Company profile - Dnd Handles

Page created by Jacqueline Miranda
Company profile - Dnd Handles
Company profile - Dnd Handles
company /
      The history of Dnd comes             Today Dnd, guided in a context
      from the industrial tradition        of continuity and helmed by
      of Val Sabbia, where in 1968         Vilma Martinelli with son and
      FMN Martinelli was founded           daughter Pietro and Simona,
      under the leadership of              is a solid corporation with
      Angelo Martinelli. In the valley,    an outstanding international
      near Brescia, metalworking           reputation, able to combine its
      prowess dates back to the            extensive experience with the
      Metal Ages as documented by          best contemporary creativity.
      many prehistoric relics.
                                           Dnd puts its production
      This past has laid the               know-how at the service of
      groundwork for productive            outstanding designers and
      expertise in the metalworking        architects to formulate and
      sector, which has become             expand the range of products
      industrial in character              and to adapt to the evolution
      and sought-after on an               of the world of contemporary
      international level. For over 50     interiors. Designers and
      years, the success of Dnd has        consultants are seen as
      its base in this special district,   precious, active resources for
      the only one of its kind in the      Dnd, which is committed to
      history of Made in Italy.            producing handles that clearly
                                           reflect in-depth research,
      Over time the company has            inventiveness and the pursuit       A company with UNI EN ISO 9001
      specialized in the shaping and       of quality, from design to          quality system certification
      finishing of various metals for      finishes, details to realization.
      the production of handles.                                               − Optimized design
                                                                               − Constant training of human resources
                                                                               − Controlled working environment
                                                                               − Technologically advanced production
                                                                               − Continuous monitoring

dnd                                                                                                                      company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
in italy
      For over 50 years Dnd,             The phases of workmanship
      thanks to collaboration            and finishing are possible
      with outstanding designers,        thanks to the precious
      has transformed brass into         contribution of skilled artisans
      handles of the highest quality,    who have always been an
      distributed on an international    integral – and fundamental –
      scale.                             part of the production cycle.
      Known and used since the           Dnd is Made in Italy with pride,
      classical age, brass is an alloy   to create products thanks to
      made mainly from copper and        know-how, research, style, and
      zinc: it is a ductile material     all the care that has to go into
      with high levels of hardness,      objects of small size such as
      fusibility, resistance to          handles to guarantee products
      abrasion and corrosion, also       of the highest quality.
      valued and widely used for
      its antibacterial properties
      and ease of recycling. Its
      specific characteristics
      include versatility of use
      and the different coloring of
      the oxides that generate its
      possible finishes: an ideal
      material for the production of
      objects and complements for
      contemporary decor.

dnd                                                                         company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
From modern to neo-classical,      and commercial projects, up
      from minimalistic style to         to the restoration of historic
      more decorated models, the         buildings. The cooperation
      production of Dnd which is         with internationally well
      expressed in over 80 models,       renowned Architects and
      declined in over 40 finishes       Designers has also contributed
      and the possibility of also        to making Dnd the reference
      having items in the new Forte      point for architects, interior
      (the term chosen by Dnd to         decorators, interior designers,
      identify and emphasize the         high-end door manufacturers,
      special finish obtained through    high-end developers, who - in
      PVD coating technology)            over 70 countries - find the
      makes Dnd the ideal partner        right answer to their furnishing
      for any project: villas, houses,   needs in the Dnd catalog.
      condominiums, residential

dnd                                                                         company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
      Achille        Enrico      Marco        Nicola
      Castiglioni,   Martini     Pisati       Novelletto
                     Giulio      Mario        Odo
                     Iacchetti   Padiglione   Fioravanti

      Alfonso        Inga        Mario        Sandro
      Femia          Sempé       Scairato,    Santantonio
      Andrea         Jaime                    Stefano
      Morgante       Hayon                    Boeri
      Cino           Karim       Maurizio     Studio
      Zucchi         Rashid      Varratta     Hot Lab

      Didier         Luca        Mauro        967arch
      Schweizer      Nichetto    Ronchi

dnd                                                        company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
      Five Italian architects                as no surprise that the five
      stimulated to consider that            architectural champions
      small object we all grip with our      called into play have met the
      hands every day to pass from           challenge of coming to terms
      outside to inside, from one            with this object that always
      space to another, and                  – tirelessly – insists upon
      then back outdoors.                    being inserted in space with
      The handle is the front line of        new aesthetic canons, new
      architecture, a modest but             geometries, new balances of
      also indispensable declaration         form.
      of intent: so it should come

                                             per le mani
                            per le mani
            Stefano Boeri
            Cino Zucchi

dnd                                                                          company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
       Stefano Boeri Architetti

       Alfonso Femia

       Maurizio Varratta

       Cino Zucchi


dnd                               company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
      Dnd puts productive             Odo Fioravanti
      know-how at the service
      of remarkable creativity,       Jaime Hayon
      involving outstanding           Giulio Iacchetti
      designers in a focus on
      style and functional quality,   Marco Pisati
      expanding the range of          Inga Sempé
      products to adapt to the
      evolution of the world of       Luca Nichetto
      contemporary interiors.         Mario Scairato
                                      Alessandro Stabile

        design focus                    news
        2019                            2020

dnd                                                        company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
PVD: high quality
      in coating technology

      forte® (strong) is the term     including exceptional
      chosen by Dnd to identify and   hardness, resistance
      emphasize the special finish    to abrasion, scratching
      for handles obtained through    and corrosion. The PVD
      PVD coating technology          technology, whose physical
      An acronym for Physical         process takes place inside
      Vapor Deposition, PVD is a      a high-vacuum chamber, is
      technology for the finishing    based on the deposition of
      of high-quality products        thin films on various materials:
      with excellent chemical and     certain metals – like titanium,
      technical characteristics,      zirconium and chromium –
                                      are vaporized, and thanks to
                                      kinetic energy are drawn to
                                      the surface of objects, where
                                      they condense and form the
                                      desired coating, which can
                                      be made in many colors. A
                                      perfectly sustainable and
                                      hypoallergenic process with
                                      low environmental impact.
                                      – Extreme surface hardness
                                      – N  on-toxic, anallergic,
                                      – H  igh resistance to
                                          corrosion, scratching and
                                          abrasion, also in marine
                                      –  I mpregnable to solvents
                                          and cleaning products for
                                          domestic and industrial use
                                      – Not altered by light

dnd                                                                      company profile
Company profile - Dnd Handles
      Dnd offers a wide range of
      accessories and coordinated
      products such as:

      Pull handles                  Turn &
       ull handles
      for lift sliding system       Keys
      Door knobs                    Handrail brackets
      Sliding door handles          Hinges
      Door knockers                Plates
      Coat hangers                  Furniture knobs
      Door stoppers

dnd                                                      company profile
Dnd has acquired the brand        the industrial experience of
      Poggi & Mariani, with the aim     Dnd and unite two worlds of
      of completing its mission and     reference, that of design and
      specialization in the sector of   that of classic style.
                                        Dnd, with confidence and
      The handles of Poggi &            curiosity, strives to be a forge
      Mariani, with their classic       of ideas for contemporary
      style and proven quality          design and a solid reference
      craftsmanship, are presented      point – in Italy and the world –
      on a dedicated, distinct          for designers and architects
      catalogue, and they offer         and their valuable projects.
      an opportunity to widen

dnd                                                                        company profile
      Dnd door handles have a           A lively space, where you can
      dedicated space in the heart      see and choose Dnd door
      of Milan: at Pianca & Partners,   handles for every architectural
      in via Porta Tenaglia.            project.
      A beautiful and welcoming
      space, which hosts high quality
      brands from the design sector.

dnd                                                                       company profile
      Milan, Palazzo Beltrade   Rome, Marriott International

      Milan, Isozaki tower      Modena, Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari

dnd                                                               company profile
      Madrid, Caja de Badajoz   London, FiftySevenEast

      Vilnius, Villa G.         Marrakech, Bab Atlas

dnd                                                      company profile
history                                                     London, Dollar Bay

      Cremona, "Casa ora" ZDA Zupelli Design Architettura

                                                            Rome, Euclide - LesArchStudio

      Cannes, Frederic Namur Architecture

dnd                                                                                         company profile
with care

Dnd Martinelli S.r.l.
Località Piani di Mura, 2
25070 Casto (BS) – Italia

T +39 0365 899113
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