Page created by Catherine Cummings
       Economist, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (University of Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne)
       Born in Valleyfield, Province of Quebec, Canada.

       Economics of Organizations, Economics of Institutions, Economics of Infrastructures,
       Industrial Organization, Contracts, Governance and Regulation.

      Professor (Emeritus) of Economics, Université de Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Centre
               d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES)
       International Affiliations:
             Adjunct Professor of Economics, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National
                University of Singapore (2017-2018)
             Scientific Advisor, Center for Organization Studies (CORS), University of São Paulo
       Previous positions: Professor, College Edouard Montpetit, Montréal, Canada;
                           University of Utrecht, the Netherlands; University of Dijon, France.
       Visiting Professor and/or researcher in numerous foreign universities:
       University of California, Berkeley (USA); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA);
       University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA); De Paul University (USA); Louvain-la-Neuve
       (Belgium); Erasmus Universiteit (The Netherlands), Delft University of Technology (The
       Netherlands); Universities of Curitiba, Campinas, São Paolo, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); National
       University of Columbia, Bogota; Lomonossov University, Higher School of Economics(Moscow
       ,Russia); Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland): University of Herdecke-
       Witten (Germany); University of Kobe (Japan); Hitotsubashi University (Japan); Ghent
       University (Belgium); National University of Singapore; University of International Business and
       Economics (China)

       Ph. D. in Economics, University of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne), 1980
       Ph.D. in History of Science, University of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne), 1975
       Previously: BA, MA University of Montreal (Canada); Doctoral Program in the History
              of Science, University of Montréal (Canada)
       Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Thessaly (Greece), 2005

IV: PUBLICATIONS (details in extensive CV)
      - Books in English, French, and Portuguese. Translations: Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian,
               Spanish, Vietnamese.
       - Papers in numerous peer reviewed international journals.

     Editor, Advances in New Institutional Analysis series, Edward Elgar Pub.
     Coeditor, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (1997-2011)
     President (2001-2002), International Society for New Institutional Economics
     Treasurer and Board Member, Ronald Coase Institute (2001 

      National and international organizations (EC, OECD, World Bank, various governments).
      Several published reports

                                      (as of 08--2018)


Born in Valleyfield (Province of Quebec), Canada
Two children (Noriane; Sandrine)


1: Domain of research …….…………………………………………………...p. 3

2: Position and education ……………………………………………………...p. 3

3: Publications …………………………………………………………………p. 5

       3.1: Books ………………………………………………………………p. 5

       3.2: Papers ……………………………………………………………...p. 7

4: Expert activities ……………………………………………………….…… p. 23

5: Other scientific activities ……………………………………………….…. p. 26

6: Dissertation (supervisor) ……………………………………………………p. 29

7: Invited // keynote speaker……………………………………………………p. 32


   Economics of Organizations; Economics of Institutions; Economics of
    Infrastructures; Industrial Organization; Economics of Contracts;
                    Governance and Regulatory issues

                        II:     POSITION AND EDUCATION


   - Professor of Economics (Emeritus), Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne
             12 Place du Panthéon
             75231-Paris Cedex 05

             2 rue Jules Breton
             Tel:( 33) 1 45 87 06 49

   - Adjunct Professor of Economics, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National
          University of Singapore (2017-2018)


     Scientific Correspondent, Accademia dei Georgofili (Florence, Italy). (2017
     Scientific Advisor, Center for Organization Studies (CORS), University of São Paulo: (2009
     Senior Research Fellow, TU Delft (The Netherlands): (2014-2017)
     International Associate, Institute of Water Policy, National University of Singapore: (2009- 2013)
     Senior Researcher (special appointement), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS,
         France): 1998-2000.
     Full Professor of Economics, University of Dijon (France): 1981-1983
     Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and National School of
          Statistics (ENSAE), Paris: 1978-1981
     Wetenschappelijk Hoofdmedewerker (eerste klasse), University of Utrecht (The Netherlands):
     Professor of Economic History, Collège Edouard Montpetit, Montréal (Canada): 1966-1974
     Associate Researcher, Museum of Man, Ottawa (Canada): 1964-1967


     Visiting Professor of Economics: University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Massachusetts (USA.):
          Fall 1985
     Visiting Professor of Economics, DePaul University, Chicago (USA): Spring 1987; Summer
          1988; Summer 1989
     Visiting Fellow, Université de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Spring 1991
     Research Associate, University of California-Berkeley, 1991-1992.
     Visiting Professor, Universidade Federal do Parana (Brazil), Fall 1995
     Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional de Columbia (Bogota), Columbia, September 1996
     Visiting Professor, Lomonossov State University, Moscow (Russia), February 1997
     Visiting Professor, Universities of Campinas and São Paolo (Brazil), March 1999
     Visiting Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russia), Spring 1999
     Visiting Professor, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam (The Netherlands), February 2002
     Visiting Professor, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), February 2004
     Visiting Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Winter-Spring 2004
     Visiting Professor, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands), Winter-Spring 2006
     Visiting Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Winter 2007
     Visiting Professor, University of Herdecke-Mitten (Germany), Spring 2007
     Visiting Professor, University of Kobe (Japan), January 2008
     Visiting Professor, Ecole Nationale d’Administration (Tunisie), Spring 2011, 2012, 2013
     Visiting Professor, University Hitotsubashi (Japan), November 2012
     Visiting Professor, University of São Paulo (Brazil), May 2013; November 2018
     Visiting Professor, Ghent University (Belgium), May 2015
     Adjunct Professor of Economics, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of
     Singapore (2017-2018)
     Visiting Professor, University of International Business and Economics (China), July 2018


     B.A. University of Montreal (Canada): 1963
     M.A. University of Montreal (Canada): 1966
     Ecole Normale Supérieure, University of Montreal (Canada): 1967
     Doctoral Program, History of Science, University of Montreal (Canada): 1970
     PH.D. in Philosophy (History of Science), Université de Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne): 1974
            ("Magna cum Laude"; Award from the French Ministry of Education; Grant for
     PH.D. in Economics, Université de Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne): 1981
            ("Magna cum laude"; Vouters Award from the Universities of Paris for the Best
            Dissertation of the year in Economics and Management).

     Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Thessaly (Greece): 2005



     The Economics of Organization.
         Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
     A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics.
        (co-editor with Mary M. Shirley). Northampton & Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub.,
                DOI: 10.4337/9781788112512
     The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase.
         Co-editor (and contributor) with Elodie Bertrand, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub.,
                Available on line at:
     Public Procurement Reforms in Africa. Challenges in Institutions and Governance
         (co-author, with Christine de Mariz and Bernard Abeillé), Oxford University Press.
                Available on line at:
     Economia das Organizações: Formas Plural e Desafios
        (English version: Challenges to Economic Organization: Plural Forms). Co-editor
        and contributor (with Sylvia Saes, Vivian Lara and Emmanuel Raynaud). São Paulo:
        Atlas Ed. 2014.
                Available on line:
                in Portuguese at:
                 In English at :

     L'économie des organisations.
         1st edition : 1990. 2nd edition entirely revised: 2004.
         3rd edition entirely revised: 2012. Paris: La Découverte
         (several reprints + Algerian ed. – Hibr pub., 2014). Translations: Russian, Spanish,
                Available on line at:
     Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation. Institutional Perspectives.
        Co-editor (and contributor) with M. Ghertman, Cheltenham: E. Elgar Pub., 2009.
        Paperback: 2010.
            Available on line at:

     Handbook of New Institutional Economics.
        Co-editor (and contributor) with M. Shirley. Boston-New York-Berlin-Dordrecht:
        Springer. 890 pages. Hardcover: 2005; Paperback: 2008.

Available on line at:

The International Library of New Institutional Economics.
    Editor. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publisher. 7 volumes. 2004.
          Available on line at:

       Vol. 1: The Foundations of the New Institutional Economics (xxv + 526 p.)
       Vol. 2: Transaction Costs and Property Rights (xxiii + 592 p.)
       Vol. 3: Contracts in the New Institutional Economics (xxiii + 584 p.)
       Vol. 4: Modes of Organization in the New Institutional Economics (xxii +
                536 p.)
       Vol. 5: Institutional Dimensions of the Modern Corporation (xxvi + 666 p.)
       Vol. 6: The Political Economy of Economic Institutions (xxv + 583 p.)
       Vol. 7: Controversies and Challenges in the New Institutional Economics (xxvii + 589 p.)

Problems of Price and Tariff Regulation of Natural Monopoly Services: The Case of
      Federal Airports.
       (with V.E. Brusilovsky, L.E. Grigoriev and A.E. Shastitko)
      In Russian. Moscow : Bureau of Economic Analysis. 240 pages. 2001

Institutions, Contracts and Organizations. Perspectives from New Institutional
        Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar Pub. (Editor and contributor). 2000. Paperback,
               Available online at:
Transaction Cost Economics: Recent Developments.
      (Editor and contributor) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing: 1997. Second
      printing: 1998. Chinese edition: 2002.
               Available on line at:
La Economía de las Organizaciones.
      Bogota (Columbia): Norma ed.: 1996
               Available at:
La Formation d'une rationalité économique.
      Paris: Flammarion: 1978.
      Italian Translation: 1986
               Available at:



a : “Dimensionalizing Institutions.” In F. Gagliardi and D. Gindis (eds.), Institutions and
Evolution of Capitalism: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey M. Hodgson. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Pub., chap.9: (forthcoming)

a: « Organization and governance in the agri-food sector: How can we capture their variety?”
Agribusiness: An International Journal. 34: 141–160.
       Read access only:
b: “Finding our way in the jungle: insights from organization theory”. In: G. Martino, K.
Karantininis, S. Pascucci, L. Dries and J.-M. Codron (eds). It’s a jungle out there! The strange
animals of economic organization in agri-food value chains. Wageningen (NL): Wageningen
Academic Publishers: chap. 1, pp. 27-50.
c: “Research Frontiers in New Institutional Economics.” Revista de Administração //
Management Journal, Elsevier 53 (1): 3-10.
d: (with Alejandro Jimenez and Hakan Tropp). “Addressing the policy-implementation gaps in
water services: the key role of meso-institutions.” Water International, 43 (1): 13-33.
       Available at:

e: (with Andrey Shastitko and Natalia Pavlova) “The curse of antitrust facing bilateral monopoly:
Is regulation hopeless?” Russian Journal of Economics, 4: 175-196
       https://DOI 10.3897/j.ruje.4.27031

f: (with Paula Schnaider and Sylvia Saes) “Heterogeneity of Plural Forms: A Revised Transact
Cost Approach.” Managerial and Decision Economics. 39: 652-663

g: “Sanitation and Wastewater: Introduction.” Guest Editor, Special issue on: Sanitation and
Wastewater, Utilities Policy, 53 (August): 1-2

       -- Co-editor (with Sarah Botton and Thierry Rieu). Challenges in Sanitation. Notes
       techniques # 42. Paris : Agence Francaise de Développement, Paris, April 2018 (also in

a: « Le lien manquant : le rôle clé des ‘meso-institutions’ ». In N. Kada, L. Vidal, and T. Perroud
(eds.), Mélanges en l’honneur de Gérard Marcou, Paris : Editions IRJS. Pp. 607-618

b: “Facing Crises: Economy, Democracy, and Political Transaction Costs.” In N. Kyriazis & G.
Bitros (eds.), Democracy and Open Economy World Order, Chapter 8: 109-124. Berlin:
c: “Meso-institutions: The variety of Regulatory Arrangements in the Water Sector.” Utilities
Policy, 49: 6-19
       Available at:

d: “What approach to property rights?” Journal of Institutional Economics, 13 (4):801-807.

e: (with Andrey Shastitko) “Discrete Institutional Alternatives: Theoretical and Policy Issues”.
Voprosy Ekonomiki / Russian Journal of Economics, 3 (2): 200-220
        Available on line at:
f: “The many challenges of unfair trading practices in food supply chain systems.” In P.
Ciaian and F. di Marcantonio (eds.), Unfair trading practices in food supply chain. European
Commission-Joint Research Center, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European
Union. Pp. 71-93
       Available at:

g: (with John Drobak and Mary Shirley). The Origins and Early Years of the International
Society for New Institutional Economics. WP, January 2017.

a: “Ronald H. Coase and the Economics of Network Infrastructure”. In C. Menard and E.
Bertrand (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Publishing: 187-202.

b: (with Elodie Bertrand) “Introduction”, The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing: 1-4

c: (with Annie Royer and Daniel-Mercier Gouin) “Reassessing Marketing Boards as Hybrid
Arrangements: Evidence from Canadian Experiences.” Agricultural Economics, 47 (1): 105-116

a: (with G. Hodgson, M. Shirley, and N. Wang) “Introduction to the Ronald H. Coase Memorial
Issue.” Journal of Institutional Economics, 11 (2): 213-219

b: “El reto económico de abrir la caja negra de la toma de decisiones politicas”. in F. Toboso and
G. Caballero (eds.), Democracia y Políticas Económico. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis: 21-33

c: (with Mary Shirley and Ning Wang) “Ronald Coase’s Impact on Economics.” Journal of
Institutional Economics. 11 (2): 227-244

a: “Embedding Organizational Arrangements: Towards a General Model.” Journal of
Institutional Economics. 10 (4): 567-589

b: (with Mary Shirley) “The Future of New Institutional Economics: From Early Intuitions to a
New Paradigm?” Journal of Institutional Economics, 10 (4): 541-565

c: “The Diversity of Institutional Rules as Engine of Change.” Journal of BioEconomics, 16 (1):

d: (with Mary Shirley) “The Contribution of Douglass North to New Institutional Economics”.
In: Institutions, Property Rights and Economic Growth: The Legacy of Douglass North. S.
Galiani and I. Sened (eds.), New York: Cambridge University Press. Chap. 1: 11-29

e: (with M. Saes, V. Lara, E. Raynaud) Economia das organizações. Formas Plurais e Desafios.
Sao Paulo: Atlas.
       Available on line at:
f: (with R. Nunes and Vivian Lara) “Introdução à Teoria das Organizações.” In Menard et al.
(eds) Economia das Organizações, chap. 1: 3-32
       Available on line at:

g: (with S. Saes) “O Fenômenon das Formas Plurais: Reflexões Finais”. In Menard et al. (eds)
Economia das Organizações, Conclusão: 264-273
       Available on line at:

a: “Hybrid Modes of Organization. Alliances, Joint Ventures, Networks, and Other ‘Strange’
Animals”. In R. Gibbons and J. Roberts, The Handbook of Organizational Economics, Princeton:
Princeton University Press. Chapter 26: 1066-1108.

b: “Plural forms of organizations: Where do we stand?” Managerial and Decision Economics,
34 (3-5): 124-139. Trad. Portuguese, (“Formas Plurais de Organização: Onde Estamos?”. In
Menard. C et al., (2014)
       DOI: 10.1002/mde.2578

c: “Is Public-Private Partnership Obsolete”?, in Piet de Vries and Etienne B. Yehoue, The
Routledge Companion to Public-Private Partnerships, London, Routledge. Chap. 7: 149-174

d: (with R. Maria Saleth) « The Effectiveness of Alternative Water Governance Arrangements.»
in Mike Young and Christine Esau (eds.), Investing in Water for a Green Economy. Services,
infrastructure, policies and management, United Nations Environment Program/Routledge, chap.
8: 152-174


e: “About some distortions in the interpretation of ‘The Problem of Social Cost’.” Journal of
Natural Resources Policy Research 5 (3): 261-265
Short Notes:
           •   « Coûts de transaction », Encyclopedia Universalis : Universalia
           •   « Ronald H. Coase », Encyclopedia Universalis : Universalia
           •   « Néo-Intitutionnalisme », Encyclopedia Universalis : Universalia
           •   « Organisation (notion d’) », Encyclopedia Universalis : THESAURUS (6 pages)

a: “Oliver E. Williamson et la gouvernance économique”. In J. Allouche (ed.), Encyclopédie des
ressources humaines, Paris : Vuibert
b: “Risk in urban water reform: a challenge to public-private partnership.” In A. Gunawansa and
L. Bhular (eds.), Water Governance: An Evaluation of Alternative Architectures. Cheltenham-
Northampton: Edward Elgar Pub. Chapter 12: 290-320.
       Available on line at:

c: (with Mary Shirley) “From Intuition to Institutionalization: A History of New Institutional
Economics.” Working Paper Series # 8. Ronald Coase Institute. 42 Pages
a: « A New Institutional Perspective on Environmental Issues ». Environmental Innovation and
Societal Transitions. I (1): 115-120.

b: (with Aleksandra Domanski-Peeroo) « Liberalization in the Water Sector : Three Leading
Models ». In R. Kunneke and M. Finger (eds.), International Handbook of Network Industries:
The Liberalization of Infrastructures. Cheltenham: E. Elgar Pub. Chap. 18: 310-327
       Available on line at:
Short notes:
       •   “Is Public-Private Partnership Obsolete?” The Water Leader, National University of
               Singapore, June 2011, pp. 30-31
       •   « 1001 manières de coopérer. » Participer. Magazine des Sociétés Coopératives et
               Participatives, Nov-Dec. 2011 : 20-21
a: “Hybrid Organizations”. In P. Klein and M. Sykuta, The Elgar Companion to Transaction
Cost Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publisher: chap. 18, pp. 176-184
       Available on line at:
b: (with Jean-Michel Oudot) “Opportunisme ou équité ? Le cas des contrats d’approvisionnement
de défense ». Revue Française d’Economie, 24 (3): 196-226
c : “L’essor des modes d’organisation hybrides » Les Cahiers de Friedland, Paris. Nr. 6 : 67-76

d: with Rolf Kunneke and John Groenewegen “Aligning modes of organization with technology:
critical transactions in the reform of infrastructures”. Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization.75 (3): 494-505
e: (with Armelle Maze) “Private Ordering, Collective Action, and the Self-Enforcing Range of
Contracts. The Case of French Livestock Industry.” European Journal of Law and Economics, 29
(1): 131-153
       Doi: 10.1007/s10657-009-9114-x
f: “Oliver E. Williamson: Des organisations aux institutions”. Revue d’Economie Politique, 120
(3): 421-439
Short notes:
       •   « L’apport pionnier et l’oeuvre de Ronald H. Coase ». R & O Multimedia. 3 pages
       •   « L’apport de Douglass C. North au néo-institutionnalisme”. R & O Multimédia.
              3 pages

a: « From technical integrity to institutional coherence: regulatory challenges in the water
sector» . In C. Menard & M. Ghertman (eds.), Regulation, Deregulation and Re-regulation,
Cheltenham: E. Elgar Publisher, Chapter 5, pp. 83-108
       Available on line at:

b: “Why to reform infrastructures and with what institutional arrangements? The case of public
private partnerships in water supply”. In R. Kunneke, J. Groenewegen and J.-F. Auger (eds), The
Governance of Network Industries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publisher, chap. 2, pp. 25-45.
       Available on line at:

c: « Oliver Williamson and the Logic of Hybrid Organizations ». In Mario Morroni (ed.)
Corporate Governance, Organization Design and the Firm. Cooperation and Outsourcing in the
Global Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, chap. 5, pp. 87-103.
       Available on line at:

d: (with Jean-Michel Oudot) “L’évaluation préalable dans les contrats de partenariat”. Revue
Française d’Administration Publique, no. 130, Eté 2009, pp. 349-364
       DOI : 10.3917/rfap.130.0349

e: “Oliver Williamson’s Contribution to Economics”. Symposium in Honor of Professor Oliver
Williamson on the occasion of the attribution of The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic
Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, Oslo, December. 15 pages.
Short notes:
       •   “Oliver Williamson, pape de la gouvernance en économie de marché”. La Tribune, 21
           Octobre, p. 8
a: (with Bertrand Du Marais) “Can we rank legal systems according to their economic
efficiency”? (Revised version of 2006a), Journal of Law and Policy, vol. 26: 55-80

b: « Is Law Facilitating or Inhibiting Transactions”? In S. Batie and N. Mercuro (ed.). Alternative
Institutional Structures. Evolution and Impact. London: Routledge -Taylor and Francis, chap. 9:
c : (with Milena Gradeva) “Le contournement des règles contractuelles dans une économie en
transition: les salaires non déclarés en Bulgarie”. Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 39
(1) : 203-224

d: « La diversité des modes d’organisation dans une économie de marché développée.
Dissolution ou recomposition de l’entreprise ? » In David Colle (ed.), Un monde d’entreprises.
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, chap. 16 : 371-393

e: “Redesigning Public Utilities: the Key Role of Micro-institutions”. In J. Kornai, L. Mathyas
and G. Roland, Corruption, Development and Institutional Design. London: Palgrave-
MacMillan, chap. 10: 189-202
       Available online at:

f: (with Patricia Luis-Manso and Matthias Finger) “Institutional Responses to the Risks Created
by the Urban Water Sector Reform”. Lausanne: EPFL. Working Paper, 24 p.
a: “Reforming and governing through contracts: why they cannot do it all!”, in Luciano
Baggiani et al., ANEA, (forthcoming)
b: (with Jean-Michel Oudot) “Equity and Risk Allocation in Defense Procurement Contracts”.
WP, Center ATOM
c: “Le contrat entre l’entreprise et ses clients: Que signifie “s’engager”? in C. Jamin (ed.), Droit
et Economie des contrats, Paris : Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence (LGDJ), chap.
6, pp. 242-254
d: “Cooperatives: Hierarchies or Hybrids?” in J. Nilsson and K. Karantininis (eds), Vertical
Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies. Berlin-Boston-Dordrecht-New York: Springer, chap.1,
pp. 7-27.


a: (with Bertrand Du Marais) “Can we rank legal systems according to their economic
efficiency”? In P. Nobel and M. Gets (eds.), New Frontiers of Law and Economics. Zurich:
Schulthess. pp. 7-27

b: “Peut-on se passer des conventions? » in François Eymard-Duvernay (ed.), L’Economie des
conventions, Paris : La Découverte. Tome 1: pp. 67-75

c: “Challenges in New Institutional Economics”, in U. Bindsell, J. Haucap and C. Wey (eds.),
Institutions in Perspective, Tubingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 21-33

d: “Eleccion contractual y resultados: El caso del suministro de agua en Francia”. In F. Toboso
and X.C. Arias (eds.), Organizacion de Gobiernos y de Mercados. Valencia: Universidad de
Valencia & Universidad de Vigo. Pp. 173-199
e: “Hybrid organization of production and distribution,” Revista de Analysis Economico (Chile),
21 (2): 25-41.
Short papers:
       •   « Ronald H. Coase », in S. Mesure et P. Savidan (eds), Dictionnaire des sciences
           humaines. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Pp.153-154
a: Introduction (with Mary M. Shirley). In C. Menard and M. Shirley (eds.), Handbook of New
Institutional Economics. Boston-New York-Berlin-Dordrecht: Springer. Pp. 1-18
       DOI: 10.1007/b106770

b: “A New Institutional Approach to Organization”. In C. Menard and M. Shirley (eds.),
Handbook of New Institutional Economics. Boston-New York-Berlin-Dordrecht: Springer.,
Chapter 12: pp. 281-318
       DOI: 10.1007/b106770

c: “The Inadequacy of Competition Policies: A New Institutional Approach”. In M. Oppenheimer
and N. Mercuro (eds.), Law and Economics: Alternative Economic Approaches to Legal and
Regulatory Issues. New York: M.E. Sharpe. Chap. 3, pp. 27-54
        REPRINT in Mercuro, N. (ed.), Law and Economics, London: Routledge Press, vol. 3:
       pp. [2007]
c: “Transaction Cost Economics: From the Coase Theorem to Empirical Studies”. In Anton
Oleynik (eds.), The Institutional Economics of Russia’s Transformation. Aldershot (UK):
Ashgate Pub. Chapter 3, pp. 45-64
       Revised and abridged from a version for the Russian edition: Anton Oleinika (eds.),
       Institucional’aja ekonomika, pod redakciej A. Oleinika, Moskva: Infra M., chap. 3.
d: “Theory of Organizations: The Diversity of Arrangements in a Developed Market Economy”.
In Anton Oleynik (eds.), The Institutional Economics of Russia’s Transformation. Aldershot
(UK): Ashgate Pub. Chapter 5, pp. 88-111
       Revised and abridged from a version for the Russian edition: Anton Oleinika (eds.),
       Institucional’aja ekonomika, pod redakciej A. Oleinika, Moskva: Infra M., chap. 3.
e: (with Anne Yvrande ) “Institutional Constraints and Organizational Change. The Case of the
British Rail Reform”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 56 (4): 675-699.
f: “Du ‘Comme si’… au ‘Peut-être’….: De Milton Friedman à la Nouvelle Economie
Institutionnelle ». Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Sociales, 12: 163-172
g: “Du changement à l’innovation: Quoi de neuf en économie des organisations?”, in Alain
Guenette and Jean-Claude Sardas, Sait-on piloter le changement ? Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 29-45
h : (with Egizio Valceschini) «New Institutions for Governing the Agri-food Industry».
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 32 (3): 421-440
Short papers:
       •   “Néo-institutionalisme”. Encyclopedia Universalis: Notionaire.

•    « Présentation », Douglass C. North, Comprendre le processus du changement
           économique . Traduction française de Understanding the Process of Economic
           Change. Paris : Editions d’organisation. Pp.7-17

a: C. Ménard (ed.) The International Library of New Institutional Economics. Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar Publisher. 7 volumes
       Available on line at:
       General Introduction: pp. xi – xvii:
       Vol. 1: The Foundations of the New Institutional Economics (xxv + 526 p.)
               Introduction: pp. xix - xxv
       Vol. 2: Transaction Costs and Property Rights (xxiii + 592 p.)
               Introduction: pp. xvii-xxiii
       Vol. 3: Contracts in the New Institutional Economics (xxiii + 584 p.)
               Introduction: pp. xvii-xxiii
       Vol. 4: Modes of Organization in the New Institutional Economics (xxii +
               536 p.)
               Introduction: pp. xvii-xxii
       Vol. 5: Institutional Dimensions of the Modern Corporation (xxvi + 666 p.)
               Introduction: pp. xix-xxvi
       Vol. 6: The Political Economy of Economic Institutions (xxv + 583 p.)
               Introduction: pp. xix-xxv
       Vol. 7: Controversies and Challenges in the New Institutional Economics (xxvii + 589 p.)
               Introduction: pp. xxi-xxvii
b: L’Economie des Organisations. New edition entirely revised. Paris: La Découverte
c: (with Peter Klein), “Organizational Issues in the Agri-Food Sector: Toward a Comparative
Approach”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 86 (3): 746-751.
d: “The Economics of Hybrid Organizations”, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical
Economics, 160 (3): 345-376

        Reprint in N. Mercuro (ed.), Critical Concepts in Law and Economics, vol. 3
         (Institutional Law and Economics). London: Routledge Publishing, 2007
        Reprint in Peter M. Jackson (ed.), The Economics of Organization and Bureaucracy,
         Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011
Short Papers :
       •   « Preface » to Theo Camps, Paul Diederen, Gert Van Hofstede and Bart Vos (eds.) ,
           The Emerging World of Chains and Networks. Bridging Theory and Practice.
           S’Gravenhagen: Elsevier –Reed Business Information: pp. 7-9
       •   “Organisation”. Encyclopedia Universalis. Paris: 4 pages
a: “The Governance of Hybrid Organizations” in B. Hamori (ed.), Evolution of Institutions and
the Knowledge Economy, Debrecen (Hungary)

b: (with S. Saussier and C. Staropoli) « L’impact des contraintes institutionnelles sur les choix
contractuels des collectivités locales: le cas de la distribution d’eau en France ». G. Marcou and
H. Wollmann (eds.), Annuaire 2003 des Collectivités Locales: Les Services Publics Locaux.
Paris: Ed. du CNRS : 109-119
c: (with S. Saussier) “Modes de gestion et performance des collectivités locales dans la
distribution d’eau en France”. W.P., Centre ATOM
d: “Economie néo-institutionnelle et politique de la concurrence : le cas des formes
organisationnelles hybrides ». Economie Rurale, nr. 277-278 : 3-18
e: (with Stéphane Saussier) « La délégation de service public, un mode organisationnel efficace ?
Le cas de la distribution d’eau en France ». Revue d’Economie Publique, 12/1: 99-129
f : “L’approche néo-institutionnelle: des concepts, une méthode, des résultats”. Cahiers
d’économie politique, nr. 44: 103-118
g : « The New Institutional Approach to Institutions », Social Science Tribune, 10 (37): 5-25
(revised English version of 2003 f)
h: “Le contrôle de la qualité dans les organisations en réseaux”. Les Jeudis du CHEAr, Paris :
Ministère de la Défense, pp. 79-89
Short papers :
       •   « Ronald Coase, Le coût du Droit ». Revue de Sociologie du Travail, 45 : 449-452
       •   « Transactions », Les Echos, Lundi 23 Juin 2003, p. 49
a: (with M. Shirley) “Cities Awash: Reforming Water Supply in Developing Countries”. In M.
Shirley (ed.) Thirsting for Efficiency: The Economics and Politics of Urban Water Reforms.
Amsterdam: Elsevier-Pergamon: 1-42
b: (with George Clarke) “Reforming Water Supply in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: A Mild Reform in
a Turbulent Environment”. In M. Shirley (ed.) Thirsting for Efficiency: The Economics and
Politics of Urban Water Reforms. Amsterdam: Elsevier-Pergamon: Chap. 7: 233-272
c: (with George Clarke) “A Transitory Regime: Water Supply in Conakry, Guinea”. In M.
Shirley (ed.) Thirsting for Efficiency: The Economics and Politics of Urban Water Reforms.
Amsterdam: Elsevier-Pergamon: Chapter 8: 273-316
d: (with George Clarke and Ana Maria Zuluaga). “Measuring the Welfare Effects of Reform:
Urban Water Supply in Guinea.” World Development, 30 (9): 1517-1537
e: « Règles concurrentielles et formes organisationnelles hybrides », in Bienaymé, A. (ed.),
Concurrence : Les nouvelles approches. Paris: Economica: pp. 53-68
f: (with Stéphane Saussier) “ Contractual Choice and Performance” . In E. Brousseau and J. M.
Glachant (eds.), The Economics of Contracts. Theory and Applications. Cambridge (UK):
Cambridge University Press. Pp. 440-462
Short Papers:
       •   “Oliver Williamson, “Markets and Hierarchies”. Dans X. Greffe, J. Lallemand and
           M. de Vroey (eds), Dictionnaire des grandes œuvres économiques, Ed. Dalloz. Pp.

•   « Herbert Alexander Simon » Universalia 2002, p. 468-469.
                                                   - 2001 -
a: Claude Menard and Mary Shirley “Reforming Public Utilities: Lessons from Urban Water
Systems in Six Developing Countries” WP. The World Bank.
b: “Imprévision et contrats de longue durée: Un économiste à l’écoute du juriste”. In Le contrat
au début du 21 e siècle: Etudes offertes à Jacques Ghestin. Paris: LGDJ-Montchrestien, 659-669
c: “Methodological Issues in New Institutional Economics”. Journal of Economic Methodology,
8 (1): 85-92
       DOI: 10.1080/13501780010023243
d: “Enjeux d’eau : La dimension institutionnelle”, Revue Tiers-Monde, 42, nr. 166: 259-274.
        Reprint in Problèmes Economiques, no 2752 (03/13/2002), pp. 20-25
e: « L’inadaptation du droit de la concurrence à la concurrence réelle ». In Deffains, B. (ed),
L’analyse économique du droit dans les pays de droit civil. Paris : Cujas, pp. 245-254
f : (with V.E. Brusilovsky, L.E. Grigoriev and A.E. Shastitko) Problems of Price and tariffs
regulation of natural monopolies services : The case of federal airports. In Russian. Moscow:
Bureau of Economic Analysis. 240 pages
Short Papers:
       •   « L’économie des coûts de transaction ». Encyclopedia Universalis, Paris
       •   « Os mercados nao nascem do nada », Rumos, Rio de Janeiro, 25, nr. 183 Abril 2001 :
           pp. 4-8.
                                           - 2000 -
a: C. Ménard (ed), Institutions, Contracts and Organizations. Perspectives from New
Institutional Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. (with an Introduction)
        paperback, 2001.
                Available at:
        Chinese edition, Economic Science Press, 2003
b: “Ronald H. Coase and the Emergence of a New Approach to Economics”. In C. Ménard (ed),
Institutions, Contracts and Organizations. Perspectives from New Institutional Economics.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. Chap. 7: Pp. 54-58
c: “Enforcement Procedures and Governance Structures: What Relationship?” In C. Ménard (ed),
Institutions, Contracts and Organizations. Perspectives from New Institutional Economics.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. Chap. 17: Pp. 234-253
d: (with George Clarke) “Reforming Water Supply in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: A Mild Reform in
a Turbulent Environment”. Policy Research Working Paper # 2377, the World Bank. Revised
and published in 2001 a
e: (with George Clarke) “A Transitory Regime: Water Supply in Conakry, Guinea”. Policy
Research Working Paper # 2362, The World Bank. Revised and published in 2001 a
f: (with George Clarke and Ana Maria Zuluaga), “The Welfare Effects of Private Sector
Participation in Urban Water Supply in Guinea”. Policy Research Working Paper, # 2361. The
World Bank
g: (with Stéphane Saussier), “Contractual Choice and Performance: The Case of Water Supply in
France”. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, nr 92, June 2000. Pp. 385-404

h: “Une nouvelle approche de l’agro-alimentaire : l’économie néo-institutionnelle » Economie
Rurale, vol. 50, no 255 : 187-197.
       DOI : 10.3406/ecoru.2000.5170
i: “Peut-on Commander?” Cahiers de Mars, Juin 2000, pp.
j: (with P.V. Kryuchkova, E.N. Kudryashova, O.A. Porokhovskaya, A.E. Shastitko and D.M.
Sork ) Contracts and Costs in the Supply of Housing and Communal Services. In Russian. Bureau
of Economic Analysis, Moscow. 174 pages
k: (with R. Kokorev, O. Porokhovskaya, A. Shastitko, L. Shulga, V. Tambovtsev, E. Valceschini)
The Creation and Usage of Trademarks in Russia. In Russian. Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Moscow. 158 pages.
l : « A New Approach to the Agro-food Sector : New Institutional Economics », in J. Tienekens
and P. Zuurbier (eds.), Chain Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry. Wageningen:
Wageningen Press, pp. 11-22
m: « Modes of Organization and Pricing for Services Provided by Airports », Moscow : Bureau
of Economic Analysis: # 306. 106 pages

Short papers:
       •   “Cournot”, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences, Paris, Presses
           Universitaires de France. Pp.
       •   “Coûts de transaction”. Dictionnaire des Sciences Economiques, Paris: Presses
           Universitaires de France. Pp 943-944
       •   “Théorie des organisations”. Dictionnaire des Sciences Economiques. Paris : Presses
           Universitaires de France, pp. 653-655
       •   “Oliver E. Williamson”. Encyclopedia Universalis, Paris, p. 405.
       •   “A New Approach to Chains and Networks”. Klict Neewsletter # 7: 9
       •    “Coûts de Transaction”. Encyclopedia Universalis, Paris, pp.
                                                     - 1999 -
a: (with Egizio Valceschini), “The Creation and Enforcement of Collective Trademarks”,
Voprosi Economiki (“Economic Issues”), Moscow, March 1999 : 74-87
b: “On Corporate Governance: Comment on Kenneth Scott”, Journal of Institutional and
Theoretical Economics, 155 (1), March : 14-18
c: “The Reform of Local Monopolies Providing Utilities (Electricity, Heat, Water, Sewerage) :
Institutional Dimensions” W.P., Bureau of Economic Analysis (Moscow). 51 pages. Published as
chapter 6 of 2000 k (pp. 112-147)
                                                     - 1998 -
a: “The Maladaptation of Regulation to Hybrid Organizational Forms”. International Review of
Law and Economics. 18 (4): 403-417
b: Transaction Cost Economics: Recent Developments(2nd printing) : Edward Elgar Pub.
       Available at:

Japanese translation, Buchindo Publishing.
c: (with Egizio Valceschini) “The Creation, Usage and Enforcement of Trademarks”. Report to
the Bureau of Economic Analysis (Moscow), Sept. 61 pages.
Short paper:
       •   “Pour prolonger la réflexion”. In Foray, Dominique and Jacques Mairesse (ed) ,
           Innovations et Performances. Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
           Sciences Sociales, pp. 155-160.

                                                  - 1997 -
a: Ménard, C. (ed.) Transaction Cost Economics: Recent Developments. Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar Publishing Co
       Introduction: pp. xiii-xvi
        Chinese edition, 2002
b: “Internal Characteristics of Formal Organizations”. In C. Ménard (ed.), Transaction Cost
Economics: Recent Developments. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. Chap. 2: pp. 30-58
c: “Le pilotage des formes organisationnelles hybrides”. Revue Economique, 48 (2) : 741-751
        English translation (“The Governance of Hybrid Organizational forms” in C. Menard
         (ed.), The International Library of New Institutional Economics, Cheltenham: Edward
         Elgar, vol. IV, pp. 105-113 (2005)
       Available on line at:
d: “Les vertus du désordre”. Dans J. Chevallier (ed.), Désordres et Territoires. Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France.
f: “Droit de la concurrence et formes organisationnelles hybrides: Leçons générales”. DGAL,
(Ministère de l’agriculture), Mars 1997. 33 pages
Short papers:
       •    “Chester I. Barnard (1886-1961)”, PME Magazine, Juin 1997, p. 67
                                                  - 1996 -
a: “On Clusters, Hybrids, and Other Strange Forms. The Case of the French Poultry Industry”.
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. 152 (1): 154-183
b: “Why Organizations Matter. A Journey Away from the Fairy Tale”. Atlantic Economic
Journal, 24 (4): 281-300
c: “Avancées récentes en économie des organisations”. W.P., Centre ATOM . 32 pages
d: La Economia de las Organización. Bogota : Norma ed. (Colombie)
e: “Droit de la concurrence et formes organisationnelles hybrides: le cas du label avicole”. Paris:
DGAL (Ministère de l’Agriculture). WP. 22 pages
                                                  - 1995 -
a: “Markets as Institutions versus Organizations as Markets: Disentangling Some Fundamental
Concepts”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 28 (3): 161-182

        Reprint in: The Economics of Social Institutions, John B. Davis and Asimina
         Christoforou eds.), Cheltenham-Northampton: E. Elgar pub. 2013
b: “Inside the Black Box: The Variety of Hierarchical Forms”. In John Groenewegen (ed),
Transaction Costs Economics and Beyond. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press. Pp. 149-170.
c: “La coordination inter-entreprises: contrainte ou coopération?” in M. Akrich (ed), Coopération
interentreprises et coordination socio-économique. Paris: Commissariat Général du Plan, pp. 9-
d: (with E. Valceschini and G. Garnier), “La relation entre actif spécifique et       innovation
organisationnelle: le cas du label avicole”. WP. Centre ATOM. 24 pages
e: L'économie des organisations. Paris: La Découverte. 3e édition.
        Russian edition, Moscow, 1996:160 pages.
        Spanish edition, Bogota (Columbia), 1996: 160 pages
Short Papers:
       •    « L'économie des organisations ». Journal de Genève. 6 Février 1995.
                                                 - 1994 -
a: (with C. Limoges), “Organization and Division of Labour”. In P. Mirowski (ed.), Natural
Images in Economic Thought: Markets Read in Tooth and Claw. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Pages 336-359
b: “La nature de l'innovation organisationnelle. Eléments de réflexion”. Revue d'Economie
Industrielle, no HORS-SERIE: pp.173-192.
c: “Organizations as Coordinating Devices”. Metroeconomica 45 (3): 224-247.
       DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-999X.1994.tb00021.x

d: “Comportement rationnel et coopération: le dilemme organisationnel”. Cahiers d'économie
politique. Nos 24-25: 185-207.
e: “Coûts de transaction et structure interne des organisations”. Actes du Colloque "Economie des
coûts de transaction". Sorbonne, Mai : pages 23-58
                                                 - 1993 -
a: L'économie des organisations. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée. Paris: La Découverte
(Reprint : 1995 ; 1998)
b: “Thinking through Analogies: Economics as an “as if” Science”. In J. Dhombres, M.
Hormigon and E. Ausejo (eds). Annals of the International Congress of the History of Sciences,
Zaragoza (Espagne). Pages 48 sq.
c: “Le retour à l'ile perdue. Fragments pour une économie vagabonde”. Lettres actuelles. no. 3
(Oct-Nov): 117-125
                                                 - 1992 -
a: “Breaking away ... or the other way around”. History of Political Economy. 24 (1): 218 sq.

b: (with Philippe Le Gall), “On Sunspots, Venus Movements, Rocking Horses, and Other Strange
Stories”. Economics and Philosophy, vol. no. 2: 286-290.
c: “German Unification as an Incentive to Institutional and Organizational Changes within the
EC”. In Paul J.J. Welfens (ed), Economic Aspects of German Unification, Springer Verlag.
Berlin. pp. 333-350.
         2nd ed: 1995
e: “L'autre et son double”. in Giard, Luce (ed), Michel Foucault: Lire l’œuvre. Grenoble: Jerome
Millon. Pp. 129-140.
f: “Why do Agents cooperate?” Working paper, Centre ATOM Université de Paris I (Panthéon-
Sorbonne). 22 pages
g: “Authority and Hierarchy as Modes of Coordination.” Working paper, Laboratoire de
Microéconomie Appliquée (CNRS), Paris: 24 pages.

                                                    - 1990 -
a: L’économie des organisations. Paris: La Découverte. 1st edition
b: “Walras on Social Economics”. Journal of Political Economy, 98 (2): 445-446
c: “Approches économiques des institutions: Perspectives récentes”. Economie Appliquée, no 2,
                                                    - 1989 -
a: “The Lausanne Tradition”. W. Samuels (ed.), Neoclassical Economic Theory. New York:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 95-136.

       Reprint in The Legacy of Leon Walras, Donald A. Walker (ed.), Edward Elgar, 2000
b: “The Machine and the Heart”. P. Mirowski (ed.), Social Concept. Special issue. New Haven:
Yale University Press. Pp. 81-95
c: “Les organisations en économie de marché”, Revue d'Economie Politique. Paris: no. 6. pp.
d: “Orgutler Neden Vardir?”(Why are there Organizations?). Istambul: Toplum ve Bilim. No. 46-
47, Fall 1989. pp. 83-100.
e: (with Philippe De Ville), “An Insolent Founding Father”. European Economic Review. Vol.
33, pp. 494-502
                                                    - 1987 -
a: “Why was there no-Probabilistic Revolution in Economic Thought?” In Lorenz Kruger (ed.)
The Probabilistic Revolution. Vol. 2. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press. Pp. 139-149
       (“Best new professional and scholarly published book in Social and Behavioral Sciences
      in 1987”: Association of American Publishers).
        Reprint in Blaug, M. and Darnell, A. The International Library of Critical Writings in
       Econometrics. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar 1994.

b: “L'économie loin du politique”. In Alfred Jacquard (ed.), Les scientifiques parlent aux
politiques. Paris: Hachette. Pp.165-189
                                                 - 1986 -
a: “La politique économique: projet politique ou programme économique?” In André
Lichnerowicz (ed.), Projet et Programmation. Paris: Maloine. Pp. 129-140
b: “Innovation et concurrence”. Economie Appliquée, no. 3, pp. 411 sq. (Introduction as editor of
a special issue)
c: La formazione di una rationalita economica. Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. 386
d : « Préface », M. Zouboulakis La science économique à la recherche de ses fondements. Paris :
Presses Universitaires de France
                                                 - 1985 -
a: “Le Keynésianisme: naissance d’une illusion”. Oeconomia. no. 3, pp.3-27
a : Sur J. Lesourne (ed.), La notion de système dans les sciences contemporaines », Revue de
synthèse,116 : 527-528
                                                 - 1983 -
a: “La Folie des Tulipes”. Economie Appliquée, no. 1: pp. 1-8.
b: “Information et pouvoir de marché”. In André Lichnerowicz (ed), Information et
Communication. Paris: Maloine, Pp. 41-58
c: “Régulation et Direction: Le projet économique de Malthus”. Revue d'Economie Politique, 93
(2): 233-247
                                                 - 1982 -
a: “La physique des prix: Le modèle de Cournot”. Cahiers d'Economie Politique, no.7, 51-66.
b: “La Machine et le Coeur: Essai sur les analogies dans le raisonnement économique”. In André
Lichnerowicz (ed), Analogies et Connaissance, vol. 2. Paris: Maloine, pp.137-166
c: “Actualité de Cournot”. Economie Appliquée, no 4, pp. 3 sq.
                                                 - 1981 -
a: “D’un objet économique non identifié”. Economie Appliquée, 34 (1): 141-160.
b: “Three Forms of Resistance to Statistics” History of Political Economy. 12 (4): 524-541.

        Reprint in Mark Blaug (ed), Von Thunen, Cournot, Dupuit: Pioneers in Economics
       vol. 24. London: Edward Elgar, 1992: pp. 409-427.
c: Equilibre, Asymétrie, Conflit: Un siècle de théorie des prix en équilibre partiel. Paris:
Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Monographie. 360 pages
Short papers:

•   sur J.O. Appleby, Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth-century England.
           Annales (Economies, sociétés, civilisations), 2: 314-316
       •   sur T.W. Hutchison, On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge. Revue
           Economique, 32 (1): 191-194
                                             - 1980 -
a: “L'analogie de l'équilibre exclut-elle l'histoire?”, in André Lichnerowicz (ed.), Analogies et
connaissances, Paris: Maloine, vol. 1, pp. 205-213
                                            - 1979 -
a: “From Ricardo to Walras: The Cournot Transformation”. (In Japanese) Gendai Kudai
(Contemporary Economics), Tokyo, pp. 157-169
b: “Imposta”. Enciclopedia Einaudi. Torino: Einaudi, Vol. 7, pp. 199-215
c: “Equilibre, Déséquilibre, Temps”. Economie Appliquée, 32 (2-3) : 213-236
                                             - 1978 -
a: “La solution aux crises: la fin de l'Histoire?” Guitton, Henri (ed), Etudes sur Cournot. Paris,
Economica : pp. 23-30
b: La Formation d'une rationalité économique. Paris: Flammarion. 336 pages.
        Italian Translation (see 1986)

                                             - 1977 -
a: “Trois formes de résistance aux statistiques: Say, Cournot, Walras”. Pour une histoire de la
statistique. Paris: INSEE, pp. 417-430
       American version in History of Political Economy (see 1981)
       Reprint in Blaug (ed), Cournot, Dupuy, Thunen. Edward Elgar 1992
b: “Canada”. Encyclopedia Universalis: Universalia. Paris, pp. 177 sq.
c: “L'Etat et la crise: Idéologie du VII e Plan”. Sur L'Etat. Bruxelles: Contradictions. Pp. 181-
a : Sur A.A. Cournot, Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses.
Annales (Economies, sociétés, civilisations), Sept.-Oct : 1141-1145
b : « Pasteur ». Encyclopedia Universalis, Paris, pp. 595-596
                                             - 1970 -
a: Les Idéologues: Cabanis et Destutt de Tracy. Essai sur la naissance des sciences sociales et la
génèse des formalismes. Montréal: Université de Montréal. Monography. 182 pages

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