Company Profile 2021 - Resource Brokers

Page created by Grace Powers
Company Profile 2021 - Resource Brokers
Company Profile 2021 - Resource Brokers
Company Overview

Global Excellence Management
Africa is a international
commodity broking and
logistics company. Our focus is
resource management and
distribution through an
integrated network of suppliers.
We combine our experience and network with
new technologies and insights to serve as a
trusted partner for the numerous sectors we
Company Profile 2021 - Resource Brokers
Our Business
Our business units all share the common goal of providing 3                    We give dynamic insights to
crucial solutions to our clients:                                              our clients in every sector
                                                                               providing them with data
1.               Insights                                                      analytics, market expertise,
                                                                               risk management and
2.               Transformation
                                                                               financial solutions.
3.               Mobility

                                               Transformation                  Mobility
                                               We believe in the power of      We ensure that we move
                                               manufacturing to add value to   products around Africa and
                                               commodities across sectors. .   around the world. Mobility is
                                               Wherever possible, we           key to economic growth and
                                               transform raw materials into    we are dedicated to utilizing
                                               finished goods ready to serve   our expansive mesh of
                                               markets in over 21 Africa       interconnected road, rail, river
 w w w. g e m a f r i c a . c o
                                               countries.                      and ocean networks.
                                  GEM AFRICA
Company Profile 2021 - Resource Brokers
What we Believe

 GEM Africa is focused
 on African
 GEM Africa is working towards a prosperous
 Africa through supplying African Nations
 with the resources they need to thrive. We
 are bringing together people, ingenuity, and
 resources to build successful communities.
Company Profile 2021 - Resource Brokers
What we Offer

 Minerals                 I.T. Support             Manufacturing              Construction
 We are involved with     Information              Our manufacturing          Our mandate around
 numerous mining          Technology is at the     support spans through      construction is based
 consortiums around       center of African        all aspects of the value   on providing the
 Africa providing         development. At GEM      addition chain. We         critical need for
 access to various        Africa, we provide       provide machinery          growth and expansion.
 mineral resources such   technologies at the      and after sales support    We use modern
 as platinum, gold,       edge of the future to    to Africa’s largest        building methods that
 cobalt, diamonds,        ensure that the growth   manufacturing              not only provide
 Bauxite, Aluminum,       of the businesses we     conglomerates while        infrastructure that will
 copper and coal. We      work with is powered     also ensuring that we      last through the
 believe in sustainable   by the latest            can provide the same       generations, but also
 mining and ensure        technologies.            level of expertise and     provides practical use
 that all our partners                             support to emerging        cases in all
 abide by strict                                   business across the        developments.
 environmentally                                   continent.
 sustainable practices.
Company Profile 2021 - Resource Brokers
What we Offer

 Food                      Communication             Tourism                  Logistics
 We at GEM Africa are      Africa has a rich         Africa is home to over   We ensure that we
 dedicated to fulfilling   cultural foundation of    10 world heritgage       move products around
 the mandate of food       communication             sites including Mosa     Africa and around the
 security as defined by    through story telling     Tunya and Mana pools     world. Mobility is key
 the Food security         and ancient writing       in Zimbabwe, Mount       to economic growth
 General Comment           methods. This is the      Kilimanjaro, the vast    and we are dedicated
 No.12 of the              backbone of we use to     Serengeti in Tanzania,   to utilizing our
 Committee on              provide both              Stone Town in            expansive mesh of
 Economic, Social and      technological             Zanzibar and many        interconnected road,
 Cultural Rights           frameworks for            other wonderous sites    rail, river and ocean
 (CESCR) through           information               across the continent.    networks that span
 sustainable farming       transmission as well as   Our mandate at GEM       and surround the
 practices and             communication             Africa is to provide     powerful African
 empowerment of            services that serve to    access to these and      continent.
 small to medium scale     both inform and           many other sites while
 farmers across Africa.    educate our markets.      preserving them.
Sustainability Policy

We want to leave the
world better than we
found it.
That means re-imagining global agriculture,
manufacturing, and energy provision
through an operational ability to make
material impact on improving livelihoods,
increasing community well-being, and
regenerating our living world.

We recognise that we succeed or fail
together which is why we have set ourselves
an ambitious Purpose and why sustainability
is a key enabler of our Strategic Plan; it's a
way of doing business, and it’s what
consumers increasingly expect.
Sustainability Policy

Our goals and milestones are signposts along
a continuous journey that is intended to
strengthen our company as it strengthens the
people we touch, and the communities and
environment in which we operate.

We're guided by our Sustainability
Framework to focus our efforts, and from
which we can share what we've
accomplished, what we've learned, and
what's left yet to do.

Our 10 key areas of focus are:

Economic Opportunity, Safe and Decent
Work Environments, Education and Skills,
Nutrition and Health, Diversity and Inclusion,
Climate Action, Healthy Ecosystem, Healthy
Soil, Water Management and Waste
Our Clients & Partners

 URL                   Eretida Farms           Palladium Mining
 Afrochine             Flik Nik                Pepfar
 Agribank              Gold Star white sugar   POTRAZ
 Associated foods      IDBZ                    Prochem
 Auto World            Karinga                 Pure Comfort
 Baldmin Holdings      Kusona Trading          Regency
 Bigway Leaf Tobacco   Limitless Energy        Saboa URL
 Bigwayleaf Tobacco    Malaw embassy           Simply Beautiful
 CanGrow               Mega Market             Sunny Yi Feng
 Chris Contracting     Mega Snax               Syngenta
 Continental Wire      Montero trading         Willdale Bricks
 Dreams hiring         Mountain Chemicals      Zim Women Resourse
 Eat'n'lick            National Aids Council   Center
 EMA                   Onel Electricals        ZLG
 Empower Bank          Orgfert                 ZODSAT
3 Aberdeen Road,

+263 777 142 777
+263 718 777 888
+263 733 777 742
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