soups, selection of French
     cheese.                                                                                                Dinner at King Ludwig’s Castle
     Main Courses: Chicken, sausages, spare ribs, roast pork, omelettes, pasta,                              £20.00 per person per meal
     rice, potatoes, vegetables, baked salmon, nuggets, pizza, French fries.
     Desserts: Fruit tart, crème caramel, chocolate mousse, jelly, fruit salad.      Available every day. Good-value set menu consisting of main course + ice-
                                                                                     cream + soda. King Ludwig’s Castle Restaurant is located in Disney Village.
                                                                                     We will confirm your meal reservation time prior to travel.

             Three Day Tour - Second Day in the Disney Parks                                     Four Day Tour - Third Day in the Disney Parks
                             £30 per person                                                                     £30 per person
     Available for groups who book the 3-day tour, if either based south east        Available for groups who book the 4-day tour, if either based south east
     of Birmingham with exclusive use of their own coach or travelling by            of Birmingham with exclusive use of their own coach or travelling by
     Eurostar. We may be able to offer this option for groups on 3-day flight-       Eurostar. We may be able to offer this option for groups on 4-day flight-
     inclusive tour once flight timings are confirmed.                               inclusive tour once flight timings are confirmed.

                     Bateaux Mouches Seine River Cruise                                        The Paris Observation Deck at Montparnasse 56
                             £8.50 per person                                                                 £9.50 per person
     Available to all groups choosing to visit Paris on the 4-day Study              Available to all groups choosing to visit Paris on the 4-day Study
     Experience. Enjoy the very best views from the River Seine. Lasting for an      Experience. Take in the very best view of the Eiffel Tower and everything
     hour and ten minutes, with English-language commentary, this is a popular       else Paris has to offer on the amazing 56th floor of the Montparnasse
     way to experience some of the City of Light’s prestigious monuments and         Tower. Fully interactive visit.
     grand buildings from a unique vantage point.

                         Exclusive use of your Coach                                                      Three & Four Day Tour by Coach –
                     for groups of less than 40 students                                                   Channel Crossing Arrangements
     We appreciate that some schools and colleges may wish to have exclusive         Your Channel crossing will either be by ferry from Dover to Calais, or by
     use of their coach, however are unable to organise a group of 40 or more        Eurotunnel from Folkestone to Calais, at our discretion. We will advise you
     students. We are able to provide these smaller groups with exclusive use of     of your method of crossing with your Travel Documentation.
     their own coach for a supplement related to their group size.
                                                                                     Should you wish, we will book Eurotunnel crossings for groups of over 40
     3-day Tour exclusive      4-day Tour exclusive      5-day Tour exclusive        students and for smaller groups paying for exclusive use of their own coach.
     use of coach cost:        use of coach cost:        use of coach cost:
                                                                                     In addition, for groups of less than 40 students not wishing to pay the
     35 – 39 students £300      35 – 39 students £400      35 – 39 students £500
     30 – 34 students £750      30 – 34 students £900      30 – 34 students £1000    supplement for exclusive use of their own coach, we can still book
     25 – 29 students £1200     25 – 29 students £1400     25 – 29 students £1600    Eurotunnel crossings for a supplement of £200.
     20 – 24 students £1700     20 – 24 students £2000     20 – 24 students £2300
     For less than 20 students we cannot offer exclusive use of the coach.

8                              Call: 020 8335 4455 Email:
Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
Booking Form
                                                                                                                                       Computer Science at Disneyland® Paris 2019
                                                       Please return your completed Booking Form to:
                            Study Experiences, Newmarket Holidays Ltd, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0BP
                                                     Telephone: 020 8335 4455 Facsimile: 020 8335 4477

        GROUP LEADER DETAILS (To whom all correspondence will be addressed)                                                                                                                PROVISIONAL BOOKING REF: (if known)

        Have you travelled with Study Experiences before? YES/NO

        SURNAME:                                                                                       INITIALS:                                  TITLE:                                   PLEASE BOOK PLACES FOR: (state number)

        JOB TITLE:                                                                                                                                                                         Students:                                                    Teachers:

        SCHOOL/COLLEGE:                                                                                                                                                                     GROUP DETAILS

        ADDRESS:                                                                                                                                                                            COURSE STUDIED:

                                                                                                                                                                                            EXAMINATION LEVEL & BOARD:
                                                                                                      POST CODE:
                                                                                                                                                                                            STUDENT AGE RANGE:
        TELEPHONE:                                                                                    FAX:
                                                                                                                                                                                            YEAR GROUP:
                                                                                                                                                                                           ADDITIONAL DISNEY PARKS ENTRY:
        OUT-OF-HOURS EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER:                                                                                                                                             (Please tick choice if required. 3 & 4-day tour only)

                                                                                                                                                                                           q DAY OF ARRIVAL (Eurostar travel only) @ £30pp
      CHOICE OF TOUR & TRAVEL DATE: (Please complete as appropriate)
                                                                                                                                                                                           q DAY OF DEPARTURE @ £30pp
      Computer Science Seminars & Workshop                                                                                                                                                 (Coach travel groups with exclusive use of their own coach
                                                                                                                                                                                           and Eurostar travel only)
      q 3-Day Tour. Travel date:
      q 4-Day Tour with visit to Paris. Travel date:                                                                                                                                       TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: (Please tick choice)

      q 4-day tour with 2 days in Disney Parks. Travel date:                                                                                                                               q COACH
      q 5-day tour with visit to Paris on return journey. Travel date:                                                                                                                     q EUROSTAR from:

      NUMBER OF STUDENTS:                                                                                                       HOTEL (SEE PAGE 5 & 6):                                    q FLIGHT from:
      BOYS:                                                   GIRLS:                                                            q CHEYENNE                                                 If travelling by coach, please tick box q if you want exclusive
                                                                                                                                                                                           use of the coach for the tour (Guaranteed for groups of 40
      NUMBER OF TEACHER ROOMS REQUIRED:                                                                                         q SEQUOIA LODGE                                            or more students, available for smaller groups paying coach
      TWIN ROOMS:                                             SINGLE ROOMS:                                                     q B&B HOTEL                                                under-occupancy supplement)

      OPTIONAL MEALS AND VISITS: (Please tick choices and state dates and preferred times for meals)
      q MONTPARNASSE 56 in PARIS                                                                                                                             q KING LUDWIG’S CASTLE MEAL. DATE:
      q BATEAUX MOUCHES RIVER CRUISE in PARIS                                                                                                                q EARL OF SANDWICH. DATE:
      q BUFFALO BILL’S WILD WEST SHOW. DATE:                                                                                                                 q PLANET HOLLYWOOD £22 MENU. DATE:
      q CHEYENNE BUFFET MEAL. DATE:                                                                                                                          q PLANET HOLLYWOOD £27.50 MENU. DATE:

      I ENCLOSE PAYMENT AS FOLLOWS: Cheques payable to Newmarket Holidays Ltd
                            deposits @ £30 (coach) or £100 (flight or Eurostar) per student                                                                   £
                            insurances @ £19 or £28 per person (age 16 & over)                                                                                £

                            insurances @ £9.50 or £14 per person (aged 15 & under)                                                                            £
                            insurance excess waiver @ £10 per person                                                                                          £
                            NB: Deposits are non-refundable                                                                                                   Total £

      I understand that it is a condition of booking that all persons travelling are covered by comprehensive insurance. Any person not taking the insurance offered
      agrees to indemnify Newmarket Holidays Limited for any costs that arise which would otherwise have been met had this insurance been taken. I have read
      the booking conditions and accept for myself and on behalf of others travelling, the terms and information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              September 2018 Edition

      SIGNED: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. DATE: ....................................................................

      This Study Experience is organised and operated by Newmarket Holidays Ltd. ABTA V7812

    Online: Call: 020 8335 4455                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9
Computer Science at Disneyland Paris - Information Pack For AS/A Level and GCSE Students - Study Experiences
‘Responsibility and Accountability’ Declaration
     It is the group leader’s responsibility specifically to ensure that participants act in a responsible manner during the tour and do not behave in a way likely to cause
     damage to property or damage or offence to other people.
     It is also the group leader’s responsibility to ensure that no participant under 18 years of age consumes alcoholic drinks. No participant should consume alcohol to
     excess and all local laws relating to the consumption of alcohol are to be obeyed by the participants at all times.
     If the behaviour of any group member causes distress, damage, danger or annoyance to other persons or property, suppliers of accommodation and transport
     services reserve the right at all times to demand payment to cover damage caused, cancel arrangements immediately or to eject the person(s) responsible. In such
     circumstances, our responsibility will cease and we will not be obliged to cover expenses, which may be incurred on the part of the party. Similarly we will not
     consider or accept any claims for compensation.
     As group leader I have read the booking conditions and accept responsibility for the good conduct of all participants during the tour and warrant that at least one
     responsible adult will be on active duty at all times to ensure this.
     I accept that if the behaviour of any group member causes distress, damage, danger or annoyance to other persons or property, suppliers of accommodation and
     transport services reserve the right at all times to charge the group for any damage caused, cancel arrangements immediately or to eject the person(s) responsible. I
     accept that the school/college will be held responsible for any charges incurred and that payment will be payable before departure.

 Completing the Booking Form
 We require a completed rooming list from you detailing             local area map with your desired pick-up point clearly marked.         changes due to misspelt names etc will result in costs being
 your teacher and student names, titles and ages (on date of        If you wish to be picked up from an alternative address, please        charged to your booking. Our flight-inclusive tour price
 departure). We will email you the “Study Experiences Rooming       advise us in writing.                                                  includes one piece of light hand luggage per person. Should
 List Spreadsheet” for you to complete. Please therefore write      By signing the booking form you agree to the declaration               you wish, you are able to add one suitcase (one piece of
 your email address in the appropriate space overleaf.              of responsibility regarding your role as group leader and the          hold luggage) for a supplement of £40 to £50 per person, as
 Advise for each member of the group whether they wish to           conduct of your students. This will also act as your declaration       charged to ourselves by the airline.
 take our travel insurance. NB: It is a condition of booking that   of ‘Responsibility and Accountability’ that will be passed to          OUR PRIVACY PROMISE
 all passengers are adequately covered. If group members have       Disneyland Paris’ security department.                                 1) To collect, use, share and store your Personal Data safely
 their own insurance, please provide details of cover. We regret    If you are booking our flight travel option then you will              and securely.
 we are unable to send out Travel Documentation unless we           need to submit specific passport information with your                 2) To make sure that any supplier we share your Personal Data
 have been notified of the insurance details for each member        Booking Form and deposit payment in order for us to be                 with will be just as careful with it as we are.
 of your group.                                                     able to book your airline seats. We will email you the “Study          3) That we will never share your Personal Data with an un-
 If you are travelling by coach, we will pick your group up         Experiences APIS Spreadsheet” for you to complete with                 named third party for marketing purposes.
 from the address you provided on the Booking Form overleaf.        all required information. All information provided must be             To find out more about how we use and protect your Personal
 If your pick-up point is difficult to find, then please submit a   accurate as once seats have been booked, any subsequent                Data, log on to

 Support Information
 TOUR PLANNING SUPPORT                                              premium payment. As with all insurance policies, an excess is          choose to travel by an alternative method, or have all monies
 The Teacher Support section of our website provides                deductible from some claims. If you take out the excess waiver         paid to us returned to you in full. We therefore recommend
 valuable support and information for you when arranging            insurance, then for an extra premium of £10.00 per person, any         that you make your confirmed booking as early as possible in
 your group’s booking. It contains our Learning Outside the         successful claims will be paid in full to you, and no excess will be   order to secure availability for your chosen method of travel.
 Classroom Quality Badge Certificate, full details of our Safety    deducted. If group members have their own travel insurance, we         EUROSTAR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS
 Management System, our travel insurance policy, passport           require details of this cover.                                         Eurostar travel is based on the once-a-day direct service from
 information, suggested letter to parents and the information       OUR RESORT SERVICES TEAM                                               the UK to Disneyland Paris. However as there is naturally
 you need to obtain from your students.                             Study Experiences’ resort services team is based at Disneyland         limited availability on this service, we reserve the right to
 FIVE DAY TOUR – RETURN FERRY CROSSING                              Paris throughout your stay. On your arrival at the resort, they        use the services that require a change of train in Lille. In this
 ARRANGEMENTS HULL–ZEEBRUGGE                                        will meet you with your check-in pack, hotel room keys and             instance, we will advise you of these arrangements with your
 Your overnight crossings include cabin accommodation, based        Disney Parks entry tickets. They will assist you throughout            booking confirmation invoice. Please note that we cannot
 on 4 students sharing a cabin and 2 teachers sharing a cabin.      your stay and are available whenever you need, day or night.           guarantee that seats will all be allocated together for groups
 Study Experiences does NOT charge any supplements for under-       24 HOUR EMERGENCY OFFICE SUPPORT                                       travelling by Eurostar.
 occupied student cabins where this is due to your breakdown of     Study Experiences operates a 24-hour emergency paging                  YOUR HOTEL ACCOMMODATION
 male or female students not fitting exactly into 4-sharing.        system to provide complete security and peace of mind                  In certain circumstances we reserve the right to transfer
 You are welcome to pre-book the dinner and breakfast               throughout your trip. Most problems can be dealt with quite            bookings at Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne® to Disney’s Hotel
 package for the crossings, the price is £19.50 per child and £34   satisfactorily by our resort services team and Disneyland Paris        Santa Fe® or the Explorers Hotel at Disneyland Paris or
 per adult (aged 16 and over) for each overnight crossing. Both     hoteliers, but it is reassuring to know that our office-based          the Kyriad Hotel at Disneyland Paris or the B&B Hotel at
 dinner and breakfast are hot, freshly cooked buffet meals. On      Operations Department is there to provide a friendly and               Disneyland Paris. Should this change be necessary, you will be
 receipt of your booking, we will send you the Cabin Sharing        professional service at whatever time of the day or night you          advised in your Travel Documentation.
 Chart to complete and also the Overnight Ferry Meal Package        might need them.                                                       ROOM OCCUPANCY
 Booking Form.                                                      PASSPORTS AND VISAS                                                    Please note that should you choose to accommodate fewer
 TRAVEL INSURANCE                                                   Group leaders are entirely responsible for ensuring that               than three students per room at the Hotel Cheyenne, four
 We believe that travel insurance is not only to be recommended,    all members of the group have the correct and valid                    students per room at the B&B Hotel or two students per room
 but is absolutely essential. Hence we insist that everyone         documentation. We cannot accept responsibility for any                 at the Sequoia Lodge, supplements will apply to our prices.
 travelling abroad with Study Experiences has travel insurance.     failure to comply resulting in any costs or fines being incurred.      DISNEY® VILLAGE

 However as many schools, teachers and students have their          YOUR FINANCIAL PEACE OF MIND                                           Disney® Village is the hub of Resort entertainment. Located
 own annual cover we have not included a compulsory insurance       Study Experiences is the student travel division of the                within walking distance of your hotel and the Disney Parks,
 charge in the price of the Study Experience. Our own travel        Newmarket Group, one of the UK’s leading group tour                    it is open throughout the day and evening. It offers great
 insurance is underwritten by AWP P&C SA and administered           operators. In line with the EC Directive on package travel, all        shopping opportunities and has themed restaurants to
 in the UK by Allianz Global Assistance. Newmarket Holidays         customers enjoy complete financial protection through our              suit a wide range of tastes and budgets, including Earl of
 Limited are Appointed Representatives of Leisureworld              ABTA bond and ATOL licence, so all payments are safe.                  Sandwich, Starbucks, McDonalds, King Ludwig’s Castle, Planet
 (GB) Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial                                                                                Hollywood, Rainforest Café and Annette’s Diner.
 Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register No. 749920)         GROUPS OF FEWER THAN 10 STUDENTS
 Newmarket Holidays Limited are registered in England &             Groups of fewer than 10 students may have to make their                DISNEYLAND® PARIS
 Wales No. 022383316. Registered office: Cantium House,             own way to another school, college or motorway service                 Disneyland® Paris reserves the right to cancel and/or close
 Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0BP Leisureworld (GB) Ltd        station to be picked up by their Study Experiences coach.              certain shows, parades, shops, attractions and celebrations
 are registered in England & Wales No. 02663024. Registered         EUROSTAR AND FLIGHT SEATS BOOKINGS                                     without notice.
 office: 1422/24 London Road, Leigh On Sea, Essex, SS9 2UL. Per     We are unable to hold Eurostar or flight seats on a Provisional        LEARNING OBJECTIVES
 person premiums (including Insurance Premium Tax at 17.5%)         Booking basis. If you wish to travel by Eurostar or fly to Paris,      Study Experiences will show how Disneyland Paris selects and
 are as follows: £9.50 (3 & 4-day programme) or £14.00 (5-day       call us to discuss your plans, as seats are strictly subject to        applies business techniques and methods in both their day-
 programme) for students aged 15 and under, £19.00 (3 & 4-day       availability and we process bookings on a first-come first             to-day delivery and their strategic planning. Please note that
 programme) or £28.00 (5-day programme) for teachers and            served basis. In the unlikely event that we are unable to secure       topic areas may be amended to reflect specification changes
 students aged 16 and over at date of travel. The premium should    Eurostar seats, or flight seats from your chosen departure             and developments at Disneyland Paris.
 be paid at the time you send the deposit, and those taking         airport, at the budgeted cost, we reserve the right to increase        FINAL PAYMENT
 the policy will be covered from the moment we receive their        the student price. If this is not acceptable to you, you may           Final payment is due 12 weeks prior to travel.

10                                  Call: 020 8335 4455 Email:
Newmarket Holidays Ltd Booking Conditions
  Please read carefully                                                                                                 then we are powerless to assist and cannot be held responsible. This includes           by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. The Scheme (details of which will
  We want you to enjoy every minute of your break or longer holiday                                                     any passenger who fails to advise us of any medical condition or disability. If         be supplied on request) provides for a simple and inexpensive method of
  with us, and we’ll do our very best to try to ensure that it lives up to                                              you are prevented from travelling as a result, our responsibility for your holiday      arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability on the customer
  your expectations of it. We believe that our 30 years of tour operating                                               thereupon ceases. Full cancellation charges will apply and we will be under no          in respect of costs. The Scheme does not apply to claims for an amount
  experience, together with the reputation we have for quality and                                                      obligation whatsoever for any refund, compensation or loss you may incur.               greater than £5,000 per person. There is also a limit of £25,000 per booking.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Neither does it apply to claims which are solely or mainly in respect of
  value, should give you the confidence to book with us. To give you                                                    Our contract with you                                                                   physical injury or illness or the consequences of such injury or illness.
  further peace of mind, we accept your booking on the basis of our
  Terms and Conditions, which are designed to clarify the contractual                                                   Our Confirmation Of Reservation                                                         Redress under this Scheme requires written notice requesting arbitration
  obligations between us. Please spend some time reading them                                                           When we have received your booking and deposit we will send you a                       to be made within nine months of scheduled date of return from the holiday.
  carefully, and please feel free contact us should anything be unclear.                                                Confirmation of Reservation which details exactly what is booked for you.
                                                                                                                        From this moment Newmarket Holidays Ltd has accepted your booking on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Our Responsibility for your holiday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Overseas Holidays
  Your contract with us                                                                                                 the terms set out in this Contract.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (a) Although we have no direct control over services provided to you by
  Your Booking                                                                                                          The Price of Your Holiday                                                                   independent suppliers we accept responsibility for the reasonable
  Your booking, once accepted and confirmed in writing to you, represents a                                             Changes in transportation costs, including the cost of fuel, duties, taxes                  standard of the holiday which you book. If any part is not provided as
  contract between all persons named on the Booking, and/or the Personal                                                or fees chargeable for services and exchange rates, mean that the price                     promised, we will pay you appropriate compensation if this has affected
  Details booking page, and/or on the Confirmation of Reservation, and                                                  of your travel arrangements may change after you have booked. However                       the enjoyment of your holiday, except where the failure is unforeseeable
  Newmarket Holidays Limited (The Company). The contract is based on                                                    there will be no change within 30 days of your departure. We will absorb                    or unavoidable.
  the information given at the time of booking, and the terms laid out in the                                           and you will not be charged for any increase equivalent to 2% of the price              (b) We accept responsibility if you or any person named on the booking
  following Booking Conditions. This agreement is governed by English Law                                               of your travel arrangements, which excludes insurance premiums and any                       suffers bodily injury, illness or death due to the negligent acts and/
  and jurisdiction is conferred on the English Court but not exclusively, so if                                         amendment charges. You will be charged for the amount over and above                         or omissions of: (i) our employees or agents; or (ii) our suppliers or
  you live elsewhere in the UK, when the courts of Scotland and Northern                                                that. If this means that you have to pay an increase of more than 10% of the                 sub-contractors, servants or agents whilst acting within the scope or in
  Ireland also have jurisdiction. We do not accept bookings from any                                                    price of your travel arrangements, you will have the option of accepting a                   the course of their employment to provide any service or arrangement
  unaccompanied passengers under the age of 18.                                                                         change to another holiday if we are able to offer one (if this is of equivalent              forming part of the holiday that you have booked with us save that we
  Your Payment                                                                                                          or higher quality you will not have to pay more but if it is of lower quality you            do not accept responsibility for any air or sea carriers whose liabilities are
  Your Confirmation of Reservation includes an invoice showing the deposit                                              will be refunded the difference in price), or cancelling and receiving a full                limited by the relevant International Conventions. Provided that any such
  paid and the final balance due. The outstanding amount must be paid by                                                refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charges.                                 claims will be subject to and dealt within accordance with English Law
  the due date. Should we not receive payment by this date we reserve the                                               Should the price of your holiday go down due to the changes mentioned                        and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
  right to treat your booking as cancelled, in which case you could be liable to                                        above, by more than 2% of your holiday cost, then any refund due will be                (c) We shall give you assistance in the event that you suffer illness, personal
  pay cancellation charges according to the scale set out in paragraph                                                  paid to you. However, please note that travel arrangements are not always                   injury or death during the period of your holiday overseas arising out of
  4 below.                                                                                                              purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on                     an activity which does not form part either of the holiday arrangement
  N.B. 1:The person making the booking with us does so in accordance                                                    the price of your travel due to contractual and other protection in place.                  with us or an excursion offered through us. This assistance will include
  with these Terms and Conditions and with the understanding that the                                                   The costs of your holiday have been converted into GBP using the exchange                   advice and guidance and, at our discretion and where appropriate,
  information they provide is a requirement of the contract between us.                                                 rate: EUR 1.1185                                                                            financial assistance subject to our spending a maximum amount in this
  He/she becomes directly responsible to the Company for the payment                                                    System Errors                                                                               regard on behalf of yourself and any other person named in the booking
  of the total holiday price and if applicable, and where appropriate, for the                                          In the event of your Confirmation of Reservation showing an incorrect                       of £5,000 in total.
  cancellation charges and disbursements of any funds. The person making                                                price for your holiday, the price that will prevail is the price shown in our           (d) In the event of a claim under this clause six against us by you or any
  the booking does so on behalf of all persons named on it, and is responsible                                          offline reservation system. Accordingly you may not seek to rely on system                   person named on the booking we reserve the right to claim in your place
  for ensuring that all the Personal Data provided is accurate and for ensuring                                         errors with a view to obtaining a holiday at less than the correct price, and                against the person or corporation responsible for the act, default or
  that all persons named on the booking are aware of these Terms and                                                    any contract entered into upon a mistake, such as a wrong costing due to                     omission giving rise to the claim and you hereby agree to assign to us all
  Conditions and that they consent to the person making the booking acting                                              system errors, is not valid or binding.                                                      your rights under this clause six and we will be subrogated to those rights
  on their behalf in relation to this booking                                                                                                                                                                        and you hereby agree to assist us fully in the event that we enforce the
                                                                                                                        Data Protection                                                                              rights which have been assigned to us or to which we are subrogated.
  Your Alterations                                                                                                      In order to confirm and process your booking, we need to collect Personal
  If you want to change any of the details of your booking, we will always                                                                                                                                      (e) We take the safety and security of our clients extremely seriously. If a
                                                                                                                        Data for all the people named on the booking. We reserve the right to
  do our best to help. We will however make an amendment charge of                                                                                                                                                  Foreign Office advises that people should not visit a particular country,
                                                                                                                        process, store and share any and all of the information we collect with our
  £10 per person (maximum £40 per Personal Details booking page per                                                                                                                                                 then we would act on this. However, we are sure you appreciate from
                                                                                                                        suppliers as we deem necessary to fulfil the contract between us and to
  amendment) as a contribution to our administrative expenses. If after the                                                                                                                                         press and television coverage that the political, economic and social
                                                                                                                        comply with national and international law.
  final balance has become due you wish to make an alteration, we reserve                                                                                                                                           conditions in many countries are not as stable as we are used to. Sadly
                                                                                                                        To find out more about how we use and protect your Personal Data, log on                    crimes against both people and their property are a fact of life the
  the right to make cancellation charges as detailed in paragraph 4 below. All                                          to
  amendments must be notified to us in writing, by telephone or by e-mail, by                                                                                                                                       world over, and when in a foreign county it is very important to be extra
  the person who made the original booking.N.B. 2: If an amendment involves                                             Our Alterations                                                                             vigilant and avoid drawing attention to yourself by wearing expensive
  a change of name, insurance premiums are not transferable. Where any                                                  It is unlikely that we will have to make any changes to your holiday but we                 jewellery, carrying expensive camera equipment etc. Travellers have
  change is made to a booking involving travel by air and/or rail, we reserve                                           do plan your holiday arrangements many months in advance. Occasionally                      the same responsibility for their personal safety and that of their
  the right to make additional charges to cover in full any costs charged to us                                         changes may be made, which we reserve the right to do at any time. Most                     possessions, as they do at home. As situations in countries can change
  by our suppliers.                                                                                                     of these changes are minor and we will advise you at the earliest possible                  rapidly, we suggest that you may wish to visit the Foreign Office Travel
                                                                                                                        date. If a major change becomes necessary we will inform you as soon                        Advice website at for up to date
  Your Cancellation                                                                                                     as is reasonably possible if there is time before your departure. A major                   information and advice regarding safety BEFORE BOOKING YOUR HOLIDAY.
  You may cancel your booking or part of it once it has been confirmed but                                              change is one that we make to your holiday arrangements before departure                    Newmarket Holidays Ltd operate to many parts of the world, some of
  the cancellation will only be valid if made in writing direct to the Company                                          that involves changing your resort area, or time of departure or return by                  which do not conform to British health and safety standards.
  or by telephone to our Customer Service team and having answered the                                                  more than twelve hours, or offering accommodation with a lower official                 We request that all our hotels comply with the local regulations applicable
  security questions. If the cancellation results in a person travelling alone,                                         classification than that advertised (except the latter in the case of en                in their country for health and safety but we cannot guarantee that these
  a single room supplement is payable. The amount payable on cancellation                                               route tour hotels). When a major change occurs, provided it does not arise              meet British standards.
  depends upon when we receive your written instructions - the more notice                                              from circumstances amounting to force majeure (see below), you will have
  you give, the less we will charge.                                                                                                                                                                            UK Holidays
                                                                                                                        the choice of either accepting the change of arrangements, purchasing                   We accept responsibility for ensuring that all component parts of this
  The different periods before departure date within which written                                                      another available holiday from us, or cancelling your holiday. In all cases we
  instructions are received by Newmarket Holidays Ltd. and the amounts                                                                                                                                          holiday are supplied to you as described in this brochure and to a reasonable
                                                                                                                        will pay compensation as detailed below:                                                standard. If any such part is not provided in the advertised manner, we will
  of cancellation charge (shown as a percentage of the total holiday price                                              Charge
  excluding insurance premium which is not refundable) are as follows:                                                                                                                                          pay you appropriate compensation if this has affected your enjoyment of
                                                                                                                        15 - 28 days . . . . . . . . . . £10       0 - 14 days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . £25   your holiday.
  Charge prior to “Balance Due” date*                                                         Deposit only              N.B. 4: We will not pay you compensation if we have to cancel or change
  “Balance Due” date - 42 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50% or deposit if greater                                                                                                                Travel Insurance
                                                                                                                        your travel arrangements in any way because of unusual or unforeseeable                 Because of the importance of having adequate insurance cover we make
  41 - 15 days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65% or deposit if greater   circumstances beyond our control. These can include, for example, war,                  it a condition of booking on all foreign holidays that you are covered by
  14 - 5 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80%                       riot, industrial dispute, terrorist activity and its consequences, natural or           an insurance policy. If you elect not to take our insurance, you agree to
  4 days or less before/after departure. . . . . . . . . . . 100%                                                       nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, epidemics and pandemics,            indemnify Newmarket Holidays Ltd. for any costs that arise which would
  N.B. 3: If the reason for cancellation is covered under the terms of an                                               unavoidable technical problems with transport.                                          otherwise have been met had Newmarket Holidays Ltd insurance been
  insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim these charges.                                                           Our Cancellations                                                                       taken. Should you fail to supply us with the name of your insurance
  * The “Balance Due” date is printed/shown on your “Confirmation                                                       We reserve the right in any circumstances (including failure to reach                   company at the time of booking, our insurance premium will automatically
  of Reservation”.                                                                                                      sufficient numbers) to cancel your holiday and in this event we will return to          be added to your invoice. Please note that, if you take out our insurance,
  Your Complaints                                                                                                       you all money you have paid to us or will offer you an alternative, available           certain claims will be subject to an excess charge and that your insurance
  In the unlikely event that you have problems whilst on holiday, you must report                                       holiday to purchase of comparable standard. In no case, except for reasons              premium will be dependent on your date of birth. We have no liability for any
  the matter to the hotel or our representative immediately during your holiday.                                        of war etc, (see N.B. 4, above) will your holiday be cancelled after the date           loss or damage to luggage inflight or in transit. Any claims of this nature
  If the matter is not then satisfactorily resolved, you must complete a written                                        when your final balance becomes due.                                                    should be referred directly to your insurer.
  report (form available from our representative). You must then follow up any                                          Our Complaints Procedure                                                                Financial Protection & Repatriation
  complaint in writing within fourteen days of your return, including a copy of the                                     Newmarket Holidays Ltd is a Member of ABTA with membership number                       In line with the EC Directive on package travel, Newmarket Holidays Ltd
  original report form. We operate a strict code of conduct which also conforms                                         V7812. ABTA Members help holidaymakers to get the most from their travel                offers complete financial protection for all customers. Newmarket Holidays
  to European regulations on package travel and take any complaints received                                            and assist them when things do not go according to plan. We are obliged to              Ltd is a fully-bonded member of ABTA - The Association of British Travel
  seriously. A failure to follow the procedure outlined will affect the outcome of                                      maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTA’s Code of Conduct. For               Agents, ensuring both your financial protection and high standards of
  the complaint and any possible compensation.                                                                          further information about ABTA, the Code of Conduct and the arbitration                 professionalism and reliability. Therefore you can book and travel with
  Your Travelling Conditions                                                                                            scheme available to you if you have a complaint, contact ABTA, 30 Park                  Newmarket Holidays Ltd in total confidence that your money and your
  Where as part of the holiday you have booked your travel by air, land or                                              Street, London SE1 9EQ Tel: 0901 201 5050 or We can                       holiday are safe. In the unlikely event of the company failing while you are
  sea, such travel will be subject to the terms and conditions of carriage of                                           normally agree an amicable settlement of the few complaints we receive.                 abroad, the ABTA bond will be used to repatriate you.
  the airline, shipping, rail or coach company providing the transport. In most                                         However, if we cannot agree, disputes arising out of, or in connection with             Bookings from 1st July will be governed by new terms and conditions
  cases, the conditions will limit the carrier’s liability to you in accordance with                                    this Contract may (if the customer so wishes) be referred to arbitration                designed to comply with The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements
  international law. Should anyone be refused admission to the coach, ferry or                                          under a special Scheme which, though devised by arrangement with the                    Regulations 2018. Please visit our website to see the current version.
  flight, or to the destination country by the transport or government authority,                                       Association of British Travel Agents, is administered quite independently

  Important Information                                                                                                 Travel Documentation                                                                    Newmarket Holidays Ltd
                                                                                                                        You will receive your final Itinerary and travel documentation three weeks              NatWest Bank
                                                                                                                        prior to departure, provided all payments have been made.                               Sort code: 60-17-11
  Booking                                                                                                                                                                                                       Account number: 20391285
  It is extremely important that you provide clear, correct information when                                            Special Requests
  Booking, for it is from this information that we make your reservation and                                            There are of course only a limited number of front seats on coaches,                    Delays
                                                                                                                        low floor rooms in hotels etc. We cannot guarantee to meet all requests but             Occasionally trains, ferries and coaches may be delayed due to
  our contract with you. The person to whom all correspondence, invoices
                                                                                                                        will do our best to oblige.                                                             circumstances beyond our control. In such cases we will do our utmost to
  and joining instructions are to be sent, should be entered as the first name.                                                                                                                                 help you and keep you fully informed. In the event of extended overnight
  It is also their address and telephone number(s) that should be given. Other                                          Coach Pick-Up Points And Times                                                          delays, depending upon circumstances, we will endeavour to provide
  names are required by airlines, insurance companies, hoteliers etc., so please                                        When completing the Booking Form you will have to specify your pick-up                  accommodation. In the case of a major delay to your homeward journey, we
  be accurate. For foreign holidays it is essential that these names match those                                        point if this is different to your school or club address. We will show this            shall endeavour to delay the departure from your hotel.
  on the passports. If any member of your party e.g. newly weds, changes                                                on our Confirmation Invoice. It is the group leader’s responsibility to
  their name between booking this holiday and travelling, it is important to                                            ensure that all group members adhere to the timings given on your travel                Fitness To Travel
                                                                                                                        documentation. In the event that one or more members of your group are                  We strive to give all our customers full care and attention, but we do need to
  provide us with this information so that we can issue the tickets in the new
                                                                                                                        late to the pick-up point at any time during your trip, to the extent where             know at the time of booking if there are any special needs or requirements.
  name. If there is not time to amend the passport the marriage certificate                                                                                                                                     It is particularly important that we are advised of any disabilities and also
  should be carried in the passport. We do not accept bookings from teams                                               the itinerary arrangements may be jeopardised, the coach driver is within his
                                                                                                                        rights to leave at the appointed time and no additional arrangements need               if you intend to bring any specialist equipment such as a wheelchair with
  unaccompanied by supervising teachers/adults..                                                                                                                                                                you. Please make sure you provide full details when Booking. These will be
                                                                                                                        to be made for late arrivals. For the return journey you will be disembarked
  Your Journey                                                                                                          at your original pick-up point. Our driver will endeavour to give an estimated          acknowledged on your Confirmation of Reservation. If you have suffered
  The Coach Companies we use have been selected to be relied upon to                                                    time of arrival at each point, prior to the last transit/comfort stop. This             from a serious medical condition recently, then you should consult with your
  provide modern, comfortable coaches and careful, considerate drivers. On                                              will enable you to telephone taxis or parents who may be meeting you.                   Doctor about your fitness to travel.
  some holidays it may be that your journey commences on a feeder coach,                                                Our homebound drop-offs are scheduled in reverse order of the pick-ups.                 Special Requests
  before you join the main coach, and feeder coaches are often not of the same                                          Because of the inconvenience and delays caused to other passengers we                   There are of course the only a limited number of front seats on coaches, low
  standard or size. Whilst the coaches on UK holidays will be of a high standard,                                       are unable to accept requests to be dropped off at additional points.                   floor rooms in hotels etc. We cannot guarantee to meet all requests but will
  they may not have all the facilities of a continental coach. We plan the seating                                      Payments By Bacs                                                                        do our best to oblige.
  arrangements close to departure date to ensure that families, friends and                                             We are pleased to accept payments by BACS. If you wish to make your                     Holiday Extras Not Booked With Newmarket
  groups are seated as close as possible. You retain these seats throughout                                             deposit payment or final balance payment by BACS, please ensure that your               We cannot be held responsible for compensation in respect of any extras
  the tour. Smoking and alcohol consumption is prohibited on all our coaches.                                           Provisional Booking Reference or your Invoice Number is included on the                 which are booked (eg travel insurance, currency, theatre tickets) with a third
  Regular comfort stops are made. Where the brochure indicates that your                                                remittance advice when making payment by BACS. If you do not know your                  party, if we subsequently cancel your holiday for whatever reason. If you
  Channel crossing will be by ferry, we reserve the right to substitute a crossing                                      Provisional Booking Reference or your Invoice Number, please call us on 020             book your travel insurance with us, you would receive a full refund in this
  via the Eurotunnel and vice versa.                                                                                    8335 4455. Our bank account details for payment by BACS are:                            circumstance.

Online: Call: 020 8335 4455                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11
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